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Full text of "Niagara power : history of the Niagara Falls power company, 1886-1918; evolution of its central power station and alternating current system"

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"The  Birth  of  Power" 

HIS  colorful  mural  from  the  masterly 

A  brush  of  Willy  Pogany  greets  the  thou- 
sands who  annually  visit  the-  Schoellkdpf 
Station  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power 

This  allegorical  painting  tells  in  vivid 
and  powerful  tone,  but  with  eerie  light- 
ness, the  romantic  birth  story  of  human- 
ity's modern  servant — electrical  power. 

Torrents  of  energy  tumble  into  the 
eddying  pool  of  human  waves  from  which 
emerge  the  two  poles  imparting  the  spark 
of  life  to  the  giant  genie — Power. 

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in  2014 











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[in  two  volumes] 





M.A.,  M.S.,  LL.D. 









For  the  co-operation  of  members  of  the  Schoellkopf 
organization  in  the  preparation  of  this  record,  as- 
surances of  appreciation  are  extended. 

Acknowledgments  are  also  made  for  the  assist- 
ance received  from  associates  in  this  adventure,  who 
contributed  in  so  many  ways  to  make  the  record 
accurate  as  well  as  complete,  thirty  years  after 
achievements  had  crowned  our  undertaking. 

The  Author 


PRINTED  IN  V.  S.  A. 





Paul  A.  Schoellkopf 
President,  Buffalo,  Niagara  and  Eastern  Power  Corporation 
President,  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 


FEW  developments  have  exerted  so  marked  an  influence  in  industry  and 
commerce,  and  have  made  so  great  an  impression  in  the  art  of  generating 
and  transmitting  electricity,  as  those  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company. 

The  history  of  that  company  is  related  in  these  volumes  by  one  who  for 
thirty-eight  years  has  given  freely  of  his  ability,  time  and  influence  towards  the 
consummation  of  the  enterprise.  And  how  greatly  has  it  expanded  and  what 
vast  proportions  has  it  attained! 

When  started  thirty  years  ago,  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  was 
the  greatest  hydro-electric  enterprise  in  the  world,  with  water  turbines  larger 
than  any  at  that  time  in  existence.  Today,  having  kept  step  with  the  marvelous 
development  of  the  art,  it  still  retains  that  distinction  as  its  latest  water 
turbines  are  not  only  the  largest  but  also  the  most  efficient  now  in  use. 

The  author  of  these  volumes  was  for  twenty  years  the  president  of  The 
Cataract  Construction  Company  which  erected  the  original  power  stations  at 
Niagara  Falls  and  gave  financial  stability  to  the  then  Niagara  Falls  Power 
Company.  He  was  intimately  associated  with  every  step  in  the  development 
and  personally  sought  out  and  interested  the  eminent  international  engineers 
whose  counsel  and  advice  were  so  helpful  in  the  pioneer  work.  Well  might  he 
say  with  Virgil,  "All  of  these  things  I  saw,  and  a  great  part  of  them,  I  was." 

It  is  pleasant  to  note  in  this  connection  that  for  his  work  at  Niagara  Falls, 
Mr.  Adams  was  awarded  the  John  Fritz  Medal,  the  highest  honor  at  the 
bestowal  of  the  four  senior  national  engineering  societies  of  this  country. 

His  was  the  directive  force  which  brought  the  great  project  at  Niagara 
Falls  into  fruition.  No  other  man  is  more  completely  informed  on  its  gradual 
and  at  times  discouraging  evolution,  and  it  was  in  accordance  with  the  ex- 
pressed wish  of  his  fellow  directors  that  he  undertook  and  completed  the 
record  contained  in  these  pages. 

For  this,  as  for  a  vast  amount  of  other  voluntary  services,  Mr.  Adams 
deserves  the  thanks  of  his  fellow  directors  as  well  as  of  the  electrical  industry 
which  has  always  manifested  a  lively  interest  in  The  Niagara  Falls  Power 
Company.  As  the  president  of  that  company  I  am  conscious  that  I  voice  the 



sentiment  of  my  fellow  directors  and  stockholders  in  this  expression  of  grate- 
ful appreciation  for  all  that  Mr.  Edward  Dean  Adams  has  done.  He  brought 
to  his  work  broad  culture  and  vast  efforts.  As  a  man  his  acquaintance  and 
friendship  are  greatly  treasured  and  highly  prized. 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 


"Books  must  follow  sciences 

and  not  sciences  books" 

Sir  Francis  Bacon,  1625 



THIS  history  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  is  the  story  of  the 
development  of  the  pioneer  hydro-electric  system,  forerunner  of  modern 
utility  power  service.  It  records  the  great  step  in  the  transition  from  the 
century  of  mechanical  power  to  the  century  of  electrical  power. 

The  event  of  the  nineteenth  century  was  the  great  adventure  of  the  world 
in  power,  in  manufactured  power,  from  coal  by  the  engine  of  Watt,  or  from 
the  flow  of  falling  rivers;  mechanical  power  to  replace  muscular  power;  to 
pull  trains  and  to  drive  machinery;  to  do  miracles  in  industry  by  vast  multi- 
plication of  the  power  the  worker  controls  and  thus  to  create  a  new  epoch  in 
human  history.  In  the  wake  of  power  came  industrial  revolution,  economic 
revolution,  social  revolution,  and  a  readjustment  of  the  philosophy  and  prac- 
tises of  life  as  the  easier  way  of  doing  more  created  a  new  freedom  from  the 
immemorial  bondage  of  toil. 

Then  came  a  great  event  in  power  production.  It  was  at  Niagara.  Niagara 
— what  other  word  conveys  the  same  awe  and  sense  of  power!  It  was  pro- 
posed to  conserve  the  vast  and  wasting  power  of  Niagara  on  a  scale  un- 

But  how?  Did  the  water-wheels  of  centuries,  or  the  water-powers  of  in- 
dustrial New  England  or  Switzerland  point  the  way?  Hydraulic  experience 
and  prevalent  practise — mills  driven  by  water-wheels — were  inadequate  for 
the  new  magnitudes  and  new  conditions. 

Could  power  be  transmitted  in  large  amount  and  over  long  distances,  and 

In  1890  the  world  experts  studying  the  Niagara  power  problem  advocated 
transmission  by  wire  rope,  by  water  pressure,  by  compressed  air,  by  electricity. 
Electricity  seemed  immature.  Edison  and  Kelvin  recommending,  said,  "elec- 
tricity, direct  current."  Westinghouse  planning,  said,  "alternating  current, 
but  not  now." 

Electric  systems  were  of  many  kinds;  incandescent  lighting  near  the  source 
used  direct  current;  more  remote,  alternating.  Each  small  group  of  arc  lamps 



required  a  separate  dynamo.  Street  cars  used  a  different  current.  Motor 
service  was  trivial,  supplied  usually  from  lighting  circuits.  A  world-wide 
search  found  little  use  of  electricity  except  for  local  lighting.  Here  and  there 
longer  distance  lighting  or  motor  operation  was  found,  but  the  methods  were 
unsuited  to  a  comprehensive  system.  A  dynamo  of  one  or  two  hundred  horse- 
power was  respected ;  very  few  were  larger.  Water-wheels  of  500  horse-power 
were  few  and  larger  ones  rare.  But  all  of  these  were  inadequate.  A  projected 
demonstration  of  a  hundred  horse-power  or  more,  to  be  transmitted  a  hundred 
miles,  inspired  hope. 

Then  a  gigantic  thing  happened.  At  Niagara  a  new  method  in  power  was 
evolved.  The  biggest  power  production  enterprise  in  history  was  undertaken. 
The  old-time  driving  of  a  mill  by  its  water-wheel  was  discarded  for  concen- 
trated production  of  power,  of  power  sufficient  for  a  hundred  mills  and  more, 
although  it  was  still  undecided  whether  it  would  be  transmitted  by  compressed 
air  or  by  electricity. 

Large  power  ideas  and  electrical  development  happily  advanced  together 
and  out  of  the  chaos  of  electrical  practises  and  ideas  of  1890  speedily  came  a 
great  plan,  a  great  step,  the  great  step  in  the  transition  from  the  old  to  the 
new.  It  was  the  unprecedented  production  of  power  at  one  central  station ; 
it  was  the  adoption  of  electricity  in  a  power  (not  lighting)  project,  jumping 
from  machines  of  a  few  hundred  horse-power  to  units  of  5000  horse-power  in 
a  200,000  horse-power  project. 

Against  the  counsel  of  world-famed  experts,  polyphase  alternating  cur- 
rents were  adopted.  Heterogeneous  "systems"  and  circuits  were  replaced  by 
one  comprehensive  system  for  universal  service. 

Many  elements  were  brought  together — the  Great  Falls  of  Niagara,  long 
a  barrier  to  transportation  and  contributing  little  to  useful  achievement; 
mechanical  power  and  industry,  increasing  through  a  century;  turbines, 
evolved  from  primitive  water-wheels;  electricity,  rapidly  maturing;  electro- 
chemical processes,  newly  discovered.  By  scientific  study  and  engineering 
planning  and  sturdy  financial  management,  all  these  separate  acts  in  the 
drama  of  hydro-electric  power  suddenly  merged  in  one  great  climax,  the 
pioneer  modern  power  system. 



And  without  halt  or  falter  this  pioneer  plan  has  been  followed  in  hydro- 
electric practise  and  in  steam-power  development  as  well.  The  power  systems 
of  the  world  today  and  the  superpower  systems  planning  for  the  future 
employ  large  central  stations  and  polyphase  alternating  current. 

At  Niagara  the  great  step  was  taken  in  the  transition  from  the  epoch- 
making  century  of  local  mechanical  power  to  the  new  era  of  universal  elec- 
trical power,  assuring  to  the  twentieth  century  an  advance  over  the  nineteenth 
comparable  to  that  which  the  steam  engine  gave  the  nineteenth  century  over 
the  preceding  centuries. 

Niagara  contributes  both  energy  and  materials ;  she  sends  streams  of  silent 
j)ower  over  radiating  circuits  to  a  million  users;  she  supplies  new  materials 
from  the  electric  furnace  to  serve  the  world. 

But  beyond  the  marvel  in  magnitude  and  methods  and  results  reckoned  in 
kilowatts  and  dollars  are  new  achievements  to  be  measured  in  human  values. 

Electric  power  becomes  the  universal  servant  to  do  the  work  of  the  world 
and  to  illumine  its  darkness,  contributing  to  health  and  wealth  and  comfort — 
to  the  progress  of  civilization. 

The  story  of  Niagara  power  in  the  early  nineties  is  the  story  of  a  persistent 
quest  for  an  adequate  way  to  use  its  waters,  and  of  a  momentous  triumph  in 
the  age-long  conquest  over  nature,  for  the  Niagara  adventure  has  shown  how 
to  make  power  of  greater  service  by  multiplying  the  fruits  of  toil  and  creating 
a  new  freedom  for  the  development  of  the  intellectual,  the  aesthetic  and  the 
spiritual  life  of  mankind. 

And  the  man  whose  genius  planned  this  marvelous  quest  and  whose  patient 
and  skillful  co-ordination  of  mind  and  men  and  money  achieved  this  miracle  of 
success  was  Edward  Dean  Adams. 



I.    CONSOLIDATION  (a  war  measure) 

IN  November,  1917,  the  Secretary  of  War  addressed  the  Hydraulic  Power 
Company  of  Niagara  Falls  and  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  as 
follows : 

The  President  of  the  United  States,  by  virtue  of  and  pursuant  to  the  authority 
vested  in  him,  and  by  reason  of  exigencies  of  the  national  security  and  defense,  hereby 
places  an  order  with  you  and  hereby  requisitions  the  total  quantity  and  output  of  electric 
power  which  is  capable  of  being  produced  and  delivered  by  you. 

You  are  directed  to  make  immediate  and  continuous  delivery  of  such  power,  in 
accordance  with  the  schedules  hereto  attached,  until  further  notice. 

This  order  shall  be  given  precedence  over  any  and  all  orders  and  contracts  hereto- 
fore placed  with  you. 

To  facilitate  these  plans,  the  War  Department  requested  the  two  companies 
to  consolidate.  A  joint  agreement  of  consolidation  executed  September  20, 
1918,  was  approved  the  following  month  by  the  Public  Service  Commission 
of  New  York  State.  The  new  company  assumed  the  outstanding  bonds  and 
other  obligations  of  the  constituent  companies  and  by  exchange  of  shares  the 

Hydraulic  Power  Company  of  Niagara  Falls  (Canal  Project  of  1853) 
and  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  (Tunnel  Project  of  1886 ) 
consolidated  as  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  mcmxviii 


In  view  of  the  historical  developments  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Com- 
pany, its  retiring  directors  felt  that  there  should  be  a  suitable  record  of  its 
epoch-making  achievements.  At  their  final  meeting  on  September  20,  1918, 
the  president  stated  that  Edward  Dean  Adams,  because  of  his  great  senti- 
ment for  and  long  association  with  the  enterprise,  could  probably  be  persuaded 
to  undertake  the  task  and  upon  motion  by  Francis  Lynde  Stetson  and 
Ogden  Mills  it  was 

Resolved:  That  the  thanks  of  the  board  be  extended  to  Mr.  Adams  for  consentin"- 
to  prepare  the  history,  which  he  is  specially  competent  to  prepare  and  which  will  be  so 
greatly  appreciated  by  the  board ;  and  that  the  president  be  and  hereby  is  authorized 
to  have  the  same  printed  and  a  copy  thereof  sent  to  each  stockholder. 



Volume  One 


Volume  Two 


Volume  One 


Chapter  I  Page 
Early  History  of  Niagara   3 

Chapter  II 

Pioneers  in  Power  Development  at  Niagara  Falls  39 

Chapter  III 

The  "Mile  Strip"  and  the  Portage  Lease,  1803-1805    51 

Chapter  IV 

The  Hydraulic  Canal,  1847-1918  67 

Chapter  V 

Projects  That  Failed  to  Materialize  87 

Chapter  VI 

State  Reservation  at  Niagara,  1869,  1879-1885    99 


Chapter  VII 

The  Evershed  Scheme.  Niagara  River  Hydraulic  Tunnel,  Power  and  Sewer 

Company,  1886   113 

Chapter  VIII 

The  Evershed  Tunnel  Project,  Investigation  and  Modification,  1889-1890  .  139 
Chapter  IX 

Evolution  of  the  Central  Power  Station  Plan,  1890    161 

Chapter  X 

The  International  Niagara  Commission,  1890-1891    179 


Chapter  XI 

Hydraulic  Rights  and  Federal  Restrictions  195 

1  New  York  State  Laws,  1857-1918    199 

2  United  States  Congress,  1906-1913    205 

3  War  Requirements,  1913—1918;  Federal  Water-power  Commission 

License,  1921-1925    217 

4  Dominion  of  Canada,  1892-1925   228 

Chapter  XII 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company ;  Organization,  Operation,  Liquidation 

and  Dissolution,  1889-1909    231 


Chapter  XIII  Page 
Engineering  Organization;  The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  1890- 

1900 ;  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  1900-1918    267 

Chapter  XIV 

Finances,  1890-1918.  The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  1890-1900; 
The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  1900-1918,  1924;  Buffalo,  Niagara 
and  Eastern  Power  Corporation,  1925    289 

Chapter  XV 

The  Landed  Estate  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  and  Its  Filial 
Companies,  Niagara  Development  Company,  Niagara  Junction  Railway 
Company  317 

Chapter  XVI 

Associated  Companies  for  the  Generation,  Transmission  and  Distribution  of 

Niagara  Power,  1890-1926    333 


A     A  Tribute  to  Dr.  Coleman  Sellers  by  Lewis  B.  Still  well  .    .    .   ■ .    .  361 

B     Erosiox  and  Recession  of  Niagara  Falls   367 

C     Invitations  to  Capitalists   373 

1825,  by  Augustus  Porter  and  P.  B.  Porter   375 

1847,  by  Augustus  Porter   377 

1877,  by  J.  F.  Schoellkopf  and  Associates   378 

D     Circulars  to  Stockholders  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  381 
1892,  Number  16,  Capital  for  Development  and  Junction  Railway  Com- 
panies, The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  383 

1903,  Number  65,  Purchase  of  Bond  Scrip  and  Shares  of  Development  and 

Railway  Companies  at  Par  in  Shares  of  Power  Company  at  Par  .    .    .  387 

1918,  Number  84,  Part  of  Annual  Report  for  the  Year,  Indicating  Co- 
operation with  the  U.  S.  War  Department,  Increase  of  Production  and 
Financial  Operations  389 

E     International  Niagara  Commission   393 

Letter  of  Invitation,  London,  June  25,  1890    395 

Report  of  Secretary   401 

Part  I — Introduction  and  Summary  of  Projects   403 

Part  II — Detailed  Abstract  of  the  Projects   413 

Part  III — Awards  of  Prizes  and  Premiums   443 

F     When  Niagara  Ran  Dry   447 

G     Resolutions  of  the  Buffalo  General  Electric  Company  in  Memory  of 

Charles  R.  Huntley  453 




Aeroplane  View  of  Niagara  River  Above  and  Below  the  American  and  Canadian 

Falls    Frontispiece 

Paul  A.  Schoellkopf   vi 

Jacques  Cartier,  1491-1557    5 

Samuel  de  Champlain,  1567-1635    5 

Title-page  of  Xouvelle  Decouverte  d'un  tres  grand  Pays,  by  R.  P.  Louis 

Hennepin,  1697    6 

Niagara  Falls  in  1678,  as  Seen  and  Represented  by  Father  Hennepin.  Print 

Dated  1697    7 

Niagara  Falls  in  17-10  (Published  by  Popple)   8 

Niagara  Falls,  Early  French  Print,  Date  Uncertain   10 

Niagara  Falls,  Published  in  1751,  Based  upon  Kalm's  Description  and  Maps  of 

Popple  and  French  Prints   11 

Robert  Cavelier  de  la  Salle,  1643-1687    13 

Brigadier-General  Ely  Samuel  Parker,  U.  S.  Army,  1828-1895    13 

International  Boundary  Line  of  1819  (Map)   15 

The  Straits  of  Niagara,  from  the  Block  Map  of  United  States  Geological  Survey  22 

Section  Showing  Stratification  of  Rocks  at  the  Brink  of  the  Falls  and  at  Middle 
of  Horseshoe  Fall  Described  by  Professor  Gilbert  as  N.  L.,  Niagara  Lime- 
stone; C.  L.,  Clinton  Limestone;  Q.  S.,  Quartzose  Sandstone  23 

Survey  of  Horseshoe  Fall,  1891,  by  John  Bogart,  New  York  State  Engineer  .    .  24 

Length  of  Crestline  of  Horseshoe  Fall  Showing  Recession.  From  Harper's  Suicide 

of  the  Falls  25 

The  Horseshoe  Fall.  From  a  Drawing  by  Capt.  Basil  Hall,  of  the  British  Navy, 

Made  in  1827    26 

Scale  Model  of  Niagara  Falls  Planned  by  John  Lyell  Harper  for  Experiments  in 

Remedial  Works  and  Stream  Control  27 

Aeroplane  View  of  Niagara  Falls,  Showing  Power-houses  of  The  Niagara  Falls 

Power  Company  and  Port  Day  Entrance  of  Hydraulic  Canal  28 

Aeroplane  View  of  the  Horseshoe  Fall,  by  Major  H.  K.  Maxwell  29 

Areas  of  Lake  Surfaces  and  Drainage  Basins  Above  Niagara  River.  Map  from 

United  States  Geological  Survey,  1921    33-34 

Profile  of  Great  Lakes  to  Sea  Level.  Map  from  United  States  Geological  Survey, 

1921   35-36 

Sectional  View  of  Wheel-pit  and  Original  Tail-race  Tunnel  Showing  Stratification 

of  the  Rocks  Through  Which  the  Tunnel  Was  Built  37 

Sectional  View  of  the  Stratification  at  the  Wheel-pit,  Portal  of  Tunnel,  and  at  the 

Brink  of  the  Falls  37 




Map  of  Historic  Niagara,  Made  for  Peter  A.  Porter,  1891  40 

Map  of  Niagara  Falls  and  Vicinity  in  1805    42 

Niagara  Falls  Village,  New  York,  and  Proposed  City  of  the  Falls,  Ontario,  Dated 

1836    43 

Deed  from  the  State  of  New  York  to  Augustus  Porter  and  Benjamin  Barton,  on 

June  27,  1814  44 

Niagara  Falls  Village,  Showing  Proposed  Hydraulic  Canal,  Submitted  by  P.  Emslie, 

December,  1846    46 

From  a  Map  of  the  Villages  of  Niagara  Falls  and  Niagara  City,  Dated  1856  .    .  48 

Augustus  Porter,  1769-1849    49 

Niagara  River  and  Vicinity ;  Reproduced  by  Permission  from  the  Map  Issued 

by  the  United  States  Geological  Survey,  in  1921    53-55 

Map  of  the  "Mile  Strip"  ;  the  Lands  Along  the  Niagara  River  Reserved  to  the  State 

Out  of  the  Cession  to  Massachusetts  in  1786    59-61 

Peter  Buell  Porter,  1775-1844    65 

Congressional  Medal  of  Peter  Buell  Porter  66 

Certificate  for  One  Share  of  the  Capital  Stock  of  the  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic 

Company,  Dated  October  17,  1854    68 

First  Waters  from  the  Hydraulic  Canal  Falling  over  the  "High  Bank,"  Unutilized, 

1857    70 

First  Utilization  of  the  Hydraulic  Canal  Falling  over  the  "High  Bank"  by  the 

Gaskill  Flouring  Mill,  Using  Only  25  Feet  of  the  210  Feet  Available,  1875  71 

Manufactories  of  the  Lower  Milling  District  on  the  "High  Bank"  Served  by  the 

Hydraulic  Canal,  No  Wheel  Using  the  Full.  Head,  1893   "  .    .  72 

The  Great  Schoellkopf  Electrical  Power-plant  at  the  Foot  of  the  "High  Bank"  of 
The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  Sending  Power  to  Hundreds  of  Thousands 
of  Users,  1926   73 

Jacob  Frederick  Schoellkopf,  1819-1899    83 

Three  Generations  of  the  Schoellkopf  Family  86 

State  Reservation  at  Niagara.  Map  from  Dow's  Anthropology  and  Bibliography 

of  Niagara  Falls  106 

Hypericum  Kalmianum  and  Lobelia  Kalmii.    Flowers  Discovered  Growing  at 

Niagara  107 

The  Evershed  Scheme  Indicating  Elevation  of  the  Tunnel  and  Plan  of  the  Canals. 
Two  Views :  Vertical  Section  Showing  Several  of  the  Wheel-pits  and  Map 
Indicating  Location  and  Scope  of  Evershed  Plan  114 

Francis  R.  Delano,  Frank  A.  Dudley,  Henry  Durk,  W.  Caryl  Ely,  Thomas 

Evershed  122 



Benjamin  Flagler,  James  Fraser  Gluck,  Gen.  Daniel  W.  Flagler,  Myron  H. 

Kinsley,  Lauren  W.  Pettebone   123 

Alexander  J.  Porter,  Peter  A.  Porter,  Michael  Ryan,  Henry  S.  Ware,  Thomas  V. 

Welch   124 

Charles  B.  Gaskill,  1841-1919   136 

State  Reservation  at  Niagara.  Map  from  Dow's  Anthropology  and  Bibliography 

of  Niagara  Falls   142 

Thomas  A.  Edison  at  Work  in  His  Laboratory   145 

Dr.  Henry  Morton,  1836-1902    148 

Frank  Julian  Sprague   150 

Prof.  Henry  Augustus  Rowland,  1848-1901    152 

Marcel  Deprez  Explaining  in  1883  His  System  of  Electrical  Transmission  .    .    .  168 

Author  of  Niagara  Power,  Sole  Surviving  Pioneer  Director  of  The  Cataract  Con- 
struction Company  in  Niagara  Room,  Brown's  Hotel,  London,  August,  1926  177 

Tablet  on  Inside  of  Entrance  Door  of  Niagara  Room,  Brown's  Hotel,  London  .    .  178 

The  International  Niagara  Commission,  1890-1891    180 

E.  Mascart,  1837-1908   191 

Andre  Hillairet,  1857-1926   .192 

Map  of  Niagara  Falls  and  Village  by  P.  Emslie,  1846    232 

Main  Tunnel  Intersection  by  Wheel-pit  Discharge  Tunnel,  Both  of  Same  Size  and 

Form   246 

Portraits  of  Pioneer  Directors  and  Officers,  Successor  Directors  and  Officers  of 
The  Cataract  Construction  Company  and  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Com- 
pany, Canadian  Pioneer  Director  and  President   250-265 

Granite  Voussoir  Stones  for  the  Tunnel  Intersections   266 

John  Bogart   270 

Albert  H.  Porter   271 

La  Partie  Carree  (The  Cataract  Construction  Company)   273 

George  B.  Burbank   277 

Map  and  Profile  Showing  Method  of  Establishing  Center  Line  and  Grade  of  Tunnel  279 

Sketch  of  the  Alignment  Tower  Erected  Near  the  New  York  Central  Railroad 

Station  at  Niagara  Falls   280 

William  A.  Brackenridge   282 

Philip  P.  Barton   284 

Lorin  E.  Imlay   285 

xx  i 



Alexander  D.  Robb   286 

Charles  C.  Egbert   287 

Location  of  Inlet-canal  and  Power-houses   304 

Stock  Certificate  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  mcmxvhi   310 

Initials  on  Stock  Certificate   315 

Property  Holdings  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  and  Its  Filial  Com- 
panies Before  the  Consolidation  of  1918  319-321 

Street  in  Echota,  1894   329 

Map  Showing  Main  Track  and  Sidings  in  1890  of  the  Niagara  Junction  Railway  331 

Charles  R.  Huntley,  1853-1920   334 

Daniel  O'Day,  1844-1906    341 

George  Urban,  Jr   342 

Population  in  Thousands,  City  of  Buffalo   347 

Assessed  Valuation  in  Millions  of  Dollars,  City  of  Buffalo   348 

The  Charles  R.  Huntley  Station,  Exterior   349 

The  "Electric  Building"  at  Buffalo   351 

Territory  Served  b}'  Buffalo,  Niagara  and  Eastern  Power  System   354 

Interior  of  the  Charles  R.  Huntley  Station  (Looking  South)  Showing  Panels  for 

Location  of  Memorial  Tablet   356 

Terminal  House  Number  One  and  Station  "D,"  Buffalo,  Niagara  and  Eastern 

Power  Corporation   357 

Coleman  Sellers,  D.Sc,  E.D.,  1827-1907    362 




Chapter  I 

Seneca  Names 


Great  Falls 
and  their  vicinity 


High  Falls 
(  Date-gar-sko-sase) 




THE  falls  of  the  Niagara  River  have,  from  the  time  of  their  discovery, 
been  recognized  as  one  of  the  most  impressive  natural  features  of  the 
world.  For  more  than  three  centuries,  visitors  have  come  to  them  from  every 
land,  and  left  their  tributes  of  admiration. 

The  first  historical  report  of  the  existence  of  the  Great  Lakes,  which  pour 
their  waters  down  the  falls  of  Niagara,  was  very  briefly  made  in  1545  ty 
Jacques  Cartier,  the  French  explorer,  in  his  account  of  his 
voyage  of  ten  years  before,  when  he  ascended  the  river 
St.  Lawrence  to  the  site  of  Montreal.  He  credits  the 
Indians  for  information  given  him  of  the  existence 
of  vast  lakes,  but  does  not  mention  the  waterfall  be- 
tween two  of  them. 

The  earliest  reference  to  Niagara  Falls  in  all  liter- 
ature is  found  in  that  of  France  under  date  of  1604, 
when  Samuel  de  Champlain  recorded  in  Des  Sauv- 
ages  what  the  Indians  on  the  St.  Lawrence  River 
had  told  him  about  this  waterfall,  which,  however,  it 
appears  that  he  had  not  then  seen. 

In  describing  a  later  voyage  (1610),  Champlain 
tells  of  having  given  a  young 
Frenchman,  Etienne  Brule,  to  the  Algonquin  Chief, 
Iroquet,  who  showed  his  appreciation  of  Champlain's 
confidence  by  the  gift  of  a  young  savage  named 
Savignon,  as  a  pledge  of  future  friendship.  By 
reason  of  his  acquaintance  with  many  tribes,  of  his 
occupation  and  his  travels,  there  is  no  one  who  is 
more  likely  to  be  entitled  to  the  distinction  of  having 
been  the  first  of  the  white  man's  race  to  behold  Ni- 
agara than  this  Etienne  Brule. 

Champlain  and  Brule  are  thus  two  names  of  sur- 
passing interest  in  the  history  of  Niagara.  The  first 
unquestionably  heads  the  long  list  of  authors  who 

have  written  about  the  great  waterfall,  while  the  other  was  possibly  the  first 
of  the  many  millions  of  palefaces  who  have  visited  it. 

1  Lamb's  Biographical  Dictionary  of  the  United  States,  Boston,  1900. 

Jacques  Cartier1 

Samuel  de  Cham  plain  1 



The  missionaries  from  the  Catholic  Church  in  France,  with  headquarters 
in  Quebec,  established  a  mission  to  the  Huron  Indians.  Their  report  in  the 
Jesuit  Relation,  published  in  1649,  mentions  Lake  Erie,  which  "discharges 
itself  in  Lake  Ontario  over  a  cataract  of  fearful  height."  Dr.  Gendron,  Father 
Ragueneau  and  Father  Bressani  were  all  members  of  the  Huron  Mission 
between  1643  and  1652.  In  1644  or  1645,  Dr.  Gendron  used  the  words  just 
quoted  in  a  private  letter  to  a  friend  in  France,  but  it  was  not  published  until 
1660.  Father  Ragueneau  used  the  same  words  in  the  Jesuit  Relation,  pub- 
lished in  1649,  and  Father  Bressani 
also  used  them  in  the  Relation  pub- 
lished  in  1653. 

The  next  name  to  become  associated 
with  Niagara  is  that  of  Robert  Cave- 
lier  de  La  Salle,  who  explored  the  river 
and  visited  the  falls  in  1669,  and,  ten 
years  later,  built  and  owned  the  Griffon, 
the  first  commercial  vessel  of  the  upper 
lakes,  thus  becoming  the  father  of  their 

For  the  earliest  description  of  the 
falls  we  turn  to  the  following  report  of 
Father  R.  P.  Louis  Hennepin,  written 
upon  his  visit  in  1679  and  published 
in  Utrecht  in  French  in  1697,  and  in 
London  in  English  in  1698: 

A  description  of  the  fall  of  the  river 
Niagara,  which  is  to  be  seen  betwixt  the 
Lake  Ontario  and  that  of  Erie. 

Betwixt  the  Lakes  Ontario  and  Erie, 
there  is  a  vast  and  prodigious  Cadence  of 
Water  which  falls  down  after  a  surprising 
and  astonishing  manner,  in  so  much  that  the 
Universe  does  not  afford  its  Parallel.  'Tis 
true,  Italy  and  Suedeland  boast  of  some  such  things ;  but  we  may  well  say  that  they  are 
but  sorry  Patterns,  when  compared  to  this  of  which  we  now  speak. 

To  Hennepin  we  are  indebted  also  for  the  first  picture  of  the  cataract,  in  the 
same  publication,  and  reproduced  in  this  chapter. 





P     A     Y  S 

Sit    dans  rAmerique, 


Le  Nowveau  Q^lfCexique , 

E  T 

La  Mer  Glaciale, 

Ave<  les  Cartes,  & les Figures  neceflai res ,  Sc  de  pluf 
l'Hlftoire  Namrellc  &  Morale  ,  8c  les  avantages, 
qu'on  enpeut  river  par  l'<ftabliflementdes  Colonies. 

Sa  Adajeft'e  Britannique. 

PAR  L  E 


Mifflonaire  Recoiled  CST*  Nctaire  Apojlvlique. 

,    A.  U  TRECHT^ 

Marchand  Libraire.  MDCXCVU. 

Niagara  Falls  Prior  to  the  Horseshoe 

Niagara  Falls  in  1678 

as  seen  and  represented  by 
Father  Hennepin 

Print  dated  1697 

(From.  "Nouvelle  Decouverte 
d'un  tres  grand  Pays"  by 
R.  P.  Louis  Hennepin,  1697, 
a  copy  owned  by  the  author, 
the  title-page  of  which  is 
shown  on  the  facing  page) 

Niagara  Falls  in  1740 

of  the  series  of  maps  of  the  British  Empire 

Published  by  Popple 
Referred  to  by  Kalm  the  Swedish  botanist 
who  visited  the  falls  in  1750 


Niagara  Falls 

Early  French  Print 

Date  Uncertain 

Niagara  Falls 

published  in  1751 
based  upon  Kalm's  description 
and  maps  of  Popple  and  French  prints 

Compare  fallen  pines  at  left  and  three 
pines  on  Goat  Island 



The  relative  position  of  the  falls  was  correctly  indicated  on  the  maps  of 
1612  and  1632,  printed  upon  the  authority  of  the  French  explorer,  Champlain, 

but  no  record  of  their  name  is  found  until 
1656,  when  they  appear  on  Sansom's  map  as 
"Ongiara."  Hennepin's  map  of  1683  first  gave 
them  their  present  name  "Niagara,"  while  a 
map  of  1692,  published 
in  Willard's  history  of 
the  United  States, 
shows  them  with  the 
title  "Jagara." 

Brigadier  -  General 
Ely  S.Parker,  in  1892, 
stated  with  regard  to 

Robert  Cavelier  de  La  Salle  the  WOl'd 


Niagara : 

The  name  was  origi- 
nally applied  to  the  whole 
river  from  Lake  Erie  to  Lake  Ontario,  but  as  the  old  French 
fort  at  its  mouth  became  of  importance  at  an  early  date,  the 
name  was,  and  is  still,  applied  to  that  locality,  though  the 
river  has  never  lost  its  designation. 

The  High  Falls  are  known  as  "Date-gar-sko-sase"  and  the 
Great  Falls  and  their  vicinity  as  "Gar-sko-so-war-neh." 

Ely  Samuel  Parker1 
U.  S.  Army 

The  pronunciation  of  the  word  Niagara  was  modified  from  Near-gar'  to 
Ni-a-ga'-ra  when  introduced  by  the  early  French  explorers,  in  accordance 
with  the  usual  accentuation  in  the  Latin  tongues ;  and  the  further  modification 
to  Ni-ag'-a-ra  naturally  followed  and  still  persists  in  English-speaking 

1  Ely  Samuel  Parker,soldier,a  full-blooded  Seneca 
Indian,  Chief  of  the  Wolf  and  Seneca  tribes  and 
the  last  Grand  Sachem  of  the  Iroquois,  who  held 
the  honored  office  of  "Do-ne-ho-ga-wa"  (Keeper  of 
the  Western  Door)  was  born  in  the  Indian  Reser- 
vation at  Tonawanda,  New  York,  in  1828.  His  Indian 
name  was  Ha-sa-no-an-da.  He  was  successor  and 
"grandson"2  of  "Red  Jacket"  as  Chief  of  the  Con- 
federacy of  the  Six  Nations:  the  Mohawk,  Cayuga, 
Oneida,  Onondaga,  Seneca,  and  Tuscarora.  He  died 
at  Fairfield,  Connecticut,  August  30,  1895.  He 
was  educated  at  public  school  and  took  an  engineer- 
ing course  at  Rensselaer  Institute,  Troy,  New 
York,  and  studied  law. 

He  served  with  the  United  States  Engineer 
Corps  before  Vicksburg,  May,  1863,  when  he  was 
commissioned  aide-de-camp  and  military  secretary 
on  the  staff  of  Lieutenant-General  U.  S.  Grant, 
with  rank  of  Colonel.  He  was  commissioned  Briga- 
dier-General of  United  States  Volunteers,  April  9, 
1865,  "for  gallant  and  meritorious  services  during 
the  campaign,  terminating  with  the  surrender  of 
the  insurgent  army,  under  General  R.  E.  Lee,  at 
which  he  was  present."  He  retired  as  Brigadier- 
General  U.  S.  Army,  March  2,  1867.  He  served  as 
United  States  Commissioner  of  Indian  affairs, 
1869-1871,  and  then  resumed  his  profession  of  civil 
engineer  in  New  York  City. 

Buffalo  Historical  Society,  Vol.  VIII  and  Vol.  XXIII. 



countries,  although  various  attempts  have  been  made  to  revert  to  the  histori- 
cally correct  and  more  beautiful  pronunciation  Ni-a-ga'-ra. 

The  directors,  officers  and  engineers  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 
were  encouraged  to  use  the  native  pronunciation.  It  was  an  interesting 
novelty  in  speech,  but  it  was  not  understood,  and  the  would-be  students  of  the 
Seneca  tongue  tired  of  explanations  and  gradually  avoided  that  necessity  by 
adopting  the  customary  pronunciation.  An  English  engineer,  who  used  the 
Seneca  pronunciation  when  purchasing  his  ticket  at  the  office  of  the  Grand 
Central  Station  in  New  York,  asked  for  "one  ticket  to  Near-gar'."  The 
agent  did  not  appear  to  notice  the  request.  Again  the  request  was  made, 
and  the  agent  replied,  "There  is  no  such  place  on  the  New  York  Central 
System.  Please  move  on."  The  Englishman  responded,  "I  know  better. 
I  have  been  there.  Well,  then,  give  me  a  ticket  to  Ni-ag'-a-ra,  as  you  very 
improperly  pronounce  it,  sir!" 


As  a  site  for  the  development  of  water-power,  the  falls  of  Niagara  stand 
without  a  rival  in  all  the  world.  The  lover  of  the  sublime  in  nature  might 
choose  from  among  the  world's  majestic  spectacles  of  moving  water  a  few 
other  great  cataracts  deserving  of  a  place  beside  Niagara.  Central  Africa  has 
the  Victoria  Falls  of  the  Zambezi,  and  South  America  the  great  Sete  Quedas 
of  the  Parana,  the  Iguassu  and  the  beautiful  Kaieteur.  But  these  are  all  remote 
from  large  centers  of  civilized  life,  if  not  actually  in  the  depths  of  the  jungle, 
and  all  located  in  tropical  regions  which  have  never  been  favorable  to  occupa- 
tion by  the  white  race.  Niagara,  on  the  other  hand,  enjoys  the  temperate 
climate  which  has  fostered  every  progressive  civilization  throughout  history. 

As  for  accessibility,  to  say  that  Niagara  is  not  isolated  like  its  rivals  of  the 
tropics,  would  be  quite  inadequate.  It  occupies  a  truly  strategic  position  upon 
one  of  the  great  trade  routes  of  the  continent.  The  importance  of  this  location 
from  the  earliest  times  is  well  recognized  by  Peter  A.  Porter1  in  his  Niagara 
an  Aboriginal  Center  of  Trade: 

Niagara,  in  aboriginal  days,  was  then,  as  it  is  now,  the  geographical  center  of  the 
eastern  one-third  of  North  America ;  it  was  the  center  of  population  among  the  many 
and  widely  distributed  Indian  tribes ;  it  was  the  most  accessible,  the  most  easily  reached 
place  from  all  directions  in  America.  Indian  trails  led  toward  it  from  all  points  of  the 
compass  ;  it  was  easily  accessible  by  water  from  every  quarter. 

This  important  position  has  never  been  lost ;  it  has,  indeed,  been  strength- 
ened by  the  growth  of  cities  and  the  building  of  roads  and  railroads.  The 

1  Deceased,  December,  1925. 


International  Boundary  Line 

is  indicated  by  the  heavy  line  passing  mid- 
stream over  the  fall,  midway  between  the  toe 
of  the  horseshoe  and  Iris  or  Goat  Island,  and 
shown  on  the  "true  map"  prepared  by  the 
commissioners  in  1819  who  fixed  the  line 
■finally  and  conclusively"  above  and  below 
Niagara  Falls. 


footprints  of  the  white  man,  like  those  of  the  red,  have  converged  more  and 
more  toward  Niagara. 


In  another  fundamental  respect  Niagara  is  favored  over  other  great  cata- 
racts mentioned.  The  reservoir  capacity  of  all  these  latter  streams  is  meager, 
resulting  in  such  variations  of  flow  from  season  to  season  that  the  continuous 
power  available  for  practical  development  is  thereby  greatly  reduced. 

These  conditions  contrast  sharply  with  those  at  Niagara,  where  four  great 
lakes,  or  inland  seas,  unite  to  form  a  series  of  reservoirs  having  the  stupendous 
capacity  that  may  be  expressed  as  several  thousand  cubic  miles,  but  cannot  be 
even  approximately  estimated  because  the  work  of  determining  the  depths  of 
the  larger  lakes  has  not  yet  been  completed,  and  the  few  scattered  soundings 
in  the  deeper  portions  show  that  the  bottoms  are  extremely  irregular.  Lake 
Superior  alone  is  the  largest  body  of  fresh  water  in  the  world.  If  this  vast 
reserve  of  water  could  be  gradually  exhausted  by  drainage,  it  would  be  suffi- 
cient, without  additional  rainfall,  to  continue  the  present  flow  of  Niagara  for 
one  hundred  years.  These  reservoir  lakes,  or  seas,  cover  an  area  of  87,620 
square  miles,  and,  with  their  connecting  rivers,  have  a  shore  line  of  about 
8300  miles. 

Notwithstanding  the  enormous  storage  capacity  of  these  inland  seas,  their 
value  for  power  purposes  is  dependent  upon  their  overflow  and  this  is  based 
upon  the  rainfall  upon  their  surfaces  and  the  run-off  from  the  drainage  basin 
of  the  Niagara  River,  that  comprises  an  area  of  about  250,000  square  miles, 
equivalent  to  the  combined  areas  of  states  of  New  York,  New  Jersey,  Penn- 
sylvania, Ohio,  Indiana  and  about  one-quarter  of  Illinois.  About  35  per  cent 
of  the  water  that  falls  as  rain  upon  this  great  expanse  of  territory  passes  over 
the  falls  of  Niagara.  Uniformity  in  the  rate  of  flow  is  assured  by  the  great  area 
of  the  lakes  which  serve  as  reservoirs — 87,620  square  miles. 


The  international  boundary  line  at  Niagara  Falls  is  invisible,  and  only 
correctly  indicated,  even  in  public  documents,  when  reproduced  from  the  map 
attached  to  the  official  example  of  the  Treaty  of  Ghent,  of  1814,  between  the 
United  States  and  Great  Britain,  which  ended  the  War  of  1812,  and  is  on 
file  in  the  office  of  the  Secretary  of  State  in  Washington. 

This  map  was  prepared  from  an  actual  survey  made  by  order  of  the  board, 
Peter  B.  Porter  and  Anthony  Barclay,  commissioners,  and  bears  their  certifi- 
cate that  it  is  a  true  map  of  part  of  the  boundary  designated  by  the  sixth 
article  of  the  Treaty  of  Ghent. 



This  survey  was  made  in  1819  and  established  the  boundary  line  "through 
the  middle  of  Lake  Ontario  until  it  strikes  the  communication  by  water  be- 
tween that  lake  and  Lake  Erie,  thence  along  the  middle  of  said  communica- 
tion into  Lake  Erie."  By  agreement  of  the  commissioners,  the  line  of  de- 
marcation in  the  Niagara  River  was  the  center  of  the  deepest  channel  of 
the  river's  flow  and  the  map  and  its  signed  declaration  fixed  the  international 
boundary  line  "finally  and  conclusively." 

In  the  report  and  map  of  recession-lines  of  the  falls  prepared  in  1896  by 
Joseph  W.  W.  Spencer,  under  a  commission  from  the  Director  of  the  Geo- 
logical Survey  of  Canada,  it  is  stated  that : 

The  international  boundary  line,  showing  the  Greater  Falls  to  be  in  Canada,  has 
been  laid  down  on  the  map. 

Beside  the  other  scientific  results,  features  bearing  on  international  questions  have 
arisen  in  connection  with  the  effects  of  the  draining  of  the  falls  at  the  international 
boundary,  and  the  lowering  of  the  lakes  by  power  diversions,  as  also  the  ownership  of 
the  water-rights  of  Niagara  Falls. 

Even  the  establishment  of  the  boundary  line  at  the  falls  comes  to  be  a  geological 
question  and  not  merely  one  of  ordinary  surveying. 

Professor  Spencer  states  that  "the  apex  of  the  falls  (Canadian)  is  now 
(1906)  estimated  about  400  feet  west  of  the  boundary  line,  thus  placing  the 
crescent  within  the  Canadian  territory." 

The  international  boundary  line  is  the  line  of  separation  shown  on  the 
certified  treaty  map.  The  horseshoe  deep  water  channel  may  move  easterly 
toward  Goat  Island  on  the  American  side,  but  the  international  boundary 
line  remains  as  "finally  and  conclusively"  shown  on  the  "true  map"  of  the 
commissioners'  survey. 


Prior  to  1600,  the  ownership  of  the  land  on  each  side  of  the  Niagara  River, 
including  Goat  Island  and  its  group  of  smaller  islands  at  the  Great  Falls,  was 
undoubtedly  in  the  Kaw-quaws,  or  Neuter'  Nation  of  Indians.  The  Seneca 
Indians  subsequently  took  possession  and  claimed  the  title  to  these  lands  by 
conquest  from  the  Neuters,  whose  tribe  they  had  destroyed. 

The  falls  of  Niagara  were  successively  in  the  possession  of  the  Indians  by 
inheritance,  the  French  by  discovery,  the  English  by  conquest,  the  American 
colonists  by  revolution,  and  the  State  of  New  York  by  cession,  treaty  and 
purchase,  the  last  two  including  the  American  Falls  and  part  of  the  Horse- 
shoe Fall. 

France  and  England  each  asserted  her  rights  to  the  locality,  France  by 
virtue  of  prior  explorations,  discovery  and  occupation,  and  England  by  virtue 

1  As  named  by  the  early  French  missionaries,  meaning  peaceful. 



of  the  discoveries  of  her  early  navigators  and  of  later  treaties  with  the  Indians. 
Until  1764,  the  Indian  ownership  was  recognized  by  both  France  and  Eng- 
land. French  influence  prevailed  from  1669  to  1759;  then  the  English  ac- 
quired the  property,  which  they  occupied  until  the  close  of  the  Revolution  and 
after,  until  1796.  The  title  to  the  islands  remained  in  the  Senecas  until  they 
ceded  it  to  the  State  of  New  York  in  1815. 


The  record  of  the  successive  instrumental  surveys  that  have  been  made  of 
the  flow  of  these  waters,  to  determine  its  quantity  and  potential  value,  from 
1841  to  1924,  is  of  historical  interest. 

The  earliest  calculation  of  the  volume  of  water  and  the  extent  of  the  motive 
power  of  Niagara  was  made  in  1841  by  the  engineers,  Zachariah  Allen,  of 
Providence,  Rhode  Island,  and  E.  R.  Blackwell,  of  Black  Rock,  New  York. 
From  their  measurements  at  Black  Rock,  near  Buffalo,  as  published,  they 
calculated  by  the  formula'  established  by  Eytelwein,  the  flow  of  Niagara 
River  as  374,000  cubic  feet  per  second.  Upon  this  basis,  and  taking  the  height 
of  the  fall  at  160  feet,  Allen  estimated  the  "mechanical  force  or  motive  power" 
that  the  waterfall  of  Niagara  is  capable  of  imparting,  as  4,533,334  horse- 
power, after  allowing  one-third  part  for  waste  of  effective  power  in  the 
practical  application  of  water  to  water-wheels.  The  initial  power  is  therefore 
approximately  6,800,000  horse-power. 

The  U.  S.  Army  engineers  on  the  survey  of  the  Great  Lakes,  in  1868 
estimated  the  total  available  power  of  Niagara  Falls  at  about  6,000,000 

From  measurements  made  in  1900,  John  Bogart,  New  York  State  engi- 
neer and  surveyor,  gave  the  flow  of  Niagara  as  275,000  cubic  feet  per  second. 

The  figure  given  in  1901  by  the  United  States  Geological  Survey  for  the 
average  flow  is  222,000  cubic  feet  per  second. 

The  report  of  Francis  C.  Shenehon,  principal  assistant  engineer,  United 
States  Lake  Survey,  1906-1907,  includes  the  following  statements  regarding 
the  Great  Lakes  and  Niagara  River: 

The  drainage  area  covers  255,000  square  miles,  of  which  59.4  per  cent,  or  151,500 
square  miles,  lies  on  the  American  side  of  the  international  boundary  lines. 

The  annual  rain  and  snowfall  over  this  watershed  amounts  to  nearly  31  inches  of 
water.  The  outflow  spilling  from  Lake  Erie  into  the  Niagara  River  corresponds  to  a 
depth  of  about  11  inches  spread  over  this  great  drainage  area  of  more  than  a  quarter 
of  a  million  of  square  miles. 

At  an  ordinary  or  mean  level  of  Lake  Erie,  the  flow  of  the  Niagara  River  is  about 
210,000  cubic  feet  per  second.  Were  all  this  water  utilized  under  a  head  of  202.4  feet 
1  Long  since  replaced  by  formulae  considered  of  greater  accuracy. 



(which  is  close  to  the  head  secured  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and  Manu- 
facturing Company),  the  theoretical  mechanical  horse-powers  would  aggregate  nearly 
5,000,000  (4,830,000). 

Lieutenant-Colonel  C.  S.  Riche,  of  the  United  States  Corps  of  Engineers, 
reported  September  30,  1911,  that  for  mean  stages  of  lakes  Erie  and  Ontario, 
1860-1910,  Niagara  River  had  a  total  fall  of  326.38  feet  and  a  discharge  of 
210,000  cubic  feet  of  water  per  second,  which  represents  a  theoretical  energy 
of  nearly  8,000,000  horse-power. 

The  volume  of  Niagara  waters  depends  upon  the  height  of  Lake  Erie  at 
Buffalo,  and  this  varies  with  the  direction  and  intensity  of  the  wind.  A  pro- 
longed gale  on  Lake  Erie  in  the  direction  of  its  outlet  causes  the  waters  to 
become  heaped  up  at  that  end  from  4  to  5  feet  and  produces  a  corresponding 
rise  of  Niagara  River.  A  subsidence  of  the  level  of  the  lake  and  river  to  an 
equal  extent  occurs  whenever  a  gale  takes  place  in  an  opposite  direction.  Such 
variations  are  not  uncommon,  and  have  been  brought  about  in  the  course  of 
a  few  hours.  Changes  in  level  of  Lake  Erie  at  the  source  of  the  Niagara  River 
of  as  much  as  8  feet  have  been  noted.  On  March  29,  1848,  the  floating  ice  in 
Lake  Erie  was  driven  by  the  gale  to  the  lake  outlet,  quickly  blocking  that 
narrow  channel  and  shutting  off  a  large  proportion  of  the  river's  flow.  The 
American  Falls  were  passable  on  foot,  but  for  that  day  only,  as  is  described  by 
an  eye  witness,  in  Appendix  F  in  this  volume. 

A  change  in  elevation  of  1  foot  in  Lake  Erie  will  cause  a  change  in  elevation 
in  the  Chippewa-Grass  Island  Pool  of  about  .55  foot. 

The  seasonal  variation  in  lake  level,  due  to  variations  in  rainfall,  has  not 
exceeded  2  feet  in  the  last  sixty  years. 

In  his  testimony  before  the  commissioners  of  the  state  reservation  in  1884, 
Peter  A.  Porter  stated  that,  when  the  wind  is  down  the  lake,  it  makes  1 
foot  difference  in  the  level  of  the  raceway  on  the  rapids  above  the  falls,  in- 
creasing the  depth  to  that  extent. 

These  minor  fluctuations  of  level  are  trivial  in  comparison  with  the  seasonal 
changes  of  volume  to  which  most  of  the  great  waterfalls  of  the  world  are 






Cubic  feet 
per  second 



Blackwell  and  Allen,  engineers 
using  160  feet  head 




U.  S.  Army  engineers  on  survey  of  the  Great 

John  Bogart,  New  York  State  engineer  and 





United  states  ideological  survey 



United  States  Lake  Survey ;  report  of  Colonel 
C.  S.  Riche  to  chief  of  engineers 
using  full  326  feet  head 




United  States  Lake  Survey ;  Colonel  F.  C.  Shene- 
hon,  principal  assistant  engineer4 
At  mean  level  of  Lake  Erie 
using  202  feet  head 




Smithsonian  Institute,  Study  of  Natural  Re- 
sources.   Samuel   S.   Wyer,   associate  in 
mineral  technology,  United  States  National 

Natural  mean  flow  for  sixty-four  years 
using  full  326  feet  head 



1  Seventh  annual  report  of  commissioners  of  New  York  State  Reservation  1889-1890. 

2  United  States  Geological  Survey  Map  of  Niagara  River  and  Vicinity,  G.  K.  Gilbert,  May,  1901. 

3  United  States  Lake  Survey,  Preservation  of  Niagara  Falls,  1911.  House  of  Representatives  Docu- 
ment 246,  Sixty-second  Congress,  Second  Session,  page  11. 

4  United  States  Lake  Survey,  Senate  Document  105,  Sixty-second  Congress,  First  Session,  page  20.  An 
exhaustive  investigation. 

6  Smithsonian  Institute,  Study  of  Natural  Resources^  Niagara  Falls,  January  15,  1925. 

"  Horse-power  which  could  be  developed. 


Situated  on  one  of  the  great  natural  channels  of  commercial  intercourse  be- 
tween the  East  and  the  West,  it  was  not  unreasonable  to  expect  that  with  the 
improvement  of  the  country,  near  and  remote,  the  vast  water-power  would  be 



promptly  utilized  and  the  population  proportionally  increased.  That  this  did 
not  occur  as  rapidly  as  the  early  settlers  had  hoped  was  owing  to  causes  not 
at  first  appreciated,  but  now  well  understood  as  briefly  described  here. 

In  order  to  understand  some  of  the  physical  difficulties  that  for  many  dec- 
ades prevented  the  utilization  of  the  waters  of  Niagara,  attention  should  be 
given  to  the  unusual  natural  features  of  the  location.  These  are  indicated  by 
the  block  diagram  of  Niagara  River  and  accompanying  maps  and  diagrams. 
The  block  diagram  shows : 

The  country  traversed  by  the  river  constitutes  two  plains,  each  extending  for  a  con- 
siderable distance  east  and  west  beyond  the  field  of  the  map.  The  upper  plain  has  a 
gently  undulating  surface  with  a  general  height  of  600  feet  above  sea  level.  The  lower 
plain  borders  Lake  Ontario  and  is  comparatively  smooth  except  where  streams  have 
washed  out  narrow  valleys ;  its  southern  edge  has  a  height  of  380  to  400  feet,  and  it 
slopes  northward  to  about  260  feet  at  the  lake  shore.  Where  the  plains  approach  each 
other  the  upper  is  about  200  feet  above  the  lower  and  they  are  separated  by  a  steep 
bluff  with  a  cliff  at  top.  This  bluff  is  called  the  Niagara  escarpment.  In  some  places 
it  is  divided  into  two  parts,  so  that  the  descent  from  the  upper  plain  to  the  lower  is  by 
two  steps.1 

A  mile  above  the  falls  the  river  enters  upon  the  great  upper  rapids,  con- 
sidered by  many  to  present  a  spectacle  no  less  impressive  than  that  of  the 
cataract  itself.  These  rapids  account  for  51  feet  of  the  descent,  and  the  Great 
Falls  for  164  feet. 

Below  the  falls  the  river  runs  in  the  deep  gorge  which  it  has  carved  out  of 
the  upper  plain.  For  some  distance  there  is  a  navigable  reach  of  deep  water. 
The  remaining  5  miles  to  the  Niagara  escarpment  is  almost  continuous  rapids, 
with  the  famous  Whirlpool  as  the  dominating  feature.  In  its  course  below 
the  falls  the  river  descends  99  feet  more  to  the  level  of  the  lower  plain,  where 
it  flows  in  a  broad,  deep  channel  for  the  remaining  6  miles  to  Lake  Ontario. 
The  total  descent  in  the  upper  and  lower  rapids  and  the  falls  is  314  feet. 

Although  the  great  cataract  itself  offers  the  most  magnificent  display  of 
available  power,  the  upper  rapids,  because  of  their  low  banks,  lent  themselves 
more  readily  to  power  development  by  the  more  primitive  methods  in  which 
water  diverted  from  the  river  above  the  rapids  is  carried  by  a  canal  along  the 
river  bank  for  use  at  comparatively  low  head  to  supply  wheels  driving  mills 
or  in  which  wheels  placed  in  the  stream  are  driven  by  the  current.  In  tracing 
the  history  of  Niagara  power  we  are  therefore  not  surprised  to  find  these 
rapids  the  scene  of  the  earliest  and,  in  fact,  of  all  the  applications  of  power 
until  about  1870,  with  mills  along  the  main  shore,  or  on  the  islands. 

1  G.  K.  Gilbert,  1901.  From  United  States  Geological  Survey  Map  of  Niagara  River  and  Vicinity. 




Serious  difficulties  were  encountered  when  it  was  proposed  to  develop  a 
large  amount  of  power  from  the  cataract  itself.  Large  water-wheels  for 
operation  at  a  head  of  160  feet  or  more  were  not  available;  even  if  they  had 
been,  the  cost  of  hydraulic  construction  in  the  Niagara  limestone  formation 
would  be  very  great;  even  if  the  power  were  developed,  the  old  plan  of  a  "mill 
over  a  wheel-pit"  did  not  promise  success  because  available  land  for  factories 
in  the  vicinity  of  the  falls  was  limited.  Furthermore,  no  large  amounts  of 
power  were  used  in  the  vicinity  of  the  falls  although  there  were  large  power 
users  at  Buffalo.  The  cost  of  power  development  was  so  large  that  only  a 
very  large  project  would  be  finan- 
cially justified.  Hence,  the  high  head 
of  the  cataract  was  not  availed  of  at 
once,  but  awaited  the  call  for  large 
amounts  of  power  and  the  develop- 
ment of  modern  machinery  and 
methods.  The  utilization  of  the  total 
fall  in  the  upper  and  lower  rapids  as 
well  as  the  cataract,  involving  con- 
structions of  colossal  magnitude,  has 
received  consideration  only  very  re- 

The  scenic  beauty  of  the  great  cata- 
ract made  the  situation  still  more  diffi- 
cult for  those  who  wished  to  put  the 
river  to  practical  use.  Sooner  or  later, 
the  public  was  certain  to  resist  any 
methods  of  utilization  of  the  falls  that 
encroached  upon  their  natural  gran- 
deur. This  consideration  will  be  found 
to  have  been  a  very  potent  factor  in 
shaping  the  course  of  the  develop- 
ment of  Niagara  power  and  it  is  one 
of  the  supreme  triumphs  of  that  de- 
velopment that  the  utilitarian  and  aesthetic  points  of  view  have  been  so 
well  reconciled. 

In  the  geological  structure1  of  the  Niagara  region  which  has  made  possible 
the  falls  and  the  gorge  will  be  found  the  source  of  many  perplexing  problems 

1  See  Appendix  B  for  extract  from  final  report  of  the  Fourth  Geological  District  of  the  State  of 
New  York,  1843,  by  James  Hall,  state  geologist,  Chapter  XX,  Niagara  Falls,  Its  Past,  Present  and 
Prospective  Condition,  pp.  383-404,  with  important  illustrations. 

mm>(>  //  'Mi\  fW    '  1 

Section  Showing  Stratification  of 
Rocks  at  the  Brink  of  the  Falls 
and  at  Middle  of  Horseshoe 
Fall  Described  by  Professor 
Gilbert  as  N.  L.,  Niagara  Lime- 
stone ;  C.  L.,  Clinton  Limestone  ; 
Q.  S.,  Quartzose  Sandstone 



that  have  arisen  in  every  stage  of  Niagara  development.  The  first  rock  en- 
countered at  the  cataract  is  the  hard,  strong  Niagara  limestone,  extending 
at  this  point  to  a  depth  of  80  feet.  Below  are  soft,  weak  shales,  containing 
only  a  few  ledges  of  harder  material.  The  history  of  Niagara  shows  how 
the  development  of  power  has  been  retarded  by  this  combination  of  strata. 
We  see  the  pioneer  faced  with  huge  expense  in  his  endeavors  to  excavate 
surface  canals  and  raceways  through  the  hard  limestone;  while  his  suc- 
cessors, in  order  to  preserve  the  hydraulic  head  obtained  above  the  falls, 
were  obliged  to  construct  their  discharge  tunnel  at  the  level  of  the  lower 
river  and  pass  into  a  material  which  could  not  be  depended  upon  to  form 
a  safe  and  durable  arch  without  costly  reinforcement.  The  modern  engineer, 
who  obtains  his  hydraulic  head  on  the  bluff  near  the  point  of  its  utilization, 
has  designed  and  built  a  pressure  tunnel  through  the  kind  of  rock  best  cal- 
culated to  produce  a  permanent  structure,  with  the  least  capital  cost. 


The  progress  of  the  recession  of  the  Horseshoe  Fall  has  been  ascertained 
by  various  trigonometrical  surveys  under  official  auspices  including  the 

Survey  of  Horseshoe  Fall 

By  John  Bogart,  New  York  State  Engineer 



following:  1842  by  New  York  State  Survey,  1875  by  United  States  Lake 
Survey  and  1891  by  New  York  State  Survey  that  is  here  reproduced. 

The  history  of  the  formation  of  the  horseshoe  is  shown  by  the  following 
map : 

From  Harper's  Siticide  of  the  Falls 

Length  of  Crestline  of  Horseshoe  Fall  Showing  Recession 

1764    .    .    .     1800  Feet  1875    .    .    .    2350  Feet  1905    .    .    .    2850  Feet 

1842    .    .    .    2030  Feet  1890    .    .    .    2750  Feet  1915     .    .    .    3020  Feet 

The  recession  of  the  falls  is  due  to  this  peculiar  rock  structure  which  has 
received  much  attention  in  recent  years,  and  which  has  a  bearing  upon  power 
development.  This  process  of  disintegration  is  described  by  G.  K.  Gilbert, 
geologist,  United  States  Geological  Survey: 

In  the  principal  division  of  the  cataract,  called  the  Horseshoe  Fall,  the  falling  water 
plunges  into  a  deep  pool,  which  is  kept  in  fierce  agitation.  The  surging  water  wears  away 
the  shale  and  thus  gradually  deprives  the  limestone  bed  of  its  support.  From  time  to 
time  blocks  of  the  limestone  break  away,  falling  into  the  pool  below.  Each  fall  of  lime- 
stone makes  the  position  of  the  cataract  retreat  upstream  and  thus  lengthens  the  gorge. 
Between  1842,  when  a  careful  map  of  the  cataract  was  made,  and  1891,  when  the  mapping 
was  repeated,  the  cataract  retreated  and  the  gorge  was  lengthened  about  200  feet,  the 



average  rate  being  between  4  and  5  feet  a  year.  .  .  .  But  tbe  crestline  of  the  American 
Fall  has  not  changed  its  form  appreciably  since  the  year  1827,  when  the  first  accurate 
drawings  of  it  were  made.  Its  recession  must  be  many  times  slower  than  that  of  the 
Horseshoe  Fall. 

In  its  annual  report  of  December  19,  1918,  the  commissioners  of  the  New 
York  State  Reservation  stated  that  the  recession  of  the  rock  rim  of  the 
Horseshoe  Fall  is  progressing  at  the  rate  of  about  62  inches  per  annum. 

An  examination  of  old  prints  indicates  that  the  present  horseshoe  formation 
of  the  Canadian  side  of  the  fall  must  have  appeared  after  the  year  1751,  not 

From  a  camera  lucida  drawing  made  in  1827  by  Captain  Basil  Hall  of  the  British  Navy 

The  Horseshoe  Fall 

more  than  174  years  ago,  as  there  are  no  indications  in  these  views  of  any  such 

The  "horseshoe"  section  of  Niagara  Falls  is  the  best  known  feature  of  that 
scenic  wonder.  Its  changing  form  excites  the  study  of  all  visitors.  They  admire 
the  dark  green  of  its  deepest  current,  and  regret  to  read  of  the  recessions  that 
are  chronicled  and  that  they  can  visualize. 

An  interesting  evidence  of  the  recession  of  the  Horseshoe  Fall  was  reported 
by  James  T.  Gardner,1  in  1879,  who  placed  the  survey  of  F.  R.  Blackwell  in 

1  Director  of  the  New  York  State  Survey  of  the  Preservation  of  the  Scenery  around  Niagara  Falls. 



1842  upon  the  map  of  the  United  States  Lake  Survey  of  1875  and  describes 
the  comparison  as  follows : 

The  map  which  accompanies  my  report  shows  the  unexpected  fact  that  the  Horseshoe 
Fall  has  receded  in  places  160  feet  during  thirty-three  years,  and  that  a  large 
island  has  disappeared  which  formerly  existed  in  the  midst  of  the  Canadian  Rapids. 
These  remarkable  physical  changes  are  of  deep  interest,  and  their  progress  should 
be  watched  and  recorded  with  great  care.  The  conclusions  to  be  attained  by  accurate 
geological  study  of  the  region  open  almost  limitless  views  into  far-reaching  vistas  of 
the  continent's  physical  history. 

From  actual  observations  made  during  the  past  ten  years  it  is  known,  Mr. 
John  Lyell  Harper  states,  in  his  The  Suicide  of  the  Horseshoe  Fall,  1918, 
that  the  crest  is  receding  at  the  point  of  greatest  erosion,  at  the  rate  of  approxi- 
mately 8  feet  per  year,  while  on  the  sides  and  heel  almost  no  recession  is  noted. 


Scale  Model  of  Niagara  Falls  Planned  by  John  Lyell  Harper  for  Experiments 
in  Remedial  Works  and  Stream  Control 

Note  crestlines  of  1764  and  181-2 




Mr.  Harper1  in  an  article  in  Power  states : 

The  ultimate  development  of  Niagara  Falls  will  have  a  300-foot  head,  when  each  cubic 
foot  of  water  per  second  will  produce  an  amount  of  power  capable  of  lifting  a  100-ton 
burden  one  inch  from  the  tired  shoulders  of  man. 

Engineering  thought  blazes  the  trail  to  the  most  efficacious  use  of  Niagara's  waters. 
This  thought  now  takes  form  in  action,  and  action  removes  the  doubt  that  theory  cannot 

Photograph  by  Underwood  &  Underwood,  N.  V.,  taken  by  Major  H.  K.  Maxwell 

Aeroplane  View  of  the  Horseshoe  Fall 
Made  October  20,  1920,  at  700  fret  elevation 

solve.  Results  exceed  the  vision  and  now  Niagara,  more  than  ever,  supplies  the  material 
wants  of  man. 

With  equal  vision,  skill  and  courage  must  engineering  control  that  part  of  the  waters 
which  may  be  set  aside  for  aesthetic  purposes.  Engineering  must  shape  its  turbulence, 
and  so  direct  its  cataract-forming  currents  that  the  maximum  of  grandeur  may  obtain. 
Engineering  has  made  it  possible  to  convert  90  per  cent  of  the  stored  energy  of  Niagara's 
waters  into  useful  forms  of  electrical  power.  Engineering  can,  and  will,  take  but  half  the 
1  Vice-president  and  chief  engineer  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company.  Deceased,  1924. 



river's  flow  and  raise  its  aesthetic  values  to  a  level  with  the  hydro-electric  efficiency  now 
obtaining.  With  half  the  water,  engineering  will  enhance  the  natural  beauty,  and  render 
a  more  sublime  spectacle  than  Nature,  uncontrolled,  now  furnishes  with  all  of  the  water. 

The  annual  report  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  1924,  states 
concerning  the  scale  model : 

During  1923  and  1924  there  was  built,  under  Mr.  Harper's  direction,  a  scale  model 
of  the  Niagara  River  including  the  upper  rapids  and  the  cataracts.  Here  experiments 
have  been  conducted  in  stream  control.  Remedial  works  of  different  types  have  been 
built  upon  the  model  to  determine  the  increase  that  may  be  made  in  the  economic  utiliza- 
tion of  Niagara  while  assuring  the  maintenance  of  its  sublime  scenery. 

This  marked  recession  is  a  factor  to  be  reckoned  with  in  the  future  in  the 
location  of  expensive  installations  drawing  water  from  the  river  above  the 
falls.  If,  however,  the  recession  continues  at  the  rate  of  only  about  5  feet  per 
annum,  the  intake  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  situated  about 
6000  feet  above  the  cataract,  would  not  be  disturbed  in  its  present  location 
for  about  1200  years. 

There  is  also  a  very  remote  danger,  geologists  inform  us,  of  a  possible  future 
diversion  of  water  from  the  great  Niagara  reservoirs  to  the  Mississippi  River. 

"With  the  present  rate  of  calculated  terrestrial  uplift  in  the  Niagara  district 
(1.25  feet  a  century)  and  the  rate  of  recession  of  the  falls  continued,  or  even 
doubled,  before  the  cataract  shall  have  reached  the  Devonian  escarpment  at 
Buffalo,  that  limestone  barrier  shall  have  been  raised  so  high  as  to  turn  the 
waters  of  the  upper  lakes  into  the  Mississippi  drainage  by  way  of  Chicago. 
An  elevation  of  CO  feet  at  the  outlet  of  Lake  Erie  would  bring  the  rocky  floor 
of  the  channel  as  high  as  the  Chicago  divide,  and  an  elevation  of  70  feet  would 
completely  divert  the  drainage.  This  would  require  5000  or  6000  years  at  the 
estimated  rate  of  terrestrial  elevation."1 

1  The  Duration  of  Niagara  Falls.  Prof.  J.  W.  W.  Spencer,  1895. 







Dr.  Charles  D.  Walcott,  secretary,  Smithsonian  Institute,  Washington, 
D.  C,  recently  stated: 

The  Niagara  River  is  more  than  a  mere  boundary  stream  between  two  friendly 
nations.  It  is  the  dividing  line  between  two  radically  different  methods  of  rendering 
electric  service  to  the  public  ;  governmentally  owned  on  the  Ontario  side,  privately  owned 
but  governmentally  regulated  on  the  United  States  side. 

Two  and  one-half  times  more  power  than  is  now  developed  can  be  developed  and  still 
maintain  an  adequate  scenic  effect.  Real  preservation  can  be  brought  about  only  by 
frankly  facing  the  engineering  and  geologic  facts  now  obvious  and  the  development  of  an 
international  preservation  program  that  will  insure  maximum  use  with  the  continued 
preservation  of  an  adequate  scenic  effect. 


The  natural  mean  flow  —  average  of  64  years  —  of  Niagara  River, 

in  cubic  feet  per  second  205,000 

Water  diversions,  in  cubic  feet  per  second — 

New  Welland  Ship  Canal  for  navigation  2,000 
New  York  State  Barge  Canal  for  navigation  1,200 
Chicago  Drainage  Canal  for  sewage  dilution  8,000 

Diversion  for  power  purposes  authorized  by  present  treaty  56,000 

Diversions'  67,200 

Minimum  flow  over  falls  for  proper  scenic  effect  and  ice  sluicing  50,000 

Appropriations"  117,200 

Additional2  water  that  could  now  be  harnessed  87,800 

This  water  could  develop  about  2,500,000  additional  horse-power.  This  total  might  be  cur- 
tailed for  a  few  days  each  spring  to  give  the  extra  water  needed  to  sluice  the  ice  out  of  the  gorge. 

The  practical  demonstration  of  the  possibilities  of  protecting  the  Horseshoe  Fall  from  its 
own  destruction,  and  the  increase  of  power  resources  without  detriment  to  the  scenic  features 
of  the  fall,  as  recently  proposed  by  John  Lyell  Harper  by  his  operating  out-door  model,  may  be 
seen  on  page  27. 

1  Niagara  Falls:  Its  Power  Possibilities  and  Preservation,  by  Samuel  S.  Wyer,  associate  in  mining 
technology,  United  States  National  Museum. 

-  Words  are  not  italicized  in  the  original. 




From  reports  to  the  United  States  Government 
and  other  sources 

The  system  of  the  great  fresh  water  lakes  or  inland  seas,  which  drain  through  the  Straits 
of  Niagara  and  the  Saint  Lawrence  River  into  the  Atlantic  Ocean,  extends  half-way  across 
the  continent  of  North  America. 

The  water  surfaces  of  these  great  lakes,  excluding  Lake  Ontario,  with  the  land  sloping  into 
them  and  contributing  to  the  falls  of  Niagara,  form  a  drainage  basin  having  a  total  area  equal 
to  nearly  three  times  the  total  area  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  about  50,000  square  miles 
more  than  the  total  area  of  France,  and  more  than  sixteen  times  the  total  area  of  Switzerland. 

The  work  of  determining  the  depths  of  the  larger  lakes  has  not  yet  been  completed  but  the 
few  scattered  soundings  in  the  deeper  portions  show  that  the  bottom  is  extremely  irregular. 

The  fall  of  326  feet  between  the  water  levels  of  Lake  Erie  and  Lake  Ontario  occurs  in  the 

vicinity  of  Niagara  Falls  and  is  distributed  as  follows: 


Lower  Niagara  River   1 

Five  miles  of  rapids,  between  Lewiston  and  Suspension  Bridge   94 

Pool  between  the  bridge  and  the  falls   5 

Falls  of  Niagara   164 

Rapids  immediately  above  the  falls   51 

Upper  Niagara  River   11 

Total  fall  of  Niagara  River  between  lakes  Erie  and  Ontario    ....  326 

The  Niagara  River  forms  the  boundary  between  Canada  and  the  State  of  New  York.  The 
line  of  this  international  boundary  is  that  established  by  commissioners  in  1819,  as  shown 
upon  the  map  attached  to  the  International  Treaty  of  Ghent  of  1814  and  shown  herein 
on  page  15.  The  falls  of  Niagara  are  23  miles  below  Lake  Erie,  and  14  miles  above  Lake 
Ontario.  The  "Horseshoe  Fall"  is  163  feet  high,  and  2600  feet  wide.  The  other  channel, 
in  the  State  of  New  York,  forms  the  'American  Falls,"  which  are  166  feet  high  at  the  eastern 
side,  and  1000  feet  wide,  both  falls  comprising  3600  linear  feet  of  water. 

At  the  falls  the  river  turns  directly  at  right  angle  and  flows  through  a  gorge,  the  cliffs  of 
which  are  1000  to  1200  feet  apart,  with  nearly  perpendicular  walls  rising  210  feet  above  the 
water.  The  river  below  the  falls  has  a  maximum  known  depth  of  192  feet,  and  a  width  of 
from  800  to  900  feet. 

Two  miles  above  the  falls  the  river  has  a  width  of  over  7000  feet.  The  extreme  limits  of 
variation  in  the  depth  of  the  river  above  the  falls  is  3Yo  feet,  but  these  limits  are  very  rarely 
reached.  The  ordinary  variation  is  about  1  foot.  Below  the  falls  the  extreme  of  variation 
reaches  15  feet.  Generally  a  variation  of  1  foot  above  the  falls  is  followed  by  a  change  of 
level  of  5  feet  below  the  falls.  These  slight  changes  are  of  a  short  duration  and  are  due  mainly 
to  long  continued  and  violent  wind  or  sudden  great  accumulations  of  ice. 

It  has  been  estimated  that  if  the  average  discharge  of  all  the  lakes  passed  through  a  river 
1  mile  wide,  with  a  mean  velocity  of  1  mile  per  hour,  such  a  river  should  have  a  depth  of  31 
feet  from  shore  to  shore. 

The  flow  of  water  at  the  falls  of  Niagara  is,  for  practical  purposes,  unlimited,  never  failing, 
constant  and  pure. 






Buffalo  to  Detroit  .... 



"      "  Chicago  .... 



"  Soult  Ste.  Marie  . 



"      "  Dulutli  .... 



Detroit  to  Chicago  .... 



"      "  Sault  Ste.  Marie  . 



"      "  Duluth  .... 




and  connecting 

Area  at 
lake  surface 

Total  area 
of  basin 
in  square  miles 


31,810  (n) 

80,700  (a) 





23,010  (li) 

72,600  (b) 


400  (c) 

6,420  (c) 


9,940  (d) 

34,680  (d) 



(a)  Includes  St.  Mary's  River  above  St.  Mary's  Falti. 
(I))  Includes   North   Channel,   Georgian    Bay,   and  St. 

Mary's  River  below  St.  Mary's  Falls. 
(c)  Includes  St.  Clair  River. 
(il)  Includes  Detroit  River. 


FEET  ABOVE  600- 


Sectional  View  of  Wheel-pit  and  Original  Tail-race  Tunnel  Showing  Stratifi- 
cation of  the  Rocks  Through  Which  the  Tunnel  Was  Built 

The  great  cataract  is  the  embodiment  of  power. 
In  every  second,  unceasingly,  seven  thousand  tons  of 
water  leap  from  a  cliff  one  hundred  and  sixty  feet 
high,  and  the  continuous  blow  they  strike  makes  the 
earth  tremble. 

Niagara  Falls  and  Their  History 
by  G.  K.  Gilbert 


Chapter  II 




HE  first  use  of  the  power  of  Niagara  River  at  the  falls  is  believed  to  have 

A  been  made  about  1757-1758  by  a  Frenchman,  Chabert  Joncaire,  J r.,1  who 
built  a  short  and  narrow  loop  canal  on  the  river  bank  a  short  distance  above 
the  falls.  Power  was  probably  developed  by  a  wooden  overshot  wheel  under 
a  head  of  about  6  feet,  to  cut  logs  on  what  was  the  end  of  Mill  Street  and  is 
now  known  as  First  Street,  on  the  present  state  reservation,  opposite  the 
upper  end  of  Goat  Island. 

This  sawmill  was  repaired  and  used  by  John  Steadman,  who,  about  1760, 
settled  on  the  bank  of  the  river  near  the  falls  on  a  large  tract  of  land  he  claimed 
and  received  under  an  Indian  grant.  Steadman  also  occupied  and  cleared 
some  portion  of  Goat  Island  and  stocked  it  with  goats,  thus  giving  the  island 
its  name.  He  was  the  British  master  of  the  Niagara  portage  during  most  of 
the  latter  half  of  the  eighteenth  century.  But  little  was  done  during  this 
period  to  change  the  wild  aspect  of  the  country. 

In  1795  there  first  comes  into  this  history  the  name  of  the  Porter  family, 
a  name  that  has  been  closely  linked  with  Niagara  development  through  all  the 
succeeding  generations. 

Augustus  Porter  visited  the  falls  in  that  year,  and  again  in  1796,  on  his  way 
with  a  company  of  surveyors  to  explore  and  survey  the  "Western  Reserve,"  in 
what  is  now  the  State  of  Ohio.  It  was  probably  due  to  the  favorable  im- 
pressions which  he  received  on  those  visits,  that  his  family  became  interested 
in  the  development  of  Niagara  and  acquired  important  holdings  of  real  estate 
including  land  near  the  falls. 

It  will  be  noted  later,  in  further  detail,  that  the  Porters  not  only  became 
large  land-owners,  but  became  identified  with  Niagara  development  in  con- 
nection with  transportation  between  the  lakes. 

Early  in  1805,  Augustus  Porter  built  a  sawmill  and  blacksmith's  shop, 
preparatory  to  other  improvements.  In  1806,  he  removed  his  family  from 
Canandaigua,  New  York,  to  the  old  Steadman  house,  near  Fort  Schlosser. 
The  next  year  he  built  a  grist-mill,  the  first  to  be  established  on  the  American 
shore  at  the  falls,  with  two  "run  of  stone,"2  on  the  site  of  the  original  French 
sawmill,  using  therefor  a  separate  intake  that  is  indicated  upon  a  map  of 
Niagara  Falls  village  and  river  made  and  published  by  Joseph  Wentworth 
Ingraham,  of  Boston,  in  1836,  and  shown  on  page  43. 

1  Described  by  historian  Peter  A.  Porter,  as  "Soldier  of  France,  Master  of  the  Niagara  Portage  and 
Dictator  of  the  French  Government's  trade  witli  the  West." 

2  Appendix  H,  Volume  II. 



In  1809  he  erected  a  rope-walk  and  a  tannery,  and  other  industries  soon 
followed,  with  dwelling  houses. 

These  were  the  beginnings  of  industrial  Niagara.  By  1812,  it  is  stated, 
most  of  the  large  forest  trees  north  of  Bridge  Street  had  been  cut  down, 
but  young  trees  and  undergrowth,  particularly  near  the  river,  were  very  thick 
and  close,  quite  down  to  the  falls. 

Map  of  Niagara  Falls  and  Vicinity  in  1805 


It  was  not  until  June  27,  1814,  that  Augustus  Porter  and  his  partner, 
Benjamin  Barton,  finally  secured  from  the  commissioners  of  the  land  office 
of  the  State  of  New  York,  the  patents  of  two  of  the  lots  purchased  by  them 
in  1805  at  the  auction  sale  of  the  "Mile  Strip,"  particularly  described  in 
Chapter  III.  These  were  lots  42  (19  acres)  and  43  (100  acres)  at  the  apex 
of  the  angle  formed  by  the  river  at  the  falls,  bordering  the  upper  rapids  and 
extending  to  the  very  brink  of  the  great  cataract.  In  his  field  notes  the 
Surveyor-General  of  the  state  had  marked  these  two  lots  as  "very  valuable 
for  water-power." 



Niagara  Falls  Village,  New  York 
and  Proposed  City  of  the  Falls,  Ontario,  Dated  1836 











According  to  a  map  from  a  survey  by  George  Catlin,  in  1831,  the  industries 
then  located  on  the  banks  of  the  Niagara  River,  utilizing  the  power  developed 
by  the  loop  canals,  enumerating  from  the  bridge  to  and  over  Bath  Island  to 
Goat  Island  are  as  follows:  at  the  right  hand  side  of  the  bridge  across  the 
river,  Trip  Hammer  Nail  Factory;  on  the  left  or  easterly  side,  a  paper-mill 
and  a  grist-mill;  at  some  distance,  a  second  grist-mill  followed  closely  by  a 
woolen  factory,  and,  slightly  beyond,  a  sawmill,  not  far  from  the  residence 
of  Judge  Porter. 

On  November  19, 1816,  Augustus  Porter  made  a  further  notable  acquisition 
of  Niagara  property  by  securing  from  the  State  of  New  York  the  patent1  of 

a  certain  Island  commonly  called  and  known  by  the  name  of  Goat  Island,  situate  and 
lying  in  the  rapids  of  the  Niagara  river  immediately  above  and  adjoining  the  Great 
Ealls,  the  northwesterly  side  of  which  Island  terminates  with  the  perpendicular  rock  of 
precipice  forming  the  Falls,  together  with  several  small  Islands  or  masses  of  rocks 
surrounding  and  appendant  to  the  said  principal  island  but  separated  from  the  same 
by  small  sheets  of  water  containing  in  the  whole  according  to  a  plan  and  survey  of  the 
same  made  by  Parkhurst  Whitney  on  the  10th  day  of  October,  1815,  and  now  on  file 
in  the  Secretary's  office,  about  sixty-two  acres. 

It  is  interesting  to  note  that  the  deeds  conveying  the  ownership  of  these  lands 
and  island  were  executed  by 

our  trusty  and  well  beloved  Daniel  D.  Tompkins,  Esquire,  Governor  of  our  said  State, 
General  and  Commander  in  Chief  of  all  the  Militia,  and  Admiral  of  the  Navy  of  the 
same,  at  our  City  of  Albany. 

In  both  deeds 

the  people  of  the  State  of  New  York,  by  the  grace  of  God  Free  and  Independent,  make 
the  grant  of  land  excepting  and  reserving  to  ourselves  all  Gold  and  Silver  Mines. 

From  a  point  near  the  head  of  the  island,  Augustus  Porter  constructed  a 
bridge  to  the  mainland.  This  bridge  proved  insufficient  to  resist  the  strong 
current  and  heavy  masses  of  ice  at  that  point,  and  it  was  partially  carried  away 
the  first  winter  and  spring.  Within  a  year  another  bridge  was  constructed 
across  the  rapids  below,  on  the  site  of  the  present  bridge,  which  has  proved 
to  be  a  perfectly  secure  position.  For  the  old  bridge  of  wood  a  bridge  of  iron 
was  substituted  in  1856,  and  this  was  replaced  in  1900  by  a  multiple-arch 
bridge  of  concrete  with  stone  facing. 

In  1822,  Augustus  Porter  erected  the  large  flouring-mill  subsequently 
owned  by  Witmer  Brothers,  and  the  next  year  a  paper-mill  was  built  by 
Jesse  Symonds,  near  Goat  Island  bridge. 

1  A  fee  of  $1.38  for  acknowledging  and  recording  this  patent  is  recorded  in  the  memorandum  cash  hook 
of  A.  Porter. 


In  1826,  the  upper  raceway  or  canal  was  extended,  and  on  the  extensions, 
Ira  Cook,  William  G.  Tuttle,  Capin  &  Swallow,  and  others,  erected  works 
of  different  kinds.  A  large  paper-mill  was  built  on  Bath  Island  by  Porter  & 
Clark,  which  was  greatly  extended  by  L.  C.  Woodruff. 

What  has  been  called  the  "upper  raceway"  upon  the  earlier  maps  of  the 
village  of  Niagara  Falls,  is  supposed  to  have  been  built  in  1820,  when 

Niagara  Falls  Village 
Showing  Proposed  Hydraulic  Canal 
Submitted  by  P.  Emslie,  December,  1846 

the  Porter  Brothers  erected  a  grist-mill.  This  canal  did  not  extend  towards 
the  falls  nearer  than  the  street  leading  to  the  Goat  Island  bridge.  Another 
small  canal  designated  as  the  "lower  raceway"  was  constructed  about  184.5 
and  it  is  said  that  a  paper-mill,  a  woolen  factory  and  a  nail-mill  were  built 
thereon  close  to  Goat  Island  bridge.  Both  raceways  were  in  use  in  1884  and 
were  purchased  with  all  structures  thereon  by  the  State  in  1885  as  a  part 
of  the  New  York  State  Reservation  at  Niagara  Falls. 




A  serious  interruption  to  the  progress  of  settlement  and  improvement  at 
Niagara,  and  in  all  the  surrounding  country,  was  occasioned  by  the  War  of 
1812,  which  subjected  the  people  to  great  sacrifices  and  suffering. 

Before1  the  village  had  recovered  from  the  effects  of  the  war,  and  while  the  sur- 
rounding country,  suffering  from  that  and  other  embarrassments,  was  making  very 
slow  progress  in  improvement,  at  the  early  period  of  1825,  the  Erie  Canal  was  opened 
to  its  full  extent. 

The  immediate  effect  was  to  divert  all  the  business  of  transportation  from  the  old 
channel,  and  to  attract  all  enterprises  and  capital  seeking  employment  to  the  numerous 
villages  growing  up  on  the  line  of  the  canal.  Another  injurious  effect  of  the  canal  on 
this  locality,  though  beneficial  to  the  new  villages,  was  the  very  large  and  widely 
extended  water-power  it  afforded,  at  points  where  little  or  none  had  previously  existed, 
at  Black  Rock,  Lockport,  and  other  towns  west  of  Rochester,  adding  greatly  to  their 
growth  and  proportionally  lessening  ours. 

General  Marquis  de  Lafayette  visited  Niagara  Falls  in  1825.  In  the 
account2  of  this  visit,  his  secretary,  M.  La  Vasseur,  wrote  respecting  Goat 

The  surrounding  currents  of  water  offer  an  incalculable  moving  power  for  machinery, 
which  might  be  easily  applied  to  all  sorts  of  manufactories. 


In  1825,  Augustus  Porter  and  Peter  B.  Porter  issued,  as  "proprietors  of 
the  lands  which  embrace  the  Rapids  and  Falls,  on  the  American  side  of  the 
Niagara;  also  of  Iris  (Goat),  Bath,  and  the  other  small  islands  lying  in  the 
rapids  and  connected  by  bridges  with  the  main  shore,"  an  "Invitation  to 
Eastern  Capitalists  and  Manufacturers"  to  develop  the  power  at  Niagara 
Falls,  offering  to  become  interested  in  any  such  company  to  the  extent  of 
their  means.  This  appears  to  have  been  the  first  public  effort  to  secure  capital 
for  the  utilization  of  Niagara  power  by  the  location  of  manufactories  and  a 
town  at  the  falls.  The  "Invitation"3  states  that 

the  inadequacy  of  capital  in  this  part  of  the  country  to  undertakings  of  this  kind, 
added  to  the  doubts  which  have  until  very  recently  existed  in  regard  to  the  success  of 
American  manufactures  generally,  has  hitherto  prevented  the  improvements  which  this 
situation  so  powerfully  invites. 

It  appears  from  the  terms  of  this  "Invitation,"  that  the  Porters  were  plan- 
ning to  utilize,  not  the  great  cataract  itself,  but  only  the  60  feet  of  the  upper 
rapids,  in  the  three-fourths  of  a  mile  of  their  descent  before  the  river  reaches 
the  falls. 

1  Niagara,  Past  and  Present,  Albert  H.  Porter,  1876. 

2  Lafayette  en  Amerique  1824  et  1825,  2  vols.,  Paris,  1829. 

3  Appendix  C,  Volume  I. 



The  "Invitation"  of  1825  does  not  appear  to  have  been  successful  in 
securing  the  co-operation  of  the  necessary  capitalists  nor  did  the  next  two 
decades  witness  any  material  progress  in  the  utilization  of  the  power  of 

From  a  Map  of  the  Villages  of  Niagara  Falls  and 
Niagara  City,  Dated  1856 

A  Buffalo  publication  of  1835  refers  to  a  paper-mill,  a  flouring-mill,  and 
a  few  mechanics'  shops  as  constituting  the  industrial  activity  of  the  village 
of  Niagara  Falls,  while  two  spacious  hotels,  the  Eagle  and  the  Cataract, 
afforded  accommodations  for  one  hundred  permanent  guests.  A  map  was 
issued  in  1846  showing  a  projected  extension  of  the  upper  raceway  through 


Augustus  Porter, 

Pioneer  Surveyor,  1789 
Power  Pioneer  of  Niagara,  1806 
First  Judge  of  Niagara  County,  1808 


Canal  Street,  now  Riverway,  of  the  New  York  State  Reservation,  and  down 
the  river  bank  to  and  beyond  the  present  Pine  Street. 

In  1845  the  inclined  plane  at  the  ferry,  with  cars  operated  by  water-power, 
was  substituted  for  the  old  plan  of  winding  stairs  to  the  river. 


During  this  long  period  of  stagnation,  the  Porters  did  not  lose  faith  in 
Niagara.  Failing  to  interest  manufacturers  in  their  plan  for  the  utilization  of 
the  60-foot  fall  of  the  rapids  above  the  great  cataract,  they  gave  support  to  a 
new  plan  which  has  resulted  in  a  development  far  beyond  their  hopes  or  vision. 

The  new  project  included  the  construction  of  a  harbor,  with  wharf,  opposite 
Grass  Island,  near  the  end  of  river  navigation,  and  a  canal,  not  for  inter-lake 
transportation,  but  a  "hydraulic  canal,"  or  large  raceway,  that  would  conduct  a 
large  volume  of  water  across  the  point  of  land  enclosed  within  the  right  angle 
of  the  turn  of  the  river,  to  a  "reservoir"  or  canal  basin,  to  be  located  on  the  bluff 
above  the  river  bank  about  one-half  mile  below  the  falls,  where  power  would  be 
available  from  the  fall  of  water  from  the  bank,  about  200  feet,  to  the  river  below. 

Without  doubt,  Judge  Augustus  Porter,  who  owned  the  lands  through 
which  this  canal  passed,  early  saw  the  importance  of  its  construction  and  for 
several  years  before  his  death  in  1849,  made  the  most  liberal  offers  to  capi- 
talists to  engage  in  the  undertaking,  as  the  expense  involved  exceeded  his  own 
means.  The  interesting  account  of  the  development  and  outcome  of  this 
project  is  reserved  for  Chapter  IV,  entitled  "The  Hydraulic  Canal." 


The  Porter  Brothers  were  the  power  pioneers  of  Niagara.  Their  large  pur- 
chases of  land  on  the  river  bank  were  an  evidence  of  their  vision  and  courage. 
By  reason  of  their  activities  between  the  years  1800  and  1850,  they  were  recog- 
nized at  that  period  as  the  most  influential  and  public-spirited  citizens  of  their 
community.  They  firmly  believed  in  the  future  of  Niagara  as  a  manu- 
facturing district,  and  were  diligent  in  making  known  the  water-power  poten- 
tialities of  Niagara  Falls.  By  maintaining  portage  transportation1  around 
the  falls  from  Lake  Erie  to  Lake  Ontario,  and  by  establishing  industries  at 
the  village,  they  promoted  the  settlement  and  development  of  that  section 
of  the  country.  To  assist  the  formation  of  power  companies,  they  contributed 
of  their  lands  and  water-rights  as  a  means  of  obtaining  capital  from  sources 
outside  of  their  districts  for  the  development  and  use  of  Niagara  power.  As 
is  generally  the  case  with  pioneers  in  great  industries,  they  did  not  live  to  see 
the  accomplishment  of  the  undertaking  in  which  their  fortune,  courage  and 
enterprise  were  so  fully  enlisted. 

1  Described  more  fully  in  Chapter  III. 




Chapter  III 


Reproduced  by  permission  from 
the  map  issued  by  the  United  States  Geological  Survey 
in  1921 




THE  right  to  use  water  in  power  production  is  so  closely  related  to  land 
ownership  that  the  unique  history  of  land  titles  at  Niagara  is  an  im- 
portant factor  in  the  history  of  Niagara  power. 

The  purchase  from  the  state  of  lands  on  the  river-side  was  made  in  con- 
fident expectation  of  acquiring  thereby  the  ownership  of  the  adjoining  land 
under  water  and  riparian  rights  to  its  use,  a  most  important  title  in  estab- 
lishing the  hydraulic  canal  upon  the  real  estate  donated  by  the  Porter  family 
to  promote  this  great  enterprise. 

The  purchase  of  property  to  be  held  as  the  state  reservation  clouded  this 
water-right  and  was  only  cleared  after  an  appeal  to  the  State  Constitutional 
Convention  and  the  legislature,  the  latter  ratifying  the  title,  as  will  be  ex- 
plained in  Chapter  XI. 

By  the  Treaty  of  Paris,  1783,  terminating  the  Revolutionary  War  between 
the  United  States  and  Great  Britain,  the  State  of  New  York  became  the 
owner  of  a  strip  of  land  1  mile  wide  on  the  eastern  bank  of  Niagara  River, 
extending  southerly  along  the  river  front  for  about  16  miles,  from  Lake 
Ontario.  This  land  was  part  of  the  tract,  4  miles  wide  on  each  side  of  Niagara 
River,  from  Fort  Niagara  to  Fort  Schlosser,  that  England  had  exacted  from 
the  Seneca  Nation  in  1764  by  the  treaty  which  Sir  William  Johnson  made 
with  these  Indians,  as  part  indemnity  for  the  massacre  of  English  troops  and 
settlers  at  "Devil's  Hole"  on  Niagara  River,  on  September  14,  1763. 

In  a  settlement  of  conflicting  claims  between  the  State  of  New  York 
and  the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts,  by  deed  of  mutual  cession  dated 
December  16,  1786,  the  State  of  New  York  reserved  from  its  cession  to 
Massachusetts  its  title  to  this  land,  which  became  known  as  the  "Mile  Strip," 
and  was  described  in  the  agreement  as  follows : 

Westerly  and  southerly  along  said  (International)  boundary  line  (in  Lake  Ontario) 
to  a  meridian  which  will  pass  one  mile  due  east  from  the  northern  termination  of  the 
Streight  (as  spelled  in  the  treaty)  or  waters  between  Lake  Ontario  and  Lake  Erie; 
thence  south  along  the  said  meridian  to  the  south  shore  of  Lake  Ontario ;  thence  on  the 
easterly  side  of  the  said  Streight,  by  a  line  always  one  mile  distant  and  parallel  to  the 
said  Streight,  to  Lake  Erie. 

In  1802,  the  State  of  New  York  acquired  by  treaty  with  the  Seneca  Indians 
their  title  to  20  miles  of  the  lands  included  in  the  "Mile  Strip"  on  the  eastern 
bank  of  Niagara  River,  thus  completing  the  state's  ownership  of  all  the  land 
of  the  "Mile  Strip"  from  Lake  Erie  to  Lake  Ontario,  about  36  miles. 



The  New  York  Legislature,  in  1798,  directed  the  Surveyor-General  to 
survey  the  "Mile  Strip  ';  to  lay  out  the  land  in  lots,  and  to  provide  for  a 
town  site.  About  the  year  1800,  a  town  site  1  mile  square  was  located  opposite 
Queenstown,  and  on  February  25,  1805,  it  was  named  Lewiston  by  the 
commissioners  of  the  land  office  of  the  state,  in  honor  of  Governor  Morgan 
Lewis  of  the  State  of  New  York. 


On  April  6,  1803,  the  legislature  passed  an  act  directing  that  all  unappro- 
priated lands  of  the  state  be  sold,  and  removed  the  inhibition  established  by 
the  Act  of  May  11,  1784,  against  the  grant,  by  the  state  as  bounty,  of  the 
lands  constituting  the  "Mile  Strip." 

The  commissioners  of  the  land  office  authorized  the  Surveyor-General  to 
advertise  and  sell  all  the  lots  in  the  village  ( Lewiston)  laid  out  on  the  Niagara 
River,  opposite  Queenstown,  located  between  certain  streets,  but  at  not  less 
than  five  dollars  per  lot. 


A  map  of  the  survey  made  in  1805  by  Joseph  Annin,  deputy  surveyor, 
under  the  direction  of  Simeon  de  Witt,  surveyor-general,  was  prepared 
showing  the  division  of  the  "Mile  Strip"  into  lots,  which  were  offered  for  sale 
at  auction,  February  26,  1805.  This  map  is  reproduced  here,  with  the  official 
record  of  sales  of  lots  contiguous  to  the  falls. 


The  Act  of  1803,  also  authorized  the  lease  of  the  Niagara  portage,  between 
Lewiston,  on  the  lower  river  near  Lake  Ontario  and  Fort  Schlosser  on  the 
upper  river,  together  with  the  necessary  land  at  each  end  thereof.  The  com- 
missioners of  the  land  office,  on  December  17,  1804,  announced  that  proposals 
for  such  a  lease  would  be  received  until  March  12,  1805. 

Joseph  Annin  and  Benjamin  Barton  (signing  Jos  Annin  and  Ben  Barton) 
filed  their  proposal  "for  leasing  the  carrying  and  landing  places  on  Niagara 
River  and  the  Ferry  at  Queenstown."  They  offered  to  erect  the  stores  and 
wharves,  and  to  make  the  other  improvements  required  on  the  part  of  the 
state  for  a  lease  of  the  premises  and  privileges  for  the  term  of  twelve  years. 

The  commissioners  of  the  land  office  in  meeting 

proceeded  to  open  the  several  proposals  made  for  leasing  the  old  Carrying  and  Landing 
places  on  the  Niagara  River  with  the  ferry  opposite  to  Queenstown ;  and  it  appearing 
to  the  satisfaction  of  the  Board  that  the  proposals  offered  by  Joseph  Annin  and 
Benjamin  Barton  were  most  advantageous  to  the  interests  of  the  State;  and  they 
having  offered  Peter  B.  Porter  as  their  security:  Thereupon 

Resolved,  that  their  proposals  be  accepted,  and  their  said  security  approved,  and 
that  the  Secretary  prepare  Leases  conformable  to  their  said  proposals  and  to  the  act 



'.  .  Purchasers 

Barent  Sunders  

Barent  Sanders  

Joseph  Annin  

Alexunder  Miller  

John  McBride  

Walter  Stewart  

Alexander  Watson  

John  McBride  

John  McBride   

Hugh  R.  Martin  for  Nuthl  Bunell  . 
Arch'd  Mclntyre  &  John  McDonald 

Alexander  Miller  

Joseph  Annin  

Joseph  Annin  

Joseph  Annin  

Alexunder  Miller  

Alexunder  Miller  

Benjumin  Barton  

Benjamin  Burton  

Benjamin  Burton  

Arch'd  Mclntyre  &  John  McDonald 
Arch'd  Mclntyre  &  John  McDonald 

Benjamin  Barton  

John  Carpenter  

Isaac  Colt  

Alexander  Miller  

Benjamin  Barton  

Arch'd  Mclntyre  &  John  McDonald 

Benjamin  Barton  

Joseph  Alvord  


Per  Acre 

No.  Lot 


$  3.60 













.  35 












39  ' 























































3.37  •/. 









Daniel  Steele  

Arch'd  Mclntyre  Si  John  McDonald 

Jacob  Mancius  

William  Low  

William  Low  

Peter  B.  Porter  

Peter  B.  Porter  for  Leonard  Stevens 
Peter  B.  Porter  tor  August  Porter 
Peter  B.  Porter  tor  August  Porter 

Joseph  Annin  

Joseph  Annin  

Peter  B.  Porter  It  Benjamin  Barton 
Peter  B.  Porter  &  Benjamin  Barton 

John  Osbo 
Isaac  Colt 
John  Osbo 
John  Osbo 
John  Osboi 
Jacob  Gilbert 
Jacob  Gilbert 
James  Ernott  . 
James  Ernott  . 
David  Rogers  . 
Benjamin  Bartni 
Jacob  Gilbert  . 
Jacob  Gilbert  . 
Jacob  Gilbert  . 
Jacob  Gilbert  . 
Jacob  Gilbert  . 

&  Jared' R.  Tyler 

it  Jared  It.  Tyler 
&  Jared  R.  Tyler 
it  Jared  R.  Tyler 


Per  Acre 

A'o.  Lot 




















3.37  % 



3.37  % 



































































Jacob  Gilbert  

Jacob  Gilbert  

David  Rogers  

John  McDonald  &  Arch'd  Mclntyn 

Jacob  Gilbert  

Daniel  Mallon  ....... 

Daniel  Ma 



Daniel  Mallon  

Levi  H.  Palmer  

Levi  H.  Palmer  

William  Stevens  

Beriali  Palmer  

Beriali  Palmer  

William  Ernott  

Matthew  Caldwell  

John  Bird   

Alexander  Stewart  

Matthew  Caldwell  

Wilbelmus  Mynderse  

Arch'd  Mclntyre  &  John  McDonald 
Arch'd  Mclntyre  &  John  McDonald 

Jacob  Gilbert  

Arch'd  Mclntyr 
Arch'd  Mclntyr 

Benjamin  Barton  

Arch'd  Mclntyre  &  John  McDonald 
Arch'd  Mclntyre  &  John  McDonald 

Archibald  Campbell  

Arcbibuld  Campbell  


No.  Lot 


Per  Acre 



































1.57  % 






























108  \ 


109  ( 



110  j 



111  I 


Benjamin  Barton  

George  Van  Slykc  

John  Randel,  Jr  

John  House   

John  Barber  

John  House  

Joseph  Annin  

Constant  Woodworth  

Sevvall  Abbot  

John  Barber  

Thomas  Mumford  

Benjamin  Barton  

Arcii'd  Mclntyre  &  John  McDonald 
John  McDonald,  Arch'd  Mclntyre 
Benjamin  Barber,  Birdsey  Norton 

&  Peter  B.  Porter  

John  McDonald,  Arch'd  Mclntyre 
Benjamin  Barber,  Birdsey  Norton 

&  Peter  B.  Porter  

John  McDonald,  Arch'd  Mclntyre 
Benjamin  Barber,  Birdsey  Norton 

&  Peter  B.  Porter  

John  McDonald,  Arch'd  Mclntyre 
Benjamin  Barber,  Birdsey  Norton 
&  Peter  B.  Porter  

Included  in  the  Village  of  t 
Black  Rock  S 

Per  Acre 


■  An  Indian  grant,  confirmed  by  the  state,  and  100  acres  sold  to  Peter  B.  Porter 

A  Map  of  the  "Mile  Strip" 
Lands  Along  the  Niagara  River 


entitled  "An  Act  for  the  sale  of  the  unappropriated  Lands  and  for  other  purposes" 
passed  the  6th  of  April,  1803. 

The  engrossed  lease,  in  duplicate,  was  approved  and  the  commissioners 
executed  the  same  "on  behalf  of  the  People  of  this  State,"  on  March  16,  1805. 

The  firm  of  Porter,  Barton  &  Company  was  formed  at  this  time,  all  four 
partners,  Augustus  Porter,  Peter  B.  Porter,  Benjamin  Barton  and  Joseph 
Annin  being  present  at  the  bidding,  award  and  signing  of  the  portage  lease, 
which  was  assumed  by  the  new  firm. 

The  land  transport  was  by  Indians,  by  ox-carts  and  by  horse-wagons.  The 
principal  article  of  commerce  was  salt  in  barrels,  received  from  Oswego  on 
Lake  Ontario,  to  be  shipped  westward  from  Buffalo. 


Under  the  authority  of  the  lease,  which  for  all  practical  purposes  was 
without  competition,  Porter,  Barton  &  Company  conducted  the  commerce 
of  the  portage  in  both  directions  by  land  and  by  water,  having  their  own 
vessels,  owned  or  otherwise  controlled,  on  both  Lake  Erie  and  Lake  Ontario. 
This  firm  established  the  first  line  of  transportation  between  New  York  and 
Buffalo,  Cleveland,  and  Pittsburgh,  which  were  distributing  points.  They, 
in  effect,  issued  through  bills  of  lading,  and  made  through  rates,  being  assisted 
in  this  business  by  their  agents  at  Oswego,  Messrs.  Walton  &  Company. 

Porter,  Barton  &  Company  received  freight  from  New  York  at  Oswego, 
on  Lake  Ontario,  where  it  was  loaded  on  their  vessels  and  carried  to  Lewiston. 
There  the  freight  was  transferred  to  the  ox  or  horse  teams  and  carried  over 
the  portage  to  Fort  Schlosser,  about  two  miles  above  the  Great  Falls.  It 
was  there  placed  aboard  their  own  Durham  boats,  that  were  poled  by 
Indians  or  others  up  Niagara  River  to  Black  Rock,  where  the  freight  was 
stored  in  the  warehouses  built  opposite  Squaw  Island,2  for  shipment  in  their 
own  vessels  on  Lake  Erie  to  its  western  destinations.  The  salt  shipments 
westward  amounted  to  from  fifteen  thousand  to  eighteen  thousand  barrels 
annually.  It  is  stated  that  five  thousand  barrels  of  salt  were  at  one  time  at 
Black  Rock  awaiting  vessels  to  load  it  for  transport  west,  primarily  to 

The  charges  for  transportation,  storage  and  ferriage  were  quoted  as 

Seven  shillings  per  barrel,  Lewiston  to  Black  Rock 
Three  shillings  per  barrel,  Schlosser  to  Black  Rock 

1  A  fleet  of  five  boats,  each  carrying  150  barrels  of  salt. 

:  Originally  known  as  Scoy-gu-quides  Island,  near  the  entrance  to  the  Erie  Canal.  A  gift  from  the 
Seneca  Indians  to  their  trusted  interpreter.  Captain  Jasper  Parish,  who,  under  the  authority  of  a 
confirmatory  act  of  the  state  legislature  in  1816,  sold  the  island  in  1823  to  Henry  F.  Penfii-ld. 



Six  shillings  per  cwt.  and  upward  for  other  freight,  Lewiston  to 

Black  Rock 
For  storage  twelve  cents  per  barrel 

For  transportation  across  the  carrying  place  at  the  rate  of  twenty-five 
cents  for  every  cwt. 

An  ox-team  hauled  twelve  barrels,  and  a  two-horse  wagon  carried  seven 
barrels  of  salt. 

Ferriage  at  Queenstown  as  follows : 

Rate  in  Cents 

Man  and  horse   25 

One  horse   121/2 

One  foot  passenger   6 

Wagon  and  two  horses   75 

Additional  horse   10 

Cart  and  oxen   75 

Cattle  per  head   .  12^ 

Sheep  and  hogs   .3 

Sleigh  and  horse   75 

The  War  of  1812  seriously  interfered  with  the  transportation  operations 
of  this  firm.  The  lease  of  the  portage  acquired  by  the  firm  of  Porter,  Barton 
&  Company  expired  by  its  terms  at  the  end  of  twelve  years,  on  March  16,  1817, 
and  was  extended  for  four  years  in  recognition  of  the  forced  suspension  of 
the  business  during  the  war. 


In  1825,  the  Erie  Canal  was  opened  for  its  entire  length  from  Niagara 
River,  near  Squaw  Island,  at  Black  Rock  (Buffalo)  to  the  Hudson  River  at 
Albany,  thus  establishing  an  all-water  route  to  New  York  City.  The  effect 
of  the  canal  in  diverting  traffic  from  the  old  portage  route  through  Niagara 
Falls  and  its  paralyzing  influence  upon  the  business  prospects  have  been 
recounted  in  the  preceding  chapter. 

The  new  transportation  route  by  canal  practically  terminated  the  pioneer 
business  of  the  Porter  Brothers  as  merchants  and  forwarders  and  as  owners  of 
a  system  of  transportation  on  lakes  Erie  and  Ontario  and  over  the  land 
portage  around  the  Great  Falls.  In  their  portage  business  they  are  reported 
as  having  established 

the  first  regular  and  connected  line  of  forwarders  that  ever  did  business  from  tidewater 
to  Lake  Erie  on  the  American  side  of  the  Niagara  River, 

and  of  which  it  has  been  said  it 

never  wanted  in  efficiency  or  in  prompt  and  honorable  dealings. 

Largely  as  a  result  of  their  own  contribution  to  the  westward  advance  of 
the  settlement  of  this  country,  their  portage  transit  was  supplanted  by  the 
Erie  Canal  and,  a  few  years  later,  by  the  growing  network  of  railroads.  They 


Peter  Buet/l  Porter 

Pioneer  Barrister,  1795 
Power  Pioneer  of  Niagara,  1806 
Land  Owner 
General  Commanding  National  Force 
in  War  of  1812 
Honored  by  Congress  and  the  State 
and  City  of  New  York 


had  become  identified  with  the  settlement  of  Niagara,  where  they  were  the 
largest  owners  of  important  tracts  of  real  estate  favorably  located  for  power 
development  and  manufacturing  purposes. 

As  pioneers  in  power  development  the  Porter  Brothers  again  devoted  their 
influences  and  activities  to  the  upbuilding  of  Niagara  as  a  center  of  popula- 
tion and  commerce.  In  this  new  period  of  their  careers  the  great  cataract  was 
to  be  again  the  pivot  of  their  public  lives.  Its  hindrance  to  commerce  had  been 
the  foundation  of  their  business  success;  they  now  saw  their  opportunity  in 
its  vast  undeveloped  power,  which  became  their  hope  for  the  utilization  of 
their  large  landed  estate,  as  well  as  for  the  community  in  which  they  dwelt. 

On  June  24,  1825,  they  issued  their  "Invitation1  to  Eastern  Capitalists," 
the  first  of  their  many  efforts,  to  which  reference  has  already  been  made  in 
Chapter  II,  to  enlist  aid  in  this  great  work. 

Peter  Buell  Porter 

By  Resolution  of  Congress,  November  3,  1814,  a  gold  medal2  was  struck  and  presented  to 
Major-General  Porter  in  testimony  of  the  high  sense  entertained  by  Congress  of  his  gal- 
lantry and  good  conduct  in  the  battles  of  1814:  at  Chippewa,  July  5;  Niagara  (Lundy's 
Lane),  July  25;  Erie,  September  17. 

1  Appendix  C,  Volume  I. 

2  Stolen ;  bronze  replica  struck  for  General  Porter. 







Chapter  IV 



IN  previous  chapters,  references  have  been  made  to  the  many  endeavors 
of  Judge  Augustus  Porter  to  promote  the  development  of  the  power  of 
Niagara's  falling  floods. 


During  January,  1847,  Judge  Porter  issued  a  circular'  addressed  "To 
Capitalists  and  Manufacturers"  offering  a  canal  right-of-way,  approximately 
three-quarters  of  a  mile  long,  extending  diagonally  from  the  river  above  the 
upper  rapids  to  the  edge  of  the  cliff  about  one-half  mile  below  the  falls,  to 
any  persons  who  would  immediately  undertake  the  construction  of  the  canal. 

To  the  circular  was  attached  a  map2  by  P.  Emslie,  dated  December,  1846, 
upon  which  was  located  the  proposed  canal  and  basin. 

While  this  effort  to  interest  capital  did  not  meet  with  immediate  response, 
it  undoubtedly  stimulated  interest  in  the  project  and  in  1852  the  first  serious 
attempt  to  progress  this  plan  was  made. 


Caleb  S.  Woodhull  of  New  York,  and  Walter  Bryant  and  associates,  of 
Boston,  in  1852,  entered  into  a  contract  with  the  heirs  of  Augustus  Porter, 
the  riparian  owners,  for  the  acquisition  of  the  lands  necessary  for  the  intake 
to  the  canal  on  the  upper  river,  the  canal  and  terminal  basin.  The  properties 
acquired  by  the  Woodhull  associates  included:  a  plot  of  land,  with  its 
riparian  rights,  having  a  frontage  of  425  feet  on  the  upper  river  at  the  head 
of  the  canal;  a  right-of-way  for  the  canal,  100  feet  in  width  and  approximately 
4400  feet  in  length;  and  about  45  acres  of  land  at  the  canal  terminus  fronting 
on  the  high  bank  of  the  river  below  the  falls  for  nearly  1  mile. 

The  conveyance  of  land  under  this  contract  included  only  the  lands  to  the 
edge  of  the  high  bank  of  the  Niagara  River  and  did  not  include  the  talus,  or 
slope,  between  the  edge  of  the  high  bank  and  the  river,  and  only  granted  the 
right  to  excavate  down  the  face  of  the  bank  100  feet.  These  limitations  of 
ownership  were  subsequently  removed  and  full  rights  were  acquired  under 
the  Schoellkopf  management  and  ownership  of  1877. 

This  enterprise  was  incorporated  March  19,  1853,  under  the  title  of  the 
Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Company,  popularly  termed  the  "Woodhull 
Project."  The  objects  of  the  company  were  stated  to  be  "for  the  purpose  of 
carrying  on  and  conducting  manufacturing,  chemical  and  mechanical  business 

1  Appendix  C,  Volume  I. 

2  Chapter  II,  page  46. 




First  Waters  from  the  Hydraulic  Canal  Falling  over  the 
"High  Bank,"  Unutilized 

at  the  village  of  Niagara  Falls  by  means  of  water-power  drawn  from  the 
Niagara  River  immediately  above  the  falls,"  and  for  the  construction  of  a 
navigable  hydraulic  canal  with  its  gates,  bridges,  wharves  and  other  appur- 
tenances. A  printed  prospectus,  in  pamphlet  form,  with  two  maps,  was  issued 
bearing  the  date  of  1853. 

The  board  of  trustees  comprised : 

Walter  Bryant  Caleb  S.  Woodhull  Stephen  M.  Allen 

Daniel  Badger  Alfred  Ashfield  William  Cockcraft 

Abram  Wakeman 

and  the  officers  were : 

President :  Caleb  S.  Woodhull,1  of  New  York  City 
Secretary :  Ezra  S.  King 
Agent:  Walter  Bryant,  of  Boston 
Chief  Engineer:  Charles  Whitney 
1  Mayor  of  the  city  of  New  York,  1849-1850. 




First  Utilization  of  the  Hydraulic  Canal  Falling  over  the  "High  Bank,"  by  the 
Gaskill  Flouring  Mill,  Using  only  25  Feet  of  the  210  Feet  Available 

The  entire  capital  of  $500,000  was  paid  in,  according  to  the  evidence  said 
to  have  been  duly  filed  with  the  clerk  of  Niagara  County.  A  certificate  issued 
for  shares,  showing  the  signatures  of  the  president  and  secretary,  is  shown 
on  page  G8. 

An  issue  of  $200,000  5-year  seven  per  cent  convertible  bonds  was  made  in 
November,  1853,  in  the  denomination  of  $500,  "secured  by  a  first  mortgage 
on  the  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Canal  and  the  lands,  appendages  and  appur- 
tenances thereunto  belonging,"  upon  the  condition  that  no  other  bonds  should 
be  issued  until  after  all  this  issue  of  bonds  had  been  paid  and  cancelled. 

The  bonds  were  certified  by  Thomas  McElrath,  trustee  of  the  mortgage. 




Manufactories  of  the  Lower  Milling  District  on  the  "High  Bank"  Served  by  the 
Hydraulic  Canal,  No  Wheel  Using  the  Full  Head 

1  Central  Milling  Company 

2  Niagara  Wood  Paper  Company 

3  Schoellkopf  $  Mathews  Flour  Mill 

4  Pettebone  Pulp  Mill 

5  Charles  B.  Oaskill  Flouring  Mill 

6  Niagara  Falls  City  Water  Works 

7  Cliff  Paper  Company  (first  use  of  water, 
75  ft.  head) 

8  Cliff  Paper  Company,  Lower  Mill  (second 
use  of  water,  125  ft.  head ) 

9  Oneida  Community  Mill 

Stephen  M.  Allen1  at  this  time  took  a  financial  interest  in  the  undertaking, 
which  he  had  declined  six  years  before,  becoming  one  of  the  original  party 
of  four  who  commenced  excavations.  Ground  was  broken  in  1853  and  the 

1  Stephen  M.  Allen,  self-described  as  an  "old-fashioned  engineer,"  of  Boston,  was  acquainted  with  the 
Porter  family  and  was  familiar  with  the  primitive  methods  of  using  water-power  at  Niagara  by  wooden 
overshot  wheels  in  a  loop  canal,  or  raceway,  paralleling  the  river  along  the  upper  rapids,  and  operating 
under  very  low  heads.  From  183.5,  Mr.  Allen  had  experience  in  the  utilization  of  water-power  by  manu- 
facturers and  in  the  building  of  mills,  machinery  and  canals.  In  1847,  he  submitted  to  Judge  Porter  a 
sketch  plan  for  the  hydraulic  canal  project  embodying  the  wheel-pit  development  of  power.  In  1884 
Mr.  Allen  stated,  "Judge  Porter  made  me  a  proposition  to  give  me  the  canal  and  certain  lands  if  I 
would  build  it,  which  I  declined." 




The  Great  Schoellkopf  Electrical  Power-plant  at  the  Foot  of  the 
"High  Bank"  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  Sending 
Power  to  Hundreds  of  Thousands  of  Users 

work  of  excavation  was  carried  on  for  about  sixteen  months,  when  it  was 
suspended  for  lack  of  funds. 

The  plan  of  power  development  was  described  as  a  hydraulic  canal  70  feet 
in  width  and  10  feet  in  depth,  commencing  on  the  Niagara  River  about  half  a 
mile  above  the  rapids,  and  extending  4500  feet  to  a  point  on  the  bluff,  about 
one-fourth  of  a  mile  below  the  falls,  to  its  terminal  in  a  basin,  from  which  the 
waters  discharged  over  a  perpendicular  bank  about  210  feet  high.  The 
property  rights  acquired  comprised  ( 1 )  about  80  acres  on  the  level  plain  or 
plateau  below  the  falls,  for  manufacturing  sites,  extending  about  1  mile  on 
and  along  the  high  bank  of  the  river,  (2)  1100  feet  of  water  front  for  wharf 
purposes,  above  the  falls,  opposite  Grass  Island,  and  (3)  a  strip  of  land  100 
feet  wide  for  the  canal,  the  whole  situated  within  the  limits  of  the  village  of 
Niagara  Falls,  as  will  be  seen  by  reference  to  the  map  on  page  46.  "All  these 
lands,"  it  was  claimed,  "including  their  water-privileges  and  other  advantages, 
together  with  the  exclusive  right  to  construct  the  proposed  canal,  were 



purchased  by  the  company  for  the  sum  of  $550,000,  and  are  now  absolutely 
owned  by  them."  The  Porter  families  are  understood  to  have  granted  much  of 
the  right-of-way  for  the  canal. 

The  excavation  for  the  canal  in  limestone  rock  and  the  advantages  of  the 
canal  in  overcoming  the  danger  from  anchor  ice  were  mentioned  as  features 
of  the  plan. 

The  population  of  the  village  of  Niagara  Falls  in  1853  was  probably  less 
than  2000,  and  there  were  but  few  structures  on  the  line  of  the  canal,  as  it  was 
located  inland  from  the  improvements  that  were  then  established  near  the 
river,  in  view  of  the  rapids  of  the  falls. 

Charles  H.  Bigelow,  chief  engineer  of  the  hydraulic  works  at  Lawrence, 
Massachusetts,  described  in  1853  several  patterns  of  water-wheels  that  he 
thought  useful  in  developing  the  power  at  the  manufacturing  sites  on  the 
bluff.  "More  especially  the  turbine,"  he  wrote,  "is  admirably  adapted  to  this 
object;  a  wheel  of  this  kind,  which  is  about  13  inches  in  diameter,  is  now  work- 
ing in  France  under  a  fall  of  354  feet  and  driving  a  factory  of  8000  spindles." 


The  prospectus  of  1853  called  attention  to  the  following  as  some  of  the  ad- 
vantages of  the  location : 

1.  No  less  than  six  railroads,  all  centering  at  this  point,  are  now  (1853)  completed  or 

in  course  of  construction. 

2.  A  commodious  harbor  may  easily  be  made  at  the  entrance  of  the  projected  canal ;  as 

a  reef  of  rocks,  over  which  there  is  only  3  feet  depth  of  water,  stretches  out  from 
the  river  bank  just  below  that  point,  to  an  island  (Grass)  directly  opposite 
extending  some  distance  above  it,  therewith  forming  a  natural  barrier,  which, 
at  no  great  expense,  may  be  rendered  a  complete  breakwater.  The  wharves  of 
the  company  will  thus  become  safely  accessible  from  Buffalo  by  vessels  of  the 
largest  class ;  and  canal  boats,  passing  through  the  canal  into  the  basin,  will 
receive  and  discharge  their  freights  at  the  very  doors  of  the  factories. 

3.  The  proximity  of  the  city  of  Buffalo  is  of  itself  sufficient  to  secure  to  it  (Niagara) 

inestimable  advantages  as  a  manufacturing  center. 

4.  Its  attractiveness  as  a  watering  place  will  continue  undiminished ;  for  the  proposed 

situation  of  the  factories  is  such  as  to  preclude  the  possibility  of  their  detract- 
ing in  the  least  from  the  grandeur  of  the  cataract. 

5.  The  celebrity  which  now  attaches  to  the  place,  as  the  possessor  of  the  sublimest  of 

nature's  works,  will  not  be  lessened  when  it  shall  be  one  of  the  great  workshops 
of  the  world,  sending  forth  daily  the  wonderful  creations  of  human  industry 
and  skill. 

This  company  did  not  meet  with  success.  The  cost  of  construction  largely 
exceeded  the  estimates,  and  the  capital  available  was  insufficient  to  carry  the 
construction  to  the  production  of  income. 




In  1856,  the  name  of  the  company  was  changed  to  Niagara  Falls  Water 
Power  Company  and  the  following  named  directors  and  officers  were  elected: 


Stephen  M.  Allen         James  S.  Greene  John  Fisk 

Horace  H.  Day  Alexander  Hay  Parkhurst  Whitney 

James  Waldron 


President:  Stephen  M.  Allen 

Vice-president  and  Treasurer :  Horace  H.  Day 
Superintendent:  Alexander  Hay 
Hydraulic  Engineer:  L.  M.  Wright 

This  company,  known  as  the  "Day  Company"  under  its  new  owners  and 
management,  acquired  a  moderate  amount  of  additional  capital,  provided 
by  Stephen  M.  Allen,  who  took  full  charge  of  the  construction  work  until 
about  1860,  when  the  control  of  the  company  was  purchased  by  Horace  H. 
Day.  The  entrance  and  river  portions  of  the  canal  were  completed  in  the 
spring  of  1857.  This  condition  was  celebrated  on  July  4, 1857,  as  the  "occasion 
of  the  opening  of  navigation  to  Niagara  Falls,"  when  three  steamers,  the 
pioneers  in  opening  steam  navigation  from  Lake  Erie  to  Niagara  Falls,  came 
in  procession  to  the  mouth  of  the  canal,  then  and  now  called  Port  Day.  Water 
was  allowed  to  pass  through  the  canal  for  the  first  time  on  that  day.  The  ex- 
cavations permitting,  commercial  use  was  inaugurated  the  following  year  on 
the  4th  of  July,  1858,  but  the  canal,  as  then  projected,  was  not  completed 
until  1862.  1Q-A 


Since  the  company  was  unable  to  raise  the  additional  money  after  the  ex- 
penditure, it  was  reported,  of  nearly  $300,000  in  the  work  on  the  canal,  the 
property  was  sold  in  1860  to  Horace  H.  Day,  who  reorganized  the  company 
under  the  title  of  Niagara  Falls  Canal  Company  and  raised  considerable 
money,  which  was  expended  mainly  in  blasting  the  rock  for  what  is  now  known 
as  the  hydraulic  canal  from  Port  Day. 

During  the  succeeding  seventeen  years,  Mr.  Day  and  his  associates  con- 
tinued, from  time  to  time,  the  excavation  of  the  canal,  and  it  was  claimed  in 
the  spring  of  1877  that  the  canal  had  been  completed  1  mile  long,  cut  through 
rock,  with  a  capacity  of  about  27,000  horse-power.  To  carry  the  enterprise 
to  this  point,  the  owners  had  been  obliged  to  borrow  money  and  to  secure  the 
same  by  mortgage  upon  the  property.  In  addition  to  the  lands,  water-rights 



and  mill-sites  contributed  by  the  Porter  heirs,  the  total  cash  capital  provided 
for  construction  work,  in  the  water-power  development  from  Port  Day,  by 
canal  to  the  basin  and  mill-sites  below  the  falls,  between  the  years  1853  and 

1876,  has  been  estimated  at  more  than  $800,000  by  successive  promoters  who 
failed  in  their  efforts  because  of  inability  to  provide  the  capital  required  for 
the  completion  of  their  respective  undertakings,  as  well  as  lack  of  demand  for 
hydraulic  power  for  manufacturing  uses. 

Mr.  Day  stated  that  he  had  made  every  effort  to  protect  the  company's 
credit  and  had  expended  his  entire  fortune  on  the  project.  He  had,  however, 
been  unable  to  raise  any  more  money.  The  company  had  exhausted  its  re- 
sources and  credit  before  the  canal  could  be  sufficiently  extended  to  justify 
lessees  in  the  construction  of  manufactories. 


The  company  having  failed  to  meet  the  interest  maturing  upon  its  bonds, 
its  mortgage  was  foreclosed  and  its  entire  property  sold  at  auction,  May  1, 

1877,  for  $71,000,  the  purchaser  being  Jacob  F.  Schoellkopf ,  and  associates,  of 
Buffalo.  In  a  settlement  of  accounts  with  Mr.  Day,  a  further  payment  of 
$5000  was  made,  making  the  total  cost  of  the  property  to  the  purchasers, 
$76,000.  This  property  consisted  of  the  inlet  from  the  Niagara  River,  called 
Port  Day,  the  unfinished  canal  and  the  water-rights  pertaining  thereto,  and 
about  45  acres  of  land  on  the  cliff  that  have  since  been  largely  utilized  for  the 
canals  and  forebays  of  the  manufacturing  properties  constructed  there  and 
operated  by  the  water-power. 

Much  satisfaction  was  expressed  by  citizens  of  the  village  of  Niagara  Falls 
at  the  purchase  of  this  hydraulic  property  by  Mr.  Schoellkopf,  who  was  recog- 
nized as  a  progressive  and  successful  merchant  and  manufacturer  of  Buffalo. 
As  practical  business  men,  he  and  his  subsequent  associates,  with  the  courage 
of  their  convictions  and  the  means  to  develop  the  power  and  the  community 
of  Niagara  as  they  conceived  it  possible  and  profitable,  were  hailed  as  a  favor- 
able omen  of  progress  and  success  for  Niagara  power.  An  old  property  owner 
declared  when  the  sale  was  announced,  "Now  we  can  add  a  hundred  dollars 
to  the  price  of  every  lot." 


Prior  to  the  purchase  of  the  canal  properties  by  the  Schoellkopf  associates, 
the  first  and  only  use  that  had  been  made  of  this  water-power  was  in  the  flour- 
ing mill  established  in  1875  by  Charles  B.  Gaskill.  This  was  the  first  mill  built 
upon  the  hydraulic  canal  basin,  on  the  high  bank  below  the  falls. 



It  should  be  remembered  that  the  early  developments  upon  the  hydraulic 
canal  basin  at  Niagara  Falls  were  begun  before  the  engineers  and  the  manu- 
facturers dared  to  design  and  to  build  water-wheels  for  use  under  such  high 
heads  as  were  here  available.  Therefore,  shafts,  or  pits,  were  sunk  only  to  such 
depths,  into  the  rock  near  the  edge  of  the  cliff,  as  were  considered  safe  for  the 
operation  of  the  water-wheels  then  made.  Turbines  were  first  built  of  wood, 
later  of  wood  and  sheet  iron,  and  still  later  bronze  and  steel  were  utilized. 

The  Gaskill  mill  employed  a  head  of  but  25  feet,  thus  utilizing  less  than  one- 
eighth  of  the  potential  energy  of  the  falling  water  from  the  upper  to  the  lower 
river  levels.  Water  was  brought  from  the  canal  basin  first  through  wooden 
flumes,  later  through  iron  tubes,  to  the  turbines  located  at  the  bottom  of  the 
shafts.  After  passing  through  the  wheel,  the  water  escaped  through  short  tail- 
race  tunnels  which  discharged  from  the  face  of  the  cliff  into  the  gorge  below. 

Reference  to  the  illustration  on  page  71  will  indicate  how  inefficiently  these 
early  developments  used  water,  in  the  light  of  present-day  knowledge  and 


The  new  proprietors  about  this  time  issued  an  undated  prospectus1  headed 
"Niagara  Falls  Canal  Company"  and  bearing  the  names  of  J.  F.  Schoellkopf, 
A.  M.  Chesbrough,  Stephen  M.  Allen  and  Miles  Standish  and  offering  for 
sale  on  reasonable  and  accommodating  terms  one  hundred  mill  and  factory 
sites  and  three  hundred  cottage  lots.  The  description  of  the  canal  contained 
in  this  circular  indicated  the  size  and  capacity  of  the  canal  then  to  be  at  its 
mouth  66  feet  in  width  and  11  feet  in  depth.  The  average  width  of  the  main 
section  of  the  canal  was  given  as  22  feet,  and  the  average  depth  as  10  feet. 

Reference  was  made  in  detail  to  the  facilities  for  the  transportation  of 
freight  both  by  land  and  water,  to  the  remarkably  low  taxation,  and  to  the 
costs  of  living  that  were  less  at  Niagara  than  in  most  manufacturing  districts. 
The  sites  for  manufacturing,  it  was  stated, 

will  be  sold  low  according  to  location  and  size  and  the  water  at  one  thousand  dollars  per 
square  foot  of  open  weir  surface  at  the  head  of  the  canal  and  the  opening  in  the  gates 
below  to  correspond  in  size  to  the  square  of  water  purchased. 

It  was  estimated  that  a  square  foot  of  water  at  the  entrance  of  the  canal,  which 
would  be  one  six  hundred  and  sixtieth  part  of  the  whole  inflow  of  water,  with 
a  velocity  of  2y2  feet  per  second,  would  give  41.67  horse-power,  "a  much  more 
liberal  estimate  for  loss  of  power  upon  water-wheels  than  is  generally 
allowed,"  so  the  prospectus  claimed. 

1  Appendix  C,  Volume  I. 




A  new  company  was  incorporated  by  Mr.  Schoellkopf  in  1878  under  the 
Business  Corporation  Law  (Chapter  611)  of  1875,  under  the  name  of  The 
Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and  Manufacturing  Company.  This  com- 
pany acquired  the  canal  property. 

In  this  corporation  Mr.  Schoellkopf  associated  with  himself  George  B. 
Mathews,  of  Buffalo,  with  whom  Mr.  Schoellkopf  had  been  associated  in  the 
milling  business,  and  also  his  son,  Arthur  Schoellkopf,  who  took  up  his  resi- 
dence in  Niagara  Falls  and  became  the  active  manager  of  the  hydraulic 
property,  in  which  capacity  he  continued  to  act  until  his  death  in  1913. 


Following  the  acquisition  of  the  property  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic 
Power  and  Manufacturing  Company,  the  canal  was  improved  and  enlarged 
from  time  to  time.  The  development  of  the  property  was  inaugurated  by  the 
prompt  erection  by  the  firm  of  Schoellkopf  and  Mathews,  between  the  canal 
and  the  top  of  the  cliff,  of  a  large  flouring  mill  having  a  capacity  of  1200 
barrels  of  flour  a  day,  and  operated  by  22  run  of  stones  until  1881,  when 
power  for  rollers  was  obtained  from  two  "American"  cast-iron  turbine  wheels 
producing  900  horse-power  under  a  50-foot  head  of  water  that  was  discharged 
down  the  bank  150  feet  to  the  river  below.  The  Schoellkopf  and  Mathews 
mill  was  shortly  afterwards  followed  by  another  flouring  mill  constructed 
northerly  of  the  other  mill  by  substantially  the  same  Schoellkopf  interests, 
but  under  the  name  of  Central  Milling  Company,  using  the  water  under  a 
head  of  80  feet. 

The  paper  industry  was  the  next  manufacturing  interest  to  utilize  the  canal 
water  as  its  source  of  power.  This  naturally  attracted  and  promoted  the  loca- 
tion of  wood  pulp  factories  and  the  manufacture  of  paper  products. 


Under  the  stimulating  example  of  Jacob  F.  Schoellkopf  and  his  associates, 
other  industries  availed  of  the  water-power  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic 
Power  and  Manufacturing  Company,  known  as  the  "Schoellkopf"  or  "hy- 
draulic" company. 

The  officers  of  this  company  in  1882  were: 

President :  Jacob  F.  Schoellkopf 
Vice-president :  William  D.  Olmsted 
Secretary  and  Treasurer:  Arthur  Schoellkopf 



The  directors,  in  addition  to  these  officers,  were: 
George  B.  Mathews 
James  Frazer  Gluck 

In  1882,  the  following  named  industries  were  using  power  furnished  by  the 

"hydraulic"  company: 

Title                                          Industry  Horse-power 

Charles  B.  Gaskill  Flour  Mill  100 

Schoellkopf  and  Mathews  Flour  Mill  900 

Niagara  Wood  Paper  Company  Pulp  Mill  300 

Cataract  Manufacturing  Company  Pulp  Mill  1000 

J.  F.  Quigley  Pulp  Mill  250 

Oneida  Community,  Ltd.  Silver  Plating  150 

Suspension  Bridge  Village  Water  Works  25 

Total  power  2725  h-p. 


Some  time  after  this  period  the  company  announced  its  progress  as  follows: 
^Ve  are  furnishing  over  8000  horse-power. 

We  have  just  completed  the  enlargement  of  our  hydraulic  canal,  cut  through  solid 
rock,  and  we  are  now  ready  to  furnish  40,000  horse-power  under  a  head  of  from  100  to 
200  feet.  Without  question  this  power  will  be  constant  and  reliable  in  every  way. 

We  call  your  special  attention  to  our  latest  development  of  power  at  the  Cliff  Paper 
Mill,  using  the  water  a  second  time  under  a  head  of  120  feet,  and  invite  inspection. 

In  the  examination  in  1881  of  titles  and  values  of  the  property  and  rights 
about  to  be  acquired  by  the  State  of  New  York  for  its  Niagara  reservation, 
the  commissioners  of  appraisement  held  that  "Niagara  River'  is  a  public 
stream  and  its  bed  and  waters  belong  to  the  State."  The  question  of  the  com- 
pany's riparian  rights  against  the  state  was  brought,  in  1894,  before  the  New 
York  State  Constitutional  Convention.  In  1895,  the  Attorney-General  of 
the  state  rendered  an  opinion  to  the  commissioners  of  the  Niagara  State 
Reservation  adverse  to  the  contentions  of  the  company  in  respect  to  the  right 
of  the  state  to  interfere  with  or  prohibit  the  company's  use  of  water. 

By  an  act  of  the  legislature  of  the  State  of  New  York,  Chapter  968,  laws 
of  1896,  the  right  of  the  company 

to  take,  draw,  use  and  lease  and  sell  to  others  to  use  the  waters  of  Niagara  River  for 
domestic,  municipal,  manufacturing,  fire  and  sanitary  purposes,  and  to  develop  power 

was  recognized,  declared  and  confirmed. 

For  the  first  time  the  power  of  the  Great  Falls  was  successfully  utilized, 
the  manufacturing  enterprises  and  the  "hydraulic"  company  were  profitable, 

1  See  Chapter  VI,  "State  Reservation  at  Niagara." 



the  population  of  the  village  of  Niagara  Falls  increased  and  its  prospects 
were  recognized  as  attractive,  as  an  industrial  as  well  as  a  scenic  center. 


In  1881,  the  first  hydro-electric  generating  station  was  established  on  the 
hydraulic  basin  to  supply  electricity  for  commercial  purposes.  This  station 
was  located  in  what  was  then  known  as  Quigley's  Mill,  later  the  Cliff  Paper 
Comj>any's  Mill.  In  this  station  there  were  installed  water-wheels  operating 
under  a  head  of  about  86  feet.  These  wheels  operated  the  paper  mill,  several 
small  factories  and  an  arc  light  machine  owned  by  the  Brush  Electric  Light 
and  Power  Company,  which  concern  had  been  organized  in  November,  1881, 
by  Jacob  P.  Schoellkopf,  George  B.  Mathews,  W.  D.  Olmsted,  Arthur 
Schoellkopf  and  Benjamin  Rhodes.  The  December  14,  1881,  issue  of  the 
Gazette,  Niagara  Falls'  weekly  newspaper,  said: 

No  sooner  was  the  announcement  made  through  the  columns  of  the  Gazette  that  an 
electric  light  company  had  been  formed  in  the  village  for  the  purpose  of  supplying  our 
stores  and  manufacturers  with  light,  than  applications  began  to  pour  in,  and  the  com- 
pany has  been  busy  filling  the  orders.  This  evening  (Wednesday,  December  14,  1881),  the 
company  will  furnish  light  for  the  Schoellkopf  and  Mathews  grist-mill,  J.  Quigley's  pulp 
mill,  Oneida  Community  Building,  Marr  &  Duff's  dry  goods  store,  H.  E.  Griffith's  drug 
store,  S.  Hirsch's  dry  goods  store,  and  the  Gazette  office. 

The  first  arc-light  machine  installed  in  this  electrical  development  weighed 
2250  pounds  and  delivered  sufficient  electricity  to  operate  sixteen  2000  candle- 
power  open  arc  lamps  which  were  used  to  furnish  street  and  store  service. 
This  use  of  hydraulic  power,  converted  into  electric  light,  was  the  first  public 
distribution  of  electricity  at  Niagara  Falls,  and  it  stimulated  interest  in  the 
development  of  power  in  general  at  Niagara. 

In  1886,  The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and  Manufacturing  Com- 
pany secured  a  deed  for  the  slope  or  strip  of  land  between  the  high  bank  and 
the  lower  river,  that  was  not  included  in  the  original  grants  acquired  from  the 
Porter  family.  The  value  of  this  strip  for  every  purpose  in  the  development 
and  use  of  power  was  thus  early  recognized. 


By  an  examination  of  the  view  of  the  "Milling  District,"  in  1893,  on  page  72, 
it  will  be  noticed  that  in  no  instance  was  the  power  fully  utilized,  or  even  half 
used,  as  the  available  fall  was  about  210  feet,  while  the  water-wheels  were  in- 
stalled at  a  comparatively  short  distance  down  the  cliff,  the  earliest  of  iron, 
at  25  and  50  feet,  and  subsequent  wheels,  of  iron  and  bronze,  under  greater 





During  1895  and  1896  The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and  Manu- 
facturing Company  constructed  its  Power  Station  Number  Two'  at  the 
water's  edge  in  the  gorge,  designed  to  use  water  under  the  full  available  head 
of  210  feet.  In  the  first  section  of  this  station  were  installed  four  double  dis- 
charge turbines,  built  by  James  Leffel  &  Company,  of  Springfield,  Ohio. 
These  four  turbines  had  a  total  capacity  of  6850  horse-power,  and  were  sup- 
plied with  water  through  an  8-foot  diameter  steel  penstock  extending  from 
the  forebay  at  the  top  of  the  cliff  to  the  power-house  below. 

The  first  section  of  the  full  head  development  proved  so  successful  that  two 
more  sections  were  immediately  added,  making  a  station  170  feet  long  by  100 
feet  wide,  of  fire-proof  construction  being  built  entirely  of  stone  and  steel. 
The  equipment  of  the  completed  station  consisted  of  fifteen  turbines,  the 
capacities  of  fourteen  of  them  ranging  from  1600  to  3500  horse-power,  the 
combined  output  capacity  being  34,000  horse-power.  The  turbines  of  the  two 
sections  of  Power  Station  Number  Two  last  built  received  their  supply  of 
water  through  steel  penstocks  11  feet  in  diameter.  In  respect  to  the  power 
capacity,  these  penstocks  were  then  the  largest  in  the  world. 

In  the  light  of  present  central  station  practise,  it  is  interesting  to  review  in 
brief  detail  the  installations  made  in  Hydraulic  Station  Number  Two. 

Not  only  was  it  possible  in  this  station  to  utilize  the  full  effective  drop  of  210 
feet  between  the  head  of  the  upper  rapids  and  the  Maid-of-the-Mist  pool  below 
the  cataracts,  but  it  was  also  possible  to  use  horizontal  shafts  directly  connect- 
ing turbines  and  generators  which  practically  eliminated  all  bearing  troubles. 

To  each  turbine  was  attached  two  or  more  generators.  The  Pittsburgh 
Reduction  Company  (now  the  Aluminum  Company  of  America)  received 
the  output  of  six  560-kilowatt,  eight  750-kilowatt  and  four  1000-kilowatt 
generators,  delivering  direct  current  at  300  volts.  These  eighteen  generators 
were  all  of  Westinghouse  design  and  manufacture,  and  aggregated  13,360 
kilowatts  or  about  18,000  horse-power. 

The  National  Electrolytic  Company,  engaged  in  the  electrolytic  manufac- 
ture of  chlorate  of  potash,  2500  horse-power,  taking  the  output  of  one  200-kilo- 
watt,  135-volt,  direct-current,  and  two  875-kilowatt,  175-volt,  direct-current 
generators;  all  designed  and  produced  by  the  General  Electric  Company. 

The  Acker  Process  Company  utilized  an  aggregate  of  3800  electrical  horse- 
power delivered  in  the  form  of  direct  current  at  325  volts  by  three  1000- 
kilowatt,  3100  ampere,  General  Electric  generators. 

1  Since  abandoned. 



One  turbine  drove  two  560-kilowatt,  550-volt,  direct-current  generators  of 
General  Electric  make.  One  of  these  generators  carried  a  commercial  load, 
supplying  current  to  about  fifty  small  users  of  power.  The  other  generator 
carried  a  railway  load,  for  the  operation  of  the  Niagara  Gorge  Railroad.1  A 
booster  with  a  range  of  300  amperes  was  attached,  and  in  circuit  with  the 
Youngstown  and  Lewiston  electric  railroad  14  miles  distant  from  the  power- 

Two  1000-kilowatt,  11,000-volt,  3-phase  alternators,  manufactured  by  the 
Bullock  Manufacturing  Company,  supplied  25-cycle  current  for  transmis- 
sion to  customers  located  at  various  distances  up  to  2  miles.  One  700-kilowatt, 
2200-volt,  single-phase  alternator  made  by  the  Walker  Manufacturing  Com- 
pany was  operated  for  the  Buffalo  and  Niagara  Falls  Electric  Light  and 
Power  Company  which  company  was  the  distributing  agent  of  Niagara 
power  for  commercial  and  municipal  lighting  in  the  city  of  Niagara  Falls. 

It  is  interesting  now  to  note  that  of  the  total  capacity  of  Hydraulic  Station 
Number  Two,  amounting  to  34,000  horse-power,  approximately  90  per  cent 
was  used  for  generating  direct  current,  and  but  10  per  cent  for  alternating 
current.  Today,  the  ratio  is  reversed,  slightly  more  than  90  per  cent  of  the 
system  output  being  alternating  current. 

The  "hydraulic"  company  began  the  building  of  its  Station  Number  Three- A 
in  1903  and  completed  it  in  1913.  The  equipment  consisted  of  thirteen  double- 
runner,  300  r.p.m.,  10.000  horse-power  turbines  and  two  single-runner,  500 
r.p.m.,  1000  horse-power  turbines,  all  horizontal  shafts,  furnishing  mechan- 
ical energy  for  the  operation  of  generators.  These  turbines  all  operated  under 
an  effective  head  of  210  feet.  The  electrical  equipment  of  this  station  was 
made  up  of  eight  8000-kilowatt,  12,000-volt,  3-phase,  25-cycle;  two  1000- 
kilowatt,  2200-volt,  3-phase,  25-cycle;  and  ten  3500-kilowatt,  550-volt 
direct-current  generators.  The  ten  direct-current  generators  were  connected 
to  five  water-wheel  shafts,  two  generators  to  one  shaft.  The  total  rated  in- 
stalled capacity  of  Station  Number  Three-A  was  132,000  horse-power.2 


Jacob  Frederick  Schoellkopf  located  his  home  and  business  in  Buffalo  in 
1844,  where  as  a  leather  manufacturer  he  became  one  of  the  successful  men  of 
that  community.  After  his  purchase  in  1877  of  the  hydraulic  canal  at  Niagara 
Falls,  and  the  transfer  of  the  canal  property  to  The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic 

1  The  Niagara  Gorge  Railroad  was  purchased  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  during  January, 

2  For  table  showing  installed  rated  capacity  of  later  Schoellkopf  installations,  see  Appendix  P, 
Volume  II. 


Jacob  Frederick  Schoellkopf 

Born  in  Kirchheim,  Germany 
November  15,  1819 

Died  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 
September  15,  1899 

Founder  in  1877  of 
The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and 
Manufacturing  Company 

Whose  Foresight  and  Courage  Laid 
the  Foundation  for  the  Power  Development 
at  Niagara  Falls 


Power  and  Manufacturing  Company  in  1878,  he  became  its  president,  an 
office  he  held  until  his  death,  September  15,  1899. 

His  life  was  one  of  industry,  courage  and  patience,  and  his  enterprises 
testified  to  his  forethought.  He  succeeded  where  others  had  failed. 

The  industries  he  established  in  the  utilization  of  the  waters  of  Niagara  con- 
stitute a  monument  to  his  leadership  and  influence  in  the  upbuilding  of  the 
city  of  Niagara  Falls,  and  in  the  commerce  of  that  community. 

His  will  expresses  his  confidence  in  the  future  of  the  hydraulic  company 
by  the  provision  that  the  interests  he  bequeathed  should  not  be  sold  for  a 
period  of  years  after  his  death. 

Upon  Mr.  Schoellkopf 's  death  in  1899,  George  B.  Mathews  of  Buffalo 
became  president  of  the  hydraulic  company,  and  Arthur  Schoellkopf,  of 
Niagara  Falls,  continued  as  the  active  manager  of  the  property.  The  suc- 
cessful development  of  the  properties  of  the  company  continuously  pro- 
gressed under  the  guidance  of  Mr.  Mathews  and  Mr.  Schoellkopf,  until  the 
death  of  Arthur  Schoellkopf  in  1913  and  the  retirement  of  Mr.  Mathews  in 
1914.  Thereafter  the  management  of  the  property  devolved  upon  several 
members  of  the  family  of  Jacob  F.  Schoellkopf,  Sr.  Among  those  most  active 
therein  were  Jacob  F.  Schoellkopf  (his  son),  the  present  chairman  of  the 
board  of  directors  of  the  consolidated  company;  Paul  A.  Schoellkopf,  the 
present  president  of  the  consolidated  company,  son  of  Arthur  Schoellkopf, 
and  grandson  of  the  first  Jacob  F.  Schoellkopf;  and  Alfred  H.  Schoellkopf, 
vice-president  of  the  consolidated  company,  another  grandson  of  the  first 
Jacob  F.  Schoellkopf,  and  the  son  of  C.  P.  Hugo  Schoellkopf,  who  has  also 
for  many  years  been  active  in  the  affairs  of  the  hydraulic  company  and  the 
consolidated  company. 




The  project  of  a  short  hydraulic  canal  to  a  forebay  on  the  bluff  proposed 
by  Stephen  M.  Allen  in  1847  to  Judge  Augustus  Porter,  passed  into  the 
ownership  of  various  companies  under  the  following  successive  titles : 

1853 — Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Company 
known  as  the  "Woodhull  project." 

1856 — Niagara  Falls  Water  Power  Company 
known  as  the  "Day"  company. 

1860 — Niagara  Falls  Canal  Company 
known  as  the  "Day"  company. 

1878 — The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and  Manufacturing  Company 

known  as  the  "hydraulic"  canal, 
or  "Schoellkopf"  company. 

1909-1910 — Hydraulic  Power  Company  of  Niagara  Falls 
Cliff  Electrical  Distributing  Company 
known  as  the  "Schoellkopf"  companies. 

1918 — The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  mcmxviii 

known  as  the  "consolidated"  company,  under  the  control  and  manage- 
ment of  the  Schoellkopf  family  and  their  associates. 



1856-1913  ' 




For  three  generations  the  Schoellkopf  family  have 
been  engaged  in  power  development  at  Niagara 
Falls,  the  first  Jacob  F.  Schoellkopf  having 
founded  The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and 
Manufacturing  Company  in  1877,  and  having  con- 
tinued as  president  of  this  company  and  its  suc- 
cessor, the  Hydraulic  Power  Company  of  Niagara 
Falls,  until  his  death  in  1899.  The  record  of  his 
sons  and  grandsons  follows:  Jacob  F.  Schoellkopf, 

II,  son  of  Jacob  F.,  I,  president,  Hydraulic  Power 
Company  of  Niagara  Falls,  1914  to  1918 ;  chairman, 
board  of  directors  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power 
Company,  1918  to  date;  chairman,  board  of  di- 
rectors of  Buffalo,  Niagara  and  Eastern  Power 
Corporation,  1925  to  date;  Jacob  F.  Schoellkopf, 

III,  son  of  Jacob  F.,  II,  director  of  The  Niagara 
Falls  Power  Company,  1918  to  date;  director, 
Buffalo,  Niagara  and  Eastern  Power  Corporation, 
1925  to  date;  Arthur  Schoellkopf,  son  of  Jacob 

F.,  I,  secretary  and  treasurer,  The  Niagara  Falls 
Hydraulic  Power  and  Manufacturing  Company, 
and  its  successor,  the  Hydraulic  Power  Company 
of  Niagara  Falls,  1877  to  1913;  Paul  A.  Schoell- 
kopf, son  of  Arthur,  vice-president,  Hydraulic 
Power  Company  of  Niagara  Falls,  1913-1918; 
president,  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  1919 
to  date;  president,  Buffalo,  Niagara  and  Eastern 
Power  Corporation,  1925  to  date;  C.  P.  Hugo 
Schoellkopf,  son  of  Jacob  F.,  I,  vice-president,  The 
Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  1918  to  1926;  vice- 
chairman,  board  of  directors,  The  Niagara  Falls 
Power  Company,  1926  to  date;  director,  Buffalo, 
Niagara  and  Eastern  Power  Corporation,  1925  to 
date;  Alfred  H.  Schoellkopf,  son  of  C.  P.  Hugo, 
vice-president,  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company, 
1920-1926;  vice-president  and  general  manager, 
Buffalo,  Niagara  and  Eastern  Power  Corporation, 
1925  to  date. 



Chapter  V 



UP  to  this  point,  the  course  of  Niagara's  material  advance  has  been 
followed  as  it  would  have  revealed  itself  to  a  visitor  returning  to  the  great 
cataract  from  time  to  time  through  the  century  following  the  American 

Petty  uses  of  power  by  a  few  individual  mills  located  on  the  raceway  loops, 
upon  the  river  bank  above  and  near  the  falls,  satisfied  their  meager  require- 
ments from  the  waters  of  the  upper  rapids,  as  if  from  an  ordinary  river, 
without  drawing  upon  the  vast  abundance  of  the  Great  Falls. 

The  lack  of  financial  resources  was  indicated  by  the  slow  progress  of  the 
"hydraulic"  canal,  built  in  portions,  under  the  administration  of  four  suc- 
cessive companies,  three  upon  the  wrecks  of  the  fortunes  of  their  predecessors. 

The  inauguration  of  a  new  period  of  local  prosperity  was  stimulated  by  the 
so-called  completion  of  the  canal,  which  made  available  the  entire  head  of  the 
falls  for  such  use  as  the  manufacturer  could  make  of  it. 

These  were  the  developments  that  had  actually  stamped  themselves  upon 
the  landscape  of  Niagara. 

In  order  to  gain  a  true  perspective  of  the  Niagara  problem,  it  may  be 
helpful  to  take  account  also  of  several  futile  projects  which  were  brought 
forth  during  that  period  for  the  utilization  of  the  waters  of  the  river,  and  to 
consider  the  reasons  why  they  did  not  come  to  a  successful  issue. 


From  the  time  of  the  first  voyageurs,  the  falls  had  always  been  a  great 
obstacle  upon  the  main  trade-route  to  the  West.  The  increase  of  commerce 
between  Lake  Ontario  and  Lake  Erie,  on  its  way  between  the  East  and  the 
growing  West,  and  the  necessity  of  using  the  Niagara  portage,  prompted 
consideration  of  the  means  whereby  the  portage  around  the  falls  and  rapids 
might  be  avoided  and  such  transportation  cheapened  and  quickened  by  the 
use  of  a  barge  canal  to  be  constructed. 


The  earliest  of  these  projects  had  for  their  chief  object  an  effective  means 
of  water  transportation  between  the  Great  Lakes,  with  the  development  of 
power  as  merely  incidental  to  this  purpose. 

Appeals  were  made  to  the  state  legislature  for  relief.  Upon  representa- 
tion that  the  route  was  feasible  and  "would  tend  greatly  to  facilitate  and 
advance  the  internal  commerce  of  this  state  and  promote  the  convenience  and 



prosperity  of  the  people  thereof,"  a  charter  was  granted  April  5,  1789,  to  the 
Niagara  Canal  Company  with  authority  to  construct  a  canal  beginning  at  or 
near  Steadman's  landing,  about  2  miles  above  the  falls  of  Niagara,  to  a 
convenient  place  below  the  falls,  at  Lewiston,  opposite  Queenstown,  a  distance 
of  about  7  miles,  with  all  locks,  dams,  works  and  devices  necessary  for  "com- 
plete navigable  water  communication"  between  the  said  places;  also  "to  take 
the  water  from  the  channel  for  mills  and  other  hydraulic  works  which  may  be 
erected  or  constructed  by  the  company  and  to  lease  the  use  of  the  water  for 
any  lawful  purpose." 

The  company  was  further  authorized  to  condemn  land  and  to  use  so  much 
of  the  land  belonging  to  the  people  of  the  State  of  New  York  as  might  be 
necessary  for  canal  and  locks  and  also  100  feet  in  width  on  each  side  of  the 
said  canal  for  towing  paths,  and  other  incidental  purposes. 

This  is  the  first  reference  in  state  legislation  to  the  use  of  the  waters  of  the 
Niagara  River.  The  primary  object,  it  will  be  noted,  was  navigation,  the 
development  of  power  being  merely  incidental. 

By  the  terms  of  its  charter  the  company  was  required  to  complete  the  canal 
and  locks  by  January  1,  1809.  It  does  not  appear  that  this  undertaking  ever 
reached  the  stage  of  actual  construction ;  and  from  the  fact  that  the  same  name, 
Niagara  Canal  Company,  was  given  to  a  new  corporation  under  a  legislative 
act  of  April  11,  1823,  it  may  be  inferred  that  the  charter  of  the  old  company 
expired  by  default. 


Authority  to  build  a  canal  was  granted  for  the  purpose  of  opening  naviga- 
tion from  above  the  falls,  beginning  at  or  near  the  mouth  of  Gill  Creek  in  the 
town  of  Niagara,  to  the  heights  overlooking  Lewiston,  and  to  construct  a  rail- 
way from  there  to  the  navigable  water  of  the  Niagara  River  nearly  opposite 
Queenstown.  The  company  was  also  authorized 

to  take  the  surplus  water  which  shall  be  contained  in  any  lock,  bay,  pond,  or  embankment, 
or  other  improvement  made  by  the  said  company,  and  make  use  of  the  same  ....  for 
mills  or  any  other  hydraulic  works  which  may  be  erected  or  constructed  by  the  company. 

To  enter  upon,  possess,  and  occupy  any  lands  near  the  north  termination  of  said  canal 
and  railway,  either  on  the  side  of  the  mountain  or  stony  flat  below,  that  shall  be  neces- 
sary to  erect  mills  for  any  hydraulic  works,  with  full  power  to  make  all  dykes,  ponds, 
embankments,  raceways,  tail-races,  roads,  bridges  and  gates. 

The  company  was  authorized  to  impose  a  toll  for  the  use  of  navigation  not 

fifty  cents  per  ton  for  all  property  carried  on  the  canal  through  the  whole  distance 



It  was  also  enacted  that  the  legislature  might 

dissolve  the  company,  when  the  income  arising  from  the  said  tolls  shall  have  fully  com- 
pensated the  said  company  for  all  necessary  expenditures,  together  with  an  interest 
of  fourteen  per  cent  per  annum, 


in  case  the  said  company  shall  fail  or  neglect  to  complete  the  said  canal,  ....  within 
ten  years  from  the  passing  of  this  act,  then  and  from  thenceforth  all  and  every  right, 
privilege  and  immunity  granted  and  secured  by  this  act,  shall  cease  and  terminate. 

Bates  Cook,  Robert  Fleming,  William  Hotchkiss,  Ames  S.  Tryon  and 
Rufus  Spalding  were  appointed  commissioners  to  offer  publicly  for  subscrip- 
tion the  capital  stock  authorized,  not  exceeding  $120,000,  in  shares  of  twenty 
dollars  each,  payable  at  par  as  the  commissioners  might  prescribe,  in  labor 
on  the  canal,  in  materials,  in  provisions,  or  in  money. 

By  comparing  the  charters  of  1789  and  1823  it  will  be  observed  that  the 
earlier  grant  was  for  a  complete  navigable  water  communication  by  canal 
with  locks  and  dams,  from  Steadman's  landing  to  a  convenient  place  below 
the  falls  opposite  Queenstown.  The  Act  of  1823  authorized  a  company  with 
the  same  name  to  build  a  canal,  for  the  purposes  of  opening  navigation  from 
Gill  Creek  above  the  falls  and  near  Steadman's  landing,  to  the  heights  near 
Lewiston.  In  the  latter  case,  no  dams  and  locks  were  authorized  or  appar- 
ently contemplated,  to  extend  the  navigation  down  to  the  level  of  the  lower 
Niagara  River.  It  is  evident  that  locks  to  overcome  the  difference  in  eleva- 
tion of  316  feet  between  the  water  level  of  the  upper  river  and  the  river  below 
the  falls  near  Queenstown,  the  port  of  Lake  Ontario,  had  been  found  im- 
practicable, and  the  remainder  of  the  portage  was  expected  to  be  accomplished 
by  a  transfer  by  railway  of  merchandise  and  passengers  from  boats  in  the 
canal  terminus  at  the  bluff  overlooking  Lewiston,  to  the  navigable  water  of 
the  Niagara  River  nearly  opposite  Queenstown. 

This  act  also  provided  that  if  the  canal  authorized  was  not  completed  within 
ten  years,  all  the  rights  granted  should  cease.  There  is  no  evidence  that  any 
serious  work  was  done  on  the  canal  or  railroad.  As  the  canal  route  would  have 
required  rock  excavation  for  its  entire  length  of  approximately  6  miles,  the 
construction  project  was  as  impracticable  an  undertaking  as  that  of  the  Act 
of  1789,  excepting  that  a  railway  was  authorized  instead  of  locks  to  overcome 
the  difference  of  elevation  between  the  terminals.  It  may  be  observed  that 
the  provision  for  a  railway  in  the  Act  of  1823  antedates  by  several  years  the 
commercial  advent  of  the  locomotive  in  America. 

These  charters  granted  by  the  State  of  New  York  for  the  development, 
primarily,  of  water  transportation,  and,  incidentally,  of  power,  had  not  offered 



sufficient  inducement  to  secure  the  necessary  investment  of  capital.  No  work 
was  performed  under  them.  It  may  be  concluded  that  in  each  case  the  esti- 
mated cost  of  excavating  such  a  canal  through  6  miles  of  solid  rock  proved 
discouraging,  and  led  to  the  abandonment  of  the  undertakings.  It  would 
not  pay. 


Several  national  projects  were  seriously  considered  for  a  ship  canal  around 
Niagara  Falls.  From  1808  to  1863,  resolutions  were  passed,  surveys  ordered 
and  reports  made,  but  Congress  failed  to  make  an  appropriation  for  construc- 
tion, which  was  variously  estimated  by  the  engineers  employed,  at  from 
$1,000,000  to  $3,000,000.  The  routes  were  mainly  from  above  the  falls  to  the 
vicinity  of  Lewiston.  No  such  construction  was  authorized  or  provided  for 
then  or  since. 

The  completion  of  the  Erie  Canal  in  1825,  with  a  harbor  on  the  Niagara 
River,  near  Buffalo,  and  the  construction  of  railroads  approaching  Niagara 
Falls,  put  the  Niagara  portage  into  disuse,  and  turned  the  thoughts  of  those 
interested  in  the  utilization  of  the  waters  of  Niagara  River  from  the  facilities 
of  transportation  to  the  development  of  power. 


The  first  united  effort  to  utilize  the  power  of  the  Niagara  River  as  a  main 
purpose,  apart  from  transportation,  appears  in  the  incorporation  of  the 
Niagara  River  Hydraulic  Company,  April  11,  1832.  This  was  a  project  for 
a  hydraulic  and  manufacturing  development  at  Squaw  Island,  near  Buffalo, 
at  the  junction  of  the  Erie  Canal  with  the  Niagara  River,  bordering  on  its 
eastern  shore  and  upon  the  "Pierpont  Harbor"  and  the  lower  "Black  Rock 
Harbor."  The  water-power  available  at  this  island  was  comparatively  small. 
Although  the  location  was  some  distance  from  the  falls,  the  development  of 
this  project  was  thought  to  be  detrimental  to  the  further  settlement,  at  that 
period,  of  the  town  of  Niagara  Falls. 

A  map  was  prepared  showing  the  entire  island,  laid  out  in  mill-sites  and 
residential  lots,  under  the  name  of :  The  Village  of  Pierpont  on  Squaw  Island, 
owned  by  Ogden  Edwards  and  Henry  F.  Penfield. 

The  explanation  of  the  map  follows: 

The  Blackrock  Harbour  has  created  a  water-power  at  this  point  of  five  feet  Head 
and  Falls.  It  is  at  the  foot  of  a  ship  navigation  of  1000  miles  and  at  the  Commencement 
of  the  Grand  Canal.  The  Mill  Lots  are  all  100  feet  broad  and  from  150  to  200  feet 
deep  or  long.  The  Building  Lots  are  50  by  100  feet.  The  Streets  are  60  feet  wide, 
excepting  adjoining  the  mill  seats,  where  they  are  30  feet  wide.  The  blocks  are  400  by 
200  feet.  There  is  a  Horse  Boat  Ferry  from  Pierpont  to  Canada  and  it  is  connected 
with  the  Maine  by  a  Dam  seventy  feet  wide  and  a  free  Bridge. 



It  is  worthy  of  note  that  those  streets  called  Bre(a)ckenridge,  Porter  and 
Barton  bore  the  names  of  engineers  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 
engaged  in  construction  work  at  Niagara  Falls  during  1890-1895. 

The  Squaw  Island  project  never  reached  the  stage  of  actual  construction. 

Lewiston  Water  Supply  Company,  1888 

One  of  the  most  comprehensive  and  expensive  of  the  many  projects  sub- 
mitted by  engineers  of  recognized  ability  and  experience  was  that  proposed 
in  the  latter  part  of  the  year  1888  by  J.  T.  Fanning,  chief  engineer  of  the 
St.  Anthony  Falls  Water  Power  Company,  of  Minneapolis,  Minnesota, 
acting  in  behalf  of  the  Lewiston  Water  Supply  Company1  whose  charter, 
capital  stock,  franchise,  project,  plans  and  property  were  acquired  by  The 
Cataract  Construction  Company  in  February,  1890. 

The  Fanning  project  possessed  many  features  of  the  "hydraulic"  canal,  and 
of  the  discharge  "tunnel"  plan  of  Evershed,  but  the  length  of  each  element  was 
much  greater.  It  included  what  the  others  did  not,  a  canal  or  inland  harbor, 
600  feet  long,  150  feet  wide  and  20  feet  deep,  with  4  miles  of  wharfage  front 
for  the  terminal  accommodation  of  lake  shipping.  The  canal  system  was  pro- 
jected to  supply  a  large  number  of  water-wheels  which  were  to  discharge 
their  water  through  a  system  of  tunnels  into  the  lower  river. 

Mr.  Fanning  concluded  a  statement  regarding  the  project  as  follows: 

There  is  no  water-power  where  the  expense  of  repairs,  attendance  and  supplies  can  be 
reduced  to  so  low  a  minimum. 

There  is  no  large  water-power  in  America  so  well  protected  from  destructive  effects 
of  running  logs  and  ice  or  from  the  breaking  of  dams  higher  up  the  stream,  or  having 
such  probable  immunity  from  accidents,  or  having  so  many  elements  of  safety  and 

There  is  no  site  of  a  large  water-power  having  equal  facilities  to  receive  all  kinds 
of  raw  materials  in  large  abundance  at  so  low  a  cost,  no  site  that  can  receive  common 
or  skilled  labor  with  greater  facility,  or  that  can  send  its  manufactured  products  to 
such  a  variety  of  large  markets  with  greater  facility,  and  there  is  no  large  water-power 
site  in  America  where  development  gives  greater  promise  of  both  practical  and  financial 

Niagara  was  not  to  attain  her  true  destiny  under  this  regime.  The  potentiali- 
ties of  the  great  cataract  far  transcend  any  scheme  for  utilization  of  power 
restricted  by  the  methods  then  in  use.  This  project  is  interesting  because  it 
represented  a  full  development  of  water-power  enterprises  in  this  country  at 
that  period,  that  were  based  upon  the  long-used  system  of  building  a  mill  over 
a  wheel-pit — a  method  that  received  its  knell  at  Niagara  in  1890. 

1  Charter  expired  in  1893  for  non-use. 




Among  the  citizens  of  Buffalo  who  appreciated  the  advantages  that  would 
accrue  to  their  city  if  the  power  of  the  Niagara  River  were  put  to  practical 
use  in  that  community  were  Messrs.  Richard  H.  and  James  B.  Stafford, 
proprietors  of  the  "Famous  Fulton  Market,"  situated  at  the  corner  of  Church 
and  Pearl  streets.  It  occurred  to  these  gentlemen  that  if  a  sufficient  induce- 
ment were  offered  to  enlist  the  interest  of  engineers  and  inventors  in  the 
problem,  some  hope  might  be  entertained  of  a  satisfactory  solution  in  which 
their  fellow-citizens  might  profit. 

They  accordingly  opened  a  subscription  list  for  the  creation  of  a  fund  of 
$100,000  for  this  purpose,  and  by  their  personal  efforts  succeeded  in  obtaining 
110  subscriptions  aggregating  $109,500.  Following  is  the  form  of  subscrip- 
tion and  the  list  of  subscribers,  all,  with  one  exception,  for  $1000  each: 

BUFFALO,  N.  Y.  JULY  14th,  1887. 

The  undersigned  agree  to  pay  the  sums  set  opposite  their  names  respectively,  in  the 
manner  hereinafter  stated,  to  a  fund,  which  shall  constitute  a  prize  or  reward,  to  be 
offered  to  the  inventors  of  the  World,  for  the  discovery  or  invention,  and  sole  right  to 
use  the  same,  of  the  best  appliance  for  utilizing  and  one  that  will  utilize  it  commercially, 
the  water-power  of  Niagara  River,  at  or  near  Buffalo,  so  that  such  power  may  be  made 
practically  available  for  various  purposes  throughout  the  city.  None  of  the  subscrip- 
tions hereto  shall  be  payable  unless  the  aggregate  sum  subscribed  shall  amount  to  at 
least  one  hundred  thousand  dollars,  and  when  that  amount  is  subscribed,  a  meeting 
of  the  subscribers  shall  be  called,  at  which  meeting  each  subscriber  may  cast  one  vote 
for  every  fifty  dollars  he  has  subscribed.  Such  meeting  shall  determine  the  specific  terms 
and  conditions  on  which  the  offer  of  said  prize  or  reward  shall  be  published  to  the  world, 
and  shall  determine  the  manner  and  time  of  payment  of  the  subscriptions  hereto. 

Adams,  James 
Barnard,  Jos.  E. 
Barnes,  Hengerer  &  Co. 
Barr,  G.  D. 
Bishop,  Chas.  F. 
Box,  Henry  W. 
Brady  &  Drullard 
Brayton,  S.  N.,  M.D. 
Briggs,  G.  D. 
Burns,  Millard  S. 
Bush,  John  W. 
Busch,  Fred 
Butler,  E.  H. 
Campbell,  John  A. 
Cook,  P.  N.  &  Co. 
Coppins,  Frank  T. 
Cowles,  S.  H. 

Curtiss,  C.  G. 
Cutler,  A.  &  Son 
Davis,  W.  H. 
Dimick,  Loi-enzo 
Dingins,  John  C. 
Eagan,  S.  F. 
Emmet,  J.  K. 
Fargo,  F.  F. 
Ferris,  P.  J. 
Germain,  G.  P. 
Graves,  John  C. 
Greene,  Samuel  B. 
Hagen,  F.  P. 

Hamlin  C.  J.,  Wm.  &  Harry 
Hammond,  S.  W. 
Harrington,  D.  W. 
Harvey  &  Henry 

Hautmann,  F.  J. 
Hefford,  R.  R. 
Heimbruch  &  Hodge 
Hodson,  Matthew 
Howard,  Geo.  R. 
Howard,  R.  L. 
Hughes,  John 
Inglehart,  F.  M. 
Irlbacker  &  Davis 
Johnson,  W.  H. 
Kent,  H.  M. 
King,  Wm.  J. 
Kirkbauer,  H.  D. 
Kittinger,  Joseph 
Koons,  Henry 
Lautz,  Chas. 
Lautz,  Fred  C.  M. 



list  of  subscribers — continued 

Linen,  John  R. 
Locke,  Franklin  D. 
Loh,  Fred  C. 
Loomis,  Frank  M. 
Lyman,  C.  M. 
Lyth,  Jno.  &  Sons 
Lytle,  Chas.  P. 
Mack,  Norman  E. 
Marshall,  Chas.  D. 
Martin,  John 
McMillan,  Daniel  H. 
McMullin,  Fred  L. 
Mills,  Edward  P. 
Moore,  J.  Lansing 
Morgan,  D.  E.  &  Son 
Morgenstern,  Jacob 
Movius,  E.  H. 
Nagel,  Jno.  C. 
Nellaney,  M. 
Oatman,  Leroy 

O'Day,  Daniel 
Onello,  Lewis 
Palen,  M. 
Palen,  Robert 
Partridge,  G.  W. 
Pooley,  Chas.  A. 
Potter  &  Williams 
Pratt,  P.  P. 
Ratcliffe,  S.  M.,  Jr. 
Rebstock,  J.  E. 
Reilly,  Wm.  B. 
Richardson,  Chas. 
Rockwood,  E.  A. 
Rumsey,  D.  P. 
Sandrock,  George 
Satterfield,  John 
Schaefer,  G.  A. 
Scheu,  S. 

Sherman  Bros.  &  Co.  Ltd. 
Smith,  John  H. 

Smith,  Wm.  B. 
Stafford,  Jas.  B.  &  R.  H. 
Stafford  &  Co. 
Storer,  Samuel  L. 
Sweet,  C.  A. 
Swift,  H.  J. 
Taylor,  H.  L. 
Taylor,  R. 
Thomas,  J. 
Thorn  &  Angell 
Wadsworth,  H.  C. 
Walker,  Wm.  H. 
Warner  &  Co. 

Weill,  Henry  &  Co. 
Wennell,  Michael 
Winnan,  Erastus 

Wood,  W.  E. 
Wright,  A.  P. 
Zink  &  Hatch 

The  local  newspapers  supported  the  idea  enthusiastically  by  communicated 
articles  and  by  editorials,  and  the  scheme  soon  attracted  world-wide  publicity. 
Projects  were  submitted  in  ever-increasing  number,  the  mail  becoming  so 
heavy  that  a  society,  the  Buffalo  Business  Men's  Association,  was  formed 
under  the  presidency  of  James  B.  Stafford  to  take  care  of  it,  with  Peter  J. 
Ferris,  one  of  the  subscribers,  devoting  his  entire  time  to  the  matter  as  secre- 
tary of  the  association.  The  whole  third  floor  of  the  Fulton  Market  Building, 
on  Pearl  Street,  was  used  as  a  storage  and  exhibition  place  for  the  models 
which  were  brought  in  by  the  inventors  or  received  by  express. 

At  about  this  time,  a  fair  was  being  held  at  the  Hamlin  Driving  Park, 
through  which  flowed  the  Scajaquada  Creek.  The  various  inventors  were 
invited  to  take  this  opportunity  of  testing  their  models  in  the  creek  to  show 
how  they  would  perform  under  natural  conditions.  Many  of  the  inventions 
failed  utterly  under  the  tests,  and  none  succeeded  in  convincing  the  subscribers 
of  their  merit. 

One  of  the  results  of  the  interest  thus  awakened  in  the  Niagara  River  was 
the  formation  of  the  Niagara  Hydraulic  Electric  Company,  a  Virginia 
corporation  with  authorized  capital  stock  of  $20,000,000,  which  had  for  its 
object  a  great  development  of  power  by  means  of  hydro-electric  machines  to 
be  located  in  caves  excavated  behind  the  falling  water  at  the  great  cataract, 
in  such  a  way  as  to  utilize  the  water  without  diverting  it.  The  Messrs.  Stafford 




were  much  interested  in  this  scheme,  and  gave  its  promoters  their  active  sup- 
port, until  convinced  by  a  visit  from  Peter  A.  Porter  of  Niagara  Falls,  who 
was  promoting  the  plan  of  Thomas  Evershed,  which  will  be  fully  dealt  with 
in  a  later  chaj>ter,  that  the  latter  project  was  far  more  promising  of  practical 

The  Business  Men's  Association  was  therefore  dissolved,  without  debts  and 
without  having  called  upon  its  subscribers  for  any  money.  The  effort,  how- 
ever, was  a  demonstration  of  the  public  sentiment  of  many  influential  citizens 
in  Buffalo  and  was  considered  as  an  urgent  invitation  to  extend  a  power  line 
to  that  city  at  the  earliest  opportunity. 


Under  the  foregoing  title,  a  prospectus  of  thirty-two  pages  issued  in  1893 
presents  a  sample  of  projects  of  another  character.  The  word  Niagara,  sug- 
gesting such  related  words  as  colossal,  inexhaustible,  opportunity,  power, 
fortune,  was  a  word  with  which  the  promoter  could  conjure. 

The  project  mainly  sought,  first,  to  develop  15,000  acres  of  land  border- 
ing on  Lake  Ontario  and  extending  southward  to  Lewiston  and,  second,  to 
build  a  power  canal  to  take  water  from  the  Niagara  River,  east  of  the  town 
of  La  Salle  and  to  conduct  it  to  the  lands  of  the  company  and  its  manufac- 
turing districts,  providing  power  by  a  fall  at  the  escarpment  or  Niagara 

The  following  statements  were  among  those  used  to  emphasize  the  com- 
mendation of  the  investment  by  its  promoters : 

Nothing  approaching  it  in  magnitude,  perfection  or  power  has  ever  before  been 

If  you  intend  to  invest,  do  so  promptly,  take  advantage  of  "first  prices"  and  "choicest 
locations"  and  thus  control  "the  largest  possible  profits"  with  the  amount  of  money 
at  your  command. 

Our  vast  Development  Fund  of  $25,500,000,  our  cheap  homes  for  workmen,  our 
"free  sites,  free  power"  and  other  advantages  "practically  guarantee  success"  and 
"rapid  development"  such  as  no  other  city  in  the  world  ever  experienced. 

Risk  of  loss  is  entirely  eliminated.  There  is  no  risk  and  a  compound  accumulative 
profit  in  the  earliest  investment. 

We  do  not  urge  any  one  to  invest,  wishing  only  to  call  attention  to  the  foregoing 
facts  that  you  may  be  able  to  place  yourself  among  the  most  favored  ones  in  the  enter- 
prise if  you  wish  to  do  so. 

Designed  to  be  the  most  perfect  city  in  existence. 

Unlimited  water-power.  Superlative  conditions.  Foresight.  Investments.  Profit- 
sharing  Plants. 



The  company  did  some  work  of  construction  upon  the  sections  of  its  canal 
at  the  proposed  inlet  and  the  outlet  at  the  escarpment.  The  companies  became 
bankrupt,  and  the  moneys  invested  in  the  enterprise  were  lost. 


The  consideration  at  Buffalo  in  1882  of  a  sewerage  system  and  of  the 
issuance  of  $3,000,000  of  city  bonds  for  its  cost  led  to  a  project  widely  ad- 
vertised that  was  intended  to  avoid  the  necessity  of  issuing  these  bonds.  It 
was  hoped  thereby  to  combine  the  flow  of  sewerage  with  that  of  the  waters  of 
the  lake  in  a  tunnel  that  would  discharge  under  the  falls  of  Niagara  and 
develop  a  water-power  for  manufacturing  upon  a  large  acreage  secured  on 
Grand  Island  for  factory  sites.  This  was  called  a  splendid  dream  for  the 
utilization  of  Niagara  power.  Practically  it  was  a  diversion  of  a  large  amount 
of  water  from  the  falls  to  a.  sewerage  discharge  below  the  falling  waters  taken 
from  the  mouth  of  the  river  at  Buffalo.  The  enterprise  was  forecast  as  a 
magnificent  sewerage  system  for  a  city  with  a  population  of  five  million  and 
the  erection  of  thousands  of  mills  and  factories.  Although  this  project  received 
recognition  from  the  city  government  that  appointed  a  committee  of  seven 
citizens  for  the  purpose  of  making  a  report  on  the  feasibility  and  desirability 
of  the  proposal,  it  also  failed  to  materialize  and  the  city  of  Buffalo  was  obliged 
to  pay  for  its  own  sewerage  system. 

Inducements  to  invest  at  Niagara  were  seldom  accompanied  by  explana- 
tions of  physical  difficulties  that  were  almost  insurmountable  and  impediments 
which  awaited  the  development  of  scientific  knowledge,  invention  and  en- 
gineering skill. 

These  impediments  challenged  conquest. 

Many  new  actors,  novel  projects,  and  startling  inventions  will  appear  as 
the  records  of  a  decade  are  uncovered  by  succeeding  chapters. 

The  interest  in  power  development  on  a  large  scale  near  Niagara  Falls  has 
been  related  in  the  account  of  the  hydraulic  canal  in  Chapter  IV.  The  evolu- 
tion of  the  Evershed  tunnel  project,  the  second  of  the  great  power  projects 
which  has  persisted,  will  be  told  in  Chapter  VIII. 

The  futile  efforts  of  the  pioneer  years  are  now  all  but  forgotten.  Their 
rehearsal  is  of  historic  interest  and  it  shows  how  long  and  disappointing  was 
the  road  to  success.  Even  $100,000  reward  for  a  method  of  bringing  power 
from  Niagara  to  Buffalo  brought  forth  no  practical  plan  in  1887;  such  an 
achievement  at  that  time  was  unattainable.  Yet  in  less  than  a  decade  the 
commercial  transmission  of  power  to  Buffalo  was  inaugurated,  on  a  scale 
then  unprecedented,  and  by  the  method  now  universally  employed  for  the  long- 
distance transmission  of  power. 




Chapter  VI 

Niagara  does  not  belong  to  Canada  or  America. 
Such  spots  should  be  deemed  the  property  of  civilized 
mankind ;  and  nothing  should  be  allowed  to  weaken 
their  efficacy  on  the  tastes,  the  morals  and  the  enjoy- 
ment of  all  mankind. 

Andrew  Reed  and  Thomas  Matthewson 
Delegates  to  the 
Presbyterian  Churches  of  America 

The  history  of  Industrial  Niagara  is  the  history  of 
one  of  the  most  vital  economic  developments  of  the 
age.  More  than  one  important  industry  has  been 
entirely  revolutionized  by  the  application  of  Niagara 

Charles  Mason  Dow 
Commissioner  of  the 

State  Reservation  at  Niagara 


Suggested  in  1869,  Officially  Proposed  in  1879,  Made  Free,  July  15, 1885 


THE  first  recorded  mention1  of  attention  being  called  to  "the  rapidly  ap- 
proaching ruin  of  the  characteristic  scenery  of  Niagara,"  was  in  1869, 
when  Frederick  E.  Church,  artist,  mentioned  it  to  Frederick  Law  Olmsted, 
landscape  architect,  both  Americans.  During  the  following  years  to  1879  the 
desecration  continued  with  a  retarding  influence  upon  the  tourist  visitations, 
and  the  subject  of  the  preservation  of  the  falls  and  its  natural  setting  was 
agitated  with  evidence  of  an  increasing  public  interest.  Notwithstanding  a 
vigorous  and  well-organized  campaign,  under  experienced  and  recognized 
leadership,  it  was  difficult  to  persuade  the  legislators  at  Albany  that  it  was 
wise  and  prudent  to  purchase  Niagara  Falls  and  its  surrounding  property 
on  the  American  side,  for  which  many  millions  of  dollars  were  demanded 
while  the  constitutional  debt  limit  of  the  state  permitted  the  increase  of  its 
total  bonded  indebtedness  at  that  time  by  only  $1,000,000.  It  required  seven 
years  of  strenuous  effort  to  educate  and  persuade  the  state  legislators  that 
the  people  they  represented  were  intent  upon  having  "Niagara  made  free," 
as  the  slogan  expressed  the  public  purpose. 

The  official  procedure  commenced  with  the  appeal  of  Lucius  Robinson, 
governor  of  the  State  of  New  York,  in  his  annual  message  of  January  7,  1879, 
when  he  stated : 

The  civil  jurisdiction  over  the  Falls  of  Niagara  as  well  as  the  shores  and  waters  of 
the  Niagara  River  is  divided  between  this  State  and  the  Province  of  Ontario,  in  Canada. 
But,  in  one  sense,  the  sublime  exhibition  of  natural  power  there  witnessed  is  the  property 
of  the  whole  world.  It  is  visited  by  tourists  from  all  quarters  of  the  globe,  and  it  would 
seem  to  be  incumbent  upon  both  governments  to  protect  such  travelers  from  improper 
annoyances  on  either  side. 

The  commissioners  of  the  State  Survey2  reported  to  the  legislature  in 
1879  that 

There  is  no  American  soil  from  which  the  Falls  can  be  contemplated  except  at  the 
pleasure  of  a  private  owner  and  under  such  conditions  as  he  may  choose  to  impose ; 

1  Charles  M.  Dow,  The  State  Reservation  at  Niagara,  pp.  9-15. 

2  A  survey  by  triangulation  of  the  entire  State  of  New  York  was  undertaken,  commencing  in  1875,  in 
the  creation  by  the  legislature  of  the  New  York  State  Survey.  A  board  of  commissioners  of  seven 
citizens  was  appointed.  The  legislature  of  1879  resolved:  "That  the  Commissioners  of  the  State  Survey 
are  hereby  directed  to  enquire,  consider  and  report  what,  if  any,  measures  it  may  be  expedient  for  the 
State  to  adopt  for  carrying  out  the  suggestions  contained  in  the  annual  message  of  the  Governor  with 
respect  to  Niagara  Falls." 



none  upon  which  the  most  outrageous  caprices  of  taste  may  not  be  indulged  or  the  most 
offensive  interpolations  forced  upon  the  landscape. 

Lord  Dufferin,  Governor-General  of  Canada,  acting  in  accord  with  the 
Governor  of  the  State  of  New  York,  called  the  attention  of  the  government 
of  Ontario  to  the  suggestion  of  an  International  Park,  and  recommended  co- 
ojjeration  with  the  State  of  New  York  to  accomplish  the  purpose  in  view. 

A  public  memorial1  in  behalf  of  the  preservation  of  Niagara  Falls,  ad- 
dressed to  the  Governor  of  New  York  and  the  Governor-General  of  Canada, 
in  1879,  was  signed  by  the  highest  officials  and  the  leaders  in  literature,  art, 
science,  law  and  statesmanship  in  England  and  America.  Rarely,  indeed,  has 
such  a  company  of  eminent  men  in  different  lands  united  in  a  common  object. 
In  this  memorial  occur  the  following  sentences: 

Objects  of  great  natural  beauty  and  grandeur  are  among  the  most  valuable  gifts 
which  Providence  has  bestowed  upon  our  race.  The  contemplation  of  them  elevates 
and  informs  the  human  understanding.  They  are  instruments  of  education.  They  con- 
duce to  the  order  of  society.  They  draw  together  all  races  and  thus  contribute  to  the 
union  and  peace  of  nations. 

An  increase  of  population  of  the  village  of  Niagara  Falls  and  the  extension 
of  the  improvements  for  residences  or  industries  along  the  bank  of  the  river, 
above  and  below  the  falls,  followed  soon  after  the  advent  in  1877  of  the 
Schoellkopfs  as  owners  of  the  hydraulic  canal  and  builders  of  houses  and 
factories.  The  growth  of  this  section  of  the  village  was  naturally  along  or  near 
the  banks  of  the  river,  within  sight  of  its  rapids,  its  falls  and  its  gorge.  Many 
of  the  lots  became  points  of  vantage  or  of  view  for  the  land-owner  or  visitor, 
where  the  stranger  was  wont  to  become  a  victim  and  the  tourist  to  abbreviate 
his  visit. 

These  commercial  aggressions  impressed  the  increasingly  numerous  visitors 
to  the  falls  with  the  urgency  of  preserving  the  natural  beauties  of  the  upper 
and  lower  rapids  and  the  falls,  beyond  the  power  of  private  or  selfish  interests 
to  diminish  their  grandeur,  impair  their  attractions,  or  decrease  the  pleasure 
of  their  contemplation. 

The  grandeur  and  majesty  of  Niagara  Falls  are  to  be  comprehended  only 
by  personal  experience.  As  so  eloquently  expressed  by  James  C.  Carter,  "it 
is  the  combined  appeal  to  every  sense  and  every  faculty,  exalting  the  soul 
into  a  higher  sphere  of  contemplation  which  distinguishes  this  spot  over  all 
others.  Niagara  is  an  awful  symbol  of  Infinite  power — a  vision  of  Infinite 
beauty — a  shrine — a  temple  erected  by  the  hand  of  the  Almighty  for  all  the 
children  of  men."  Hence  the  movement  to  rid  the  spot  of  every  touch  of 
commercialism  and  as  one  of  the  recognized  scenic  wonders  of  the  world,  to  set 

1  Annual  Report  of  the  State  Reservation  XIX,  pp.  26-34. 



it  apart  so  that  all  nations  and  peoples  of  all  languages  might  come  together 
and  behold  the  scene  unmolested. 

This  idea  soon  became  an  organized  public  sentiment.  Its  expression  in 
the  press  and  legislature  aroused  the  state  administration  to  consider  the 
public  interests  involved  in  the  local  situation.  Plans  were  prepared  for  the 
purchase  of  the  scenic  property  by  the  State  of  New  York,  to  be  held  and 
maintained  in  perpetuity  as  a  public  park  under  the  title  of  the  Niagara 
reservation,  free  for  the  pleasure  and  education  of  the  people. 

James  C.  Carter  indicated  how  large  a  part  sentiment  plays  in  the  preserva- 
tion of  extraordinary  natural  scenery  and  how  careful  people  have  been  for 
centuries  and  now  are  to  protect  such  wonders  as  Niagara  from  profanation 
and  exploitation.  In  alluding  to  the  oracle  at  Delphi,  Mr.  Carter1  said: 

The  sentiments  of  men  are  oftentimes  more  powerful  than  their  interests  even,  and 
history  furnishes  some  interesting  proofs  of  the  depth  of  the  feelings,  closely  akin  to 
those  of  triumph  of  which  we  celebrate  today,  which  connect  the  sentiment  of  reverence 
in  man  with  great  natural  objects.  The  superstition  of  early  Greece  asserted  the 
existence  at  Delphi  of  a  miraculous  cleft  in  the  earth,  from  which  bursts  forth  a  divine 
afflatus  capable  of  inspiring  the  awful  responses  of  Apollo ;  but  this  mere  fable  could 
scarcely  have  sufficed  to  render  the  spot  the  principal  shrine  of  the  favorite  god.  Situated 
in  the  most  picturesque  valley  of  Greece,  at  the  foot  of  the  lofty  summit  of  Parnassus, 
it  was  the  beauty  and  sublimity  of  the  scene  which  enhanced  the  fame  of  the  oracle.  It 
was  the  surrounding  scenery  exalting  the  imagination  and  kindling  the  religious 
emotions,  which  attracted  the  multitude  of  votaries  and  rendered  the  place  the  center 
of  the  Hellenic  world.  But  the  devout  sentiments  of  the  pilgrims  were  offended  by  the 
petty  exactions  of  the  neighboring  seaport  of  Cirrha,  and  the  fertile  plain  around  the 
temple  excited  the  cupidity  of  the  neighboring  husbandmen  to  make  continual  encroach- 
ments upon  the  sacred  precincts  of  the  god.  The  evil  was  endured  for  a  time ;  but  in 
the  end  Greece  arose  in  resentment  at  the  profanation,  and  in  a  devastating  conflict  of 
ten  years,  fitly  styled  the  "Sacred  War,"  destroyed  the  offending  town  and  choked  up 
its  harbor;  swept  from  the  Circassian  plain  all  evidences  of  human  ownership,  and  thus 
vindicated  the  insulted  majesty  of  the  god,  and  asserted  the  right  of  worshipers  from 
every  land  to  approach  the  great  oracle  unmolested. 


In  1880  the  State  Survey  Board  recommended 

the  extinguishment  of  the  private  titles  to  certain  lands  immediately  adjacent  to  the 
Falls,  which  the  State  should  acquire  by  purchase  and  hold  in  trust  for  the  people 

In  that  year  a  bill  was  introduced  in  the  legislature  to  authorize  the  selection 
of  lands  for  a  state  reservation  in  the  village  of  Niagara  Falls.  But  action 
was  delayed.  To  overcome  such  delay  by  united  efforts  to  educate  the  people 

1  James  C.  Carter,  of  New  York,  in  his  oration  at  dedication  of  state  reservation  in  1885. 



of  the  state  regarding  the  conditions  at  Niagara  Falls  and  the  advantages  of 
the  proposed  state  reservation,  an  association  was  organized  as  "The  Niagara 
Falls  Association,"  under  the  presidency  of  Howard  Potter  of  New  York, 
with  a  membership  of  more  than  300,  including  Charles  Lanier  and  Edward  D. 
Adams,  the  former  of  whom  became  treasurer  of  the  association  and  both, 
later,  directors  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company.  The  bill  providing  for 
selection  of  lands  became  a  law  April  30,  1883. 

The  commissioners  appointed  under  this  law  selected  a  tract  of  112  acres, 
in  addition  to  300  acres  under  water,  comprising  the  entire  area  of  412  acres 
acquired  for  the  state  park,  as  shown  by  the  following  outline  plan. 

The  reservation1  was  described  by  the  following  resolution : 

RESOLVED,  that  in  the  judgment  of  this  Board,  it  is  desirable  to  select  and  locate  as 
proper  and  necessary  to  be  reserved  for  the  purpose  of  preserving  the  scenery  of  the 
Falls  of  Niagara  and  of  restoring  the  said  scenery  to  its  natural  condition,  the  following 
lands  situate  in  the  village  of  Niagara  and  the  county  of  Niagara,  to  wit :  Goat 
Island,  Bath  Island,  the  Three  Sisters,  Port  Island,  Luna  Island,  Chapin  Island, 
and  the  small  islands  adjacent  to  said  islands  in  the  Niagara  River,  and  the  bed  of  said 
river  between  said  islands  and  the  main  land  of  the  State  of  New  York ;  and  also,  the 
bed  of  said  river  between  Goat  Island  and  the  Canadian  boundary ;  also  a  strip  of  land 
beginning  near  "Port  Day"  in  said  village,  running  along  the  shore  of  said  river,  to 
and  including  "Prospect  Park"  and  the  cliff  and  debris  slope  under  the  same  ....  and 
including  also  at  the  east  end  of  said  strip  sufficient  land  not  exceeding  one  acre  for 
purpose  convenient  to  said  reservation,  and  also  including  all  lands  at  the  foot  of  said 
falls,  and  all  lands  in  said  river  adjoining  said  islands  and  the  other  lands  hereinbefore 


The  commissioners  of  appraisement,  appointed  under  the  supplemental 
Act  of  1884,  met  at  Niagara  Falls  on  February  23,  1884,  to  view  the  premises 
and  to  take  testimony  respecting  the  ownership  and  value  of  lands  that  it  was 
desired  to  acquire  for  the  state  reservation.  The  first  consideration  was  given 
to  Goat  Island,  the  surrounding  islands  and  a  portion  of  Bath  Island. 

When  under  examination  before  the  commissioners,  Peter  A.  Porter  stated 
that  he  appraised  the  island  of  66.2  acres  at  $1,000,000,  based  upon  the 
income  to  be  derived  therefrom,  and  exclusive  of  its  value  as  a  water-power 
site.  Upon  the  completion  of  the  appraisal,  a  report  was  made  to  the  com- 
missioner of  a  total  valuation  of  all  the  lands  to  be  acquired  for  the  park,  at 
$1,433,429,  although  the  claim  of  the  property  owners  amounted  to  about 
$4,000,000.  This  appraised  valuation  was  confirmed  by  the  Supreme  Court 
and  the  awards  made,  upon  this  basis  of  value,  for  the  purchase  by  the  state. 

A  witness  under  examination  expressed  the  opinion  that  Goat  Island  was 
the  best  location  for  hydraulic  development  of  power,  as  it  permitted  a  short 

1  See  map,  page  106. 



inlet-canal  near  its  middle,  with  side  canals  to  wheel-pits  discharging  into  the 
river  on  each  side  of  the  island. 

The  process  of  appraising  the  lands  is  described  as  follows : 

Messrs.  Luther  R.  Marsh,  of  New  York,  Matthew  Hale  of  Albany,  and  Pascal  P. 
Pratt,  of  Buff  alo,  were  named  by  the  court  as  Commissioners  of  Appraisement.  Having 
taken  their  oath  of  office  and  viewed  the  premises  they  received  testimony  as  to  value. 
Their  sessions  for  this  purpose  were  held  continuously  through  the  month  of  July,  1884, 
and  a  voluminous  mass  of  testimony  received.  In  September  they  met  to  hear  the 
final  arguments  of  counsel,  and  on  the  20th  of  that  month  made  their  report,  which 
was  filed  with  the  testimony  taken  before  them  on  September  22,  1884,  in  the  office 
of  the  clerk  of  Niagara  County. 

In  said  report  they  awarded  for  the  entire  area  of  land  to  be  taken  to  the  respective 
owners  and  to  all  persons  and  corporations  interested  therein  the  total  sum  of 

Application  on  due  notice  was  then  made  to  the  Supreme  Court  for  the  confirmation 
of  this  report,  and  on  the  27th  of  October,  1884,  an  order  was  granted  Avhereby  the 
appraisers'  report  was  in  all  things  ratified  and  confirmed  and  the  amounts  awarded 
as  compensation  for  the  lands  taken  were  ordered  to  be  paid.  This  order  of  con- 
firmation was  filed  and  recorded  in  the  office  of  the  clerk  of  Niagara  County  on 
November  25,  and  in  the  office  of  the  Secretary  of  State  in  Albany  on  November  26, 1884. 

On  the  trial  before  the  commissioners  of  appraisement  a  question  of  great  importance 
arose  as  to  the  rights  of  the  riparian  owners  to  use  the  power  afforded  by  the  Niagara 
River  for  hydraulic  purposes,  and  to  receive  compensation  therefor.  It  was  claimed 
by  the  proprietors  of  the  islands  and  of  riparian  lots  that  they  owned  the  bed  of 
Niagara  River ;  and  independently  of  this,  that  they  had  a  right  to  use,  without  stint, 
the  power  afforded  by  the  rapids  and  the  falls  for  hydraulic  purposes ;  and  they 
claimed  that  they  should  be  compensated  for  the  value  of  this  vast  water-power,  even 
where  it  had  not  been  reduced  to  use.  Upon  this  basis  they  were  prepared  to  present 
claims  aggregating  twenty  or  thirty  millions  of  dollars.  After  full  argument  and  care- 
ful consideration,  the  commissioners  of  appraisement  rejected  all  such  claims,  except 
where  the  water-power  had  been  actually  reduced  to  use  and  used  for  a  period  long 
enough  to  create  a  prescriptive  right.  They  hold  (1)  that  Niagara  River  is  a  public 
stream,  and  its  bed  and  waters  belong  to  the  state;  (2)  that  as  against  the  state 
private  riparian  owners  have  no  right  to  encroach  on  its  bed  to  divert  its  waters,  or  to 
subject  them  to  the  burden  of  manufacturing  uses,  unless  they  have  acquired  such  right 
by  grant  from  the  state  or  by  prescription.  As  two  of  the  commissioners  of  appraise- 
ment first  above  mentioned  are  distinguished  lawyers,  their  decision  on  these  points 
is  entitled  to  great  weight. 

After  the  exclusion  of  such  claims  for  the  value  of  unused  water-power,  the  claims 
of  the  owners  of  the  property  amounted  to  about  four  million  dollars.  The  aggregate 
awards,  as  already  stated,  are  but  little  more  than  one  third  of  this  sum. 

An  act  to  acquire  the  lands  selected  for  the  proposed  reservation,  and  an 
"Act  to  provide  for  the  maintenance  and  management  of  the  State  Reserva- 
tion at  Niagara"  became  laws  in  1885. 




On  July  15,  1885,  the  lands  were  accepted  by  Governor  Hill  on  behalf  of 
the  state,  and  the  reservation  was  formally  opened  to  the  public,  under  the 
control  and  supervision  of  the  Commissioners  of  the  State  Reservation  at 
Niagara,  as  defined  by  the  laws  of  1883. 

About  75,000  enthusiasts  gathered  at  these  ceremonies  in  Prospect  Park, 
at  which  numerous  guests  from  Canada  besides  prominent  officers  of  the 
nation  and  state  were  present.1 

rsru — II     ?!  7/ 

State  Reservation  at  Niagara 
From  How's  "Anthropology  and  Bibliography  of  Niagara  Falls" 

Following  the  dedication  of  the  park,  the  demolition  of  about  one  hundred 
and  fifty  buildings,  that  debased  the  scenic  beauties  of  the  falls  and  their 
immediate  surroundings,  proceeded  slowly  by  reason  of  inadequate  financial 
resources  available. 

The  revelations  of  impressive  scenery  hidden  by  commercial  obstructions 
for  more  than  one  generation,  created  surprise  and  admiration,  while  the 
people  acclaimed  the  legislative  action  that  made  the  restoration  possible  and 

1  There  were  2741  cars  in  the  excursion  trains  in  the  season  of  1887  that  brought  166,000  visitors  to 
Niagara  Falls.  The  visitors  crossing  the  bridge  to  Goat  Island,  in  the  fiscal  year  to  June  30,  1924, 
amounted  to  2,179,710  and  for  the  year  1924-1925  to  2,445,772.  The  parking  of  automobiles  and  providing 
for  the  necessities  of  the  family  visitors  in  their  travelling  bungalows,  have  become  a  present  problem  in 
the  administration  of  the  daily  affairs  of  the  Niagara  Reservation. 



Natural  conditions  having  been  finally  restored,  facilities  were  afforded 
for  easy  access  to  vantage  points  for  rest  and  the  quiet  enjoyment  of  sound, 
form  and  color  and  the  many  expressions  of  creative  power  that  are  recog- 
nized in  the  grandeur,  sublimity  and  wonders  of  Niagara  Falls.  And  what  a 
transformation  was  brought  about  and  with  what  enlightened  interest  visitors 
began  to  view  the  site ! 

Here  people  of  diverse  tastes  now  meet  and  pursue  their  various  interests 
without  interruption  by  so-called  guides  or  conflict  with  local  speculators. 

The  botanist  explores  the  island,  examines  the  lists  of  the  flora  and  seeks 
the  Lobelia  kalmii  and  the  Hypericum  kalmianum  associated  in  name  with 
Kalm,  the  Swedish  botanist,  who  visited  the  falls  in  1750. 

1  An  example  of  the  Lobelia  was  found  on  Goat  Island  on  September  7,  1926,  by  Miss  Mary  E.  Eaton 
of  the  New  York  Botanical  Gardens,  who  reproduced  it  in  color.  A  search  by  her  with  the  assistance  of 
the  local  superintendent  failed  to  discover  any  examples  of  the  Hypericum.  Apparently  it  had  died  out, 
as  the  superintendent  had  not  seen  any  specimens  for  several  years.  Dr.  John  A.  Torrey  obtained  a 
specimen  of  this  plant  either  on  Goat  Island  or  the  table  rock  at  Niagara  in  1842.  This  was  published 
as  a  colored  illustration  in  "The  Flora  of  New  York,"  1842.  Miss  Eaton  made  a  copy  of  this  illustration 
in  water-color,  so  that  these  two  plants  discovered  and  named  for  Kalm  will  be  preserved  as  represented 
by  Miss  Eaton  in  the  Niagara  Museum. 



The  geologist  is  interested  in  the  geology,  rock  stratification,  fossils,  evi- 
dences of  glacial  action,  and  the  recession  of  the  falls. 

The  historian  inquires  about  the  aborigines,  the  Neuter  Nation,  the  French 
discoverers,  the  titles  to  the  land  and  the  water,  the  portage  trails  and  the 
arrow-head  quarry. 

The  lover  of  nature  is  concerned  lest  the  beauty  and  grandeur  be  lost  by 
the  diversion  of  water  or  through  the  self-destruction  of  the  cataract. 

The  engineer  inquires  as  to  the  source,  the  quantity  and  regularity  of  flow 
and  proposes  means  for  controlling  the  water  and  developing  and  distributing 
its  power  for  myriad  uses. 

The  far-seeing  citizen  and  the  statesman,  concerned  with  the  conservation  of 
our  natural  resources,  deplore  the  waste  of  energy  and  wonder  why  so  little 
is  being  used.  They  ponder  as  to  the  rising  price  of  coal  and  they  estimate  the 
true  economic  value  of  power  derived  from  exhaustible  mineral,  precious  for 
producing  heat,  compared  with  that  from  the  inexhaustible  and  ever-renewing 
supply  of  water. 


The  establishment  of  the  state  reservation  naturally  placed  restrictions 
upon  power  development  and  greatly  increased  the  difficulties  and  expenses 

Because  of  the  purchase  of  the  shore  of  the  river  by  the  state,  new  power 
developments  must  be  made  outside  of  the  reservation.  This  established  the 
western  limitation  to  all  projects  for  the  diversion  of  water  from  the  river 
at  a  point  approximately  1  mile  above  the  falls  and  its  return  to  the  river, 
a  half  mile  below  the  falls,  thus  greatly  adding  to  the  expenses  and  other 
difficulties  of  power  developments.  These  very  difficulties,  however,  hastened 
the  coming  of  the  new  order  in  the  practical  utilization  of  the  falls. 

As  the  natural  beauties  became  enhanced  through  the  appropriate  setting 
provided  by  the  park  system,  it  became  apparent  to  those  who  most  ardently 
desired  to  put  the  waters  of  Niagara  to  work,  as  well  as  to  others,  that  no 
jarring  structures  or  other  desecrations  would  be  tolerated  within  or  im- 
mediately beyond  the  reservation.  Thus  the  architectural  features  of  the  two 
power-houses  erected  above  the  falls  were  designed  to  give  an  air  of  dignity 
as  well  as  stability  to  the  place. 

Strength  is  also  embodied  in  the  structures  to  withstand  the  elements  with- 
out and  to  control  the  forces  within. 

The  high  banks  below  the  falls  no  longer  advertise  the  improvident  use,  as 
in  several  early  instances,  of  only  one-third  of  the  available  power ;  unsightly 
structures  have  been  replaced  by  rugged  strongholds  of  power  that,  like  the 
power-houses  above  the  reservation,  inspire  confidence  in  the  forethought  of 



the  management  that  has  built  for  permanency  of  occupation,  regularity  of 
production,  continuity  of  service  and  efficiency  of  operation. 

Here  is  the  source  of  heat,  light  and  power  that  is  rendering  a  useful  and 
important  service  in  the  industrial  and  domestic  life  of  millions  of  people  in 
the  State  of  New  York,  and  is  contributing  to  electro-chemical  products 
which  are  indispensable  to  the  nation. 

Niagara  has  been  developed  to  perform  the  double  service  of  ministering 
to  material  prosperity  and  to  spiritual  well-being. 


The  monthly  visitors  to  Goat  Island  during  the  two  years  from  September  1, 
1923-1924  and  1924-1925  are  officially  reported  as  follows: 









































In  spite  of  the  fact  that  the  number  of  tourists  who  visited  Niagara  Falls 
during  the  summer  of  1926  decreased  at  least  30  per  cent,  the  stream  of  visitors 
to  the  Niagara  Falls  power-plant  knew  no  diminution.  On  August  15,  1926, 
alone,  3264  tourists  viewed  the  "great  triumvirate  of  power"  in  Station  3-C, 
belonging  to  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  taxing  the  maximum 
capacity  of  the  company's  facilities  to  receive  its  guests,  causing  a  congestion 
in  traffic  by  elevator  and  stairway  at  times. 





COMPANY,  1886 

Chapter  VII 

The  Evershed  Scheme1  Indicating  Elevation  of  the 
Tunnel  and  Plan  of  the  Canals 

Vertical  Section  Showing  Several  of  the  Wheel-pits 

Map  Indicating  Location  and  Scope  of  Evershed  Plan 

Twelve  canals  supply  water  to  238  wheels  distributed  over  an  extended  area  which 
discharge  through  a  common  tunnel  system 

1  See  Chapter  XVII,  Volume  II,  for  details  of  the  Evershed  proposals  and  of  its  modification  by  The 
Cataract  Construction  Company. 




WE  come  now  to  the  inception  of  the  project  destined  to  develop  into  the 
first  successful  application  of  Niagara  power  on  a  scale  commensurate 
with  the  magnitude  of  the  falls  and  with  the  demands  of  modern  industry.  It 
necessitated  methods  then  practically  unknown  and  apparatus  not  yet  invented 
but  which  were  soon  developed  and  here  first  used  in  creating  a  gigantic  uni- 
versal power  system,  for  operating  industries  of  the  old  type  and  making 
possible  others,  new  in  kind  and  in  products.  The  following  account  has  been 
derived  in  part  from  some  of  those  who  participated  in  its  early  promotion. 

On  February  3,  1886,  there  appeared  in  the  Lockport  U nion,  a  newspaper 
published  in  the  city  of  Lockport,  Niagara  County,  a  letter  to  the  editor  from 
Thomas  Evershed,  of  Rochester,  a  division  engineer  of  the  Erie  Canal.  The 
letter  was  head-lined  "Engineer  Evershed's  Water-Power  Scheme."  In  his 
letter  Mr.  Evershed  discussed  a  proposition,  which  had  appeared  in  the  same 
newspaper,  by  Alexander  Holley,  a  hydraulic  engineer  of  Lockport,  which 
involved  the  construction  of  a  surface  canal  from  the  Niagara  River  about  10 
miles  above  its  Great  Falls,  at  or  near  North  Tonawanda  to  Lockport,  a 
distance  of  nearly  15  miles;  the  development  there,  upon  the  Niagara  escarp- 
ment, of  a  great  hydraulic  power  and  the  discharge  of  the  tail-race  waters 
through  the  "Eighteen  Mile  Creek"  into  Lake  Ontario,  a  total  distance  from 
river  to  lake  of  about  25  miles.  After  explaining  why  the  project  was  im- 
practicable, Mr.  Evershed  stated: 

If  the  people  of  Niagara  County  wish  to  indulge  in  a  scheme  for  a  magnificent  water- 
power,  let  me  point  out  one. 

He  then  outlined  a  plan  for  power  development  at  Niagara  Falls  which  he 
described  as  follows : 

Beginning  at  a  point  in  the  gorge  below  Niagara  Falls  just  north  of  the  state  reserva- 
tion and  the  upper  Suspension  Bridge,  and  about  twelve  feet  above  the  surface  of  the 
water,  run  a  tunnel  so  as  to  strike  the  river  above  the  mouth  of  the  hydraulic  canal,  a 
distance  of  about  five  thousand  feet,  then  continue  the  tunnel  under  the  river's  edge,  say, 
five  thousand  six  hundred  feet  farther,  making  two  miles  of  tunnel. 

This  last  mentioned  5600  feet  can  be  utilized  as  a  tail-race  for  factories  taking  the 
water  from  the  river  close  by. 



With  wheel-pits  sunk  in  the  rock  this  water  could  be  used  with  turbine  wheels  under 
a  head  of  eighty  to  one  hundred  feet  as  is  now  done  below  the  high  falls  at  Rochester. 
A  hole  or  holes  drilled  from  the  bottom  of  these  wheel-pits  into  the  tunnel  below, 
will  take  off  the  water  so  used. 

The  wheels  could  be  placed  every  twenty-five  feet  apart  if  necessary,  and  the  power 
cabled  off  to  any  point  desired,  running  any  number  of  mills  and  factories  of  any  size, 
from  the  making  of  toothpicks  to  a  Krupp's  foundry. 

The  cost  of  doing  this  can  be  calculated,  say  the  tunnel  is  sixteen  feet  square  or 
equal  thereto,  in  round  numbers  1,000,000  yards  at  $9.00  a  yard,  $9,000,000,  say 

This  scheme,  it  will  be  observed,  was  a  reversal  of  previous  designs.  In 
the  earlier  projects  mills  on  the  edge  of  the  cliff  below  the  falls  received 
their  water  through  an  open  canal  and  utilized  a  portion  of  the  fall  at  the 
cliff,  on  which  buildings  were  erected  for  its  use.  The  hydraulic  development 
proposed  by  Mr.  Evershed  was  to  be  constructed  mainly  as  a  tunnel  and 
located  between  the  lower  and  the  upper  river  about  1  mile  or  more  above  the 
Great  Falls.  There  was  no  departure  from  the  familiar  custom  of  a  mill 
over  a  wheel-pit.  It  was  hoped  that  by  the  arrangement  proposed,  the  old 
difficulty  at  Niagara  Falls  "that  there  has  not  been  land  enough  to  use  the 
water-power,"1  might  be  obviated.  The  long  tunnel  was  intended  to  facilitate 
the  location  of  the  industrial  district  above  the  falls  and  beyond  the  limits  of 
the  state  reservation  to  a  site  where  ample  facilities  might  be  provided  by 
land,  dockage,  streets  and  railroads  to  accommodate  238  mills  of  500  horse- 
power each,  a  total  of  119,000  horse-power. 

Mr.  Evershed's  letter  immediately  attracted  the  attention  of  Myron  H. 
Kinsley,  of  Niagara  Falls,  who  was  then  the  superintendent  of  the  Oneida 
Community,  Limited,  manufacturers  of  metal  wares  and  one  of  the  early 
users  of  water-power  from  the  canal  of  the  Schoellkopf  company,  The  Niagara 
Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and  Manufacturing  Company.  Mr.  Kinsley  became 
greatly  interested  in  the  project  and  brought  it  to  the  attention  of  Charles 
B.  Gaskill,  another  local  manufacturer,  and  one  of  the  first  users  of  power  from 
the  hydraulic  canal.  Colonel  Gaskill  quickly  comprehended  the  possibilities  of 
the  Evershed  plan  and  the  two  manufacturers  consulted  Henry  S.  Ware, 
of  Niagara  Falls,  who  was  then  engaged  in  the  contracting  business. 

After  conference  they  consulted  Thomas  V.  Welch,  a  prominent  citizen 
who  had  been  a  member  of  the  state  legislature  and  had  taken  the  leading 
part  in  securing  the  passage  of  the  legislation  which  resulted  in  establishing 
the  New  York  State  Reservation  at  Niagara,  of  which,  at  this  time,  he  was 
the  superintendent. 

1  Testimony  of  Stephen  M.  Allen  in  1884  before  the  commissioners  of  the  state  reservation. 



It  was  also  deemed  wise  to  bring  the  matter  to  the  attention  of  William 
Caryl  Ely,  a  lawyer  at  Niagara,  who,  with  Mr.  Welch,1  had  been  a  member  for 
several  years  of  the  State  Assembly,  and  who  had  recently  come  to  the  falls 
to  practise  his  profession.  He  had  been  a  resident  of  an  interior  county  and 
prominent  in  the  Democratic  Party  and  its  candidate  the  previous  year  for 
Speaker  of  the  Assembly.  He  likewise  had  participated  in  the  final  stages 
of  the  effort  to  make  "Niagara  free,"  and  was  a  man  of  wide  acquaintance 
and  fully  cognizant  of  the  difficulties  that  might  be  expected  to  be  encountered 
in  any  such  matter  requiring  legislative  action. 

These  five  men  in  February,  1886,  met  at  the  office  of  the  superintendent 
of  the  state  reservation,  on  Bath  Island,  and  discussed  the  practicability  of 
Mr.  Evershed's  plan  and  its  possibilities. 

Personal  familiarity  with  the  local  conditions  at  Niagara  Falls  and  the 
history  of  several  unsuccessful  efforts  that  had  been  made  for  the  utilization  of 
the  falls,  prompted  the  promoters  of  the  project  of  1886  to  seek  facilities  and 
powers  of  the  state  authority  under  special  legislation  or  charter  that  could 
not  then  be  obtained  under  the  general  laws  prevailing  at  that  time. 

The  franchise  requirements  in  aid  of  new  forms  of  industrial  development 
had  not  at  that  period  been  publicly  recognized  as  of  sufficient  importance  to 
be  provided  for  in  the  general  laws  of  the  state,  to  which  incorporators  of 
industrial  projects  had  recourse  for  capitalization  and  operating  powers. 

Nevertheless,  projects  of  general  public  interest  and  novelty  and  of 
sufficient  promise  in  prospective  expenditure  to  attract  the  support  of  citizens 
of  wealth  and  influence  were  at  that  period  encouraged  by  special  legislation 
to  meet  what  were  thought  to  be  their  special  necessities.  The  granting  of 
such  special  charters  had  then  begun  to  attract  public  criticism  as  a  bestowal 
of  valuable  rights  without  adequate  compensation  or  the  reservation  of  control 
by  the  state. 


The  determination  was  reached  by  the  parties  above  named,  to  proceed 
with  the  enterprise  to  procure  a  charter  by  special  act  of  the  legislature,  and 
to  Mr.  Ely  was  delegated  the  preparation  of  a  bill  for  that  purpose. 

It  was  also  decided  to  associate  as  incorporators  Mr.  Evershed,  the  author 
of  the  scheme,  James  Eraser  Gluck,  an  attorney  at  Buffalo,  and  Michael 
Ryan,  the  business  partner  of  Mr.  Welch,  at  Niagara. 

The  bill  having  been  prepared  by  Mr.  Ely  and  approved  by  Mr.  Gluck, 
was  taken  to  Albany  by  Messrs.  Welch  and  Ely  and  was  submitted  to  Peter 
A.  Porter  (son  of  Gen.  Peter  B.  Porter),  then  member  of  the  Assembly 

1  See  How  Niagara  Was  Made  Free,  Thomas  V.  Welch,  1885. 



from  the  Niagara  Falls  district.  After  carefully  considering  the  matter,  Mr. 
Porter  approved  the  proposed  bill  and  introduced  it  in  the  Assembly. 

Upon  Mr.  Ely  then  devolved  the  burden  of  managing  the  bill,  which,  in 
view  of  the  current  opposition  to  special  legislation,  provoked  much  discussion 
and  exhibited  at  various  times  the  undeniable  symptoms  that  usually  denote  the 
danger  of  what  might  be  termed  "legislative  asphyxiation."  The  bill  probably 
would  have  failed  had  it  not  been  for  the  aid  of  William  F.  Sheehan,  of 
Buffalo,  then  beginning  to  loom  large  against  the  political  horizon.  He  was 
the  Democratic  leader  and  at  several  critical  moments  actually  assumed 
personal  charge  of  the  measure  and  made  the  motions  necessary  to  secure 
its  advancement.  He  was  also  powerful  in  its  behalf  in  the  Senate.  The  bill 
finally  passed  both  houses  and  received  the  consideration,  and  finally  the 
approval  of  the  governor  on  the  31st  day  of  March,  becoming  Chapter  83  of 
the  laws  of  1886,  thus  incorporating  the  Niagara  River  Hydraulic  Tunnel, 
Power  and  Sewer  Company  of  Niagara  Falls,  New  York,  known  as  the 
tunnel  company. 

The  corporate  name,  which  seemed  to  some  persons  to  be  somewhat  ex- 
traordinary and  possibly  to  some  amusing,  had  been  chosen  with  great  care 
and  served  the  useful  purpose  of  imparting  to  the  legislation  a  public  aspect, 
which  was  to  be  serviceable  during  all  the  time  in  which  the  incorporators 
were  engaged  in  procuring  the  charter  and  the  company  in  procuring  the 
public  and  private  grants  of  the  privileges,  easements  and  titles  to  lands 
necessary  for  its  purposes. 

Meanwhile,  a  bill  had  been  prepared  under  the  auspices  of  the  Chamber 
of  Commerce  of  the  city  of  Lockport,  to  incorporate  a  power  and  water  supply 
company  on  the  lines  of  the  Holley  plan  heretofore  referred  to.  That  charter 
became  a  law  before  the  charter  of  the  tunnel  company  was  passed.  It  was  not 
opposed  by  the  Niagara  Falls  interests,  for  by  agreement  each  party  rendered 
assistance  to  the  other. 

Notwithstanding  the  growth  of  sentiment  against  such  special  laws  and 
the  recognition  by  the  governor  and  the  state  legislators  of  this  attitude  of 
the  public,  they  were  not  slow  to  appreciate  the  force  of  the  argument  of 
W.  Caryl  Ely,  of  Niagara,  that  the  greatest  available  natural  power  of  the 
world  was  carrying  seaward  or  was  wasting  unutilized  and  without  cessation, 
the  wealth  of  an  empire,  and  that  the  company  attempting  to  harness  even  a 
small  part  of  such  forces  required  and  was  entitled  to  the  encouragement  of 
special  authorities  and  powers,  not  provided  under  the  general  laws  of  the 
State  of  New  York. 



When  signing  the  act  incorporating  the  tunnel  company,  the  governor  is 
said  to  have  remarked  that  he  would  have  preferred  the  charter  to  have  been 
issued  under  the  general  laws,  but  he  recognized  the  impracticability,  and 
signed  this  special  law,  although  the  ink  was  scarcely  dry  upon  a  message  he 
had  sent  to  the  legislature  advising  against  such  special  enactments. 

The  fact  that  the  original  charter  of  March  31,  1886,  was  amended  by  acts 
of  special  legislation  on  five  separate  occasions,  of  which  three  were  each  in 
consecutive  years  of  the  company's  most  rapid  growth  and  greatest  expendi- 
tures, is  an  evidence  that  its  pioneer  work  was  recognized  by  the  people  of  the 
state  and  encouraged  by  its  legislators. 

The  special  acts  are  described  as  follows : 

Original  Charter 

Chapter  83,  March  31,  1886 

Capital  stock  limited  to  $3,000,000.  Corporate  existence  fifty  years. 


Chapter  489,  May  29,  1886 

May  issue  full  paid  shares  in  payment  for  land  and  other  property  necessary 
for  the  business. 

Chapter  109,  April  5,  1889 

Additional  tunnels,  sewers  or  conduits  authorized.  Power  given  to  deal  in  lands 
and  to  take  and  use  water  from  Niagara  River.  Unpaid  subscriptions  to 
shares  may  be  cancelled  within  one  year.  Bonds  authorized  secured  by 

Chapter  253,  April  23,  1891 

May  acquire  and  hold  shares  in  certain  other  companies  and  issue  shares  therefor 
and  acquire  title  to  property  under  condemnation  law  of  the  state.  Increase 
capital  stock  to  $10,000,000. 

Chapter  513,  May  12,  1892 

Company  made  subject  to  certain  provisions  of  the  stock  corporation  law  of  the 
state.  Rights  to  use  water  within  prescribed  limits  made  subject  to  supply 
of  water  and  electricity  for  light  and  power,  free  of  charges,  to  the  State 
Niagara  Reservation.  Right  to  take  water  from  Niagara  River  restricted 
to  no  "more  water  than  shall  be  sufficient  to  produce  two  hundred  thousand 
effective  horse-power." 

Chapter  477,  April  25,  1893 

Stockholders'  liability  to  creditors  made  subject  to  provisions  of  stock  corpora- 
tion law  of  the  state.  Company  empowered  to  furnish  waters  of  Niagara 
River  not  exceeding  amount  heretofore  expressly  authorized  (200.000  effec- 
tive horse-power),  or  any  power,  heat  or  light  developed  therefrom  in  any 
civil  division  of  the  state. 



The  pioneer  or  experimental  character  of  the  venture  and  the  developments 
of  its  program  of  construction  may  be  traced  in  the  successive  enactments  of 
the  state  legislature,  primarily  constructive  and  as  requested  by  the  com- 
pany, and  later  restrictive  by  the  state  for  the  protection  of  its  citizens  as  the 
possibilities  of  the  extent  of  the  power  distribution  system  proposed  and  its 
adoption  were  understood  and  appreciated  in  its  possible  effect  upon  the 
beauty  of  the  Great  Falls  as  nature  fashioned  them. 

Although  the  company  was  authorized  by  its  amended  charter  to  acquire 
title  to  land  in  the  manner  specified  by  the  condemnation  law  of  this  state,  no 
use  of  this  power  has  as  yet  been  made  by  the  company  in  its  many  negotiations 
for  use  or  ownership  of  real  property.  The  state,  however,  used  its  power  of 
condemnation  in  procuring  some  of  the  property  that  was  included  in  the 
Niagara  State  Reservation,  reserved  for  the  recreation  of  its  citizens  and 


The  Niagara  River  Hydraulic  Tunnel,  Power  and  Sewer  Company  was 

organized  at  Niagara  Falls  in  June,  1886,  and  commenced  its  operations 

under  the  leadership  of  Charles  B.  Gaskill  and  the  local  associates  as  officials, 

namely :  ^ 

J  Officers 

President  Charles  B.  Gaskill 

1st  Vice-president 
2nd  Vice-president 
Treasurer  . 
Secretary  . 

Henry  S.  Ware 
Michael  Ryan 
Francis  R.  Delano 
Myron  H.  Kinsley 
(  W.  Caryl  Elv,  Niagara  Falls 
Att°rnejS |  J.  Fraser  Gluck,  Buffalo 
Engineer  Thomas  Evershed,  Rochester 

The  capital  stock  book  was  opened  and  the  sum  of  $200,000  was  subscribed 

as  follows :                                                                                         ,  Shares 

Francis  R.  Delano   167 

W.Caryl  Ely   167 

Thomas  Evershed   167 

Benjamin  Flagler   167 

Charles  B.  Gaskill   166 

James  Fraser  Gluck   167 

Myron  H.  Kinsley   166 

A.  Augustus  Porter   166 

Peter  A.  Porter   167 

Michael  Ryan   166 

Henry  S.  Ware   167 

Thomas  V.  Welch   167 

$200,000  par  value  of   2000 




In  the  meantime,  the  plans  of  the  company  were  being  matured;  a  pro- 
spectus was  in  preparation,  and  preliminary  conferences  and  correspondence 
were  being  carried  on  with  engineers,  financiers  and  manufacturers  by  those 
connected  with  the  enterprise.  In  August,  1886,  the  printed  prospectus' 
made  its  appearance.  At  a  meeting  held  August  25,  1886,  the  president  re- 
ported that  he  had  placed  a  book  for  stock  subscription  at  the  Manufacturers 
and  Traders'  Bank  at  Buffalo,  subject  to  a  commission  of  five  per  cent  on  all 
subscriptions  obtained,  and  that  the  president  of  the  bank  had  evinced  a  very 
great  interest  from  the  beginning  in  the  plans  of  the  company.  Thomas  V. 
Welch  and  Benjamin  Flagler  were  appointed  a  committee  to  arrange  for 
opening  stock  subscription  books  at  the  offices  of  bankers  in  New  York  and 
Boston.  The  effort  was  to  obtain  subscriptions  in  New  York  for  $500,000,  in 
Boston  for  $500,000,  in  Buffalo  for  $200,000,  and  in  Niagara  Falls  for 
$200,000,  a  total  of  $1,400,000,  and  the  secretary  was  directed  to  ascertain 
what  arrangements,  if  any,  could  be  made  to  obtain  subscriptions  in  Minne- 
apolis, Chicago  and  London. 

Charles  B.  Gaskill,  the  president  of  the  company,  communicated  with 
many  manufacturers  of  the  country  and  stimulated  by  him  and  his  associates, 
Mr.  Evershed,  who  had  been  made  the  engineer  of  the  company,  com- 
municated with  such  engineers  as  James  B.  Francis,  of  Lowell,  Clemens 
Herschel,  then  of  Holyoke,  and  J.  T.  Fanning,  of  Minneapolis,  all  hydraulic 
engineers  of  high  reputation  who  had  been  successful  in  the  development  of 
the  largest  water-powers  then  in  use  in  this  country.  Mr.  Evershed's  report, 
presented  to  the  board  of  trustees  at  its  meeting  July  1,  1886,  showed  that 
he  had  devoted  a  great  deal  of  labor  to  the  preparation  of  the  plans,  and  that 
they  had  been  submitted  by  him  to  Elnathan  Sweet,  state  engineer  and 
surveyor,  who  on  July  19,  had  approved  them  in  a  letter  to  President  Gaskill 
as  shown  in  the  prospectus  of  the  company.  On  September  9,  the  board  of 
trustees  of  the  village  of  Niagara  Falls  passed  resolutions  formally  con- 
senting to  the  construction,  operation  and  maintenance  of  the  tunnel  under- 
neath the  village. 

That  it  would  be  difficult  to  secure  the  necessary  money  by  stock  subscrip- 
tion was  apparent  to  all  of  the  incorporators.  Nevertheless,  it  was  determined 
to  endeavor  to  obtain  the  capital  in  this  manner  if  possible.  It  would  at  least 
serve  a  useful  purpose,  it  was  claimed,  in  giving  to  the  enterprise  a  great  deal 
of  desirable  publicity. 

1  Water  Power  at  Niagara  Falls  to  be  Successfully  Utilized.  Company  prospectus,  with  maps,  1S86. 
First  edition. 






and  Directors 


"Gaskill  Company" 


Niagara  River 
Hydraulic  Tunnel, 
Power  and  Sewer 



Negotiations  were  opened  with  the  leading  men  of  Buffalo,  as  well  as  those 
at  Niagara  Falls,  but  without  success.  The  subject  was  also  introduced  among 
various  bankers  and  others  of  New  York  City  and  Boston,  all  of  whom  were 
disinclined  to  become  financially  interested  in  the  stock  of  the  company. 

The  prospectus  of  1886  contained  the  following  paragraph  under  the 
subject  title  of 


It  is  conceded  by  leading  practical  electricians  that  it  would  be  entirely  practicable 
now  to  light  the  city  of  Buffalo  (distance  20  miles)  with  power  furnished  by  Niagara 
Falls,  and  the  opinion  is  rife  among  scientific  men  that  ways  will  be  found  in  the  near 
future  for  transmitting  this  power  to  much  greater  distances  and  for  using  it  in  many 
new  ways.  Should  this  be  done,  the  unlocking  of  this  great  natural  store-house  of  power, 
*  Deceased 



which  is  proposed  in  this  prospectus,  will  bear  an  importance  not  exceeded  by  any 
private  or  public  work  in  the  State.  It  cannot  fail  to  interest  every  one. 

An  application  has  already  been  received  from  a  manufacturer  in  Birmingham, 
England,  for  an  opportunity  to  test  his  apparatus  for  conveying  power  by  means  of 
compressed  air. 

President  Gaskill  had  already  taken  up  the  matter  of  possible  electrical 
development  with  Gardiner  C.  Sims,  of  Armington  &  Sims  Engine  Company, 
Providence,  Rhode  Island,  who  was  born  in  Niagara  Falls  and  whose  mother 
and  brother  were  at  the  time  still  residing  there  in  their  old  home,  to  which 
Mr.  Sims  occasionally  returned.  Mr.  Sims  was  a  co-worker  with  Thomas 
A.  Edison,  and  in  the  engine  works  at  Providence  constructed  the  engines 

*  Deceased 






and  Directors 

of  THE 

"Gaskill  Company" 


Niagara  River 
Hydraulic  Tunnel, 
Power  and  Sewer 



that  were  used  in  the  Edison  experiments  and  developments.  As  early  as 
November,  1886,  Mr.  Sims  informed  Colonel  Gaskill  that  Mr.  Edison  had 
investigated  the  possibility  of  transmitting  electrical  power  from  Niagara 
Falls  to  the  city  of  Buffalo,  and  had  gone  as  far  as  to  make  estimates  of  costs 
and  efficiency. 


Messrs.  Welch  and  Ely,  who  during  their  legislative  experience  had  become 
well  acquainted  with  Francis  Lynde  Stetson,  a  prominent  lawyer  of  New 
York  City,  determined  to  talk  the  matter  over  with  him,  and  Mr.  Welch  went 
to  see  him.  Mr.  Stetson  manifested  a  great  deal  of  interest  in  the  matter  in  a 
preliminary  way  and  encouraged  Mr.  Welch  to  feel  that  he  would  give  it 

*  Deceased 



careful  investigation.  Nothing  definite  resulting  from  this,  President  Gaskill 
opened  negotiations  with  Raymond  S.  Perrin,  of  New  York,  who  stated  that 
he  had  business  relations  with  T.  Gilbert  Bullock,  of  London,  who  was  the 
representative  of  an  English  syndicate,  and  requested  that  he  be  given  an 
opportunity  to  enlist  the  interest  of  Mr.  Bullock  and  his  friends.  Authority 
being  given  Mr.  Perrin,  he  took  the  matter  up  with  energy  and  in  December 
appeared  at  a  meeting  of  the  tunnel  company  at  Niagara  Falls  and  presented 
definite  proposals  for  a  contract  of  option  to  purchase  all  the  rights  and 
property  of  the  company  on  behalf  of  Mr.  Bullock,  as  the  representative  of 
an  English  syndicate.  A  resolution  was  adopted  authorizing  President  Gaskill 
to  make  a  contract  to  sell  Mr.  Perrin,  or  his  assigns,  all  the  company's  property 
rights,  privileges  and  franchises  for  $650,000,  payable  in  installments,  at  the 
office  of  the  Farmers  Loan  and  Trust  Company  of  New  York,  on  or  before 
the  following  dates: 

February  1,  1887    $100,000 

April        1,  1887    100,000 

June         1,  1887    178,000 


Balance  in  contracts  for  land 

to  be  assumed  272,000 

Total  $650,000 

Contingent  upon  the  faithful  performance  of  the  contract  for  sale,  a  con- 
tract was  authorized  granting  to  Raymond  S.  Perrin  for  ten  years  the  right 
to  lease  125  mill-sites  to  be  selected  by  him,  of  an  average  size  of  100  by  200 
feet,  with  500  horse-power  available  for  use  thereon,  for  the  annual  rental  of 
$5  per  horse-power,  payable  from  the  time  the  mills  were  put  in  operation. 

Authority  was  also  voted  in  favor  of  a  contract  with  Raymond  S.  Perrin 
for  the  construction  of  the  main  and  cross  tunnels,  conduits,  shafts,  raceways, 
bulkheads,  masonry  and  appurtenances. 

The  resignations  of  officers  and  trustees  and  the  surrender  of  all  rights  of 
incorporators,  effective  upon  performance  of  contract  of  sale  by  Mr.  Perrin, 
were  also  agreed  upon,  prepared  and  signed. 

About  the  first  of  December,  the  contracts  with  Mr.  Perrin  were  signed 
and  deposited  in  escrow  with  the  Farmers  Loan  and  Trust  Company  of 
New  York. 

The  annual  report  of  the  company,  published  as  required  by  the  state 
laws,  January  18,  1887,  in  daily  papers,  declared  its  existing  debts  to  be 
$700,  and  that  its  capital  stock  was  $200,000,  all  subscribed,  but  of  which  no 
portion  had  been  paid  in.  This  report  could  not  have  been  other  than  detri- 
mental to  the  pending  financial  negotiations  in  London. 



At  this  stage  the  matter  had  become  intensely  interesting.  The  advices  from 
England  were  frequent  and  showed  that  the  Bullock  syndicate  had  put  up  a 
considerable  amount  of  money  for  the  development  of  its  plans,  which  resulted 
in  the  incorporation  in  London,  of  the  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Tunnel, 
Power  and  Sewer  Company,  Limited,  with  an  authorized  capital  stock  of 
£1,000,000  and  with  a  very  distinguished  board  of  directors.  It  was  stated  at 
Niagara  that  the  English  syndicate  had  provided  £20,000  for  expenses  so  far 
as  might  be  found  necessary  by  its  representatives  in  their  investigation  of 
the  project. 

The  London  prospectus,  printed,  but  not  issued,  quoted  the  reports  of  the 
American  engineers,  Elnathan  Sweet,  New  York  State  Surveyor,  and 
Thomas  Evershed,  division  engineer,  New  York  State  Canals.  The  reports 
also  of  English  engineers  were  quoted  as  follows: 

May  31,  1887  Jabez  Church,  Past-president,  Society  of 

Engineers,  London 

I  am  of  opinion  that  the  proposed  works  could  without  doubt  be  successfully  carried 

June  17,  1887  G.  N.  Abernethy,  Member,  Institution  of 

Civil  Engineers 

I  can  see  nothing  in  this  scheme  which  in  my  opinion  presents  any  extraordinary 
difficulty  in  construction.  The  scheme  taken  as  a  whole  seems  ably  designed  and  the 
details  well  considered,  the  power  being  also  well  distributed  and  economically  arranged. 

November  15, 1887  Hazzard  and  Tyrrell,  Members,  Institution 

of  Civil  Engineers 

The  scheme  as  laid  out  by  Mr.  Evershed  is  simple  and  well  designed  and  would  no 
doubt  realize,  as  motive  power,  the  results  expected  from  it.  To  assure  continuity  of 
operation  these  engineers  strongly  recommend  that  all  the  tunnels  should  be  lined 
throughout  in  the  most  substantial  and  permanent  manner.  This  would  increase  the 
estimated  costs  to  $600,000. 

It  is  noteworthy  that  none  of  the  reports  of  the  English  engineers  mention 
recent  visits  to  Niagara  Falls  as  the  basis  of  their  information. 
The  jirospectus  also  contained  the  following : 

Sir  William  Siemens  pointed  out,  according  to  the  London  Standard  of  December, 
1886,  that  if  all  the  coal  produced  by  all  the  mines  in  the  world  were  used  for  raising 
steam  and  applied  in  the  most  economical  manner,  it  would  not  create  a  force  equal 
to  the  Falls  of  Niagara.  What  however  principally  struck  Sir  W.  Siemens  was  the 
power  of  the  Falls  to  drive  dynamos,  by  which  power  could  be  conveyed  by  electricity 
to  a  distance,  and  the  electric  light  supplied  to  all  the  towns  of  the  State  of  New  York. 

When  the  original  negotiations  with  Mr.  Bullock  assumed  form,  they 
began  to  move  more  rapidly,  and  it  was  arranged  that  cablegrams  should  be 



sent  to  the  Canadian  side  of  the  river  and  then  delivered  to  the  company  on  the 
American  side  by  messenger  from  the  telegraph  office  on  the  Canadian  side. 
This  was  in  accordance  with  the  confidential  conduct  of  all  these  financial 
negotiations,  which  were  attended  with  great  secrecy.  About  the  middle  of 
January,  1887,  a  cablegram  arrived  announcing  that  the  English  syndicate 
was  a  success  and  that  the  payment  of  the  first  $100,000  would  be  made  on 
February  1,  1887,  the  due-day  therefor.  Messrs.  Ely,  Gaskill,  Kinsley  and 
Welch  met  at  one  of  their  homes  and  indulged  in  mutual  congratulations. 
One  may  not  even  imagine  their  chagrin  when  they  discovered  that  the  cable- 
gram had  been  sent  by  mistake  to  the  telegraph  office  of  the  New  York  Central 
Railroad  upon  the  American  side.  The  New  York  Central  agent,  immedi- 
ately sensing  its  importance,  sought  out  a  friend,  who  possessed  both  courage 
,  and  capital,  and  together  they  had  ridden  the  surrounding  territory  and 
secured  options  upon  a  great  deal  of  land,  so  that  when  the  quartet  of  pro- 
moters attempted  to  secure  land  for  the  company  and  themselves,  "the  cat 
was  out  of  the  bag"  and  the  prices  of  all  lands  anywhere  in  the  vicinity  of 
Niagara  Falls  had  advanced  greatly,  never  to  come  down  to  the  former 
value.  By  reason  of  what  he  had  done  the  agent  lost  his  position,  but  he  im- 
mediately opened  up  a  successful  real  estate  business  and  became  independent 
of  railroad  employment.  His  partner  in  the  land  option  campaign  is  said 
eventually  to  have  realized  what  to  him  was  a  fortune  by  the  operation.  As  a 
result,  the  tunnel  company  and  its  discreet  promoters  paid  comparatively  high 
prices  for  lands  purchased  thereafter. 


Before  the  arrival  of  the  date  set  for  the  first  $100,000  payment,  there  came 
a  hitch  in  the  proceedings;  the  payment  was  not  made  and  the  time  was 
extended.  On  March  24th,  at  a  meeting  of  the  company,  President  Gaskill 
stated  that  George  Bliss,  a  lawyer  of  New  York,  had  been  retained  on  behalf 
of  some  persons  interested  in  the  English  tunnel  company  to  make  an  ex- 
amination of  all  contracts  and  other  actions  taken  by  the  Niagara  River 
Hydraulic  Tunnel,  Power  and  Sewer  Company,  and  had  applied  through 
attorney  William  B.  Rankine,  of  New  York,  for  additional  papers.  This  is 
the  first  recorded  mention  of  Mr.  Rankine's  name  in  connection  with  the 

Mr.  Rankine  stated  that  Mr.  Bliss  was  making  a  critical  examination  of 
the  papers  on  deposit  with  the  Farmers  Loan  and  Trust  Company  on  behalf  of 
the  London  and  Westminster  Bank,  the  bankers  of  the  English  company. 

The  report  of  Mr.  Bliss  made  an  unfavorable  impression  in  London  and 
caused  the  syndicate  to  withdraw  from  what  was  considered  a  "risky  and 



unwise  investment."  Thereupon  the  syndicate  surrendered  its  optional  con- 
tract, provided  for  its  expenditures,  about  $20,000  it  was  reported,  and  dis- 


The  five  original  promoters  of  the  enterprise  were  greatly  disappointed  at 
the  failure  of  the  London  negotiations.  At  the  commencement  of  their  efforts 
they  had  high  expectations  of  a  successful  project,  creditable  to  their  local 
position,  advantageous  to  the  community,  and  profitable  to  all  parties  inter- 
ested therein.  Now  they  were  in  the  slough  of  despondency.  But  under  the 
patient  and  persistent  leadership  of  Charles  B.  Gaskill  they  determined  to  con- 
tinue their  efforts  to  finance  the  project,  even  though  they  might  be  obliged  to 
abandon  all  expectations  of  personal  profit  as  the  originators  of  the  project, 
in  order  to  make  a  success  of  the  undertaking. 

An  assessment  of  $150  each  was  voted  by  the  ten  trustees  present  at  a  meet- 
ing held  January  25,  1888,  to  meet  a  note  at  the  bank  and  other  current 

About  this  time  A.  Augustus  Porter  died,  and  his  son,  Alexander  J.  Porter, 
returned  to  the  falls  to  live  and  look  after  the  interests  of  his  father's  estate. 
He  became  the  secretary  of  the  company  in  place  of  George  N.  Miller,  who 
resigned  after  having  served  well  in  that  capacity  from  the  inception  of  the 
company  and  without  condensation.  Alexander  J.  Porter  was  elected  a 
trustee,  June  2,  1888. 

After  the  failure  of  negotiations  with  the  English  syndicate,  an  effort  was 
made  to  interest  the  financial  group  in  control  of  the  New  York  Central 
Railroad  through  their  counsel,  Daniel  H.  McMillan,  of  Buffalo,  to  whom 
options  were  given  on  two  separate  occasions.  Here  again  was  disappoint- 
ment, and  loss  of  time  and  money. 

As  it  was  believed  that  the  familiarity  of  the  great  public  with  the  name 
Niagara  and  what  it  represented  in  water-power  going  to  waste,  might  be 
utilized  to  secure  the  necessary  capital,  books  of  subscription  to  the  capital 
stock  of  the  company  were  again  opened,  and  the  plans  were  exhibited  in 
various  cities,  but  this  method  was  not  successful. 

Prior  to  the  English  negotiations  of  1886-1887,  William  B.  Rankine,  whose 
family  resided  in  the  western  part  of  the  state,  and  who  was  familiar  with 
affairs  at  Niagara  Falls,  presented  the  subject  of  the  improvement  of  the 
Niagara  water-power  to  Francis  Lynde  Stetson,  with  whom  he  had  been 
associated  in  the  office  of  the  Corporation  Counsel  of  that  city. 

The  passage  of  the  Act  of  1886,  authorizing  the  Niagara  River  Hydraulic 
Tunnel,  Power  and  Sewer  Company,  by  special  charter,  to  utilize  the  power 
of  Niagara  Falls,  attracted  much  attention.  The  efforts  made  to  finance  the 



company  in  1887  in  the  English  as  well  as  the  American  money  markets 
were  well  understood  in  financial  and  engineering  circles,  and  their  failures 
deplored,  particularly  in  the  western  part  of  the  State  of  New  York,  where 
great  advantages  were  expected  from  the  utilization  of  the  falls,  in  increase 
in  values  and  in  the  population  that  would  be  attracted  to  that  section  by  the 
prospect  of  inexhaustible  and  never-failing  power,  at  prices  below  those  pre- 
vailing for  power  as  then  produced  from  coal. 

The  opinion  became  current  in  Niagara  and  Buffalo  that  the  Evershed 
plans  for  the  power  development  were  not  adapted  to  the  natural  conditions 
of  the  locality,  especially  from  the  point  of  view  of  the  financier,  who  could  not 
be  assured  of  current  income  upon  an  investment  of  large  and  doubtful 
amount  and  unknown  risk  that  had  been  previously  declined  by  numerous 
engineers  and  practical  men  who  were  familiar  with  the  local  surroundings. 

It  was  stated  that  the  original  promoters  of  the  tunnel  company,  after 
five  years  of  strenuous  and  loyal  co-operation,  expressed  the  opinion,  in  ex- 
planation of  the  causes  of  their  lack  of  success,  that  the  project  dealt  with 
hydraulic  forces  far  greater  than  man  had  ever  before  attempted  to  control. 
Men  of  experience  and  capital,  it  is  said,  warned  investors  that  the  project 
was  visionary  and  unsafe. 

Although  local  pride  prompted  the  exhaustion  of  all  possible  efforts  to 
promote  the  enterprise,  the  results  were  discouraging.  The  population  and 
property  of  that  community  were  comparatively  small,  and  its  business  activi- 
ties were  conservative  and  mostly  inherited. 

The  promoters  of  the  enterprise  were  not  capitalists.  They  were  devoted 
admirers  of  the  falls,  which  they  considered  a  public  asset  of  great  value. 
They  were  confident  believers  that  the  practical  people  of  the  nation  would 
eventually  utilize  the  great  force  that  was  hourly  wasted.  They  were  loyal  to 
the  interests  of  their  neighbors.  They  cherished  hopes  of  accomplishment  and 
fortune,  but  through  the  anxieties  of  prolonged  and  unsuccessful  negotiations 
at  home  and  abroad,  they  had  acquired  experience  and  were  prepared,  if 
necessary,  to  surrender  expectation  of  profit  if  they  might  achieve  their  pur- 
pose to  bring  prosperity  to  the  community  in  which  they  lived. 

It  was  true  that  local  men,  who  should  best  understand  the  value  of  the 
opportunities,  had  examined  the  merits  of  the  enterprise  as  presented  and 
declined  to  invest  or  recommend.  But  the  promoters  of  Niagara  Falls  had 
faith  that  somehow — but  they  could  not  then  conceive  in  what  manner — 
other  people's  money  and  experience  might  accomplish  what  was  so  greatly 
desired  as  a  stimulus  to  local  prosperity.  Engineering  and  financial  circles  at 
home  and  abroad  had  considered  the  project  and  declined.  The  name  Niagara 



had  failed  to  conjure  capital  for  its  control,  but  the  falls  still  remained  as  a 
delight  and  wonder,  while  its  observers  pondered  its  problems  of  nature  and 
entertained  dreams  of  science  applied. 


It  was  under  these  conditions  that  the  Niagara  promoters  again  sought  to 
interest  Francis  Lynde  Stetson,  of  New  York,  in  their  project.  Mr.  Rankine 
resumed  his  negotiations  of  the  previous  year  on  behalf  of  the  tunnel  company 
with  Mr.  Stetson,  who  gave  attention  to  the  subject  from  time  to  time  during 
the  following  year,  and  on  June  2,  1888,  acquired  an  option  to  purchase  the 
capital  stock  of  the  company. 

Further  investigations  followed  during  the  year  and  the  option  was  sur- 
rendered in  December,  1888. 

It  was  then  determined  to  attempt  to  place  an  issue  of  the  company's 
bonds.  Messrs.  W.  Caryl  Ely,  Henry  S.  Ware  and  James  Fraser  Gluck 
were  ajDpointed  a  committee  to  consider  the  plan  therefor.  They  reported  at 
a  meeting  held  December  15,  1888,  in  favor  of  an  issue  of  $2,500,000  bonds 
bearing  interest  at  five  per  cent  per  annum  and  maturing  in  20  years.  The 
committee  also  recommended  that  "proposals  for  construction  and  trans- 
mission by  electricity  be  obtained." 

President  Gaskill  reported  to  this  meeting  the  names  of  persons  from 
whom  he  had  secured  offers  to  take  power  to  an  aggregate  of  12,900  horse- 
power for  the  gross  amount  of  $124,500  annually,  and  that  in  addition,  a 
company  would  be  formed  at  Tonawanda  to  take  power  which  would  yield 
$5000  per  annum. 

At  this  meeting  Colonel  Gaskill  presented  a  draft  of  a  revised  prospectus 
and  a  report  from  Mr.  Evershed,  the  engineer  of  the  company,  dated 
December,  1888,  giving  details  of  estimates  of  dimensions,  locations  and  costs 
of  tunnels  and  cross  tunnels,  and  necessary  lands  and  the  location  thereof. 
A  committee  was  authorized  to  prepare  and  present  at  the  next  meeting  of  the 
trustees,  a  proof  of  the  new  prospectus.  This  was  prepared  but  not  issued. 

In  his  report,  Mr.  Evershed  discussed  the  costs  of  lands  and  amounts  of 
land  and  power  that  would  probably  be  required  by  lessees,  cited  the  sug- 
gestions of  Mr.  Fanning  concerning  the  same,  and  said  "we  must  have  all  the 
land  up  to  Elizabeth  Street." 

Mr.  Ely  presented  a  report  to  this  meeting  of  December,  on  the  condition 
of  the  right-of-way  for  the  tunnel  under  the  village  of  Niagara  Falls  showing 
valid  releases  from  all  property  owners  excepting  the  New  York  Central  and 
Hudson  River  Railroad  Company,  The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and 
Manufacturing  Company,  and  five  individual  land  owners,  three  of  whom 



were  ready  to  sign  their  deeds  and  from  all  of  whom  titles  were  eventually 

On  December  22,  1888,  a  meeting  of  the  trustees  was  held,  and  Messrs. 
Gaskill,  Kinsley  and  Gluck  were  constituted  a  committee  to  go  to  New  York 
and  negotiate  with  persons  making  a  proposal  that  had  been  forwarded  by 
Mr.  Rankine.  These  negotiations  were  unsuccessful. 

On  January  5,  1889,  a  resolution  was  passed  appointing  Mr.  Rankine  as 
incorporator,  he  agreeing  to  accept  an  equal  share  with  the  other  stockholders 
in  lieu  of  other  payment  for  "his  legal  services  past  and  to  come." 

Meanwhile  there  were  no  outward  evidences  of  the  interest  or  efforts  of 
Messrs.  Rankine  and  Stetson,  and  the  "Great  Enterprise"  seemed  again  to 
languish.  Thus  another  winter,  1888-1889,  wore  away.  But  in  Mr.  Stetson 
the  leaven  was  evidently  finally  working,  for  in  February  he  suggested  an 
amendment  to  the  charter,  clarifying  and  enlarging  the  rights  to  take  and 
use  the  waters  of  the  river  and  to  locate  and  construct  works  therefor. 

The  measure  was  introduced  in  the  Assembly  on  the  26th  of  February  and  in 
the  Senate  on  the  day  following.  Its  management  was  entrusted  to  Mr.  Ely. 
After  some  vicissitudes  it  was  finally  passed  in  both  houses  April  5,  and  on 
the  same  day  received  the  approval  of  Governor  David  B.  Hill. 

On  May  10,  William  B.  Rankine  made  a  statement  at  a  meeting  of  the 
stockholders  regarding  his  negotiations  with  Mr.  Stetson. 

At  this  time  it  was  resolved  at  a  meeting  of  the  trustees  that  the  unpaid 
portion  of  the  subscription  to  the  capital  stock  of  the  company  be  released 
and  three  shares,  fully  paid,  be  issued  to  each  stockholder,  representing  the 
$300  cash  paid  upon  each  subscription  and  used  for  current  expenses. 


Thereafter  matters  between  the  Niagara  and  the  New  York  interests  were 
actively  taken  up.  On  July  5,  1889,  Messrs.  Stetson,  Rankine  and  Edward 
A.  Wickes,  the  latter  recognized  as  a  "Vanderbilt  man,"  appeared  at  a  meet- 
ing of  the  tunnel  company  board  of  directors  held  at  the  office  of  Superin- 
tendent Welch  in  the  State  Reservation  at  Niagara,  and  plans  were  then 
outlined  by  Mr.  Stetson  for  the  formation  of  a  new  corporation  to  be  entitled 
The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  that  would  prepare  a  method  of  de- 
veloping the  power  and  act  as  the  financial  agent  of  The  Niagara  Falls 
Power  Company.  A  preliminary  agreement  was  presented  under  which  the 
two  companies  would  proceed  towards  the  final  execution  of  the  project  by 
The  Cataract  Construction  Company  as  the  contractor  and  representative  of 
the  tunnel  company  about  to  be  acquired. 



The  draft  contract  as  presented  gave  evidence  of  careful  preparation  and 
was  thoroughly  considered  at  the  morning  meeting  and  at  adjourned  meetings 
in  the  afternoon  and  evening  and  until  an  early  hour  the  following  morning. 
It  was  amended  upon  the  motion  of  the  tunnel  company  directors  in  a  great 
many  of  its  details  and  finally  approved  and  executed,  provisionally,  by  both 
parties  with  the  understanding  that  a  fair  copy  should  be  prepared  for  formal 

The  contract  provided  that  the  name  of  the  Niagara  River  Hydraulic 
Tunnel,  Power  and  Sewer  Company  of  Niagara  Falls,  New  York,  should 
be  changed,  at  its  expense,  to  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company.  This  was 
done  under  authority  of  the  meeting  of  the  trustees,  September  19,  1889,  and 
by  a  proceeding  under  the  general  laws  of  New  York,  conducted  by  Mr.  Ely 
and  published  November  11,  1889. 

The  preliminary  contract  contained  a  proviso  that  The  Cataract  Construc- 
tion Company  "would  on  or  before  the  first  day  of  December,  1889,  enter  into 
a  proper  and  formal  construction  contract,  of  which  the  performance  shall  be 
secured  by  subscriptions,  satisfactory  to  the  board  of  directors  of  the  Niagara 
company,  to  the  cataract  company's  treasury  to  the  amount  of  at  least 
$600,000  (a)  to  construct  the  first  section  of  the  tunnel;  and  (b)  to  pay  into 
the  treasury  of  the  Niagara  company  upon  or  before  the  first  day  of  January 
1892,  the  sum  of  one  hundred  thousand  dollars." 

As  the  first  day  of  December,  1889,  drew  near,  the  indications  increased 
that  further  delay  was  to  be  expected,  and  on  November  28th,  a  letter  was 
received  from  Mr.  Rankine  asking  an  extension  of  thirty  days.  The  directors 
of  the  Niagara  company  took  no  action  upon  the  request  and  asked  Mr. 
Rankine  to  meet  them.  On  the  30th  of  November  the  board  met  again  with 
Mr.  Rankine  present,  with  the  result  that  an  extension  was  granted  to 
January  1.  On  the  preceding  day  Messrs.  Stetson  and  Rankine  visited  the 
falls  and  obtained  a  further  extension  until  February  1,  with  a  modification 
of  the  preliminary  contract  of  July  5,  1889,  so  as  to  include  additional  work 
and  compensation  to  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  of  both  bonds 
and  shares  of  a  par  value  of  $2,200,000  each.  At  this  time  the  purchase  of 
Grass  Island  for  $2000  was  authorized,  as  well  as  an  agreement  of  the 
preceding  day  granting  to  the  Niagara  company  the  right  to  construct 
its  tunnel  across  and  under  the  hydraulic  canal  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Hy- 
draulic Power  and  Manufacturing  Company,  for  $20,000  payable  in  cash 
and  bonds. 

Again,  on  January  27,  the  period  of  execution  of  the  formal  Niagara- 
cataract  contract  was  extended  to  March  31,  and  later  to  April  1,  1890. 



On  February  18,  1890,  the  trustees  of  the  Niagara  company  authorized  the 

Purchases  of  land  from  twenty  different  owners  for  the  total  sum  of  .    .    .  $  291,500 

Increase  of  capital  stock  to   2,000,000 

Issue  of  40-year  five  per  cent  first  mortgage  bonds   6,000,000 

Call  of  stockholders  in  meeting,  March  8,  1890,  to  authorize  the  issues  of  capital  stock 
and  bonds  proposed. 

The  entire  share  capital  was  represented  at  this  meeting,  and  the  issues  of 
stocks  and  bonds  proposed  were  unanimously  authorized  by  the  twelve 

Early  in  March,  Mr.  Ely  called  the  attention  of  Mr.  Stetson  to  several 
important  reasons  why  no  further  options  should  be  given  and  why  the  pro- 
posed formal  contract  should  be  executed  without  further  delay,  among 
which  were  the  following:  A  commission  on  statutory  revision  had  reported 
to  the  legislature  of  1890  and  was  pressing  for  passage  bills  with  reference 
to  the  general  laws  of  the  state  governing  corporations  which  contained 
provisions  that  Mr.  Stetson  and  Victor  Morawetz,  who  was  now  acting  with 
Mr.  Stetson  in  the  capacity  of  counsel,  deemed  inimical  to  the  plans  of  the 
Niagara  and  cataract  companies. 

In  the  correspondence  that  ensued,  Mr.  Ely  and  the  president  and  secretary 
of  the  Niagara  company  convinced  Mr.  Stetson  of  the  necessity  of  proceeding 
without  further  delay  to  make  the  formal  contract.  Into  this  decision  entered 
strongly  the  fact  that  all  of  the  optional  land  contracts  hinged  upon  the 
execution  of  the  formal  contract  on  or  before  April  1,  1890. 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company  became  the  agent  of  The  Niagara 
Falls  Power  Company  "in  the  negotiation  of  leases  and  contracts,  the  em- 
ployment of  operating  forces  for  its  plant,  and  the  collection  of  its  accounts 
for  rentals  due  under  its  leases." 


The  financial  negotiations  of  the  Gaskill  Tunnel  and  Sewer  Company  may 
be  summarized  as  follows : 

The  capital  subscribed  by  the  trustees  in  1886  amounted  to  $200,000,  of 
which  $3600  (one  and  eight  tenths  per  cent)  was  paid  in  cash.  In  1889,  the 
unpaid  balance  was  cancelled  and  the  subscribers  released  therefrom. 

The  contracts  for  purchase  of  lands  and  various  rights  were  mainly  optional 
agreements,  with  prolonged  periods  for  their  determination,  but  mostly  on 
or  before  April  1,  1890. 

The  first  efforts  to  procure  capital  were  directed  to  the  principal  financial 
centers  with  much  formality  in  opening  books  of  subscription  to  the  share 



capital  of  the  company,  and  with  personal  solicitations  where  the  Great  Falls 
were  well  known,  but  no  encouragements  to  expect  subscription  to  the  stock 
were  received. 

The  English  negotiation,  under  auspices  thought  most  favorable,  was 
authorized  for  the  sale  of  the  rights,  franchises  and  shares,  for  the  sum  of 
$650,000,  and  a  tunnel  company  was  formed  in  London  to  facilitate  the 
preliminary  examinations  and  to  provide  for  the  expenses  thereof.  After 
several  months  of  investigation,  and  the  preparation  of  a  financial  prospectus, 
the  contracts  of  option  were  surrendered  and  the  business  declined. 

Then  followed  numerous  efforts  in  the  United  States  for  the  sale  of  bonds 
secured  by  a  first  mortgage  upon  the  franchise,  rights  and  privileges  acquired. 
These  were  not  successful. 

The  promoters  of  the  Gaskill  tunnel  enterprise  were  discouraged.  Options 
and  payment  on  contracts  for  land  were  maturing.  The  sale  of  the  entire 
property  and  rights  of  the  company  appeared  to  be  the  only  way  to  avoid 
financial  embarrassment. 

Negotiations  for  a  sale  of  the  company  with  all  its  assets  had  been  pending 
with  Francis  Lynde  Stetson,  and  continued  at  intervals  for  several  years  to 
April  1,  1890,  when  a  formal  agreement  was  made  between  The  Niagara 
Falls  Power  Company  and  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  for  purchase 
by  the  latter  of  all  the  capital  stock  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 
and  for  the  payment  of  certain  liabilities  for  services  and  contracts  for  lands 
and  rights-of-way. 

Payments  were  authorized  in  cash  and  in  bonds  as  follows : 

In  payment  for  the  entire  capital  stock  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 
and  the  services  of  its  trustees,  officers  and  counsel,  to  January  1,  1892,  in 
first  mortgage  bonds  of  the  Niagara  company  .  $174,000 

For  right-of-way  under  and  across  the  canal  of  the  hydraulic  power  company 
as  provided  in  the  agreement  of  December  31,  1889  ($5000  previously 


In  payment  for  lands  under  contract 
in  bonds  . 



in  cash 

Total  Bonds  . 

.  $376,000 
.  106,500 

Total  Payments 

.  $182,500 

Constituting  a  purchase  of  the 

Entire  capital  stock  at  

Lands,  purchased  and  under  contract 
Right-of-way  for  discharge  tunnel  . 

15,000  $482,500 


Following  is  the  distribution  of  purchase  price : 

Francis  R.  Delano,  trustee,  as  reimburse- 
ment of  his  disbursements  for  account 

of  the  company   $  4,000 

W.  Caryl  Ely  '   12,000 

Estate  of  Thomas  Evershed,  deceased    .    .  15,000 

Benjamin  Flagler   12,000 

Charles  B.  Gaskill   14,000 

James  Fraser  Gluck's  assignee   12,000 

Myron  H.  Kinsley   12,000 

Raymond  S.  Perrin,  for  services  in  English 

negotiations   5,000 

Estate  of  A.  Augustus  Porter,  deceased  .    .  10,000 

Peter  A.  Porter   12,000 

William  B.  Rankine,  for  services  to  and  in- 
cluding June  I,  1889    14,000 

Michael  Ryan   12,000 

Francis  Lynde  Stetson,  for  services  prior 

to  June  1,  1889    16,000 

Henry  S.  Ware   12,000 

Thomas  V.  Welch   12,000 

Total  Payable  ix  Boxds 


Although  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  thus  acquired  the  owner- 
ship of  the  entire  capital  stock  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  it  was 
considered  good  business  policy  to  retain  publicly,  as  well  as  privately,  the 
association  and  co-operation  of  the  local  representatives  on  the  board  of 
trustees  of  the  Niagara  company,  while  the  New  York  stockholders  were 
represented  by  the  board  of  directors  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company, 
particularly  as  the  latter  company  was  engaged  in  the  formulation  and  ex- 
ecution of  the  Niagara  company's  plans  of  construction,  operation  and  finance. 



During  the  ten-year  period  from  July  5,  1889,  when  the  preliminary  and 
optional  contract  was  made  with  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  for  the 
acquisition  of  its  shares  and  assets  by  The  Cataract  Construction  Company, 
until  the  contract  of  May  31,  1899,  between  the  same  parties  was  executed, 
by  which  all  contractual  relations  were  cancelled,  all  the  nine  trustees  of  the 
Niagara  company  were  selected  from  stockholders  identified  with  Niagara 
Falls  and  its  vicinity,  with  the  exceptions  of  the  election  of  Coleman  Sellers, 
of  Philadelphia,  in  1893,  as  president  and  chief  engineer,  and  of  Arthur  H. 
Hasten,  of  New  York,  in  1896,  in  place  of  Frank  A.  Dudley,  resigned.  The 
following  trustees  served  upon  the  board  during  this  period: 

Francis  R.  Delano 
W.  Caryl  Ely  .  . 
Renjamin  Flagler 
Charles  R.  Gaskill 
Myron  H.  Kinsley 
A.  Augustus  Porter 
Peter  A.  Porter  . 
Henry  S.  Ware  . 
Thomas  V.  Welch 
Alexander  J.  Porter 
*  Deceased 




-  1893 



Lauren  W.  Pettebone  . 

.  1892 




De  Lancey  Rankine  . 

.  1892 

-  1893 



Frank  A.  Dudley  .  . 

.  1892 

-  1895 



Coleman  Sellers  . 

.  1893 




William  S.  Humbert . 

.  189-t 

-  1898 



Charles  A.  Sweet  . 

.  1894 




Edmund  S.  Wheeler  .  . 

.  1895 




Arthur  H.  Hasten   .  . 

.  1896 

-  1898 


-  1893 



By  the  purchase  of  the  tunnel  company,  the  responsibility  for  the  enter- 
prise was  assumed  by  The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  representing 
the  subscribers  to  its  construction  fund  and  the  owners  of  its  capital  stock. 

Charles  B.  Gaskill- 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company1 
Colonel  United  States  Army 
Served  with  Distinction  in  Civil 
and  Spanish-American  Wars 

It  was  this  company  that  made  the  investigations  in  this  country  and  abroad 
as  to  the  state  of  development  of  the  several  arts  for  the  production,  trans- 
mission and  use  of  power  from  falling  water. 

1  Incorporated  1886  as  Niagara  River  Hydraulic  Tunnel,  Power  and  Sewer  Company;  name  changed, 
1889,  to  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company. 



The  results  of  these  researches,  the  organizations  adopted  for  scientific 
guidance,  the  decisions  made  and  the  constructions  carried  out,  are  described 
in  the  following  chapters. 


Colonel  Gaskill  was  honored  by  the  highest  positions  in  public  service  that 
his  friends  of  the  community  could  give.  He  maintained  his  interest  in  the 
military  affairs  of  the  state.  Transportation  and  manufacturing,  however, 
represented  his  principal  investments.  These  increasingly  demanded  his  at- 
tention as  the  village  of  Niagara  Falls  increased  in  population,  activity  and 

As  president  of  the  power  company  from  its  organization  of  1886  to  1894, 
several  years  after  he  and  his  associates  sold  their  interests,  he  brought  his 
experience  of  about  fourteen  years  in  manufacturing  with  water-power  from 
Niagara  River  and  his  broader  experience  with  men  of  large  affairs  in  national 
and  other  activities,  to  the  introduction  and  development  of  the  Evershed 

The  project  of  the  hydraulic  canal  proposed  by  Judge  Augustus  Porter 
by  circular  of  January,  1847,  reached  a  consummation  some  thirty  years  later, 
and  Colonel  Gaskill  has  the  record  of  being  the  first  user  of  the  water  of  the 
hydraulic  canal  for  industrial  purposes. 

To  have  been  connected  with  the  early  stages  of  each  of  the  two  projects, 
in  one  as  first  user  of  power,  in  the  other  as  leading  promoter  and  president, 
which  were  merged  in  1918  into  the  consolidation  entitled  The  Niagara 
Falls  Power  Company,  is  the  unique  distinction  which  belongs  to  Col.  Charles 
B.  Gaskill  of  Niagara  Falls. 

Gen.  Nelson  A.  Miles,  under  whom  he  served,  wrote  of  him: 

Colonel  Gaskill  was  one  of  the  best  officers  and  noblest  of  men  that  I  have  ever  known. 
A  more  thorough,  conscientious,  honest  patriot  never  wore  the  uniform  of  the  United 
States  Army.  His  whole  heart  and  mind  were  interested  in  the  welfare  of  his  command 
and  in  the  service  of  his  country.  Whatever  command  he  had,  whether  a  company  or 
regiment,  it  was  in  the  best  possible  condition.  The  service  had  few,  if  any,  more  efficient 




Here  is  a  power  almost  illimitable ;  constantly 
wasted,  yet  never  diminished — constantly  exerted,  yet 
never  exhausted — gazed  upon,  admired,  wondered  at, 
but  never  hitherto  controlled. 

From  the  Prospectus  of  the 

Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Company 
Caleb  S.  Woodhull,  President 


Chapter  VIII 

To  gather  the  streams  from  waste  and  to  draw 
from  them  energy,  labor  without  brains,  and  so  to  save 
mankind  from  toil  that  it  can  be  spared,  is  to  supply 
what  next  to  intellect  is  the  very  foundation  of  all  our 
achievement  and  all  our  welfare. 

Justice  Holmes 

U.  S.  Supreme  Couht 



IN  the  summer  of  1889  the  story  of  the  century-old  attempts  to  harness  the 
falls  of  Niagara  finds  the  new  tunnel  project  in  the  hands  of  Francis  L. 
Stetson  and  Edward  A.  Wickes  of  New  York  and  William  B.  Rankine  of 
Niagara  Falls.  They  had  acquired  the  right  to  purchase  the  Niagara  River 
Hydraulic  Tunnel,  Power  and  Sewer  Company  (organized  in  1886  by  the 
Gaskill  group )  which  proposed  to  develop  power  in  accordance  with  the  plan 
and  advices  of  Thomas  Evershed  and  they  had  organized  The  Cataract  Con- 
struction Company  of  New  Jersey,  for  that  purpose.  Various  attempts  to 
finance  the  project  had  proved  futile,  and  in  August  they  offered  a  half 
interest  in  the  enterprise  to  Winslow,  Lanier  &  Company,  New  York  bankers. 
Edward  D.  Adams,1  a  partner  in  the  firm,  was  delegated  to  conduct  an  in- 
vestigation to  determine  the  merits  of  the  proposals. 

The  project  as  outlined  in  the  preliminary  plans  of  Thomas  Evershed, 
dated  July  1,  1889,  and  described  in  the  preceding  chapter,  was  for  the 
formation  of  an  industrial  town.  Mills  and  factories  within  an  area  several 
hundred  yards  wide  and  extending  along  and  up  the  river  for  a  mile  and  a  half 
were  to  be  driven  by  individual  water-wheels  supplied  from  a  dozen  inlet  chan- 
nels or  short  canals.  The  water  from  the  wheels  at  the  bottom  of  the  various 
wheel-pits  would  discharge  through  short  tail-race  tunnels  into  a  main  dis- 
charge tunnel  about  2^  miles  long  emptying  into  the  lower  river.  It  was 
proposed  that  this  tunnel  should  be  adequate  for  the  discharge  from  238 
wheels,  each  supplying  500  horse-power  to  a  single  factory,  or  a  total  of 
119,000  horse-power. 

It  was  seen  at  once  that  the  novelty  and  magnitude  of  the  project  intro- 
duced unsolved  and  far-reaching  problems.  For  what  purposes  and  where 
could  so  large  an  amount  of  power  be  used?  The  population  of  Niagara 
Falls  in  1890  was  only  about  5000. 

Was  the  scheme  of  building  up  a  new  industrial  center  for  using  power  that 
"far  exceeds  the  combined  available  power  in  use  at  Holyoke,  Lowell,  Minne- 
apolis, Cohoes,  Lewiston  and  Lawrence"  a  promising  venture?  Was  it  wise 
to  construct  a  costly  tail-race  tunnel  instead  of  following  the  old  method  by 
employing  a  long  inlet  hydraulic  canal? 

1  His  connection  with  the  enterprise  has  heen  continuous  during  the  thirty-seven  years  intervening 
between  the  original  investigation  and  the  completion  of  this  history. 



Was  the  old  plan  of  placing  the  mill  over  or  near  its  own  water-wheel 
adapted  to  a  project  of  unprecedented  magnitude,  or  could  power  produced 
at  one  place  be  supplied  to  several  customers  from  a  consumer  system  as 
was  the  practise  with  gas  and  water  and  electric  light? 

Could  the  power  be  distributed  locally  or  transmitted  to  a  considerable 
distance  by  shafts  or  belts  or  cables,  by  compressed  air  or  water  pressure,  or 
would  electricity  which  was  doing  wonderful  things  in  a  small  way  be  capable 
of  handling  power  on  a  scale  and  over  distances  which  far  exceeded  what  had 
been  accomplished? 

Could  Buffalo,  population  about  255,000,  the  far-distant  Mecca  for  Niagara 
power,  be  reached  by  any  practicable  method  ? 

In  short,  the  inquiry  involved  broad  questions  as  to  the  best  general  engineer- 
ing plan  for  power  development  at  Niagara ;  the  practicability  of  the  proposed 
system  employing  many  inlets  and  many  wheels  with  a  common  discharge  tun- 
nel; the  transmission  of  power  over  moderate  or  considerable  distances — all  of 
which  meshed  into  the  questions  how  and  where  the  proposed  enormous 
amount  of  power  could  be  so  used  as  to  justify  the  undertaking  financially. 


The  proposed  discharge  tunnel  was  a  practical  solution  of  the  specific 
problem  presented  by  the  conditions  then  existing  at  Niagara  Falls. 

It  will  be  seen  by  the  following  plan  of  Niagara  Falls  at  that  date,  that 
the  State  of  New  York  had  acquired  ownership  of  the  land  and  its  riparian 



water-rights  extending  along  the  river  bank  from  the  Great  Falls,  1  mile 
upstream  to  Port  Day,  and  on  the  bank  below  the  Great  Falls  to  the  founda- 
tions of  the  Suspension  Bridge.  All  of  this  property,  with  Goat  Island  and 
other  small  islands,  comprising  the  state  reservation,  from  which  industrial 
establishments  had  been  removed  and  permanently  excluded. 

Port  Day  and  its  so-called  hydraulic  canal,  supplying  the  factories  located 
at  the  end  of  the  canal  basin  of  the  Schoellkopf  company,  as  shown  on  the  ac- 
companying illustration,  had  been  constructed  many  years  before  this  period. 
The  village  of  Niagara  Falls,  had  been  established  mainly  within  the  triangle 
formed  by  the  upper  and  lower  river  and  the  hydraulic  canal.  The  terrain 
within  the  triangular  space  was  unavailable  for  power  developments  because, 
owing  to  its  permanent  inhabitants,  it  was  practically  impossible  to  acquire 
in  this  area  the  right  for  a  second  water  intake  and  canal,  or  sufficient  land  for 
industrial  improvement. 

These  conditions,  and  considerations  of  economy  in  capital  expenditures, 
required  a  power  company  seeking  a  location  to  place  its  water  intake  above 
the  reservation  and  as  near  as  possible  to  Port  Day  on  the  eastern  side,  and 
its  raceway,  or  its  water-wheel  discharge,  by  the  shortest  line  to  the  lower 
river  where  discharge  could  be  made  immediately  below  the  Suspension 

A  tunnel  from  the  river  bank  east  of  Port  Day  to  a  point  below  and  adjoin- 
ing the  bridge  foundation  thus  became  the  only  practical  solution  of  these  diffi- 
culties, and  the  large  tract  of  sparsely  occupied  land  between  the  river  and 
the  lines  of  the  New  York  Central  and  the  Erie  railroads,  extending  up  the 
river  to  and  beyond  Gill  Creek  to  Connor's  Island,  recommended  itself  as  the 
natural  location  for  a  new  industrial  community. 


The  Evershed  plan1  made  provision  for  238  mills,  each  supplied  with  power 
by  its  own  500  horse-power  water-wheel.  Twelve  cross  tunnels  aggregated 
about  3  miles  in  length  and  the  main  tunnel  was  2l/o  miles  long  and  14  feet 
in  diameter. 

Difficulties  soon  appeared.  The  construction  of  over  5  miles  of  tunnel  and 
238  wheel-pits  aggregating  some  4  miles  more,  practically  all  by  rock  excava- 
tion in  a  hard  limestone  deposit,  indicated  the  economy  in  fewer  wheel-pits 
and  a  lessened  length  of  tunnels  and  inlet-canals.  The  likelihood  of  ice  in 
some  3  miles  of  comparatively  shallow  inlet-canals  promised  to  be  a  serious 
menace  to  dependable  operation.  Furthermore  an  industrial  development  of 

1  For  drawings  see  Chapter  VII,  Volume  I,  and  Chapter  XVII,  Volume  II. 



hundreds  of  mills  equivalent  to  that  of  half  a  dozen  prominent  manufacturing 
communities  comprised  within  a  restricted  area  was  visionary,  requiring  a 
generation  in  time  and  fortunes  in  expenditures  to  create. 

Obviously  power  production  should  be  concentrated  into  fewer  units  and 
if  practicable  the  power  distributed  to  the  places  where  it  could  best  be  used. 
Without  transmission  the  water-wheels  and  the  mills  must  come  together, 
to  the  detriment  of  each;  but  with  transmission,  the  power  could  be  produced 
by  the  most  efficient  and  economical  means,  and  the  mills  and  factories  located 
to  their  best  advantage  in  operation. 

It  was  also  recognized  that  large  initial  investment  would  be  necessary  and 
that  a  slowly  growing  industrial  community  would  produce  a  tardy  income, 
while  the  supplying  of  electric  current  to  the  established  communities  of 
Buffalo  and  Tonawanda  would  afford  an  immediate  income  for  meeting 
interest  charges  on  construction  costs. 


It  was  realized  that  the  project  involved  problems  of  great  magnitude  and 
that  technical  advice  of  a  high  order  was  needed  in  several  departments  of 
engineering.  Immediate  steps  were  taken  to  secure  such  assistance,  particu- 
larly in  the  matter  of  power  transmission  by  electricity. 


Naturally,  among  the  first  experts  to  be  consulted  regarding  the  Niagara 
project  was  Thomas  A.  Edison,  not  only  because  he  designed  and  introduced 
the  electric  distribution  for  incandescent  lighting  by  direct-current  systems 
then  in  use  and  rapidly  extending,  but  because  a  large  number  of  the  financial 
group  then  considering  the  Niagara-Evershed  project  were  associated  with 
Mr.  Edison  as  directors  and  stockholders  in  electric  companies  bearing  his 

While  Mr.  Edison  was  abroad  in  September,  1889,  he  was  asked  by  cable, 
respecting  the  project  to  transmit  Niagara  power  to  Buffalo: 

Has  power  transmission  reached  such  development  that  in  your  judgment  scheme 

He  cabled  from  Havre,  September  28th: 

No  difficulty  transferring  unlimited  power.  Will  assist.   Sailing  toda}'. 

Mr.  Edison  had  made  a  survey,  in  1886,  of  the  situation  in  Buffalo  and  what 
he  termed  a  rough  estimate  of  the  cost  of  transferring  power  from  the  turbine 
shaft  at  Niagara  Falls  to  the  center  of  the  city  of  Buffalo. 

His  estimates,  it  is  stated,  were  based  upon  the  delivery  of  5000  horse- 
power, being  the  estimated  net  amount  from  about  6800  horse-power  taken 



from  the  shaft  at  the  falls  and  transmitted  the  22  miles  at  a  loss  of  about 
20  per  cent  on  the  wires,  and  about  6  per  cent  on  dynamos  and  "reducers."  He 
proposed  to  use  6000  volts,  which  he  then  considered  as  high  as  any  commer- 
cial enterprise  should  use,  and  with  his  new  reducers  at  Buffalo,  step-down  the 
voltage  to  300-400  volts  for  power  and  200  for  lights. 

Thomas  A.  Edison  at  Work 
in  His  Laboratory 

It  was  during  the  year  1889  that  the  partisans  of  direct  and  alternating 
current  resorted  to  the  press  in  their  efforts  to  create  public  opinion  for  or 
against  their  favorite  current.  The  alternating  current  was  new,  but  its  use, 
principally  for  incandescent  lighting  was  rapidly  extending  both  in  this 
country  and  abroad.  The  antagonism  in  the  competition  of  electrical  industries 
reached  such  a  point  that  both  currents  were  recommended  for  use  in  the  pro- 
posed establishment  of  state  execution1  by  electric  current,  and  there  was 

'The  only  current  used  at  Sing  Sing  Prison  has  been  the  alternating,  single-phase,  sixty-cycle  current. 



much  discussion  as  to  which  current  would  be  preferred  by  the  executioner 
and  the  criminal. 

Mr.  Edison  was  written,  October  1G,  1889,  that  the  enterprise  was  then 
regarded  as  a  project  to  furnish  power  for  use  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of 
Niagara  Falls  by  electrical  or  other  methods,  and  that  a  comparatively  small 
amount  of  light  would  also  be  consumed  there;  that  if  the  project  upon  this 
basis  would  return  a  fair  rate  of  interest  on  the  capital  invested,  one  could 
safely  engage  in  the  business,  trusting  to  development,  under  good  manage- 
ment, for  the  larger  results  to  be  expected  and  that  as  one  of  the  means  of 
obtaining  large  profits,  consideration  would  be  given  to  the  supply  of  power 
in  Tonawanda  and  Buffalo  and  to  the  distribution  of  light  in  those  places. 

Mr.  Edison  confidently  believed  the  Niagara-Buffalo  transmission'  feasible 
by  the  continuous-current  system.  He  welcomed  such  a  favorable  opportunity 
to  estimate  the  efficiency  and  commercial  value  of  the  direct  current  and  at 
once  resumed  his  consideration  of  the  Niagara-Buffalo  transmission,  under- 
taking a  new  survey  of  the  conditions. 

An  examination  was  made  on  his  behalf  in  1889  by  C.  J.  Field,2  of  Brooklyn, 
regarding  the  proposed  transmission  to  Buffalo,  by  laying  cables  in  the  river 
channel.  He  reported,  November  11,  estimating  that  the  cable  line  from 
power-house  in  Niagara  to  Black  Rock,  at  the  northern  boundary  of  Buffalo,  15  miles  via  the  channel  on  the  Canadian  side  of  Grand  Island,  and, 
by  using  an  underground  line  directly  across  Grand  Island,  the  distance 
would  be  reduced  to  14  miles.  The  river  bottom  was  found  generally  uniform 
and  nearly  free  from  holes  or  shoals.  There  were  several  rocky  places  but  as 
they  did  not  extend  across  the  river-bed,  they  could  easily  be  avoided  in  laying 
the  cables.  It  was  considered  entirely  feasible  to  lay  and  use  cables  in  the 
channel  of  the  river. 

Mr.  Edison  recommended  the  14  mile  line  directly  across  Grand  Island, 
with  the  cable  in  a  trench  and  crossing  the  river  at  Buffalo  and  Niagara  by  a 
pole  suspension.  Mr.  Field's  report  included  the  results  of  his  inquiries  as  to 
ice,  anchorage,  temperature  of  water,  depth  of  river,  canal  and  ship  channel 
dredging,  etc. 

About  this  period  Mr.  Edison  cabled  to  Siemens  Brothers  of  London,  for 
an  approximate  estimate  for  the  sizes  and  lengths  of  cables  probably  desired. 
His  comment  upon  the  reply  was,  "The  prices  are  rather  high  when  45  per 
cent  is  added  (duty)  and  I  think  they  can  be  made  in  this  country." 

Mr.  Field  reported  that  "there  is  at  present  about  4000  horse-power  at 
Tonawanda,  which  is  continually  increasing.  There  are  two  electric  street 

1  Cassirr's  Magazine  of  March,  1893. 

2  General  Manager,  Edison  Electric  Illuminating  Company,  of  Brooklyn. 



railways,  also  an  electric  light  station  contemplated,  but  are  holding  off  for 
the  further  development  of  this  problem.  At  Buffalo  there  is  estimated  from 
40,000  to  50,000  horse-power.  The  city  is  spending  more  than  $300,000  for 
lighting,  of  which  the  gas  company  is  still  getting  two-thirds." 

The  estimate  received  from  the  laboratory  of  Mr.  Edison,  on  November  14, 
1889,  amounted  to  $5,243,000,  as  the  cost  of  producing  but  not  of  distributing, 
by  means  of  a 

Main  tunnel,  with  capacity  of  120,000  horse-power; 

Hydraulic  development  with  turbines  and  rope  or  cable  transmission 
to  surface; 

Niagara  electric  station  for  production  of  continuous  current  for 
transmission  by  wires  in  cables  to  Buffalo; 

Three  sub-stations  in  Buffalo  for  distribution  of  light  and  power, 
but  not  including  systems  of  distribution  to  consuming  customers. 

An  income  of  $880,000  net  per  annum  was  estimated  from  a  gross  annual 
revenue  of  $1,402,000  sold  en  grosse  at  the  sub-station  terminals  in  Buffalo. 

The  prospective  income  was  alluring,  but  capital  was  particularly  cautious 
at  that  time  in  view  of  the  possibility  of  a  cheaper  and  more  direct  form  of 
transmission  becoming  available  before  the  main  tunnel  could  be  completed. 
It  was  therefore  decided  to  continue  investigations  while  plans  were  being 
prepared  for  the  construction  of  the  tunnel,  the  backbone  of  the  enterprise. 

The  hydraulic  features  of  the  project  were  still  under  consideration,  and 
the  problems  of  distribution  had  not  yet  gone  beyond  those  of  local  use,  from 
a  central  power  source,  for  which  systems  of  water  under  pressure,  compressed 
air,  and  electricity  were  recommended. 

The  thorough  examination  and  resulting  opinion,  as  expressed  by  so 
eminent  an  electrician  as  Mr.  Edison,  were  convincing  that  the  use  of  elec- 
tricity had  not  then  been  sufficiently  developed  for  its  economical  and 
profitable  distribution  in  long-distance  transmission  for  power  purposes. 

The  advantages  of  the  alternating  current  in  long-distance  transmission 
were  then  exciting  the  attention  of  engineers  and  under  these  conditions  it 
seemed  desirable  to  continue  the  study  of  transmission  plans  until  after  the 
fundamental  elements  of  the  main  project  for  primary  units  had  been 

As  Mr.  Edison  declined  to  accept  financial  compensation  for  his  services 
at  this  time,  an  offer  was  made  to  pay  the  expenses  of  his  investigation.  To 
this  suggestion  he  demurred,  and  after  some  estimates  of  the  probable  costs 
were  figured,  an  offer  was  made  to  pay  him  $10,000  for  his  maps  and  statistics. 



This  offer  was  also  declined,  with  the  statement  that  he  would  prefer  to  keep 
his  information. 

Henry  Morton 

PH.D.,  SC.D.,  LL.D. 

Physicist  and  Engineer 
First  President  of 
Stevens  Institute  of  Technology 


Dr.  Henry  Morton,  president  of  the  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  was 
retained  as  a  scientific  adviser  and  the  documents  in  the  case  were  submitted 
to  him  for  analysis.  He  reported  early  in  September,  1889,  as  follows: 

In  reply  to  your  question  respecting  the  practicability  and  economy  of  transmitting 
power  in  large  amounts  through  long  distances  (say  units  of  1000  horse-power  for 
10  or  20  miles)  by  means  of  electric  currents,  I  would  say  that  the  problem  is  not  one 
which  has  as  yet  received  anywhere  its  practical  solution,  and  therefore  we  cannot  say 
it  is  certainly  feasible  because  it  has  already  been  done  in  such  and  such  a  case. 



Large  amounts  of  power  have  been  transmitted  to  distances  of  1  or  2  miles,  and  small 
amounts  of  power  have  been  transmitted  for  long  distances,  such  as  30  miles,  but  the 
combination  of  large  amounts  of  power  and  long  distances  has  not  yet  been  realized  in 
practise,  and  without  doubt  something  new  in  the  dimensions  and  proportions  of  elec- 
trical machinery  must  be  developed  in  order  to  meet  the  requirements  of  such  a  problem 
as  you  propose. 

Enough,  however,  has  been  done  to  furnish  a  sound  basis  for  general  calculations  and 
estimates,  and  having  gone  over  these  with  great  care,  in  a  variety  of  cases,  I  feel 
entirely  satisfied  that  a  plant  could  be  constructed  for  the  transmission  of  1000  horse- 
power through  a  distance  of  10  or  20  miles  at  such  a  cost  as  would  make  each  horse-power 
available  at  the  end  of  the  line,  costs  from  $10  to  $20  per  year ;  this  including  all  interest 
on  the  cost  of  electrical  machinery,  line-wires,  buildings  and  other  structures,  and  the 
expense  of  maintenance  as  expressed  in  wages  of  attendants  and  costs  of  repairs.  This 
does  not  include  the  cost  of  producing  the  power  by  turbines  or  otherwise  at  Niagara, 
which  I  have  not  examined  or  attempted  to  estimate. 

For  larger  amounts  than  1000  horse-power,  it  would  be  best  to  duplicate  the  plant 
required  for  the  former  amount. 

In  my  estimation  the  difficulties,  expensiveness  and  wastefulness  of  any  pneumatic 
method  of  transmitting  power  for  such  distances,  renders  it  unworthy  of  consideration 
in  this  connection. 

The  generation  of  an  alternating  current  was  then  considered  particularly 
interesting  when  produced  at  high  potential,  because  it  could  be  carried  far 
and  economically  by  the  use  of  a  small  copper  wire. 

The  difficulties  after  transmission  were  the  unsurmounted  obstacles  that 
prevented  the  use  of  the  high-tension  current. 

The  means  for  reduction  of  the  voltage  to  safe  and  useful  pressure  in 
distribution  had  not  been  provided;  the  converters  were  yet  to  be  designed 
and  manufactured. 

Scientists  had  theoretically  demonstrated  to  their  own  satisfaction  that 
the  current  could  be  controlled  and  distributed  safely  and  economically  as 
desired  for  use  in  motors  as  power.  Their  laboratories  were  working  out 
designs  and  engaged  in  the  construction  of  experimental  machines.  The  results 
were  encouraging  but  not  commercial.  Hope  may  have  fathered  the  thought 
that  the  machines  would  be  forthcoming;  the  stakes  were  high,  the  field  was 
promising  and  the  community  was  expectant;  success  meant  fortunes;  there 
was  an  unmistakable  demand  that  lured  the  inventor;  the  pioneer  promoter 
had  both  courage  and  confidence.  The  necessity  was  recognized  as  the  mother 
of  the  inventions  required. 

Naturally  there  were  different  points  of  view.  The  pioneer  sought  in- 
formation and  soon  learned  that  conservatism  counseled  delay,  for  safety, 
while  leaders  had  visions  of  useful  achievements  almost  within  siafht  and 




Among  the  earliest  to  recognize  the  economic  advantages  of  transmitting 
electric  current  at  high  potential  was  Frank  J.  Sprague,  a  recognized  au- 
thority on  electrical  matters.  His  early  electric  railway  studies  indicated  the 
importance  of  3000-volt  current  transmission  on  the  trolley  car.  He  believed 

Frank  Julian  Sprague 
d.eng.,,  ll.d. 
Electrical  Engineer 
Grad.  U.  S.  Naval  Academy,  1878 
Mem.  A.  I.  E.  E.  (Pres.  1892-1893) 

that  whatever  potential  might  prove  necessary  for  commercial  operations 
would  be  adopted  and  means  be  found  to  divert  its  use  from  danger  by  pro- 
tective control. 

Mr.  Sprague  made  important  advances  in  the  use  and  control  of  alternating 
currents  of  electricity  at  high  potential,  when  experimenting  in  1880-1881  at 



the  United  States  Torpedo  Station  at  Newport,  Rhode  Island,  when  he  pro- 
posed converters  or  reversed  secondary  coils. 

Upon  official  request,  he  made  a  report  September  13,  1886,  to  the  Edison 
Electric  Illuminating  Company  of  New  York  upon  the  system  of  supplying 
light  by  the  use  of  alternating  current  machines  and  converters  ( transformers ) . 

After  descriptive  and  mathematical  demonstrations  of  the  comparative 
value,  in  capital  expenditure,  and  in  the  profit  and  safety  of  operation,  he 

the  whole  question  seems  to  me  to  be  solved  by  a  comparison,  where  long-distances  are 
used,  between  the  two  systems,  and  in  this  case  the  alternating  current  distribution  un- 
questionably has  the  advantage. 

There  is  no  question  in  my  mind  but  that  this  kind  of  distribution  has  come  to  stay  and 
is  going  to  be  a  formidable  rival  to  the  system  of  direct  supply  by  continuous  currents. 

These  are  significant  facts  and  you  cannot  too  soon  take  steps  to  prevent  some  one 
getting  in  the  field  ahead  of  you. 

On  October  31, 1889,  in  a  report  to  an  eminent  physicist,  regarding  distance 
transmission,  Mr.  Sprague  expressed  the  following  views : 

I  do  not  think  the  problem  to  transmit  power  by  electricity  from  Niagara  Falls  to 
several  points  at  varied  distances  up  to  20  miles,  a  sound  one,  commercially.  Scientifi- 
cally, of  course,  it  is  possible ;  but  in  view  of  the  large  amount  of  work  which  has  to  be 
done  to  develop  a  suitable  plant,  the  risks  of  accident,  the  necessity  of  a  secondary 
conversion,  say  in  Ruffalo,  and  the  ordinary  commercial  questions  which  arise,  seem  to 
take  this  problem  out  of  the  category  of  those  which  may  be  specially  relied  upon  to  be 
successful.  My  own  feeling  is  simply  this :  with  ample  means,  and  with  an  assured 
demand  for  the  power,  I  would  not  hesitate  to  transmit  any  amount  of  power  from 
Niagara  Falls  to  Ruffalo,  but,  although  I  would  feel  capable  of  doing  this,  if  I  were  at 
the  same  time  asked  if  I  would  invest  any  money  in  the  enterprise,  I  would  decline  to  do 
it,  because  there  are  so  many  questions  which  determine  the  success  or  failure  of  such 
an  enterprise  independent  of  the  mere  special  transmission  of  the  power  between  two 
points.  I  think  the  more  serious  problem  would  be  the  distribution  of  the  power  after 
having  gotten  it  to  Ruffalo.  There  would  be  no  particular  difficulty,  I  take  it,  in 
building  alternate-current  machines,  say  of  10,000  or  20,000  horse-power  and  trans- 
mitting the  power  at  7000  or  8000  volts  potential,  but  such  a  potential  would  not  be 
allowed  overhead  in  the  streets  and  there  would  be  great  difficulty  even  in  carrying  it 
underground.  Converters  would  be  necessary,  or  a  big  general  receiving  motor  which 
would  operate  other  dynamos. 

As  regards  the  use  of  the  converter,  there  has  not  yet  been  produced  a  good  single 
circuit  alternate-current  motor,  and  as  for  secondary  conversion,  where  the  station 
is  operated  by  the  large  motor,  I  think  the  losses  are  too  serious  to  make  it  practical. 
In  short,  my  position1  in  the  matter  is — I  can  transmit  and  distribute  this  power,  but 

i  Sometime  later  Mr.  Sprague  advised  the  Edison  interests,  in  a  formal  report,  that  they  should  emhark 
actively  in  development  along  alternating-current  lines  to  meet  the  problems  of  the  transmission  of 
energy  over  long  distances  and  to  carry  on  this  work  simultaneously  with  the  development  of  their  con- 
tinuous-current system. 



I  think  it  a  problem  so  uncommercial,  in  view  of  the  attendant  difficulties  and  risks,  that 
it  is  better  to  keep  out  of  it. 


It  being  recognized  that  the  further  discussion  of  the  relative  values  of  con- 
tinuous and  alternating  currents  for  commercial  purposes  involved  serious 

Henry  Augustus  Rowland 

PH.D.,  LL.D. 


First  Director  of  the  Physics  Laboratory 
of  Johns  Hopkins  University 

questions  as  to  danger,  control,  efficiency,  capital  outlays,  expenses  of  mainte- 
nance, and  knowledge  of  the  electrical  science  in  its  latest  manifestations,  the 
services  were  secured,  about  October  1, 1889,  of  Henry  A.  Rowland,  physicist, 
of  Johns  Hopkins  University  of  Baltimore,  for  advice  in  the  investigation 
and  development  of  the  enterprise. 



In  submitting  the  problem  to  Professor  Rowland  the  bankers  outlined  their 
position  as  follows: 

While  it  was  generally  understood  that  the  development  of  the  transmis- 
sion of  power  by  electricity  had  proceeded  recently  with  great  rapidity,  no 
definite  information  seemed  available  to  justify  investments  in  hydraulic 
power  upon  the  assumption  that  the  science  of  long-distance  electrical  trans- 
mission of  power  had  reached  a  commercial  basis.  The  main  questions  were 
as  to  the  economical  transmission  of  power  and  light  for  commercial  purposes, 
and  the  adoption  of  a  hydro-electric  system  suitable  for  the  enormous  amount 
of  Niagara  power  available  and  the  conditions  of  the  demand  therefor.  The 
progress  attained  in  the  science  of  electricity,  and  the  state  of  the  art  of  its 
application,  were  conditions  that  the  bankers  wished  to  understand  before 
capital  should  be  invited  to  participate  in  the  venture  proposed. 

Professor  Rowland  undertook  a  report  considering,  first  the  general  theory 
of  the  subject  of  transmission  of  power  to  great  distances  with  respect  to 
economy,  etc.,  after  which,  he  stated: 

I  would  treat  of  the  means  at  our  disposal  for  carrying  out  the  theory.  This  latter 
would  include  a  discussion  of  the  different  systems  in  use  at  the  present  time.  But  the 
great  distance  to  which  the  power  is  to  be  carried  makes  an  entirely  new  problem  for 
the  electrical  engineers. 

That  power  can  be  transmitted  to  a  great  distance  by  electricity  and  with  reasonable 
certainty  is  a  matter  well  determined  at  the  present  day  (1889).  But  the  practical  and 
commercial  problem  is  of  a  different  nature  from  the  scientific  one  and  may  be  stated 
thus : 

At  what  distance  from  cheap  water-power  can  such  power,  transmitted  electrically, 
compete  with  steam  in  cost  and  certainty  of  operation? 

To  assure  certainty  of  operation,  especially  in  competition  with  steam- 
power,  Professor  Rowland  recommended  bare  copper  wires  on  a  pole  line, 
or  overhead  system  of  transmission,  instead  of  the  use  of  underground  cables 
carrying  high  potentials. 

He  stated  that  the  method  of  electric  transmission  by  alternating  currents 
had  great  possibilities,  and  many  persons  thought  it  the  method  of  the  future. 
The  higher  the  potential,  the  greater  the  economy,  but  the  greater  the  dangers 
of  its  use.  He  considered  the  limit  at  the  state  of  the  art  of  its  control  at  that 
period  to  be  3000  volts  at  the  dynamos,  and  at  the  motors  about  2000.  At  that 
time,  he  said,  the  alternating  system  was  not  a  practical  success.  In  case  of 
distance  transmission,  however,  of  electricity  for  both  lighting  and  power  use, 
high-tension  currents  must  be  employed. 

In  the  use  of  the  continuous  current  for  which  he  presented  a  plan  for 
transmission  to  Tonawanda  and  Buffalo,  he  described  the  method  of  coupling 



the  dynamos  in  series  to  obtain  any  potential  desired,  and  recommended  the 
Edison  type  of  machine  as  the  best  adapted  to  this  purpose,  as  such  machines 
could  be  insulated  to  produce  successfully  1250  volts,  but  were  seldom  con- 
structed in  this  country  of  higher  power  than  250  horse-power. 

After  presenting  several  systems  for  the  transmission  of  continuous  current 
generated  in  a  central  station  at  Niagara  Falls  to  local  users  and  to  Tona- 
wanda  and  Buffalo,  Professor  Rowland  gave  the  following  summary  of  his 
conclusions  in  his  study  of  the  Niagara  problem : 

1.  That  the  wire  rope  method  of  transmitting  power  was  best  and  cheapest  up  to  a 
mile  or  even  two  miles,  when  possible  to  employ  it. 

2.  That  at  two  to  five  miles  distance  electric  transmission  could  compete  with  steam- 
engines  of  all  powers  using  coal,  and  that  it  would  pay  the  consumer  to  adopt  it  in  all 
cases  where  his  engine  was  not  of  the  very  highest  type  and  new.  In  this  latter  case 
he  would  probably  wait  until  his  boilers  wore  out. 

3.  That  at  Tonawanda  competition  would  be  successful  with  engines  up  to  nearly 
1000  horse-power,  provided  coal  were  the  fuel,  and  not  furnace  gases  or  the  refuse 
from  sawmills. 

4.  That  at  Buffalo  it  would  pay  the  owners  of  100  horse-power  engines  to  throw  them 
away  only  if  they  were  old  and  poor,  and  that  difficulty  would  probably  be  found  in 
inducing  them  to  do  so  until  the  electrical  scheme  had  been  working  for  years  and  had 
proved  to  them  that  electric  power  is  as  certain  as  steam.  Below  50-horse-power  units 
the  competition  with  steam  would  probably  be  successful,  provided  enough  horse-power 
could  be  sold,  which  he  considered  doubtful.  With  enterprising  business  management, 
the  scheme  might  succeed,  but  there  was  much  uncertainty  about  it. 

5.  That  there  was  very  little  danger  of  broken  communication,  except  from  storms 
of  the  worst  character  or  by  malicious  persons.  As  iron  poles,  near  together,  had  been 
used  in  his  project  for  the  main  lines,  only  the  most  violent  storms  acting  on  frozen 
sleet  hanging  to  the  wires  could  break  them  down,  and  this  danger  could  be  diminished 
by  using  silicon  bronze  instead  of  copper  for  the  wires,  or  by  making  them  fewer  in 
number  and  larger.  As  to  injury  from  malicious  persons,  the  danger  of  instant  death 
would  prevent  all  but  the  most  persistent  persons  from  interfering.  Undoubtedly,  proper 
insulators  could  be  devised  to  defy  the  weather  but  not  without  trouble  and  experiment 
at  the  high  potential  used. 

6.  That  no  electric  company  should  be  allowed  to  carry  out  such  a  scheme,  as  he  did 
not  believe  any  of  them  were  prepared  for  it  or  had  the  highest  class  of  electricians 
capable  of  dealing  with  such  a  problem,  who  were  not  already  engaged  in  their  own 
personal  work  to  such  an  extent  as  to  keep  them  from  devoting  their  time  to  such  a 
project.  The  proper  way  would  be  to  engage  an  electrical  engineer  at  a  high  salary 
to  stand  between  the  company  and  the  electric  manufacturers.  Such  an  engineer  would 
save  his  cost  many  times.  Let  him  spend  six  months  or  a  year  studying  the  matter  and 
find  how  much  power  he  was  certain  of  selling  in  the  different  places  and  at  what  price. 
Then  put  up  a  plant  capable  of  enlargement  and  work  it  a  long  enough  time  to  be 



assured  of  success.  Then  enlarge  the  plant,  first  erecting  machine  shops  for  the  manu- 
facture of  dynamos  and  motors  unless  very  good  terms  could  be  made  with  the  electric 
companies.  A  portion  of  the  profits  could  then  be  derived  from  the  sale  of  motors  to  the 
consumers  of  power.  In  this  way,  with  a  competent  electrician,  and  economical  as  well 
as  active  business  management,  he  believed  a  success  might  be  made  of  it.  At  all  events, 
the  capital  necessary  to  try  the  experiment  would  not  be  excessive,  while  the  dynamos 
and  copper  wire,  which  constituted  the  greater  portion  of  the  expense,  would  always 
meet  with  a  ready  sale. 

7.  That  no  step  should  be  taken  before  canvassing  the  two  cities  and  the  surrounding 
country  and  finding  how  much  power  could  be  sold  and  at  what  price. 

Professor  Rowland  stated  that  he  had  used  potentials  no  higher  than  those 
of  many  electric  light  wires  in  all  large  cities,  and  believed  they  could  be 
used  with  some  little  trouble.  He  thought  it  might  be  well,  however,  to  take 
into  account  the  recent  agitation  with  reference  to  the  subject  and  consider 
the  jDossibility  of  laws  being  passed  to  prevent  the  use  of  high  potentials,  as 
they  had  already  been  in  England,  or  to  force  the  system  underground  as 
in  New  York. 


After  a  careful  examination,  with  the  personal  assistance  of  Dr.  Morton, 
of  the  questions  involved  in  the  papers  submitted  with  the  prospectus,  the 
bankers  sent  the  documents  to  Clemens  Herschel,  hydraulic  engineer,  for  a 
report  upon  these  plans  from  the  standpoint  of  the  hydraulic  engineer  and  of 
the  manager  of  water-power  property. 

Mr.  Herschel  referred,  in  his  report  of  August  28,  1889,  to  his  long  famili- 
arity with  the  conditions  prevailing  at  Niagara,  and  made  the  following  com- 
ments upon  certain  features  of  the  project  submitted  for  his  consideration. 

Comparing  with  the  mill-power  developed  at  the  manufacturing  districts 
in  New  England,  he  considered  the  total  provision  of  about  300  acres  at 
Niagara  Falls  quite  insufficient  for  the  local  utilization  of  120,000  horse- 
power. The  average  power  in  use  at  Holyoke  in  1890  amounted  to  less  than 
200  horse-power  per  acre. 

He  considered  the  "income  assured"  in  the  prospectus  entirely  unreliable; 
based  upon  the  cost  of  steam-power  from  coal,  such  income  could  not  be  ob- 
tained. The  prices  quoted  varied  from  $2  to  $65  and  $83.33  per  horse-power 
per  annum  and  represented  such  irregularities  in  calculation  that  they  also 
suggested  uncertainties  and  doubt  as  to  their  origin  and  reliability. 

Although  Mr.  Herschel  recognized  that  improvements  and  inventions  were 
following  each  other  so  rapidly  in  the  electrical  art,  that  even  electricians  were 
doubtful  of  the  costs  of  Niagara  power  transmitted  to  Buffalo,  he  felt  justified 

1  See  portrait,  Chapter  XXVIII,  Volume  II. 



in  assuming,  on  the  basis  of  a  comparison  with  the  cost  of  steam-power,  that  it 
would  be  worth  at  least  $30  per  electric  horse-power  per  annum  in  that  city. 

He  considered  the  transportation  facilities  at  the  site  in  question  certainly 
superior,  and  Niagara  a  very  favored  place  for  freight  rates. 

In  view  of 'the  years  required  for  the  establishment  of  a  manufacturing 
community,  Mr.  Herschel  suggested  the  construction  of  smaller  works  than 
those  proposed.  "I  think,"  he  stated,  "it  is  characteristic  of  water-power  ad- 
ventures, that  they  require  a  large  outlay  before  any  income  can  be  expected ; 
and  even  upon  completion  of  the  work  the  income  increases  slowly,  from  small 
beginnings  up  to  profitable  proportions.  I  think  that  the  plans  at  Niagara 
Falls,  if  carried  out  prudently,  would  be  profitable  also,  but  not  right  away." 


After  careful  inquiries  for  an  engineer  of  broad  experience  in  mechanical 
and  electrical  problems,  and  free  from  professional  association  with  any 
electrical  manufacturing  company  that  might  make  it  difficult  for  him  to 
render  impartial  decisions,  Coleman  Sellers  of  Philadelphia,  was  engaged 
about  October  1,  1889,  to  investigate  the  conditions  at  Niagara  Falls,  to 
advise  as  to  the  development  of  power  and  to  consider  the  relative  merits  of 
the  systems  available  for  local  and  distant  use,  the  extent  of  their  commercial 
application,  their  economies  as  compared  with  steam,  and  their  practical 
application  to  the  project  for  the  development  of  Niagara  power  under  some, 
if  not  all,  of  the  conditions  of  the  Evershed  plan. 

Dr.  Sellers  made  three  formal  reports  during  that  period  to  January  1, 
1890,  from  which  date  his  services  were  permanently  established  as  consult- 
ing engineer  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company. 

He  expressed  the  opinions: 

1.  That  the  Evershed  project  was  practicable  and,  under  judicious  management, 
would  prove  economical  in  the  production  of  power.  As  presented  by  the  prospectus 
and  map,  it  was,  in  effect,  simply  an  idea,  that  might  prove  advantageous  to  work  out 
under  the  guidance  of  the  highest  attainments  in  engineering. 

2.  That  there  was  a  reasonable  certainty  of  transmitting  the  power  as  electricity  20 
miles,  for  profitable  sale  at  the  point  of  delivery,  at  less  than  the  cost  of  steam-power 
generated  from  coal  at  the  same  place. 

3.  That  other  methods  of  power  transmission  were  in  successful  use  besides  the  usual 
shaft-and-belt  transmission,  but  their  economy  was  limited  in  distance,  varying  accord- 
ing to  special  conditions,  within  a  radius  of  about  5  miles.  Mention  and  brief  descrip- 
tions were  given  of  transmission  by  telodynamic,  hydraulic  and  pneumatic  methods. 
Because  pneumatic  transmission  was  being  replaced  in  various  mining  operations  by  the 

1  See  portrait,  Appendix  A,  Volume  I. 



use  of  electrical  methods,  these  systems  should  be  very  carefully  studied,  as  they  were 
promising  and  the  machines  for  their  use  becoming  available  with  excellent  results. 

4.  That  large  factory  operations  were  now  conducted  by  the  use  of  large  steam- 
engines,  which,  notwithstanding  the  known  loss  in  transmitting  power  by  line  shafting, 
gave  better  results  than  many  small  engines  scattered  about  the  works,  each  directly 
driving  its  own  machines.  "Electricity  seems  to  court  division,  and  small  motors  at- 
tached to  the  machines  may  do  better  than  a  combination  of  large  motors  at  one  place 
giving  motion  to  shafting  after  the  manner  of  large  steam-engines." 

5.  That  this  enterprise  would  supply  the  cheapest  water-power  in  the  largest  quanti- 
ties that  had  ever  been  produced,  and  this  with  an  element  of  unusual  stability. 

6.  That  much  economy  in  expenditure  of  capital,  as  well  as  in  the  operation  of  the 
plant,  might  be  secured  by  skillful  engineering,  in  determining  the  velocity  of  water  in 
the  discharge  tunnel  or  tail-race  and  intake  canals,  and  in  the  design  of  hydraulic 

7.  In  establishing  prices  for  power  it  should  be  constantly  borne  in  mind  that, 
although  power  was  then  available  in  manufacturing  centers,  at  about  $16  for  12  hours' 
use,  even  at  the  same  price  Niagara  power  would  be  much  cheaper  because  it  would  be 
for  24  hours'  use,  and  no  provision  would  need  to  be  made  for  depletion  of  reservoirs 
or  repair  of  retaining  dams. 

8.  That  it  would  be  advisable  to  keep  in  view  the  chance  to  obtain  control  of  the 
hydraulic  canal  at  Niagara  Falls. 

9.  That  geological  conditions  and  the  records  of  river  flow  should  be  critically  ex- 
amined. Local  observers  of  wide  experience  and  the  oldest  residents  had  been  inter- 
viewed regarding  the  lasting  qualities  of  the  limestone  rock  and  shale,  through  both  of 
which  the  tunnel  would  probably  pass.  The  consensus  of  opinion  was  that  the  shale 
would  wear  well  and  the  tunnel  need  no  lining. 

10.  That  the  probable  cost  of  the  discharge  tunnel,  inlet-canal,  one  cross  tunnel,  ten 
wheel-pits,  and  accessories,  was  estimated  at  about  $2,000,000  for  the  first  section  of 
the  project,  to  develop  20,000  horse-power.  This  total  included  ten  double  water-wheels 
of  1000  horse-power  each,  and  cables  from  wheels  to  surface  to  the  first  jack-shafts, 
also  the  cost  of  the  land,  water-rights,  franchises  and  property  acquired. 

11.  The  uniform  distribution  of  2000  horse-power  to  each  wheel-pit,  and  the  carry- 
ing of  this  in  blocks  of  1000  horse-power  to  each  of  the  mill-sites,  one  on  either  side  of 
the  pit,  would  enable  the  property  to  be  rented  to  advantage  even  to  small  users,  as  the 
rope  transmission  in  some  cases  would  make  it  possible  for  whole  rows  of  small  indus- 
tries to  take  the  place  of  any  one  large  factory. 

The  later  reports  of  Dr.  Sellers  included  suggestions  for  the  letting  of 
contracts  for  tunnel  and  other  excavations  and  for  the  reduction  in  the  number 
of  inlets  and  changes  in  their  location,  that  would  lessen  the  cost  of  construc- 
tion of  a  first  section  of  20,000  horse-power  development  and  permit  the 
occupation  of  necessary  space  for  railroad  tracks  and  other  service  facilities 
of  the  mills. 



In  commemoration  of  Dr.  Coleman  Sellers,  and  as  a  memorial  of  his  wise 
counsel  and  valued  services  to  the  Niagara  enterprise,  this  history  is  dedicated 
to  him  by  the  author.  Lewis  B.  Still  well  has  written  a  tribute  to  his  memory, 
which  appears  as  Appendix  A  to  this  volume. 


These  and  other  reports  from  hydraulic  and  electrical  engineers  of  varied 
experience  and  recognized  professional  standing,  together  with  numerous 
personal  conferences  on  the  same  subjects,  brought  definite  -views  to  the 
financial  syndicate  of  the  Evershed  project. 

Upon  a  careful  analysis  of  the  conditions  that  obtained  at  Niagara,  it 
became  apparent  that  commercial  considerations  required  the  modification 
of  the  Evershed  plan. 

In  view  of  the  authority  conferred  by  state  charter  for  use  of  the  waters 
of  Niagara  River  without  limitation,1  and  the  general  conviction  that  a 
market  could  eventually  be  found  for  a  large  amount  of  power,  it  seemed 
clear  that  success  lay  in  the  direction  of  a  development  upon  an  unprecedented 

The  uncertainties  were  mainly  financial  and  engineering.  A  course  must 
be  found  which  would  retain  the  advantage  to  be  derived  from  the  production 
of  power  in  vast  quantities,  but  which  would  still  keep  the  capital  expendi- 
tures within  such  bounds  that  provision  for  fixed  charges  could  be  made 
readily,  after  construction,  out  of  receipts  during  the  period  of  growth.  It 
was  recognized  that  a  large  and  ready  market  was  Avaiting  at  Buffalo,  with 
its  population  of  256,000,  but  in  that  direction  the  way  was  opposed  by 
intricate  scientific  and  economic  problems  that  might  prove  very  difficult 
to  solve. 

Since  it  was  evident  that  a  discharge  tunnel  was  essential  to  any  plan  that 
might  be  adopted,  and  the  engineers  advised  that  it  be  constructed,  at  the 
outset,  of  sufficient  capacity  to  provide  for  an  eventual  development  of  a 
large  amount  of  power,  the  entire  cost  of  this  tunnel  was  necessarily  included 
in  providing  for  the  initial  outlay  of  capital. 

As  there  appeared  to  be  a  good  prospect  of  disposing  of  20,000  horse-power 
locally  at  not  less  than  $9  per  annum  for  24-hour  use,  an  annual  gross  income 
of  $180,000  from  an  initial  development  of  that  capacity  seemed  assured 
within  a  reasonable  time.  This  would  suffice  to  carry  the  $2,000,000  cost  of 
such  an  installation  as  estimated  by  Dr.  Sellers,  and  it  was  therefore 
considered  prudent  to  adopt  this  program  for  the  commencement  of 

1  Charter  amendment  of  May  12,  1892,  restricted  water  use  to  200,000  "effective"  horse-power. 



It  was  recognized  by  all  persons  in  interest  that  there  were  no  precedents 
to  follow  and  that  the  special  problems  at  Niagara  were  only  to  be  worked 
out  practically  and  commercially  by  the  aid  of  the  most  advanced  develop- 
ments of  several  branches  of  engineering,  operating  in  close  accord.  Because 
of  their  novelty,  every  detail  should  have  deliberate  consideration  from  all 
possible  points  of  view,  and  much  time  should  be  provided  for  this  study.  New 
designs  and  important  inventions  or  discoveries  were  necessary.  The  experi- 
ences of  others,  particularly  those  of  the  ingenieur-constructeurs  of  Switzer- 
land, where  water-power  is  the  chief  product  of  the  country,  were  to  be  sought 
for  guidance  in  preparing  plans  at  Niagara.  There  were  various  forms 
of  power  transmission  in  use  abroad  to  be  studied,  especially  the  elec- 
trical methods  that  were  then  receiving  much  attention  from  scientists  and 

It  was  not  deemed  advisable,  however,  to  await  the  solution  of  all  these 
problems  before  proceeding  with  the  work.  Whatever  forms  of  development 
and  transmission  might  be  adopted,  they  all  would  require  the  facilities  of  a 
water-inlet  and  a  water  discharge,  and  therefore  these,  as  a  hydraulic  system, 
were  prime  necessities.  As  much  time  would  be  required  for  preparation, 
surveys,  geological  examinations,  study  of  surface  conditions,  negotiations 
for  rights  and  privileges,  development  of  tunnel  and  inlet  designs,  etc.,  it  was 
determined  to  proceed  with  the  enterprise,  provide  the  money  estimated  as 
necessary  for  the  construction  of  the  first  section  of  the  project,  and  make 
definite  arrangements  to  secure  complete  information  as  to  the  state  of 
the  arts  of  hydraulic  development  of  power  and  various  methods  for  its  trans- 
formation and  utilization. 


Action  was  taken  in  accordance  with  these  views  on  January  16,  1890.  A 
syndicate  subscription  was  invited  and  $2,630,000  was  received,  payable  in 
cash  as  required  for  construction  purposes.  The  details  of  these  financial 
operations  will  be  found  in  subsequent  chapters. 

At  a  meeting  of  the  "money  subscribers,"  held  February  6,  1890,  after 
consideration  of  the  reports  of  their  engineers,  it  was  resolved  that : 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company  be  and  it  is  hereby  authorized  and  requested 
now  to  proceed  to  the  preparation,  execution  and  performance  of  a  contract  with  The 
Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  such  as  is  contemplated  in  the  agreement  (syndicate 
subscription)  of  January  17,  1890. 

The  president  of  the  company,  Mr.  Adams,  undertook  the  foreign  consulta- 
tions and  investigations  of  scientific  and  engineering  character  and  the  chief 
engineer,  Dr.  Sellers,  proceeded  with  the  preparations  for  construction  on  the 



preliminary  plan  proposed,  and  organized  an  engineering  staff  for  his  assist- 
ance. The  form,  size,  location,  grade  and  details  of  construction  of  the  tunnel 
were  to  be  determined,  specifications  prepared,  and  contracts  negotiated. 

Accurate  surveys  of  the  land  with  the  view  of  possible  purchase,  and  of  the 
lands  under  water  with  riparian  rights,  were  ordered  prepared  under  the 
general  direction  of  John  Bogart,  the  state  engineer. 

The  statistics  of  the  relative  number  of  employees,  horse-power  and  acreage 
used  in  various  industries  established  in  New  England,  New  York  and 
vicinity,  prompted  the  plan  to  purchase  about  1000  acres  in  addition  to  the 
550  acres  already  under  control. 

The  raw  materials  to  be  used  and  the  product  of  their  manufacture  required 
convenient  and  prompt  transportation.  To  facilitate  this,  with  competitive 
freight  rates,  "in  transit"  or  otherwise,  the  larger  portion  of  these  1000  acres 
for  purchase  were  designated  near  the  railways  of  the  New  York  Central 
and  the  Erie  Railroad  companies,  upon  which  lands  (166  acres)  the  Niagara 
Junction  Railroad  would  be  constructed  by  the  cataract  company  to  assure 
these  important  commercial  advantages  for  the  new  industrial  community. 

Certain  lands  (368  acres)  were  selected  for  the  development  of  the 
residential  village  of  Echota,  subsequently  constructed  by  The  Cataract 
Construction  Company,  near  the  center  of  the  large  acreage  subsequently 
purchased,  that  would  be  central  to  the  industrial  growth,  and  sufficient  for 
extensions  as  the  populations  increased. 

The  system  for  the  supply  of  potable  water  to  the  people  of  the  town  of 
Niagara  Falls  was  insufficient  for  increase  of  population  and  the  water  was 
not  satisfactory  in  purity.  Plans  were  made  to  overcome  these  unfavorable 
conditions,  and  the  stock,  property  and  assets  of  the  Niagara  Falls  Water- 
Works,  the  local  company,  were  acquired  in  January,  1890,  and  provision 
made  for  the  extension  of  its  franchise  and  system  and  the  purification  of  its 

Nearly  all  the  rights-of-way  for  the  discharge  tunnel  and  the  inlet-canal 
were  acquired  at  this  time.  To  assure  continuity  of  service  the  recom- 
mendation of  the  engineers  that  the  right-of-way  for  a  second  discharge 
tunnel  should  be  acquired  was  adopted,  and  negotiations  therefor  were  actively 
pushed  and  successfully  concluded. 

The  extension  of  the  trolley  line  to  the  proposed  new  village  and  the  indus- 
trial plants  was  advocated  and  assured. 

The  harnessing  of  the  waters  of  Niagara  had  at  last  been  undertaken  with 
the  support  of  adequate  capital,  and  the  great  enterprise  was  well  under  way. 



Chapter  IX 

While  prosecuting  these  investigations  I  received 
an  impression  that  the  method  we  had  planned  (direct 
driving  of  mills  by  individual  wheels)  and  were  on  the 
point  of  carrying  out  was  a  mistake.  ...  I  came  to 
the  conclusion  that  our  true  way  possibly  might  be 
to  build  this  tunnel  and  develop  the  whole  power  in 
this  one  central  station,  transmitting  the  power  to 
different  places. 

Edward  Dean  Adams 
Brown's  Hotel 
June  18,  1890 




THE  subscription,  in  January,  1890,  of  abundant  funds  for  initial  con- 
struction marked  the  transition  from  investigation  to  determine  whether 
the  tunnel  project  for  power  development  at  Niagara  should  be  undertaken 
or  not,  to  the  period  of  constructive  planning. 

An  outstanding  result  of  the  preliminary  investigation  was  the  revelation 
that  there  were  no  hydraulic  power  developments  in  existence,  which  would 
serve  as  examples  to  be  followed  in  the  Niagara  undertaking.  The  old  mill- 
over-the-wheel-pit  plan  would  have  involved  prohibitive  construction  costs 
for  excavating  canals  and  shafts  and  tunnels  in  hard  rock,  and  it  would  not 
deliver  the  power  where  and  in  amounts  as  it  was  wanted. 

New  methods  were  called  for;  power  was  to  be  produced  on  an  unprece- 
dented scale ;  there  should  be  fewer  canals  and  fewer  water-wheels  than  were 
originally  proposed ;  the  wheels  should  be  larger ;  there  should  be  means  for 
distributing  power  locally  over  a  few  hundred  yards,  or  possibly  a  mile  or  two, 
and  there  should  be  means  for  transmitting  power  to  Buffalo.  But  nothing 
in  existence  was  adequate  to  accomplish  these  results. 

There  was  confidence  that  these  problems  could  be  solved  and  it  had  been 
determined  to  proceed  with  the  undertaking  as  a  turbine  development,  by 
means  of  a  short  inlet  and  the  shortest  possible  tail-race  tunnel. 

As  desirable  adjuncts  to  this  plan,  the  right-of-way  for  an  additional  tunnel 
had  been  secured;  a  comparatively  large  area  of  land  had  been  purchased, 
and  various  public  utilities  had  been  projected,  that  were  essential  to  the 
residence  and  employment  of  what  would  constitute  an  important  increase 
in  the  population  of  the  community. 

A  special  charter  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  had  been  secured, 
that  had  been  issued  by  the  State  of  New  York  to  the  Niagara  River  Hy- 
draulic Tunnel,  Power  and  Sewer  Company,1  as  authority  for  and  encourage- 
ment of  the  Niagara  development. 

A  satisfactory  charter  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  had  been 
received  from  the  State  of  New  Jersey  for  the  construction  of  works  of  im- 
provement. Other  charters  and  franchises  were  in  process  of  acquisition. 

Capital  had  been  subscribed  for  an  amount,  $2,630,000,  considered  ample 
for  the  first  section,  or  unit,  of  the  hydraulic  system,  as  well  as  for  lands  and 
their  improvement. 

1  Name  changed  in  1889  to  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company. 



An  engineering  organization  had  been  formulated,  and  preparation  made 
for  surveys,  designs,  plans  and  construction. 

Central  stations  or  power-houses  were  the  preferred  plans  for  development 
of  power,  provided  an  adequate  system  of  power  distribution  could  be  found, 
either  by  cable  drive,  compressed  air,  water  under  pressure,  or  by  electric 

The  primary  turbine  units,  it  was  believed,  should  be  unusually  large  and 
their  complementary  machines,  whether  pumps,  compressors  or  generators, 
should  be  mounted  on  the  same  rotating  shaft  so  as  to  constitute  a  unit  of 
power,  developed  at  the  foot  and  distributed  at  the  top  of  a  single  column. 

The  immediate  problem  was  to  determine  the  form,  size,  location,  grade 
and  details  of  construction  of  the  tunnel.  These  matters  were  taken  up  by  the 
board  of  engineers  of  the  company  for  the  purpose  of  preparing  specifications 
and  negotiating  contracts  for  the  commencement  of  the  important  work  of 
rock  excavation  for  tunnels  and  inlet. 


While  these  preliminaries  were  being  studied  and  plans  developed  at 
Niagara,  the  president  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  was  in  Eu- 
rope, where  he  arrived  in  February,  1890,  in  quest  of  information  as  to  the 
state  of  the  science  of  power  development  and  the  art  of  its  transmission. 
Anticipating  that  questions  would  arise  regarding  electrical  transmission, 
particularly  as  to  the  use  of  direct  or  alternating  current,  he  sold,  prior  to 
departure,  his  shares  and  resigned  his  directorship  in  the  Edison  Electric 
Illuminating  Company  of  New  York,  in  order  to  remove  all  question  of 
personal  interest,  which  might  restrict  the  freedom  with  which  information 
might  otherwise  be  supplied. 

There  were  three  distinct  lines  of  information  inviting  research;  first,  by 
reading  technical  publications ;  second,  by  correspondence  with  scientists  and 
engineers ;  and  last,  by  personal  conferences  with  the  ingenieur-constructeurs 
of  France  and  Switzerland. 

Several  months  were  devoted  to  the  collection  of  books,  pamphlets,  journals, 
the  reports  and  proceedings  of  engineering  societies,  photographs  and  plans, 
all  of  which  were  carefully  studied  and  their  appropriate  suggestions  and 
statements  noted  for  reference  in  case  of  need. 

Switzerland,  an  industrial  country,  dependent,  through  lack  of  fuel,  upon 
its  never-failing  waterfalls,  had  made  hydraulics  and  mechanics  special 
features  of  its  educational  system  and  had  developed  leaders  of  those  sciences 



and  masters  of  those  arts.  At  that  period,  they  had  won  international  recog- 
nition and  could  point  with  pride  to  engineering  works  abroad  as  well  as  at 
home,  in  evidence  of  their  skill  and  experience.  Therefore  it  was  to  Switzer- 
land and  its  engineers  that  special  attention  was  given  in  the  first  communi- 
cations regarding  prime  movers. 

To  the  query,  "What  books  have  you  published  about  water-wheels?",  it 
was  answered,  "A  few  books  only,  but  we  have  built  many  turbines  for  our- 
selves as  well  as  others,"  explaining,  "this  is  natural,  because  water-power 
and  scenery  are  our  national  resources,  and  turbines  and  hotels  represent 
some  of  our  most  successful  industries."  Upon  the  suggestion  of  utilizing 
Niagara  Falls,  the  Swiss  manufacturers  promptly  manifested  sympathetic 
interest.  Their  mountains  were  grand  and  their  falls  were  numerous  and 
beautiful,  but  they  could  not  be  compared  with  the  majesty  and  power  of 
Niagara,  that  they  believed  Swiss  turbines  should  control. 

A  collection  of  Swiss  trade  circulars,  carefully  prepared  and  fully  illus- 
trated, many  being  in  fact  elaborate  treatises  upon  turbines,  pumps,  com- 
pressors and  other  departments  of  mechanics,  was  soon  acquired  and  eagerly 

The  names  of  the  most  prominent  and  experienced  ingenieur-constructeurs 
in  Switzerland  were  obtained  through  assistance  of  the  consulates  of  the 
United  States  at  Geneva  and  Zurich.  Subsequent  correspondence  brought 
records  of  experience  and  current  work  and  led  to  personal  visits  and  con- 
ferences. Among  such  correspondents,  several  of  whose  works  and  installa- 
tions were  visited,  were  the  following. 

Escher,  Wyss  &  Company,  of  Zurich,  who  had  constructed  about  2000 
turbines  of  a  total  of  120,000  horse-power,  naturally  received  careful  atten- 
tion. Among  their  important  water-wheel  installations  were  cited  the  utili- 
zation of  the  Rheinfall,  near  Schaffhausen,  of  the  Rhone  at  Geneva,  of  the 
Zurich  River,  and  of  the  Rhine  near  Rheinfelden,  by  15  turbines  of  1000 
horse-power  each,  under  a  head  of  7  metres. 

Faesch  and  Piccard,  of  Geneva,  had  designed  and  constructed  several 
hydraulic  works  for  power  transmission  of  particular  interest,  one  by  cable  at 
Bellegarde,  one  by  electricity  at  Oyonnax,  and  one  by  water  under  pressure 
and  a  hydro-electric  station,  both  at  Geneva. 

Another  firm  of  importance  was  Theodor  Bell  &  Cie.,  of  Kriens,  Lucerne, 
that  had  recently  completed  the  hydro-electric  station  for  the  city  of  Berne 
for  electrical  lighting. 

Joh.  Jacob  Reiter  &  Company,  of  Winterthur,  were  recognized  as  among 
the  long-established  and  successful  makers  of  turbines,  whose  co-operation 



was  sought  in  preparation  for  a  scientific  commission  to  consider  the  hydraulic 

The  Machine  Works  ( Maschinenf  abrik )  of  Oerlikon,  near  Zurich,  of  which 
Chas.  E.  L.  Brown  was  then  electrical  director,  was  awarded  the  only  Grand 
Prix  for  dynamos  at  the  Paris  Exhibition  of  1889,  in  competition  with  several 
American  exhibitors  of  electrical  machinery.  It  was  stated  that  within  a  few 
years  they  had  made  a  total  of  more  than  20,000  horse-power  of  electrical 
machinery,  including  motors  of  400  horse-power  and  generators  (for  the 
production  of  aluminum)  of  000  horse-power,  which  were  reported  to  be  the 
largest  in  the  world.  Generators  of  about  75  horse-power,  aggregating  800 
horse-power,  were  being  supplied  for  hydraulic  power  stations  in  Chile  for 
supplying  power  by  direct  current  a  distance  of  several  kilometers  for  the 
drilling  of  tunnels  in  the  construction  of  the  trans-Andine  Railway.  Alter- 
nating-current apparatus  for  transmitting  current  considerable  distances, 
principally  for  lighting,  was  an  important  feature  of  the  work  at  Oerlikon,  but 
of  particular  interest  was  the  project  for  the  transmission  of  several  hundred 
horse-power  for  more  than  a  hundred  miles  for  the  Frankfort  Exhibition  to 
be  held  the  following  year. 

Among  power  transmissions  by  hydro-electric  methods  that  were  visited 
were  those  at  Charminet,  on  the  Ain  River,  7^  kilometers  to  Oyonnax,  where 
the  great  advantage  of  electrical  power  was  seen  in  the  facility  of  its  sub- 
division for  small  industries  requiring  only  from  two  to  three  horse-power. 
This  was  designed  and  constructed  by  Swiss  engineers. 

Domene,  Isere,  was  also  visited,  about  5  kilometers  from  a  water  source, 
difficult  of  access,  and  practically  inaccessible  in  winter.  This  plant  of  200 
effective  horse-power  was  designed  by  A.  Hillairet,  a  French  engineer,  of 
Paris,  for  the  operation  of  the  Chevrant  Paper  Mill,  and  was  considered  in 
all  respects  a  most  interesting  and  successful  project.  Power  was  transmitted 
by  a  direct  current  of  70  amperes,  the  average  voltage  being  2850. 

There  were  a  number  of  other,  smaller  hydro-electric  power  transmission 
plants  in  Switzerland,  then  in  operation,  several  of  which  were  installed  to 
replace  rope  or  cable  transmissions,  requiring  renewal,  or  the  substitution  of 
electric  service  to  assure  continuity  of  power  that  was  not  obtained  by  the 
telo-dynamic  method  of  transmission. 


In  France,  hydro-electric  questions  were  receiving  more  attention  in  electric 
than  in  hydraulic  studies.  Foremost  among  the  early  workers  was  Marcel 
Deprez.  The  progressive  historical  steps  which  he  had  taken  in  the  develop- 
ment of  direct-current  power  transmission  is  summarized  in  a  letter  to 



Mr.  Adams,  clearly  written  on  note  paper  by  his  own  hand.  The  letter 
follows : 


Friday,  May  23,  1890 


Answering  the  letter  that  you  have  been  good  enough  to  write  me,  asking  for  the 
names  of  the  publishers  of  my  works  on  electricity,  I  beg  to  say  that  I  have  not  written 
any  systematic  work  dealing  with  that  science. 

My  works  have  been  along  two  lines  : 

1.  Theoretical  research  work  into  the  transmission  of  long-distance  power,  which 
appeared  in  the  Proceedings  of  the  Academy  of  Science  since  1880,  and  also  in  the 
Journal  de  la  Lumicre  Electrique  from  1880  to  1886  and  were  reprinted  in  the  scientific 
journals  of  the  two  hemispheres,  where  they  gave  rise  to  most  varied  and  contradictor}' 
discussion  and  comment. 

2.  My  experiments  by  which  I  tried  to  test  the  correctness  of  my  theories,  being  in 
chronological  order : 

Munich  experiment,  in  September,  1882.  Power  transmission  for  a  distance  of  57 
kilometers,  by  an  iron  wire,  4*/>  millimeters  in  diameter. 

Experiment  at  "Chemin  de  Fer  du  Nord"  shops,  February  and  March,  1883. 

Experimental  line  between  Yizille  and  Grenoble,  distance  14  kilometers;  copper  wire 
of  2  millimeters  diameter.  Power  received  7  horse-power ;  efficiency  48  to  60  per  cent. 

Experiment  which  took  place  in  1886,  between  Creil  and  Paris.  Distance  56  kilometers  ; 
diameter  of  copper  wire  5  millimeters.  Power  received  52  horse-power.  At  the  final  test 
there  was  received  80  horse-power  with  the  electromotive  force  at  Creil  reaching  9300 
volts.  Efficiency  45  per  cent. 

All  these  experiments  were  checked  by  an  Official  Commission  whose  full  reports  were 
published  in  the  Proceedings  of  the  Academy  of  Science  (excepting  that  of  Grenoble- 
Vizille),  and  in  practically  all  the  scientific  journals  of  the  world.  These  latter,  however, 
often  gave  inaccurate  reports.  The  Official  Commissions  were  composed  of  the  most 
eminent  authorities  of  our  country. 

You  will  find  all  possible  information  covering  the  two  first  experiments  (Munich  and 
"Chemin  de  Fer  du  Nord")  in  a  little  volume  published  by  Bernard-Tignol,  45  Quai  des 
Grands  Augustins,  Paris,  entitled  Le  Transport  de  la  Force  by  Japing. 

As  regards  the  experiments  at  Grenoble  and  Creil,  the  reports  covering  those  were 
printed  separately,  and  I  have  the  honor  of  forwarding  you  a  copy  hereof. 

Finally,  in  1889,  I  installed  at  Bourganeuf  (Department  of  the  Creuse,  France)  a 
power  transmission  which  has  been  operating  for  a  year  and  is  showing  remarkable 
results,  by  the  strength  of  the  installation,  by  the  extremely  small  number  of  operatives 
(one  man  at  the  turbine  that  drives  the  generator,  and  one  man,  with  an  assistant,  at  the 
receiving  end  of  the  line)  which  meets  all  needs,  and,  finally,  by  the  absolute  regularity 
of  operation.  The  distance  is  15  kilometers,  the  wire  5  millimeters.  I  published  complete 
details  of  this  installation  in  La  Lumiere  Electrique,  September,  1889. 



I  shall  publish  shortly  a  description  and  a  sketch  of  the  500  horse-power  unit  that  I 
had  constructed  for  the  Exposition  of  1889  and  that  I  have  been  unable  to  sell  as  yet, 
by  reason  of  its  power  being  excessive  for  the  ordinary  factories. 

Si  vous  desirer  d'autres  renseignements  je  me  ferai  plaisir  de 
vous  le  donner. 

Veuillez  agreer  Monsieur  l'assurance  de  mes  parfaits  con- 

Marcel  Deprez 

Marcel  Deprez  Explaining  in  1883  His  System  of  Electrical  Transmission  of 
Power  from  Paris,  8  Kilometers,  to  the  Northern  Railway  Shops 

Resume  of  the  Marcel  Deprez  demonstrations  of  power  transmission 
referred  to  in  his  letter  and  the  accompanying  text. 

Dates  Locations  Distances  in  Kilometers 

1881 —  Paris  Exposition   Local 

1882 —  Munich  Experiments   57 

1883 —  Shops  of  the  Northern  Railway  of  France   8 

1884—  Grenoble-Vizille   14 

1886— Creil-Paris   56 

1889 — Bourganeuf  Transmission   15 



In  1881,  in  the  Palace  of  Industry  at  the  Paris  Exposition,  M.  Deprez 
showed  his  electrical  work  for  the  first  time.  The  power  generated  was  to 
drive  27  different  pieces  of  apparatus  including  sewing  machines,  etc.  Each 
of  these  machines  had  its  own  little  electric  motor. 

One  of  M.  Deprez's  first  theoretical  pieces  of  work  was  published  in  the 
August  24,  1881,  issue  of  La  Lumiere  Electrique  and  consisted  in  showing 
that  with  the  existing  machines,  with  the  aid  of  a  transformation,  one  could 
effect  long-distance  transmission.  The  calculations  were  based,  it  was  stated, 
upon  experiments  made  by  English  engineers  at  Chatham. 

It  was  at  the  beginning  of  the  year  1882  that  the  committee  having  charge 
of  the  organization  of  the  electrical  exposition  at  Munich  communicated  with 
M.  Deprez.  Making  use  of  an  existing  telegraph  line,  M.  Deprez  effected  a 
transmission  of  57  kilometers.  It  seems  that  the  committee  at  Munich  had 
not  much  confidence  in  the  success  of  the  experiment,  but  when  at  a  given 
signal  the  machines  got  into  motion,  great  applause  greeted  the  feat.  A  series 
of  accidents,  due  to  the  fact  that  the  machines  had  been  built  for  laboratory 
instead  of  for  practical  purposes,  caused  the  machines  to  be  put  out  of  order 
after  eight  days  of  satisfactory  performance. 

In  continuation  of  experiments  in  transmission,  an  electric  machine  was  built 
about  the  month  of  January,  1883.  After  searching  for  a  convenient  place  to 
try  out  this  machine,  the  Compagnie  du  Nord  placed  a  transmission  line  at  the 
disposal  of  the  experimenters.  It  was  here,  in  the  shops  of  the  Northern 
Railway  of  France  that  a  transmission  of  8  kilometers  was  obtained  in  1883. 

The  special  committee  appointed  had  not  the  means  of  judging  the  eco- 
nomic value  or  the  future  possibilities  of  the  results  obtained,  but  proposed  to 
the  Academy  of  Sciences  that  Marcel  Deprez  be  congratulated  on  the  im- 
portant progress  which  he  had  made. 

The  Journal  de  la  Lumiere  Electrique  of  January  5,  1884,  refers  to  power 
transmission  by  Marcel  Deprez,  showing  that  his  theory  of  the  transmission  of 
power  was  verified  by  his  experimentation,  as  well  as  by  official  reports. 

The  experimental  transmission  of  electric  power  by  continuous  current 
from  Creil  to  Paris  was  made  by  M.  Deprez  in  1886.  A  railway  locomotive 
supplied  the  primary  power  for  the  electric  machine  that  generated  116  horse- 
power and  sent  the  current  56  kilometers  (35  miles)  to  an  electric  motor  at  the 
railway  station  of  La  Chapelle,  in  Paris.  A  scientific  commission,1  composed 
of  engineers  and  members  of  the  Academy  of  Sciences,  was  selected,  by 

1  See  L'Electrician  of  August  21,  1886,  Report  of  Commission  to  L'Academie  des  Sciences  on  "Le  trans- 
port de  grandes  forces  motrices"  by  Marcel  Deprez  between  Creil  and  Paris. 



request  of  the  Messrs.  Rothschild,  who  were  financing  the  experiment,  to 
report  the  results  obtained  by  M.  Deprez. 

The  current  of  6200  volts  was  transmitted  on  an  overhead  line  of  silicon 
bronze  wire  of  a  resistance  of  an  ordinary  telegraph  wire,  with  an  efficiency  of 
about  45  per  cent.  Both  electric  machines  were  of  the  Gramme  ring  type. 

Although  M.  Deprez  expected  this  transmission  to  show  an  efficiency  of 
50  per  cent,  and  there  were  unexpected  difficulties  of  faulty  insulation  in 
machines  and  line  to  overcome,  the  commission  announced  the  result  as 
remarkable  and  in  the  name  of  science  and  industry  extended  its  hearty  con- 
gratulations to  M.  Deprez  upon  the  admirable  results  he  had  obtained. 

The  editorial  review  of  this  report  by  U Electrician  states  that  after  waiting 
five  years  for  important  developments,  "the  Creil-Paris  experiment  does  not 
show  any  practical  results  and  that  such  results  may  still  be  awaited  for  a 
long  time." 

The  hydro-electric  transmission  in  1889  of  light  and  power  from  Les  Jar- 
rauds  Falls  on  La  Maulde  River,  14  kilometers  to  the  city  of  Bourganeuf 
(Creuse,  France)  was  designed  by  M.  Deprez  and  may  briefly  be  described 
from  his  detailed  account.1 

Hydraulic  head — 31  meters. 

Turbine  of  horizontal  axis  and  130  horse-power  connected  by  belt  with  the 

Speed  of  turbine — 150  revolutions  per  minute. 
Speed  of  generator — 650  revolutions  per  minute. 

Voltage  of  generator — 5  to  5^/o  volts  at  speed  of  one  revolution  per  minute. 
Generator  of  100  horse-power  capacity. 

The  line  wire  was  5  millimeters  in  diameter  of  bar  silicon  bronze  and  carried 
on  posts  with  porcelain  insulators  similar  to  an  ordinary  telegraph 
line ;  with  23  ohms  resistance  for  the  14  kilometers. 

The  motor  was  identical  with  the  generator.  The  motor  drove  two  lighting 
machines  of  the  Gramme  type  that  produced  130  volts  and  250  amperes 

These  experiences  of  M.  Deprez  are  those  of  a  pioneer  in  power  trans- 
mission, and  to  him  should  be  accorded  high  honor.  But  in  magnitude  they 
were  trivial  compared  with  the  Niagara  project  and  the  method  of  trans- 
mission by  direct  current  at  constant  value  was  not  suited  to  the  requirements 
of  a  large  power  system. 

1  See  La  Lumtire  EUctrique,  September  21,  1889. 




The  largest  hydraulic  and  electric  machines  in  practical  use  at  that  period, 
1890,  anywhere  in  the  world  according  to  their  makers,  were  the 

1000  horse-power  generator,  direct  current,  for  lighting,  constructed 
by  Siemens  and  Halske  of  Berlin. 

600  horse-power  generator,  direct  current,  designed  by  Chas.  E. 
L.  Brown  of  the  Oerlikon  Works,  Switzerland,  for  aluminum 

1000  horse-power  single-phase  alternator,  direct  connected,  con- 
structed by  Ganz  &  Company,  of  Budapest. 

14  turbines  of  1000  horse-power  each,  made  by  Escher,  Wyss  & 
Company,  of  Zurich,  for  their  installation  on  the  Rhine  near 

The  electrical  transmissions  of  power  which  seemed  most  notable  and  signifi- 
cant as  the  result  of  the  European  visits  were  the  following: 

Marcel  Deprez,  the  transmission  of  82  horse-power,  Bourganeuf  to  Paris, 
15  kilometers,  direct  current,  1889. 

Oerlikon  Works,  the  transmission  of  electric  power  from  12  generators  of 
about  70  horse-power  each  for  drilling  tunnels  on  the  trans- Andine  Railway 
in  Chile,  a  few  miles,  direct  current,  1891. 

Oerlikon  Works,  the  transmission  of  300  horse-power,  108  miles,  by  alter- 
nating current,  from  Lauffen  to  Frankfort,  proposed  in  1890  by  C.  E.  L. 
Brown  for  the  exposition  the  following  year. 

It  appeared  to  the  American  seeker  after  information  that  the  greatest 
progress  in  power  transmission  was  to  be  found  on  the  continent  where  there 
were  numerous  examples  of  power  transmission  by  direct  current  and  where 
the  possibilities  of  the  use  of  alternating  current  for  long-distance  transmission 
for  power  as  well  as  lighting  were  not  only  recognized  but  were  being  actively 
undertaken  on  a  magnificent  scale.  There  was  a  progressive  attitude  among 
engineers  and  manufacturers  of  the  highest  responsibility,  which  gave  promise 
of  continuing  the  development  in  which  succeeding  years  produced  greater 
achievement  in  amount  of  power  and  distance  of  transmission. 

Other  methods  of  transmission  of  power  were  in  evidence  and  had  their 
strenuous  advocates.  Rope  or  cable  transmissions  were  numerous  in  many 
countries.  They  were  limited  to  about  3  miles  in  effective  use,  were  irregular 
in  power  delivery,  and  their  users  were  commencing,  when  in  need  of  repair 
or  replacement,  to  change  that  system  for  electric  transmission. 



Power  transmissions  and  distributions  by  compressed  air  or  water  were 
few,  and  those  of  comparative  importance  in  power  and  in  distance  of  trans- 
mission in  England,  France  and  Switzerland,  had  not,  with  few  exceptions, 
shown  sufficient  financial  success  to  attract  additional  capital. 

A  very  careful  survey  of  this  situation  after  persistent  research,  gave  con- 
vincing evidence  that  the  power  situation  was  undergoing  a  distinct  change 
in  methods ;  from  fuels  of  increasing  costs  and  irregular  deliveries,  to  nature's 
provision  of  water,  that  was  wasted  continually  and  in  many  cases  required 
only  conduct  to  storage  for  use  as  desired.  Practical  methods  of  economical 
transmission  of  mechanical  power  derived  from  falling  water  gave  at  once  a 
market  for  almost  every  waterfall,  varying  in  value  according  to  the  cost  of 
utilization  and  the  proximity  of  users. 

It  thus  became  apparent  that  the  cataract  company  was  duly  warranted 
in  proceeding  with  its  plans  for  a  hydraulic  development  of  power,  and  that 
the  facilities  of  Switzerland  and  France  were  ample  for  manufacture  of  the 
largest  units  desired.  In  no  phase  of  the  power  problem  was  there  greater 
interest  nor  was  the  situation  progressing  more  rapidly  than  in  the  solution 
of  methods  of  transmission  and  distribution.  Hence  it  seemed  that  it  might 
be  possible  to  concentrate  still  further  than  was  at  first  proposed  the  gen- 
erating apparatus  for  the  production  of  the  power  at  Niagara  Falls,  and 
depend  more  upon  the  distributing  system.  If  this  were  feasible,  the  tunnel 
for  discharging  water  from  the  wheel-pit  need  not  be  extended  beyond  the 
single  power-house  location  at  which  all  the  power  might  be  developed. 


The  situation  called  for  careful  study  and  investigation ;  changes  in  methods 
of  producing  and  conveying  and  using  power  were  taking  place  which  gave 
promise  of  great  extension  and  development;  expert  service  was  required; 
there  was  need  of  attracting  the  thought  of  the  best  scientists,  engineers  and 
manufacturers  to  the  Niagara  problem  that  they  might  evolve  new  methods 
and  new  machinery  to  meet  unprecedented  conditions. 

Two  conclusions  were  reached,  namely,  that  one  power-house  might  suffice 
and  the  tunnel  might  be  shorter  than  had  been  proposed,  and  second,  that  a 
scientific  investigation  by  the  representative  scientists  of  the  countries  most 
concerned  should  be  made;  these  prompted  President  Adams  on  May  11, 
1890,  to  send  a  cable  message  from  Paris  to  Vice-president  Francis  Lynde 
Stetson,  of  the  cataract  company's  New  York  office,  stating  that 

After  careful  investigation  conclude  practise  here  far  ahead  ours.  Recommend  defer 
execution  construction  contracts. 

Considering  inviting  American,  English,  French,  Swiss  houses  to  submit  competitive 
preliminary  schemes  to  commission  composed  of  Sellers,  Edison  and  English,  French 



and  Swiss  engineers,  one  each.  Important  Sellers  meet  me  London  immediately.  Cable 
views  directors. 

The  cable  brought  the  answer : 

Directors  present  approve  your  plan.  Edison  impossible.  Sellers  sails  Saturdaj' 
with  all  papers. 

With  this  encouragement,  the  development  of  a  scientific  symposium  on  the 
utilization  of  the  waters  of  Niagara  moved  on  apace. 

Many  previous  visits  to  the  three  foreign  countries  specially  interested  in 
this  matter,  and  numerous  acquaintances  therein  of  financiers  and  engineers 
of  influence  and  information,  facilitated  inquiries  in  France,  Switzerland  and 
England  regarding  machine  constructors  of  highest  rank  in  responsibility,  and 
as  to  scientists  desirable  and  available  to  represent  their  nationals. 

After  presenting  this  program  tentatively  in  Paris  to  various  circles  of 
French  interests  and  to  visiting  engineers  from  Switzerland,  President  Adams 
went  to  London,  where  he  consulted  various  helpful  interests  and  introduced 
the  subject  to  Sir  William  Thomson,  with  the  suggestion  that  should  he  be 
disposed  to  accept  the  chairmanship  of  an  International  Niagara  Commission, 
it  would  probably  be  offered  him  by  the  directors  of  the  cataract  company. 
Various  names  were  submitted  to  him  and  suggested  by  him  as  desirable  as- 
sociate commissioners.  Details  of  organization  and  procedure  were  considered, 
and  a  further  conference  was  arranged  for  a  call  with  Dr.  Coleman  Sellers. 
In  the  interview  at  Cambridge,  June  2,  Sir  William  expressed  his  willingness 
to  serve  as  previously  suggested. 

After  a  week  of  conferences  and  exchange  of  views,  Dr.  Sellers  and 
President  Adams  went  to  Switzerland,  where  they  visited  together  the  works 
previously  inspected  by  the  latter  in  May  and  conferred  with  the  representa- 
tives of  the  principal  Swiss  engineering  firms  respecting  the  proposed  com- 
mission under  the  chairmanship  of  Sir  William  Thomson. 

Assurances  were  received  from  those  invited  that  they  would  submit 
projects  and  that  they  approved  of  the  engineer  suggested,  Col.  Theo.  Turret- 
tini,  as  the  representative  of  Swiss  industries  on  the  commission. 

At  the  close  of  this  tour  through  industrial  Switzerland  with  its  opportuni- 
ties of  considering  the  problems  at  Niagara  with  the  many  engineers  in  con- 
ferences, and  after  a  review  of  the  whole  situation  with  the  chief  engineer  of 
the  cataract  company,  its  president  sent  these  cable  messages  to  Mr.  Stetson, 

Geneva,  June  8,  1890 

Am  convinced  International  Commission  best  course.  Sir  William  Thomson  will  act 
as  president.  Consider  convenience  Stetson  replacing  me  abroad  during  July  August 
sailing  after  my  return. 



Paris,  June  10,  1890.  No.  1 

Sellers  concurs  decided  opinion  abandon  all  tunnel  beyond  8000  feet,  also  all  canals 
except  short  surface  inlet ;  adopt  one  central  station  for  entire  power  capacity  tunnel 
dimensions  proposed ;  also  agree  International  Commission  only  plan  secure  best 
methods,  recommend  pushing  commission  rapidly. 

Paris,  June  10,  1890.  No.  2 

Much  valuable  time  saved  if  Stetson  meet  me  London  by  twenty-fourth.  Have 
arranged  conditioned  upon  directors'  approval,  International  Niagara  Commission, 
President  Sir  William  Thomson,  Sellers,  Mascart,  Membre  Institute,  Professeur  College 
France,  Turrettini,  Mayor  Geneva.  Headquarters  sessions  London.  Principal  engineers 
Europe  promise  compete.  Cost  including  prizes  about  thirty-five  thousand. 

To  these  messages  replies  were  received  by  President  Adams  stating 

Directors  approve  proposed  commission  and  expenditure 

and  on  June  24,  after  receiving  a  draft  of  the  invitation  to  be  issued  from  the 
headquarters  of  the  commission  in  London  and  from  the  office  of  the  com- 
pany in  New  York,  the  cable  announced 

Directors  approve  invitation. 

The  records  of  the  meeting  of  the  directors  in  New  York  on  that  date  were 
as  follows: 

Additional  letters  and  cablegrams  from  President  Adams  and  Dr.  Sellers  were  read 
and  the  action  proposed  to  be  taken  by  Mr.  Adams  in  relation  to  the  International 
Commission  and  invitation  of  competitive  plans  and  bids  were  approved  and  authority 
given  to  issue  similar  invitation  to  selected  parties  in  this  country. 

A  fortunate  opportunity  then  occurred  for  presenting  the  plans  to  the 
"money  subscribers"  who  were  in  London.  The  minutes  of  the  meeting  follow : 



On  the  invitation  of  Mr.  Adams,  a  meeting  was  held  at  his  apartment  in 
Brown's  Hotel,  London,  Wednesday,  June  18,  1890,  to  which  were  invited 
all  the  parties  interested  in  the  Niagara  syndicate  in  London,  viz:  Dr.  Cole- 
man Sellers;  Vice-president  Edward  A.  Wickes;  A.  J.  Forbes-Leith; 

1  See  Chapter  XXIX,  Volume  II,  for  details  of  memorial  established  in  Brown's  Hotel. 



Morris  K.  Jesup ;  Alexander  Hargreaves  Brown,  M.P. ;  Capt.  Francis  Pavy ; 
C.  C.  MacRae;  Louis  Floersheim;  Louis  Schott;  Henry  Oppenheim;  Lord 
Rothschild;  Robert  R.  Symon;  W.  Brodrick  Cloete;  Frederick  Nettlefold; 
Ernest  Cassel;  Frederick  W.  Whitridge. 

Of  these  the  following  named  gentlemen  were  present:  Dr.  Coleman 
Sellers;  Edward  A.  Wickes;  A.  J.  Forbes-Leith;  C.  C.  MacRae;  Robert  R. 
Symon;  W.  Brodrick  Cloete;  Frederick  Nettlefold. 

Mr.  Adams  stated : 

Since  my  arrival  in  this  country,  I  have  been  giving  a  great  deal  of  attention  to  this 
subject  and  as  I  proceeded  with  my  investigations,  my  interest  increased  constantly  and 
finally  I  think  I  am  an  enthusiast  on  the  subject.  About  two  months  ago,  while  prose- 
cuting these  investigations,  I  received  an  impression  that  the  method  we  had  planned 
and  were  on  the  point  of  carrying  out,  was  a  mistake,  but  I  was  not  willing  to  come  to 
that  conclusion  without  the  assistance  of  some  of  our  consulting  engineers,  so  I  cabled 
to  the  other  side,  suggesting  that  they  should  stop  work  so  far  as  it  affected  the  pro- 
longation of  the  tunnel  and  the  adoption  of  the  plans.  In  order  that  you  may  under- 
stand clearly  what  I  mean,  I  will  indicate,  by  reference  to  the  maps,  the  course  pursued. 
The  map  I  now  show  you  is  a  government  map  of  the  Niagara  River,  giving  the  position 
of  the  town  of  Niagara  and  the  falls,  and  indicating  the  direction  of  the  flow  of  the 
river.  It  was  the  intention  originally,  to  underrun  the  land  of  the  company  by  a  tunnel 
that  passed  underneath  the  town  of  Niagara  and  emptied  into  the  lower  river,  this  tunnel 
being  one  of  sufficient  capacity,  in  length  of  about  7300  feet,  to  meet  the  requirements 
of  the  development  of  about  120,000  horse-power,  but  it  was  not  the  intention  to  utilize 
that  power  immediately  at  the  end  of  tunnel  of  the  length  given,  but  as  the  power  was 
disposed  of,  to  continue  the  tunnel  to  a  total  length  of  13,000  feet.  In  order  to  supply 
the  various  mill-sites  which  might  be  scattered  over  this  land  extending  several  miles 
along  the  river,  canals  would  be  brought  in  at  intervals.  Such  are  indicated  on  this 
smaller  map.  These  canals  would  overlie  the  tunnel  and  from  such  canals  which  were 
wide  at  their  mouth  but  tapered  towards  their  end,  minor  canals  would  be  led  to 
various  wheel-pits  which  in  turn  would  discharge  into  the  tunnel.  All  this  pointed  to 
so  great  a  cost,  that  it  seemed  to  me  advisable  to  pause  before  proceeding  with  such  an 
investment,  and  to  take  advantage  of  what  I  had  noticed  was  being  done  everywhere  in 
Europe,  to  concentrate  the  source  of  power  at  some  one  place  and  from  that  one  source 
of  power  to  transmit  it  to  the  factories  either  upon  our  own  land  or  the  land  adjacent 
thereto,  or  in  fact  to  a  still  greater  distance  to  Tonawanda  or  Buffalo  or  anywhere 
within  the  radius  of  the  possible  transportation  of  power  economically.  By  this  means, 
I  satisfied  myself  that  of  the  various  methods  of  transmitting  power,  some  one,  or  more 
might  be  adopted  that  would  enable  the  mill  owners  to  be  as  perfectly  independent  as  if 
they  each  had  their  own  wheel  beneath  their  mill  as  originally  planned.  In  other  words, 
that  the  power  being  carried  by  electricity  could  be  transmitted  to  the  mill  and  there 
operate  electric  motors  that  would  be  as  efficient  as  the  best  steam  engines.  The  same 
obtains  in  reference  to  other  modes  of  transmission,  whether  by  rapidly  running  cables, 
by  hydraulic  power  or  by  compressed  air.  At  all  events,  I  came  to  the  conclusion  that  I 



was  right  in  the  idea  that  the  application  of  modern  science  on  the  continent  of  Europe 
had  changed  the  whole  methods  of  hydraulic  working  and  transmission  of  power,  and 
that  our  true  way  possibly  might  be  to  build  this  tunnel  and  develop  the  whole  in  this 
one  central  station,  transmitting  the  power,  as  I  have  already  indicated,  to  different 
places.  Upon  receipt  of  my  dispatch,  I  was  glad  to  find  by  the  reply  that  no  contracts 
had  yet  been  made  for  the  excavation  of  these  canals.  I  therefore  asked  that  Dr.  Sellers 
should  come  over  and  assist  me  in  determining  this  question.  He  came  very  promptly ; 
I  met  him  here  in  London,  where  we  spent  a  week  or  ten  days  and  then  proceeded  to  the 
continent  from  whence  we  have  just  returned  after  a  tour  in  Switzerland  and  France 
where  we  have  been  in  consultation  with  all  the  engineers  who  are  practical  men,  and  I 
will  now  ask  him  to  explain  to  you  the  various  steps  by  which  his  judgment  is  now, 
I  believe,  in  entire  accord  with  my  own,  as  to  the  best  course. 

He  then  introduced  Dr.  Sellers,  who  gave  a  lengthy  explanation  of  the 
changes  proposed,  the  reasons  therefor  and  the  economies  expected.  Among 
other  things,  he  called  attention  to  the  enormous  cost  of  the  one  canal  which 
had  been  designed,  primarily,  for  the  utilization  of  20,000  horse-power  and 
ultimately,  by  a  still  further  extension  of  the  tunnel,  to  a  total  of  only  48,000 
horse-power.  He  stated  that  so  far  as  he  had  been  able  to  judge,  it  seemed 
to  him  that  the  cost  of  this  immense  excavation,  which  was  a  small  river  in 
itself,  would  go  very  far  towards  developing  the  whole  of  the  120,000  horse- 
power and  inasmuch  as  the  shortening  of  the  tunnel  would  also  heighten  the 
available  fall,  that  could  be  done  by  the  wheels  increasing  that  fall  from  110 
to  140  feet,  thus  diminishing  the  total  volume  of  water  required  per  horse- 
power; that  the  tunnel  as  designed  would  be  sufficient  to  fully  satisfy  at  least 
130,000  horse-power  developed  at  one  central  location;  that  it  was  scarcely 
worth  while  to  call  attention  to  the  still  greater  saving  of  doing  away  with  these 
many  other  canals  which  would  have  to  be  added  to  the  first  one  to  complete 
the  total  planned ;  that  the  more  he  looked  into  this  scheme  which  was  proposed 
by  Mr.  Adams,  the  more  thoroughly  he  was  convinced  of  its  correctness,  and 
that  he  had  found  his  labor  in  this  investigation  very  much  diminished  by  the 
very  thorough  manner  in  which  Mr.  Adams  had  accumulated  the  facts  that 
pointed  so  conclusively  towards  this  method  of  procedure. 

Following  Dr.  Sellers  remarks  Mr.  Adams  explained  his  plan  for  an  Inter- 
national Commission,  drawing  from  the  gentlemen  present  a  quite  strong 
expression  of  opinion  as  to  the  economy  with  which  he  had  effected  so  brilliant 
a  combination  of  talent  as  was  expressed  in  the  union  of  the  gentlemen  repre- 
senting England,  France  and  Switzerland. 

An  animated  discussion  of  the  subject  by  the  gentlemen  present,  who  asked 
many  questions  and  seemed  well  satisfied  with  the  replies,  was  unanimous  in 
approval  of  the  modification  of  the  original  plans  and  also  of  the  commission 
as  proposed. 



The  meeting  was  in  session  about  two  hours,  and  from  the  notes  of  remarks, 
taken  by  Mr.  F.  Rose,1  the  preceding  summary  has  been  made. 

A  full  explanation  of  the  changes  in  the  plan  and  the  commission  proposed, 
was  sent  by  Mr.  Adams  from  Paris,  June  12,  1890,  to  J.  Pierpont  Morgan, 
Grand  Hotel,  Aix-les-Bains,  who  telegraphed  his  reply  to  Mr.  Adams  as 
follows : 

Aix-les-Bains,  June  20,  1890 

Edward  D.  Adams,  Brown's  Hotel,  Dover  Street,  London. 

As  well  as  can  judge,  your  whole  plan  meets  my  entire  approval. 


The  further  evolution  of  the  plans  for  the  power  station  and  transmission 
system  will  be  found  in  subsequent  chapters  in  Volume  Two,  relating  to  the 
construction  and  operation  of  the  hydraulic  and  the  electric  systems. 

Author  op  Niagara  Power,  Sole  Surviving  Pioneer  Director  of  The  Cataract 
Construction  Company  in  Niagara  Room,  Brown's  Hotel,  London,  August,  1926 

1  A  secretarial  expert  who  served  the  commission  in  London,  and  later  accepted  an  appointment  with 
the  company  in  Niagara  and  New  York. 


— B— I WW 








Prof.  E.  MASCART 

United  States  of  America 

Lt.-Col.  theo.  turrettini 



by  The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  EDWARD  DEAN  ADAMS,  president,  1890-1910 


Tablet  on  Inside  of  Entrance  Door  of  the  Niagara  Room,  Brown's  Hotel, 
Dover  Street,  London,  Erected  1926,  in  Commemoration  of  the 
Organization  of  the  International  Niagara  Commission 




Chapter  X 

The  International  Niagara  Commission 
1890— London— 1891 

3 — Sir  William  Thomson*,  ll.d.,  f.r.s. 

1 — Prof.  E.  Mascart  4 — Dr.  Coleman  Sellers 

2 — Prof.  W.  C.  Unwix,  Secretary  5 — Col.  Theo.  Tuhrettini 




THE  purpose  of  the  International  Niagara  Commission  was  to  conduct  a 
scientific  symposium  on  the  development  of  power  at  Niagara  Falls, 
which  would  attract  the  best  scientific  and  engineering  knowledge  and  experi- 
ence of  those  most  competent  to  be  found  in  the  nations  of  the  world. 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company  issued  June  25,  1890,  a  letter  of  in- 
vitation from  the  temporary  office  of  the  commission  at  London,  and  from  the 
administration  offices  of  the  company  in  New  York.  A  letter  of  eleven  pages 
enclosed  a  list  of  its  accompanying  documents.  As  the  substance  of  this  com- 
munication is  contained  in  the  comprehensive  and  lucid  report  of  the  secretary 
of  the  commission  which  will  be  found  in  full  in  Appendix  E,  this  volume, 
the  first  and  last  pages  only  of  the  letter  are  reproduced  here. 

The  plan  in  brief  outline  was  designed  to  ascertain  the  best  system  for  the 
Niagara  enterprise  in  the  opinion  of  the  highest  available  scientific  authorities. 

The  members  of  the  commission  were  five  in  number,  two  from  England 
and  one  each  from  France,  Switzerland  and  United  States,  and  may  be 
described  as  follows: 

Sir  William  Thomson,  ll.d.,  f.r.s.,  President  of  Commission,  The 
University,  Glasgow. 

Coleman  Sellers,  e.d.,  m.  inst.  c.  e.,  etc.,  Philadelphia. 

Professor  Engineering  Practise,  Stevens  Institute  of  Tech- 
nology, Hoboken,  New  Jersey. 

Professor  of  Mechanics,  Franklin  Institute  of  State  of  Penn- 

E.  Mascart,  Membre  de  lTnstitut,  Paris. 
Professeur  au  College  de  France. 
Directeur  du  Bureau  Central  Meteorologique. 

Theodore  Turrettini,  Ingenieur,  Geneva. 
Lieutenant-Colonel  d'Artillerie. 
President  de  la  Ville  de  Geneve. 

Directeur  des  Travaux  d'Utilisation  des  Forces  Motrices  du 

Rhone  a  Geneve. 
Directeur  de  la  Societe  Genevoise  d'Instruments  de  Physique. 



Wm.  Cawthorne  Unwin,  f.r.s.,  m.  inst.  c.e.,  London. 
Secretary  of  Commission. 

Professor  of  Engineering  at  the  Central  Institute  of  the  City 
Guilds  of  London. 

At  a  meeting  of  organization  when  all  parties  were  present,  Sir 
William  Thomson  was  chosen  president  and  Professor  Unwin, 

At  the  first  meeting  of  the  commission  at  his  apartment  in  Brown's  Hotel, 
London,  on  June  21,  Mr.  Adams  presented  for  consideration  the  draft  of 
a  letter  of  invitation  and  explained  the  various  plans  and  maps  that  it  was 
intended  should  accompany  the  invitation.  He  stated  the  necessity  for  his 
departure  for  New  York  on  June  25,  and  that  he  would  be  represented, 
during  his  absence,  at  first  by  Edward  A.  Wickes,  then  in  London,  and 
later  by  Francis  Lynde  Stetson,  both  vice-presidents,  who  would  soon  come 
from  America  with  an  associated  official  of  The  Cataract  Construction 
Company.  Mr.  Adams  asked  that  these  gentlemen  be  invited  to  attend  the 
different  meetings  of  the  commission,  not  as  members,  but  as  listeners  and 
spectators,  that  they  might  thereby  be  informed  of  the  progress  of  its  activities 
and  make  the  acquaintance  of  the  participants  and  their  expert  assistants. 

At  the  second  meeting  of  the  commission,  the  letter  of  invitation  was 
again  revised  and  the  list  of  those  to  whom  the  invitation  was  to  be  sent, 
was  prepared,  each  member  of  the  commission  suggesting  the  names  for 
the  country  he  represented.  On  June  24,  the  third  meeting  was  held,  at 
which  the  final  draft  of  the  invitation,  in  English  and  French,  was  adopted, 
and  the  list  of  those  to  be  invited  was  approved,  including  the  following 
nationals:  America,  five,  England,  seven,  France,  nine,  Switzerland,  six,  and 
Hungary,  one,  being  twenty-eight  in  all. 



Administration  Offices,  Mills  Building,  New  York 

Coleman  Sellers,  E.D.  \ 

John  Bogart,  New  York>  Consulting  Engineers 

State  Engineer  / 
Clemens  Herschel,  Hydraulic  Engineer 
Albert  H.  Porter,  Niagara  Falls,  New 
York,  Resident  Engineer 

Edward  D.  Adams,  President 
Francis  Lynde  Stetson 
Edward  A.  Wickes 
George  H.  Kent,  Treasurer 

V  ice-presidents 


Telegraphic  Address  London,  June  25,  1890. 

"Niagara,  London." 


The  Cataract  Construction  Company  having  completed  its  organisation  and  financial 
arrangements  in  the  United  States  of  America  is  desirous  of  securing  the  best  possible 
technical  advice  as  to  plans  for  carrying  out  the  purpose  it  has  in  view,  from  the  best 
houses  at  home  and  abroad.  To  this  end,  it  offers  a  series  of  prizes  to  a  number  of 
carefully  selected  Engineers  and  Engineering  houses  or  Companies  of  America,  Great 
Britain,  France,  Switzerland,  and  elsewhere  for  the  best  practicable  engineering  scheme 
or  project. 

You  are  therefore  invited  to  submit  projects  for  the  development,  transmission  and 
distribution  of  about  125,000  effective  horse-power  on  the  shafts  of  water  motors  at 
the  Falls  of  Niagara,  to  the  consideration  of  an  International  Niagara  Commission, 
holding  its  sessions  at  Central  Institute,  Exhibition  Road,  London. 

*lr  <Sf  *lf  a|»  -If  vt*  *J'  il-  ik,  jfc,  1 

y[?  yf;  Vff  *T*  5|F  ~  fr  tjc 

For  additional  information  application  should  be  made  in  person,  by  mail  or  wire 
to  the  Secretary  of  the  Commission,  or  if  more  convenient  to  the  individual  members  of 
the  Commission. 

In  acknowledging  the  receipt  hereof  please  inform  me  if  you  will  enter  the  Competition. 

Respectfully  yours, 

Cataract  Construction  Company 
Edward  D.  Adams 

After  issuing  the  letter  of  invitation  asking  that  projects  be  presented, 
there  was  much  correspondence  and  numerous  visits  from  those  intending  to 
participate.  The  headquarters  of  the  commission  were  established  at  the 
Central  Institute,  South  Kensington,  Exhibition  Road,  London,  by  the 
courtesy  of  its  owners,  the  City  and  Guilds  of  London  for  the  advancement 

1  It  is  believed  that  all  data  necessary  for  a  complete  understanding  of  this  program  will  be  found  in 
the  four  pages  of  the  Letter  of  Invitation  in  the  Appendix,  where  the  full  report  of  the  International 
Niagara  Commission  may  also  be  read. 



of  technical  education.  There  were  many  conferences  with  the  officials  and 
engineers  of  the  cataract  company  who  were  in  London  during  that  period. 
Members  of  the  commission,  with  the  American  engineers,  visited  many  fac- 
tories and  installations  of  power  apparatus  in  England  and  on  the  continent 
while  the  projects  were  being  prepared. 


The  most  serious  problem  in  the  Niagara  enterprise  was  involved  in  the 
transmission  and  distribution  of  power.  The  members  of  the  commission 
therefore  made  special  inquiry  as  to  methods  of  power  transmission  then  in 
use,  both  by  visits  to  various  installations  and  by  conferences  with  experts 
and  advocates.  They  examined  non-electrical  methods  and  sought  com- 
parison with  electrical  operation,  having  in  mind  not  only  what  was  then  in 
operation  but  what  might  be  developed. 

In  the  latter  part  of  July,  Commissioners  Mascart,  of  France,  and  Turret- 
tini,  of  Switzerland,  made  jointly  a  tour  of  inspection  of  the  hydro-electric 
and  other  works  of  machine  construction  and  operation  in  France  and 

Vice-president  Stetson  and  Engineer  Bogart  commenced  on  August  22 
a  series  of  visits  in  Switzerland  and  France,  ending  in  Paris,  September  6, 
and  going  over  practically  the  same  territory  covered  by  the  previous  visits  of 
President  Adams  and  Chief  Engineer  Sellers. 

Personal  acquaintance  with  many  of  those  who  were  preparing  plans  to 
submit  to  the  commission  facilitated  better  understanding  of  the  conditions 
at  Niagara,  and  prompted  an  extension  of  the  time  for  filing  such  projects 
to  January  1,  1891. 

Much  time  was  devoted,  while  in  Paris,  to  a  careful  examination  of  the  com- 
pressed air  system,  then  in  operation  under  the  direction  of  Victor  Popp  and 
the  guidance  of  Prof.  A.  Riedler,  of  Berlin,  an  exponent  of  the  art,  and  his 
consulting  engineer. 

This  method  of  power  transmission  was  further  examined  in  England,  at 
Birmingham,  under  the  guidance  of  John  Sturgeon,  of  Chester,  and  Professor 
Lupton,  of  Leeds.  The  uses  of  compressed  air  at  Chester  and  elsewhere  of  less 
importance  were  also  observed. 

One  of  the  largest  users  of  compressed  air  in  Birmingham  said  that  he  con- 
sidered it  the  best  practicable  power  and  when  asked  if  he  thought  it  better 
than  electricity  answered,  "Oh,  I  say  nothing  about  electricity  now;  I 
use  this  until  the  coming  of  electricity  which  I  believe  is  the  great  power  of 
the  future." 



The  electrical  station  at  Deptf  ord,  transmitting  light  by  alternating  current 
to  Grosvenor  Gallery,  London,  was  visited  by  all  the  company's  representa- 
tives from  time  to  time,  and  the  views  of  Mr.  Ferranti,  its  designer,  were 
found  of  much  interest  in  their  relation  to  compressed  air  and  alternating 
current  at  high  pressure  in  the  generation  as  well  as  in  the  transmission  of 
large  amounts  of  power  to  considerable  distances. 

Professor  Rowland,  of  Baltimore,  and  Professor  Riedler,  of  Berlin,  were 
among  those  who  discussed  with  Mr.  Ferranti  in  London,  the  relative  ad- 
vantages of  compressed  air  and  electricity  for  power  transmission.  Professor 
Riedler  said  to  Mr.  Ferranti  that  if  his  statements  were  well  founded  there 
could  be  no  question  that  electricity  must  prevail  over  compressed  air. 

Lord  Armstrong,  at  that  period  considered  the  apostle  of  hydraulics  in 
England,  in  a  conference  with  Sir  William  Thomson  (Lord  Kelvin)  who 
related  the  conditions  of  the  Niagara  project  for  the  transmission  of  power 
and  the  organization  of  the  International  Niagara  Commission  to  consider 
the  subject,  was  reported  to  have  said: 

I  do  not  think  you  can  look  for  much  good  to  be  gained  by  hydraulic  transmission ; 
the  wonderful  progress  that  has  been  made  in  electricity  of  late,  would  seem  to  me  to 
indicate  that  you  will  have  to  rely  almost  wholly  on  electrical  transmission. 

Clemens  Herschel,  hydraulic  engineer  of  the  cataract  company,  went  at 
its  request  to  London,  October  8,  for  a  conference  with  Chief  Engineer 
Sellers,  Professor  LTnwin  and  George  F.  Deacon,  hydraulic  engineer  of 
Liverpool,  regarding  various  characteristics  of  the  proposed  tunnel.  Several 
days  were  passed  in  critical  examinations  of  all  the  questions  involved  in 
determining  its  various  dimensions. 

An  agreement  was  reached  unanimously  and  Mr.  Herschel  sailed  for  home 
on  the  15th,  ready  to  give  precise  figures  in  working  drawings  for  the  contract, 
already  prepared  for  the  construction  of  the  tunnel. 

The  beginning  of  the  tunnel  at  this  time  before  the  method  of  distributing 
power  had  been  determined,  and  when  it  appeared  that  no  existing  system 
was  adequate  to  the  large  scale  operation  proposed  at  Niagara,  was  considered 
a  bold  step;  it  involved  a  great  risk;  it  was  based  on  faith  in  the  ability  of 
scientific  and  engineering  skill  to  solve  the  new  problems. 

Mr.  Stetson  departed  for  home  October  29,  having  passed  more  than  three 
months  in  England  and  on  the  continent  in  his  search  for  information  to 
guide  his  judgment  as  to  what  course  was  for  the  best  interest  of  the  stock- 
holders of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  to  pursue  in  the  furtherance 
of  its  enterprise  at  Niagara  Falls. 



Dr.  Sellers  wrote  after  Mr.  Stetson's  departure : 

I  part  with  him  with  regret,  missing  continually  his  active  and  unwearied  attention 
and  wise  direction  of  the  business  of  the  company.  His  orderly,  legal  mind  and  his  ad- 
ministrative ability  have  been  shown  in  all  the  correspondence  and  conferences  that  have 
led  up  to  the  present  assured  feeling  that  the  first  important  steps  are  right. 

In  the  latter  part  of  November,  Dr.  Sellers  left  London  for  an  extended 
tour  in  France  and  Italy  for  the  purpose  of  visiting  engineering  works  and 
installations  not  previously  seen  and  incidentally  of  making  the  acquaintance 
of  the  engineers  connected  therewith. 

The  visit  in  Rome,  with  Prof.  G.  Mengarini,  the  electrical  engineer,  and 
the  study  of  his  Tivoli-Rome  transmission  project  proved  of  great  interest 
and  profit.  Professor  Mengarini  was  a  member  of  the  commission  of  ex- 
perts to  examine,  test  and  report  on  the  Lauffen-Prankfort  transmission  of 
1891.  He  was  particularly  esteemed  in  electrical  engineering  circles  for  his 
advanced  work  on  electrolysis  and  alternating  currents. 

The  Tivoli-Rome  transmission  is  18  miles  in  length.  The  so-called  "new" 
falls  are  334  feet  high.  The  hydro-electric  plant  was  built  by  Ganz  &  Company 
of  Budapest,  and  was  placed  in  operation  in  July,  1892.  A  full  report  regard- 
ing the  Tivoli  project  as  designed  was  made  by  Dr.  Sellers. 

He  returned  to  London  late  in  December  to  assist  Professor  Unwin  in  the 
distribution  of  the  duplicate  copies  of  the  competition  projects  received  by 
January  1,  1891  for  the  International  Niagara  Commission.  A  complete  set 
of  all  maps  and  plans,  as  well  as  a  copy  of  the  memoirs,  or  explanatory  text, 
was  to  be  provided  for  each  commissioner  in  order  that  he  might  have  full 
opportunity  for  study  prior  to  the  assembling  of  the  full  commission  for  their 


There  were  fifteen  European  and  five  American  competitors  represented 
by  the  project  received.  Several  projects  were  not  entered  in  the  competition 
because  of  failure  to  comply  with  the  important  conditions  imposed  by  the 
terms  of  the  Letter  of  Invitation. 

The  competitors  were  duly  notified  upon  the  receipt  of  their  projects  that 
the  commission  would  meet  to  consider  them  on  Thursday,  January  29,  1891, 
and  daily  thereafter  as  might  become  necessary  to  decide  the  competition  and 
award  the  prizes,  and  that  any  competitors  who  desired  to  attend  the  meeting 
could  do  so. 

Quite  a  number  of  the  competitors  availed  themselves  of  the  opportunity  to 
attend  the  first  three  sessions  of  the  commission,  the  continental  competitors 
generally  being  accompanied  by  their  technical  experts. 



The  commissioners  were  in  full  attendance,  sat  for  about  seven  hours  daily, 
for  six  days  without  a  break,  and  reached  their  final  conclusions  on 
February  4,  1891. 

Clemens  Herschel,  hydraulic  engineer,  and  Albert  H.  Porter,  resident 
engineer,  were  present  by  invitation  at  all  sessions,  and  rendered  valued 
assistance  by  personal  explanations  of  local  conditions  at  that  time  in  Niagara, 
and  by  entertaining  the  foreign  engineers  between  sessions,  for  which  the 
familiarity  of  Mr.  Herschel  with  French  and  German,  which  he  spoke  fluently 
in  technical  terms,  was  much  appreciated. 

Daily  reports  of  the  proceedings  of  the  commission  in  session  were  made 
to  the  New  York  office  of  the  company  by  Messrs.  Herschel  and  Porter. 
Dr.  Sellers  presented  a  full  report  in  March,  to  the  cataract  company  upon 
his  return  to  New  York,  after  an  absence  in  Europe  for  about  nine  months, 
solely  in  the  interests  of  the  company. 

The  formal  duty  for  which  the  commission  was  organized  was  now  per- 
formed by  the  award  of  prizes  among  the  competitors.  In  the  final  conclusions 
there  was  almost  entire  unanimity. 

Seventeen  projects  were  submitted  by  the  twenty  represent- 
atives of  six  countries:  America,  England,  Switzerland, 
France,  Germany,  and  Hungary.  Three  projects  were 
rejected  as  irregular  and  fourteen  projects  were  considered 
in  the  competition. 

Awards  of  prizes  were  made  as  follows1:  Four  for  pneumatic 
projects,  four  for  electric  projects.  Eight  prizes  awarded: 
two  to  Switzerland,  two  to  France,  one  to  Germany  and 
France  combined,  one  to  England,  one  to  Hungary,  and  one 
to  America. 

No  first  prize  was  awarded  for  a  combined  project  for  hydraulic  develop- 
ment and  electrical  distribution  of  power.  There  was  no  project  which,  in  the 
opinion  of  the  commission,  could  be  recommended  for  adoption  without  con- 
siderable modification. 

The  highest  prize  awarded  for  combined  projects  for  hydraulic  develop- 
ment and  electrical  distribution  of  power  went  to  Messrs.  Faesch  and  Piccard,2 
and  Cuenod,  Sautter  &  Company,  both  of  Geneva. 

1  List  of  Awards  is  given  in  Part  III  of  the  Report  by  Secretary  Unwin.  Appendix  E,  Volume  I. 

2  A  contract  was  subsequently  made  with  Faesch  and  Piccard,  by  which  complete  working  drawings 
were  made  for  a  5000  horse-power  turbine  and  governor.  The  entire  turbine  installation,  of  ten  units  of 
5000  horse-power  each,  in  Power-house  Number  One,  was  manufactured  in  America  from  these  same 
designs  of  Faesch  and  Piccard. 



The  first  prize  for  projects  for  hydraulic  development  was  awarded  to 
Escher,  Wyss  &  Company,  of  Zurich.1 

No  prize  was  awarded  for  system  of  distribution. 

Premiums  were  awarded  to  all  competitors  who,  in  the  ojjinion  of  the 
commission,  complied  with  the  terms  of  the  Letter  of  Invitation. 

For  Combined  Projects 

premiums  of  £200  each  were  awarded  to  eight  competitors. 

For  Hydraulic  Projects  for  Developing  Power 

premiums  of  £100  each  were  awarded  to  four  competitors. 

For  Projects  for  Distributing  Power 

premiums  of  £100  each  were  awarded  to  two  competitors. 

Five  American  projects  were  presented  to  the  commission  for  considera- 
tion as  candidates  for  prizes  and  premiums : 

Brush  Electric  Light  and  Power  Company  of  Niagara  Falls, 
Benjamin  Rhodes,  Manager.  Hydraulic  and  electric  trans- 
mission of  power. 

Norwalk  Iron  Works  Company  of  Norwalk,  Connecticut, 
Eben  Hill,  president.  Transmission  of  power  by  compressed 
air.  Pelton  Water  Wheel  Company  combining  for  hy- 

Pelton  Water  Wheel  Company  of  San  Francisco,  California. 

Stillwell  and  Bierce  Manufacturing  Company  of  Dayton, 
Ohio,  Turbines. 

Swain  Turbine  and  Manufacturing  Company  of  Lowell,Massa- 

The  projects  of  the  Pelton  Water  Wheel  Company  and  of  the  Norwalk 
Iron  Works  Company  were  the  only  American  projects  that  complied  with 
the  conditions  of  the  competition.  Each  of  these  projects  received  a  prize  of 
£200,  and  each  of  them  a  premium  of  £100. 

The  total  expenditures  in  England,  France,  Switzerland,  Belgium  and 
Germany,  for  engineering  fees,  machinery  and  materials  resulting  directly 

1  Later  Escher,  Wyss  &  Company,  of  Zurich,  designed  working  drawings  for  a  5500  horse-power 
turbine,  from  which  eleven  units  were  constructed  in  America  as  the  full  hydraulic  equipment  of  Power- 
house Number  Two. 

This  firm  also  furnished  drawings  for  a  10,000  horse-power  turbine  and  received  an  order  for  the 
manufacture  of  three  of  these  machines  complete,  including  shafting  and  governors,  at  their  works 
in  Zurich,  for  the  Canadian  power-house.  Two  additional  turbines  made  in  America  were  of  this  design, 
for  which  Escher,  Wyss  &  Company  made  the  governors  of  the  same  model  as  those  furnished  with  the 
three  machines  made  in  Zurich. 



from  the  International  Niagara  Commission,  amounted  to  about  $430,000, 
not  including  the  salaries  and  expenses  of  several  members  of  the  board  of 
engineers  and  officers  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  attending  the 
sessions  of  the  commission  and  in  connection  therewith. 

The  payments  made  to  foreign  consulting  engineers  during  the  years 
1891-1893,  including  the  expenses  of  the  commission,  amounted  to  $75,872, 
not  including  additional  payments  made  after  1893,  from  time  to  time,  for 
expert  advice  by  foreign  constructing  as  well  as  consulting  engineers.1 


As  soon  as  practicable  after  the  commission  had  adjourned  and  its  affairs 
had  been  brought  to  a  conclusion,  Prof.  W.  C.  Unwin,  secretary  of  the  com- 
mission, presented  his  report  on  the  projects  submitted  to  the  International 
Niagara  Commission  accompanied  by  the  following  statement: 

London,  April  13,  1891. 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company  having  asked  for  a  report  on  the  plans  sub- 
mitted to  the  commission,  the  secretary  has  prepared  the  following  statement.  The 
commission  having  separated,  it  is  not  possible  to  have  an  official  report  carrying  the 
authority  of  the  commission. 

The  report2  is  in  three  parts.  The  first  sets  forth  the  power  problem  at 
Niagara  which  was  the  basis  for  the  invitation  for  projects  and  a  summary 
of  the  projects  received;  the  second  is  a  detailed  abstract  of  the  projects  re- 
ceived and  the  final  part  lists  the  award  of  prizes  and  premiums  and  states 
the  general  conclusions. 

The  report  not  only  presents  a  vital  episode  in  the  history  of  The  Niagara 
Falls  Power  Company  but  it  is  a  historic  document  presenting  in  an  authorita- 
tive way  the  state  of  the  art  of  power  transmission  at  the  beginning  of  1891. 
The  fact  that  none  of  the  proposals  for  distribution  of  power  was  regarded  as 
worthy  of  a  prize  or  adequate  to  the  requirements  at  Niagara  and  the  fact  that 
a  little  over  two  years  later  a  system  was  adopted  which  is  in  universal  practise 
makes  clear  the  great  step  that  was  taken  at  Niagara.  It  was  a  step  which 
called  for  courage — the  courage  of  leadership. 


On  the  evening  of  February  4,  1891,  the  day  on  which  the  commission  com- 
pleted its  labors,  the  president  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  and 
the  president  of  the  commission  exchanged  greetings  by  cable : 
Sir  William  Thomson,  London 

The  directors  of  the  Cataract  company  thank  you  and  your  associates  for  your 
careful  consideration  and  decisions.  We  believe  the  International  Niagara  Commission 

1  For  details  of  total  foreign  expenditures  of  $430,000,  see  Appendix  O,  Volume  II. 

2  Appendix  E,  Volume  I. 



will  become  of  historical  importance  in  the  annals  of  industrial  progress,  and  mark  an 
epoch  of  international  fraternity  in  the  solution  of  great  scientific  problems.  We  most 
cordially  invite  you  all  to  the  opening  ceremonies. 

Cataract  Construction  Company,  New  York 

La  commission  en  terminant  ses  travaux  adresse  a,  Monsieur  Adams  ses  vifs  remerci- 

ments  pour  les  relations  si  courtoises  qu'elle  a  trouvees  aupres  de  lui.  Elle  exprime  tous 

ses  voeux  pour  le  succes  de  l'entreprise  du  Niagara. 

1  1  6  Thomson. 

At  the  last  session  of  the  commission  a  resolution  was  recorded  expressing 
the  appreciative  thanks  of  its  members  to  Professor  Unwin  for  his  untiring 
and  valuable  services  as  secretary. 

After  the  last  official  meeting  of  the  International  Niagara  Commission 
and  prior  to  the  members'  separation  after  the  award  of  the  prizes  and  bonuses, 
the  president  of  the  commission,  Sir  William  Thomson,  entertained  his  as- 
sociate commissioners  at  dinner,  at  the  Whitehall  Club,  London,  to  which  he 
invited  several  of  the  prominent  scientists,  engineers  and  financiers  of  England 
and  several  from  the  continent. 

Niagara  as  a  topic,  the  proceedings  of  the  commission,  and  the  probable 
results  of  its  action,  were  found  of  extraordinary  interest. 

Messrs.  Herschel  and  Porter  made  a  visit  in  February  to  Switzerland  and 
Paris  to  meet  some  of  the  competitors  and  to  learn  their  reaction  from  the 
sessions  and  conclusions  of  the  commission.  It  may  be  expressed  as  follows: 

Electricity  or  compressed  air  for  transmission  of  power:  alternating 
current  attractive. 

Central  station  development  and  distribution  approved. 

Larger  and  still  larger  prime  movers  and  generators  or  compressors 
as  new  projects  are  prepared. 

Foreign  engineers  expected  to  assist  in  the  organization  and  installa- 
tion at  Niagara  Falls. 

General  satisfaction  with  the  organization  of  the  commission  and 
its  fairness  and  liberality  in  dealing  with  the  contestants. 

After  calling  upon  the  engineers,  who  had  shown  an  interest  in  the  Niagara 
enterprise,  at  Geneva,  Winterthur,  Zurich,  Oerlikon,  Paris  and  London,  they 
sailed  for  New  York,  February  11, 1891,  thus  ending  the  eastward  pilgrimage 
for  scientific  information  applicable  to  the  utilization  of  the  waters  of  Niagara 



Messrs.  Unwin  and  Turrettini,  of  the  International  Niagara  Commission, 
visited  the  Frankfort  Exhibition  in  the  interest,  partially  at  least,  of  the 
Niagara  project,  and  both  were  subsequently  retained  by  the  cataract  com- 
pany as  foreign  consulting  engineers.  They  made  several  visits  to  Niagara 
and  assisted  personally  in  the  company's  consideration  of  the  electrical  system 
to  be  adopted.  Their  counsels  were  greatly  valued  in  the  determination  of  the 

Imp.  Ch.  Wittmann 

E.  Mascart 


efficiency  of  the  turbine  and  generator  designs  submitted  to  the  company 
by  the  foreign  and  American  manufacturers. 

In  his  report  of  March  6,  1891,  Dr.  Coleman  Sellers,  chief  engineer,  wrote 
The  Cataract  Construction  Company: 

What  has  been  accomplished  by  means  of  the  International  Commission  may  be  ex- 
pressed in  few  words.  It  has  shown  us  what  we  can  reasonably  hope  to  do  ;  it  has  shown 
us  in  a  degree  how  to  do  what  is  wanted  and  where  we  can  expect  to  get  what  we  require 



to  do  the  work.  It  has  brought  the  scheme  before  the  world  with  a  prestige  that  cannot 
be  measured  by  dollars  ;  it  has  enlisted  the  interest  of  the  whole  scientific  world ;  it  has 
made  this  company  command  the  confidence  of  the  world  and  won  for  its  management 
respect,  as  wise,  far-seeing,  cautious  business  men  and  not  followers  of  any  one  or  more 
visionary  schemer  or  inventor. 

Prof.  E.  Mascart,  the  commissioner  from  France,  wrote  from  Paris,  June 
29,  1891: 

Cette  grande  entreprise  marquera  une  date  importante  dans  l'histoire  des  applica- 
tions de  Pelectricite  et  je  tiens  pour  un  grand  honneur  d'y  avoir  pris  une  part,  si  petite 
qu'ellesoit.  E  MASCART 

Bureau  Central  Meteorologique 

Andre  Hillairet1 

Ingenieur  des  Arts  et  Manufactures 
Ancien  President  des  Ingenienrs  Civils  de  France 
Ancien  President  de  la  Societe  Francaise  des  Electriciens 
Chevalier  de  la  Legion  d'Honneur 

Designer  of  the  only  Project  of  10,000  Horse-power  Units 
Submitted  to  the  International  Niagara  Commission 

1  See  Appendix  E,  pages  421,  443  and  444. 




Chapter  XI 

(In  Four  Parts) 

Contributed  by 
Frederick  L.  Lovelace,  a  Director  and  Secretary  of 
The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 

The  Rights 
to  take  water  for  power  purposes  by 


are  based  upon  grants  to  its  constituent  companies 
and  its  subsequent  federal  license 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  chartered  in  1886  under  name  of  Ni- 
agara River  Hydraulic  Tunnel,  Power  and  Sewer  Company. 

Hydraulic  Power  Company  of  Niagara  Falls  and  its  predecessor,  The 
Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and  Manufacturing  Company,  char- 
tered in  1878. 

Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company,  Limited. 

These  rights,  in  various  legal  forms,  are  derived  from 
The  Common  Law, 
The  State  of  New  York, 
The  Congress  of  United  States, 
The  War  Department  of  United  States, 
The  Federal  Water  Power  Commission, 
Province  of  Ontario,  Canada, 
Dominion  of  Canada, 

and  are  described  herein  by 

Frederick  L.  Lovelace,  Secretary, 
The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company. 


Part  I 

NEW  YORK  STATE  LAWS,  1857-1918 

THE  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  produces  the  power  furnished  by  it 
by  utilizing  the  energy  of  the  flow  or  fall  of  the  Niagara  River  from  the 
level  above  the  upper  rapids  to  that  immediately  below  the  Great  Falls. 

Water  is  diverted  from  the  river  channel  about  a  mile  above  the  American 
Falls.  After  being  passed  through  hydraulic  turbines  all  the  diverted  water 
is  returned  to  its  natural  course  in  the  first  pool  below  that  falls. 

The  company  owns  the  uplands  along  the  shore  of  the  river  and  lands  under 
water  at  the  places  of  water  diversion  and  for  a  distance  of  about  2  miles 
up  the  American  shore.  It  also  owns  the  shore  lands  where  the  water  is 
returned  below  the  falls  and  for  a  considerable  distance  above  the  points 
of  discharge.  The  only  American  shores  owned  by  others  between  the  places 
of  diversion  where  now  made  and  return  are  lands  within  the  New  York 
State  Reservation  at  Niagara,  where  the  fee  of  the  lands  is  in  the  State  of 
New  York,  which  by  acts  of  its  legislature  has  consented  to  such  diversion. 
In  addition  to  the  state  reservation  lands  about  165  feet,  known  as  the  "Ten- 
Rod  Strip"  (now  a  part  of  Porter  Park),  intervene  between  the  intake  and 
discharge  of  the  company's  "Niagara"  plant.  It  was  formerly  owned  by 
The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  (constituent)  and  by  it  donated  to  the 
city  of  Niagara  Falls  to  be  used  only  for  purposes  of  a  park  and  a  public  dock, 
the  company  having  reserved  to  itself  and  its  successors  the  property  and 
rights  therein  necessary  for  the  production  of  power. 


The  right  of  the  company  so  to  divert  and  use  the  water  of  the  river  is  based 

1.  upon  ownership  of  (a)  the  uplands  and  bank  of  the  stream  where 

water  is  diverted,  (b)  abutting  lands  under  water,  and  (c) 
shore  lands  where  the  water  is  returned ; 

2.  upon  (a)  a  grant  by  the  State  of  New  York  to  one  of  the  constit- 

uent corporations,  (b)  a  specific  declaration  and  confirmation 
by  the  state  of  the  rights  exercised  by  another  of  the  constituent 
corporations,  and  (c)  the  consent  of  the  state  that  all  the  rights 



of  the  constituent  corporations  may  be  enjoyed  by  the  present 
(consolidated)  company,  and  treated  in  this  Part  I; 

3.  upon  a  50-year  license  of  the  Federal  Power  Commission,  acting 
by  authority  of  the  Congress,  treated  in  Part  III. 


The  first  ("1"  above)  is  a  right  inherent  in,  pertaining  to,  and  a  part  of,  the 
company's  real  property.  It  is  wholly  independent  of  rights  not  appurtenant 
to  the  lands  obtained  through  governmental  grants,  licenses  or  otherwise, 
but  is  not  repugnant  thereto.  Both  this  property  right  and  such  grants  and 
licenses  and  their  confirmation  are  limited  by  certain  paramount  rights  of  the 
public  in  the  stream,  the  most  important  of  which  is  navigation.  Excepting 
in  respect  of  such  paramount  public  rights  under  the  Common  Law  as  it  pre- 
vails in  the  State  of  New  York  the  riparian  owner  may  divert  upon  his  lands 
water  for  manufacturing  purposes  without  other  restriction  than  the  physical 
limitation  of  the  particular  location  and  rights  of  other  riparian  owners. 

In  the  case  under  consideration  the  State  of  New  York,  which  is  the  private 
proprietor  of  the  lands  in  the  state  reservation  at  Niagara,  is  the  only  other 
riparian  owner  on  the  American  side  of  the  river  whose  rights  could  be  af- 
fected. By  statutory  enactment,  the  state  has  expressly  consented  to  such 
water  diversion  and  has  thereby  waived  any  conflicting  rights  of  its  private 
riparian  ownership. 

Rights  of  the  owners  of  shore  lands  were  defined  in  an  opinion  of  the  New 
York  Court  of  Appeals,  as  follows : 

The  rule  of  law  is  familiar  that  each  owner  of  land  contiguous  to  a  natural  water- 
course has  a  right,  as  owner  of  such  land  and  as  naturally  connected  with  and  incident 
to  it,  to  the  natural  flow  of  the  stream  along  his  land  and  its  descent,  and  all  the  force  to 
be  derived  therefrom,  for  any  domestic  or  hydraulic  purpose  to  which  he  may  decide  to 
apply  it.  He  may,  by  means  of  a  ditch  or  conduit,  withdraw  water  from  the  stream 
and  cause  it  to  flow  unnaturally  through  his  land  for  agricultural,  industrial  or  other 
purpose,  provided  he  causes  it,  in  its  substantial  volume  to  return  upon  his  land  to  the 
stream.  .  .  .  Every  owner  is  bound  to  use  the  water  reasonably  as  it  flows  so  as  not  to 
injure  the  equal  rights  of  all  the  owners.  Whether  or  not  a  use  or  detention  of  the  water 
is  reasonable  must  be  determined  by  the  extent  and  capacity  of  the  stream,  the  uses 
to  which  it  is  and  lias  been  put  and  the  rights  that  other  owners  on  the  stream  have.  .  .  . 
The  rights  involved  in  the  instant  dispute  arose  from  the  lateral  contact  of  the 
lands  of  Thomson  and  Dix  with  the  waters  of  the  river,  arrested  and  restrained  by 
the  dam.  The  navigability  of  the  river  or  the  ownership  of  the  soil  over  which  the 
waters  flow  neither  increase  nor  diminish  rights  of  such  a  nature.  They  are  at  no  point 
of  the  discussion  here  connected  with  the  right  of  navigation  or  other  public  right  or  with 
the  occupation  or  use  of  the  bed  of  the  stream.  The  right  to  the  use  of  the  water  of  a 



flowing  stream,  navigable  or  unnavigable,  arises  by  mere  operation  of  law  as  incident  to 
the  ownership  of  the  bank  and  is  a  part  of  the  estate  of  its  owner.  .  .  .  It  is  a  valuable 
property  right  which  can  be  severed  from  the  riparian  land  by  grant,  condemnation,  re- 
linquishment or  prescription.  Thomson  and  Dix  as  owners  of  the  single  tract  might 
release  it  or  grant  it  to  another  or  restrict  or  reserve  it  as  owners  of  the  single  tract  to 
specified  uses  or  places. 

The  United  Paper  Board  Company  vs.  Iroquois  Pulp  and  Paper  Company 
(decided  March,  1919)  226  N.  Y.  38 


The  use  of  the  water  of  the  Niagara  River  in  power  production  and  the 
construction  of  extensive  works  for  such  use  by  the  corporations  which  were 
consolidated  into  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  in  1918  (including 
predecessors  of  one  of  them ) ,  proceeded  from  the  time  of  the  first  use  through 
the  hydraulic  canal  (construction  of  which  was  begun  in  1852)  until  the  year 
1892,  and  on  the  part  of  one  company  until  1896,  in  reliance  mainly  upon  their 
respective  proprietary  rights  as  riparian  owners. 

The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and  Manufacturing  Company,  the 
immediate  predecessor  in  title  of  Hydraulic  Power  Company  of  Niagara  Falls 

(one  of  the  constituent  corporations  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company, 
mcmxviii)  was  incorporated  by  Jacob  F.  Schoellkopf  and  associates  in  1878 
under  the  laws  of  New  York.  It  succeeded  by  purchase  to  the  title  of  the  hy- 
draulic canal  and  the  other  property  and  rights  of  the  "Day"  hydraulic  power 
development.  The  lands  owned  by  it  consisted,  mainly,  of  ( 1 )  uplands  and 
lands  under  water  at  Port  Day  about  a  mile  above  the  American  Falls  adjoin- 
ing what  is  now  the  upper  limit  of  the  New  York  State  Reservation  at  Niagara, 

(2)  a  large  tract  fronting  on  the  lower  river,  and  (3)  a  connecting  strip  100 
feet  wide  granted  for  hydraulic  canal  purposes  by  the  owners  of  the  inter- 
vening shore  lands.  Through  this  100-foot  strip  the  "Day"  or  "hydraulic" 
canal  diverted  water  from  the  upper  river  and  led  it  to  a  receiving  basin  near 
the  high  bank  of  the  lower  river  on  the  large  tract  mentioned.  The  construction 
of  the  canal  had  been  started  in  1852.  From  time  to  time  after  the  year  1857, 
when  the  canal  was  sufficiently  completed  for  use,  mills  had  been  built  on  its 
terminal  basin,  taking  water  therefrom  for  power  production  and  discharging 
the  spent  water  through  the  high  bank  into  the  lower  river. 

The  State  of  New  York  by  an  act  of  its  legislature,  Chapter  968  of  the 
laws  of  1896,  "recognized,  declared  and  confirmed"  the  right  of  The  Niagara 
Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and  Manufacturing  Company  to  take  and  use  the 
water  of  the  Niagara  River  and  to  develop  power  therefrom  and  sell  the  same. 
The  act  expressly  limited  and  restricted  the  confirmation  of  the  rights  of  the 



company  to  the  use  by  the  company  of  "such  quantity  of  water  as  may  be 
drawn  by  means  of  the  hydraulic  canal  of  said  company  when  enlarged 
throughout  its  entire  length  to  a  width  of  100  feet  and  to  a  depth  and  slope 
sufficient  to  carry  at  all  times  a  maximum  uniform  depth  of  14  feet  of  water," 
and  also  contained  a  proviso  that  the  exercise  by  the  company  of  the  "rights 
hereby  declared  and  confirmed  shall  not  impair  the  practical  navigation  of  the 
Niagara  River." 

In  a  decision  of  the  New  York  Supreme  Court,  affirmed  by  the  Appellate 
Division  of  that  court  and  by  the  Court  of  Appeals,  it  was  held  that  The  Niag- 
ara Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and  Manufacturing  Company  had  property 
rights,  as  distinguished  from  a  "franchise,"  entitling  it  to  divert  water  from 
the  river  for  power  production. 

In  its  opinion  the  Court  stated: 

The  relator,  as  a  riparian  owner,  and  as  owner  of  the  lands  under  the  waters  of  the 
Niagara  River  adjacent  to  its  uplands  from  which  the  water  is  immediately  taken,  has 
the  right  to  the  use  of  the  waters  of  the  river  for  manufacturing  purposes,  and  to  divert 
the  same  for  that  purpose,  returning  them  to  the  river  as  it  does  after  passing  over  its 
own  lands  ;  .  .  .  subject  only  to  the  paramount  right  of  the  state  to  utilize  these  waters 
for  a  public  use,  without  compensation  to  such  riparian  owners ;  all  riparian  rights 
remaining  unimpaired  until  the  exercise  of  such  paramount  right  by  the  state.  This  being 
so,  it  appears  that  the  relator,  as  riparian  owner,  had  the  right  to  take  waters  from  the 
Niagara  River  for  manufacturing  purposes,  not  interfering  thereby  with  the  naviga- 
bility of  the  stream,  such  right  being  in  no  sense  in  the  nature  of  a  franchise  but  a  corpo- 
real hereditament,  not  depending  either  upon  grant  or  prescription.  .  .  .  And  this  view 
of  the  relator's  rights  is  confirmed  by  the  act  of  1896  (Chapter  968)  .  .  .  which  in 
terms  confirms  and  defines  the  riparian  rights  of  the  relator. 

The  People  ex  rel.  Niagara  Falls  Hy.  Power  &  Mfg.  Co.  vs.  Smith 
70  App.  Div.  513,  affirmed  175  N.  Y.  469 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  (the  constituent  corporation  of  that 
name)  was  chartered  March  31,  1886,  under  the  name  of  "The  Niagara  River 
Hydraulic  Tunnel,  Power  &  Sewer  Company"  by  an  act  of  the  legislature  of 
the  State  of  New  York,  Chapter  83  of  the  laws  of  1886.  Its  charter  was 
amended  or  enlarged  by  subsequent  acts,  as  follows: 

(1)  Chapter  489  of  the  laws  of  1886; 

(2)  Chapter  109  of  the  laws  of  1889; 

(3)  Chapter  253  of  the  laws  of  1891 ; 

(4)  Chapter  513  of  the  laws  of  1892; 

(5)  Chapter  477  of  the  laws  of  1893. 

Its  name  was  changed  to  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  by  an  order 
of  the  New  York  Supreme  Court  entered  November  11,  1889. 



Construction  of  the  company's  works  was  begun  in  1890.  Actual  electric 
power  production  began  in  1895. 

The  charter  as  originally  enacted  had  declared  that  the  corporation  was  con- 
stituted a  body  corporate  and  politic  for  the  purpose  of  "constructing,  main- 
taining, and  operating  in  connection  with  the  Niagara  River  an  hydraulic 
tunnel  .  .  .  and  for  furnishing  hydraulic  power  for  manufacturing  pur- 
poses." It  provides,  among  other  things,  that  the  company  should  have  the 
power  to  construct,  operate  and  maintain  for  its  corporate  purposes  a  tunnel, 
conduits,  or  sewers  as  specified  in  the  act,  or  under  the  waters  of  the  Niagara 
River,  provided  such  structures  are  so  laid  as  not  to  interfere  with  navigation 
of  the  river. 

While  clear  that  the  legislature  understood  and  intended  that  the  company 
was  being  chartered  for  the  express  purpose  of  producing  power  by  use  of 
water  diverted  from  the  Niagara  River,  neither  the  original  act  nor  any  of 
the  earlier  amendatory  acts  contained  a  grant  for  such  purpose  in  explicit 
terms.  It  was  assumed  that  the  common  law  right  of  a  riparian  owner  was 
adequate  for  that  purpose. 

In  1892,  the  State  of  New  York  by  an  act  of  its  legislature  (Chapter  513  of 
1892)  granted  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  its  successors  and  assigns, 
the  "right  to  take  and  use  the  waters  of  the  Niagara  River  ...  at  any  points 
on  or  opposite  to  any  riparian  land  now  owned  by  said  corporation  ...  to 
the  extent  required  for  the  proper  operation  of  the  authorized  works  of  said 
corporation  during  the  continuance  of  such  works." 

The  grant  provided  that  nothing  contained  therein  or  in  any  of  the 
former  acts  concerning  the  corporation  should  be  construed  "to  confer  an 
exclusive  right  nor  any  right  to  infringe  upon  the  state  reservation  or  to 
obstruct  the  navigation  of  the  Niagara  River,  or  to  take  therefrom  more 
water  than  shall  be  sufficient  to  produce  200,000  effective  horse-power." 

Besides  having  sovereign  jurisdiction,  the  state  had  rights  as  a  private  ri- 
parian owner  between  the  places  of  diversion  and  return.  Its  consent  as  such 
riparian  owner  to  water  diversion  as  made  by  the  company  was  thus  obtained. 

While  the  bill  (later  enacted  as  Chapter  513  of  1892)  was  pending  in  the 
legislature,  the  Hon.  Andrew  H.  Green,  then  president  of  the  Board  of  Com- 
missioners of  the  state  reservation  at  Niagara,  called  the  attention  of  the 
governor  and  of  the  attorney-general  of  the  state  to  the  terms  and  conditions 
of  the  grant,  which  he  intimated  would  likely  constitute  a  contract  between 
the  state  and  the  company.  Such  a  probability  was  expressly  recognized  by 
the  attorney-general  in  his  formal  published  opinion  (Report  of  Attorney- 
General  for  the  year  1892;  Opinions,  page  106) .  When  it  became  a  law  The 



Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  filed  with  the  Secretary  of  State  of  the  State 
of  New  York  its  acceptance  of  the  grant  and  of  the  terms  and  conditions  upon 
which  it  was  made  and  the  original  company  and  its  successor  company  have 
complied  fully  with  the  terms  of  the  act. 

The  present  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  was  formed  in  October, 
1918,  by  consolidation,  pursuant  to  Chapter  596  of  the  laws  of  1918,  of  Cliff 
Electrical  Distributing  Company  (incorporated  1909),  The  Niagara  Falls 
Power  Company  (incorporated  1886),  and  Hydraulic  Power  Company  of 
Niagara  Falls  (incorporated  1910) . 

Chapter  597  of  the  laws  of  1918  authorizes  the  consolidated  company  to 
exercise  all  powers  theretofore  or  thereafter  conferred  upon  either  or  all  of 
the  constituent  corporations,  provided  (1)  that  nothing  in  the  statute  con- 
tained shall  authorize  the  consolidated  company  to  divert  from  the  Niagara 
River  any  water  in  excess  of  the  amount  theretofore  authorized  by  the  State 
of  New  York  in  respect  of  the  constituent  companies,  and  (2)  that  if  the 
consolidated  company  shall  divert  more  than  15,100  cubic  feet  per  second 
there  shall  be  reserved  to  the  state  the  right  to  charge  an  equitable  rental  for 
the  excess. 


Part  II 


Legislation  and  Reports 
Regarding  the  Preservation  of 

Niagara  Falls 
Permits  under  the  Burton  Law 


At  the  time  of  the  adoption  of  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States,  and 
for  some  years  thereafter,  the  State  of  New  York  was  the  sole  proprietor  of 
all  the  shore  lands  and  lands  under  the  waters  of  the  Niagara  River  on  the 
United  States  side  of  the  boundary  between  it  and  Canada  and  of  the  usufruct 
of  the  flow  of  the  water  on  that  side  of  the  boundary. 

Subsequently,  from  time  to  time,  all  the  shore  lands  and  a  considerable  part 
of  abutting  lands  under  shallow  waters  were  granted  by  the  state  by  patent 
to  individuals  or  corporations.  In  1884  the  state  re-acquired  by  purchase  or 
expropriation  that  part  thereof  now  embraced  in  the  New  York  State  Reser- 
vation at  Niagara,  which  includes  all  the  shore  lands  on  the  American  side  of 
the  river  between  the  lands  where  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  now 
takes  water  from  the  river  to  develop  power  and  the  lands  from  which  it  re- 
turns such  waters  again  to  their  natural  channel.  By  acts  of  its  legislature  in 
1892  and  1896  respectively,  as  above  mentioned,  the  state  granted  to  one  of 
the  constituent  corporations  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  and  con- 
firmed in  another  thereof  rights  to  the  use  of  the  waters  of  the  Niagara  River 
which  are  now  exercised  to  the  extent  permitted  by  the  Federal  Government. 

The  State  of  New  York  has  sovereign  jurisdiction  over  the  river  and  the 
flow  of  its  waters  for  every  purpose  except  those  heretofore  expressly  delegated 
by  it  to  the  Congress,  namely,  purposes  pertaining  to  commerce  (which  in- 
cludes navigation)  and  national  defense. 

The  Federal  Government  never  had  and  has  not  now  any  proprietary  in- 
terest in  the  shores  or  in  the  bed  of  the  Niagara  River,  and  has  no  right  of 
usufruct  of  the  flow  of  its  waters  under  any  existing  or  foreseeable  situation. 


Diversion  of  water  from  the  Niagara  River  for  power  purposes  by  the  pred- 
ecessors of  the  present  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  continued  until 
1906  without  attempt  on  the  part  of  the  Congress  or  of  any  department  of  the 



Federal  Government  to  limit  or  control  it.  Until  that  time  no  claim  had  been 
made  that  such  diversions  came  within  the  scope  of  the  limited  jurisdiction 
of  the  Congress. 


On  March  27, 1906,  President  Roosevelt  submitted  to  the  Congress  a  report 
by  the  American  members  of  the  International  Waterways  Commission  re- 
garding "the  preservation  of  Niagara  Falls."  With  that  report  were  in- 
cluded "memoranda  showing  what  has  been  attempted  by  the  Department  of 
State  in  the  effort  to  secure  the  preservation  of  the  falls  by  treaty." 

The  report  contained  the  following  recommendations : 

(a)  The  Secretary  of  War  to  be  authorized  to  grant  permits  for  the  diversion  of  28,500 
cubic  feet  per  second,  and  no  more,  from  the  waters  naturally  tributary  to  Niagara 

Falls,  distributed  as  follows : 

Cubic  feet 

The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and  Manufacturing  Company  .    .    .  9,500 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  8,600 

Erie  Canal  or  its  tenants  (in  addition  to  lock  service)   400 

Chicago  Drainage  Canal  10,000 

(b)  All  other  diversion  of  water  which  is  naturally  tributary  to  Niagara  Falls  to  be 
prohibited,  except  such  as  ma}'  be  required  for  domestic  use  or  for  the  service  of 
locks  in  navigation  canals. 

(c)  Suitable  penalties  for  violation  of  the  law  to  be  prescribed. 

(d)  The  foregoing  prohibition  to  remain  in  force  two  years,  and  then  to  become  the 
permanent  law  of  the  land,  if,  in  the  meantime,  the  Canadian  Government  shall  have 
enacted  legislation  prohibiting  the  diversion  of  water  which  is  naturally  tributary 
to  Niagara  Falls,  in  excess  of  36,000  cubic  feet  per  second,  not  including  the 
amounts  required  for  domestic  use  for  the  service  of  locks  in  navigation  canals.  It 
is  assumed,  however,  that  an  understanding  upon  this  subject  would  be  reached  by 

The  object  of  such  legislation  would  be  to  put  a  stop  to  the  further  depletion  of  the 
falls,  and  at  the  same  time  inflict  the  least  possible  injury  upon  the  important 
interests  now  dependent  upon  this  water-power.  The  amount  to  be  diverted  on  the 
Canadian  side  has  been  fixed  with  a  view  to  allowing  to  the  companies  on  that  side 
the  amounts  for  which  they  now  have  works  under  construction,  which  are : 

Cubic  feet 

Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company   9,500 

Ontario  Power  Company   12,000 

Electrical  Development  Company   11,200 

Niagara  Falls  Park  Railway  Company   1,500 

Welland  Canal  or  its  tenants  (in  addition  to  lock  service)   1,800 



In  submitting  the  report  President  Roosevelt  said : 

I  earnestly  recommend  that  Congress  enact  into  law  the  suggestions  of  the  American 
members  of  the  International  Waterways  Commission  for  the  preservation  of  Niagara 
Falls,  without  waiting  for  the  negotiation  of  a  treaty.  ...  In  any  event  I  hope  that 
this  nation  will  make  it  evident  that  it  is  doing  all  in  its  power  to  preserve  the  great 
scenic  wonder,  the  existence  of  which,  unharmed,  should  be  a  matter  of  pride  to  every 
dweller  on  this  continent. 


Theodore  E.  Burton,  then  a  member  of  the  House  of  Representatives  and 
chairman  of  its  Committee  on  Rivers  and  Harbors,  introduced  a  bill  seeking 
to  enact  into  law  the  recommendations  of  the  commission  with  certain  modi- 
fications. The  proceedings  and  the  debate  showed  the  purpose  of  the  bill  to  be 
solely  the  preservation  of  Niagara  Falls — a  local  matter  of  which  the  State 
of  New  York  and  not  the  Federal  Government  would  seem  to  have  sole  juris- 

Notwithstanding  objections  of  the  State  of  New  York  and  of  those  whose 
interests  were  likely  to  be  adversely  affected,  the  Burton  Bill  became  a  law 
by  the  approval  of  President  Roosevelt  on  June  29,  1906. 

The  act  authorized  the  Secretary  of  War  to  grant : 

(a)  Permits  for  the  diversion  of  water  from  the  Niagara  River  or  its  tributaries  for  the 
creation  of  power,  but  only  to  companies  then  actually  producing  power  from  the 
waters  of  that  river  or  its  tributaries  in  the  State  of  New  York  or  from  the  Erie 
Canal,  and  only  to  the  amount  then  actually  in  use  or  contracted  to  be  used  in 
factories  the  buildings  for  which  were  in  process  of  construction,  and  not  exceeding 
to  any  one  permittee  a  maximum  amount  of  8600  cubic  feet  per  second,  and  not 
exceeding  to  all  an  aggregate  amount  of  15,600  cubic  feet  per  second; 

(b)  Permits  for  the  transmission  of  power  from  the  Dominion  of  Canada  into  the  United 
States  in  an  amount  in  the  aggregate  not  in  excess  of  160,000  horse-power; 

(c)  Revocable  permits  for  diversion  of  additional  amounts  of  water  "to  such  amount, 
if  any  as,  in  connection  with  the  amount  diverted  on  the  Canadian  side,  shall  not 
injure  or  interfere  with  the  navigable  capacity  of  said  river,  or  its  integrity  and 
proper  volume  as  a  boundary  stream,  or  the  scenic  grandeur  of  Niagara  Falls" ; 

(d)  Revocable  permits  for  the  transmission  of  additional  electrical  power  from  Canada 
"but  in  no  event  shall  the  amount  included  in  such  permits,  together  with  the  said 
160,000  horse-power  and  the  amount  generated  and  used  in  Canada,  exceed  350,000 

Diversion  of  water  from  the  Niagara  River  or  its  tributaries  other  than  as 
permitted  by  the  Secretary  of  War  pursuant  to  the  act  was  prohibited,  with 
the  proviso  that  such  prohibition  should  not  be  interpreted  as  forbidding  "the 
diversion  of  water  of  the  Great  Lakes  or  of  Niagara  River  for  sanitary  or 



domestic  purposes  or  for  navigation ;  the  amount  of  which  may  be  fixed  from 
time  to  time  by  the  Congress  of  the  United  States  or  by  the  Secretary  of  War 
of  the  United  States  under  its  direction." 

The  act  also  contained  the  following  provisions : 

Sec.  4.  That  the  President  of  the  United  States  is  respectfully  requested  to  open 
negotiations  with  the  government  of  Great  Britain  for  the  purpose  of  effectually  pro- 
viding by  suitable  treaty  with  said  government,  for  such  regulation  and  control  of  the 
waters  of  Niagara  River  and  its  tributaries  as  will  preserve  the  scenic  grandeur  of 
Niagara  Falls  and  of  the  rapids  in  said  river. 

Sec.  5.  That  the  provisions  of  this  act  shall  remain  in  force  for  three  years  from  and 
after  date  of  its  passage,  at  the  expiration  of  which  time  all  permits  granted  hereunder 
by  the  Secretary  of  War  shall  terminate  unless  sooner  revoked,  and  the  Secretary  of 
War  is  hereby  authorized  to  revoke  any  or  all  permits  granted  by  him  by  authority  of 
this  act,  and  nothing  herein  contained  shall  be  held  to  confirm,  establish,  or  confer  any 
rights  heretofore  claimed  or  exercised  in  the  diversion  of  water  or  the  transmission  of 

Substantial  penalties  were  provided  for  violations  of  the  provisions  of  the 

From  time  to  time  as  the  respective  terms  of  the  act  and  its  extensions  drew 
near  or  passed  expiration,  the  operation  of  the  Burton  Law,  substantially 
unchanged,  was  extended  until  final  expiration  on  March  4,  1913. 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  (constituent)  filed  with  the  Secretary 
of  War  July  5,  1906,  under  protest  as  hereinafter  set  forth,  its  applications 
dated  July  3,  1906,  for  permits  under  the  Burton  Law,  respectively,  (1)  to 
divert  8600  cubic  feet  of  water  per  second  from  the  Niagara  River  on  the 
American  side  for  power  production,  and  ( 2 )  to  transmit  electricity  from  the 
plant  in  Canada  of  its  subsidiary  corporation  (Canadian  Niagara  Power 
Company,  Limited)  into  the  United  States  to  the  amount  of  121,000  horse- 
power, the  Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company,  Limited,  joining  in  the  latter 

An  application  was  filed  at  the  same  time  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic 
Power  and  Manufacturing  Company  (predecessor  of  another  of  the  constit- 
uent corporations  of  the  present  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company)  for  a 
permit  to  divert  9500  cubic  feet  per  second  on  the  American  side  for  power 
production  in  its  plant. 

Applications  were  also  filed  by  others  ( 1 )  for  permits  to  transmit  into  the 
United  States  electric  power  generated  by  companies  on  the  Canadian  side 
of  the  river,  and  (2)  for  diversion  within  the  State  of  New  York  by  companies 
claiming  rights  therefor,  but  without  constructed  facilities  for  utilizing  the 



The  application  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  (constituent)  for 
a  diversion  permit  included  the  following  statements : 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  .  .  .  recognizing  that  under  the  menace  of 
the  stringent  provisions  of  and  the  severe  penalties  imposed  by  the  act  of  the  first  session 
of  the  Fifty-ninth  Congress  entitled  "An  Act  for  the  Control  and  Regulation  of  the 
Waters  of  Niagara  River,  for  the  Preservation  of  Niagara  Falls,  and  for  other  Pur- 
poses," it  will  be  impossible  for  the  applicant  to  conduct  its  business  except  under  the 
authority  of  the  permit  of  the  Secretary  of  War  referred  to  and  provided  for  in  Section 
2  of  the  said  act,  in  its  own  behalf  and  in  behalf  of  its  power  tenants  hereinafter  de- 
scribed, and  under  the  provisions  of  the  said  act  hereby  respectfully  applies  to  the 
Secretary  of  War  for 

A  permit  for  the  diversion  of  water  in  the  United  States  from  the  Niagara  River,  for 
the  creation  of  power  to  the  amount  of  eight  thousand  six  hundred  (8600)  cubic  feet 
per  second. 

This  is  the  amount  of  water  of  said  Niagara  River  now  actually  in  use  by  the  appli- 
cant, as  reported  by  the  International  Waterways  Commission,  Senate  Document  242 
(Sixty-second  Congress,  Second  Session),  Art.  9,  p.  5 ;  Art.  30,  p.  11. 

The  applicant,  however,  respectfully  protests  against  the  provisions  of  the  said  act 
in  so  far  as  the  same  prohibit  or  are  inconsistent  with  the  present  and  continued  exercise 
by  the  applicant  of  its  just  and  lawful  right,  during  the  continuance  of  its  works,  to 
divert  the  waters  of  the  said  Niagara  River  and  to  use  the  same  for  the  creation  of 
power,  to  an  extent  sufficient  to  produce  200,000  effective  horse-power;  and  without 
waiving,  respectfully  reserves  the  applicant's  said  right,  and  all  right  now  vested  in  it, 
or  to  which  it  is  now  entitled  (1)  under  the  Common  Law,  or  (2)  under  the  Statutes  of 
the  State  of  New  York. 


Hearings  on  the  applications  for  water  diversion  on  the  New  York  side  of 
the  river  were  conducted  by  Secretary  of  War  William  H.  Taft,  in  person, 
at  his  office  in  Washington,  on  July  5th,  and  at  Niagara  Falls,  New  York,  on 
July  12,  1906.  On  July  14,  1906,  Secretary  Taft  issued  an  interlocutory 
order  granting  certain  temporary  permits  governing  diversion  on  the  New 
York  State  side  of  the  river  and  transmission  into  the  United  States  from 
Canada,  until  final  determination  of  the  matter  by  him,  and  referring  all  ap- 
plications for  permits  to  Captain  (later  Colonel)  Charles  W.  Kutz,  then  of 
the  Corps  of  Engineers,  United  States  Army,  and  the  American  members  of 
the  International  Waterways  Commission  to  report  on  the  facts. 

Captain  Kutz,  who  made  extensive  investigations  on  the  ground,  filed  with 
the  Secretary  of  War  his  report  on  the  "Existing  Water-power  Situation  at 
Niagara  Falls,  so  far  as  Concerns  the  Canadian  Power  Companies  and  Their 
Associated  Transmission  Companies,"  dated  August  15,  1906,  and  also  a 
report  on  "Existing  Water-power  Situation  at  Niagara  Falls,  so  far  as  Con- 
cerns the  Diversion  of  Water  on  the  American  Side,"  dated  October  5,  1906. 



In  the  report  on  transmission  from  Canada  into  the  United  States  the 
recommendations  were : 

That  permits  for  the  transmission  of  power  to  the  United  States  be  issued  as  follows  : 


Niagara,  Lockport  &  Ontario  Power  Company,  from  the  Ontario 

Power  Company  60,000 

Electrical  Transmission  Company,  from  the  Electrical  Development 

Company  37,500 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  from  the  Canadian  Niagara 

Power  Company  60,000 

The  American  members  of  the  International  Waterways  Commission  filed 
a  report  on  the  same  subject  dated  September  29,  1906,  in  which  they  con- 
curred in  the  recommendations  made  by  Captain  Kutz. 

In  his  report  on  water  diversion  on  the  New  York  side  of  the  river,  Captain 
Kutz  stated: 

If  it  be  determined  that  the  amount  of  water  occasionally  used  for  sluicing  debris  and 
ice  must  be  included  in  any  permits  that  are  granted,  the  interested  parties  are,  in  my 
opinion,  entitled  under  the  law  to  permits  for  diversion  as  follows: 

Cubic  feet 
per  second 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  8,600 
The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power  &  Manufacturing  Company  6,403 
State  of  New  York  (at  Lockport,  New  York,  through  the  Erie  Canal)  358 

The  American  members  of  the  International  Waterways  Commission  re- 
ported on  water  diversion  under  date  of  November  15,  1906.  Their  report 
contained  the  following  recommendation : 

We  accordingly  recommend  that  permits  for  the  diversion  of  water  from  the  Niagara 
River  be  granted  to  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  for  8600  cubic  feet  per  second 
and  The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and  Manufacturing  Company  for  5850  cubic 
feet  per  second,  it  being  understood  that  these  are  average  amounts,  and  that  the  larger 
amounts  occasionally  required  for  sluicing  may  be  accumulated  by  using  generally 
smaller  amounts. 

A  further  hearing  on  the  several  applications  for  permits  to  transmit  elec- 
tricity from  Canada  into  the  United  States  was  held  by  Secretary  of  War 
Taft  at  his  office  in  Washington  lasting  two  days,  November  26  and  27,  1906. 
At  that  hearing  Francis  Lynde  Stetson  appeared  for  The  Niagara  Falls 
Power  Company;  John  L.  Romer  for  The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power 
and  Manufacturing  Company;  Paul  D.  Cravath  for  Niagara,  Lockport  & 



Ontario  Power  Company;  Morris  Cohn,  Jr.,  for  International  Railway  Com- 
pany; John  G.  Johnson  (of  Philadelphia)  for  Electrical  Development 
Company;  A.  K.  Potter  for  the  commissioners  of  the  state  reservation  at 
Niagara;  Frank  W.  Stevens  for  the  New  York  Chamber  of  Commerce; 
J.  Horace  McFarland  of  the  American  Civic  Association,  Dr.  John  M. 
Clarke,  New  York  State  Geologist  and  several  others  appeared  as  stated  in 
the  public  interest. 


On  August  16,  1907,  the  Secretary  of  War  issued  to  The  Niagara  Falls 
Power  Company  (1886)  (1)  a  permit  to  divert  8600  cubic  feet  of  water  per 
second  from  the  Niagara  River  above  the  falls  for  use  for  power  purposes, 
(2)  a  permit  to  receive  from  Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company,  Limited,  at 
the  international  boundary  line  and  to  transmit  from  the  Dominion  of  Canada 
into  the  United  States  52,500  electrical  horse-power. 

At  the  same  time  a  permit  for  diversion  of  6500  cubic  feet  of  water  per 
second  from  above  the  falls  was  issued  to  The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power 
and  Manufacturing  Company.  The  amount  of  water  so  permitted  to  that 
company  anticipated  provision  for  certain  plant  enlargements  in  process 
when  the  Burton  Law  was  enacted. 

A  diversion  permit  for  500  cubic  feet  per  second  was  issued  also  to  the  Lock- 
port  Hydraulic  Company,  the  diversion  to  be  made  through  the  Erie  Canal 
to  Lockport. 

Further  permits  for  transmission  of  electricity  into  the  United  States  from 
Canada  also  were  issued  ( 1 )  to  the  Niagara,  Lockport  and  Ontario  Power 
Company  in  the  amount  of  60,000  horse-power,  (2)  to  The  Electrical  Devel- 
opment Company  of  Ontario,  Limited,  and  its  distributing  agents  in  the 
United  States  in  the  amount  of  46,000  horse-power,  and  (3)  to  the  Inter- 
national Railway  Company  in  the  amount  of  1500  horse-power. 


For  the  guidance  of  the  Congress  and  the  treaty  commissioners  who  were 
meantime  appointed  and  were  engaged  with  commissioners  on  behalf  of  Great 
Britain  in  formulating  a  treaty  for  the  control  of  the  waters  of  boundary 
streams  between  Canada  and  the  United  States,  at  the  instance  of  the  Secre- 
tary of  War  exhaustive  investigations  were  undertaken  of  the  effect  on  the 
falls,  as  well  as  on  the  river  and  the  levels  of  Lake  Erie,  of  the  diversion  of 
water  for  power  purposes  both  in  Canada  and  in  the  United  States.  Surveys, 
measurements,  and  careful  studies  were  made  by  the  United  States  Lake 
Survey  whose  findings  and  conclusions  were  embodied  in  reports  to  the  Chief 
of  Engineers,  United  States  Army,  by  Major  (afterwards  General)  Keller, 



Corps  of  Engineers,  United  States  Army,  then  in  charge  of  the  survey  of  the 
northern  and  northwestern  lakes,  dated  November  30,  1908,  and  September 
21,  1909,  respectively,  and  transmitted  by  President  Taft  to  the  Congress  on 
August  21,  1911.  They  were  printed  in  Senate  Document  No.  105,  Sixty- 
second  Congress,  First  Session,  under  title  "Preservation  of  Niagara  Falls." 
A  further  report  was  made  by  Colonel  Riche,  then  the  successor  to  Major 
Keller  in  charge  of  the  United  States  Lake  Survey,  dated  September  11,  1911, 
which  was  transmitted  by  the  President  to  the  Congress  on  December  7, 
1911,  and  printed  under  the  same  title  in  House  Document  No.  246,  Sixty- 
second  Congress,  Second  Session. 

The  effect  on  Lake  Erie  and  Niagara  River  levels  of  all  diversions  for 
power  purposes  then  being  made  on  the  Canadian  as  well  as  the  American 
side,  was  stated  by  Major  Keller  as  follows  (the  amounts  being  in  fractions 

of  one  foot )  : 

Lake  Erie  (Buffalo  L.  H.  gauge)  ....  .07  of  a  foot 

Niagara  River  at — 

Austin  Street  10  " 

Tonawanda   .16  " 

Schlosser's  Dock   .23  " 

Chippawa   .48  " 

Grass  Island   .77  " 

The  change  at  Grass  Island  exceeds  that  at  Chippawa  because  of  localized  effect  due 
to  the  close  proximity  of  the  intakes  of  the  two  American  power  companies.  With  diver- 
sions at  points  in  the  pool  remote  from  both  gauges,  the  latter  should  change  by  an  equal 
amount.  The  shut-down  of  July-August,  1908,  also  shows  that  a  change  of  diversion  in 
the  Chippawa-Grass  Island  pool  is  accompanied  by  a  corresponding  change  in  outflow 
of  Lake  Erie,  amounting  to  10  per  cent  of  the  change  in  diversion. 

Although  the  traffic  below  Tonawanda  is  insignificant  in  draft  and  in  amount,  the 
upper  Niagara  River  is  navigable  from  its  head  practically  to  Chippawa  and  Schlosser's 
Dock.  ...  In  inches,  the  diversion  of  19,350  cubic  feet  per  second  in  the  Chippawa- 
Grass  Island  pool  reduces  the  depth  at  the  head  of  the  river  %  inch,  at  Austin  Street 
11/4  inches,  at  Tonawanda  1%  inches,  at  Schlosser's  Dock  2%  inches,  and  at  Chippawa 
5%  inches.  The  change  to  and  including  Tonawanda  is  insignificant.  Below  that  point 
the  reduction  in  depth  is  greater,  but  there  is  still  much  more  than  enough  depth  for 
the  commerce  involved. 

In  reply  to  the  inquiry  of  the  Chief  of  Engineers,  I  would,  therefore,  state  categori- 
cally that  the  diversion  of  the  maximum  amount  at  present  authorized  on  the  American 
side,  a  total  of  15,100  cubic  feet  per  second,  and  the  additional  diversion  on  the  Canadian 
side  of  all  the  water  needed  to  generate  the  60,000  horse-power,  at  present  permitted  to 
be  imported  into  the  United  States  by  the  Ontario  Power  Company,  will  not  injure  nor 
interfere  with  the  navigable  capacity  of  the  Niagara  River.  ...  It  is  therefore  plain 
that  present  authorized  diversions  in  the  United  States  and  those  now  made  in  Canada, 



have  had  no  effect  upon  the  Niagara  River,  so  far  as  concerns  "its  integrity  or  proper 
volume  as  a  boundary  stream." 

Senate  Document  105  (Sixty-second  Congress,  First  Session) ,  pages  12-13 


The  investigations  of  the  United  States  Lake  Survey  engineers  were  assis- 
ted by  shut-downs  of  the  American  power-plants  for  several  hours  at  a  time 
in  June  and  July,  1908.  The  shut-downs  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Com- 
pany (constituent)  plant  were  made  primarily  for  the  purpose  of  repairs 
in  Power-house  Number  Two  extension  of  its  tail-race  tunnel.  The  plant  of 
The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and  Manufacturing  Company  was  shut 
down  simultaneously  for  the  express  purpose  of  assisting  the  United  States 
War  Department  engineers  in  their  measurements  of  water  levels  in  the  river. 

The  results  of  such  measurements  were  reported  by  Major  Keller  as 
follows : 

Accordingly,  the  positive  evidence  of  the  shut-down  of  July-August,  1908,  shows 
very  slight  change  in  the  height,  and  therefore  in  the  volume  of  the  American  Falls,  due 
to  the  restoration  to  the  upper  rapids  of  some  5600  cubic  feet  per  second.  The  actual 
change,  ascertained  from  the  comparison  of  the  means  of  two  10-day  periods,  was  a  rise 
of  0.012  foot  at  the  Prospect  Point  gauge,  situated  at  the  American  or  northeast  end 
of  the  American  Fall.  At  gauge,  wing  dam,  nearly  opposite  the  head  of  Goat  Island,  the 
rise  was  0.037  foot.  The  law  of  gauge  relations,  on  the  other  hand,  would  have  made  the 
rise  at  Prospect  Point  126/560  of  the  rise  at  Chippawa,  or  about  0.026  foot,  and  at 
wing  dam  41/56  of  the  rise  at  Chippawa,  or  about  0.068  foot.  The  effect  actually 
observed  is  therefore  less  than  half  that  which  is  derived  from  a  consideration  of  the 
law  of  gauge  relations.  A  diversion  of  15,100  cubic  feet  per  second  on  the  American 
side  would  therefore  actually  lower  the  American  Fall  at  Prospect  Point  0.032  foot,  or 
about  2  per  cent  of  its  average  depth.  While  the  change  at  the  middle  point  of  the  crest 
might  perhaps  not  be  the  same  as  that  at  Prospect  Point,  it  is  doubtful  whether  the  dif- 
ference would  be  appreciable.  The  present  authorized  diversions  of  the  two  American 
companies  and  that  at  present  possible  for  the  Ontario  Power  Company  together  will 
lower  the  depth  of  water  on  the  American  Fall  0.052  foot,  equivalent  to  about  %  inch, 
and  on  the  American  rapids  the  lowering  will  be  about  0.30  foot,  or  3%  inches,  and  these 
changes  can  not  be  considered  as  important. 

The  effect  of  a  diversion  of  15,100  cubic  feet  at  Terrapin  Point,  at  the  east  end  of  the 
Horseshoe,  is  shown  by  the  established  law  of  gauge  relations  to  be  a  lowering  of  0.16 
foot,  and  for  a  diversion  of  19,350  cubic  feet,  which  covers  all  present  and  immediately 
prospective  diversions  in  the  Chippawa-Grass  Island  pool,  the  reduction  in  depth  will  be 
0.21  foot,  or  2.5  inches.  As  the  depths  at  Terrapin  Point  are  slight,  such  a  lowering  is 
of  considerable  importance.  It  is,  however,  at  the  west  end  of  the  Horseshoe  Fall  that 
the  most  serious  effects  have  been  produced.  The  law  of  gauge  relations  shows  that  a 
diversion  of  19,350  cubic  feet  in  the  Chippawa-Grass  Island  pool  will  lower  the  water 
surface  at  the  Canadian  end  of  the  great  cataract  by  0.52  foot.  The  present  diversions  of 



the  Electrical  Development  Company,  the  Canadian  Niagara  Company,  and  the  Inter- 
national Railway  Company,  perhaps  aggregating  6700  cubic  feet,  add  at  least  0.19 
foot  to  this,  so  that  the  total  lowering  at  the  Canadian  end  of  the  Horseshoe  Fall, 
due  to  diversions  authorized  on  the  American  side  and  those  existing  on  the  Canadian 
side,  is  0.72  foot  or  more,  a  serious  change  at  a  locality  known  to  be  deficient  in  depth. 
These  figures  are  for  an  elevation  of  Lake  Erie  such  as  obtained  during  the  summers  of 
1907  and  1908,  when  lake  stages  were  relatively  high. 

Senate  Document  105  (Supra),  pages  13-14 

The  report  adds : 

It  is  understood  that  the  intention  of  Congress,  as  expressed  in  the  act  of  June  29, 
1906,  was  to  preserve  to  the  various  power  companies  rights  which  had  already  accrued 
through  the  investment  of  capital  and  the  construction  of  fixed  plant.  At  that  time, 
upon  information  supposed  to  be  derived  from  the  company  itself,  the  permit  for  diver- 
sion issued  to  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  was  for  a  maximum  of  8600  cubic 
feet  per  second.  The  discharge  measurements  in  the  company's  canal  have  proved  that 
at  times  its  diversion  exceeds  9350  cubic  feet  per  second.  This  represents  the  maximum 
measured  flow,  and  corresponds  to  a  bus-bar  output  of  about  72,000  horse-power.  With 
a  safe  reserve  in  each  power-house,  the  switchboard  capacity  of  the  existing  generators 
is  about  95,000  horse-power.  It  is  possible  then  that  the  diversions  needed  for  a  maxi- 
mum profitable  use  of  the  existing  plant  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  may 
reach  a  total  of  over  12,000  cubic  feet  per  second.  To  fix  the  exact  amount  would  require 
further  measurement.  An  increase  to  the  limit  of  the  capacity  of  the  existing  tail-race 
tunnel  may  be  regarded  as  a  simple  act  of  justice,  but  it  should  be  conditioned  upon  a 
radical  reconstruction  of  the  company's  tail-race  tunnel  and  penstocks,  so  as  to  insure 
the  utmost  economy  in  the  use  of  water.  At  present,  this  company  realizes  only  about 
two-thirds  of  its  available  head.  In  fact,  even  though  no  additional  diversion  were 
authorized,  since  the  only  rational  ground  for  permitting  diversions  of  any  amount 
whatever  is  the  resulting  economy  in  the  use  of  coal  and  other  fuel — natural  resources 
which  are  by  no  means  inexhaustible — a  requirement  of  the  utmost  possible  economy  in 
the  use  of  water  would  not  be  unfair.  The  changes  in  tail-races,  penstocks,  and  in  fact 
in  the  entire  plant,  should  be  made  a  subject  of  close  inquiry  and  regulation.  All  this 
is  not  intended  as  a  criticism  of  this  company,  which  was  a  pioneer  in  the  field,  and  at  a 
time  when  limitation  of  water  consumption  was  unthought  of  and  seemed  unnecessary. 

Id.,  page  16 


The  American  members  of  the  International  Waterways  Commission,  on 
whose  report  to  the  Secretary  of  War,  dated  March  19,  1906,  the  provisions 
of  the  Burton  Law  were  mainly  based,  had  computed  the  then  existing  amount 
of  water  diversion  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  (constituent)  to 
be  8600  cubic  feet  per  second,  of  which  about  8000  cubic  feet  per  second  was  in 
use  in  its  100,000  horse-power  electric  generating  station,  Power-houses 
Numbers  One  and  Two,  and  about  600  cubic  feet  per  second  in  the  production 



of  hydraulic  power  by  one  of  its  tenant  companies  (International  Paper 
Company).  The  computation  was  accepted  by  the  Congress  in  providing  in 
the  Burton  Law  that  no  permit  should  be  issued  to  any  one  company  in  excess 
of  8600  cubic  feet  per  second. 

Soon  after  the  enactment  of  the  law  actual  operation  demonstrated  that  the 
amount  of  water  required  to  operate  those  plants  fully  was  approximately 
10,500  cubic  feet  per  second.  Serious  and  unintended  injustice  resulted  to 
The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  by  such  limitation  to  8600  cubic  feet  per 
second.  Its  output  was  thereby  reduced  some  20,000  horse-power  below 
former  production. 

The  matter  was  brought  to  the  attention  of  the  treaty  commissioners,  who 
recognizing  also  the  necessities  of  the  other  American  power  generating  com- 
pany in  framing  a  treaty  proposed  that  the  limit  of  aggregate  diversion  on  the 
American  side  of  the  river  be  raised  from  15,600  cubic  feet  per  second,  as 
limited  by  the  Burton  Law,  to  "a  daily  diversion  at  the  rate  of  20,000  cubic 
feet  per  second." 

The  results  to  be  expected  on  the  levels  of  the  river  and  Lake  Erie  of  a 
diversion  of  such  an  additional  4400  cubic  feet  per  second  were  shown  by 
careful  computations  from  Major  Keller's  report  to  be  approximately  as 
follows:  j  , 


At  the  crest  of  the  American  Falls,  less  than  % 

At  the  Canadian  end  of  the  Horseshoe  Falls,  less  than  iVia 

At  Lake  Erie,  approximately  % 

(See  Hearings  before  Committee  on  Foreign  Affairs, 
January  18,  1912,  page  68) 


A  treaty  based  upon  the  views  of  the  commissioners  was  signed  at  Washing- 
ton, D.  C,  January  11,  1909,  and  was  proclaimed  May  13,  1910.  Article  V 
provides  as  follows : 

The  high  contracting  parties  agree  that  it  is  expedient  to  limit  the  diversion  of  waters 
from  the  Niagara  River  so  that  the  level  of  Lake  Erie  and  the  flow  of  the  stream  shall 
not  be  appreciably  affected.  It  is  the  desire  of  both  parties  to  accomplish  this  object 
with  the  least  possible  injury  to  investments  which  have  already  been  made  in  the  con- 
struction of  power-plants  on  the  United  States  side  of  the  river  under  grants  of  authority 
from  the  State  of  New  York,  and  on  the  Canadian  side  of  the  river  under  licenses  author- 
ized by  the  Dominion  of  Canada  and  the  Province  of  Ontario. 

So  long  as  this  treaty  shall  remain  in  force  no  diversion  of  the  waters  of  the  Niagara 
River  above  the  falls  from  the  natural  course  and  stream  thereof  shall  be  permitted 
except  for  the  purposes  and  to  the  extent  hereinafter  provided. 



The  United  States  may  authorize  and  permit  the  diversion  within  the  State  of  New 
York  of  the  waters  of  said  river  above  the  falls  of  Niagara,  for  power  purposes,  not 
exceeding  in  the  aggregate  a  daily  diversion  at  the  rate  of  20,000  cubic  feet  of  water 
per  second. 

The  United  Kingdom,  by  the  Dominion  of  Canada,  or  the  Province  of  Ontario,  may 
authorize  and  permit  the  diversion  within  the  Province  of  Ontario  of  the  waters  of  said 
river  above  the  falls  of  Niagara  for  power  purposes,  not  exceeding  in  the  aggregate  a 
daily  diversion  at  the  rate  of  36,000  cubic  feet  of  water  per  second. 

The  prohibitions  of  this  article  shall  not  apply  to  the  diversion  of  water  for  sanitary 
or  domestic  purposes,  or  for  the  service  of  canals  for  the  purposes  of  navigation. 

Notwithstanding  enlargement  by  the  terms  of  the  treaty  of  the  limits  of 
water  diversion  above  the  falls  for  power  purposes  permissible  on  the  New 
York  side  of  the  river,  the  Congress  by  the  successive  joint  resolutions  ex- 
tending the  operation  of  the  Burton  Law  until  March  4, 1913,  made  no  change 
in  its  limitation  of  the  maximum  rates  of  such  diversion  as  originally  fixed  by 
the  Burton  Law. 


Part  III 




The  stress  of  the  requirements  of  the  World  War  and  the  important  part 
which  Niagara  power  was  to  take  in  assisting  its  prosecution  and  winning, 
resulted  in  recommendations  by  the  War  Department  (1)  for  immediate 
adoption  by  the  Congress  of  a  joint  resolution  giving  the  Secretary  of  War 
power  to  grant  permits  for  additional  Niagara  diversion  within  treaty  limits, 
in  amounts  required  to  operate  the  existing  installations,  and  (2)  for  the  en- 
actment of  a  law  permanently  regulating  Niagara  diversion  so  that  the  com- 
panies there  would  be  justified  in  making  the  required  large  investments  in 
installing  additional  generating  machinery  and  reconstructing  their  plants 
to  the  extent  required  to  utilize  the  entire  head  available  between  the  Grass 
Island  pool  and  that  immediately  below  the  falls. 


Under  date  of  July  19,  1913,  General  Bixby,  then  Chief  of  Engineers, 
United  States  Army,  on  behalf  of  the  War  Department,  addressed  identical 
letters  to  each  of  the  New  York  generating  companies,  which  contained  the 
following  notice  and  statements : 

1.  The  attention  of  all  persons  diverting  water  or  contemplating  the  diversion  of 
water  from  Niagara  River  for  power  purposes  is  invited  to  the  provisions  of  Sections 
10  and  13  of  the  River  and  Harbor  Act,  approved  March  3,  1899.  Notice  is  hereby 
given  that  all  diversions  of  water  from  Niagara  River  above  and  below  the  falls  are 
considered  by  this  Department  as  subject  to  the  provisions  of  those  sections,  and  con- 
sequently as  unlawful,  except  so  far  as  recommended  by  the  Chief  of  Engineers  and  ap- 
proved by  the  Secretary  of  War. 

2.  For  the  present,  no  objection  is  being  made  by  the  War  Department  to  existing 
diversions  so  long  as  the  daily  average  does  not  exceed  that  of  the  permits  and  diversion 
limits  which  existed  last  year  under  the  Burton  Act ;  but  any  new  diversions  will  re- 
quire the  specific  authority  of  the  Secretary  of  War.  Applications  for  the  necessary 
authority  to  change  the  former  diversions  or  to  make  new  ones,  should  be  addressed  to 
the  Secretary  of  War. 

No  part  of  the  act  referred  to  by  General  Bixby,  however,  seemed  appli- 
cable to  the  situation  at  Niagara  Falls.  The  following  provision  found  in 



Section  10  referred  to  apparently  had  been  construed  by  the  War  Depart- 
ment to  be  applicable : 

And  it  shall  not  be  lawful  to  excavate  or  fill,  or  in  any  manner  to  alter  or  modify  the 
course,  location,  condition,  or  capacity  of,  any  port,  roadstead,  haven,  harbor,  canal, 
lake,  harbor  of  refuge,  or  inclosure  within  the  limits  of  any  breakwater,  or  of  the  channel 
of  any  navigable  water  of  the  United  States,  unless  the  work  has  been  recommended  by 
the  Chief  of  Engineers  and  authorized  by  the  Secretary  of  War  prior  to  beginning  the 


It  is  impracticable  to  operate  central  generating  stations  at  a  100  per  cent 
load  factor.  The  effect  of  the  provision  of  the  treaty  with  Great  Britain  for 
a  "daily  diversion"  at  a  given  rate,  i.e.,  averaging  the  amounts  of  water  used 
at  different  times  during  the  day,  would  have  afforded  considerable  relief  from 
the  rigid  Burton  Law  rule,  which  restricted  the  use  of  water  to  a  definite 
maximum  limitation  for  every  moment. 

Under  date  of  May  28,  1914,  Secretary  of  War  Lindley  M.  Garrison  ad- 
dressed a  letter  to  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  containing  the  follow- 
ing statement  and  notice : 

The  maximum  relates  not  to  the  daily  average  quantity  diverted,  but  to  the  quantity 
diverted  at  any  moment.  At  no  time  can  that  amount  be  exceeded  without  destroying 
the  status  quo  that  it  is  my  policy  and  intention  to  maintain.  You  are  hereby  notified 
that  excess  diversions  must  cease  immediately  and  that  your  operations  must  be  so  con- 
ducted as  to  keep  at  all  times  within  the  maximum  limit,  namely,  8600  cubic  feet  per 
second  as  prescribed  by  the  permit  referred  to  above,  issued  to  you  under  the  provisions 
of  the  Burton  Act. 

A  similar  letter  was  sent  to  Hydraulic  Power  Company  of  Niagara  Falls. 
Both  companies  forthwith  complied  with  the  terms  of  the  notice,  The  Ni- 
agara Falls  Power  Company  making  the  following  reply  to  the  letter: 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 

Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y.,  June  5,  1914. 

Honorable  Lindley  M.  Garrison, 
Secretary  of  War, 
War  Department, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Dear  Sir: 

We  acknowledge  receipt  at  about  noon  of  the  2nd  instant  of  your  letter  under  date  of 
May  28, 1914  (30089/4  W.  D.  57243/2555  Engrs.). 

At  the  earliest  practicable  moment  thereafter  steps  were  taken  to  regulate  diversion 
of  water  by  this  company  within  the  limits  of  the  permit  heretofore  issued  to  it  under 
the  Burton  Law,  and  in  accordance  with  the  rules  and  regulations  of  your  department 
in  force  immediately  prior  to  the  expiration  of  that  law  on  March  4,  1913. 



Upon  the  expiration  of  the  Burton  Law  we  believed  the  only  rule  then  restricting  such 
diversion  was  that  of  the  International  Waterways  Treaty,  limiting  the  same  to  "not 
exceeding  in  the  aggregate  a  daily  diversion  at  the  rate  of  20,000  cubic  feet  of  water 
per  second." 

Upon  March  1913,  the  then  Chief  of  Engineers  orally  advised  the  writer  that  the 
diversion  then  being  made  by  us  was  not  satisfactory  and  would  not  be  permitted  by 
your  department,  which  he  claimed  had  jurisdiction  to  restrict  such  diversion  under  the 
provisions  of  the  River  and  Harbor  Act  of  March  3,  1899,  and  that  until  further  per- 
mits should  issue,  this  company  should  not  exceed  a  daily  diversion  at  the  rate  of  8600 
cubic  feet  per  second,  and  all  companies  must  not  exceed  an  aggregate  daily  diversion 
at  the  rate  of  15,600  cubic  feet  per  second.  Until  the  receipt  of  your  said  letter  we 
received  no  instructions  which  we  understood  to  be  in  revocation  of  the  rule  then  laid 
down  so  clearly. 

At  all  times  it  has  been,  and  will  continue  to  be,  our  desire,  without  waiving  our  pro- 
prietary rights,  fully  to  comply  with  all  provisions  of  law  and  with  the  rules  and  regu- 
lations of  your  department. 

In  view  of  your  statement  that  it  is  your  policy  and  intention  to  maintain  the  status 
quo  of  the  Burton  Act,  we  appreciate  that  discussion  is  useless ;  nevertheless,  for  your 
information  and  as  a  matter  of  record,  we  desire  to  bring  to  your  attention  at  this  time 
briefly  two  or  three  pertinent  facts : 

(1)  The  limit  of  diversion  imposed  upon  this  company  by  the  Burton  Act,  namely, 
8600  cubic  feet  per  second,  was  due  to  an  inadvertent  error ;  the  intention  having 
been  to  allow  this  company  to  divert  the  amount  of  water  required  for  its  then  ex- 
isting plant ;  such  amount  having  already  been  diverted  by  it  prior  to  the  enact- 
ment of  that  law ; 

(2)  Correction  of  such  unintentional  injustice  to  this  company  has  been  recommended 
repeatedly  by  engineer  officers  of  the  War  Department  who  have  been  detailed  to 
investigate  the  subject.  In  the  United  States  Lake  Survey  Report  on  this  subject 
(Senate  Document  No.  105,  Sixty-second  Congress,  First  Session,  page  16)  in 
reference  to  this  company,  the  statement  is  made:  "An  increase  to  the  limit  of  the 
capacity  of  the  existing  tail-race  tunnel  may  be  regarded  as  a  simple  act  of  justice," 
and  on  page  139  of  the  same  document:  "The  desirability  as  well  as  the  justice  of 
amending  the  Burton  Act  so  as  to  permit  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  to 
divert  water  to  the  full  capacity  of  its  tail-race  tunnel  are  plain" ; 

(3)  The  direction  now  given  by  you  as  to  our  diversion  will  have  a  substantial  effect 
in  hampering  the  industrial  operations  of  our  customers  who  are  citizens  of  the 
United  States.  Its  effect  on  scenic  conditions,  of  course,  is  absolutely  nil  and  its 
effect  upon  the  navigability  and  integrity  of  the  Niagara  River  is  infinitesimal. 

I  have  the  honor,  Sir,  to  be  Yours  yery  respectfully? 



When,  because  of  increases  of  power  use  on  the  Niagara  frontier  and  delays 
in  the  installation  of  a  steam-power  generating  plant  in  Buffalo,  the  power 



situation  became  still  more  critical,  the  Secretary  of  War,  upon  urgent 
requests  from  Buffalo,  issued  special  permits,  effective  during  parts  of  the 
year  1916  and  terminating  finally  January  1, 1917,  to  operate  the  plant  of  The 
Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  at  nearly  its  full  capacity  during  certain  peak- 
load  hours  of  the  day,  limiting  the  use  of  the  additional  power  thereby  gen- 
erated to  Buffalo  only,  and  restricting  the  production  of  the  plant  as  before 
(continued  Burton  Law  restriction)  at  all  other  hours  of  the  day. 

Upon  requests  made  in  the  latter  part  of  1916,  for  an  extension  of  such 
special  permits,  the  Secretary  of  War  stated,  in  substance,  that  after  further 
consideration  he  had  concluded  that  he  had  no  authority  to  extend  or  to  revive 
the  special  permits,  although  he  recognized  the  critical  situation  of  industries 
at  Niagara  and  in  the  much  wider  circle  of  industries  throughout  the  United 
States  dependent  on  Niagara  power  output. 


With  the  approval  of  the  President  on  January  19,  1917,  Public  (Joint) 
Resolution  No.  45,  Sixty-fourth  Congress,  became  a  law.  In  addition  to  cer- 
tain penalty  provisions,  it  provided  as  follows: 

That  the  Secretary  of  War  be,  and  he  is  hereby,  authorized  to  issue  permits,  re- 
vocable at  will,  for  the  diversion  of  water  in  the  United  States  from  the  Niagara  River 
above  the  falls  for  the  creation  of  power  to  individuals,  companies,  or  corporations 
which  are  now  actually  producing  power  from  the  waters  of  said  river,  in  additional 
quantities  which,  with  present  diversions,  shall  in  no  case  exceed  the  capacity  of  the 
generating  machinery  of  the  permittee  and  tenant  companies  now  installed  and  ready 
for  operation,  nor  an  amount  sufficient  to  enable  the  permittee  to  supply  the  now  existing 
hydro-electric  demands  of  the  individuals,  companies,  or  corporations  which  said  per- 
mittee and  tenant  companies  are  now  supplying,  but  not  in  excess  of  the  capacity  of 
power-using  appliances  of  said  consumers  now  installed  and  ready  for  operation : 
Provided,  that  in  no  event  shall  the  total  quantity  of  water  diverted  in  the  United  States 
from  said  river  above  the  falls  for  power  purposes  exceed  in  the  aggregate  a  daily  diver- 
sion at  the  rate  of  twenty  thousand  cubic  feet  per  second ;  And  provided  further,  that 
this  resolution  shall  remain  in  force  until  the  first  day  of  July,  nineteen  hundred  and 
seventeen,  and  no  longer,  at  the  expiration  of  which  time  all  permits  granted  hereunder 
shall  terminate,  unless  sooner  revoked  ;  and  nothing  herein  contained  shall  be  held  to  con- 
firm, establish,  or  confer  in  or  upon  any  such  permittee  any  right  in  or  to  the  water  which 
he  is  now  diverting  or  which  he  may  be  authorized  to  divert  hereunder. 

Immediately  upon  approval  of  the  resolution  (January  19,  1917)  the  Sec- 
retary of  War  issued  "additional"  permits  to  each  of  the  two  generating  com- 
panies on  the  New  York  side  of  the  river;  the  additional  permit  to  The  Ni- 
agara Falls  Power  Company  (1886)  was  for  a  "daily  diversion  at  the  rate  of 
1400  cubic  feet  per  second,"  to  be  used  with,  and  in  addition  to,  its  diversion  at 



the  momentary  maximum  rate  of  8600  cubic  feet  per  second  as  formerly  fixed 
by  the  Burton  Law;  and  to  Hydraulic  Power  Company  of  Niagara  Falls  for 
an  additional  3000  cubic  feet  per  second. 

Public  Resolution  No.  8,  Sixty-fifth  Congress,  approved  June  30,  1917,  ex- 
tended the  term  of  the  preceding  resolution  (No.  45  of  Sixty-fourth  Congress) 
until  July  1, 1918. 

Under  authority  of  a  further  joint  resolution,  approved  June  29,  1918,  the 
Secretary  of  War  on  July  1,  1918,  issued  permits  to  the  companies  for  daily 
diversions  at  the  rate  of  10,000  cubic  feet  per  second  by  The  Niagara  Falls 
Power  Company  (1886)  and  9500  cubic  feet  per  second  by  Hydraulic  Power 
Company  of  Niagara  Falls.  The  consolidation  of  the  two  companies  in 
October,  1918,  into  the  present  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 
(mcmxviii)  merged  these  permits,  which  pursuant  to  a  further  joint  resolu- 
tion, approved  in  July,  1919,  were  extended  by  the  Secretary  of  War  to 
July  1,  1920. 

Both  the  latter  two  joint  resolutions  provided  that  permits  to  be  issued 
thereunder  should  exceed  in  no  event  "in  the  aggregate  a  daily  diversion  at  the 
rate  of  20,000  cubic  feet  per  second,"  which  limitation,  it  will  be  observed, 
agrees,  both  in  the  amount  and  in  the  phraseology  used,  with  the  provision  of 
the  treaty  with  Great  Britain  controlling  the  limits  of  diversion  above  the 
falls  for  power  purposes  on  the  New  York  side  of  the  Niagara  River.  The 
treaty  commissioners  had  recognized  the  fairness  of  equalizing  through  the 
hours  of  the  day  the  necessary  momentary  inequalities  of  the  load  of  a  genera- 
ting plant  in  practical  operation. 

Bills  dealing  specifically  with,  or  intended  permanently  to  regulate,  the 
diversion  of  water  from  the  Niagara  River  for  power  purposes,  were  intro- 
duced and  considered  in  committee  in  the  sessions  of  the  Sixty-first  Congress 
(1909-1911)  and  of  each  succeeding  Congress  to  and  including  the  Sixty- 
sixth  (1919-1921 ) .  None  of  the  measures  became  law  until  the  enactment  of 
the  Federal  Water  Power  Act,  approved  June  10,  1920.  That  law  is  general 
in  scope  and  applies  to  the  situation  at  Niagara. 


The  use  of  Niagara  power  in  useful  productions  was  in  the  course  of  rapid 
growth  in  1906  when  the  Burton  Law  was  first  enacted.  The  demand  for 
such  use  very  soon  outstripped  the  capacity  of  the  generating  plants  as  restric- 
ted by  that  law.  The  demand  still  was  increasing  rapidly  when  the  entry  of 
the  United  States  into  the  World  War  brought  it  overwhelmingly  beyond  the 
capacity  of  the  plants  even  when  operated  without  harmful  restrictions  in 



water  use.  Many  materials  were  being  produced  at  Niagara  which  were  in- 
dispensable for  the  winning  of  the  war,  and  there  was  no  limit,  practically,  to 
the  demand  for  power  for  use  in  their  production. 

The  responsibility  for  so  critical  a  power  famine  may  be  assigned  to  the 
failure  of  the  Congress  in  enacting  timely  and  adequate  legislation  perma- 
nently regulating  the  use  of  water  of  the  river  for  power  production  and  fixing 
the  status  of  the  generating  companies  in  respect  of  federal  jurisdiction  and 

Subject  to  assurance  of  reasonable  protection  in  the  additional  investment 
required,  both  the  generating  companies  then  operating  at  Niagara  at  all 
times  had  been  prepared  to  proceed  with  the  construction  of  additional  plants 
or  to  reconstruct  existing  plants  so  as  to  obtain  the  greatest  efficiency  in  the 
use  of  the  water  diverted. 

In  response  to  inquiries  of  the  War  Department  made  in  1913,  The  Niagara 
Falls  Power  Company  had  stated  in  a  letter  to  the  Chief  of  Engineers,  United 
States  Army,  that 

No  one  can  be  more  desirous  of  meeting  any  increased  demand  for  power  than  will 
be  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  the  pioneer  in  the  production  of  hydro-electric 
energy  for  industrial  use  and  long-distance  transmission  whose  enterprise  preceded  any 
demand  for  electrical  power  and  antedated  any  and  all  legal  complications.   .   .  . 

Preliminary  estimates  indicate  the  possibility  of  supplementing  the  present  works  of 
The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  so  as  to  utilize  to  the  utmost  practicable  extent, 
between  its  intake  and  outlet,  the  potentiality  of  the  waters  by  it  diverted  from  the  river. 
....  To  this  end,  however,  an  absolutely  essential  prerequisite  would  be  the  approval 
of  the  Federal  Government  of  the  right  to  use  the  water  permanently,  or  for  an  adequate 
period,  and  under  conditions  promising  a  fair  return  on  such  investments. 

Later  in  replying  to  further  inquiries  of  the  War  Department,  in  1916, 
when  the  prices  of  the  required  material  and  labor  had  advanced  approxi- 
mately 50  per  cent,  that  company  had  further  stated  in  a  letter  to  Major  H. 
Burgess  of  the  United  States  Lake  Survey,  dated  September  30,  1916, 

Subject  to  confirmation  by  the  Federal  Government  of  our  rights  for  the  necessary 
water  diversion  for  such  a  term  and  upon  such  conditions  as  will  render  it  practicable 
to  raise  the  required  money,  we  shall  be  ready  and  would  like  to  undertake  the  work  as 
soon  as  the  present  abnormal  conditions  of  the  labor  and  material  markets  are  adjusted 
to  a  basis  that  will  permit  the  project  to  be  carried  out  with  due  regard  to  economic 


It  soon  became  necessary  to  use  all  the  available  power  for  industries  most 
essential  in  the  conduct  of  the  war. 



The  President  of  the  United  States,  by  orders  signed  by  the  Secretary  of 
War  under  date  of  December  28,  1917,  requisitioned  the  total  quantity  and 
output  of  electrical  power  produced  or  capable  of  being  produced  by  the  two 
generating  companies  at  Niagara  Falls,  New  York,  as  well  as  the  power 
transmitted  into  the  United  States  from  Canada. 

Thereafter  until  the  release  of  the  requisition  at  midnight  of  November  30, 
1918,  all  electricity  generated  in  the  plants  of  the  two  companies  and  all  trans- 
mitted into  the  United  States  from  Canada  was  controlled  and  distributed 
under  the  direction  of  General  Keller  and  Mr.  Robert  J.  Bulkley,  acting, 
through  the  War  Department,  for  the  President  of  the  United  States. 



Disregarding  the  neglect  of  the  Congress  up  to  the  time  to  provide  for  per- 
manent permits  and  trusting  to  final  recognition  of  the  equities  in  the  case,  the 
New  York  generating  companies  early  in  the  spring  of  1918,  undertook  at 
the  solicitation  of  the  War  Department  and  the  President's  power  administra- 
tors, to  agree  upon  terms  of  consolidation  and  with  their  united  resources 
rapidly  to  install  an  additional  100,000  horse-power  generating  plant  for 
expected  use  in  helping  in  the  conduct  of  the  war.  General  Benedict  Crowell, 
then  Acting  Secretary  of  War,  approved  the  plans,  his  letter  of  April  5,  1918, 
addressed  to  Hydraulic  Power  Company  of  Niagara  Falls  stating: 

It  is  my  understanding  that  you  will  immediately  proceed  to  combine  your  interests 
with  those  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  and  the  Cliff  Electrical  Distributing 
Company,  and  that  the  reorganized  corporation  will  commence  the  work  immediately 
and  prosecute  it  diligently. 

The  importance  to  the  Government  of  having  additional  power  available  for  delivery 
as  soon  as  may  be  is  well  known  to  you,  and  I  hope  and  believe  that  you  will  leave  nothing 
undone  to  complete  this  development  at  the  earliest  possible  time. 

The  new  installation  was  begun  forthwith  and  negotiations  between  the 
officers  of  the  companies  involved  resulted  in  consolidation  (under  agreement 
dated  September  20,  1918)  into  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 
(mcmxviii)  / 

the  federal  water  power  act 

On  June  10,  1920,  the  President  approved  of  the  act  of  Congress  known 
as  the  Federal  Water  Power  Act,  substantially  in  the  form  prepared  under 
direction  of  members  of  the  Cabinet  of  President  Wilson  and  submitted  in 

1  The  Roman  numerals  (mcmxviii)  while  not  part  of  the  legal  title  serve  to  distinguish  the  company 
from  its  constituent  corporation  of  the  same  name  of  1886  and  have  been  incorporated  in  the  corporate 
seal  of  the  consolidated  company. 



1919  to  the  Sixty-fifth  Congress  by  the  President  with  a  recommendation  for 
its  enactment. 

During  debates  on  the  floor  of  the  House,  both  in  the  last  session  of  the 
Sixty-fifth  and  in  the  first  session  of  the  Sixty-sixth  Congress,  motions  had 
been  made  to  amend  the  measure  by  excluding  from  its  provisions  boundary 
streams.  The  debate  indicated  that  the  amendments  were  particularly  in- 
tended to  make  the  bill  inapplicable  to  the  use  of  the  water  of  the  Niagara 
River  by  the  generating  companies  on  the  New  York  side  of  that  stream. 
Both  motions  were  defeated  and  the  bill  as  it  passed  the  House  applies  to  the 
New  York  side  of  the  Niagara  equally  with  other  navigable  rivers  in  the 
United  States. 

The  measure  as  passed  and  approved  by  the  President,  among  other  things, 
most  of  which  are  not  particularly  applicable  to  the  Niagara  situation,  pro- 
vides in  substance : 

(1)  For  a  Federal  Water  Power  Commission,  composed  of  the  Secretaries  of  War,  the 
Interior,  and  Agriculture. 

(2)  For  licenses  to  be  issued  by  the  commission  for  periods  not  exceeding  fifty  years  to 
develop  and  utilize  power  in  or  from  navigable  waters  of  the  United  States. 

(3)  For  a  reasonable  annual  charge  to  be  fixed  by  the  commission  and  paid  by  the 

(4)  For  comprehensive  regulatory  powers  to  be  exercised  by  the  commission. 

(5)  For  preferential  consideration,  in  the  granting  of  permits,  of  applications  by  states 
and  municipalities  provided  their  plans  are  equally  adapted  to  conserve  and  utilize, 
in  the  public  interest,  the  navigation  and  water  resources  of  the  region. 

(6)  For  the  establishment  of  amortization  reserves  to  be  applied  to  the  reduction  of  the 
amount  of  the  licensees'  net  investments. 

(7)  For  "recapture"  by  the  United  States  at  the  end  of  the  term  of  the  permit,  but  on 
not  less  than  two  years'  prior  notice  to  the  licensee,  and  on  payment  of  the  fair  value 
of  the  property  taken  and  reasonable  damages  caused  by  the  severance  therefrom 
of  property  dependent  thereon  and  not  taken ;  such  values  and  damages  not  to  in- 
clude or  to  be  affected  by  the  value  of  any  lands  or  property  of  the  United  States 
licensed  under  the  provisions  of  the  act,  or  by  good  will,  going  value  or  prospective 
revenues,  nor  are  the  values  allowed  to  be  in  excess  of  the  actual  reasonable  cost. 

(8)  For  the  optional  issue  by  the  commission  at  the  end  of  the  term,  in  cases  where  the 
United  States  does  not  take  over  the  project,  of  a  new  license  to  the  original  licensee 
upon  such  terms  as  may  then  be  authorized  by  law,  or  the  issue  of  such  new  license 
to  a  new  licensee,  who  shall  make  the  same  payments  to  the  original  licensee  and 
assume  the  same  obligations  as  the  United  States  would  have  been  required  to  make 
and  assume,  if  it  had  taken  over  the  project. 



(9)  In  cases  where  the  United  States  does  not  take  over  the  project  and  a  new  license 
is  not  issued,  the  commission  shall  issue  from  year  to  year  to  the  licensee  an  annual 
license  under  the  terms  and  conditions  of  the  original  license  until  such  time  as  the 
property  is  taken  over  or  such  new  license  issued. 

(10)  The  Federal  Government  may  at  any  time  when,  in  the  opinion  of  the  President,  the 
safety  of  the  United  States  so  demands,  take  over  the  project  for  the  purpose  of 
manufacturing  nitrates,  explosives,  or  munitions  of  war,  or  for  any  other  purpose 
involving  the  safety  of  the  United  States  ;  with  provisions  for  the  restoration  of  the 
property  unimpaired  at  the  end  of  any  such  period  and  the  payment  of  just  and  fair 
compensation  for  its  use. 

The  Federal  Water  Power  Act  afforded  a  basis  for  disposing  of  the  Ni- 
agara power  question— a  subject  of  debate  on  the  floor  and  in  committees  of 
Congress  since  the  time  of  President  Roosevelt's  message  on  "The  Preserva- 
tion of  Niagara,"  of  March  27,  1906,  failure  to  settle  which  had  substantially 
hindered  the  progress  of  extensive  beneficial  industries  and  in  a  considerable 
degree  lessened  the  preparedness  of  the  nation  for  the  World  War.  The  settle- 
ment thereby  effected  has  contributed  largely  to  the  success  of  the  era  of 
heightened  production  so  necessary  for  the  welfare  of  this  country  and  the 
exhausted  nations  of  Europe. 


Upon  application  by  the  company,  the  Federal  Water  Power  Commission 
on  March  2,  1921,  pursuant  to  authority  vested  in  it  by  the  Congress  in  the 
Federal  Water  Power  Act,  licensed  (its  license  No.  1)  The  Niagara  Falls 
Power  Company  (mcmxviii)  "to  construct,  operate  and  maintain  diversion 
structures,  water  conduits,  power-houses,  transmission  lines,  and  other  project 
works,  and  to  develop,  transmit,  and  utilize  power  from  the  waters  of  the 
Niagara  River  as  described  in  ***  application." 

The  license  sets  forth  at  considerable  length  the  terms  upon  which  it  was 
granted,  which  include,  among  others: 

(1)  Authority  to  the  company  for  a  term  of  fifty  years  "to  divert,  within  the  State 
of  New  York,  from  the  waters  of  said  Niagara  River,  above  the  falls  of  Niagara, 
for  power  purposes,  water  not  exceeding  in  the  aggregate  a  daily  diversion  at  the 
rate  of  19,500  cubic  feet  per  second,  provided  that  the  maximum  diversion  in  any 
calendar  day  shall  not  exceed  said  rate  by  more  than  twenty  per  cent  thereof." 

(2)  Definite  fixed  dates  for  beginning  and  completing  the  unconstructed  portion  of  the 
project  works.1 

(3)  The  water  to  be  diverted  by  the  licensee  may  be  utilized  in  its  power  stations  hereto- 
fore built  in  the  city  of  Niagara  Falls,  New  York,  until  the  licensee  shall  construct 
its  "Proposed  Addition  to  Station  No.  3  Extension  Hydraulic  Plant"  and  as  soon  as 

1  Specifications  of  dates  for  commencement  and  completion  of  construction  were  fully  complied  with. 



a  new  unit  or  units  of  its  said  "Proposed  Addition  to  Station  No.  3  Extension  Hy- 
draulic Plant"  shall  be  installed  and  ready  for  operation,  the  licensee  shall  utilize 
the  water  so  authorized  to  be  diverted  by  it,  in  the  operation  of  its  plants  in  such 
manner  as  shall  produce  the  best  results,  it  being  intended  after  the  completion 
of  "Proposed  Addition  to  Station  No.  3  Extension  Hydraulic  Plant"  that  the  ex- 
isting Niagara  plant  shall  be  maintained  and  operated  as  a  reserve,  emergency,  or 
peak  load  plant,  or  be  operated  with  any  increased  diversion  which  the  licensee  may 
hereafter  be  legally  authorized  and  entitled  to  divert  from  the  Niagara  River  for 
power  development. 

(4)  The  licensee  to  pay  to  the  United  States  annual  charges  determined  as  provided  in 
the  regulations  theretofore  adopted  by  the  Federal  Power  Commission.  (These 
charges  now  (1925)  amount  to  25  cents  per  horse-power  per  year  on  an  output 
computed  under  a  general  formula  adopted  by  the  commission.) 

(5)  Certain  provisions  for  depreciation  and  amortization  of  the  net  investment  in  the 
project  and  the  establishment  and  maintenance  out  of  surplus  earnings  of  certain 
amortization  reserves. 

(6)  Observance  of  all  terms  and  conditions  provided  in  the  Federal  Water  Power  Act  in 
respect  to  licenses  issued  thereunder,  including  the  provision  for  recapture  of  the 
project  works. 

The  Boundary"  Waters  Treaty  hetween  the  United  States  and  Great 
Britain,  proclaimed  May  13,  1910,  limits  the  amount  of  water  that  may  be 
diverted  on  the  New  York  side  of  the  Niagara  River,  above  the  falls,  to 
20,000  cubic  feet  per  second.  While  the  treaty  remains  in  force,  unamended, 
its  limitations  are  controlling  on  the  Congress  and  the  latter's  empowered 
agent,  the  Federal  Water  Power  Commission.  Of  the  allowable  20,000  cubic 
feet  per  second  on  the  New  York  side,  all  but  500  cubic  feet  per  second  was 
granted  to  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  for  a  term  of  fifty  years  from 
March  2,  1921.  That  amount  of  water  is  now  fully  used  at  the  highest  attain- 
able efficiency  under  the  full  available  hydraulic  head  between  the  place  of 
diversion  and  where  the  water  is  returned  to  the  river  immediately  below  the 
American  Fall.  An  additional  225  cubic  feet  per  second  of  the  500  cubic  feet 
per  second  also  is  in  use  under  terms  of  a  temporary  supplemental  license, 
which  it  is  expected  will  be  made  for  the  full  term  of  the  original  license. 

The  electric  energy  generated  by  use  of  the  granted  water  is  employed  in 
useful  industries  or  in  public  service  throughout  the  considerable  part  of  the 
State  of  New  York  served  by  the  company  or  by  service  companies  supplied 
directly  or  through  transmitting  companies.  Due  to  the  fact  that  Niagara 
energy  is  furnished  at  prices  much  lower  than  the  cost  of  steam  power  and  to 
other  distinct  advantages  in  use,  there  still  remains  an  insistent  demand  for 
its  supply  on  the  Niagara  frontier  and  elsewhere  where  it  can  be  economically 



In  view  of  the  fact  that  with,  or  even  without,  easily  installed  remedial 
measures,  much  more  water  could  be  diverted  around  the  cataract  without 
impairing  the  scenic  features  of  the  river  and  falls,  it  is  obvious  that  continu- 
ance of  the  present  limitations  of  the  Boundary  Waters  Treaty,  unamended, 
will  result  in  great  economic  waste,  depriving  the  industries  and  communities 
of  an  important  section  of  the  United  States  of  their  heritage  of  power  so 
richly  bestowed  by  nature. 


Part  IV 


Lease  by  Commissioners  of 
Queen  Victoria  Niagara  Falls  Park 



The  Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company,  Limited,  the  entire  capital  stock 
and  all  funded  obligations  of  which  are  held  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Com- 
pany, was  incorporated  by  a  special  act1  of  the  Legislative  Assembly  of  the 
Province  of  Ontario,  Canada. 

Its  generating  station,  including  water-intake,  power-house,  and  tail-race 
discharge  tunnel,  is  located  in  Queen  Victoria  Niagara  Falls  Park  which 
fronts  on  the  Niagara  River  at  Niagara  Falls,  Ontario. 

The  lands  occupied  and  water-rights  are  leased  to  the  company  by  the 
Province  of  Ontario  under  an  agreement  dated  April  7,  1892,  executed  by 
and  between  the  commissioners  of  the  Queen  Victoria  Niagara  Falls  Park 
and  Albert  D.  Shaw,  Francis  Lynde  Stetson  and  William  B.  Rankine.  This 
lease  with  certain  amendments  was  confirmed  by  a  further  special  act2  and 
the  original  lease  has  been  amended  by  subsequent  agreements  executed  by 
the  commissioners  of  the  park  and  by  the  company  and  confirmed  by  acts  of 
the  Ontario  Legislative  Assembly. 

The  lease  ("agreement")  herein  referred  to,  inter  alia,  provides: 

(1)  For  the  purpose  of  generating  electricity  and  pneumatic  power  to  be  transmitted 
to  places  beyond  the  park,  the  commissioners  grant  to  the  company  a  license 
irrevocable  save  as  therein  limited  to  take  water  from  the  Niagara  River  at  certain 
specified  places,  and  lead  such  water  .  .  .to  supply  works  to  be  erected  and  con- 
structed by  the  company  in  buildings  and  power-houses  at  a  specified  location  on 
the  mainland  within  the  park  .  .  .  which  location  shall  occupy  a  tract  of  land  of 
not  more  than  1200  feet  in  length  by  not  more  than  100  feet  in  width. 

(2)  The  company  shall  have  the  further  right  to  excavate  tunnels  to  discharge  the  water 
led  from  the  Niagara  River  to  the  said  buildings  and  power-houses  so  that  such 
water  by  means  of  such  tunnels  shall  emerge  below  the  Horseshoe  Fall  at  or  near 
the  water's  edge  of  the  Niagara  River. 

The  original  lease  provided  for  a  term  of  twenty  years  beginning  with 
May  1,  1892,  and  was  renewable  at  the  option  of  the  company  for  four  addi- 
tional successive  terms  of  twenty  years  each. 

1  55  Victoria,  Chapter  8,  assented  to  14th  April,  1892. 

2  62  Victoria,  Chapter  11,  Section  35,  assented  to  1st  April,  1899. 



The  amended  agreement  dated  July  15,  1899,  provides  that  the  rent  to 
be  paid  by  the  company  from  and  after  May  1,  1899,  up  to  May  1,  1949,  shall 
be  at  the  rate  of  $15,000  per  annum,  and  in  addition  thereto  one  dollar  per 
annum  "for  each  electrical  horse-power  generated  and  used,  and  sold  or 
disposed  of"  over  10,000  horse-power  up  to  20,000  horse-power,  and  seventy- 
five  cents  for  each  such  horse-power  over  20,000  horse-power  up  to  30,000 
horse-power,  and  fifty  cents  for  each  such  horse-power  over  30,000  horse- 
power. After  May  1,  1949,  the  same  rentals  are  to  continue  unless  readjusted 
as  provided  in  the  agreement. 

The  amended  agreement  provides  for  three  successive  twenty-year  re- 
newals, beginning  with  May  1,  1949,  and  that  the  Lieutenant-Governor-in- 
Council  not  less  than  three  years  prior  to  the  expiration  of  the  last  of  such 
renewals,  on  notice  to  the  company,  may  require  the  company  to  continue  its 
operations  for  a  further  period  of  twenty  years. 

It  will  be  noted  that  any  limitation  on  power  production  of  the  tenant  com- 
pany imposed  by  provisions  of  the  lease  is  not  in  terms  of  water  or  power 
produced  but  is  covered  by  location,  size  and  character  of  water-intake,  dis- 
charge tunnel,  turbines,  generators,  and  other  essential  plant  as  approved  by 
the  park  commissioners.  The  works  so  approved  include  (1925)  ten  genera- 
ting units  and  one  spare  unit,  having  an  aggregate  rated  capacity  of  121,000 

The  rent  paid  in  1925  to  the  park  commissioners  amounted  to  $67,003.29. 

Operation  under  the  lease  is  somewhat  complicated  by  the  fact  that  the 
government  of  the  Dominion  of  Canada  has  jurisdiction  of  power  exportation 
and  some  authority  under  the  Boundary  Waters  Treaty  of  1909  which  limits 
the  aggregate  quantity  of  water  that  may  be  diverted  for  power  purposes 
within  the  Province  of  Ontario  from  the  Niagara  River  above  the  falls. 

Of  the  total  power  produced  by  the  Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company, 
Limited  (1925),  about  50,000  horse-power  is  ordinarily  transmitted  to  the 
international  boundary  for  exportation  into  the  State  of  New  York;  about 
30,000  horse-power  is  sold  and  delivered  direct  to  industries  in  the  Province  of 
Ontario;  and  20,000  horse-power  is  sold  and  delivered  to  the  Hydro-Electric 
Power  Commission  of  Ontario  (an  administrative  department  of  the  Pro- 
vincial Government). 

In  the  year  1907  the  Dominion  of  Canada  passed  the  Electricity  and  Fluid 
Exportation  Act  (6-7  Edward  VII,  Chapter  16),  and  since  that  time  the 
Department  of  Trade  and  Commerce  of  the  Dominion  of  Canada  has  con- 
tinued from  year  to  year  to  issue  to  the  Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company, 
Limited,  an  annual  license  to  export  or  sell  for  export  from  Canada  electrical 



energy  at  a  rate  not  exceeding  during  the  year  the  rate  specified  in  the  license. 
The  company  now  (1925)  has  two  such  export  licenses  which  run  concur- 
rently; one  for  45,000  kilowatts  (60,000  horse-power)  and  the  other  for  an 
additional  20,000  kilowatts.  The  additional  license  provides  that  all  or  any 
part  of  the  electrical  energy  exported  thereunder  shall  be  subject  to  recall  on 
demand  for  delivery  in  Canada. 

On  March  16,  1925,  acting  under  the  authorization  of  Section  10  of  the 
Electricity  and  Fluid  Exportation  Act  already  referred  to,  an  Order-in- 
Council  was  passed  by  the  Dominion  Government  imposing  an  export  duty 
of  three  one  hundredths  of  a  cent  ($0.0003)  per  kilowatt  hour  upon  power 
exported  from  Canada;  said  duty  to  be  in  addition  to  any  fee  payable  for  a 
license  for  the  exportation  of  power  and  to  be  payable  in  respect  of  power 
exported  on  and  after  the  first  day  of  April,  1925.  The  duty  paid  by  the 
Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company,  Limited,  in  1925  (9  months)  amounted 
to  $72,005.15. 





Chapter  XII 


AND  DISSOLUTION,  1889-1909 


THE  Cataract  Construction  Company  was  incorporated  June  13,  1889, 
under  the  general  laws  of  the  State  of  New  Jersey,  by  Francis  Lynde 
Stetson  and  associates,  Edward  A.  Wickes  and  William  B.  Rankine,  as  a 
means  for  carrying  out  certain  power  developments  at  Niagara  Falls  which 
they  had  under  consideration.  They  were  then  negotiating  for  the  purchase 
of  a  charter  and  other  rights  and  property  relative  to  such  developments  and 
particularly  the  capital  stock  of  the  so-called  Gaskill  company  that  controlled 
the  project  of  Thomas  Evershed  for  the  development  of  power  at  Niagara. 

Among  its  objects,  the  company  was  authorized  to  carry  on  the  business 
of  making  and  letting  of  contracts  to  build  works  of  improvement  of  any 
kind,  whether  railroads,  viaducts,  aqueducts,  dams,  tunnels,  conduits,  reser- 
voirs, raceways,  mills,  manufactories,  pipe-lines,  cable  systems,  electric  sys- 
tems or  hydraulic  systems. 

An  amendment  specified  that  its  principal  office  outside  of  the  State  of 
New  Jersey  would  be  situated  in  the  city  and  county  of  New  York,  in 
which  place,  as  well  as  at  Niagara  Falls  in  the  county  of  Niagara,  and 
Buffalo  in  the  county  of  Erie,  all  in  the  State  of  New  York,  the  company 
proposed  to  carry  on  operations. 

Although  the  primary  object  of  the  company,  as  indicated  by  its  name, 
purposes  and  locations,  was  to  enter  into  a  contract  with  the  Niagara  River 
Hydraulic  Tunnel,  Power  and  Sewer  Company'  for  the  performance  of  work 
of  construction  at  Niagara  Falls,  yet  it  had  legal  power  to  engage  in  other 

This  power  company2  was  organized  particularly  to  utilize  Niagara  waters 
for  power  purposes  in  conformity  with  a  project,  prepared  therefor  by 
Thomas  Evershed,  and  acquired  for  this  purpose  by  the  company.  The  negoti- 
ations for  the  purchase  of  the  shares  of  this  newly  organized  power  company 
were  prompted  by  the  fact  that  their  ownership  would  include  the  plans  and 
estimates  prepared  by  Mr.  Evershed,  who  was  then  a  director  in  the  company 
and  its  chief  engineer. 

xName  changed  to  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  in  1889. 

2  See  Chapter  VII,  The  Evershed  Scheme,  Niagara  River  Hydraulic  Tunnel,  Power  and  Sewer 
Company,  1886. 




Over  three  years  had  now  elapsed  since  March,  188G,  when  the  Niagara 
River  Hydraulic  Tunnel,  Power  and  Sewer  Company  obtained  from  the 
State  of  New  York  its  special  charter,  with  authority  to  take  an  unlimited 
quantity  of  water  from  Niagara  River  for  power  and  other  purposes,  and  to 
acquire  lands  and  franchises  in  such  developments.  Great  activity  was  mani- 
fested by  the  officers  and  directors  of  this  power  company  to  secure  the 
necessary  capital  to  finance  their  enterprise,  by  the  sale  of  stock  and  later  by 
the  sale  of  first  mortgage  bonds,  both  of  which  were  offered,  unsuccessfully, 
in  the  leading  financial  centers  of  this  country  and  the  bonds  in  London.  In 
the  course  of  such  negotiations  the  project  had  been  presented  to  Francis 
Lynde  Stetson,  lawyer,  of  New  York  City,  who  manifested  some  interest  in 
the  enterprise  and  pursued,  with  a  few  associates,  several  lines  of  investiga- 
tion that  led  to  his  obtaining  an  option  to  purchase  the  entire  capital  stock  of 
the  company. 

This  option  was  not  availed  of  and  its  term  lapsed  without  action.  After 
nearly  a  year  of  study  of  some  of  the  legal,  business  and  engineering  questions 
involved  in  the  project,  it  was  decided  in  1889  by  the  Stetson  associates  in 
the  organization,  to  proceed  with  the  enterprise  as  a  hydraulic  power  propo- 
sition, differing  from  those  in  New  England  in  its  magnitude  and  the  methods 
of  development  necessitated  by  the  location  of  the  falls  and  the  city,  at  the 
angle  of  the  Niagara  River.1  Negotiations  were  resumed  in  the  spring  of 
1889  and  a  contract  was  made  by  The  Cataract  Construction  Company, 
organized  expressly  for  this  purpose,  with  the  stockholders  of  the  Niagara 
company  to  purchase  all  their  shares.  The  cataract  company  entered  into 
a  preliminary  agreement  with  the  Niagara  company,  under  date  of  July  5, 
1889,  for  the  construction  of  its  hydraulic  plant  in  consideration  of  its  capital 
stock  and  bonds  to  be  issued  in  payment  therefor. 

Further  agreements  were  executed  between  the  two  companies  as  the 
project  developed,  under  which  the  cataract  company  became  the  repre- 
sentative of  the  Niagara  company,  charged  with  the  designing,  financing  and 
constructing  of  the  plant. 

Pursuant  to  the  definite  plans  adopted  during  1889  and  1890,  an  im- 
portant area  of  land  was  acquired  by  the  cataract  company,  favorably  located 
for  the  development  of  the  power  enterprise. 

On  December  31,  1890,  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  offered  to 
sell  and  transfer  to  the  Niagara  company  all  its  lands  in  the  town  of 
Niagara,  consisting  of  1237  acres  (1200  upland  and  37  under  water)  at  a 

1  See  Chapter  VIII,  The  Evershed  Tunnel  Project,  Investigation  and  Modification,  1889-1890. 



valuation  of  $2,437,000,  payable  in  $1,996,400  par  value  of  19,964  shares, 
being  the  whole  capital  stock  authorized,  less  the  qualifying  shares  of  the 
directors  of  the  Niagara  company,  together  with  $440,000  par  value  of  bonds 
of  the  Niagara  company.  This  proposal  was  accompanied  by  numerous 
appraisals  of  the  lands  by  local  and  other  experts  familiar  with  the  property. 
The  proposal  was  accepted  by  the  terms  of  a  fourth  Niagara-cataract  contract, 
that  was  then  authorized  to  be  executed. 

Further  investigations  followed  an  invitation  to  financial  interests  to  join 
the  cataract  group  and  a  formal  agreement  was  made  in  lieu  of  the  pre- 
liminary agreement  of  July  5,  1889,  with  the  Niagara  company. 

By  an  agreement  of  January  17,  1890,  a  "stock  subscription"  was  made 
to  an  increase  of  400  shares  of  the  capital  stock  of  The  Cataract  Construction 
Company  at  its  par  value  of  $50  per  share,  and  a  "money  subscription"  was 
also  made  to  $2,900,000  of  the  proposed  first  mortgage  bonds  of  The  Niagara 
Falls  Power  Company  at  90  per  cent  of  their  par  value,  constituting  a  total 
cash  subscription  for  the  purposes  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company 
of  $2,630,000. 

The  agreement  provided  that  any  and  all  profits  received  or  realized  by  the 
cataract  company  in  the  performance  of  its  construction  contracts  should 
go  and  belong  to  that  company  and  all  the  stockholders  thereof  would  share 
pro  rata  therein  according  to  the  number  of  shares  held  by  them. 

The  bonds  as  earned  and  received  from  the  Niagara  company  were  to  be 
deposited  with  a  committee  of  three  persons  appointed  by  a  majority  in 
interest  of  the  money  subscribers,  said  committee  being  empowered  to  hold, 
manage  and  sell  the  bonds  for  account  of  the  subscribers. 


Prior  to  the  execution  of  the  agreements  and  contracts  of  The  Cataract 
Construction  Company  of  July  5,  1889,  legal  opinions  concerning  the 
charters  of  the  Niagara  River  Hydraulic  Tunnel,  Power  and  Sewer  Com- 
pany and  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  and  the  contracts  be- 
tween the  Niagara  and  cataract  companies,  and  the  Niagara  stockholders  and 
the  cataract  company,  were  furnished  to  persons  in  interest. 

The  opinion  of  Francis  Lynde  Stetson  of  June  13,  1889,  concludes  as 
follows : 

I  am  of  opinion  that  the  Niagara  company  and  its  intending  contractors  may  enter 
into  a  construction  contract,  as  before  indicated,  for  stock  and  bonds  containing  proper 
provisions  waiving  all  individual  liability  of  stockholders  and  bondholders. 



Victor  Morawetz,  in  his  letter  of  July  1,  1889,  referring  to  the  afore- 
described  documents,  stated: 

I  am  of  opinion  that  no  liability  would  result  from  the  issue  of  stock  and  bonds  as 

Charles  E.  Tracy  stated  July  3,  1889,  that  he  had  "examined  the  foregoing 
papers  and  opinions  of  counsel  and  concurs  in  the  views  expressed  by  them." 


At  the  meeting  of  subscribers,  February  6,  1890,  for  the  purpose  of  com- 
pleting organization,  it  was  recommended  that  The  Cataract  Construction 
Company  should 

increase  to  eleven  its  board  of  directors,  then  consisting  of: 

Francis  Lynde  Stetson  Edward  A.  Wickes 

William  B.  Rankine 

by  the  election  of  eight  additional  directors,  viz: 

Edward  D.  Adams  Walter  Howe1 

George  S.  Bowdoin  Charles  Lanier 

Charles  F.  Clark  D.  O.  Mills 

A.  J.  Forbes-Leith  ■  Frederick  W.  Whitridge 

and  an  executive  committee  composed  of : 

Walter  Howe  D.  O.  Mills 

Charles  Lanier  Francis  L}Tnde  Stetson 

Frederick  W.  Whitridge 

It  was  also  recommended  to  elect  the  following  officers : 

President  Edward  D.  Adams 

(  Francis  Lynde  Stetson 
Vice-presidents  }  A 

Secretary  William  B.  Rankine 

Treasurer  George  H.  Kent 

It  was  further  recommended  to  appoint  as  committee  of  bankers, 
representing  "money  subscribers"  under  Subscription  Agreement 
of  January  17,  1890 

George  S.  Bowdoin,  of  Drexel,  Morgan  &  Company 
John  Crosby  Brown,  of  Brown  Brothers  &  Company 
Charles  Lanier,  of  Winslow,  Lanier  &  Company 
1  Died  in  1890;  succeeded  by  Joseph  H.  Larocque. 



and  to  proceed  with  the  preparation,  execution  and  performance  of 
a  contract  with  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  as  contemplated 
in  the  agreement  of  January  17,  1890. 

At  a  meeting  of  the  cataract  stockholders,  action  was  taken  as  requested 
by  the  "money  subscribers." 

The  first  board  of  directors,  just  named,  comprised  eleven  stockholders 
representing  nearly  all  the  capital  stock  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Com- 
pany. They  were  responsible  pioneers  of  the  newly  formed  enterprise, 
closely  united  in  a  purpose,  and  themselves  serving  as  voussoirs  of  a  system, 
as  in  a  true  arch1  that,  as  they  say  in  India,  "never  sleeps,"  where  all  stones 
are  of  equal  importance,  each  supporting  its  burden,  interlocking  firmly 
although  differing  in  form  while  similar  in  substance,  and  all  co-operating  as 
a  unit.  Such  were  the  first  directors  and  their  successors,  in  all  twenty-one 
different  persons,  serving  as  directors  and  officers  during  twenty-nine  years 
of  the  undertaking. 

With  the  exception  caused  by  the  removal  of  residence  permanently  to 
England,  and  several  withdrawals  on  account  of  ill  health,  no  director  resigned 
his  office,  and  otherwise  death  alone  permitted  the  selection  of  new  associates 
upon  the  company's  board. 

At  the  annual  meeting,  June  4,  1901,  of  the  stockholders  of  The  Niagara 
Falls  Power  Company,  the  number  of  directors  was  increased  to  thirteen, 
at  which  number  it  remained.  The  board  of  directors  then  elected  consisted 
of  the  following  stockholders: 

The  personnel  of  the  board  of  directors  of  The  Cataract  Construction 
Company  and  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  into  which  latter  the 
directors  of  the  former  were  elected  upon  the  completion  of  their  construction 
undertaking,  was  changed  from  time  to  time  by  elections  to  fill  vacancies,  so 
that  on  September  20,  1918,  the  date  of  the  joint  agreement  of  consolidation 
with  the  Hydraulic  Power  Company  of  Niagara  Falls,  the  board  of  directors 

Edward  D.  Adams 
John  Jacob  Astor 
George  S.  Bowdoin 

Daniel  O'Day 
William  B.  Rankine 
Francis  Lynde  Stetson 
Frederick  W.  Whit  ridge 

Darius  O.  Mills 
Victor  Morawetz 

Charles  F.  Clark 
Charles  Lanier 
Joseph  H.  Larocque 

Edward  A.  Wickes 

1  See  end  of  this  chapter. 



of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  that  surrendered  its  control  to  the 
owners  of  the  hydraulic  company  was  as  follows: 


Edward  D.  Adams 
Charles  Lanier 
Francis  Lynde  Stetson 


Nicholas  Biddle  Victor  Morawetz 

Charles  D.  Dickie  Robert  W.  Pomeroy 

Le  Grand  S.  De  Graff  De  Lancey  Rankine 

Ogden  Mills  Carlton  M.  Smith 

Edward  T.  Stotesbury 



Stacy  C.  Richmond,  President  and  Director 
Philip  P.  Barton,  Vice-president  and  General  Manager 
Frederick  L.  Lovelace,  Secretary 
W.  Paxton  Little,  Treasurer 

A.  Monro  Grier,  President 


The  novel  methods  necessarily  adopted  in  the  introduction  of  central  power 
stations,  inlet-canals,  and  discharge  tunnels,  also  in  the  acquisition  of  the 
rights-of-way  for  electric  power  transmission  lines,  over,  across  and  under 
the  Erie  Canal  and  public  thoroughfares,  required  the  exercise  of  corporate 
powers  not  provided  in  the  general  laws  of  the  State  of  New  York.  A  special 
law  had  been  enacted  by  the  legislature  to  meet  these  requirements  so  far  as 
they  could  be  anticipated  in  1886.  As  additional  powers  were  seen  to  be 
necessary,  amendments  to  the  original  special  act  were  granted  and  the  public 
approved  of  these  encouragements  to  the  company,  the  success  of  which  meant 
so  much  to  the  prosperity  of  the  community. 


The  relations  between  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  and  The 
Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  were  prescribed  by  five  agreements,  executed 



on  and  between  July  5,  1889 1  and  April  27,  1891.  They  were  occasioned  by 
the  same  reasons  for  which  the  charter  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Com- 
pany was  amended  about  six  months  after  its  original  filing  in  1889.  The 
charter  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  of  March  31,  1886,  was 
amended  five  times,  the  last  on  April  25,  1893,  and  the  permits  issued  by  the 
Superintendent  of  Public  Works  of  the  State  of  New  York,  under  which  the 
transmission  line  to  Buffalo  was  established,  constituted  a  series  of  seven  offi- 
cial certificates  authorizing  action,  beginning  August  30, 1895,  and  approving 
assignment  of  the  completed  line,  October  14,  1898,  to  the  Cataract  Power 
and  Conduit  Company  of  Buffalo. 

The  activities  of  the  group  of  pioneers  operating  at  Niagara  Falls  from 
1889  to  1898  were  manifested  in  the  aforedescribed  documents.  They  indi- 
cated advances  in  the  development  of  the  enterprise,  in  the  solution  of  the 
Niagara  problem,  the  introduction  of  new  agencies  for  power  development 
and  use  affecting  the  interests  of  a  large  population  and  prompting  state 
and  municipal  legislation  to  protect  the  people  and  at  the  same  time  to  en- 
courage the  promoters  in  their  original  work,  that  promised  much  to  industries, 
values,  taxation  and  civilization. 

The  five  agreements  between  the  cataract  and  Niagara  companies  placed 
grave  responsibilities  upon  the  cataract  company,  which  became  the  agent 
of  the  Niagara  company.  Upon  it  devolved  the  scientific  investigations,  the 
adoption  of  new  systems  of  engineering,  the  selection  of  wise  and  experienced 
advisers  and  assistants,  and  the  provision  of  a  large  amount  of  capital  for  the 
proper  development  of  the  great  work  undertaken. 


The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  acting  upon  the  authority  granted 
by  the  amendment  to  its  charter,  to  acquire  and  administer  the  securities  of 
other  companies  affiliated  in  interest  with  the  objects  of  the  cataract  in- 
corporation, had  purchased,  by  the  terms  of  its  agreement  of  July  5, 1889,  with 
The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  and  its  stockholders,  the  entire  capital 
stock  of  that  company.  It  later  acquired  the  entire  capital  stocks  of  the  fol- 
lowing companies : 

Lewiston  Water  Supply  Company 

Organized  under  a  special  charter  from  the  State  of  New  York 
giving  exclusive  rights  to  take  water  from  the  Niagara  River 
for  power  and  other  purposes.  This  company  owned  the  report 
and  plans  of  J.  T.  Fanning  for  power  development  at  Niagara 

1  See  page  234. 



on  a  grand  scale.  No  action  was  taken  under  this  charter, 
which  expired  in  1893  by  limitation. 

Niagara  Falls  Water- Works  Company 

Organized  under  the  general  laws  of  the  State  of  New  York  and 
engaged  in  supplying  potable  water  to  the  city  and  citizens  of 
Niagara  Falls  under  a  contract  with  that  municipality.  This 
company  was  expanded  in  its  resources  and  business,  and  was 
subsequently  acquired  by  the  Girard  Trust  Company  of  Phila- 
delphia, for  account  of  the  Western  New  York  Water  Com- 

Niagara  Junction  Railway  Company 

Organized,  financed  and  its  property  constructed  by  the  cataract 
company,  which  retained  a  majority  of  its  capital  stock. 

Niagara  Development  Company 

Organized,  financed  and  its  property  improved  by  the  cataract 
company,  which  held  a  majority  of  its  capital  stock,  that  was 
subsequently  exchanged  for  shares  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power 
Company,  the  parent  company. 

Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company 

Organized  under  a  special  charter  granted  by  the  Government 
of  the  Province  of  Ontario,  Canada,  to  develop  power  within 
the  Queen  Victoria  Niagara  Falls  Park  from  the  waters  of 
Niagara  River  under  terms  of  rental  for  use  of  a  prescribed 
area.  The  control  of  60  per  cent  and  later  the  balance  of  the 
capital  stock  were  acquired. 

Four  optional  agreements  were  approved  between  the  Niagara  company 
and  Frank  W.  Hawley,  of  Pittsford,  New  York,  providing  for  the  trans- 
mission of  electrical  power  to  Rochester,  Syracuse,  Utica,  Albany  and  points 
between.  These  agreements  were  assigned  to  the  Cataract  General  Electric 
Company,  organized  by  Mr.  Hawley  and  his  associates  for  this  purpose. 

The  officers  of  the  company  were  authorized  to  make  similar  contracts  for 
the  delivery  of  electrical  power  in  Lockport,  Wheatfield,  Tonawanda  and 
North  Tonawanda. 

These  agreements  were  designed  to  encourage  experimental  work  by 
Mr.  Hawley  and  his  associates,  and  to  determine  the  general  terms  upon 
which  they  might  rely,  should  they  succeed  in  their  negotiations  and  desire 
a  contract  for  the  purchase  of  electrical  power  for  transmission  and  distribu- 
tion. These  efforts  were  not  successful. 




In  the  meantime  the  organization  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company 
had  been  completed  and  preparation  for  construction  was  being  pushed 
forward  with  an  expansion  of  the  plans  and  objects.  The  great  strides  being 
made  in  all  things  pertaining  to  hydro-electric  development  stimulated  the 
minds  of  all  concerned,  and,  in  the  winter  of  1891,  it  became  evident  that  re- 
course should  again  be  had  to  the  law-makers  of  the  state,  especially  for 
enlarged  powers  in  the  means  of  transmission,  for  extension  of  the  territory 
within  which  electricity  could  be  transmitted,  and  for  further  rights  of  the 
company  therein. 

The  line  of  the  main  tunnel  was  determined  September  12,  1890,  by  The 
Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  under  the  terms  of  its  contract  of  April  1, 
1890,  with  The  Cataract  Construction  Company: 

Beginning  with  the  opening  or  portal  at  the  water  edge  below  the  upper  Suspension 
Bridge  on  lands  lately  owned  by  Jane  S.  Townsend  and  extending  thence  under  the 
village  of  Niagara  Falls  in  a  straight  line  southeasterly  6700  feet  more  or  less  to  the 
lands  on  the  Niagara  River  lately  owned  by  Myron  H.  Kinsley,  with  shaft  sites  (1)  at 
the  junction  of  Falls  and  Erie  streets  in  said  village,  and  (2)  lots  numbers  8,  10,  12 
and  14  Tenth  Street,  according  to  the  plans  on  file  in  the  office  of  this  company  at 
Niagara  Falls. 

The  sub-contract  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  for  the  construc- 
tion of  the  first  section  of  the  work  was  approved  September  12,  1890. 


The  activities  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  continued  for  ten 
years  as  the  agent  and  attorney  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  until, 
upon  the  demonstration  of  success  of  the  engineering  plans  adopted,  including 
the  transmission  of  electric  power  to  Buffalo,  the  cataract  company  sur- 
rendered its  undertaking  and  withdrew  from  active  operations,  the  Niagara 
company  taking  over  the  entire  management  of  the  property,  and  the  officers 
of  the  cataract  company  assuming  their  relative  positions  in  the  Niagara 
company.  (The  cataract  company  held  its  capital  intact  for  use  in  case  of 
need  by  the  Niagara  company  until  1910,  when  it  liquidated  and  surrendered 
its  charter. ) 


An  agreement  was  entered  into  under  date  of  May  31,  1899,  between  The 
Cataract  Construction  Company  and  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company, 
cancelling  the  five  construction  contracts  existing  between  them  and  creating 
mutual  releases  by  each  company  to  the  other.  The  execution  of  this  agree- 
ment was  approved  by  the  stockholders  of  both  companies,  and  proceedings 



were  taken  to  effect  a  final  and  complete  settlement,  adjustment  and  termina- 
tion of  all  contract  relations  between  the  two  companies. 

The  relations  between  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  and  The  Ni- 
agara Falls  Power  Company  had  been  established  from  time  to  time  by 
mutual  contracts  as  the  desirability  therefor  arose.  Many  difficult  problems 
had  been  sufficiently  solved  after  the  ten  years  of  activity  to  justify  definite 
action  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  in  the  adoption  of  a  program 
of  capitalization,  with  share  and  bond  issues  that  would  provide  sufficient 
resources  for  its  financial  requirements. 

In  order  to  give  the  enterprise,  at  the  concluding  stage  of  its  construction, 
the  credit  that  it  was  entitled  to  receive  and  might  need  in  its  finance  and  dis- 
tribution of  securities,  by  publicly  associating  with  The  Niagara  Falls  Power 
Company  the  names  of  its  original  owners,  as  an  indication  of  its  strength 
upon  which  intending  users  of  its  power  development  might  confidently  rely, 
it  was  decided  to  replace  the  local  trustees  at  Niagara  who  sold  their  interests 
to  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  in  1890,  by  the  election  to  the  board 
of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  the  directors  of  The  Cataract  Con- 
struction Company  who  had  represented  the  ownership  that  would  there- 
after alone  be  responsible  for  the  construction  and  management. 

The  annual  meeting  of  the  stockholders  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Com- 
pany, on  June  6,  1899,  was  therefore  availed  of  to  make  these  changes  in  its 
official  organization.  The  directors  and  officers  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power 
Company  elected  at  that  time  were  as  follows: 





Darius  O.  Mills 


F.  L.  Lovelace 
Assistant  Secretary  and  Assistant 

W.  Paxton  Little 

First  Vice-president 

Edward  A.  Wickes 

Second  Vice-president  and  Treasurer 
William  B.  Rankine 


Edward  D.  Adams 
John  Jacob  Astor 
George  S.  Bowdoin 

Joseph  H.  Larocque 
Darius  O.  Mills 
William  B.  Rankine 
Francis  Lynde  Stetson 
F.  W.  Whitridge 

Charles  F.  Clark 
Charles  Lanier 

Edward  A.  Wickes 




Edward  D.  Adams  Francis  Lynde  Stetson 

Charles  Lanier  Darius  O.  Mills 

F.  W.  Whitridge 

At  this  time  it  was  ordered  that  the 

First  Vice-president  have  charge  of  the  New  York  office,  and  that  the 

Second  Vice-president  have  charge  of  the  Niagara  office,  and  make  the  same  his 
headquarters  : 

that  the  books  of  the  company  be  kept  at  the  Niagara  office,  and  that  there  be  kept  in 
the  New  York  office  summarized  accounts  from  which  statements  could  be  made  at  any 
time  of  the  financial  condition  of  the  allied  companies,  their  earnings,  income  and 


At  a  meeting  of  the  directors,  December  20,  1899,  called  for  the  purpose 
of  closing  the  affairs  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  it  was  recorded 
in  the  minutes  that 

this  board  reviews  with  satisfaction  its  work  of  construction  now  completed  under 
contracts  with  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company.  In  the  important  preliminary  in- 
vestigations here  and  abroad,  of  the  many  and  novel  questions  arising  in  connection  with 
the  plans  for  the  development  of  Niagara  power ;  in  the  strengthening  of  the  power 
company's  comprehensive  corporate  rights  and  franchises;  in  the  judicious  conduct, 
during  the  past  ten  years,  of  its  various  works  of  construction ;  in  the  attracting  of 
many  important  industries  now  using  that  power,  and  in  the  accomplishment  of  a  suc- 
cessful transmission  of  power  to  Buffalo,  this  board  recognizes  and  desires  officially  to 
acknowledge  its  deep  sense  of  obligation  for  the  valuable  services  rendered  to  it  and  to 
the  company,  without  salary,  by  its  first  vice-president,  Francis  Lynde  Stetson,  whose 
able  counsel,  executive  ability  and  continuous  devotion  to  its  interests  have  contributed 
so  largely  to  the  success  of  the  Niagara  enterprise. 

It  was 

Resolved:  That  the  official  thanks  of  the  company  and  of  this  board  are  hereby 
tendered  to  Francis  Lynde  Stetson,  its  first  vice-president,  for  such  services,  and  that 
this  minute  be  inscribed  upon  the  records  of  the  company. 

An  engrossed  copy  of  this  record  was  presented  to  Mr.  Stetson,  bearing  the 
signatures  of  all  his  associate  directors  and  accompanied  by  an  imported 
salver  of  old  English  silver  suitably  inscribed. 




Edward  D.  Adams,  President 

Francis  Lynde  Stetson,  First  Vice-president 

Edward  A.  Wickes,  Second  Vice-president 

William  B.  Rankine,  Secretary  and  Treasurer 

John  Jacob  Astor 

George  S.  Bowdoin 

Charles  F.  Clark 

Charles  Lanier 

Joseph  H.  Larocque 

Darius  Ogden  Mills 

Frederick  W.  Whitridge 


The  circular  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  of  September  30, 
1899,  to  the  subscribers  under  the  original  agreement  dated  January  17,  1890, 

The  construction  of  the  principal  works  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  by 
The  Cataract  Construction  Company  has  been  completed  and  the  several  construction 
contracts  between  those  companies  have  been  terminated  and  cancelled.  The  Cataract 
Construction  Company,  therefore,  is  now  prepared  to  go  into  liquidation  and  to  make 
distribution  among  its  stockholders  of  its  remaining  assets. 

At  the  beginning  of  the  year  1900,  The  Cataract  Construction  Company, 
that  had  been  in  full  charge  of  the  work  since  1890,  acting  as  agent  of  The  Ni- 
agara Falls  Power  Company,  initiating  development  and  financing  construc- 
tion, surrendered  its  authority  and  proceeded  to  liquidate  its  assets  for  the 
payment  of  all  liabilities  and  the  distribution  of  its  profits. 

At  the  period  of  withdrawal  of  the  cataract  company  from  activity  in 
preparation  for  liquidation  and  dissolution,  the  works  of  the  Niagara  company 
consisted  of  eight  power  units  of  5000  horse-power  each,  operating  under 
leases  of  42,575  horse-power,  and  producing  $100,000  of  surplus  income  over 
operating  expenses  and  interest  charges  on  about  $9,000,000  of  bonds  issued 
and  outstanding. 

In  anticipation  of  possible  extensions  of  the  enterprise  for  which  the  ex- 
perience, credit  and  organization  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company 
might  again  be  useful  to  the  interests  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company, 
the  corporate  organization  and  the  share  capital  of  The  Cataract  Construc- 
tion Company  were  maintained,  but  without  employment,  until  April  1,  1909, 



when  the  capital,  with  accrued  interest,  was  distributed  to  the  stockholders  and 
the  charter  was  surrendered  to  the  state. 


The  Cataract  Construction  Company's  capital  stock  of  $25,000  was  all 
subscribed  for  and  fully  paid  for  in  cash  at  its  par  value  in  1890.  This  capital 
was  repaid  when  the  charter  was  surrendered  in  1909. 

Subscriptions  by  the  stockholders  were  also  made  at  par  for  the  preferred 
shares  of  the  Development  and  Railway  companies,  that  were  exchanged  ten 
years  thereafter,  at  par  and  accrued  interest,  for  $674,000  par  value  of  The 
Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  at  par. 

The  shareholders  received  at  various  times  pro  rata  distributions  of  the 
company's  surplus  earnings,  amounting  to  $264,750  in  cash,  $250,000  in  par 
value  of  the  first  mortgage  5  per  cent  bonds  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power 
Company,  $1,800,000  in  par  value  of  its  capital  stock  and  the  privilege,  pur- 
suant to  the  terms  of  the  original  syndicate  agreements  of  1890,  to  subscribe 
to  $7,196,000  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  bonds  at  90  per  cent 
of  their  par  value. 

During  the  years  from  1890  to  1900,  there  was  contributed  by  the  stock- 
holders of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  in  cash,  to  the  capital  funds 
of  the  enterprise  the  total  amount  of  $7,044,500  for  which  they  received  in 
dividends  and  cash  from  subscriptions  the  following  securities  of 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  viz: 

$8,832,000  first  mortgage  5  per  cent  bonds 

3,974,000  capital  stock,  par  value,  and 

289,750  cash,  equivalent  to  par  or  $100  per  share  for  the 
capital  stock,  and  31.5  per  cent  for  the  par  value  of 
the  bonds. 


Main  Tunnel  Intersection  by  Wheel-pit  Discharge  Tunnel, 
Both  of  Same  Size  and  Form 










In  illustrating  this  chapter  with  the  photographs  of  these  colleagues,  it 
has  seemed  appropriate  to  associate  their  portraits  with  symbols  of  their  im- 
portance in  the  combination  of  which  they  formed  the  principal  part.  These 
symbols  are  some  of  the  cut  granite  stones  in  the  arch  of  the  intersection,  at 
an  angle  of  sixty  degrees,  of  the  tail-race  horseshoe  tunnel  from  the  wheel- 
pit  slot  under  the  Power-house  Number  One,  with  the  main  outlet  horseshoe 
tunnel  of  the  same  dimensions  discharging  into  the  Niagara  River.  The 
symbol-stones  under  the  following  portraits  are  numbered  to  correspond  with 
the  numbers  on  the  same  stones  in  the  arch  on  page  246. 

With  the  exception  of  the  four  pioneers  that  constituted  La  Partie  Carree,  the  por- 
traits have  been  grouped  as  pioneer  and  successor  directors  and  officers. 

Edward  Dean  Adams 
*Edward  A.  Wickes 

*John  Jacob  Astor 
*John  Crosby  Brown 
*Walter  Howe  • 
*  Joseph  H.  Larocque 
*Darius  Ogden  Mills 
*Nicholas  Biddle 
*Temple  Bowdoin 
*Charles  D.  Dickie 

Victor  Morawetz 

De  Lancey  Rankine 
*Carlton  M.  Smith 
*Charles  A.  Sweet 

Frederick  L.  Lovelace 

A.  Monro 

*Francis  Lynde  Stetson 
*William  Birch  Rankine 

*George  S.  Bowdoin 
*Charles  F.  Clark 
*Charles  Lanier 
*Leith  of  Fyvie 
*Frederick  W.  Whitridge 

Le  Grand  S.  De  Graff 

Arthur  H.  Masten 

Ogden  Mills 

Robert  W.  Pomeroy 
*Stacy  C.  Richmond 

E.  T.  Stotesbury 

George  H.  Kent 

YV.  Paxton  Little 

*  Deceased 



Edward  Dean  Adams 


The  Cataract  Construction  Company 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 

Francis  Lynde  Stetson 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company 


The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 





Edward  A.  Wickes 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company 


The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 

William  Birch  Rankine 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 









Walter  Howe  Charles  Lanier 

Director  Trustee 
The  Cataract  Construction  Company  "Money  Subscribers" 


The  Cataract  Construction  Company 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 






Darius  Ogden  Mills  Frederick  W.  Whitridge 

Director  Director 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company  The  Cataract  Construction  Company 

President  Director 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 



















De  Lancey  Rankine  Stacy  C.  Richmond 

Treasurer,  1891-1893  President,  1917-1918 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Cosipany 




Carlton  M.  Smith 


The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 

E.  T.  Stotesbury 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 





Charles  A.  Sweet  George  H.  Kent 

Vice-president  Director 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company 





A.  Monro  Grier 


The  Cataract  Construction  Company 

Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company 




The  Granite  Voussoir  Stones  for  the  Tunnel  Intersections  Involved 
Problems  of  Stereotomy  Rarely  Equalled  in  Complexity 






Chapter  XIII 

One  of  our  pressing  duties  as  engineers  consists  in 

devoting  ourselves  to  the  most  serious  consideration  of 

applying  all  possible  water-power  to  supplement  the 

work  of  coal,  and  so  reduce  consumption  or  increase 

the  utility  of  our  most  important  asset. 

Sir  Dugae  Clerk,  K.B.E.,  F.R.S. 
Chairman  of  Conjoint  Board 
of  Scientific  Societies 
Report  on  Water-power  in  the 
British  Empire,  1922 



THE  many  questions,  all  of  much  importance,  that  surrounded  the  problem 
of  harnessing  Niagara,  prompted  the  associates  considering  the  enterprise, 
during  the  year  1889,  to  seek  technical  advice  from  engineers  who  had  special- 
ized in  their  professions  and  had  already  achieved  success  in  their  chosen  fields. 

It  was  recognized  that  the  problem  was  novel  in  many  ways.  Many  persons 
had  boldly  attacked  it  but  all  had  failed;  their  experiences  were  interpreted 
by  their  successors  as  indicating  what  should  be  avoided  rather  than  as  show- 
ing the  way  for  further  efforts  to  solve  the  problem. 

Some  of  the  impressive  facts  to  be  kept  constantly  in  mind  were : 

Water  similar  in  quantity  and  velocity  had  not  yet  been  controlled 
for  power  use. 

The  New  York  State  Reservation  on  the  river  bank  restricted  ap- 
proach for  about  IY2  miles,  both  above  and  below  the  Great  Falls. 

The  change  of  the  river's  course  at  the  falls  created  a  right  angle 
in  the  bordering  lands  that  attracted  settlers,  this  property  being 
considered  desirable  for  residence  as  well  as  for  manufacturing, 
because  of  its  nearness  to  the  water  and  its  height  above  the  river 
for  power  development. 

The  top-soil  to  an  average  depth  of  about  ten  feet,  covered  horizon- 
tal layers  of  hard  limestone  and  of  shale,  that  required  blasting 
for  excavations. 


Progress  may  be  recapitulated  in  the  following  brief  paragraphs : 

The  preliminary  investigations1  in  1889,  by  conference  with  experts  were 
in  the  nature  of  friendly  counsel  and  opened  the  vista  of  doubt  and  difficulties. 

Thomas  A.  Edison,  Dr.  Henry  Morton,  of  Hoboken,  and  Dr.  Coleman 
Sellers,  of  Philadelphia,  were  among  the  first  professional  engineers  and 
scientists  retained  to  examine  the  documents  submitted  and  to  advise  as  to  the 
wisest  course  for  an  exhaustive  study  of  the  enterprise. 

Clemens  Herschel,  of  Holyoke,  hydraulic  engineer,  was  also  called  in  to 
assist  in  the  analysis  of  the  claims  made  for  the  project  under  examination. 

As  soon  as  it  became  apparent  that  electricity  in  its  latest  developments 
had  taken  its  place  for  consideration  by  the  side  of  pneumatic  and  hydraulic 
transmission  of  power,  Prof.  Henry  A.  Rowland  of  Baltimore,  physicist, 
was  retained  as  adviser. 

1  Reported  at  length  in  Chapter  VIII. 



Dr.  Coleman  Sellers,  who  had  assisted  in  investigating  the  subject  in  the 
latter  part  of  1889,  was  appointed  consulting  engineer  of  The  Cataract  Con- 
struction Company  (subsequently  chief  engineer)  and  chief  engineer  of  The 
Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  from  January  1,  1890,  and  immediately 
devoted  himself  to  a  thorough  understanding  of  the  local  situation  at  Niagara, 

John  Bogart 

Consulting  Engineer 

the  past  attempts  to  utilize  the  waters  of  the  river  and  the  project  of  Thomas 
E vershed  for  water-power  development  that  had  been  acquired  by  the  Niagara 
River  Hydraulic  Tunnel,  Power  and  Sewer  Company  which  was  then  under 
investigation  by  a  financial  group  in  New  York. 

John  Bogart,  of  Albany,  New  York,  state  engineer,  then  engaged  in 
measuring  the  recession  of  the  Great  Falls,  was  retained  as  consulting  engineer 
to  prepare  a  detailed  and  large-sized  map  of  the  location  under  consider- 
ation, showing  the  contour  lines  on  land  and  under  water,  to  facilitate  the 



preparation  of  plans  for  construction,  the  probable  costs  of  which  were 
uncertain  and  of  great  interest  at  that  time  from  a  financial  point  of  view. 

In  this  work  he  was  assisted  by  Albert  H.  Porter,  a  civil  engineer,  recently 
of  the  engineering  staff  of  the  New  Croton  Aqueduct  of  New  York,  who 
was  appointed  resident  engineer  at  Niagara  Falls. 

Albert  H.  Porter 
Resident  Engineer 
The  Cataract  Construction  Company 

Mr.  Bogart  and  Mr.  Porter  assisted  Dr.  Coleman  Sellers,  chief  engineer, 
in  his  organization  of  the  engineering  staff  of  the  company;  Clemens  Herschel, 
the  hydraulic  engineer,  also  co-operating  in  this  work. 

While  each  of  these  engineers  presented  one  or  more  written  reports,  they 
all  attended  personal  conferences  that  greatly  enlightened  the  investigations 
and  facilitated  the  formulation  of  constructive  plans  for  the  year  1890. 

As  soon  as  it  was  determined  to  proceed  with  the  Niagara  project,  to  the 
extent,  at  least,  of  constructing  the  first  section  of  the  tunnel,  a  20,000 



horse-power  development  for  distribution,  a  group  of  engineers  were  selected 
that  were  competent  to  advise  the  directors  of  The  Cataract  Construction 
Company,  under  the  leadership  of  Dr.  Coleman  Sellers. 


This  organization  was  made  by  Dr.  Coleman  Sellers,  as  chief  engineer,  for 
the  purposes  of  considering  formally,  at  recorded  meetings  and  otherwise, 
the  various  questions  that  came  before  its  members  for  determination  as  the 
policies  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  were  developed  by  the 
International  Niagara  Commission  and  other  scientific  advisers  and  were 
submitted  to  the  advisory  board  of  engineers  for  consideration  in  application 
to  the  local  conditions  and  prospective  requirements. 

The  advisory  board  of  engineers  was  organized  from  among  those  enlisted 
in  the  services  of  the  two  companies,  consisting  of 

Dr.  Coleman  Sellers,  Chairman,  Chief  Engineer  of  The  Niagara 
Falls  Power  Company 

John  Bogart,  Secretary,  Consulting  Engineer  of  The  Cataract 
Construction  Company 

George  B.  Burbank,  Chief  Engineer  of  Construction,  of  The 
Cataract  Construction  Company 

Clemens  Herschel,  Hydraulic  Engineer,  of  The  Cataract  Con- 
struction Company 

Albert  H.  Porter,  Resident  Engineer,  of  The  Cataract  Construc- 
tion Company 

Theodore  Turrettini,  Foreign  Consulting  Engineer,  of  Geneva, 
Switzerland,  joined  in  1891. 

Dr.  Sellers  represented  the  cataract  company  and  its  allied  interests  upon 
the  International  Niagara  Commission,  a  full  account  of  which  is  given  in 
Chapter  X;  and  Colonel  Turrettini  represented  thereon  the  engineering 
organizations  of  Switzerland  and  became  the  foreign  representative  of  the 
cataract  company  after  the  disbandment  of  the  commission. 

The  advisory  board  of  engineers  held  its  first  meeting  February  27,  1890, 
and  continued  its  deliberations  until  December  31,  1892,  when  it  disbanded. 

There  were  many  meetings,  held  mostly  at  the  office  of  The  Cataract  Con- 
struction Company  at  Niagara  Falls,  but  occasionally  at  New  York  in  con- 
ference with  the  directors  of  the  company. 

The  records  of  the  meetings  show  that  they  were  frequently  attended  by 
the  various  consulting  engineers  engaged  in  special  services  for  the  company. 




The  officers  of  the  company  were  frequent  visitors  at  Niagara  and  often  at 
the  conferences  of  the  advisory  board  of  engineers.  They  were  occasionally  ac- 
companied by  technical  experts,  particularly  during  the  period  of  the  World's 
Fair  in  Chicago  in  1893,  when  the  visiting  foreign  engineers  were  numerous 
and  manifested  so  much  interest  that  it  was  thought  that  they  came  to  this 
country  principally  to  examine  the  Niagara  construction,  and  incidentally 
to  take  a  "look  in"  at  the  Chicago  fair. 

La  Partie  Carree 

Edward  D.  Adams  Francis  Lynde  Stetson 

President  Vice-president 
Edward  A.  Wickes  William  B.  Rankin e 

Vice-president  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  Treasurer 

The  officers  of  the  construction  company  generally  appeared  in  Niagara 
Falls  on  Saturday  mornings  and  devoted  their  time,  at  the  works,  to  the  con- 
struction, its  progress  and  problems,  and  in  the  office  to  the  examination  of 
plans  and  estimates,  and  to  conferences,  returning  to  New  York  by  the 
Sunday  night  train,  usually  after  dining  with  associates  in  Buffalo. 


They  were  Edward  D.  Adams,  president,  Francis  Lynde  Stetson,  vice- 
president,  Edward  A.  Wickes,  vice-president,  and  William  B.  Rankine, 
treasurer,  who  were  known  among  their  associates  as  La  Partie  Carree,  and  in 



effect  were  a  sub-committee  of  the  executive  committee  and  prepared  the 
principal  business  matters  for  its  consideration,  by  their  personal  inspections 
of  the  construction  and  their  conferences  with  the  engineers  at  Niagara. 

In  1897,  when  the  construction  works  had  proceeded  sufficiently  to  be  visu- 
alized as  a  complete  project  and  would-be  users  of  the  developing  system  of 
power  distribution  began  to  comprehend  its  facilities  and  to  negotiate  for 
locations  and  use  in  manufacturing,  Mr.  Rankine  established  his  residence 
as  the  chief  executive  of  the  company  at  Niagara  Falls.  It  was  there  that 
he  died  in  1905,  having  seen  the  fruition  of  his  labors  and  enjoyed  the  friend- 
ship of  his  associates.  The  other  members  of  this  Partie  Carree  survived 
the  thirty-year  period  of  their  Niagara  venture,  and  assisted  at  the  concluding 
session  of  the  directors  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  when  they 
surrendered  their  control  of  a  successful  enterprise  and  authorized  its  union 
with  its  successful  and  older  neighbor,  the  Hydraulic  Power  Company  of 
Niagara  Falls. 


The  advisory  board  of  engineers,  during  the  two  years  of  its  existence,  had 
under  consideration  some  of  the  most  interesting  scientific  problems  in  engi- 
neering to  solve,  practically,  in  their  application  to  the  conditions  obtaining  at 
Niagara  Falls,  where  water  in  quantity  and  force,  without  precedent  in 
control,  was  to  be  harnessed  by  methods  to  be  selected  from  several  previously 
employed  in  a  comparatively  unimportant  manner  and  under  entirely  different 

The  advisory  board  of  engineers  brought  to  their  work  an  unusually  broad 
basis  of  scientific  attainments  and  extended  personal  experience  to  guide  them 
in  their  deliberations. 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company  had  consulted  some  of  the  leading 
engineers  in  this  country,  upon  the  question,  "How  can  we  utilize  commer- 
cially the  waters  of  the  Niagara  River?"  They  all  recognized  in  some  degree 
that  old  methods  might  be  improved  by  new  sciences,  but  so  little  was  known 
of  the  art  of  their  application,  especially  under  such  unprecedented  con- 
ditions as  those  at  Niagara,  that,  although  their  reports  made  mention  of 
such  theories,  they  pointed  out  the  speculative  risks  involved  in  what  would 
necessarily  prove  very  expensive  experiments,  and  advised  dependence  at 
first  only  upon  that  which  had  been  tried  and  continued  for  many  years  of 
successful  use. 

The  private  reports  from  scientific  circles  abroad,  of  important  progress 
in  the  investigation  of  electrical  methods  for  the  utilization  of  water-powers, 
prompted  a  careful  research  upon  the  subject,  which  resulted  in  the  reference 
of  the  Niagara  problem  to  a  group  of  international  scientists,  whose  decisions 



would  be  recognized  as  of  the  highest  authority,  and  whose  opinions  and  their 
supporting  details  of  definite  statements  and  proposals  furnished  a  broad 
platform  upon  which  the  advisory  board  of  engineers  could  build  a  new  struc- 
ture, that  would  be  adapted  to  the  locality  of  the  Great  Falls,  and  would 
really  represent  the  state  of  the  hydraulic  and  associated  arts  at  the  date  of 
its  construction. 


The  following  brief  statement  summarizes  the  principal  subjects  that  the 
advisory  board  of  engineers  was  called  upon  from  time  to  time  to  consider, 
in  1890  and  1891 : 

The  Main  Tunnel,  or  Tail-race, 

its  first  section,  with  a  capacity  of  120,000  horse-power, 

the  shortest  line  from  water-inlet  to  outlet, 

its  grade,  considering  the  stratification  of  the  rocks  and  the 

river  level, 
cross-section  and  shafts, 
lining  or  surface-finish, 
portal  and  ice  protection; 

The  Second,  or  Relief  Tunnel, 

its  location  and  possible  details  of  construction, 
connection  with  main  tunnel, 
shafts  and  portal ; 

The  Inlet-canal,  or  Head-race, 

capacity  for  200,000  horse-power, 

provision  for  100,000  electric  horse-power  and  100,000  pneu- 
matic horse-power,  to  be  developed  in  separate  power- 
houses on  opposite  sides  of  the  canal, 

ice  protection  and  discharge ; 

The  Wheel-pit  Slot, 

to  provide  for  at  least  20  water  turbines  each  of  not  less  than 
5000  horse-power,  to  be  directly  connected  by  a  single  shaft 
to  its  corresponding  engine  of  power  conversion ; 

The  Supplemental  Cross-tunnel, 

a  connection  for  power  development  at  foot  of  canal  and  on 
land  east  of  canal; 



The  Manufacturing  Districts, 
their  locations, 

streets  and  power  conduits, 
railway  sidings, 
trolley  connections ; 

The  Residential  District, 
its  location, 

improvement  by  plan  of  gradual  development  with  dwellings, 

streets  and  sidewalks, 

sewage  conduits  and  disposal  works, 

potable  water  and  distribution  under  pressure, 

drainage  system, 

electric  lighting, 



hall  for  meetings, 

house  for  school, 

fire  protection ; 

The  Terminal,  or  Junction,  Railway, 
its  location, 

crossings  of  railways  and  streets, 
connections  with  other  railways, 
equipment  and  operation, 
yards  for  storage  and  transfers, 
sidings  at  factories, 

tariff  relations  with  connecting  railroads  and  local  customers ; 

The  Water  Company, 

for  supply  of  potable  water, 
pumping  and  filtration  plant, 
fire  protection  for  new  community ; 

The  Central  Power  Stations, 
and  office  building. 

The  awarding  of  the  contract  for  the  alternators  following  the  determina- 
tion of  the  vital  questions  involved  in  the  hydraulic  and  electric  systems 



adopted,  and  the  near  approach  of  completion  of  much  of  the  construction 
work  in  progress,  permitted  the  disbandment  of  the  board  of  engineers  of 
The  Cataract  Construction  Company  on  January  1,  1894,  and  the  retirement, 
on  April  1,  1894,  of  George  B.  Burbank  as  its  chief  engineer,  in  charge  of 

George  B.  Burbank 

Resident  Consulting  Engineer 
Chief  Engineer 

construction.  The  following  resolution  to  his  credit  was  placed  in  the  records 
of  the  company : 

RESOLVED,  That  this  company  hereby  make  record  of  its  appreciation  of  the  faithful 
service,  ability  and  integrity  which  have  characterized  Mr.  Burbank's  connection  with 
its  Engineering  Department  since  June,  1891,  as  Resident  Consulting  Engineer  and  as 
Chief  Engineer. 



The  most  important  subject  for  determination  by  the  advisory  board  of 
engineers  was  that  of  the  hydraulic  system  to  be  adopted  in  lieu  of  that 
proposed  under  the  Evershed  plan.  The  greatest  influence  in  this  decision, 
other  than  that  of  financial  expenditures  required,  was  the  preliminary  adop- 
tion of  the  idea  of  a  central  station  and  a  single  water-inlet  and  a  single 
discharge  for  the  entire  hydraulic  development. 

As  this  question  pertained  principally  to  the  engineering  domain  of 
Clemens  Herschel,  the  hydraulic  engineer,  educated  in  Germany,  familiar  also 
with  the  language  and  works  of  French  engineers,  and  of  extended  experi- 
ence in  this  country  in  various  forms  of  applied  hydraulics,  it  was  thought 
advantageous  to  him,  as  well  as  to  the  cataract  company,  if  he  should  be 
brought  into  direct  personal  relations  with  the  eminent  engineers  constituting 
the  International  Niagara  Commission  in  London. 

Mr.  Herschel,  therefore,  conferred  with  the  commission  in  London  about 
the  first  of  October,  1890,  where  he  availed  of  his  opportunity  for  an  exchange 
of  experiences,  particularly  with  Messrs.  Unwin,  of  London,  Turrettini,  of 
Geneva,  and  Dr.  Sellers,  the  company's  chief  engineer,  who  had  been  in 
Europe  as  a  member  of  the  commission  since  its  organization  in  June,  1890. 
Mr.  Herschel  returned  in  the  following  October  to  Niagara,  where  he  put 
into  effect  a  change  in  the  proposed  grade  of  the  tunnel,  recommended  some 
other  changes  in  the  Evershed  plan,  and  developed  his  own  plans  for  the 
portal,  ice-run,  and  other  details  of  the  tunnel,  that  were  adopted. 

Many  minor  questions,  incidental  to  the  foundation  of  a  system  of  power 
distribution  from  a  central  station  to  a  large  and  extended  area,  were  con- 
sidered by  the  advisory  board  of  engineers,  before  the  end  of  the  year  1893, 
that  was  a  period  of  great  activity. 


The  final  series  of  sessions  of  the  Niagara  commission  were  held  in  Lon- 
don commencing  January  29,  1891,  and  continuing  for  six  days,  for  the 
consideration  of  the  projects  submitted  in  competition.  Messrs.  Herschel 
and  Porter,  of  the  advisory  board  of  engineers,  attended  those  sessions  by 
invitation  and  heard  the  explanations  given  by  the  competitors  of  the  details 
of  their  projects.  There  were  fourteen  separate  proposals,  several  of  which 
included  two  or  more  designs.  Four  proposals  were  for  developing  power, 
two  for  distribution,  and  eight  for  both  development  and  distribution.  Com- 
plete plans,  in  English  measure,  and  estimates  of  costs,  with  elaborate  de- 
scriptive memoirs  in  English,  were  furnished  each  of  the  five  members  of  the 



commission  for  consideration  in  advance  of  the  meetings  at  which  the  com- 
petitors were  present  with  their  technical  experts. 

Two  of  the  foreign  competitors  availed  themselves  of  the  general  invitation 
to  visit  Niagara  for  conferences  with  the  company's  engineers  prior  to  the 
completion  of  their  design  and  memoirs. 

The  visiting  engineers  from  Europe  and  New  York  were  in  daily  confer- 
ence between  the  sessions  of  the  commission  in  London. 

Messrs.  Herschel  and  Porter  returned  home  in  the  latter  part  of  February, 
and  Dr.  Sellers  in  March,  1891,  rendering  their  several  reports  of  the  con- 
ferences attended,  visits  made  to  engineering  works,  and  impressions  received. 


As  the  construction  work  progressed,  additional  engineers  were  engaged 
to  advise  and  to  design  the  machines  for  development  and  distribution  of 

electric  power,  and  to  formulate  working  plans,  prepare  specifications,  secure 
responsible  and  skillful  contractors,  supervise  their  work,  and  generally  to 
contribute  their  experience  and  ability  for  the  guidance  of  the  officers  in 
formulating  the  policies  of  their  company. 

Although  the  scientific  group  selected  to  advise  and  direct  the  operations 
of  the  company  was  mainly  composed  of  technical  experts,  specialists  in  the 
various  departments  of  science  embraced  in  the  problem  undertaken,  there 
were  engineers  in  the  group  who  were  prepared  for  emergencies,  even  where 
action  involved  the  use  of  knowledge  pertaining  to  other  departments  of 
science  than  their  own  specialty. 

This  resourcefulness  in  time  of  need,  this  adaptability  to  the  unexpected, 
is  one  of  the  valuable  attributes  of  the  American  engineer,  particularly  when 
in  the  field,  as  was  frequently  manifested  in  the  design  and  execution  of  the 
novel  undertaking  at  Niagara. 



A  young  engineer,  assisting  in  the  surveys  preceding  the  construction  of 
the  tunnel,  describes  an  incident  in  his  experience  that  illustrates  the  use  of 
some  knowledge  of  entomology  and  botany  to  overcome  an  obstacle  that 
seemed  insuperable,  temporarily  at  least,  when  time  and  accuracy  were  of 
great  importance  in  his  surveying  program. 

The  tunnel  was  projected  to  pass  under  the  most  inhabited  portion  of  the 
town  of  Niagara,  on  the  shortest  line  to  the  lower  river;  alignment  towers 
were  erected  at  various  points,  from  which  the  surveyors  were  able,  in  the 
autumn  of  1890,  when  the  foliage  had  fallen,  to  sight  their  lines  over  the 
intervening  buildings  and  trees. 

When  revising  the  proposed  tunnel  line  in  the  following  spring,  after  the 
new  leaves  had  appeared  on  certain  of  the  larger  trees,  it  was  found  that 

A  Sketch  of  the  Alignment  Tower  Erected  Near  the  New  York  Central  Railroad 
Station  at  Niagara  Falls,  Comprising  Two  Towers,  One  within 
the  Other,  but  each  Supported  Independently 

the  former  line  of  sight  was  not  clear,  and  trouble  and  greater  chance  of 
error  were  anticipated  if  it  became  necessary  to  carry  the  line  forward  by 
offsets.  The  engineer  explains  his  problem  and  its  solution  as  follows: 

In  determining  the  line  of  the  tunnel  from  the  portal  it  was  necessary  to  throw  the 
line  to  the  Canadian  side  of  the  gorge.  The  first  obstacle  in  the  way  was  the  New  York 
Central  Railroad  station.  This,  of  course,  could  not  be  cut  through.  An  observation 
tower  was  built  alongside  of  the  station  building,  in  order  to  get  over,  not  only  that 
building,  but  the  town  of  Niagara  and  the  houses  that  lay  between  that  point  and  the 
American  side  of  the  gorge.  From  the  top  of  this  tower  it  was  a  simple  thing  to  throw 
the  line  into  Canada  after  points  were  established  on  the  Canadian  side  of  the  gorge; 
the  difficulty  lay  in  the  fact  that  such  points  in  Canada,  as  could  be  observed  from  the 



tower,  were  too  far  back  from  the  edge  of  the  gorge  to  throw  the  line  down  to  the  portal 
of  the  tunnel,  which  was  not  far  above  the  water  level  on  the  American  side.  The  sole 
obstacle  to  the  necessary  observation  of  points  close  to  the  edge  of  the  Canadian  side  of 
the  gorge  was  a  basswood  tree  on  the  American  side,  situated  in  the  street  just  the  other 
side  of  the  station  building. 

The  owners  of  the  tree  were  approached  in  an  effort  to  obtain  permission  to  remove 
a  few  small  top  branches,  for  which  they  would  be  fairly  compensated.  An  offer  was 
even  made  to  purchase  the  tree,  but  the  owners,  possibly  taking  advantage  of  our  pre- 
dicament, held  out  for  an  exorbitant  price. 

Feeling  that  it  would  be  an  unwarranted  waste  of  time  to  wait  until  the  tree  should 
shed  its  leaves  in  the  fall,  I  racked  my  brains  for  an  alternative  solution.  It  occurred 
to  me  that  some  insect  pest  might  be  found,  which  would  hasten  the  effect  of  the  autumn 
weather.  As  I  was  driving  about  the  country  a  good  deal  in  those  days,  on  both  the 
American  and  the  Canadian  sides,  in  an  effort  to  locate  a  sand  or  gravel  deposit,  I  was 
afforded  abundant  opportunity  for  observation  of  the  ravages  of  insects  upon  the 
various  species  of  trees  of  the  neighborhood.  It  was,  however,  only  after  long  search 
that  I  came,  one  day  on  the  Canadian  side,  upon  a  clump  of  similar  trees  infested  with 
caterpillars.  As  they  were  of  easy  access,  I  cut  two  or  three  small  branches  on  which 
the  nests  were  built,  and  brought  them  back  to  the  office  of  the  company  on  the  American 

Then  came  the  question  of  installing  these  new  tenants  in  the  peace  haven.  I  was 
satisfied  that  it  was  not  a  daylight  operation,  and  hesitated  about  taking  any  one  into 
my  confidence.  Prompt  action  was  necessary,  as  there  were  not  leaves  enough  on  the 
branches  that  I  had  brought  home  to  feed  the  caterpillars  for  any  length  of  time.  The 
tree  was  a  hard  one  to  climb,  so  I  tied  a  stone  to  the  end  of  a  fishing  line  and  threw  it 
into  the  tree,  and  after  two  or  three  trials  I  was  satisfied  with  the  crotch  of  the  limb  that 
the  stone  went  over.  By  this  means  I  hoisted  my  caterpillar  nests  into  the  tree.  The 
crotch  being  a  sharp  one,  they  jammed  very  securely,  and  I  felt  safe  in  breaking  the 
string.  The  caterpillars,  known  as  clisiocampa  disstria,  or  "forest  tent  caterpillar," 
did  their  work  with  surprising  rapidity,  and  no  further  negotiations  were  necessary  with 
the  owner  of  the  tree.  Within  ten  days  we  were  able  to  get  a  glimpse  of  the  edge  of  the 
gorge  on  the  Canadian  side  and  to  set  a  point  on  the  main  line  without  going  to  the 
trouble  of  offsets,  so  that  our  line  went  through  promptly  by  direct  sighting. 

In  addition  to  the  members  of  the  advisory  board  of  engineers  of  The  Cata- 
ract Construction  Company,  organized  in  1890  by  Dr.  Coleman  Sellers,  chief 
engineer,  there  were  appointed,  from  time  to  time  and  for  periods  as  required 
in  the  progressive  development  of  this  company's  affairs : 


William  Cawthorne  Unwin,  London,  late  member  and  secretary 
International  Niagara  Commission 

Col.  Theodore  Turrettini,  Geneva,  late  member  International 
Niagara  Commission 

Prof.  George  Forbes,  London,  Electrical  Engineer 



Arthur  E.  Kennelly  (Kennelly  and  Houston),  Philadelphia, 
Electrical  Engineer 

Gen.  Daniel  W.  Flagler,  U.  S.  A.,  Buffalo,  New  York 

Charles  C.  Egbert,  Niagara  Falls,  New  York,  Mechanical 

William  A.  Brackenridge 
Chief  Engineer  of 
The  Cataract  Construction  Company 

Horatio  A.  Foster,  New  York,  Expert  Mechanical  and  Steam 

Prof.  James  Furman  Kemp,  New  York,  Geologist 
Col.  Walter  Katte,  New  York,  Civil  Engineer 

As  the  preparations  for  construction  proceeded,  additional  engineers  were 
engaged,  and  later,  from  time  to  time,  others  joined  the  staff  for  the 



installation  of  the  turbines  and  shafts,  for  the  erection  of  the  generators  and 
switchboard,  and  for  the  operation  and  maintenance  of  the  hydro-electric 
machinery:  construction  engineers 

William  A.  Brackenridge,  Resident  Engineer  and  Chief  Engi- 
neer of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company 
George  Frederick  Simpson,  Assistant  Engineer,  expert  in  stere- 
otomy,  in  charge  of  certain  details  of  tunnel  design  and  con- 

A.  H.  Van  Cleve,  Resident  Engineer  and  later  Consulting 

Mac  Donough  Craven,  Division  Engineer 
William  S.  Humbert,  Division  Engineer 
Edward  D.  Very,  Division  Engineer 
Edward  D.  Bolton,  Division  Engineer 
Francis  N.  Biron,  Division  Engineer 
C.  F.  Lawton,  Acting  Assistant  Engineer 
Albert  W.  Pierson,  Construction  Engineer 

operating  engineers 
Philip  P.  Barton,  General  Manager 
Lorin  E.  Imlay,  Superintendent 

The  foreign  designers  of  the  hydraulic  machinery  sent  their  representatives 
to  this  country  to  supervise  the  construction,  erection  and  operation  of  their 
devices,  some  of  which  were  made  in  Switzerland  and  some  in  Pennsylvania. 

The  first  three  turbines  were  made  by  the  I.  P.  Morris  Company,  of 
Philadelphia,  under  the  supervision  of  Messrs.  Rudolphe  Baumann  and  H. 
Vogel,  mechanical  engineers  from  Geneva,  representing  Messrs.  Faesch  and 
Piccard,  designers  of  the  Niagara  turbines  of  the  first  power-house,  to  whom 
the  highest  award  was  made  by  the  International  Niagara  Commission  for 
hydraulic  projects. 

To  prepare  for  the  erection  and  operation  of  the  turbines,  De  Courcy  May, 
general  manager  of  the  I.  P.  Morris  Company  that  constructed  them,  joined 
the  engineering  staff  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  at  Niagara,  as 
its  engineer  and  general  superintendent  of  the  machinery  of  the  power-house. 

Soon  after  the  installation  in  1897  of  the  last  of  the  first  group  of  four 
electrical  alternators  in  Power-house  Number  One,  Lewis  B.  Stillwell,'  chief 

1  For  portrait,  see  Chapter  XXII,  Volume  II. 



electrical  engineer  of  the  Westinghouse  Electric  and  Manufacturing  Com- 
pany, was  appointed  electrical  director  of  The  Cataract  Construction 
Company.  Mr.  Stillwell  had  taken  an  important  part  in  the  design  and 
supervision  of  construction  of  the  Westinghouse  apparatus.  Philip  P.  Barton, 

Philip  P.  Barton 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 
and  Its  Filial  Companies 
Vice-president  and  Manager 

who  became  assistant  electrical  superintendent  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power 
Company,  had  also  served  in  the  works  of  the  Westinghouse  Company. 

The  General  Electric  Company  designed  and  built  all  the  electrical  alter- 
nators and  their  auxiliary  apparatus  for  Power-house  Number  Two. 

In  the  organization  of  a  staff  of  young  electrical  engineers  to  take  charge 
of  the  first  switchboard,  in  Power-house  Number  One,  three  applicants  were 
selected  who  served  in  three  shifts  of  eight  hours  each,  and  remained  in  their 



position  for  several  years.  They  were  those  here  named  with  their  present 
engineering  positions : 

J.  B.  Whitehead,  Professor  of  Electrical  Engineering  and  Dean 

of  School  of  Engineering,  Johns  Hopkins  University,  Baltimore, 



Lorin  E.  Imlay 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 


Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company 
Superintendent  op  Operation 

Raymond  S.  Masson,  Consulting  Engineer,  Los  Angeles,  California 

Simon  Brewster  Storer,  President  and  Chief  Engineer,  Seneca 
River  Power  Company,  Syracuse,  New  York 

Harold  W.  Buck,1  of  the  engineering  staff  of  the  General  Electric  Com- 
pany, became  the  electrical  engineer  in  charge  of  Power-house  Number  Two 

1  For  portrait,  see  Chapter  XXVIII,  Volume  II. 



and  of  the  initial  half  of  the  Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company  development 
as  well  as  all  other  portions  of  the  electrical  system,  and  a  valued  addition 
to  the  electrical  engineering  forces  of  the  cataract  company.  In  this,  as  in 
the  instances  previously  mentioned,  successful  design,  construction,  installa- 

Alexander  D.  Robb 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  mcmxviii 
First  Employed  by  Dr.  Coleman  Sellers  as  Me- 
chanical Inspector,  1904;  Assistant  Superintend- 
ent Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company,  1906, 
Superintendent,  1918;  Superintendent  Canadian 
Niagara  Power  Company  and  Niagara  Plant  of 
The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  mcmxviii,  1919 

tion  and  operation  were  acceptable  recommendations  for  the  service  of  an 
engineer  to  care  for  the  product  of  his  skill. 

The  distant  transmission  line  to  Buffalo  was  also  the  subject  of  serious 
study,  as  one  of  many  novel  devices,  without  precedent,  requiring  an  engi- 
neering and  inventing  vision  to  anticipate  and  prevent  the  possibility  of 
accident  or  mistake.   The  construction  of  this  line  was  placed  under  the 



charge  of  Paul  M.  Lincoln,1  now  Professor-Director  in  charge  of  the  De- 
partment of  Electric  Engineering  at  Cornell  University. 

All  the  appointments  mentioned  were  justified  by  their  results.  The  practi- 
cal experience  in  design  and  construction,  the  careful  supervision  of  operation 

Charles  C.  Egbert 
Mechanical  Engineer 
Cornell  University,  1895 
Swiss  Federal  Polytechnicum,  1896 
The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  and 
Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company 

and  repair,  with  the  spirit  of  personal  interest  in  comparative  performance, 
made  the  opportunities  of  these  appointments  a  matter  of  satisfaction  to  the 
officers  of  the  company.  The  later  recognition  of  these  men  by  their  profes- 
sional associates  is  shown  by  their  records  after  the  three  power-houses  had 
been  completed,  their  hydro-electric  prime  movers  installed,  and  their  capacity 
output  successfully  distributed  to  local  and  distant  consumers. 

1  For  portrait,  see  Chapter  XXVIII,  Volume  II. 



The  American  Institute  of  Electrical  Engineers  elected  to  the  honorable 
position  of  president,  each  in  his  turn,  the  three  former  electrical  engineers 
of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  Lewis  Buckley  Stillwell  ( 1909-1910 ) , 
Paul  M.  Lincoln  ( 1914-1915) ,  and  Harold  W.  Buck  ( 1916-1917) .  A.  E.  Ken- 
nelly  (1898-1900),  past-president  of  the  American  Institute  of  Electrical 
Engineers,  was  also  employed  by  the  cataract  company  as  consulting  engineer. 
The  careers  of  these  engineers  and  contributions  by  them  to  this  history  appear 

The  engineering  organization  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  at 
the  date  of  its  consolidation  with  its  successor  company  of  mcmxviii  was 
as  follows: 

Philip  P.  Barton,  Vice-president  and  General  Manager 
Charles  C.  Egbert,  Mechanical  Engineer 
Lorin  E.  Imlay,  Engineer-Superintendent 
Alexander  D.  Robb,  Engineer 

The  engineering  department  of  the  new  consolidated  organization  was 
that  already  under  the  leadership  of  John  L.  Harper,  as  chief  engineer. 








Chapter  XIV 


Provided  as  Treasury  Assets  by 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  1890-1000  ...  $  7,044,500 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  1900-1918  .    .    .  13,226,320 

Total  Cash,  1890-1918    $20,270,820 








AFTER  careful  consideration,  during  1889  and  the  beginning  of  1890,  of 
•  the  several  reports  upon  the  Niagara  project  by  various  expert  engi- 
neers and  numerous  conferences  with  each,  and  extended  investigations  as  to 
the  commercial  as  well  as  the  various  financial  questions  involved  in  the  under- 
taking, it  was  the  opinion  of  those  who  had  expressed  an  interest  in  the  pro- 
posed venture,  that : 

1.  The  primary  expenditure  should  be  limited  to  the  probable  cost, 

liberally  estimated,  of  the  shortest  section  of  tunnel  and  its 
appurtenances  that  would  produce  manufacturing  facilities 
sufficient  to  provide  interest  upon  the  capital  expenditures  and 
the  expense  of  maintaining  the  power-plant ; 

2.  Additional  acreage  should  be  acquired,  while  obtainable  at  moder- 

ate prices,  to  provide  greater  areas  for  factory  requirements, 
shipping,  dwellings,  and  local  transportation; 

3.  Improvements  of  water-supply  for  potable  purposes,  and  exten- 

sion of  the  sewerage  and  lighting  systems,  should  be  provided ; 

4.  The  construction  of  the  first  section  of  the  tunnel  and  the  inlet- 

canal  for  the  water-supply  should  be  contracted  for  as  soon  as 
the  necessary  rights-of-way  and  property  could  be  secured  and 
plans  prepared. 

It  was  recognized  that  the  method  of  developing  the  power  and  its  dis- 
tribution, locally  as  well  as  at  a  distance,  was  an  open  question,  and  that 
while  the  tunnel  was  under  construction  there  would  be  ample  time  to  in- 
vestigate the  various  systems  in  use,  particularly  the  latest  designs  adopted 
abroad,  before  deciding  whether  compressed  air,  electricity,  or  other  means 
should  be  utilized  in  distributing  the  power. 



The  power  and  construction  organizations  provided  had  been  given  general 
powers  of  capitalization  that  were  considered  sufficiently  comprehensive  and 
flexible  to  provide  suitable  securities  for  the  financing  of  the  undertaking. 


The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  the  permanent  organization,  had 
been  granted  under  special  and  amendatory  laws  of  the  State  of  New  York  a 
liberal  charter  under  which  it  was  authorized  to  issue  its  capital  stock  and 
bonds,  practically  to  whatever  extent  required,  for  its  needs  in  construction 
and  finance. 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company  was  the  organization  designed  to 
represent  all  the  money  subscribers  to  the  enterprise  and  to  be  the  means  of 
their  profiting  by  its  contract  with  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  for 
the  design  and  construction  of  the  entire  property  to  be  acquired  by  the  latter, 
by  the  issue  of  its  shares  and  bonds  to  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  in 
payment  therefor. 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company  was  organized  June  13,  1889,  with  an 
authorized  capital  stock  of  $25,000  divided  into  500  shares  of  a  par  value  of  $50 
each.  It  was  authorized  to  commence  business  upon  a  paid-up  capital  of  $5000, 
which  was  subscribed  and  paid  in  cash  by  Edward  A.  Wickes,  fifty  shares, 
Francis  Lynde  Stetson,  forty  shares,  and  William  B.  Rankine,  ten  shares, 
all  of  New  York  City. 

It  also  entered  into  an  agreement  on  July  5,  1889,  with  all  the  stockholders 
of  the  Niagara  River  Hydraulic  Tunnel,  Power  and  Sewer  Company1 
whereby  they  agreed  to  sell  their  shares  to  The  Cataract  Construction  Com- 
pany for  $200,000,  payable,  one  half  in  money  and  one  half  in  bonds,  under 
various  conditions  as  in  said  agreement  set  forth.  In  this  arrangement  the 
cataract  company  acquired  all  the  lands  and  options  on  lands,  rights-of-way 
and  franchises  of  the  Niagara  company,  and  became  its  business  and  financial 

An  increase  of  the  capital  stock  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company 
to  $25,000,  the  maximum  authorized  under  its  charter,  was  voted  by  the 
stockholders  January  25,  1890,  and  the  officers  were  authorized  to  receive 
subscriptions  in  cash  for  such  increase  of  400  shares,  at  their  par  value  of 
$50  each. 


An  agreement  under  date  of  January  17,  1890,  was  made  by  the  cataract 
company  with  subscribers  to  its  shares  and  to  the  first  mortgage  bonds  of 

1  Name  changed  Nov.  11,  1889,  to  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company. 



the  Niagara  company.  All  subscriptions  were  made  for  single  blocks,  or 
multiples,  of  the  aforementioned  securities : 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  one  share  at  par  value ...    $  50 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  $7250  first  mortgage  five  per 

cent  bonds,  at  90  per  cent  6,525 

Total  cash  for  each  "block"  of  securities  $6,575 

As  there  were  400  shares  of  cataract  company  thus  subscribed  at  par 
of  $50,  amounting  to  $  20,000 

there  were,  in  proportion  (1 : 400)  to  this  original  subscription, 

$2,900,000  Niagara  bonds  at  90  per  cent,  amounting  to  2,610,000 

Total  cash  subscription  $2,630,000 

The  bond  subscriptions  were  payable  when  and  as  called  for  by  The 
Cataract  Construction  Company,  provided  that  (a)  no  call  should  be  for 
more  than  10  per  cent;  (b)  at  least  one  month  should  elapse  between  the  first 
call  and  the  second  call;  (c)  at  least  eight  months  should  elapse  between  the 
second  call  and  the  last  call.  Cataract  stockholders  had  the  privilege  of  sub- 
scribing for  additional  bonds  at  90  per  cent,  whenever  further  sales  were  to 
be  made  by  the  cataract  company. 

As  the  cataract  company  became  entitled  to  receive  bonds  under  its  con- 
struction contract  with  the  Niagara  company,  they  were  delivered  to  the 
bankers,  George  S.  Bowdoin,  of  J.  P.  Morgan  &  Company;  John  Crosby 
Brown,  of  Brown  Brothers  &  Company,  and  Charles  Lanier,  of  Winslow, 
Lanier  &  Company,  as  a  committee  of  subscribers  who  were  empowered  to 
hold,  manage  and  sell  the  bonds  for  account  of  the  subscribers. 

Scrip  for  bonds  instead  of  cash  might,  at  the  option  of  the  cataract  com- 
pany be  paid  for  interest  accruing  during  construction  upon  any  and  all 
payments  upon  subscriptions. 

This  plan  of  finance  was  so  framed  as  to  give  every  stockholder  in  the 
cataract  company  his  proportionate  share  of  all  construction  profits,  and  to 
the  "money  subscribers"  such  additional  advantages  as  might  accrue  under  the 
preferential  right  to  subscribe  for  bonds  at  90  per  cent. 

The  financial  basis  of  syndicate  subscription  of  January  17,  1890,  for  the 
inauguration  of  the  Niagara  water-power  enterprise,  was  submitted  to  a 
meeting  of  subscribers,  fully  discussed,  explained  in  detail  by  engineers 
present,  and  approved  as  the  basis  of  the  agreement  of  the  above  date  for 
subscriptions  of  a  total  sum  of  $2,630,000  cash. 



It  was  estimated  that  this  total  fund  of  $2,630,000  cash  and  $393,000  in 
bonds  to  be  used  in  acquiring  land,  would  secure  for  the  enterprise  the  fol- 
lowing described  property  and  privileges : 

1.  The  franchise  and  entire  capital  stock  of  the  Niagara  company; 

2.  The  right-of-way  for  the  tunnel,  about  1  mile,  under  municipal, 

corporate  and  individual  grants ; 

3.  The  main  tunnel  shafts,  inlet-canal,  ten  wheel-pits,  wheels  and 

their  cables  for  driving  machines  at  the  surface; 

4.  250  acres  of  valuable  land,  controlling  2  miles  of  the  water- 

front, and  appurtenant  riparian  rights,  lying  above  the  park 
reservation  and  between  Niagara  River  and  the  New  York 
Central  Railroad,  including  75  acres  under  water; 

5.  About  1000  acres  of  other  land  suitable  for  building; 

6.  The  water-works  supplying  the  village  of  Niagara  Falls. 

These  comprised  a  complete  plant  to  produce  hydraulically  20,000  horse- 
power. A  product  of  20,000  mechanical  horse-power  delivered,  continu- 
ously, on  the  floor  of  the  power-house,  to  a  customer  at  $10  per  horse- 
power per  annum  for  twenty-four  hours,  would  yield  $200,000,  which  would 
provide  five  per  cent  interest  per  annum  on  $3,000,000  bonds,  and  leave 
$50,000  for  use  in  paying  an  installment  of  sinking-fund  on  the  bonds  and 
current  expenses  in  operation  of  the  plant. 

When  the  agreement  of  January  17,  1890,  between  The  Cataract  Con- 
struction Company  and  the  "money  subscribers"  was  submitted  to  Darius 
O.  Mills  for  his  signature,  he  asked  that  he  might  sign  for  twice  the  amount 
he  had  requested,  remarking  that  if  he  had  been  a  younger  man,  he  would 
have  liked  to  take  the  entire  amount  for  his  own  account. 

The  following  list  comprises  the  names  of  the  stockholders  of  the  cataract 
company  and  of  the  subscribers  to  its  first  construction  fund: 



Edward  D.  Adams 
Adams,  Blodget  &  Co. 

John  Bogart 
Geo.  S.  Bowdoin 
Dwight  Braman 
Brown  Bros.  &  Co. 
Wm.  L.  Bull 

Clarence  Cary 
Eugene  Cary 
J.  F.  Chamberlain 
Thomas  P.  Chaney 

John  W.  Aitkin 
Chas.  W.  Bangs 
Francis  S.  Bangs 

Chas.  F.  Clark 
C.  H.  Coster 

August  Belmont  &  Co. 

George  B.  Burbank 




Chas.  G.  Curtiss 
Elizabeth  S.  Delano 
Chauncey  M.  Depew 
Henry  W.  Dodd 
Charles  Fairehild 
John  G.  Floyd 
Chas.  B.  Gaskill 
Chas.  W.  Gould 
P.  H.  Griffin 
C.  J.  Hamlin 
Edmund  Hayes 
John  N.  Herriman 
Clemens  Herschel 
Chas.  B.  Hill 
Wm,  H.  Hill 
Charles  Holt 
Mary  A.  B.  Howe, 

Wm.  S.  Humberg 
Bray  ton  Ives 
Frederic  B.  Jennings 
Morris  K.  Jesup 
Walter  Katte 


Geo.  H.  Kent 

Kuhn,  Loeb  &  Co. 

Adolf  Ladenburg 

Chas.  Lanier 

Jos.  Larocque 

John  Howard  Latham 

F.  C.  Lawrence,  Jr. 

Lehman  Bros. 

A.  J.  Forbes-Leith 

Arthur  H.  Masten 

John  G.  McCullough 

Darius  O.  Mills 

J.  Pierpont  Morgan 

Geo.  A.  Morrison 

Chas.  McVeagh 

J.  L.  Norton 

Trenor  L.  Park 

H.  K.  Pomroy 

Albert  H.  Porter 

Alexander  J.  Porter 

Geo.  M.  Porter 

Wm.  B.  Rankine 

Spencer  W.  Richardson 

Edward  L.  Rogers 
Winthrop  Rutherford 
John  Satterfield 
John  N.  Scatcherd 
J.  F.  Schenck 
W.  L.  Scott 
Isaac  N.  Seligman 
Coleman  Sellers 
Francis  Lynde  Stetson 
F.  K.  Sturgis 
Chas.  A.  Sweet 
Pascal  L.  Taylor 
Chas.  E.  Tracy 
H.  McK.  Twombly 
Henry  C.  Valentine 
W.  K.  Vanderbilt 
Van  Emburg  &  Atterbury 
Horace  White 
F.  W.  Whitridge 
Edward  A.  Wickes 
Mary  F.  Wickes 
Edward  Winslow 
Winslow,  Lanier  &  Co. 


Alexander  Hargreaves  Brown,  London 

Ernest  Cassel,  London 

W.  Brodrick  Cloete,  London 

Robert  Fleming,  Dundee 

Louis  Ferdinand  Floersheim,  London 

Leon  Gotz,  Paris 

Hottinguer  &  Company,  Paris 

C.  C.  MacRae,  London 

F.  Nettlefold,  London 

Henry  Oppenheim,  London 

Francis  Pavy,  London 

Railway  Share  Trust  Company,  London 

Lord  Rothschild,  London 

Louis  Schott,  London 

Robert  R.  Symon,  London 

Trustees,  Executors  &  Securities 

Corporation,  Ltd.,  London 
Theo.  Turrettini,  Geneva 

The  total  number  of  "money  subscribers"  was  103,  including  those  of 
London  and  Paris.  About  half  of  the  subscribers  purchased  one  "block" 
only,  representing  $6575  cash,  for  one  share  of  the  cataract  company  and 
$7250  par  value  of  bonds  of  the  Niagara  company,  as  already  more  particu- 
larly described. 

Additional  bonds  and  stock,  all  of  the  Niagara  company,  were  issued  to  the 
stockholders  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  upon  their  subscrip- 
tion therefor,  at  various  dates  and  under  various  terms,  as  here  described. 





Par  Value 


5%  Bonds 



1890,  Jan'y  17 

No.  1 



1893,  Feb'y  15 

No.  19 




1896,  Dec.  15 

No.  36 




1898,  Apr.  9 

No.  47 



1899,  Sept.  30 

No.  49 








The  total  cash  paid  for  the  securities  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Com- 
pany was  equivalent  to  par  ($100)  per  share,  for  the  stock  and  about  69 

per  cent  for  the  five  per  cent  bonds.  „       ...        ,  a.Is.^onnn 

1  r  Brought  forward  $6,458,300 

Under  circular  No.  16,  of  June  10,  1892,  subscriptions  were  received  at 

par  for  the  Preferred  Shares  of  the  Development  (land)  Company  and 

the  Junction  Railway  Company,  aggregating   561,200 

The  stockholders  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  paid,  in  1890, 

the  par  value  of  the  500  shares  of  capital  stock  of  $50  each  ....  25,000 

Thus,  from  1890  to  1900,  both  inclusive,  their  subscriptions  for  bonds  and   

shares  as  shown  above  amounted  to  $7,044,500 

for  which  they  received  (in  addition  to  the  Preferred  Shares  of  the 

Development  and  the  Junction  Railway  companies)   the  following 

securities  of  „  _       ,  _  . 

1st  Mortgage  Capital  Cash 

Bonds  Stock 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  ....  $7,196,000    $1,500,000  $ 
During  the  same  period  1890-1900,  interest  on 

bonds,  so  subscribed  for,  was  paid  in  bonds 

of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  at  par 

to  the  extent  of   1,386,000 

and  there  were  distributions  of  construction 

profits,  paid  as  dividends  upon  the  shares  of 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company    .    .  250,000      1,800,000  264,750 

Upon  liquidation  of  The  Cataract  Construction 
Company  there  was  returned  to  the  stock- 
holders in  cash  the  $50  par  value  of  their 

stock   25,000 

Total  cash  and  securities  of  The  Niagara  Falls 
Power  Company  issued  to  stockholders  of 
The  Cataract  Construction  Company  upon 
subscriptions,  for  bond  interest,  distribution 

of  profits  and  reimbursement  of  capital  stock    $8,832,000    $3,300,000    $  289,750 




On  January  1, 1900,  The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  after  ten  years 
of  activity  as  the  agent  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  surrendered 
its  representation,  retired  from  business  and  went  into  liquidation,  having 
finished  its  construction  contracts  and  disbursed  its  profits  to  its  stockholders.1 

Thereafter  the  Niagara  company  availed  of  its  credit  then  fully  estab- 
lished, financed  its  own  operations,  and  took  over  the  management  of  its  own 

The  "money  subscribers,"  as  they  were  called,  were  mostly  Americans. 
No  public  issue  of  shares  or  bonds  was  made  either  in  this  country  or  Europe, 
although  representative  foreign  capitalists  became  interested,  to  a  moderate 
amount,  mainly  through  the  subscriptions  of  their  New  York  correspondents. 

The  subscriptions  were  represented  by  the  promoters  of  the  enterprise  as 
speculative  investments.  The  financial  risks  were  deliberately  made  com- 
paratively small  in  amount,  $6575  cash  for  each  participant.  The  venture 
was  expected  to  be  slow  in  developing.  There  were  many  uncertainties  in- 
volved in  the  decisions  to  be  made  as  to  the  systems  and  machinery  to  be 

The  organization  of  capitalists  and  engineers  became  an  association  of 
adventurers  and  pioneers.  The  participants  were  advised  to  take  only  such 
small  amounts  as  would  maintain  and  stimulate  their  interest  in  the  methods 
adopted  in  harnessing  Niagara,  but  could  not  cause  anxiety  or  serious  regrets. 

The  importance  of  the  experiment  was  recognized.  It  was  an  interesting- 
problem;  its  solution  would  be  important  and  historical.  Its  success  would 
be  of  national  interest  and  a  source  of  gratification  and  pride  to  its  venturers. 
Each  financial  participant  might  at  least  experience  satisfaction  as  one  of 
few  who  did  much  for  many  in  thus  developing  the  industrial  resources  and 
advancing  the  prosperity  of  this  country. 


Not  long  after  the  formation  of  the  syndicate  of  "money  subscribers," 
President  Adams  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  was  in  London 
seeking  information  regarding  the  most  recently  established  power  systems 
in  Europe.  Desiring  an  influential  introduction  and  advice  as  to  what  engi- 
neering groups  in  England  should  primarily  be  consulted,  he  called,  as  had 
been  his  custom  for  many  years  when  visiting  "the  City,"  upon  Lord 
Rothschild,  the  international  banker.  President  Adams  explained  the  project 
for  the  utilization  of  Niagara  Falls  and  the  desire  of  the  directors  to  be  sure 
of  their  complete  knowledge  of  the  state  of  the  arts  they  were  likely  to  employ, 

1  Chapter  XII. 



before  adopting  a  definite  plan,  organizing  a  company  and  selecting  its  ex- 
ecutives to  design,  estimate  and  construct  the  undertaking. 

After  suggesting  names  of  experts  and  outlining  their  professional  ex- 
periences and  standing,  Lord  Rothschild  gave  a  key  introduction  and 
remarked  substantially  as  follows: 

"I  suppose  you  are  not  ready  with  your  financial  plans?" 

"Yes,"  replied  President  Adams,  "they  have  been  adopted  to  a  preliminary 
extent.  We  find  the  project  very  interesting;  it  has  many  problems;  all 
previous  efforts  to  utilize  Niagara  power  in  an  important  way  have  been 
failures,  but  we  believe  that  science  has  so  advanced  that,  with  its  skillful  use, 
it  may  soon  be  possible  to  harness  Niagara  upon  a  commercial  basis.  We 
have  resolved  to  engage  in  the  experiment." 

"I  presume,"  the  English  banker  continued,  "you  will  wish  to  discuss  your 
financial  plans?" 

"Not  exactly,  sir.  We  have  not  come  for  money,  but  for  advice.  Our  im- 
mediate and  contiguous  requirements  have  been  provided,  and  we  wish  to 
begin  by  investing  in  the  counsel  of  your  scientists  and  engineers." 

"Well,"  said  Lord  Rothschild,  "this  is  something  new,  indeed.  Rarely  in 
my  experience  have  foreign  capitalists  come  to  London  to  spend  their  own 
funds  for  information  as  to  how  to  invest  their  own  money  in  their  own 
country.  I  should  like  a  participation  in  your  experiment  and  will  gladly 
assist  you  in  every  possible  way." 

It  is  noteworthy  that  from  the  original  £5000  subscribed  as  a  result  of  this 
interview,  a  considerable  investment  resulted  from  a  proportionate  participa- 
tion in  subsequent  subscriptions  and  that  the  securities  were  held  intact  for 
a  long  period. 


Among  the  important  links  in  the  chain  of  events  that  bound  the  adven- 
turers together,  there  follow  here : 

1.  Certificate  of  Syndicate  Subscription  issued  under  the  Agree- 

ment of  Money  Subscribers  of  January  17,  1890; 

2.  Circular  No.  2  issued  February  3,  1890,  by  The  Cataract  Con- 

struction Company  to  its  stockholders,  reporting  progress; 

3.  Circular  10a,  being  an  extract  from  the  Directors'  Minutes  of 

December  24,  1890,  exercising  option  to  pay  interest  on  money 
subscription  in  bond  scrip  during  construction; 

4.  Certificate  of  First  Mortgage  Bond  Interest  Scrip. 



$5,000.  No.  000 


New  York, 

to  February  1st,  1897. 

$1,250.  CAPITAL  STOCK 



The  bearer  will  be  entitled  to  receive  after  payment  of  

FIVE  THOUSAND  DOLLARS,  pursuant  to  the 

terms  of  subscription  under  circular  No.  36  of  December  15th,  1896,  of  this  Company, 

$6,500.  First  Mortgage  5/c  Bonds, 
bearing  interest  from  January  1st,  1898,  and 
$1,250.  Capital  Stock  of 


The  Capital  Stock  will  be  deliverable  after  payment  of  $2,500.  and  the  Bonds  after 
payment  of  the  entire  subscription  of  $5,000.  and  the  surrender  hereof  at  the  office  of 
this  Company  in  the  City  of  New  York. 

All  payments  must  be  evidenced  by  the  endorsement  of  this  Company  hereon. 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company, 
Countersigned  by  by 

(Specimen)  (Specimen) 
 Secretary   President 


Circular  2.  Mills  Building,  23  Broad  Street, 

Room  24,  Fourth  Floor, 
Dear  Sir:  ^ew  Yokk'  February  3,  1890. 

You  are  hereby  notified  that  under  clause  1,  of  the  subscription  of  January  17,  1890, 
this  Company  is  prepared  to  issue  to  you  shares  of  stock,  upon  receiving  at  the 

New  York  office  of  the  Company  (as  above)  your  cheque  to  the  order  of  George  H. 
Kent,  Treasurer,  for  fifty  dollars  a  share,  being  in  all  $ 

There  is  herewith  enclosed,  strictly  for  your  personal  use,  (1)  a  copy  of  the  Syndi- 
cate Subscription  of  January  17, 1890,  and  (2)  a  copy  of  the  Statement  of  the  Financial 
basis  of  that  subscription. 

To  avoid  confusion  it  is  proper  to  state  that  these  two  papers  constitute  and  comprise 
the  exclusive  foundation  for  subscription,  the  green  pamphlet  of  1886  and  the  "Memo- 
randum" printed  (though  never  officially  issued)  in  the  summer  of  1889  having  been 



superseded  and  withdrawn  in  view  of  the  proceedings  at  the  subscribers'  meeting,  January 
14,  1890.  At  that  meeting  Dr.  Sellers  reiterated  his  approval  (since  confirmed  by  the 
Hydraulic  Engineer,  Clemens  Herschel,  Esq.),  of  the  agreement  of  December  30,  1890, 
granting  a  right  of  way  under  the  Hydraulic  Canal  defeasible  only  in  case  of  unremedied 
damage  to  the  canal,  or  failure  to  deliver  the  $15,000  in  bonds  (provided  for  in  the  finan- 
cial statement). 

The  promised  agreement  for  right  of  way  under  the  Central  Railroad  tracks  is  still 
under  consideration  for  the  purpose  of  embracing  a  number  of  collateral  stipulations 
mutually  advantageous. 

The  time  for  executing  the  formal  contract  with  the  Niagara  Company  has,  at  the 
request  of  this  Company,  been  extended  to  April  1,  1890,  so  as  to  permit  careful  formu- 
lation of  plans.  At  that  time  it  is  proposed  to  put  the  existing  land  contracts  for  the 
original  229  acres  into  the  form  of  deeds  with  mortgages  back.  In  cases  where  immediate 
possession  is  necessary,  cash  will  have  to  be  paid  in  whole  or  in  part.  In  this  way  it  is 
believed  that  every  interest  in  the  plan  as  originally  proposed  is  adequately  secured. 

As  to  the  additional  lands  authorized  to  be  acquired  at  the  meeting  of  January  14, 
1890,  the  Company  is  proceeding  with  rapidity  and  gratifying  success  in  purchases 
within  the  specified  limit.  The  first  payments  are  being  made  from  a  sum  ($60,000) 
advanced  by  Mr.  Adams,  who,  after  consultation  before  sailing,  advised  that  all  steps 
be  taken  for  securing  these  various  interests  and  for  establishing  the  enterprise  without 
waiting  for  further  subscriptions.  In  the  opinion  of  some  subscribers  further  subscrip- 
tions should  be  postponed  so  as  to  give  present  subscribers  an  opportunity  to  increase. 

A  meeting  of  the  subscribers,  for  the  purpose  of  completing  organization,  choosing  a 
Committee  of  Three,  and  for  any  other  business,  will  be  held  at  the  New  York  office  of 
the  Company,  Room  2Jf,  Fourth  Floor,  Mills  Building,  at  3  o'clock  P.  M.,  on  Thursday, 
6th  February,  1890.  WILLIAM  B.  RANKINE, 


Circular  10  a. 


Whereas,  In  the  subscription  agreement  of  January  17,  1890,  by  the  form  of  certifi- 
cate therein  set  forth  as  well  as  by  the  financial  basis  dated  23d  January,  1890,  it  was 
provided  that  scrip  or  bonds  might,  at  the  option  of  Cataract  Company,  be  paid  for 
interest  accruing  during  construction  upon  any  and  all  payments  upon  subscriptions  to 
such  agreement ;  and 

Whereas,  At  a  meeting  of  the  money  subscribers  held  Februar}7  6,  1890,  it  was  voted 
that  for  all  purposes  of  the  agreement  of  January  17,  1890,  assent  in  behalf  of  the 
money  subscribers  might  be  given  by  the  regular  action  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of 
this  Company,  which  resolution  was  duly  notified  to  all  parties  in  interest  by  circulars 
3  and  3a  ;  now  therefore  be  it 

Resolved,  That  the  Cataract  Company  hereby  exercises  its  said  option,  and  hereby 
declares  and  decides  to  pay  interest  during  construction  by  the  issue  of  scrip  certificates, 
substantially  in  the  form  of  that  hereunto  annexed,  redeemable  in  bonds  as  therein 



Resolved,  That  in  case  any  coupons  upon  any  bonds  held  by  the  Committee  under 
Clause  5  of  the  agreement  of  January  17,  1890,  shall  mature  before  the  completion  of 
the  first  section  of  the  works  of  the  Niagara  Company,  the  Committee  shall  be  and  it  is 
hereby  authorized  and  directed  to  detach  such  coupons,  and  to  deliver  or  dispose  of  such 
bond  without  such  coupons,  which  with  all  other  coupons  of  the  same  maturity  shall  be 
held  by  such  Committee  until  the  interest  thereby  represented  shall  have  been  duly 
adjusted,  by  the  issue  and  redemption  of  scrip  certificates  as  herein  provided ;  and  in  case 
of  bonds  without  coupons  the  interest  before  completion  shall  be  similarly  paid  and 
adjusted,  and  the  committee  shall  suitably  inscribe  such  bonds  accordingly. 

Resolved,  That  a  copy  of  these  resolutions  be  forthwith  communicated  to  each  money 




FOR  $  





a  subscriber  to  a  certain  agreement  with  The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  bearing 
date  January  17,  1890,  or  the  transferee  hereof,  will  be  entitled,  subject  to  the  terms  of 
said  agreement,  to  receive  from  the  Committee  under  Clause  5  of  said  agreement,  at  the 
time  and  in  the  manner  therein  provided  for  the  delivery  of  bonds,  or  proceeds  of  bonds, 
the  sum  of 


without  interest  thereon,  in  First  Mortgage  Bonds  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Com- 
pany, or  the  proceeds  of  such  bonds  ;  provided  that  no  such  b.onds  or  proceeds  shall  be 
deliverable  on  account  hereof,  except  upon  surrender  to  the  Committee  of  scrip  cer- 
tificates of  this  tenor,  in  aggregate  amount  equal  to  the  par  value  of  such  bond. 

This  Scrip  Certificate  is  issued  and  received  on  account  of  interest  accruing  up  to 
1st,  189  ,  under  and  upon  the  payments  heretofore  endorsed  upon  Subscription 
Certificate  No.  and  shall,  when  redeemed  without  interest,  as  herein  provided, 

be  in  full  satisfaction  of  all  claims  for  such  interest  to  the  extent  above  certified.  All 
transfers  hereof,  before  taking  effect,  must  be  registered  by  the  Company. 

In  Witness  Whereof,  The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  has  caused  this 
Scrip  Certificate  to  be  signed  and  delivered,  by  its  President  (or  Vice-President) 
and  its  Treasurer,  and  to  be  duly  registered,  this  1st  day  of  ,  189  . 






The  basic  features  of  this  enterprise  were  experimental  and  practically  all 
were  involved  in  the  installation  and  operation  of  three  units  of  5000  horse- 
power each  in  the  sections  of  the  Power-house  and  Wheel-pit  Slot  Number 
One  first  constructed.  This  installation  was  a  demonstration,  and  its  resulting 
actual  income  and  that  prospective  from  contracts  assured,  when  made  public, 
announced  to  the  world  that  the  Niagara  problem  had  been  commercially 


Circular  No.  36  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  issued  December 
15,  1896,  stated  that  "the  works  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  are 
so  far  completed  that  delivery  of  power  to  customers  in  Buffalo  has  been 
successfully  instituted,  and  that  the  calls  for  power  under  contracts  actually 
executed  (and  in  excess  of  the  present  capacity  of  the  works)  will  provide 
annual  rentals  of  $365,975,  and,  under  contracts  in  negotiation,  $72,250  more, 
or  a  total  of  $438,225,"  much  more  than  previously  estimated. 

The  circular  further  stated  that 

since  work  has  begun  in  1890,  no  interest  in  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  is 
known  to  have  been  sold  for  less  than  par ;  notwithstanding  the  occurrence  of  at  least 
four  financial  crises  in  the  principal  money  markets  of  the  country,  and  other  influences 
deterring  the  establishment  of  many  new  industries  requiring  power.  Considering  these 
general  and  well-known  adverse  conditions,  coincident  almost  with  its  life,  the  wonder 
is  that  this  company  has  so  steadily  progressed,  and,  as  above  indicated,  has  almost 
reached  the  point  of  self-support.  Under  such  conditions,  and  in  view  of  the  necessarily 
experimental  character  of  the  work,  it  would  have  been  folly  at  any  earlier  date  to 
seek  to  provide  for  an  installation  larger  than  necessary  to  demonstrate  that  this 
enterprise  can  accomplish  real  work  and  promise  real  profits,  such  as  can  now  be  ex- 
pected after  January  1,  1898. 

To  complete  the  power-house  and  wheel-pit  slot  for  the  ten  units  of  a  total 
50,000  horse-power,  involved  an  estimated  additional  expenditure  of  $2,000,- 
000,  and  this  program  was  announced  as  follows : 

The  proposed  extension  involves  doubling  the  present  capacity  of  the  transmission 
line  to  Buffalo  which  is  now  delivering  1000  electrical  horse-power;  the  extension  of  the 
wheel-pit  for  its  full  length,  so  as  to  have  capacity  in  all  for  ten  5000  horse-power 
turbines  and  dynamos  ;  the  installation  of  seven  5000  horse-power  turbines  and  dynamos, 
in  addition  to  the  three  now  in  operation;  and  the  extension  of  the  power-house  to 
cover  the  new  installation. 

Such  an  extension  of  the  wheel-pit  is  about  one-third  completed ;  the  right-of-way 
from  Niagara  Falls  to  Buffalo  is  completed,  the  pole-line  already  erected  has  a  pole 
and  cross-arm  capacity  of  20,000  electrical  horse-power,  with  copper  conductors  in 
place  for  5000  electrical  horse-power.   Upon  definite  proposals  already  received,  the 



entire  installation  above  described  can  be  progressive!}'  completed  before  April  1,  1898, 
with  the  proceeds  of  the  subscription  of  $2,000,000  now  invited,  and  already  largely 

This  subscription  for  bonds  and  stock  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Com- 
pany was  divided  into  blocks  of  $5000  each,  for  $6500  par  value  of  first 
mortgage  five  per  cent  bonds  and  $1250  par  value  of  capital  stock.  This  was 
the  last  subscription  for  the  combined  securities  offered  by  The  Cataract 
Construction  Company. 

Circular  No.  47  of  April  9,  1898,  offered  $418,000,  and  Circular  No.  49,  of 
September  30,  1899,  offered  $278,000  of  bonds,  in  both  instances  at  90  per 
cent  of  their  par  value  and  accrued  interest. 


After  the  conclusion  of  the  construction  of  its  principal  works,  undertaken, 
financed  and  completed  by  The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  in  1899, 
when  it  surrendered  its  agency  and  ceased  its  activities,  the  financial  negotia- 
tions of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  commenced  with  the  issue  of  its 
Circular  No.  50  of  November  16,  1899,  in  which  the  progress  of  the  enterprise 
may  be  seen  by  its  statement  that 

the  limit  of  the  present  power-house  and  the  present  wheel-pit  upon  the  west  side  of  the 
canal  has  been  reached,  and  additional  turbines  and  dynamos  can  be  established  only 
by  the  construction  of  an  additional  wheel-pit  and  an  additional  power-house,  for  which 
a  site  upon  the  east  side  of  the  inlet-canal,  approved  by  the  professional  advisers  of 
the  company,  has  been  adopted  by  the  board  of  directors. 

In  anticipation  of  this  demand  for  power,  the  supply  of  water  by  the  inlet- 
canal,  and  its  discharge  by  the  outlet  tunnel  had  been  originally  constructed 
with  a  capacity  of  100,000  horse-power. 


The  plan  on  the  next  page  prepared  in  1892  indicates  two  power-houses  of 
50,000  horse-power  each,  one  on  the  east  side  of  the  inlet-canal  for  hydro- 
electric, and  the  other  on  the  west  side  for  hydro-pneumatic  development.  By 
1899,  however,  the  electric  system  operated  from  Power-house  Number 
One  had  fully  proved  its  reliability  and  advantages,  while  the  pneumatic 
method  had  nowhere  fulfilled  its  early  promises.  The  Niagara  Falls  Power 
Company  announced  its  unreserved  commitment  to  hydro-electric  methods 
for  the  development  of  the  200,000  effective  horse-power  that  it  was  author- 
ized to  utilize  from  the  waters  of  the  Niagara  River. 

The  improving  credit  of  the  company  prompted  the  directors  to  reserve 
its  mortgage  securities  as  a  future  resource  in  event  of  need,  and  to  create 
an  issue  of  $3,000,000  six  per  cent,  ten-year  convertible  debenture  bonds, 



without  special  pledge  of  property  or  mortgage  lien  with  the  right  in  the 
holder,  at  his  pleasure  on  any  interest  day,  on  or  before  April  1,  1905,  to 
convert  the  same  at  par  into  the  capital  stock  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power 
Company  at  par. 

Subscriptions  were  invited  for  the  purchase  of  $2,100,000  at  par  and  accrued 
interest,  leaving  $900,000  for  subsequent  issue  as  required.  It  was  directed 

Location  of  Inlet-canal  and  Power-houses 

that  the  construction  of  the  second  wheel-pit  should  be  that  eventually  to  be 
required  for  eleven  turbines  and  dynamos,  of  which  six  units  should  be 
ordered  then,  leaving  five  for  later  installation. 

By  its  circular  No.  56  of  June  25, 1901,  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 
informed  its  stockholders  that  the  construction  of  the  wheel-pit  of  the  addi- 
tional power-house  upon  the  east  side  of  the  canal,  authorized  in  November, 



1899,  had  progressed  so  that  the  six  dynamos  would  be  in  operation  by  March, 
1902,  in  anticipation  of  which  a  considerable  portion  of  their  power  had 
already  been  contracted  for  upon  remunerative  terms.  Convinced  of  further 
demands  for  considerable  power  for  increased  use  by  present  tenants  and  by 
the  new  chemical  and  metallurgical  industries,  the  directors  urged  immediate 
preparation  for  the  development  of  power  by  the  Canadian  Niagara  Power 
Company,  of  which  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  owned  the  entire 
capital  stock  except  the  qualifying  shares  of  the  directors. 


The  Canadian  company  was  authorized  to  create  and  utilize  power  within 
the  Queen  Victoria  Niagara  Falls  Park,  and  to  transmit  the  same  without 
the  park,  with  authority  to  construct  and  operate  works  necessary  and  use- 
ful in  connection  with  the  business  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company. 

The  company's  circular  further  stated : 

The  Canadian  company  has  authority  to  take  its  lines  or  conductors  across  the 
bridges  over  the  Niagara  River,  and  the  power  developed  by  it  may  be  used  as  a  reserve 
and  also  as  an  addition  to  the  power  developed  upon  the  American  side  by  the  connection 
of  the  power-houses  on  the  two  sides  of  the  river,  providing  each  user  of  power  from 
either  power-house  the  protection  of  reserve  power  from  the  other  power-house. 

The  accepted  and  final  plans  of  the  Canadian  company  provided  for  "the 
construction  of  the  main  tunnel  with  capacity  of  not  less  than  100,000  horse- 
power; an  intake-canal  with  the  capacity  of  50,000  horse-power;  and  a 
wheel-pit  with  present  capacity  for  25,000  horse-power  of  hydraulic  and 
electrical  machinery.  The  estimates  of  the  engineers  indicate  that  $2,700,000 
will  be  sufficient  to  cover  the  cost  of  such  works,  including  a  power-house, 
generating  and  transforming  machinery  sufficient  to  enable  the  company 
to  supply  20,000  electrical  horse-power  for  transmission  without  the  Park, 
and  also  including  interest  during  the  period  of  construction,  estimate  to 
take  two  years." 

In  order  to  provide  the  necessary  capital,  an  additional  issue  of  ten-year 
six  per  cent  convertible  debenture  bonds  was  authorized  by  The  Niagara 
Falls  Power  Company,  to  be  secured  by  the  same  amount  of  debentures  to 
be  issued  by  the  Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company,  under  a  first  mortgage 
covering  all  its  property  in  the  Queen  Victoria  Niagara  Falls  Park. 

Subscriptions  to  $2,700,000  of  such  secured  debentures  at  par  and  accrued 
interest  were  invited  from  the  stockholders. 

On  February  14,  1903,  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  announced 
to  its  stockholders  by  its  Circular  No.  62  that  the  first  six  units  of  5000 
horse-power  each,  previously  authorized,  had  been  installed  in  wheel-pit  and 



Power-house  Number  Two,  built  for  eleven  units  and  contracts  had  been 
authorized  and  let  for  the  other  five  units  of  5000  horse-power  each. 

To  provide  funds  for  the  completion  of  this  second  installation  in  Power- 
house Number  Two,  and  other  works  authorized,  subscriptions  were  invited 
for  the  purchase  of  $800,000  of  the  six  per  cent  ten-year  convertible  deben- 
tures, due  April  1,  1910,  at  the  price  of  par  and  interest. 

Soon  after  the  construction  of  the  Canadian  plant  commenced,  there  were 
such  demands  for  power  that  the  construction  program  was  enlarged,  and  on 
December  10,  1904,  Circular  No.  68  was  issued  to  the  stockholders  of  The 
Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  stating  that  the  $2,700,000  provided  under 
Circular  No.  56  had  been  expended  in  the  construction  of: 

a  main  tunnel,  completed,  with  a  capacity  of  110,000  horse-power; 

an  intake-canal,  completed,  with  a  capacity  of  110,000  horse-power; 

a  wheel-pit  slot,  completed,  with  a  present  capacity  of  50,000  horse- 
power ; 

an  extension,  under  construction,  with  capacity  of  60,000  horse- 
power additional;  and 

a  power-house,  completed,  with  generating  units  being  installed 
that  would  supply  50,000  horse-power. 

Fully  to  provide  for  the  estimated  cost  to  complete  the  works  of  enlarged 
capacity,  the  stockholders  were  invited  to  subscribe,  at  95  per  cent  and  accrued 
interest,  to  an  additional  issue  of  six  per  cent  debentures  of  The  Niagara 
Falls  Power  Company,  to  the  extent  of  $2,000,000,  secured  by  a  like  amount 
of  Canadian  debentures,  to  be  issued  under  the  first  mortgage  upon  the 
property  of  the  Canadian  company.  These  debentures  were  payable  Novem- 
ber 1,  1914,  and  subject  to  redemption,  at  the  option  of  the  company,  after 
October  1,  1911,  but  they  were  not  convertible  similar  to  the  previous  issue, 
into  the  capital  stock  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  and  were 
specially  designated  as  "Series  B." 

After  the  lapse  of  more  than  two  years,  Circular  No.  69,  dated  January  12, 
1907,  was  issued  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  inviting  the  stock- 
holders to  subscribe,  at  the  price  of  90  per  cent  and  accrued  interest,  to 
$1,500,000  of  its  six  per  cent  debentures,  payable  November  1,  1914,  but 
redeemable  October  1,  1911.  This  issue  was  known  as  "Series  C"  and  was 
secured  by  a  like  amount  of  debentures  of  the  Canadian  company  that  were 
issued  under  a  lien  upon  all  its  power-plant  rights  in  the  Queen  Victoria 
Niagara  Falls  Park,  franchises,  power  transmission  lines,  and  other  property 
then  owned  or  thereafter  acquired  for  its  corporate  purposes,  and  necessary 



or  useful  in  the  development,  transmission,  distribution  or  delivery  by  it  of  the 
electrical  power  generated  in  its  plant,  subject  only  to  the  prior  lien  of  the 
mortgage  of  October  1,  1901,  securing  the  issue  of  $5,000,000  Canadian 
company  debentures  (Series  A  and  Series  B) . 


The  Niagara  company  announced  at  this  time  that  the  construction  of 
Power-house  Number  Three,  commenced  in  Canada,  December,  1904,  had 
been  completed,  that  there  were  in  operation  five  power  units  of  10,000  horse- 
power each,  and  the  head  works,  wheel-pit  slots  and  tunnel,  then  completed, 
had  a  capacity  for  service  of  an  aggregate  of  eleven  similar  units. 

It  was  also  stated  that  a  32-duct  conduit  from  the  Canadian  power-house 
was  then  connected  at  the  international  boundary,  Niagara  Falls,  New  York, 
with  a  similar  conduit  extending  to  a  connection  with  cables  installed  in  the 
American  plant,  for  the  transmission  of  32,000  horse-power;  and  that  two 
overhead  power  transmission  circuits  had  been  constructed  along  a  private 
right-of-way  acquired  by  the  Canadian  company  extending  from  its  power- 
plant  at  Niagara  Falls,  Canada,  along  the  Canadian  side  of  Niagara  River  to 
Fort  Erie,  opposite  Buffalo,  New  York,  cables  being  extended  thence  to  a 
terminal  station  of  the  Cataract  Power  and  Conduit  Company  in  the  city  of 
Buffalo.  About  12,000  horse-power,  it  was  stated,  were  then  being  delivered 
from  this  transmission  line  regularly  for  use  in  Buffalo,  and  it  was  proposed, 
at  an  early  date,  to  supply  25,000  horse-power  from  these  circuits  to  Buffalo, 
thus  allowing  the  American  plant  to  enlarge  its  services  in  its  adjacent 
territory  of  Niagara  Falls  and  Tonawanda.  The  pre-emption  by  other  Cana- 
dian power  companies  of  sites  available  for  manufacturers  at  Niagara  Falls, 
Canada,  had  made  it  necessary  for  the  American  and  Canadian  Niagara 
companies  to  purchase  a  considerable  amount  of  real  estate  on  the  Canadian 


At  a  meeting  of  the  stockholders  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company, 
June  1,  1909,  the  execution  was  authorized  of  a  "Refunding  and  General 
Mortgage"  to  secure  an  ultimate  issue  of  $20,000,000  six  per  cent  bonds, 
to  become  payable  January  1,  1932.  The  principal  purpose  of  this  issue  was 
the  timely  provision  to  meet  the  payment  at  maturity  in  1910  and  1911  of 
$6,000,000  of  the  company's  debentures,  as  well  as  all  the  other  bonded 
obligations  maturing  in  no  distant  periods  thereafter. 

On  February  26,  1910,  an  offer  was  made  to  retire  the  six  per  cent  deben- 
tures of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  of  the  several  issues,  aggregating 



a  total  of  $9,076,000,  by  an  even  exchange  for  the  new  refunding  and  general 
mortgage  six  per  cent  bonds,  due  January  1,  1932.  During  that  year, 
$7,542,000  six  per  cent  debentures  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 
were  refunded,  as  proposed,  and  in  the  following  year  the  remainder  were 
provided  for  by  a  sale  of  the  company's  capital  stock  at  par,  the  company 
having  availed  of  its  option,  reserved  in  the  original  issue,  to  redeem  the 
debentures  prior  to  maturity. 

Circular  No.  75,  of  May  11,  1910,  offered  to  the  stockholders  $686,000  of 
the  company's  six  per  cent  refunding  and  general  mortgage  bonds  at  par 
and  accrued  interest,  to  pay  for  additions  and  improvements  to  the  plants  of 
The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  and  the  Canadian  Power  company. 


An  issue  of  $1,534,000  par  value  of  the  capital  stock  was  authorized  in 
March,  1911,  and  subscribed  for  at  par  in  cash  by  the  stockholders  of  The 
Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  by  the  terms  of  its  Circular  No.  77,  for  the 
express  purpose  of  retiring  that  amount  of  debentures  (Series  A,  B  and  C, 
Canadian  collateral),  called  for  redemption  under  the  terms  reserved  to  the 
company,  prior  to  their  maturity. 

During  the  year  1911,  the  entire  capital  stock,  2500  shares  ($250,000  par 
value)  of  the  Tonawanda  Power  Company,  was  acquired  in  an  even  exchange 
for  the  shares  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company. 



Under  date  of  June  1, 1915,  the  ownership  of  10,050  shares  ($1,005,000  par 
value  of  a  total  $2,000,000)  of  the  capital  stock  of  the  Cataract  Power  and 
Conduit  Company,  of  Buffalo,  was  sold  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  ' 
to  the  Buffalo  General  Electric  Company  at  141  per  cent,  payable  in  cash 
and  its  first  refunding  five  per  cent  bonds,  due  1939,  at  par  and  interest. 
The  bonds  were  sold  by  the  power  company  at  95  and  interest,  and  the 
total  net  proceeds,  $1,501,419,  added  to  the  funds  of  the  company,  held  by 
trustees  as  part  security  for  its  bonds  and  available  under  the  terms  of  the 
mortgages  securing  the  bonds  for  construction  purposes  and  property  ac- 
quisitions. These  shares  were  those  of  the  company  organized  in  1896,  to 
receive  and  distribute  Niagara  power  in  Buffalo,  in  which  a  majority  interest 
had  been  retained  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company. 

A  policy  similar  to  that  established  in  Buffalo  was  pursued  for  the  distribu- 
tion of  Niagara  electric  power  from  the  Buffalo  transmission  line,  as  it 



passed  through  North  Tonawanda,  Tonawanda  and  Wheatfield,  from  which 
towns  licenses  had  been  obtained  therefor. 

A  company  was  formed  under  the  name  of  Tonawanda  Power  Company, 
with  an  authorized  capital  stock  of  $250,000.  Several  contracts  for  power 
were  awaiting  action,  and  the  necessary  machinery  for  a  transforming  and 
distributing  station  for  current  and  switching  services  were  promptly  in- 
stalled. In  August,  19I7,1  all  of  this  capital  stock  was  sold  at  $175  per  share 
to  local  interests  at  Tonawanda,  and  $437,500  cash  was  paid  to  The  Niagara 
Falls  Power  Company  for  its  $250,000  par  value,  constituting  all  of  the 
capital  stock  of  the  Tonawanda  company. 


As  already  shown,  cash  capital  was  provided  through  the  sale  of  bonds 
and  shares  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  by  The  Cataract  Con- 
struction Company,  during  the  formative  and  construction  period,  when  it 
was  responsible  for  the  plans  and  liabilities  of  the  enterprise.  Upon  the 
completion  of  the  construction  undertaken  by  the  cataract  company,  and  its 
retirement  from  its  representation  in  1900,  the  financial  responsibility  came 
solely  upon  the  management  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  until 
1918,  when  its  control  was  acquired  by  the  consolidated  company,  The  Ni- 
agara Falls  Power  Company,  mcmxviii. 

The  following  summary  of  financial  negotiations  by  The  Niagara  Falls 
Power  Company  indicates  its  financial  policy,  the  sujDport  of  its  stock- 
holders during  a  period  of  commercial  crises,  and  the  gradual  improvement 
in  its  credit  by  establishing  confidence  in  the  method  that  had  been  adopted 
through  the  demonstration,  in  the  operation  of  its  works,  of  its  reliability 
and  profitableness. 

1  See  Circular  No.  84  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  for  the  year  1917,  Appendix  D,  Volume  I. 





The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 




6%  Bonds 



1899,  Nov.  16 


100  &  Int. 





1901,  June  25 


100  " 



Series  A 

1903,  Feb.  14 


100  " 




1904,  Dec.  10 


95  " 



Series  B 

1907,  Jan.  12 


90  " 



Series  C 

1910,  May  11 


100  " 



Ref.  Gen.  Mtg. 

1911,  Mar.  27 






Par  Value 



Total  Cash 


Debentures  redeemed   $9,076,000 

1,  By  Refunding  and  General  Mortgage  6$ 

Bonds,  issued  in  exchange  at  par  ....  $7,540,000 

2.  By  Cash  Payments   1,536,000  $9,076,000 



The  total  amount  of  cash  for  construction  purposes,  raised  from  organiza- 
tion in  1889  to  consolidation  in  1918,  amounted  to  $20,270,820,  and  was 
provided  as  follows : 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company 

Offered  Its  Stockholders  for  Subscription  Cash  Proceeds 

Capital  Stock  $  25,000 
Securities  Sold 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 

Bonds  6,458,300 

Niagara  Junction  Railway  Company 

Preferred  Stock  140,000 

Niagara  Development  Company 

Preferred  Stock  421,200 

$  7,044,500 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 

Offered  Its  Stockholders  for  Subscription 

Securities  Sold 

Bonds  and  Shares  of  Power 

Company  $11,087,400 
Shares  of  Power  Company  200,000 
Stock  of  Tonawanda  Power 

Company  437,500 

Stock  of  Cataract  Power  and 
Conduit  Company  of 

Buffalo  1,501,420  13,226,320 
Total  Cash  Provided  $20,270,820 

During  this  period  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  provided  the 
necessary  funds  for  its  work,  and  distributed  its  construction  profits  as  divi- 
dends to  its  stockholders  in  cash  and  bonds  and  shares  of  The  Niagara  Falls 
Power  Company. 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  commenced  the  payment  of  cash 
dividends  upon  its  capital  stock,  as  outstanding  from  time  to  time,  at  the 
rate  of  eight  per  cent  per  annum  by  the  declaration  of  a  distribution  of  profits 
in  April,  1910,  at  the  rate  of  two  per  cent  quarterly,  that  was  continued 
without  interruption  until  the  consolidation  of  the  companies  in  the  autumn 
of  1918,  when  an  extra  dividend  of  three  per  cent  was  paid,  the  capital  re- 
arranged and  the  management  changed.  There  were  thirty-six  dividends 
paid  in  cash  from  April,  1910,  to  October,  1918,  a  total  amount  of  $4,047,101. 




The  consolidation  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  with  the  Cliff 
Electrical  Distributing  Company  and  the  Hydraulic  Power  Company  of 
Niagara  Falls,  carried  out  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  and  the 
Hydraulic  Power  Company  of  Niagara  Falls,  was  contracted  by  all  parties 
in  interest  under  date  of  September  20,  1918,  the  consolidated  company  re- 
ceiving the  title  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company. 

The  advent  of  the  Schoellkopf  interest  in  the  ownership  and  management 
of  the  consolidated  company,  brought  to  a  conclusion  the  financing  of  the 
enterprise,  commenced  in  1889  by  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  and 
carried  out  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  from  1900  to  the  con- 
solidation of  1918. 

The  exchange  of  shares  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  for  those 
of  the  consolidated  company  was  accompanied  by  the  delivery  to  the  latter 
of  the  cash,  current  assets  and  investments  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power 
Company  and  its  filial  organizations,  amounting  as  of  September  30,  1918, 
after  providing  for  all  current  liabilities,  to  $5,583,592,  comprising  its  surplus, 
unimpaired  reserves  and  undivided  profits,  being  $3,551,800  cash  and  cash 
assets,  $1,774,552  in  bonds  of  the  United  States  Government,  and  $257,240 
in  Victory  Loan  of  the  Dominion  of  Canada. 


In  financing  the  Niagara  enterprise  it  was  foreseen  that  incredulity  would 
be  an  obstacle  to  credit,  because  the  methods  to  be  used  would  be  those  of 
pioneers,  and  the  history  of  attempts  to  develop  Niagara  power  had  been 
largely  a  record  of  failures.  Complete  financial  provision  was  therefore  made 
at  the  beginning  of  the  undertaking  so  that  no  public  appeal  for  money  would 
have  to  be  made,  if  at  all,  until  after  the  Niagara  company  had  established 
its  credit  by  net  profits  in  the  operation  of  its  plant.  Its  stockholders  had 
been  carefully  selected  because  of  their  confidence  in  the  organization  and 
their  financial  strength  to  carry  their  share  of  the  adventure  through  to  its 


Bankers  in  Buffalo  naturally  traded  in  such  securities  as  were  obtainable 
from  original  subscribers,  and  in  creating  their  markets  gave  such  information 
as  they  could  gather,  but  this  was  restricted  by  the  policy  of  the  cataract 
company  to  announce  officially  only  the  fait  accompli.  The  magnitude  of  the 
enterprise,  the  novelty  of  the  methods  of  development,  and  the  dangers  to 
life  and  fortune,  engendered  grave  doubts  that  appealed  to  prudence  when 



opportunities  were  presented  of  sharing  the  financial  risks  of  the  original 

Each  visitor,  of  the  many  tourists  at  the  falls,  judged  of  the  enterprise 
according  to  his  own  experience,  which  in  comparison  with  what  could  be 
learned  of  the  new  project,  created  distrust  of  the  unseen  and  doubt  of  the 

The  following  correspondence  indicates  this  attitude  of  some  of  the  public 
during  construction. 

A  dealer  in  local  investment  securities,  in  Buffalo,  wrote  in  March,  1893, 
asking  for  information  about  the  Niagara  project,  stating  that  "Not  only 
people  here,  but  in  many  parts  of  the  country,  are  taking  great  interest  in 
your  project,  and  I  receive  many  letters  regarding  it." 

An  investor  in  a  neighboring  city  wrote,  in  answer  to  an  offer  of  securities 
of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company: 

I  confess  I  cannot  quite  understand  the  strong  statements  made  by  the  experts  and 
printed  matter.  Is  it  not  true  that  no  such  enterprise  was  ever  undertaken  before  and 
there  is  no  precedent  for  what  is  being  undertaken? 

Is  it  not  true  that  there  is  uncertainty  as  to  the  effect  of  sending  vast  bodies  of  water 
down  a  stand-pipe  with  a  perpendicular  fall  of  120  feet? 

Is  it  clear  that  the  turbine  wheels  can  stand  it  and  construction  stand  the  continuous 

Is  there  not  danger  of  breakage,  accident,  etc.,  that  might  seriously  interfere  with 
the  project  and  profit? 

I  confess  although  everything  seems  favorable,  the  enterprise  will  appear  to  be  quite 
hazardous,  at  once  calling  for  a  very  great  margin  of  profit  as  inducement. 

If  I  am  not  right  you  can  correct  me ;  but  I  have  never  heard  or  read  before  of  any 
such  scheme,  or  of  any  such  turbine  wheels  to  be  used.  I  should  be  pleased  to  know  what 
certainty  there  is  about  the  business. 

The  answer,  in  part,  was,  "We  expect  these  wheels,  each  of  5000  horse- 
power, will  be  creating  a  revolution  at  Niagara  during  the  coming  summer." 


The  union  or  consolidation  of  the  interests,  representing  both  property  and 
management,  is  indicated  on  the  first  certificate1  of  the  preferred  stock  issued 
by  the  new  company,  in  the  design  of  its  seal,  being  that  of  the  old  company 
with  the  year  of  consolidation  subjacent,  as  the  Niagara  falls  power  com- 
pany mcmxviii.  Moreover,  the  decorative  border  of  the  engraved  certificate 
was  copied  from  the  MacMonnies  seal,  in  which  was  represented  the  maski- 
nonge  (Esox  nobilior)  and  the  Delthyris  niagarensis  in  the  design,  and  in  the 
center  of  each  alternate  fossil  shell  on  the  sides  of  the  certificate,  and  in  its 
center  under  the  word  "Company,"  may  be  read  the  initials  of  the  names  that 

1  See  page  310. 



represent  the  founders  of  the  original  companies,  all  of  whose  construction 
is  now  brought  within  the  ownership  of  the  new  and  single  company  and  under 
the  management  of  the  second  and  third  generations  of  the  Schoellkopf 
pioneers  in  the  harnessing  of  the  Niagara  River. 

These  designs  have  been  introduced  in  the  new  certificates  by  the  direction 
of  the  officers  of  the  consolidated  companies,  and  are  reproduced  here  as  an 
acknowledgment  on  behalf  of  the  surviving  associates  of  the  courtesy  thus 
shown  to  their  predecessors  by  those  who  now  direct  the  affairs  of  this  im- 
portant and  growing  enterprise. 

•  d&  m  ^  m^^^  mts^s^ 

J.  F.  S. 

F.  L.  S. 
E.  D.  A. 
W.  B.  R. 
E.  A.  W. 
T.  E. 
W.  C.  E. 
C.  B.  G. 
A.  P. 

H.  H.  D. 
W.  D.  O. 

G.  B.  M. 
A.  S. 

'Jacob  F.  Schoellkopf,  President. 

Francis  Lynde  Stetson,  Director  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company. 

Edward  D.  Adams,  Director  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company. 

Wm.  B.  Rankine,  Director  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company. 

Edward  A.  Wickes,  Director  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company. 
"Thomas  Evershed,  Engineer. 
2W.  Caryl  Ely,  Counsel. 
"Charles  B.  Gaskill,  President. 
'Augustus  Porter. 
'Horace  H.  Day. 

W.  D.  Olmsted. 
5 George  B.  Mathews. 

'Arthur  Schoellkopf,  Vice-president  and  General  Manager. 

1  The  Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic  Power  and  Manufacturing'  Company,  1877. 

2  Engineer,  Niagara  River  Hydraulic  Tunnel,  Power  and  Sewer  Company,  1886. 

3  Porter,  Barton  &  Company,  1805,  portage  lessees. 

4  Acquired  the  hydraulic  canal  and  spent  a  large  fortune  upon  it,  but  it  was  eventually  sold  under  fore- 
closure and  he  is  said  to  have  lost  his  entire  fortune. 

5  Close  associate  of  Jacob  F.  Schoellkopf  in  the  hydraulic  canal  enterprise,  and  was  the  first  president 
of  the  reorganized  hydraulic  power  company.  He  retired  from  active  interest  in  the  power  company 
several  years  ago,  and  now,  1926,  lives  in  Buffalo. 


The  history  of  the  Niagara  Falls  power-plant  is  a 
demonstration  of  the  ability  of  applied  electrical  engi- 
neering science  to  attain  in  commercial  practise  re- 
sults predicated  in  large  degree  upon  theory.  In  a 
most  striking  manner,  it  exhibits  the  fact  that  for 
nearly  a  decade  electrical  engineering  has  been  estab- 
lished upon  a  basis  as  certain  and  permanent  as  other 
branches  of  engineering ;  that  eight  years  ago — a  long 
time  in  our  profession — it  was  possible  to  so  plan  an 
electrical  installation  involving  ultimately  the  trans- 
mission and  distribution  of  several  hundred  thousands 
of  horse-power  that  at  the  present  time  we  can  effect 
improvement  only  with  respect  to  relatively  unim- 
portant details,  the  aggregate  results  of  which,  if 
adopted,  would  be  hardly  noticeable  as  affecting  the 
cost  of  power. 

From  Paper  Presented  by  Lewis  B.  Stillweix 
to  the  American  Institute  of  Electrical 
Engineers,  August  23,  1901 




Chapter  XV 

Property  Holdings  op  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  and  Its  Filial  Companies  before  the  Consolidation  of  1918 

Property  Holdings 
of  the  Niagara  Companies 






THE  question  of  how  much  land  should  be  acquired  to  provide  for  the  use 
of  power  at  Niagara  was  seriously  considered  in  the  early  period  of  the 
study  of  the  general  problem  of  its  development  and  utilization. 

It  was  evident  that  as  there  was  comparatively  little  land  readily  available 
near  the  angle  of  the  land  on  the  banks  of  the  river  where  it  would  be  most 
desired  on  account  of  economy  of  construction,  the  price  would  advance 
rapidly  upon  the  announcement  or  even  upon  the  rumor  that  capital  had  been 
obtained  for  the  enterprise  and  the  "Niagara  Problem"  would  be  solved. 

Although  with  charter1  power  to  take  an  unlimited  quantity  of  river  water, 
it  was  recognized  that  the  use  of  power  might  be  restricted  because  of  such 
high  prices  for  sufficient  land  to  provide  the  proposed  mill-sites  and  inlet- 
canals,  that  the  initial  project  could  not  be  readily  financed. 

Furthermore,  the  purchase  of  cheaper  land  upon  the  banks  of  the  river 
above  the  falls  would  necessitate  larger  expenditures  in  inlet-canal  and  dis- 
charge tunnel  construction  in  carrying  out  the  Evershed  plan  of  locating  a 
water-wheel  at  each  mill. 

Although  ample  lands,  unoccupied  and  much  lower  in  price,  were  readily 
available  for  use  and  could  be  favorably  acquired  in  the  level  farming  acreage 
north  and  east  of  the  river  within  several  miles  of  the  village  of  Niagara  Falls, 
such  location  would  involve  miles  of  rock  excavations  for  water-inlet  and 
outlet  in  the  wheel-pit  system  then  customary  in  factory  construction,  and 
the  costs  thereof  would  be  impracticable  if  not  impossible  to  finance. 

As  the  Evershed  hydraulic  system  comprising  discharge  tunnels,  and  many 
inlet-canals  and  wheel-pits  in  such  a  location  must  necessarily  be  entirely  built 
in  its  major  parts,  before  any  power  could  be  commercially  developed,  this 
location  was  not  to  be  considered  unless  an  economical  system  of  power  trans- 
mission by  wire,  cable  or  pipe  could  be  used. 

As  such  innovations  upon  long  established  practise  could  not  be  clearly 
foreseen,  although  then  considered  by  some  scientists  as  theoretically  possible, 
it  was  determined  to  adopt  a  plan  by  which  the  least  amount  of  capital  would 

1  Subsequently  limited  to  200,000  horse-power. 



be  required  to  construct  a  complete  hydraulic  system,  from  the  water  above 
the  falls  to  the  water  below  the  falls,  and  while  this  work,  requiring  much 
time,  was  in  progress,  to  investigate  at  home  and  abroad  the  subject  of  de- 
velopment and  distribution,  the  directors,  being  convinced  that  the  power 
possibilities  made  available  by  such  system  could  be  made  productive  by  one 
of  several  methods  of  distribution  then  in  use  or  in  anticipation.  Hence  the 
question  whether  power  could  be  transmitted  and  distributed  by  compressed 
air  or  electricity  or  otherwise  was  the  fundamental  question.  It  involved  not 
only  the  plans  for  the  hydraulic  development  and  the  machinery  to  be  pur- 
chased but  it  was  the  determining  factor  in  the  amount  and  location  of  the  land 
for  which  provision  should  be  made  before  the  project  was  even  made  public. 


The  hydraulic  engineer  of  the  company  advised  the  purchase  of  additional 
land  and  gave  his  experience  with  New  England  and  other  manufacturers, 
stating  that  water-power  promoters  seldom  acquired,  at  the  inception  of  their 
enterprises,  sufficient  land  when  cheaply  available,  and  generally  paid  dearly 
for  their  lack  of  foresight  when  their  undertakings  developed  needs  of  greater 
area  than  could  then  be  readily  acquired  or  paid  for. 

While  the  questions  involved  in  the  development  of  100,000  horse-power 
were  being  considered,  an  examination  was  made  of  the  water-powers  in  New 
England  to  learn  about  what  area  of  land  would  probably  be  required  for 
manufactories  and  dwellings,  according  to  the  experience  at  such  localities, 
for  the  utilization  of  the  quantity  of  power  it  was  proposed  to  develop  at 
Niagara.  Consideration  was  also  given  to  the  dwellings  required  for  the 
operatives  likely  to  be  brought  to  Niagara  to  be  employed  in  the  use  of  this 

The  following  examples  of  special  conditions  were  selected  for  guidance 
in  this  problem: 

The  Essex  Company,  at  Lawrence,  Massachusetts,  commenced  its  opera- 
tions with  2000  acres  of  land  for  canals,  mill-sites,  house  lots  and  streets,  and 
about  10,000  horse-power  during  the  whole  24-hour  day.  This  would  be  the 
equivalent  per  1000  horse-power  of  about  200  acres,  of  which  at  least  130 
acres  would  be  required  for  building  purposes. 

The  Hadley  Falls  Company,  at  Holyoke,  Massachusetts,  started  with  the 
equivalent  of  128  acres  in  gross  per  1000  horse-power  used  for  24  hours  daily. 
Of  the  land  about  85  acres  were  available  for  building  purposes.  Mill-sites 
required,  it  was  stated,  from  2%  to  10  acres  per  1000  horse-power  used  upon 
the  premises,  varying,  of  course,  with  the  class  of  work  undertaken. 



The  average  requirement  at  Essex  and  Hadley  Falls  is  approximately  165 
acres  for  1000  horse-power.  On  this  basis  the  land  necessary  for  120,000  horse- 
power is  about  20,000  acres  or  30  square  miles.  It  may  be  observed  that  the 
ultimate  requirements  at  Niagara  Falls  were  far  less  than  this,  due  to  the 
change  from  the  old  method  of  driving  the  mill  machinery  directly,  by  water- 
wheels,  to  the  new  electrical  method  by  which  power  is  transmitted  to  distant 
places.  Many  of  the  electro-chemical  processes  utilizing  electric  power  require 
much  less  space  in  proportion  to  the  power  used  than  is  necessary  for  driving 

By  the  census  of  1880,  it  appeared  that  there  were  2,732,595  operatives  in 
manufacturing  establishments  in  this  country,  using  prime  movers  of  steam 
and  water  to  the  total  amount  of  3,410,837  horse-power,  being  1.24  horse- 
power per  employee,  equivalent  to  nearly  100,000  employees  for  the  use  of 
120,000  horse-power. 

The  census  also  showed  that  in  eight  representative  power-using  industries, 
there  was  an  average  of  3.92  horse-power  used  for  each  worker  employed, 
ranging  from  13.20  horse-power  per  worker  in  flour  and  grist-mills,  to  0.87 
horse-power  per  worker  upon  worsted  goods. 

If  120,000  horse-power  were  to  be  used,  it  would  require,  on  the  basis  of 
3.92  horse-power  per  worker  employed,  25,000  workers.  On  the  basis  of  13.20 
horse-power  per  worker,  7500  employees  would  be  necessary. 

The  power  employed  in  1889  at  St.  Anthony's  Falls,  Minnesota,  a  water- 
power  development  in  several  industries  suitable  for  Niagara,  was  as  follows: 

per  Hand  Employed 

Flouring  and  Grist-Mill  Products  13.20 

Lumber  Mills  5.56 

Paper  5.07 

Allowing  12  horse-power  per  employee,  it  appeared  that  provision  should  be  made 
for  living  conditions  for  10,000  employees  at  Niagara,  according  to  the  established 
usage  of  a  mill  over  its  wheel-pit.  Such  an  increase  of  population  would  require 
provision  on  a  similar  scale  for  dwellings,  potable  water,  sewerage,  light,  fuel  and 

Dwellings  and  homes  for  men  working  at  the  falls  were  scarce  and  difficult 
to  procure,  and  the  demand  for  houses  for  mechanics  and  others  who  desired 
to  locate  there  was  increasing  daily. 

Niagara  Falls  at  that  period,  1890,  had  a  population  of  about  10,000. 

Similar  estimates  from  other  industrial  centers  of  production,  per  worker 
and  per  horse-power,  showed  clearly  that  provision  should  be  made  for  railway 



yards,  sidings  and  connections  with  the  two  principal  American  trunk  lines 
entering  the  Niagara  manufacturing  district. 

From  a  forecast  of  the  situation  at  Niagara  Falls,  as  these  essential  needs 
developed  from  the  construction  of  the  first  section  of  the  proposed  hydraulic 
system  for  20,000  horse-power  available  for  distribution,  it  was  evident  that 
real  estate  and  rents  would  have  a  rapid  and  important  advance.  The  com- 
pany's expenditures  would  enhance  the  market  value  as  well  as  the  taxable 
value  of  real  estate,  including  its  own  holdings.  Therefore  the  company  should 
increase  its  land  ownership  without  delay,  and  such  purchases  should  be  made 
only  as  would  jjrovide  for  conveniently  located  dwellings  for  some  of  its 
officers  and  employees,  and  for  the  construction  of  a  standard-gauge  junction 
and  terminal  railroad,  in  addition  to  what  land  was  necessary  for  the  power- 
plant  proposed. 

Because  of  the  uncertainty  as  to  the  system  of  power  transmission  that 
would  be  adopted,  ranging  from  a  hydraulic  turbine  and  shaft  in  a  wheel-pit, 
to  belts,  cables,  and  water,  air  and  electricity  under  pressure,  great  modera- 
tion was  exercised  in  providing  for  the  anticipated  requirements  of  industries 
to  be  established. 

It  was  evident  that  should  electric  transmission  of  power  become  practi- 
cable, then  much  less  land  would  be  required  than  otherwise,  because  the 
power  could  be  delivered  to  customers  wherever  located  for  use  upon  their 
own  property. 


The  company  purchased  altogether  1580  acres  of  nearly  level  land,  ex- 
tending from  its  canal  site  above  the  falls,  about  two  miles  up  the  river 
along  its  bank,  and  stretching  at  right  angles  across  the  tracks  and  rights-of- 
way  of  the  New  York  Central  and  Hudson  River  Railroad,  New  York, 
Lake  Erie  and  Western  Railroad,  and  Buffalo,  Thousand  Islands  and  Port- 
land Railroad  (projected)  about  SYz  miles  to  Fletcher's  Corners  on  the 
Lockport  Branch  of  the  New  York  Central  Railroad.  A  new  residential 
village  was  contemplated  in  the  angle  of  the  land  location,  and  a  Junction 
Railway  was  proposed  on  the  company's  property  between  the  trunk  line 
railways,  as  shown  on  map  on  page  331. 

If  the  Evershed  plan  of  developments  should  be  adopted,  the  company 
had  acquired  the  river  front  and  acreage  required  for  that  enterprise  as  de- 
scribed by  its  author.  Should  any  other  forms  of  power  transmission  be 
adopted,  the  company's  real  estate  was  most  advantageously  located  for  such 
purposes,  and  whatever  land  it  owned  in  excess  of  that  required  for  the  power- 
plant  would  be  in  demand  at  advanced  prices  for  purchase  or  lease  by 
power  customers  when  constructing  their  factories. 



In  carrying  out  the  above-mentioned  improvements  for  residence  and 
freight  transportation,  two  companies  were  formed  and  financed,  the  land 
company  for  the  development  of  the  residential  tract  under  the  title  of 
Niagara  Development  Company,  and  the  railroad  transportation  and  termi- 
nal freight  facilities  under  the  title  of  Niagara  Junction  Railway  Company. 
Both  companies  were  organized  in  June,  1892,  under  the  laws  of  the  State 
of  New  York,  with  identical  officers  and  directors,  similar  to  those  of  The 
Cataract  Construction  Company.  The  financial  plans  were  similar  for  both 
companies,  with  certain  exceptions  in  amounts  required  because  of  different 
purposes  and  costs. 

The  capital  stocks  were  authorized  as  follows: 

Share  Capital  Authorized 
Par  Value  $100  Each 

Development  Company 
Issued  Jan.  1,  1899 

Junction  Railway  Company 
Issued  Jan.  1,  1893 

Common  Stock 

to  be  issued  in  the  pur- 
chase of  land 



Preferred  Stock 

eight  per  cent  cumula- 
tive and  convertible,  to 
be  sold  for  cash 



Land  purchased  from  The 
Niagara   Falls  Power 
Company  at  the  acre 

price  of  

payable  in  common  stock 
issue  as  above 

368  acres 
$  2,138 

166  acres 
$  2,500 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  by  these  transactions  became  the 
owner  of  all  the  common  stocks  issued,  which  exceeded  the  preferred  stock 
and  thereby  acquired  and  held  the  control  of  both  companies. 

The  preferred  stocks  were  offered  June  10,  1892,  under  Circular  No.  16 1 
of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company,  to  the  syndicate  subscribers  under 
the  agreement  of  January  17,  1890,  at  the  rate  of  $2000  or  two  shares  of 
preferred  stocks  at  par,  for  each  share  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Com- 
pany owned  by  such  subscribers.  The  privileges  of  subscription  were  availed 

1  Further  particulars  of  these  issues  of  Development  and  Junction  Railway  companies  will  be  found  in 
Circulars  Nos.  16  and  65,  Appendix  D,  Volume  I. 



of  and  $600,000  cash  was  provided :  $480,000  for  the  construction  of  dwellings 
and  the  maintenance  of  the  property  acquired  by  the  Niagara  Development 
Company,  and  $120,000  for  the  acquisition  of  right-of-way  for  a  small  part 
of  the  railway  line  not  derived  from  the  power  company,  and  for  the  con- 
struction, equipment  and  operation  of  a  single-track  standard-gauge  line 
of  the  Niagara  Junction  Railway  Company.  The  subscribers  to  the  preferred 
stocks  were  nearly  identical  and  similar  to  the  list  of  "money  subscribers"  of 
January  17,  1890,  who  became  the  stockholders  of  The  Cataract  Construction 
Company.  No  commissions  or  allowances  of  any  kind  were  made  or  paid 
to  any  one  on  account  of  these  subscriptions. 

In  June,  1903,  the  preferred  stocks  of  both  companies  were  purchased  at 
par  and  interest  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  and  paid  for  in 
shares  of  that  company  at  par. 

By  reference  to  the  map  on  pages  321-322  it  will  be  seen  that  the  landed 
estate  of  the  associated  companies  is  located  mainly  within  the  municipal 
limits  of  the  present  city  of  Niagara  Falls.  About  one-third  is  located  on  the 
river  front,  with  projected  wharfs  and  dock  facilities,  of  nearly  2  miles 
along  the  navigable  channel,  a  portion  of  which  was  deepened  by  the  United 
States  authorities  so  as  to  accommodate  shipping  from  western  cities  upon  the 
Great  Lakes. 

As  the  city  is  bounded  on  two  sides  of  its  location  by  the  impassable  Niagara 
River,  its  future  growth  must  be  towards  the  open  countryside,  across  which, 
within  the  municipal  limits,  a  portion  of  the  company's  lands  extends  for  about 
3I/2  miles  at  a  right  angle  from  the  river.  The  main  lines  of  the  New  York 
Central  and  the  Erie  railways  pass  for  2  miles  through  and  by  the  side  of  the 
property,  while  the  Lockport  Branch  of  the  New  York  Central  forms  the 
northern  boundary  of  the  estate.  The  New  York  Central  station,  Echota, 
built  for  the  power  company,  is  located  upon  this  property. 

For  the  convenience  of  employees  the  residential  district  was  located  in 
the  central  portion  of  the  estate,  and  the  water  facilities  desired  by  the  manu- 
facturers for  shipping  were  provided  by  the  company's  docks,  constructed 
at  the  upper  end  of  the  river  front,  near  this  central  locality. 


The  Niagara  Development  Company  was  organized  under  the  business 
corporation  law  of  the  State  of  New  York  for  the  purpose  of  purchasing 
and  leasing  real  estate  and  buildings  and  selling,  leasing  and  improving  the 
same.  It  owned  in  fee  the  residential  village,  christened  by  the  Cherokee 
word  "Echota,"  meaning  the  "Town  of  Refuge,"  and  other  lands  in  the  city 



of  Niagara  Falls,  comprising  368  acres  that  were  set  apart  by  the  power 
company  for  improvement  for  domestic  and  manufacturing  purposes. 

The  survey  of  the  estate  was  made  by  John  Bogart,  assisted  by  Albert  H. 
Porter,  both  of  the  board  of  engineers. 

The  location  of  Echota  is  shown  on  the  map  at  the  beginning  of  this  chapter 
and  the  development  of  streets  and  lots  by  the  view  below. 
xThe  houses  were  designed  by  Stanford  White,  architect  of  New  York. 
The  company  constructed  sixty-seven  dwellings  for  the  accommodation  of 
one  hundred  and  twelve  families.  A  building  was  erected  with  provisions  for 
bachelor  apartments,  an  assembly  hall,  and  a  general  store  on  the  lower  floor. 
The  streets  were  paved  with  broken  stone,  the  sidewalks  were  of  concrete, 
and  a  system  of  drainage  was  installed.  Potable  water,  sewerage  and 
electric  lights  were  available  in  each  building.  A  plant  for  sewage  disposal 
was  also  constructed,  and  a  well-equipped  fire  department  was  provided  in  a 
separate  house.  There  were  58  acres  of  lawn  prepared,  and  many  evergreen 
and  Norway  maple  trees  planted. 

Street  in  Echota,  1894 



Echota  Hall  was  used  regularly  for  religious  services,  and  by  a  mission 
Sunday  school  and  a  primary  day  school. 

To  assure  larger  school  accommodations,  an  ample  lot  on  the  Echota 
property  was  donated  to  the  board  of  education,  upon  which  a  modern  two- 
story  building  of  eight  rooms  was  erected  by  the  city  of  Niagara  Falls. 

The  buildings  were  finished  in  natural  color  of  shingles,  with  white  painted 
trim.  Under  the  influence  of  the  Pan-American  Exposition  at  Buffalo  in 
1901,  when  the  period  arrived  for  repainting  the  houses  at  Echota,  a  scheme1 
of  color  for  the  entire  village  was  adopted  and  successfully  carried  out,  at- 
tracting much  attention  from  the  visitors  and  passing  railway  passengers. 

In  the  words  of  the  New  England  manufacturer  for  whom  Mr.  White 
had  previously  designed  and  built  a  "workmen's  settlement,"  the  owners  of 
Echota  also  concluded  that  "the  tasty  pays." 

All  of  the  structures  erected  by  the  Niagara  Development  Company,  upon 
its  residential  property  named  "Echota,"  have  been  sold.  The  other  real 
estate,  formerly  owned  by  the  development  company,  is  now  included  in 
the  estate  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  by  a  merger  with  it  of  the 
property  and  organization  of  the  Niagara  Development  Company.  Edmund 
S.  Wheeler  was  the  first  manager  of  the  company. 


The  Niagara  Junction  Railway  extends  from  one  end  of  the  power  com- 
pany's property  to  the  other,  a  distance  of  5.34  miles  by  main  track,  and 
connects  with  the  Erie  Railway  and  at  several  points  with  the  main  line 
of  the  New  York  Central  and  its  Lockport  branch. 

In  addition  to  a  right-of-way,  66  feet  in  width,  for  a  double-track  main 
line,  with  connections  and  sidings,  the  Niagara  Junction  Railway  owns  in  fee 
166  acres  that  were  acquired  for  yard  and  other  terminal  facilities. 

The  line  as  built  is  of  standard  gauge,  single  track,  of  80-pound  rail,  and 
with  the  exception  of  about  1000  feet  is  entirely  within  the  estate  of  the  power 

By  its  main  line,  5.34  miles,  and  sidings,  4.08  miles,  June  1,  1896,  to  the 
docks  of  the  company  on  the  river  above  the  falls,  the  Niagara  Junction  Rail- 
way afforded  the  desired  facilities  of  transportation  for  an  industrial  com- 
munity. Its  right-of-way  was  the  most  convenient  route  for  the  conduit  and 
pole  line  service  of  power,  light  and  heat,  from  the  power-houses  to  all 
portions  of  the  landed  estate,  as  well  as  beyond  its  boundaries  for  the  lines  of 
power  transmission  to  Tonawanda,  Buffalo  and  other  localities. 

1  See  Architects  and  Builders'  Magazine,  April,  1902. 



In  anticipation  of  the  completion  of  that  portion  of  the  tracks  of  the 
Niagara  Junction  Railway  intended  to  furnish  switching  services  to  the  new 
industries  preparing  for  operation  near  the  inlet-canal  of  the  power  company, 
and  with  a  view  of  using  electrical  motor  and  line  equipment  if  such  an  instal- 
lation could  be  had,  inquiries  were  made  of  manufacturers  of  electrical 
machinery  for  railway  and  power  systems  in  this  country  for  estimates  in- 
cluding an  engine  or  motor  capable  of  hauling  150  tons  at  a  speed  of  10  miles 
an  hour  on  grades  not  to  exceed  15  feet  in  a  mile.  One  of  the  leading  manu- 
facturers replied  that  "such  an  engine  does  not  now  exist,  as  a  standard  article 
manufactured  by  this  or  any  of  the  other  electric  companies." 

!§  1!E_R _R^_RJG HT  OF  WAY 

Map  Showing  Maix  Track  axd  Sidixgs  in  1896  of  the  Niagara  Junction  Railway 

Two  standard  coal  burning  switching  engines  were  purchased,  the  second 
following  soon  after  the  first,  with  dump  and  flat  cars  for  use  in  filling  trestles 
on  the  road  with  the  refuse  products  of  the  factories  and  materials  excavated 
in  the  building  of  the  power  plants. 

In  July,  1892,  the  Niagara  Junction  Railway  Company  announced  its 
preparation  to  receive  all  freight  consigned  to  the  Niagara  Falls  Paper 
Company  and  to  A.  C.  Douglass,  contractor. 

The  original  construction  of  the  railway  was  under  the  direction  of  George 
B.  Burbank,  as  chief  engineer,  and  its  operation  was  placed  in  charge  of 
Edmund  S.  Wheeler,  as  general  manager. 

The  use  of  steam  locomotives  continued  until  1913  when  the  increase  of 
traffic  necessitated  additional  equipment  and  brought  up  again  for  considera- 
tion the  relative  advantages  of  steam  and  electricity. 



Upon  the  unanimous  report  of  the  engineering  staff  a  contract  was  made 
in  February,  1913,  with  the  Westinghouse  Electric  and  Manufacturing  Com- 
pany for  the  replacement  of  the  steam  system  by  an  electrical  power  installa- 
tion of  direct  current  at  600  volts,  with  locomotives,  stations  and  a  complete 
wire  system  for  the  switching  purposes  of  the  company.  Shortly  thereafter 
the  steam  locomotives  were  superseded  by  the  electrical  motor  system  which 
has  since  been  continued  in  the  operating  of  the  greatly  increased  traffic  of 
the  railway. 

The  further  evolution  of  the  plans  for  the  power  stations  and  transmission 
system  will  be  found  in  subsequent  chapters  in  Volume  Two  relating  to  the 
hydraulic  and  the  electric  systems,  their  construction  and  operation. 



Chapter  XVI 

Charles  R.  Huntley 

Buffalo,  Niagara  and  Eastern  Power  Corporation 
Buffalo  General  Electric  Company 

Pioneer  and  Leader 
In  the  Electric  Light  and  Power  Industry 
In  Buffalo  and  Western  New  York 

Enthusiastic,  Courageous,  and  Persistent 

A  monument  to  his  genius  and  foresight,  to  his  planning  and 
supervision,  which  marked  a  notable  advance  in  economy 
and  efficiency,  is  the  great  steam-plant  now  known  as  the 
Charles  R.  Huntley  Station 


The  pozcer  of  Niagara  is  the  keystone  to  the  arch  of  Buffalo's  prosperity. 
Electric  power  is  the  bulwark  of  Buffalo's  industry. — Charles  R.  Huntley. 


BUFFALO  in  1895,  when  electric  service  was  begun  by  The  Niagara 
Falls  Power  Company,  had  an  estimated  population  of  253,000,  and  a 
total  of  real  and  personal  taxables  of  about  $130,000,000.  The  municipality 
included  39.6  square  miles,  with  nearly  200  miles  of  streets. 

Although  Buffalo,  as  a  rapidly  growing  community  of  manufacturers  and 
business  men,  had  done  but  little  financially  to  assist  in  the  utilization  of  the 
power  of  the  Great  Falls,  shortly  after  the  Gaskill-Niagara  enterprise  was 
organized,  1886,  a  number  of  the  enterprising  citizens  of  Buffalo  provided  a 
cash  prize  of  $100,000  for  a  practical  method  of  using  Niagara  power  in 
Buffalo,  the  details  of  which  form  a  part  of  Chapter  V,  this  volume. 

This  proposal  expressed  a  public  interest  in  the  value  of  Niagara  power 
in  Buffalo.  While  its  failure  to  produce  a  method  caused  serious  doubt  of  its 
practicability,  it  created  a  popular  sentiment  in  favor  of  such  use  and  many 
looked  forward  to  its  eventual  achievement  through  a  system  of  transmission 
by  compressed  air  or  water  or  possibly  by  electricity,  although  all  these  sys- 
tems were  then  considered  for  long  distance  of  doubtful  efficiency  and  impos- 
sible commercially,  because  of  the  expense  involved  in  distribution  and  appli- 
cation as  well  as  in  the  cost  of  the  original  transmission  from  Niagara. 

While  the  Niagara  company  had  provided  a  large  area  suitable  for  the 
construction  of  manufactories  with  the  intention  of  providing  light  and  power 
therefor,  the  use  of  which  must  necessarily  await  the  construction  of  such 
industrial  plants,  financial  conditions  then  prevailing  did  not  promote  the 
construction  of  new  factories  nor  the  organization  of  new  manufacturing 
enterprises.  It  was  therefore  considered  important,  for  the  realization  of 
income,  to  provide  the  interest  upon  the  capital  investment  made  in  the  central 
power  station  system,  to  develop  a  plan  by  which  Niagara  power  might  be 
taken  to  Buffalo  and  distributed  there  for  use  by  the  many  manufacturers 
who  were  favorably  disposed  to  its  adoption. 




In  the  further  survey  of  the  problem  of  such  transmission  that  was  taken 
up  actively  after  the  first  units  of  turbine  and  alternator  had  been  successfully 
tested  in  April,  1895,  there  were  several  fundamental  principles  considered 
as  essential  to  the  financial  success  of  such  an  effort,  such  as 

(1)  franchises  without  embarrassing  conditions.  The  distance  for 
transmission  was  about  22  miles,  requiring  several  municipal  franchises  that, 
because  of  inexperience  with  the  risks  involved  in  high  tension  current  lines, 
were  likely  to  impose  conditions  that  would  prove  difficult  and  expensive  to 
comply  with  and  possibly  somewhat  embarrassing  technically  to  carry  out. 

(2)  continuity  of  service  assured.  As  a  new  form  of  power,  it  was  evi- 
dent that  demonstration  must  be  given  of  continuity  of  supply.  In  a  district 
so  well  settled  as  that  of  Buffalo  and  the  intervening  municipalities,  a  failure 
of  service,  any  time  interrupting  both  light  and  power,  would  prove  dis- 
appointing and  expensive  to  the  users,  possibly  lead  to  claims  for  damages 
and  cause  injury  to  the  credit  of  the  enterprise  at  its  start.  It  was  therefore 
resolved  that  there  should  be  two  lines  of  transmission  and  two  sources  of 
supply,  that  the  supply  of  electricity  from  the  American  power-house  should 
be  supplemented  by  a  similar  supply  from  the  Canadian  side  of  the  river,  and 
that  the  lines1  of  transmission  should  extend  from  these  respective  power- 
houses on  each  side  of  the  river,  and  be  inter-connected  by  cables  on  the 
Suspension  Bridge  at  the  falls,  and  by  an  aerial  line  across  the  river  between 
Fort  Erie  on  the  Canadian  side,  and  the  city  of  Buffalo  on  the  American  side. 

(3)  block  sales  to  local  distributing  systems.  The  management  recog- 
nized from  the  very  beginning  that  it  was  dealing  with  unprecedented  quan- 
tities. Its  large  units  of  power  were  adopted  with  this  idea,  and  the  program 
for  the  marketing  of  the  electricity  produced  was  preferentially  for  the  sale 
of  large  blocks  of  power,  the  product  of  one  or  more  single  turbo-electric  units, 
and  its  distribution  to  small  users  through  the  arteries  of  local  organizations. 


the  abandonment  of  plants  operated  by  the  power  of  steam,  it  was  necessary 
to  demonstrate  the  advantages  of  electrical  power,  including  its  economy,  its 
cleanliness  and  its  dependability.  While  this  might  take  some  time  for  educa- 
tion, the  period  of  preparation  of  the  design  of  the  line,  the  specifications  for 
its  motors  and  transformers,  and  the  securing  of  all  the  requisite  franchises 
from  the  state  and  the  different  municipalities,  as  well  as  the  construction  of 
the  system,  would  give  an  opportunity  for  propaganda  in  favor  of  the  use  of 

1  For  freedom  of  custom  duties,  see  Appendix  K,  Volume  II. 



the  power,  for  which  provision  was  made  by  securing  the  services  of  a  recog- 
nized power  expert,  Horatio  A.  Foster,  whose  office  was  established  in  the 
city  of  Buffalo  for  this  purpose. 


The  applications  for  authority  to  occupy  a  right-of-way  for  power  con- 
ductors were  made  in  the  name  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  or  its 
assigns,  and  only  for  electric  conductors  for  light,  heat  or  power.  The  possible 
use  of  compressed  air  or  water  had  been  dismissed  from  further  serious  consid- 
eration by  the  practical  demonstrations  of  advantages  in  the  use  of  high  tension 
alternating  electric  currents  for  long  distance  transmission  of  power  and  light. 

The  Superintendent  of  Public  Works  of  the  State  of  New  York  on  August 
30,  1895,  granted  the  Niagara  company  permission  to  construct  and  maintain 
electric  conductors  for  light,  heat  or  power,  along,  upon  and  across  the  public 
lands  and  waters,  property  of  the  state,  in  the  manner  and  at  the  places  on  the 
"State  Ditch"  and  on  Tonawanda  and  Ellicott  creeks  in  Erie  County,  in  ac- 
cordance with  a  map  filed  in  his  office.  The  conditions  of  this  permit  were 
not  considered  unreasonable  regulations. 

Supplemental  permits  were  issued  by  the  Superintendent  of  Public  Works 
upon  application  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  by  which  it  was 
authorized  to  place  its  electric  conductors  upon  Erie  Canal  lands  in  the  coun- 
ties of  Erie  and  Niagara,  in  conduits  or  subways  under  the  surface  of  the 
towing  path  or  the  berm-bank  of  the  canal,  also  under  the  bed  of  the  canal 
whenever  necessary  to  cross.  This  was  in  addition  to  the  original  permit  for 
transmission  lines  on  poles. 

The  state  reserved  the  right  to  place  in  such  conduits  or  subways  telephone 
lines  for  the  purpose  of  communication  between  the  several  canal  section 
superintendents  and  their  employees. 

The  petition  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  to  the  Common  Coun- 
cil of  the  city  of  Buffalo  for  a  franchise  authorizing  the  distribution  of  elec- 
tricity within  the  said  city  was  presented  on  October  15,  1894.  This  action 
formally  opened  the  public  discussion  of  the  advantages  of  electrical  power. 
Communications  from  citizens  appeared  in  the  daily  papers,  some  corre- 
spondents finding  the  prospect  of  Niagara  power  in  Buffalo  an  assurance  of 
increase  of  property  values  and  the  growth  of  the  city  as  an  influential  business 
center,  while  others  expressed  apprehension  as  to  the  use  of  the  alternating 
current,  the  dangers  of  high  voltages,  and  the  lack  of  experience  in  its  use  as 
a  means  of  power  where  many  employees  were  engaged.  Some  parties  thought 
the  company  should  pay  for  the  privilege  of  introducing  its  power,  and  a 
royalty  or  tax  to  the  city  on  the  revenue  obtained  therefrom.  Public  hearings 



were  held,  one  particularly  for  the  purpose  of  introducing  the  representatives 
of  the  manufacturers  of  electrical  machinery,  who  were  requested  to  state  on 
behalf  of  their  companies  what  devices  they  had  perfected  for  commercial  use 
in  the  transforming  of  high  voltage  and  the  means  of  its  application  to  ma- 
chinery already  engaged  in  the  industrial  arts. 

There  were  numerous  hearings  before  the  Common  Council  of  the  city,  re- 
ports of  various  committees  appointed  to  examine  into  the  subject,  and  dis- 
cussions by  experts,  some  advocating  the  use  only  of  continuous  current  and 
others  that  of  the  alternating  current,  while  the  question  of  measurement  of 
the  current  used  and  the  terms  to  be  charged  therefor  were  subjects  of  fre- 
quent comment  by  the  press  and  formed  a  part  of  the  daily  converse  of  the 

In  compliance  with  a  suggestion  made  at  a  meeting  of  the  Common  Council 
Committee,  February  7,  189.5,  that  the  city  purchase  the  power  from  the  com- 
pany at  Niagara  and  request  a  proposal  that  would  give  municipal  ownership 
and  control  of  10,000  or  more  horse-power,  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Com- 
pany made  the  following  offers  to  the  city  of  Buffalo: 

The  company  is  now  ready  to  execute  a  contract  in  either  one  of  three  forms  for  the 
sale  to  the  city  of  Buffalo  of  10,000  horse-power,  deliverable  on  the  lands  of  the  company 
at  Niagara,  upon  the  following  terms  and  at  the  following  prices : 

10,000  horse-power  undeveloped  on  lands  of  the  company  at  Niagara,  at  $10  per 
horse-power  per  annum,  twenty-four-hour  power;  the  city  of  Buffalo  to  make 
its  own  wheel-pits  and  side  tunnels  and  to  put  in  its  own  wheels.  The  necessary 
water,  the  inlets  and  the  necessary  discharge  space  in  the  completed  tunnel  of 
the  company  are  now  ready  to  produce  this  power. 

This  form  of  contract  is  of  public  record  at  Lockport  with  The  Niagara 
Falls  Paper  Company,  by  whom  this  form  of  power  has  been  in  satisfactory 
use  for  over  one  year,  showing  that  interruptions  from  ice  or  other  causes  are 
not  to  be  feared ;  or 

10,000  horse-power  developed  on  the  shaft  of  turbines  furnished  by  the  company  on 
the  company's  lands  at  Niagara,  at  $13  per  horse-power  per  annum,  twenty- 
four-hour  power;  so  to  be  delivered  within  six  months  from  the  execution  of 
the  contract ;  or 

10,000  horse-power  electrical,  alternating  current,  at  a  voltage  of  2000  as  it  comes 
from  the  company's  generators  at  the  power-house;  twenty-four-hour  power, 
at  $18  per  horse-power  per  annum,  to  be  delivered  within  eight  months  from 
the  execution  of  the  contract. 

In  the  event  of  the  city  making  a  contract  for  power,  in  either  of  the  above  forms,  the 
company  will  place  at  the  disposal  of  the  city  all  the  data  which  it  has  gathered  in  a  five- 
years'  study  of  the  problems  of  transmission,  and  will  arrange  for  a  satisfactory  use  by 
the  city  of  the  rights-of-way  between  Niagara  Falls  and  Buffalo  which  the  company  has 
acquired.  These  rights-of-way  are  three  in  number  and  are  practically  complete. 



The  company  cannot  name  a  price  for  electrical  power  transmitted  to  the  Buffalo  city 
line,  as  in  the  question  of  transmission  are  involved  the  uncertainties  of  the  losses  and 
cost  of  operation  and  maintenance.  .  .  . 

If  the  citv  does  not  desire  to  purchase  power  at  Niagara  as  above  suggested,  then, 
within  the  limits  and  to  the  extent  above  stated,  but  not  otherwise,  The  Niagara  Falls 
Power  Company  respectfully  renews  its  application  for  a  franchise  in  the  city  of  Buffalo. 

Municipal  ownership  became  a  topic  of  active  discussion  among  the  citizens. 
The  financial  requirements  of  such  relations  to  Niagara  power  as  those  pro- 
posed were  soon  understood  to  be  impracticable,  and  the  negotiations  were 
resumed  for  a  franchise  for  the  introduction  and  distribution  of  electric  energy 
by  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  within  the  municipal  limits.  No 
definite  results,  however,  were  attained  until  the  close  of  the  year  1895. 

The  following  is  a  record  of  the  company's  efforts  to  obtain  favorable  action 
by  the  city  of  Buffalo  from  October  15,  1894  to  June  30,  1897 : 


October  15  Petition  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  to  the  Common  Council 
of  the  city  of  Buffalo  for  franchise,  authorizing  the  distribution  of 
electricity  within  said  city.  Filed  in  the  City  Clerk's  Office,  Oct.  22, 
1894,  and  referred. 


December  2  Franchises  of  the  city  of  Buffalo  to  several  companies  for  the  intro- 
duction of  electrical  power  within  the  city  were  adopted  by  the 
Common  Council.  Tax  of  2l/>  per  cent  on  gross  receipts  after  six 
years.  Franchise  for  thirty-six  years. 

December  16  Approval  by  mayor  of  power  franchise  adopted  by  Common  Council, 
December  2,  1895. 


January  14  Resolution  of  board  of  directors  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Com- 
pany, accepting  grant  by  the  city  of  Buffalo  for  the  introduction 
of  electrical  power  within  the  city. 

June  18  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the  Cataract  Power  and  Conduit 

Company  filed  in  Erie  County  Clerk's  Office. 

June  22  Plans  and  specifications,  submitted  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Power 

Company,  having  been  approved  by  the  Board  of  Public  Works, 
the  Common  Council  granted  the  Cataract  Power  and  Conduit 
Company  permission  to  lay  conduits. 

June  24  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  made  an  assignment  of  its  Buffalo 

franchise  to  the  Cataract  Power  and  Conduit  Company  that  was 
accepted  by  Conduit  Company. 



July  13  Assignment  of  Buffalo  franchise  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Com- 

pany and  its  acceptance  by  the  Cataract  Power  and  Conduit 
Company  took  effect  as  of  this  date,  by  resolution  of  the  Common 
Council  passed  October  5,  1896,  concurred  in  by  the  board  of 
councilmen,  October  7,  1896. 

November  15    Power  transmission  to  Buffalo  inaugurated. 


June  30  Resolution  of  Common  Council  of  the  city  of  Buffalo,  adopting  the 

report  of  the  Street  Committee  amending  the  franchise. 

This  is  a  partial  record  of  strenuous  efforts  for  about  two  years  on  the  part 
of  those  who  were  associated  with  the  Niagara  enterprise  and  held  responsible 
positions  in  the  manufacturing  community  of  Buffalo,  and  who,  while  desirous 
of  reducing  the  cost  of  the  power  that  they  used,  had  yet  to  be  convinced  of  the 
safety  and  economy  of  electric  power,  particularly  in  alternating  currents, 
by  a  careful  study  of  its  characteristics  for  which  there  was  no  precedent  to 
inspire  their  confidence  or  to  direct  their  methods. 

Franchises  from  the  Tonawanda  municipality  were  obtained  by  The  Niag- 
ara Falls  Power  Company  in  1898  and  assigned  to  the  Tonawanda  Cataract 
Power  Company  organized  in  1899  therefor,  with  a  capital  of  $100,000  of 
which  60  per  cent  was  owned  by  the  Niagara  company.  The  first  board  of 
directors  was  composed  of  Edward  D.  Adams,  Francis  Lynde  Stetson, 
Edward  A.  Wickes  and  William  B.  Rankine  (La  Partie  Carree)  and  Charles 
A.  Sweet,  Lincoln  A.  Groat  of  Buffalo,  and  De  Lancey  Rankine  of  Niagara 

The  Tonawanda  Lighting  and  Power  Company,  the  local  organization 
supplying  direct-current  light,  was  merged  with  the  new  company,  under  the 
name  of  the  Tonawanda  Power  Company,  and  its  entire  capital  stock  was 
acquired  by  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company.  On  June  1,  1917,  these 
shares  were  sold  to  local  interests  in  the  Tonawandas  at  $175  per  share,  thereby 
increasing  the  assets  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  by  $437,500  cash. 


The  insurance  statistics  indicated  that  there  were  about  400  steam  boilers 
in  active  use  in  Buffalo  at  that  period,  having  a  total  rating  of  more  than  33,500 
effective  horse-power.  The  fact  that  steam-coal  in  Buffalo  was  then,  as  for 
some  years,  selling  in  large  quantities  at  a  price  not  much  exceeding  $2  per 
ton,  gave  a  basis  upon  which  to  estimate  at  what  price  electric  power  and  light 
must  be  available  in  Buffalo  in  order  to  meet  the  competition  resulting  from 
the  use  of  coal  upon  the  conditions  named.  Fortunately  the  largest  consumers 



of  light  and  power  in  Buffalo  were  the  International  Railroad  Company  and 
the  Buffalo  General  Electric  Company  that  were  under  a  personal  manage- 
ment familiar  with  the  problems  connected  with  the  production  of  power. 
Those  conducting  the  electric  light  company  were  naturally  interested  in  the 
announcement  of  the  Niagara  company's  intention  to  extend  its  line  to  Buf- 
falo, and  were  quite  willing  to  consider  the  subject  of  co-operation  when  it 

Daniel  O'Day 

Cataract  Power  and  Conduit  Company 

was  suggested  that  the  Niagara  company  desired  only  to  bring  its  power  to  a 
station  at  the  outskirts  of  Buffalo  where  it  was  willing  to  sell  the  same  at  a 
wholesale  price  to  a  distributing  company. 

As  a  company  which  had  established  the  largest  of  units  as  expressed  in 
water  resources  and  mechanical  and  electrical  devices  for  the  development  of 
power,  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  was  a  producer  en  gros  that 
desired  a  distributer  en  detail.  Effective  co-operation  in  distribution  required 
local  representation  by  citizens  of  influence. 



It  was  seen  that  the  financial  structure  of  the  distributing  organization 
should  start  with  the  credit  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  to  which 
it  would  invite  the  association  of  influential  and  successful  local  interests. 

It  was  finally  concluded  that  the  best  way  to  create  a  mutuality  of  interest, 
as  one  of  the  essential  details  of  success  in  such  a  venture,  was  to  organize  an 
intermediate  company  for  operation  in  Buffalo  and  to  obtain  through  sub- 
scriptions to  its  securities  the  co-operation  of  some  of  its  most  enterprising  and 

George  Urban,  Jr. 

Incorporator  and  President 
Cataract  Power  and  Conduit  Company 

influential  citizens  interested  in  the  establishment  of  Niagara  electrical  power 
in  the  municipality  of  Buffalo.  This  was  accomplished  by  the  organization 
of  the  Cataract  Power  and  Conduit  Company,  with  the  allotment  of  subscrip- 
tions to  about  one  half  its  capital  stock  to  the  associates  selected  for  that 
purpose  among  citizens  of  Buffalo. 

The  Cataract  Power  and  Conduit  Company  was  incorporated  under  the 
Transportation  Corporation  Law  of  the  State  of  New  York,  June  17,  1896, 



by  William  B.  Rankine,  George  Urban,  Jr.,  and  Charles  R.  Huntley,  for  the 
period  of  fifty  years,  with  an  authorized  capital  stock  of  $2,000,000  divided 
into  20,000  shares  of  a  par  value  of  $100  each.  There  was  an  authorized  issue 
of  $2,000,000  in  five  per  cent  bonds,  which  were  sold  as  funds  were  required 
for  construction. 

The  first  board  of  directors  was  constituted  as  follows : 

Daniel  O'Day 
George  Urban,  Jr. 
Charles  R.  Huntley 
Edward  D.  Adams 


New  York  City 

John  Jacob  Astor 

Francis  Lynde  Stetson 
Edward  A.  Wickes 
William  B.  Rankine 
Darius  O.  Mills 
New  York  City 

New  York  City 
New  York  City 
New  York  City 
New  York  City 

The  executive  officers  were : 

Executive  Committee 

Daniel  O'Day  John  Jacob  Astor 

George  Urban,  Jr.  Edward  A.  Wickes 

William  B.  Rankine 


President:  George  Urban,  Jr. 

Vice-president  and  General  Manager :  Charles  R.  Huntley 

Secretary  and  Treasurer:  William  B.  Rankine 

The  objects  of  the  organization  were  stated  to  be 

the  use  and  distribution  of  electricity  for  light,  heat  or  power  within  the  city  of  Buffalo, 
the  construction  of  conduits,  poles,  pipes  or  other  fixtures  in,  on,  over  and  under  the 
streets,  alleys,  avenues,  public  parks,  and  places  within  the  city  of  Buffalo  for  the  con- 
duct of  wires  and  pipes  and  for  conducting  and  distributing  electricity  or  pneumatic  or 
other  power  or  energy  produced  by  the  agency  of  electricity  or  otherwise ;  the  making, 
selling,  or  leasing  of  machines,  instruments,  apparatus  and  other  equipments  for  the  dis- 
tribution, delivery  or  practical  application  of  electric  or  pneumatic  or  other  energy, 
and  such  other  business  as  shall  be  naturally  incident  thereto  or  connected  therewith. 

It  was  also  provided  that  no  evidence  of  debt,  to  be  secured  by  a  mortgage 
or  other  lien  upon  the  property  of  the  company,  should  be  issued  without  the 
consent  of  the  holders  of  three-fourths  of  the  capital  stock ;  also  that  no  stock- 
holder should  be  entitled  to  vote  at  any  meeting  for  more  than  two-thirds  of 
the  number  of  directors  to  be  elected  at  such  meeting. 




The  subscribers  to  the  capital  of  the  company  as  required  for  its  construc- 
tion, included  the  following  residents  of  Buffalo  and  its  vicinity: 

The  transmission  of  power,  as  electricity  at  a  high  voltage  over  wires, 
strung  on  wooden  poles  extending  from  Niagara  to  Buffalo,  constituted  a 
serious  problem  to  various  interests,  besides  those  represented  by  The  Cata- 
ract Construction  Company. 

The  state  authorities  desired  to  assist  such  a  project,  however  novel,  but  in 
the  absence  of  precedents  they  necessarily  relied  upon  the  well-known  char- 
acter and  responsibility  of  the  applicants,  and  the  watchfulness  of  their  rep- 
resentatives during  progress  of  the  work  under  a  general  permit,  ready  to 
impose  regulations  should  it  seem  desirable  in  the  protection  of  citizens  and 
their  property,  whether  they  were  to  become  beneficiaries  of  the  scheme  or  not. 

The  applicants  found  it  necessary  to  apply  many  times  for  additional  priv- 
ileges and  powers,  as  experiences  were  gathered  in  acquiring  the  right-of-way, 
by  purchase,  by  lease,  and  by  local  permits  to  cross  roads,  canals,  railways,  etc. 
The  franchises  were  mainly  such  as  would  be  required  for  an  extension  of 
a  public  utility  intended  for  general  service  in  the  interest  of  economy  and 
convenience  in  manufacturing  and  domestic  activities. 

Again,  as  a  pioneer,  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  had  to  find  a 
way  to  overcome  unknown  difficulties  that  arose  and  obstructed  its  progress. 

Public  interest  was  expressed  by  its  curiosity.  Niagara  power  was  as 
much  needed  en  route  at  Tonawanda  for  instance,  as  in  Buffalo  to  increase 
property  values  and  population.  Would  it  be  safe  and  sure?  Could  it  be  relied 
upon,  day  and  night,  without  interruption?  And  many  other  queries  accom- 
panied the  declaration  that  "anyway,  we  will  wait  for  Buffalo  to  act  first." 

Proposals  were  received  from  the  General  Electric  and  Westinghouse 
Electric  companies,  which  were  in  all  essential  respects  alike.  Each  company 
proposed  a  project  for  the  transmission  of  10,000  horse-power  from  the 
bus-bars  of  the  Niagara  power-house  to  the  sub-station  at  Buffalo,  trans- 
forming the  two-phase  currents  generated  at  the  power-house  into  three- 
phase  currents  at  11,000  or  22,000  volts  by  step-up  transformers. 

H.  B.  Alverson 
A.  D.  Bissell 
Dann  &  Robinson 
William  P.  Humbert 
Francis  R.  Hunsicker 
Charles  R.  Huntley 
Franklin  D.  Locke 

Daniel  O'Day 
Robert  W.  Pomeroy 
De  Lancey  Rankine 

Darius  O.  Mills 

Charles  A.  Sweet 
George  H.  Teller 
George  Urban,  Jr 




The  General  Electric  Company  designed  a  single  pole  line  with  two  cir- 
cuits, and  suggested,  if  desired,  a  second  pole  line  with  a  spare  circuit.  The 
Westinghouse  Company  proposed  to  use  two  lines  of  steel  poles,  each  to  carry 
one  circuit. 


Upon  completion  of  its  terminal  house  at  the  city  line  the  Cataract  Power 
and  Conduit  Company  began  the  supply  of  Niagara  power  in  Buffalo  on 
November  15,  1896.  The  initial  use  was  to  the  extent  of  approximately  1000 
horse-power  for  the  operation  of  street  railways. 

An  important  dinner  was  given  on  January  12,  1897,  at  the  new  Ellicott 
Club  in  Buffalo,  to  commemorate  the  introduction  of  Niagara  power  into  the 
city  of  Buffalo,  by  the  parties  interested  in  promoting  the  introduction  of  this 
power,  at  which  various  scientists  were  present  and  explained  the  latest  de- 
velopment in  the  electrical  science  and  the  facilities  which  were  thereby  af- 
forded for  the  transmission  of  power,  so  that  it  could  compete  with  the  already 
established  steam  plants  which  electrical  machinery  was  designed  to  replace. 

There  were  about  400  guests  present,  including  many  recognized  leaders 
among  engineers,  inventors,  manufacturers  and  capitalists.  The  toasts  and 
speakers  were 

The  Company  Francis  Lynde  Stetson,  of  New  York, 

the  toastmaster  of  the  evening 
Welcome  to  Buffalo        His  Honor  Mayor  Jewett 
The  Empire  State  Controller  J.  A.  Roberts  of  Albany 

Electricity  Nikola  Tesla,  of  New  York 

The  City  of  Buffalo       Charles  W.  Goodyear,  of  Buffalo 
Water-power  Charles  A.  Pillsbury,  of  Minneapolis 

The  New  York  Tribune  reported  that  the  general  trend  of  the  speeches  was 
admiration  of  the  achievement,  which  it  was  said  might  justly  be  regarded 
as  one  of  the  triumphs  of  the  century,  and  prophecies  of  the  great  future 
awaiting  the  Niagara  frontier  when  the  electric  power  reaches  its  fullest 

The  growth  of  confidence  notwithstanding  the  continuity  and  other  ad- 
vantages of  the  service  was  slow.  The  education  of  the  manufacturers  as  to 
the  actual  cost  of  their  steam-power  continued.  Both  curiosity  and  interest 
prompted  investigations  of  conduits,  transformers  and  motors.  Each  new 
motor  installation  was  visited,  experiences  gathered  and  exchanged,  and  esti- 
mates made  of  the  cost  of  changing  from  steam  to  electricity.  The  services  of 
Horatio  A.  Foster,  a  mechanical  and  electrical  engineer,  were  always  available 



for  guidance  in  such  studies,  he  having  been  stationed  in  Buffalo  since  1897 
as  the  representative  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  for  such  purpose. 

There  were  many  vexatious  delays  in  extending  the  lines  of  transmission 
of  the  Cataract  Power  and  Conduit  Company  in  the  streets  of  the  city 
of  Buffalo  and  in  making  installations  for  the  customers'  use  of  the  electric 
current.  The  net  income  earned  from  the  sale  of  electricity  was  disappoint- 
ing during  the  first  years  of  its  operation.  There  was,  however,  a  steady 
increase  of  customers,  and  after  1900  the  growth  of  the  business  of  the  com- 
pany was  rapid.  It  was  constantly  urged  to  extend  its  lines  of  transmission 
for  new  customers  who  awaited  their  opportunity  to  adopt  the  new  power. 
During  the  ten-year  period  from  June,  1897,  the  company  issued  and  disposed 
of  an  average  of  about  $85,000  bonds  per  annum  for  the  extension  of  its  system 
of  distribution  in  Buffalo,  with  the  result  that  in  1906  the  first  mortgage  five 
per  cent  bonds  to  the  amount  of  $1,000,000  had  been  issued  and  sold.  As  the 
productive  property  was  extended  and  more  capital  was  invested,  the  cus- 
tomers multiplied  and  the  credit  and  popularity  of  the  organization  increased. 

The  rapid  development  of  the  use  of  electric  power  in  Buffalo  obliged  the 
Cataract  Power  and  Conduit  Company,  when  it  ascertained  that  no  additional 
current  could  be  obtained  from  The  Niagara  Palls  Power  Company  for  some 
time,  to  contract  with  the  Electrical  Development  Company  of  Ontario  for 
5000  horse-power  to  be  delivered  at  the  transformer-station  of  the  Canadian 
Niagara  Power  Company  for  transformation  and  transmission  on  its  wires 
to  the  Cataract  Power  and  Conduit  Company  at  Buffalo,  where  it  was  greatly 

It  has  been  stated  that  during  the  entire  period  of  Cataract  Power  and  Con- 
duit Company's  activities  in  distributing  Niagara  power,  it  had  never  lost  a 
customer  on  account  of  dissatisfaction  with  its  rates  or  service. 

The  following  charts  show  the  record  of  growth  in  population  and  assessed 
valuation  of  property  in  the  city  of  Buffalo  from  the  organization  of  The  Cata- 
ract Construction  Company  in  1886  through  the  consolidation  of  the  Cataract 
Power  and  Conduit  Company,  and  the  Buffalo  General  Electric  Company, 
under  the  title  of  the  latter  in  1915. 


By  agreement  of  December  18,  1913,  that  became  effective  July,  1915,  the 
Buffalo  General  Electric  Company  purchased  from  The  Niagara  Falls 
Power  Company  its  entire  holdings,  10,050  shares,  of  the  capital  stock  of  the 
Cataract  Power  and  Conduit  Company,  at  the  price  of  $141  per  share,  pay- 
able in  $1,005,000  of  the  first  refunding  five  per  cent  gold  bonds,  due  1939, 



of  the  Buffalo  General  Electric  Company  at  par,  and  the  balance  in  cash, 
together  with  interest  thereon  at  the  rate  of  six  per  cent  per  annum  from 
December  1,  1913,  to  the  date  of  the  completion  of  the  sale. 

The  Public  Service  Commission  of  New  York,  Second  District,  by  its  order 
of  June  24,  1915,  had  approved  of  this  transaction  and  consented  to  the  ac- 
quisition by  the  Buffalo  General  Electric  Company  of  all  the  outstanding 
shares  of  the  Cataract  Power  and  Conduit  Company,  the  merger  of  the  two 

«       1850  1860   1870  1880  1890  1900  1910  1920 







Population  in  Thousands,  City  of  Buffalo 

companies,  and  the  operation  of  the  combined  properties  under  the  franchise 
of  the  Buffalo  General  Electric  Company. 

In  September,  following  the  receipt  of  the  bonds,  they  were  sold  en  bloc  at 
the  price  of  95  per  cent  and  accrued  interest  cash,  and  the  proceeds  $1,418,500 
were  added  to  the  resources  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company. 

1  The  abrupt  rise  in  the  population  line  as  charted  from  1880  to  1890,  should  not  be  taken  to  indicate 
that  the  marked  increase  in  population  began  with  1880.  The  increase  began  actually  about  1886  with  the 
plans  for  power  utilization.  The  line  is  drawn  from  the  point  indicating  the  taking  of  the  1880  census  to 
the  point  indicating  the  taking  of  the  1890  census,  and  growth  is  therefore  averaged  and  diagramed  by 
decades,  not  by  years. 

1850  -  42,261 
1860  -  81,129 
1870  -  117,714 
1880  -  115,134 
1890  -  255,664 
1895  -  335,709 
1900  -  352,387 
1905  -  376,587 
1910  -  423,715 
1915  -  454,630 
1920  -  506,775 




The  Buffalo  General  Electric  Company,  by  its  absorption  in  1893  of  the 
three  local  companies,1  and  by  its  purchase  in  1915  of  the  Cataract  Power  and 
Conduit  Company  that  brought  Niagara  power  to  Buffalo  in  1896,  acquired 
a  major  position  in  the  electrical  field  of  Buffalo,  and  by  wise  and  libera] 
management  became  a  successful  institution,  of  which  the  citizens  of  Buffalo 
may  well  be  proud. 

1880       1885       1890       1895       1900       1905       1910       1915       1920  1925 

1880  -  $  89,232,485 

1881  -  92,250,315 

1882  -  98,097,035 

1883  -  101,903,705 

1884  -  104,801,190 

1885  -    108,37  1,1  15 

1886  -  122,309,170 

1887  -  128.031,295 

1888  -  133,076,805 

1889  -  157,512,570 

1890  -  102,359,450 

1891  -  179,957,350 

1892  -  197,084,780 

1893  -  222,572,885 

1894  -  230,120,405 

1895  -  234,051,400 

1896  -  238,972,345 

1897  -  247,388,275 

1898  -  245,071,030 

1899  -  230,909,535 

1900  -$  245.873,587 

1901  -  242,349,138 

1902  -  243,905,020 

1903  -  252,021,505 

1904  -  261,954,200 

1905  -  205,819,700 
1900  -  208,215,605 

1907  -  289,410,570 

1908  -  298,176.669 

1909  -  307,000,555 

1910  -  312,270,240 

1911  -  322,700,045 

1912  -  325,489,250 

1913  -  330,080,105 

1914  -  340,500,790 

1915  -  381,007,500 

1916  -  390,487.600 

1917  -  533,821,340 

1918  -  538,842.970 

1919  -  500,079,750 

1920  -  608,175,115 

1921  -  054,357,185 

1922  -  674.840,570 

1923  -  722,445,290 

1924  -  768,765.265 



Assessed  Valuation  in  Millions  of  Dollars,  City  of  Buffalo 

In  1923-1924  practically  90  per  cent  of  all  the  industrial  plants  in  Buffalo 
were  fully  electrified. 

President  Huntley  declared,  "We  are  the  link  in  the  chain  between  the 
producer  of  Niagara  power  and  the  consumer  of  power." 

In  its  strength  and  in  conformity  with  its  business  policy,  the  company 
voluntarily  and  successively  reduced  its  rates  for  electric  current  furnished  its 
customers,  thereby,  in  each  case,  adding  to  its  popularity  and  increasing  its 
business  profits. 

1  U.  S.  Electric  Light  and  Power  Company,  Brush  Electric  Light  Company,  Thomson-Houston  Electric 
Light  and  Power  Company. 



In  the  foresight  of  its  management  it  favored  the  erection  of  a  large  addition 
to  its  steam-electric  river  station  to  fully  protect  its  customers  in  emergencies 
and  to  provide  for  its  ever-increasing  demand.  This  station,  with  an  addition 
(which  will  bring  the  total  capacity  to  200,000  horse-power)  almost  complete, 
is  now  a  part  of  the  Buffalo,  Niagara  and  Eastern  Power  Corporation  equip- 
ment. It  has  been  christened  by  resolution1  of  the  board  of  directors  of  the 

The  Charles  R.  Huntley  Station,  Exterior 

Buffalo,  Niagara  and  Eastern  Power  Corporation  of  October,  1926,  "The 
Charles  R.  Huntley  Station"  in  honor  of  the  late  president.2 


On  May  14,  1925,  the  Buffalo,  Niagara  and  Eastern  Power  Corporation 
was  chartered  under  the  laws  of  the  State  of  New  York  for  the  purpose, 
among  others,  of  acquiring  control  of  the  properties  of  Buffalo  General 

1  Appendix  G,  Volume  I. 

2  See  portrait  and  text  on  page  334. 



Electric  Company,  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  Tonawanda  Power 
Company,  and  Niagara,  Lockport  and  Ontario  Power  Company,  through 
ownership  of  their  common  capital  stock,  and  received  permission  from  the 
Public  Service  Commission  to  hold  all  or  any  part  of  the  common  capital  stock 
of  each  of  the  said  four  named  companies. 

Pursuant  to  permission  granted  by  the  Public  Service  Commission,  Buffalo, 
Niagara  and  Eastern  Power  Corporation  issued  its  cumulative  preferred 
stock  of  the  par  value  of  $25  per  share,  entitled  to  receive  dividends  at  the  rate 
of  $1.60  per  annum  per  share,  and  its  common  stock,  without  par  value,  in 
exchange  for  the  issued  common  capital  stock  of  the  four  named  companies. 

More  than  99  per  cent  of  the  total  issued  common  capital  stocks  of  the  four 
named  companies  has  been  exchanged.  The  stockholders  of  the  Buffalo,  Ni- 
agara and  Eastern  Power  Corporation  and  subsidiaries  number  approxi- 
mately  20,000,  and  the  vast  majority  are  residents  of  the  territory  served. 

As  a  matter  of  economics,  the  linking  together  of  power-producing  plants 
and  the  interconnecting  of  neighboring  distributing  systems  into  a  one-unit 
service  organization  is  most  desirable.  These  four  companies  acquired,  all 
operating  in  western  New  York  State,  had  a  community  of  interest.  The 
grouping  of  their  properties  under  a  unified  management  results  in  a  central- 
ized policy  and  a  co-ordinated  system  of  production  and  distribution. 

Hydro-electric  power  production  at  Niagara  Falls  necessarily  must  be  con- 
tinuous if  the  maximum  use  is  to  be  made  of  the  limited  volume  of  water  now 
permitted  by  treaty  to  be  diverted  around  the  falls  for  power  purposes.  The 
use  of  power  by  consuming  industries  and  by  communities  continually  varies 
in  peak  requirements.  By  linking  the  Niagara  power-plants  with  smaller 
hydro-electric  power-plants  in  the  central  part  of  New  York  State,  and  also 
with  steam-electric  power-plants,  there  is  provided  through  a  single  control 
the  greatest  possible  flexibility  in  the  shifting  of  power  whenever  and 
wherever  needed.  This  is  sound  business  and  economic  good  sense. 


The  following  abridged  histories  of  the  companies  controlled  by  the  Buffalo, 
Niagara  and  Eastern  Power  Corporation,  with  short  descriptions  of  their 
properties  are  taken  from  the  first  report  of  the  stockholders  of  the  company, 
March  1,  1926. 

Buffalo  General  Electric  Company:  Incorporated  under  the  laws  of  New 
York,  August  1,  1892,  as  a  consolidation  of  the  Brush  Electric  Light  Com- 
pany and  the  Thomson-Houston  Electric  Light  and  Power  Company,  which 


The  "Electric  Building"  at  Buffalo 

Executive  Offices,  Buffalo,  New  York 
Buffalo  General  Electric  Company 
Buffalo,  Niagara  and  Eastern  Power  Corporation 
Niagara,  Lockport  and  Ontario 
Power  Company 
and  other  Allied  Companies 


latter  company  had  previously  absorbed  the  United  States  Electric  Light  and 
Power  Company.  On  September  1,  1915,  merged  the  Cataract  Power  and 
Conduit  Company.  It  does  the  entire  electric  lighting  and  power  business  of 
Buffalo,  and  also  supplies  Lackawanna,  West  Seneca,  Blasdell,  Cheektowaga, 
Amherst,  Williamsville,  and  Kenmore,  and  owns  the  entire  capital  stock  of 
the  Niagara  Electric  Service  Corporation,  supplying  Niagara  Falls,  New 
York.  Population  served,  600,000.  Steam-electric  power-plant  equipped  with 
three  20,000  kilowatt  and  one  35,000  kilowatt  units,  and  a  new  60,000  kilowatt 
unit  under  construction.  Energy  also  purchased  from  The  Niagara  Falls 
Power  Company. 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company:  Incorporated  under  the  laws  of  New 
York,  October  31,  1918,  as  a  consolidation  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Com- 
pany (old  company),  Hydraulic  Power  Company  of  Niagara  Falls,  and 
Cliff  Electrical  Distributing  Company.  The  consolidation  was  made  under 
the  terms  of  an  agreement  between  the  three  corporations  dated  September 
20,  1918.  Owns  and  operates  hydro-electric  generating  plants  in  Niagara 
Falls,  New  York,  and  Niagara  Falls,  Ontario.  The  system  has  an  aggregate 
generating  installation  of  680,000  horse-power.  Present  restrictions  on  the 
use  of  water  from  the  Niagara  River  limit  the  output  of  the  system  plants  to 
about  500,000  horse-power.  Owns  approximately  1350  acres  of  land  in  and 
adjacent  to  Niagara  Falls,  New  York,  devoted  to  sites  for  factories,  trans- 
mission lines  and  switching  structures.  Acquired  Niagara  Gorge  Railroad 
Company  (1925),  including  its  right-of-way  at  the  river's  edge  through  the 
Niagara  Gorge,  its  riparian  rights  and  franchises.  Owns  all  the  stock  of  the 
Niagara  Junction  Railway  Company.  Also  owns  all  of  the  capital  stock 
(except  directors'  qualifying  shares)  and  all  of  the  funded  obligations  of  the 
Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company,  Limited. 

Tonawanda  Power  Company:  Incorporated  under  the  laws  of  New  York, 
March  21,  1899,  as  a  consolidation  of  the  Tonawanda  Lighting  and  Power 
Company  and  the  Tonawanda  Cataract  Power  Company.  Purchases  electric 
power  from  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  for  distribution  in  North 
Tonawanda,  Tonawanda  and  adjacent  sections,  serving  a  population  of  about 
40,000,  and  operating  under  perpetual  franchises.  Controls  and  owns  all 
capital  stock  of  the  La  Salle  Electric  Corporation  and  the  Grand  Island  Light 
and  Power  Corporation,  serving  La  Salle,  and  Grand  Island,  respectively. 

Niagara,  Lockport  and  Ontario  Power  Company:  Incorporated  May  20, 
1894,  to  engage  in  the  production  and  distribution  of  electric  power  in  western 
and  central  New  York  State.  Owns  and  operates  (a)  hydro-electric  plant  on 
the  Salmon  River  northeast  of  Syracuse  of  35,000  horse-power  capacity;  (b) 



a  steam-electric  generating  plant  at  Lyons,  New  York,  of  40,000  horse-power 
capacity;  leases  a  hydro-electric  plant  on  the  Oswego  River  at  Minetto,  New 
York,  of  12,000  horse-power  capacity,  and  purchases  from  The  Niagara  Falls 
Power  Company  and  the  Ontario  Power  Company  (Canadian),  under  long 
term  contracts,  130,000  hydro-electric  horse-power.  Distributing  system  is 
interconnected  with  the  generating  plants  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Com- 
pany and  of  the  Hydro-Electric  Power  Commission  of  Ontario  at  Niagara  Falls. 
It  is  also  interconnected  with  the  Buffalo  General  Electric  Company  system  at 
Buffalo.  The  lines  of  the  Niagara,  Lockport  and  Ontario  Power  Company 
are  also  connected  up  for  emergency  service  and  for  the  interchange  of  surplus 
power  with  the  following  systems  in  contiguous  territory:  (a)  Northern  New 
York  Utilities,  Incorporated,  which  owns  and  operates  hydro-electric  and 
steam-electric  generating  plants  and  supplies  electric  service  to  cities,  towns 
and  villages  in  several  counties  in  northern  New  York  State;  (b)  Adirondack 
Power  and  Light  Corporation  which  owns  and  operates  hydro-electric  and 
steam-electric  generating  plants  and  serves  cities,  towns  and  villages  in  central 
and  eastern  New  York  State;  and  (c)  Penn  Public  Service  System  operating 
hydro-electric  and  steam-electric  plants  and  rendering  electric  service  in  the 
states  of  Pennsylvania  and  Maryland.  The  generating  capacity  of  the  various 
power  sources  interconnected  through  the  Niagara,  Lockport  and  Ontario 
Power  Company's  transmission  system  aggregates  more  than  2,000,000 

The  territory  reached,  and  served  in  whole  or  in  part,  by  the  Niagara,  Lock- 
port  and  Ontario  Power  Company  embraces  seventeen  counties  in  New  York 
State  and  two  in  Pennsylvania  with  a  population  in  excess  of  two  million 
people.  The  company  holds  franchises  in  more  than  two  hundred  cities, 
villages  and  towns.  Electric  power  is  sold  at  wholesale  to  other  public  utility 
companies  and  to  municipalities,  to  electrically-operated  railways,  and  retailed 
for  manufacturing,  commercial  and  domestic  service. 

The  following  electric  utility  companies  have  been  acquired  and  merged 
with  the  Niagara,  Lockport  and  Ontario  Power  Company:  Salmon  River 
Power  Company  (1918),  operated  in  Oswego,  Onondaga  and  Wayne  coun- 
ties; Niagara  and  Erie  Power  Company  (1922),  operated  in  Erie  and  Chau- 
tauqua counties;  Western  New  York  Electric  Company  (1925) ,  operated  in 
Chautauqua  County;  Olean  Electric  Light  and  Power  Company  (1925), 
operated  in  Cattaraugus  and  Allegany  counties;  Livingston-Niagara  Power 
Company,  operated  in  Livingston  and  Monroe  counties ;  Bryant  Power  Com- 
pany, Incorporated,  and  Cambria  Power  Company,  Incorporated,  both  op- 
erated in  Niagara  County;  Seneca  Transmission  Company,  Incorporated, 



operated  in  Erie  County;  Bradford  Electric  Company,  operated  in  McKean 
County,  Pennsylvania;  and  the  Warren  and  Jamestown  Street  Railway, 
operated  between  Warren,  Pennsylvania,  and  Jamestown,  New  York. 

Power  Plants :  The  combined  physical  properties  include  electric  generating 
stations  with  a  total  installed  capacity  of  725,000  kilowatts,  of  which  545,000 
kilowatts  is  hydro  and  180,000  kilowatts  is  steam.  This  includes  the  60,000 
kilowatt  unit  now  being  installed  in  the  River  Station  of  the  Buffalo  General 
Electric  Company  and  which  was  put  into  service  during  the  fall  of  1926. 
Limitations  in  the  use  of  water  for  power  development  at  Niagara  Falls 
reduce  the  operating  capacity  of  the  hydro-electric  plants  to  approximately 
80  per  cent  of  their  installed  capacity. 

While  there  were  no  major  construction  projects  in  work  during  1925  in 
connection  with  the  hydro-electric  generating  plants  at  Niagara  Falls,  Ni- 
agara Station  No.  3-C,  containing  the  three  70,000  horse-power  units  which 
were  put  into  commercial  operation  during  1924,  was  fully  completed,  and 
official  tests  of  these  units  were  made  for  the  Niagara  Control  Board.  These 
tests  indicated  a  turbine  efficiency  of  93.8  per  cent  and  a  combined  efficiency 
of  turbine  and  generator  of  92  per  cent.  These  efficiencies  in  the  conversion  of 
the  energy  of  falling  water  into  electrical  energy  are  higher  than  previously 
have  been  attained  in  any  hydro-electric  power  developments. 

The  Niagara  generating  plants  were  operated  at  capacity  throughout  the 
year,  within  the  limits  of  the  governmental  restrictions  in  the  use  of  water.  The 
kilowatt  hour  output  for  the  Niagara  system  reached  a  new  high  level  for 
the  year  with  the  stupendous  total  of  3,161,130,010,  an  increase  of  more  than 
10  per  cent  over  the  previous  year,  and  50  per  cent  above  the  output  for  1918, 
the  year  in  which  the  present  Niagara  system  first  operated  as  a  unit.  This 
output  approximates  one-third  the  total  kilowatt  hours  of  electricity  sold  by 
central  stations  in  the  entire  State  of  New  York.  To  have  produced  this  same 
amount  of  electric  service  through  the  use  of  coal  in  steam-electric  generating 
plants  would  have  required  about  three-and-one-half  million  tons  of  fuel. 

Transmission  Lines :  The  high-tension  transmission  system  of  the  Niagara, 
Lockport  and  Ontario  Power  Company  weaves  a  network  of  lines  over  the 
western  and  central  part  of  New  York  State.  It  embraces  656  miles  of  lines 
on  steel  towers  and  788  miles  of  lines  on  wooden  poles.  There  are  948  miles  of 
transmission  circuits  insulated  for  110,000  volts,  200  miles  insulated  for 
60,000  volts,  and  693  miles  insulated  for  from  4000  volts  to  60,000  volts. 
Right-of-way  owned  in  fee,  376  miles;  permanent  easement  for  right-of-way, 
302  miles.  The  land  owned  for  transmission  right-of-way  approximates 
4900  acres. 



In  addition  to  the  transmission  system  above  described,  The  Niagara  Falls 
Power  Company  owns  various  high-tension  circuits  between  Niagara  Falls 
and  Buffalo,  and  others  connecting  with  the  Niagara,  Lockport  and  Ontario 
Power  Company's  lines,  all  on  steel  towers. 

Distributing  Systems:  The  output  of  the  generating  plants  of  The  Niagara 
Falls  Power  Company  is  divided  about  equally  between  the  electro-chemical 
industries  on  the  Niagara  frontier  and  direct  service  as  light,  heat  and  power. 

Interior  of  the  Charles  R.  Huntley  Station  (Looking  South) 

Showing  panels  for  location  of  Memorial  Tablet 

The  Buffalo  General  Electric  Company  is  the  largest  retail  distributing  unit 
in  the  Buffalo,  Niagara  and  Eastern  group.  It  serves  a  population  of  about 
600,000,  with  domestic  and  commercial  users  numbering  148,891  and  has  a 
connected  load  of  495,800  kilowatts. 

Summarizing:  The  power  distributing  agencies  of  the  operating  companies 
controlled  by  Buffalo,  Niagara  and  Eastern  Power  Corporation  make  power 
available  to  about  450  cities,  villages,  towns,  and  lighting  districts,  located 
in  a  zone  some  300  miles  from  east  to  west  and  100  miles  from  north  to  south, 
having  approximately  500,000  homes  of  which  80  per  cent  are  either  direct  or 
indirect  customers  of  the  system. 


Terminal  Station  "D",  Buffalo,  Niagara  and  Eastern  Power  Corporation 

The  station  through  which  passes  the  larger  portion  of  the  electric  energy  that  is 
delivered  from  the  generators  at  Niagara  Falls  over  the  transmission  lines 
to  Buffalo,  from  whence  it  is  distributed  over  the  associated  companies' 
lines  of  high  tension  transmission  south  and  east,  beyond  the  state  lines 

Volume  One 





Coleman  Sellers,,  e.d. 


Chief  Engineer 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company 


—  "  

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 


I  first  met  Dr.  Coleman  Sellers  in  the  summer  of  1890  in  London.  As  engineering 
adviser  to  the  recently  formed  Cataract  Construction  Company,  he  and  Mr.  Edward  D. 
Adams,  the  president  of  that  company,  were  seeking  ideas  and  suggestions  which  might 
be  useful  in  solving  the  great  problem  of  utilizing  the  power  of  Niagara  Falls.  With 
this  object  in  view,  Mr.  Adams  had  invited  a  number  of  engineers  from  time  to  time  to 
meet  the  Doctor  and  himself  to  discuss  the  subject.  I  happened  to  be  in  London  at  the 
time  on  special  detail  from  the  staff  of  the  American  Westinghouse  Electric  Company 
and,  with  Mr.  Reginald  Belfield,  electrician  of  the  British  Westinghouse  Electric  Com- 
pany, Ltd.,  was  invited  by  Mr.  Adams  to  meet  Dr.  Sellers  and  himself  at  Brown's  Hotel 
in  Dover  Street. 

At  the  outstart,  I  was  greatly  impressed  by  Dr.  Sellers'  personality  and  keenness  of 
mind.  At  that  time,  he  was  sixty-three  years  of  age  and  he  brought  to  the  consideration 
of  the  problem  a  judgment  trained  by  many  years  of  active  and  varied  engineering 
experience.  He  brought  also  an  enthusiastic  interest  rarely  found  in  one  no  longer  young. 
As  I  realized  increasingly  in  later  years,  enthusiasm,  earnestness  and  a  keen  interest  in 
the  matter  in  hand  at  all  times  characterized  both  the  Doctor's  work  and  his  play. 

At  our  first  interview,  I  was  impressed  particularly  by  the  nervous  energy  with 
which  he  set  forth  various  tentative  plans  which  he  had  suggested.  Later,  when  the 
Niagara  Power  Commission  was  organized  and  prizes  and  bonuses  were  offered  for  the 
best  plan  for  utilizing  power  at  the  falls,  Mr.  Belfield  and  I  were  very  keen  to  have 
the  American  Westinghouse  Company  submit  plans  for  the  development  and  distribution 
of  power  from  a  central  plant  by  polyphase  alternating  current,  but  Mr.  Westinghouse 
would  not  consent.  As  he  put  it  bluntly  when  I  saw  him  a  few  months  later  in  America : 
"These  people  are  trying  to  secure  $100,000  worth  of  information  by  offering  prizes, 
the  largest  of  which  is  $3000.  When  they  are  ready  to  do  business,  we  will  show  them 
how  to  do  it." 

Early  in  1893,  I  again  came  in  contact  with  Dr.  Sellers,  when,  in  response  to  an 
invitation  from  Mr.  Westinghouse,  he  and  Professor  Rowland  visited  Pittsburgh  to 
test  the  newly  developed  rotary  converter  and  to  determine  the  effect  of  comparatively 
low  frequencies  upon  incandescent  lamps.  From  that  time  until  1897,  as  engineer  of 
the  manufacturing  company  which  constructed  and  installed  the  first  generators  and 
their  electrical  equipment  for  the  Niagara  plant,  and  subsequently  for  three  years  as 
electrical  director  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  it  was  my  great,  good  fortune 
to  see  much  of  the  Doctor  and  of  his  work.  No  experience  perhaps  could  give  one  a 
more  comprehensive  or  accurate  knowledge  of  his  character  and  ability  than  could  be 
acquired  during  such  a  period  of  close  professional  relationship,  first,  from  the  stand- 
point of  a  representative  of  the  contracting  company,  and,  later,  from  the  standpoint 
of  mutual  interest  and  co-operation  in  the  work  of  the  Power  Company.  During  all 
those  years  and  in  all  relations,  Dr.  Sellers'  attitude  was  invariably  that  of  the  ideal 
engineer — patient,  always  co-operative,  zealous  and  tireless  in  protecting  the  interests 
of  his  client  but  never  unjust  to  others.  Seeking  to  construct  no  monument  to  himself, 
his  sole  object  was  to  assist  in  the  creation  of  a  successful  enterprise  and  the  solution 
of  a  fundamental  engineering  problem. 

To  understand  and  appreciate  the  importance  of  Dr.  Sellers'  work  at  Niagara,  it  is 
necessary  to  realize  the  state  of  the  art  of  power  transmission  at  the  dates  when  the 



decisions  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company  and  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power 
Company  were  made.  The  most  definite  plan  which  had  been  suggested  before  Mr.  Adams 
and  his  associates  acquired  their  charter  contemplated  an  exclusively  hydraulic  devel- 
opment, a  canal  of  considerable  length  being  used  to  convey  water  to  mills  and 
factories  located  at  various  points  convenient  to  the  canal  and  a  parallel  outlet  tunnel 
approximately  150  feet  beneath  the  surface,  discharging  into  the  Niagara  gorge  below 
the  falls.  The  power  for  each  mill  and  factory,  or  closely  adjacent  group  of  mills  and 
factories,  was  to  be  developed  by  its  own  hydraulic  turbines,  receiving  water  from  the 
canal  and  discharging  it  into  the  outlet  tunnel.  As  an  alternative  to  this  plan,  which  was 
in  line  with  American  practise  at  Holyoke,  Manchester,  and  elsewhere,  the  possibility 
of  one  or  more  large  centrally  located  plants,  with  some  method  of  transmitting  and 
distributing  power,  was  considered.  In  presenting  its  problem,  the  Company  indicated 
no  prejudice  or  preference.  The  question  asked  was  simply  "How  can  the  power  at 
Niagara  best  be  utilized?" 

Under  such  conditions,  the  work  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  demanded 
from  its  technical  advisers  skill,  vision  and  judgment  of  a  high  order.  Fortunately, 
the  management  of  the  Company  was  eminently  wise  and  far-sighted  and  under  its 
direction  the  minds  of  a  selected  group  of  the  ablest  scientists  in  America  and  Europe 
were  brought  to  bear  upon  the  problem  of  utilizing  the  power  of  the  Great  Falls.  From 
Europe,  came  Lord  Kelvin,  Mascart,  Turrettini,  Unwin  and  Forbes.  From  America, 
came  Sellers,  Herschel  and  Rowland.  Plans  and  suggestions  were  obtained  also  from 
many  others  at  home  and  abroad. 

Naturally,  the  plans  suggested  and,  in  many  cases,  strongly  advocated,  were  various 
and  often  divergent.  The  problem  of  constructive  development  faced  was  complex 
and  difficult.  Its  solution  called  not  only  for  analytical  and  constructive  ability  of  a 
high  order,  but  for  untiring  patience,  foresight,  and,  above  all,  for  sound  judgment. 

From  1890  to  1893,  the  engineers  selected  by  Mr.  Adams  and  his  associates  were 
engaged  in  their  far-reaching  investigation.  During  this  time,  Dr.  Sellers,  by  his  char- 
acter, his  zeal,  and  his  sound  judgment,  established  himself  gradually  in  the  confidence 
of  the  board  until,  by  making  him  president  and  chief  engineer  of  The  Niagara  Falls 
Power  Company,  and  requiring  his  approval  of  all  construction  plans,  they  placed  upon 
him  full  responsibility  for  deciding  all  engineering  questions  involved  in  their  enterprise. 

Prior  to  1890,  the  practicability  of  transmitting  large  amounts  of  power  by  elec- 
tricity had  not  been  demonstrated.  In  America,  the  determining  steps  in  the  develop- 
ment of  the  art  of  electric  transmission  were  taken  between  1885,  when  the  idea  of 
supplying  incandescent  lamps  by  alternating  current  through  the  intervention  of  trans- 
formers was  brought  to  America,  and  1895,  when  the  first  alternator  was  put  into 
commercial  service  at  Niagara.  Since  then,  progress  in  this  field  has  been  measured  by 
a  gradual  increase  in  size  and  efficiency  of  hydraulic  and  electric  units,  and,  by  step-by- 
step  progress,  in  the  development  of  high-tension  insulators  and  the  mechanical  supports 
for  transmission  circuits.  The  first  plant  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  in- 
volved steps  relatively  greater  than  any  since  taken.  In  those  early  days  applicable 
theory  was  in  its  infancy,  while  practical  precedent  on  a  comparable  scale  did  not  exist. 

The  extent  to  which  the  judgment  and  painstaking  investigation  of  Dr.  Sellers 
influenced  electrical  development  in  America  along  lines  now  well  established  has  not 
generally  been  recognized.  As  a  member  of  the  International  Niagara  Commission,  he 



opposed  successfully. a  resolution  moved  by  Lord  Kelvin  himself  which  aimed  to  exclude 
from  further  consideration  all  systems  of  electrical  power  transmission  other  than 
direct-current  systems.  Dr.  Sellers  wisely  took  the  ground  that  the  Commission's 
knowledge  of  the  possibilities  of  the  alternating  current  at  that  time  was  not  sufficient 
to  justify  action  which  would  close  the  doors  to  that  system.  Fortunately,  his  opinion 
prevailed.  Few  at  this  time  would  question  the  soundness  of  his  judgment. 

When  the  rapid  development  of  alternating-current  lighting  and  power  systems  led 
to  general  recognition  of  the  transformer  as  the  key  to  the  problem  of  electrical  trans- 
mission, advisers  both  within  and  without  the  organization  presented  for  consideration 
the  claim  of  various  voltages  and  frequencies.  The  two-phase  and  the  three-phase 
systems  had  their  respective  advocates  and  strong  supporters  of  various  direct-current 
systems  still  were  active.  The  electrical  experts  of  The  Cataract  Construction  Company 
failed  to  agree  in  regard  to  various  essential  features  and  in  exercising  his  power  of 
supervision  and  approval  of  all  plans,  Dr.  Sellers  accepted  heavy  responsibility  not 
only  in  his  own  special  field  of  mechanical  engineering  but  in  the  hydraulic  and  electrical 
fields  as  well. 

From  1889  to  1893,  many  important  questions  of  engineering  practise,  in  respect 
to  which  there  is  now  practical  unanimity  of  opinion,  were  earnestly  debated.  In  those 
years,  the  Doctor,  sound  in  his  judgment,  conciliatory  toward  others,  untiring  in  his 
effort  to  secure  for  his  company  what  would  stand  the  test  of  time,  was  the  adviser 
whose  counsel  chiefly  guided  his  company  in  regard  to  all  technical  questions.  His  broad 
knowledge  of  physical  science  and  his  long  experience  in  dealing  with  mechanical  prob- 
lems qualified  him  pre-eminently  in  an  enterprise  involving  large  investment  in  a  new 
field.  From  personal  knowledge,  I  can  testify  that  his  impersonality,  his  enthusiastic 
energy  and  his  courage  in  assuming  great  responsibility  were  in  every  way  admirable. 

The  far-reaching  influence  of  the  first  plant  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company 
upon  the  development  of  the  art  of  transmitting  power  by  electricity  has  been  widely 
recognized  and  instances  might  be  multiplied  in  which  his  foresight  avoided  or  skill 
surmounted  difficulties  which  but  for  him  would  have  handicapped  seriously  the  remark- 
able engineering  and  industrial  development  to  which  that  plant  contributed  so  much 
of  value. 

As  an  engineer,  he  earned  the  highest  respect  of  his  associates  and  of  all  with  whom 
he  had  dealings.  As  a  man,  he  won  not  only  the  respect  but  also  the  affection  of  all  who 
were  admitted  within  the  circle  of  his  friendship. 


December  31 

Under  the  above  date  Mr.  Stillwell  wrote  Mr.  Adams  when  sending  him  the  above 
tribute  to  Dr.  Sellers,  stating, 

"I  appreciate  highly  the  opportunity  to  incorporate  my  tribute  to  the  Doctor  in  your 
forthcoming  volumes. 

"I  knew  the  Doctor  well  enough  to  appreciate  keenly  the  intense  satisfaction  it  would 
have  given  him  could  he  have  foreseen  that  you  would  complete  your  great  work  in  con- 
nection with  the  Niagara  enterprise  by  becoming  its  historian." 







The  conclusion  then,  seems  inevitable,  that  the  river  has  been  the  great  agent  in 
excavating  its  own  channel,  from  near  the  escarpment  between  Lewiston  and  Queenstown, 
to  the  present  position  of  the  cataract ;  that  the  recession  has  been  aided  by  the  character 
of  the  rocks,  presenting  alternate  hard  and  soft  strata ;  and  that  the  descent  was  over- 
come, not  by  one  perpendicular  fall,  but  by  several.  In  support  of  this  latter  as- 
sertion, a  single  analogous  case  will  furnish  stronger  evidence  than  a  long  argument. 
The  course  of  the  Oak-orchard  creek,  in  Orleans  County,  is  over  the  same  strata,  and 
exhibits  the  succession  of  falls  and  rapids,  precisely  in  the  manner  I  have  just 
enumerated.  The  quantity  of  water,  however,  in  the  stream,  is  too  small  to  produce 
anything  like  a  degree  of  recession  to  compare  with  the  Niagara  River  

Whatever  facts  and  arguments  may  be  advanced  to  prove  the  existence  of  phenomena 
indicating  the  former  action  of  the  sea  in  excavating  the  Niagara  channel,  and  whatever 
objections  may  be  advanced  for  or  against  other  theories,  I  am  fully  convinced,  from 
the  facts  presented,  that  the  existence  of  the  falls  and  the  Niagara  River,  in  their 
present  position,  is  of  very  recent  date  geologically. 

We  come  now  to  consider  the  future  recession  of  the  Niagara  Falls,  and  its  conse- 
quences. This  is  a  subject  on  which  many  speculations  have  been  hazarded,  but  no  one 
appears  to  have  undertaken  the  calculation  with  a  full  knowledge  of  the  geology  of  the 
district,  or  to  have  taken  into  account  the  many  disturbing  influences.  At  the  present 
time,  the  cliff  over  which  the  water  is  precipitated,  is  nearly  equally  divided  between 
thick-bedded  limestone  and  soft  disintegrating  shale.  It  is  by  the  action  of  the  spray 
from  the  falling  water  upon  the  shale  undermining  and  leaving  the  limestone  unsup- 
ported, which  falls  down  by  its  own  weight,  that  the  falls  recede  from  their  present 
position.  Now  if  we  believe  the  statements  of  those  who  have  resided  at  the  falls,  the 
recession  has  been  about  fifty  yards  within  the  last  forty  years ;  but  from  all  the  data 
I  have  been  able  to  obtain,  this  appears  to  be  much  too  great  an  estimate ;  indeed,  it 
is  extremely  questionable  if  the  fall  has  receded  as  many  feet  within  that  time.  The 
central  portion  of  the  Horseshoe  Fall  recedes  more  rapidly  than  any  other  part,  for 
here  the  greatest  force  of  the  river  is  exerted.  We  know,  likewise,  from  the  testimony 
of  all  residents  at  this  place,  that  the  American  Fall  is  becoming  more  curved  in  its 
outline,  whereas,  formerly  it  was  nearly  in  a  straight  line.  The  successive  descent  of 
large  masses  of  limestone,  and  the  still  continued  overhanging  of  the  table  rock,  prove 
very  conclusively  the  unremitting  action  of  water  and  air  upon  the  shale  below. 

In  the  absence  of  established  landmarks,  we  are  compelled  to  leave  the  rate  of  reces- 
sion unsettled  for  the  present.  The  accompanying1  trigonometrical  map  of  the  falls 
will  furnish  the  means  of  doing  this,  by  the  monuments  which  have  been  established, 
and  which  may  be  considered  as  permanent  points  of  reference  for  the  future. 

Leaving  out  of  view  the  time  or  rate  of  recession,  we  have  sufficient  data  to  establish 
with  certainty  the  future  changes  which  will  supervene,  allowing  the  recession  to  go  on  as 
it  is  now  doing.  The  lower  half  of  the  rock  at  the  cascade,  or  about  eighty  feet,  is  of 
soft  shale,  the  limestone  above  being  of  equal  thickness  ;  higher  still  is  about  sixty  feet 
1  See  Chapter  XX,  page  403,  of  Geological  Report  of  James  Hall,  Geologist. 



of  thin-bedded  limestone,  forming  the  rapids.  Now  these  beds  dip  to  the  south  at  the 
rate  of  about  twenty-five  feet  in  the  mile,  and  the  declivity  of  the  bed  of  the  river  is  about 
fifteen  feet  in  the  mile  from  the  falls  to  Lewiston.  It  follows,  therefore,  that  as  the  falls 
recede,  there  will  be  a  less  amount  of  shale  above  water,  owing  to  the  dip ;  and  to  this 
must  be  added  the  amount  of  declivity  in  the  river  bed,  both  together  making  forty 
feet.  So  that  when  the  fall  has  receded  one  mile,  the  surface  of  the  water  will  stand 
at  a  point  in  the  shale  half  way  between  the  present  surface  of  the  water  and  the  bottom 
of  the  limestone.  Going  on  at  this  rate  for  another  mile  would  take  away  from  the  fall 
forty  feet  more  of  the  shale,  so  that  the  surface  of  the  river  would  then  stand  at  the  base 
of  the  limestone. 

The  cataract  would  then  have  a  solid  wall  of  limestone  to  wear  down,  the  river 
beneath  protecting,  in  a  great  measure,  the  undermining  action  upon  the  shale.  During 
this  time,  and  at  the  end  of  the  first  mile,  the  falls  would  have  arrived  at  the  present 
site  of  the  commencement  of  the  rapids,  and  thus  about  sixty  feet  more  of  limestone 
would  be  added  to  the  height;  unless  from  its  thin-bedded  character  it  continued  to 
recede  faster,  and  thus  remain  a  rapid.  In  this  case,  there  would  be  a  fall  of  140  feet 
at  the  end  of  the  first  mile ;  and  one  of  100  feet  at  the  end  of  the  second  mile. 

At  this  period,  then,  we  are  to  contemplate  the  cataract  of  Niagara  as  having 
receded  two  miles,  the  shale  having  disappeared  beneath  the  river,  and  the  cascade  pre- 
senting a  solid  wall  of  limestone  100  feet  high,  and  a  rapid  of  forty  or  fifty  feet  (o,  m) 
beyond.  The  recession  will  then  go  on  very  gradually ;  and  so  soon  as  masses  from  this 
cliff  have  fallen  down  to  fill  up  the  river  bed,  as  they  inevitably  will  in  a  great  measure, 
then  the  base  will  be  protected  so  effectually  that  little  influence  will  be  exerted  by  the 
force  of  the  water.  Eventually,  however,  the  cliff  will  be  broken  down,  and  huge  frag- 
ments piled  up  below,  until  the  cataract  will  be  nearly  lost  amid  them.  This  state  of 
things  will  continue  for  a  long  time,  the  height  gradually  diminishing,  till  the  river 
has  cut  its  way  back  for  two  miles  further,  when  there  will  be  no  thick-bedded  limestone 
above  water,  and  the  higher  beds  will  form  a  rapid  as  before. 

This  point  of  meeting  between  the  surface  of  the  river  below  the  fall  and  the  top  of  the 
thick-bedded  limestone,  will  be  about  one  hundred  feet  lower  than  the  top  of  the  present 
cascade ;  and  as  there  will  be  forty  feet  of  rapids  in  the  thin-bedded  limestone  within  a 
short  space,  as  there  now  is,  it  follows  that  there  will  be  added  to  the  descent  of  the 
river  beyond  the  rapids,  one  hundred  feet  more  than  at  present,  as  the  surface  of  the 
limestone  has  dipped  to  that  amount.  The  whole  fall  in  the  river  at  that  time,  from 
Lake  Erie  to  the  point  of  junction  between  the  limestone  and  water  below  the  rapids, 
will  be  about  one  hundred  and  sixty  feet.  The  distance  between  this  point  and  the  outlet 
of  Lake  Erie  is  occupied  by  nearly  uniform  soft  layers ;  and  after  a  partial  wearing 
down  of  the  limestone  forming  the  rapids,  the  descent  will  be  equally  distributed  over 
the  whole  extent  of  sixteen  miles,  giving  a  uniform  declivity  of  about  ten  feet  in  the 
mile,  or  one-third  less  than  the  present  declivity  in  the  bed  of  the  river  from  the  falls 
to  Lewiston.  From  the  nature  of  the  bed  of  the  river  for  sixteen  miles  below  Lake  Erie, 
it  may  be  doubted  whether  this  rapid  descent  along  the  whole  distance  would  be  con- 
tinued; for  the  stream,  having  no  heavy  blocks  of  rock  to  remove,  would  keep  its 
channel  clear  with  a  far  less  declivity ;  and  should  this  prove  the  case  here,  we  might 
still  have  a  fall  of  a  few  feet,  at  the  outlet  of  Lake  Erie,  over  the  limestone  succeeding 
the  salt  group. 



Whether  such  a  fall  would  occur  depends  upon  the  solution  of  the  problem  regarding 
the  required  declivity  in  the  bed  of  the  river  below  Lake  Erie.  Whichever  way  it  may 
occur,  it  will  make  no  material  difference  in  the  great  result,  which  will  be  either  a 
continuous  rapid  stream  from  Lake  Erie  to  Lewiston,  or  a  rapid  stream  with  a  low 
fall  at  the  outlet  of  Erie.  If  present  causes  continue  to  operate  as  now,  such  will  be 
the  consummation  of  the  grand  cataract  of  Niagara. 


June  25,  1825 

Invitation  to  Eastern  Capitalists  and  Manufacturers, 
signed  by  Augustus  Porter  and  P.  B.  Porter. 

Januar}r,  1847 

To  Capitalists  and  Manufacturers,  signed  by  Augustus 

Undated,  probably  about  1877 
Niagara  Falls  Canal  Company,  unsigned. 


Circulars  issued  at  Niagara  Falls,  describing  the  advan- 
tages of  the  location  as  a  residence  and  particularly  for  the 
use  of  the  water-power  of  the  great  river  and  falls,  in  manu- 
facturing, for  which  unusual  facilities  in  raw  material,  trans- 
portation and  mill-sites  were  available  upon  moderate  terms. 




The  subscribers  are  proprietors  of  the  lands  which  embrace  the  rapids  and  falls,  on 
the  American  side  of  the  Niagara  ;  and  also  of  Iris,  Bath,  and  the  other  small  islands  lying 
in  the  rapids,  and  connected,  by  bridges,  with  the  main  shore.  The  situation  is  not  sur- 
passed, and  probably  not  equalled,  in  the  United  States,  as  a  site  for  the  establishment 
of  manufactures,  whether  viewed  in  reference  to  its  intrinsic  advantages,  or  to  its 
exterior  facilities  for  the  collection  of  manufacturing  materials,  and  the  distribution 
of  fabrics.  The  country  in  the  vicinity  of  the  falls  is  rich  in  soil,  romantically  beautiful 
in  formation,  and  proverbial  for  salubrity.  The  pure  and  limpid  waters  of  the  Niagara — 
always  flowing  with  an  uniform  current,  and  full  banks — are  as  propitious  to  the  health, 
as  they  are  conducive  to  the  comfort  and  luxury  of  its  inhabitants.  From  the  head  of 
the  rapids  to  the  Great  Falls,  a  distance  of  three-fourths  of  a  mile,  there  is  a  regular 
succession  of  chutes,  which  give,  in  the  aggregate,  sixty  feet  of  perpendicular  descent ; 
and  the  adjoining  banks  appear  to  have  been  expressly  designed  for  the  convenience 
of  leading  water  from  the  river  for  hydraulic  operations.  Practically  speaking,  the 
extent  to  which  water-power  may  be  here  applied  is  without  limit.  A  thousand  mills 
might  be  erected  with  the  same  ease,  and  equally  accessible,  as  if  on  a  plain ;  and  each 
supplied  with  a  never-failing  water-power,  at  an  expense  not  exceeding  fifty  dollars, 
and  be  at  the  same  time,  perfectly  secure  against  the  dangers  of  inundation.  This 
position  is  connected  with  the  grand  canal  by  an  excellent  boat  navigation  of  ten  miles 
in  length,  terminating  in  the  canal  at  the  mouth  of  Tonnewanta  creek,  through  a  lock 
of  five  feet  lift — and  with  Erie  and  the  other  western  lakes,  by  a  safe  and  uninter- 
rupted sloop  navigation.  In  the  opposite  direction,  it  is  only  seven  miles  distant  from 
Lewiston,  the  head  of  the  sloop  navigation  of  Lake  Ontario  and  the  St.  Lawrence.  The 
communication  with  Lewiston  is,  at  present,  by  a  good  road,  but  will  probably  soon 
be  improved  by  the  substitution  of  a  canal  or  railway.  The  extensive  forests  which 
border  the  Niagara,  the  lake  and  the  canal,  and  cover  the  islands  in  the  river,  will  furnish 
a  cheap  and  abundant  supply  of  fuel  for  manufacturing  purposes,  for  many  years  to 
come ;  and  until  the  canals,  already  commenced,  between  Lake  Erie  and  the  Ohio,  shall 
open  a  ready  and  cheap  access  to  the  vast  beds  of  stone  coal  with  which  the  whole  of 
that  region  abounds.  Adjoining  and  attached  to  the  mill  seats,  the  subscribers  own  a 
tract  of  land  on  the  main  shore,  amply  sufficient  for  the  site  of  a  large  town,  which 
must  soon  grow  up  at  this  place;  and  for  the  accommodation  of  its  inhabitants  with 
out-lots.  Iris  Island  contains  about  seventy  acres  of  excellent  land,  the  upper  half  of 
which  might  be  covered  with  machinery,  propelled  by  water-powrer ;  and  the  lower 
half,  situated  in  the  midst  of  the  falls  and  rapids,  where  Nature  courts  the  imagination 
in  her  most  sublime,  beautiful  and  fascinating  forms,  might  be  converted  into  delightful 
seats  for  the  residence  of  private  gentlemen,  or  appropriated  to  hotels  and  pleasure 
grounds  for  the  accommodation  of  the  numerous  strangers  who  annually  visit  this 
spot.  A  number  of  manufactories,  on  a  scale  adapted  to  the  wants  of  the  immediate 
vicinity,  have  already  been  erected,  and  are  now  in  successful  operation  at  this  place ; 
among  which  are,  a  large  and  valuable  grist-mill,  saw-mill,  two  woollen  cloth  factories, 
two  clothier's  shops,  several  carding  and  spinning  machines,  a  forge,  paper-mill,  etc. 



The  subscribers  would  sell  the  whole  of  their  property  at  this  place  (with  the  exception 
of  the  farm  and  private  buildings  of  one  of  the  proprietors)  together;  or  they  would 
divide  it  into  several  parts,  and  appropriate  to  each  any  desired  number  of  water 
privileges.  They  would,  however,  be  most  gratified  by  seeing  it  in  the  hands  of  a  single 
company,  in  which  they  would  be  glad  to  be  interested  themselves  to  the  extent  of 
their  means.  Such  a  company,  with  a  commanding  capital,  and  under  a  well-organized 
and  efficient  administration  of  its  concerns,  might  build  up  an  establishment  which 
would  successfully  compete  with  any  thing  of  the  kind  in  the  United  States ;  and  would 
be,  at  once,  highly  useful  and  creditable  to  the  country,  and  lucrative  to  themselves. 
The  manufacture  of  woollen,  cotton  and  linen  goods,  on  an  extensive  scale — of  iron,  in 
all  its  numerous  and  extended  ramifications ;  and  of  bread  stuffs,  might  be  undertaken 
to  great  advantage.  The  lake  county  is  celebrated  for  the  best  and  most  abundant 
crops  of  wheat.  An  inexhaustible  mine  of  iron  ore,  of  the  best  quality,  has  lately  been 
discovered  on  the  margin  of  Lake  Erie.  The  whole  country  abounds  in  wool ;  hemp  and 
flax  grow  in  great  luxuriance,  and  cotton  might,  at  present,  be  introduced  at  a  moderate 
expense  of  transportation,  through  the  Atlantic  and  the  Erie  Canal ;  and,  at  no  distant 
day,  still  cheaper,  through  the  Mississippi  and  the  Ohio  canals.  The  general  deficiency 
of  water-power  that  exists  along  the  country  of  the  lakes — the  increasing,  and,  already 
immense,  population  which  surrounds  them — their  remoteness  from  the  Atlantic  ports, 
and  the  profusion  and  cheapness  of  stock  and  provisions,  are  circumstances  calculated 
to  give  this  place  a  decided  advantage  over  similar  establishments  in  the  eastern  states, 
in  a  competition  with  European  manufacturers.  The  inadequacy  of  capital  in  this  part 
of  the  country  to  undertakings  of  this  kind,  added  to  the  doubts  which  have,  until  very 
recently,  existed  in  regard  to  the  success  of  American  manufactures  generally,  have 
hitherto  prevented  the  improvements  which  this  situation  so  powerfully  invites.  The 
title  to  the  property  is  unquestionable,  having  been  derived  immediately  from  the  state 
of  New  York. 

Any  information,  connected  with  the  subjects  of  this  advertisement,  will  be  cheer- 
fully given  by  Augustus  Porter,  who  resides  at  the  falls,  or  by  Peter  B.  Porter,  at 
Black  Rock. 

Aug's  Porter, 

June  24th,  1825.  P.  B.  Porter. 



With  a  view  to  the  more  convenient  and  extensive  use  of  the  unlimited  water  power  at 
the  Falls  of  Niagara,  the  subscriber  has  located  a  large  raceway,  to  serve  also  as  a 
navigable  canal ;  commencing  at  a  point  on  the  shore  of  the  river  where  the  water  is 
deep  and  navigable,  above  the  great  Falls,  and  terminating  on  the  high  bank  about 
half  a  mile  below.  This  canal,  about  three-fourths  of  a  mile  in  length,  has  been  surveyed, 
and  levels  taken  by  an  experienced  Engineer,  who  estimates  the  whole  cost  of  the  canal, 
with  its  appurtenances,  of  sufficient  capacity  to  afford  water  power  for  at  least  sixty  run 
of  mill  stone,  within  the  sum  of  Thirty  thousand  dollars. 

The  front  along  the  bank  of  the  river  near  the  lower  termination  of  the  canal, 
extending  about  three  thousand  feet  (now  unoccupied)  can  be  most  conveniently  sup- 
plied with  water  from  the  canal,  and  is  adapted  to  the  building  of  large  establishments, 
on  a  foundation  of  solid  rock,  and  with  any  required  head  and  fall. 

The  quantity  of  water  that  may  be  used  can  only  be  limited  by  the  size  of  the  canal, 
which  may  be  enlarged  to  any  extent,  at  an  expense  somewhat  less  in  proportion  than 
the  cost  of  the  one  now  proposed. 

The  Niagara  River,  the  inexhaustible  source,  is  unaffected  by  floods  or  droughts,  and 
at  the  point  where  the  canal  is  supplied,  will  be  entirely  free  from  obstruction  by  ice. 

The  subscriber  now  offers  to  sell  the  right  of  constructing  and  using  such  a  canal, 
and  so  much  land  as  may  be  desired,  from  twenty  to  one  hundred  acres  at  the  lower 
termination  thereof,  to  any  person  or  persons  who  will  undertake  its  immediate  con- 
struction. Or  he  will  sell  a  less  interest,  retaining  a  part,  and  contributing  to  the 

Further  description  of  the  property  is  not  deemed  necessary,  but  any  desired  informa- 
tion will  be  promptly  communicated;  and  reference  is  made  to  William  A.  Bird,  Esq., 
of  Black  Rock,  and  Peter  Emslie,  Esq.,  Civil  Engineer,  Buffalo. 

Niagara  Falls,  January,  1847.  AUGUSTUS  PORTER. 

An  outline  map  of  Niagara  Falls  and  Village  was  attached  to  this  circular  showing 
the  location  of  the  proposed  Hydraulic  Canal  and  Reservoir,  by  P.  Emslie,  December, 
1846.  See  page  232. 


^J^ifif^®         Niagara  Falls,  Niagara  County,  New  York. 


Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

A.  M. 

Niagara  Falls.  N.  Y. 

r      Stephen  M.  Allen, 

*^»f  Boston,,  Mass. 

l  Miles  Standish, 

187,  Broadway,  N.  Y. 

The  proprietors  of  the  Niagara  Falls  Canal  and  property,  including  the  greatest 
w  ater  power  in  the  world  and  one  hundred  Mill  and  Factory  sites  with  three  hundred 
cottage  lots,  now  offer  the  same  for  sale  on  reasonable  and  accommodating  terms  to  all 
such  as  desire  to  establish  and  carry  on  manufacturing  in  Western  New  York.  This 
property  is  so  situated  that  the  same  can  be  used  by  the  most  humble  manufacturer 
who  may  wish  to  run  his  own  mill,  or  will  meet  the  wants  of  Companies  who  desire  to 
compete  with  the  largest  monopolies  of  the  country  in  the  production  of  any  kind  of 
manufactured  goods.  The  Niagara  River  at  this  point  turns  at  nearly  a  right  angle, 
the  great  falls  running  across  from  the  right  angle  almost  in  a  continuation  with  one 
of  the  shores,  the  village  lying  within  the  angle. 

The  Hydraulic  Canal  opens  from  the  river  about  one  mile  above  the  Falls,  and  at  the 
end  of  steamboat  and  other  navigation,  and  runs  directly  across  the  town  to  the  River 
bank  about  a  quarter  of  a  mile  below  the  American  Fall.  A  basin,  to  be  continued  about 
one  mile  in  length  along  the  river  bank  on  the  Company's  lands,  receives  and  discharges 
the  water  from  the  Canal  through  raceways  or  flumes  to  each  factory  site  in  quantities 
to  suit,  and  with  a  perpendicular  fall  of  any  desired  height  not  exceeding  one  hundred 
and  ninety  feet.  The  present  size  and  capacity  of  the  Canal  at  its  mouth  is  sixty-six 
feet  in  width,  with  ten  feet  depth  of  water  which  is  maintained  with  slight  variation 
throughout  the  whole  year.  The  depth  of  water  in  the  basin  below  is  eleven  feet,  and 
canal  boats  pass  without  difficulty.  Neither  in  winter  nor  at  any  other  time  during  the 
year  is  there  trouble  from  anchor  or  floating  ice,  and  the  whole  water  power  is  a 
perfectly  uniform  one.  The  canal  is  cut  through  solid  limestone  rock,  and  is  about 
one  mile  in  length,  the  average  cut  being  twenty-two  feet,  with  perpendicular  walls  and 
no  wash  of  banks  to  make  the  water  impure.  The  Canal  can  be  enlarged  to  the  width 
of  one  hundred  feet,  and  building  stone  for  factories  can  be  quarried  from  its  banks 
and  floated  down  in  boats  to  any  point  desired. 

The  facilities  for  the  transportation  of  freight  both  by  land  and  water  are  unsur- 
passed in  the  United  States.  The  New  York  Central  and  Erie  Rail  Roads  cross  the 
lands  of  the  Company  and  can  be  connected  by  side  tracks  of  a  few  rods  in  length 
with  the  banks  of  the  Canal  or  factories  on  the  same,  thus  connecting  with  all  the 
Rail  Roads  in  the  United  States  and  the  Canadas.  Canal  Boats  loaded  in  New  York 
City  or  the  Western  States,  can  unload  and  load  again  in  the  canal  basin  within  a 



quarter  of  a  mile  of  the  American  Fall.  Vessels  loaded  on  Lake  Superioi*,  Michigan, 
or  at  any  of  the  lake  ports  of  the  West  can  discharge  and  reload  at  Niagara  Falls 
for  any  American  or  European  port.  This  central  point  for  the  manufacturing  business 
of  the  States,  Canada,  or  for  the  exportation  of  manufactured  goods  to  any  part  of 
the  world,  has  many  superior  advantages  of  location  as  well  as  of  water  power. 

The  costs  of  living  are  less  than  in  most  manufacturing  districts,  and  taxation  re- 
markably low.  The  great  West  is  open  for  every  supply  from  that  region  while  it  is 
a  notorious  fact  that  many  other  of  the  necessaries  of  life  can  be  sold  cheaper  than  in 
New  York  City.  Coal  and  iron  can  be  delivered  on  the  line  of  the  Canal,  as  can  almost 
every  other  commodity  needed  in  manufacturing,  from  the  cars  or  vessels  in  which  they 
are  first  placed  for  transportation. 

The  sites  for  factories  and  other  mills  for  every  variety  of  manufacture  will  be  sold 
low  according  to  location  and  size,  and  the  water  at  one  thousand  dollars  per  square 
foot  of  open  weir  surface  at  the  head  of  the  Canal,  and  the  opening  in  the  gates  below 
to  correspond  in  size  to  the  square  of  water  purchased,  whatever  that  may  be.  There- 
fore persons  can  purchase  one  foot  or  more  upward  to  ten  square  feet  as  they  may 
wish  at  the  same  rate,  and  may  use  as  much  of  the  fall  as  they  please. 

J.  P.  Frizzell,  Esq.,  an  experienced  engineer  of  Boston,  estimates  that  a  square 
foot  of  water  at  the  entrance  of  the  Canal  which  would  be  one  six  hundred  and  sixtieth 
part  of  the  whole  in-flow  of  water,  with  a  velocity  of  two  and  a  half  cubic  feet  per 

On  a  fall  of  twenty  feet  (20  ft.)  will  give  4.16  horse  power. 

On  a  fall  of  thirty  feet  (30  ft.)  will  give  6.25  horse  power. 

On  a  fall  of  fort}7  feet  (40  ft.)  will  give  8.33  horse  power. 

On  a  fall  of  fifty  feet  (50  ft.)  will  give  10.41  horse  power. 

On  a  fall  of  sixty  feet  (60  ft.)  will  give  12.50  horse  power. 

On  a  fall  of  one  hundred  feet  (100  ft.)  will  give  20.83  horse  power 

On  a  fall  of  two  hundred  feet  (200  ft.)  will  give  41.67  horse  power. 
This  is  a  much  more  liberal  estimate  for  loss  of  power  upon  water-wheels  than  is 
generally  allowed.  By  multiplying,  any  additional  power  will  be  given  by  adding  any 
number  of  square  feet  of  water  desired  in  the  purchase. 




Number  16,  1892 
Number  65,  1903 
Number  84,  1918 

Circular  No.  16 



Mills  Building,  New  York,  June  10,  1892. 

To  the  Subscribers  under  the  Agreement  of  January  17,  1890: 

In  the  Annual  Report  to  the  Stockholders  of  the  Cataract  Construction  Company, 
dated  July  31,  1891,  reference  was  made  to  the  proposed  formation  of  a 


for  the  development  of  the  residential  tract  of  about  400  acres  reserved  for  this  purpose 
by  the  Niagara  Power  Company  from  the  lien  of  its  mortgage. 

The  scarcity  of  available  houses  and  the  necessity  of  providing  proper  homes  for  the 
families  of  the  better  class  of  operatives  already  seeking  accommodations  at  Niagara 
Falls  have  induced  the  Directors  of  this  Company  to  proceed  immediately  with  their 
plans  for  the  construction  of  suitable  dwellings  and  the  preparation  of  the  lands 
appropriated  for  such  improvements. 

The  Niagara  Development  Company  has  been  organized  under  the  Laws  of  the 
State  of  New  York,  with  the  following  officers  and  directors  (it  being  now  intended  that 
the  officers  and  directors  of  the  Construction  Company,  the  Land  Company  and  the 
Terminal  Railway  Company  shall  be  identical)  : 

EDWARD  D.  ADAMS,  President. 

FRANCIS  LYNDE  STETSON,  First  Vice-President. 

EDWARD  A.  WICKES,  Second  Vice-President. 

WILLIAM  B.  RANKINE,  Secretary  and  Treasurer. 

GEORGE  S.  BOWDOIN,  Director. 

CHARLES  F.  CLARK,  Director. 

CHARLES  LANIER,  Director. 




CHARLES  A.  SWEET,  Director. 

GEORGE  B.  BURBANK,  Chief  Engineer. 

The  Development  Company  has  an  authorized  capital  of  $1,250,000,  to  be  issued  as 

Common  Stock   $750,000 

Preferred  Stock   500,000 

Total  $1,250,000 

all  divided  into  shares  of  $100  each,  and  with  equal  voting  power. 



The  Preferred  Stock  is  entitled  (both  as  to  principal  and  dividends)  to  a  preference 
over  the  Common  Stock  in  the  distribution  of  assets  and  income,  and  to  cumulative 
dividends  at  the  rate  of  eight  per  cent,  per  annum,  payable  out  of  net  profits  July  1  and 
January  1  in  each  year;  no  payment  to  be  made  before  July  1,  1893,  nor  for  any 
period  prior  to  January  1,  1893. 

The  Preferred  Stock  will  be  convertible  into  Common  Stock,  share  for  share,  at  the 
option  of  the  holder  at  any  semi-annual  period. 

It  is  provided  that  no  mortgage  lien  can  be  created  without  the  approval  of  two- 
thirds  in  amount  of  the  Preferred  Stock  outstanding  at  the  time  of  the  execution  of  any 
such  mortgage. 

In  view  of  the  benefits  to  accrue  to  the  Niagara  Power  Company,  from  this  necessary 
development  of  a  residential  tract,  and  also  in  view  of  recent  sales  of  neighboring 
property  of  similar  character  at  prices  exceeding  $2,500  per  acre,  the  Power  Company 
has  agreed  to  sell  its  above-mentioned  residential  tract,  comprising  368  acres,  at  the 
price  of  $2,038  per  acre,  amounting  to  $750,000,  accepting  in  payment  therefor  at 
par  all  the  Common  Stock  of  the  Land  Company.  This  land  was  appraised,  in  writing, 
June  1,  1892,  by  disinterested  experts  of  large  experience,  at  $3,000  per  acre,  or  more 
than  $1,100,000  in  all. 

To  provide  funds  for  the  maintenance  and  improvement  of  this  property  and  the 
construction  of  dwellings,  4,800  shares  of  the  Preferred  Stock  of  the  par  value  of 
$480,000  are  offered  for  sale  at  $100  per  share;  subscriptions  to  be  payable  in  install- 
ments of  not  more  than  10  per  cent,  each,  not  less  than  one  month  apart.  Certificates 
of  full-paid  Preferred  Stock  will  be  delivered  on  or  about  January  1,  1893,  for  all 
installments  then  paid  and  for  interest  thereon  at  eight  per  cent,  from  date  of  payment. 
Scrip  redeemable  in  Preferred  Stock  will  be  issued  for  fractional  amounts. 

It  is  believed  that  this  stock,  having  a  first  claim  upon  368  acres  of  valuable  land 
within  the  limits  of  the  City  of  Niagara  Falls,  which  cannot  be  mortgaged  except  with 
the  consent  of  holders  of  two-thirds  of  this  Preferred  Stock,  and  which  is  to  be  used 
not  for  the  purchase,  but  only  for  the  improvement  and  maintenance  of  the  propert}', 
is  specially  valuable  as  an  investment. 

In  the  same  Annual  Report  the  project  for  a 


was  set  forth.  It  has  become  necessary,  in  the  opinion  of  the  Directors  of  this  Company 
and  the  Power  Company,  that  this  Railway  should  now  be  built  for  the  delivery  of 
materials  for  construction  and  other  materials  to  the  lessees  of  the  Power  Company. 

The  line  as  located  is  about  six  miles  in  length,  and,  excepting  less  than  one- 
fifth  of  a  mile,  is  entirely  within  the  estate  owned  by  the  Power  Company.  By  its 
connection  with  the  New  York  Central  &  Hudson  River  Railroad,  the  Erie  Railway,  and 
docks  on  the  Niagara  River,  the  tenants  of  the  Power  Company  and  all  rail  and  water 
lines  of  transportation  are  to  be  placed  in  direct  business  relations.  A  considerable 
amount  of  business  is  already  awaiting  this  railroad,  and  much  more  is  proposed  to  it, 
so  that  an  immediate  earning  capacity  seems  assured. 



The  Niagara  Junction  Railway  Company  has  been  organized  under  the  Laws  of 
the  State  of  New  York,  with  the  same  Directors  and  Officers  as  the  Land  Company, 
and  with  an  authorized  capital  to  be  issued  as 

Common  Stock    $160,000 

Preferred  Stock   140,000 

Total   $300,000 

all  divided  into  shares  of  $100  each,  and  with  like  voting  power. 

The  Preferred  Stock  will  have  a  preference  over  the  Common  Stock  only  as  to 
income,  limited  to  cumulative  dividends  at  the  rate  of  eight  per  cent,  per  annum,  payable 
out  of  net  profits  July  1  and  January  1  in  each  year ;  no  payment  to  be  made  before 
July  1,  1893,  nor  for  any  period  prior  to  January  1,  1893. 

The  Preferred  Stock  will  be  convertible  into  Common  Stock,  share  for  share,  at  the 
option  of  the  holder  at  any  semi-annual  period. 

By  the  provisions  of  the  Trust  Deed,  securing  the  first  mortgage  bonds  of  the  Power 
Company,  the  right  of  way  for  a  railway  through  the  property  of  that  Company,  as 
determined  by  the  Power  Company  prior  to  July  1,  1892,  was  expressly  exempted 
from  the  lien  of  that  mortgage. 

The  land  necessary  for  a  double-track  railway,  with  connections,  sidings  and  yard 
facilities,  being  in  all  166  acres  (of  which  about  70  acres  of  yard  is  subject  to  the 
general  mortgage),  is  to  be  conveyed  to  the  Junction  Railway  Company  for  the  sum  of 
$160,000,  payable  in  its  entire  Common  Stock  at  par.  This  land  was  appraised  June  1, 
1892,  at  $2,500  per  acre,  or  more  than  $400,000  in  all. 

For  acquisition  of  right  of  way  for  a  limited  part  of  the  line  not  derived  from  the 
Power  Company,  for  construction,  for  purchase  of  equipment  now  necessary,  and  for 
operation  as  a  single-track  line,  1,200  shares  ( $120,000  par  value)  of  the  Preferred 
Stock  are  offered  for  sale  at  $100  per  share;  subscriptions  to  be  payable  as  and  when 
called  at  option  of  Company  on  or  before  January  1,  1893,  when  certificates  of  fully- 
paid  Preferred  Stock  will  be  issued  for  all  payments  and  for  interest  at  eight  per  cent, 
from  the  date  thereof.  Scrip  redeemable  in  Preferred  Stock  will  be  issued  for  fractional 

Should  the  business  of  the  Company  so  develop  as  to  require  provision  for  extensive 
improvement,  equipment  and  operation,  as  is  now  expected,  a  mortgage  not  exceeding 
$500,000,  to  be  devoted  to  those  purposes,  may,  when  authorized  by  stockholders,  be 

It  will  be  observed  that  the  Niagara  Power  Company  retains  the  control  of  both  the 
Land  Company  and  the  Junction  Railway  Company,  through  the  ownership  of  a  ma- 
jority of  their  respective  capital  stocks,  as  specially  authorized  by  its  charter,  and  that, 
in  the  case  of  each  corporation,  land  is  furnished  by  the  Power  Company  for  Common 
Stock,  so  that  Preferred  Stock,  issued  only  for  improvements  and  maintenance,  gets  the 
benefit  of  large  landed  interests  without  money  payment  therefor. 

The  above-mentioned  Cumulative  and  Convertible  eight  per  cent.  Preferred  Stocks 
are  now,  by  arrangement  with  the  Railway  Company  and  Land  Company,  offered  at  par 



to  the  present  Subscribers,  under  the  Agreement  of  January  17,  1890,  to  the  aggregate 
amount  of 

$480,000,  or  4,800  shares  of  the  Niagara  Development  Company, 
$120,000,  or  1,200  shares  of  the  Niagara  Junction  Railway  Company,  being  at  the 
rate  of 

$1,200,  or  12  shares  of  the  Land  Company,  and 
$300,  or   3  shares  of  the  Junction  Railway  Company, 

$1,500,  or  15  shares  in  all,  for  each 

share  of  Capital  Stock  of  the  Cataract  Construction  Company  owned  by  the  Subscribers 
to  said  agreement. 

That  is,  each  Subscriber  is  entitled  for  each  share  of  Cataract  Stock  held  by  him  to 
subscribe  for  $1,500  of  the  two  Preferred  Stocks. 

Subscriptions  for  either  or  both  of  such  stocks  at  par  will  be  received  at  this  office 
until  3  p.  m.,  Friday,  July  15,  1892,  and  will  be  payable  in  cash  installments  as  above 
stated.  A  cheque  for  ten  per  cent,  must  accompany  each  subscription. 

All  shares  not  subscribed  for  as  above  will  be  disposed  of  by  the  Board  of  Directors 
as  they  may  deem  for  the  best  interests  of  the  respective  companies,  preference  being 
given  to  applications  from  stockholders  for  amounts  in  addition  to  their  pro  rata 

With  reference  to  this  contingency  Subscribers  are  invited  to  indicate  how  much 
stock  of  either  Company  they  may  desire  in  case  more  than  their  respective  proportions 
shall  remain  open  for  allotment. 

A  copy  of  the  certificate  of  each  corporation  is  herewith  inclosed,  showing  the  exact 
status  of  each  corporation  and  its  Preferred  Stock. 

No  commissions  or  allowances  of  any  kind  are  made  or  paid  to  anyone  on  account 
of  these  subscriptions,  the  intervention  of  the  Cataract  Construction  Company  being 
solely  on  account  of  its  great  interest  in  the  property  and  development  of  the  Niagara 
Falls  Power  Company  and  its  attendant  enterprises. 

By  order  of  the  Board  of  Directors, 



EDWARD  D.  ADAMS,  President. 
WILLIAM  B.  RANKINE,  Secretary. 


Circular  No.  65. 





D.  O.  MILLS. 












Room  29,  Eighth  Floor,  Mills  Building, 

New  York,  June  16,  1903. 

To  the  Holders  of  the  Preferred  Stock  of 

Niagara  Junction  Railway  Company,  and  of 
Niagara  Development  Company;  and 

To  the  Holders  of  Scrip  of 

Niagara  Development  Company: 

The  Stockholders  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  at  their  annual  meeting  on 
the  2nd  inst.  instructed  the  Board  of  Directors  to  offer  in  behalf  of  that  Company  to 
purchase  from  the  holders  thereof 

(1)  Any  and  all  of  the  Preferred  Stock  of  Niagara  Junction  Railway  Company  in 

the  amount  of  $140,000  at  par  and  accrued  interest  at  six  per  cent,  per 
annum  from  the  date  of  its  issue,  January  1,  1893. 

(2)  Any  and  all  of  the  outstanding  Preferred  Stock  of  Niagara  Development 

Company  in  the  amount  of  $421,200  at  par  and  accrued  interest  at  the 
rate  of  six  per  cent,  per  annum  from  the  date  of  its  issue,  January  1,  1899. 

(3)  Any  and  all  of  the  non-interest  bearing  scrip  of  Niagara  Development  Com- 

pany outstanding  in  the  amount  of  $113,4<98.24<  at  par;  payments  to  be 
made  for  such  stocks  and  scrip  in  stock  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Com- 
pany at  par. 

Pursuant  to  such  authority,  and  by  instructions  of  the  Board  of  Directors,  The 
Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  now  offers  on  the  terms  stated  above  to  purchase  and  to 
pay  for  any  and  all  of  the  stock  and  scrip  above  described.  You  are  invited  to  indicate 
upon  the  enclosed  blank,  to  be  returned  to  this  office,  your  willingness  or  unwillingness  to 
accept  such  offer  which  will  be  open  until  September  1,  1903,  all  purchases  being  made 
as  of  July  1,  1903,  and  interest  being  computed  to  that  date.  If  you  accept  the  offer 
please  enclose  with  your  acceptance  your  certificates  duly  endorsed  for  transfer  to 
The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  for  which  suitable  receipts  will  be  delivered  ex- 
changeable into  the  stock  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  when  increased  and 
issued  by  order  of  the  Stockholders. 



Adjustments  will  be  made  in  respect  of  the  fractions  and  sums  under  $100  in  the  total 
amount  of  stock  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  to  which  you  may  be  entitled, 
the  Company  having  made  arrangement  so  that  fractional  amounts  under  $100  of  that 
stock  may  be  sold  to  you  at  par  or  purchased  from  you  at  98. 

In  the  event  of  the  acceptance  of  this  offer  by  the  holders  of  more  than  two-thirds  of 
such  stocks  and  scrip,  a  special  meeting  of  the  stockholders  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power 
Company  will  be  called  to  authorize  an  increase  in  the  present  issue  of  its  stock  in  an 
amount  sufficient  to  enable  that  Company  to  deliver  stock  in  exchange  for  the  temporary 
receipts  above  described. 

By  Order  of  the  Board  of  Directors, 



William  B.  Rankine, 



CIRCULAR  No.  84. 


Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 

15  Broad  Street, 
New  York  City,  March  1,  1918. 

To  the  Stockholders  of 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company : 

The  following  report  and  certified  financial  statements  for  the  year  1917  are  respect- 
fully submitted  by  the  Board  of  Directors : 

The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  has  been  permitted  since  January  19,  1917,  to 
divert  water  sufficient  to  operate  its  plant  at  full  capacity,  thus  increasing  its  power 
output  approximately  15,000  horse-power  above  the  limits  of  restrictions  imposed  by 
the  Federal  Government  ever  since  the  enactment  of  the  Burton  Law  in  June,  1906, 
except  for  certain  short  periods  of  special  relief. 

Permits  for  the  additional  diversion  were  issued  by  the  Secretary  of  War  under 
authority  of  Joint  Resolutions  of  Congress  approved  respectively  January  19,  and 
June  30,  1917.  The  resolution  of  January  19,  limits  the  generation  and  use  of  Niagara 
power  to  the  capacities  of  apparatus  installed  and  in  use  at  that  date ;  Congress  intend- 
ing thereby  to  prevent  additional  uses  of  Niagara  power  during  the  life  of  the  resolution 
and  until  further  legislation  by  it. 

The  permit,  and  the  authority  of  the  Secretary  of  War  to  grant  like  permits,  will 
expire  with  June  30,  next,  unless  meantime  Congress  shall  take  further  action,  it  being 
expressly  provided  in  the  resolutions  that  a  diversion  of  any  water  from  the  Niagara 
River  after  June  30,  1918,  in  excess  of  the  limitations  of  the  expired  Burton  Law  shall 
be  a  misdemeanor  punishable  by  heavy  penalties. 

The  resolution  of  June  30,  1917,  authorizes  and  directs  the  Secretary  of  War  to 
make  a  "comprehensive  and  thorough  investigation"  of  "the  entire  subject  of  water 
diversion  from  the  Great  Lakes  and  the  Niagara  River,  including  navigation,  sanitary 
and  power  purposes  and  the  preservation  of  the  scenic  beauty  of  Niagara  Falls  and  the 
Rapids  of  the  Niagara  River,  and  to  report  to  Congress  thereon  at  the  earliest 
practicable  date,"  and  appropriates  $25,000  for  that  purpose. 

The  Cline  bill  mentioned  in  last  year's  annual  report  as  then  pending  in  Congress 
was  agreed  to  by  the  House  of  Representatives  February  8,  1917,  but  failed  to  be 
considered  in  the  Senate. 

By  an  order  signed  by  the  Secretary  of  War  under  date  of  December  28,  1917, 
the  President  of  the  United  States  requisitioned  until  further  notice  the  total  quantity 
and  output  of  electrical  power  produced  or  capable  of  being  produced  by  this  Company 
as  well  as  that  delivered  to  it  in  the  United  States  from  Canada.  The  order  provides 
that  it  must  be  given  precedence  over  any  and  all  orders  theretofore  placed  with  this 
Company.  The  order  is  depriving  some  of  this  Company's  customers  of  power  heretofore 
delivered  them  under  contracts  of  long  standing  and  for  long  terms,  increasing  the 
supply  to  others  whose  products  the  Federal  administration  considers  more  essential  to 
the  successful  conduct  of  the  war. 



This  Company  is  endeavoring  in  every  way  to  co-operate  with  the  United  States  War 
Department  to  make  Niagara  power  of  the  greatest  possible  service  toward  winning 
the  war. 

That  there  is  insufficient  power  at  Niagara  to  supply  present  requirements  is  due 
largely,  if  not  wholly,  to  the  continued  unwillingness  of  Congress  since  the  question  of 
Federal  control  of  Niagara  diversion  was  first  raised  in  1906  to  enact  permanent  pro- 
vision for  the  subject  and  to  fix  the  status  and  the  rights  of  the  companies  which  had 
constructed  expensive  plants  pursuant  to  authority  of  the  State  of  New  York  and  had 
been  lawfully  operating  for  many  years  before  their  rights  were  questioned. 

During  all  that  time  this  Company  has  stood  ready  upon  any  reasonable  permanent 
settlement  of  its  rights  at  least  to  complete  its  original  undertaking.  This  would  have 
substantially  doubled  the  present  output  of  the  American  plant  with  little,  if  any, 
diversion  of  water  above  the  amount  now  in  use  by  it  under  the  existing  temporary 

In  response  to  enquiries  of  the  War  Department  made  in  1913  this  Company  stated 
in  a  letter  to  the  Chief  of  Engineers  that 

"no  one  can  be  more  desirous  of  meeting  any  increased  demand  for  power 
than  will  be  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  the  pioneer  in  the  production 
of  hydro-electric  energy  for  industrial  use  .  .  .  whose  enterprise  preceded 
any  demand  for  electrical  power  and  antedated  any  and  all  legal  compli- 
cations.   .    .  . 

"Preliminary  estimates  indicate  the  possibility  of  supplementing  the  present 
works  of  The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company  so  as  to  utilize  to  the  utmost 
practicable  extent,  between  its  intake  and  outlet,  the  potentiality  of  the  waters 
by  it  diverted  from  the  river.  .  .  .  To  this  end,  however,  an  absolutely 
essential  prerequisite  would  be  the  approval  of  the  Federal  Government  of  the 
right  to  use  the  water  permanently,  or  for  an  adequate  period,  and  under 
conditions  promising  a  fair  return." 

Later  in  replying  to  further  enquiries  of  the  War  Department,  in  1916  when  the 
prices  of  the  required  material  and  labor  had  advanced  approximately  50  per  cent., 
this  Company  further  stated  in  a  letter  to  Major  H.  Burgess  of  the  U.  S.  Lake  Survey, 
dated  September  30,  1916, 

"Subject  to  confirmation  by  the  Federal  Government  of  our  rights  for  the 
necessary  water  diversion  for  such  a  term  and  upon  such  conditions  as  will 
render  it  practicable  to  raise  the  required  money,  we  shall  be  ready  and  would 
like  to  undertake  the  work  as  soon  as  the  present  abnormal  conditions  of  the 
labor  and  material  markets  are  adjusted  to  a  basis  that  will  permit  the 
project  to  be  carried  out  with  due  regard  to  economic  considerations." 

A  statement  in  some  detail  was  made  in  last  year's  annual  report  in  respect  of  the 
indispensability  of  the  products  of  Niagara  power.  Increases  in  the  demand  for  those 
products  have  been  brought  about  by  the  war  in  which  this  nation  is  engaged.  The 
Federal  authorities  now  have  recognized  the  fact  that  the  amount  of  Niagara  power 
available  is  wholly  inadequate  for  use  in  the  production  of  sufficient  quantities  of  the 
articles  required  to  supply  the  nation's  needs  and  at  the  same  time  to  supply  ordinary 
business  requirements. 



Throughout  the  year  the  demands  on  both  companies  for  power  were  far  in  excess 
of  the  capacity  of  the  plants.  Practically  a  power  famine  now  exists  at  Niagara.  It  is 
confidently  believed  that  double  the  present  output  of  all  the  existing  plants  Avould  soon 
be  absorbed  for  at  least  the  duration  of  the  war. 

The  tenth  unit  in  the  plant  of  the  Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company  was  completed 
and  placed  in  commercial  service  in  January,  1917.  The  generating  installation  of  that 
Company  is  now  in  excess  of  100,000  horse-power.  Its  present  head  works,  power  house 
and  tunnel  are  adequate  for  the  installation  of  another  large  generating  unit.  The 
Ontario  Government,  however,  now  claims  that  the  present  rights  of  the  Canadian 
Company  are  limited  to  the  production  of  100,000  horse-power.  In  this  view  we  are 
unable  to  concur. 

Increases  in  production  and  sales  by  your  Companies  resulted  in  substantial  in- 
creases in  gross  revenues.  The  increases  were  more  than  offset  by  greater  operating 
costs  and  by  large  increases  in  taxes.  It  also  was  considered  proper  to  appropriate 
from  surplus  a  substantial  reserve  against  certain  contingent  liabilities,  consisting  in 
the  main  of  possible  further  requirements  under  constructions  which  may  be  placed 
on  recent  War  and  Excess  Profits  Tax  laws. 

Among  recent  increases  in  operating  costs  is  the  expense  of  protecting  both  the 
American  and  Canadian  plants  against  lawlessness.  Military  and  also  private  guards 
are  stationed  at  the  Canadian  plant  and  private  armed  guards  at  the  American  plant. 
A  protective  enclosure  has  been  built  about  the  American  plant. 

In  the  annual  report  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  1913,  the  opinion  was  expressed 
that  this  Company's  "normal  function  generally  should  be  the  production  of  power 
for  industrial  uses  and  its  transmission  in  large  amounts  for  distribution  by  others." 
At  that  time  the  Board  had  negotiated,  subject  to  consent  of  the  stockkholders  of  this 
Company,  the  sale  of  the  majority  shares  of  the  Cataract  Power  and  Conduit  Company, 
which  distributed  in  Buffalo  Niagara  power  purchased  of  this  Company.  The  holders 
of  more  than  81  per  cent,  of  this  Company's  shares  filed  their  written  approvals  of  the 
sale.  Following  the  policy  then  enunciated,  the  stock  of  the  Tonawanda  Power  Company 
(2,500  shares  of  a  par  value  of  $100  each)  was  sold  to  a  group  in  which  were  included 
Directors  Rankine,  DeGraff  and  Smith,  who,  however,  took  no  part  in  the  proceedings 
for  the  sale,  in  August  last  at  $175  per  share  in  cash,  aggregating  $437,500.  The 
amount  of  $220,500  thereof,  being  the  avails  of  1,260  shares  that  had  been  pledged  as 
collateral  under  the  mortgages  securing  this  Company's  funded  indebtedness,  was 
deposited  in  trust  with  Central  Trust  Company  of  New  York  in  substitution  for  the 
stock  theretofore  so  pledged.  Subject  to  that  lien  a  further  pledge  thereof  was  made  to 
Bankers  Trust  Company  as  Trustee  under  the  mortgage  securing  the  Refunding  and 
General  Mortgage  bonds  of  this  Company,  due  January  1,  1932,  in  substitution  for  the 
like  second  lien  to  which  that  stock  had  been  subjected  under  date  of  October  1,  1909. 
The  balance  of  $217,000,  being  the  proceeds  of  1,240  shares,  was  paid  into  the  treasury 
of  the  Company.  As  shown  by  the  Treasurer's  statement,  the  transaction  resulted  in  a 
large  profit  to  this  Company. 

The  interest  in  the  Tonawanda  Company  thus  sold  was  subject  to  bonds  to  the 
amount  of  $150,000,  secured  by  a  mortgage  on  that  Company's  plant  and  properties. 
The  sale  was  made  subject  also  to  an  amended  power  contract  pursuant  to  which  the 



Tonawanda  Company  will  purchase  power  from  this  Company  for  and  during  the  term 
of  this  Company's  corporate  life. 

By  resolutions  of  the  Board  of  Directors,  the  Central  Trust  Company  of  New  York 
was  requested  to  subscribe  for  $1,500,000  of  the  United  States  First  Liberty  Loan 
3!/2  per  cent,  bonds,  and  later  for  $500,000  of  the  Second  Liberty  Loan  4  per  cent, 
bonds,  to  be  held  by  it  as  Trustee  as  an  investment  of  trust  funds  in  its  hands  resulting 
from  the  sales  of  properties  under  the  lien  of  the  mortgage  securing  the  5  per  cent. 
First  Mortgage  bonds  of  this  Company  due  January  1,  1932.  Allotments  of  $450,000 
of  the  3!/>  per  cents,  and  $300,000  of  the  4  per  cents,  were  made  and  the  $750,000 
bonds  are  now  held  by  Central  Trust  Company,  as  Trustee  under  said  mortgage. 

In  addition  to  the  subscriptions  placed  through  the  Central  Trust  Company  of 
New  York,  this  Company  subscribed  direct  for  $500,000  and  was  allotted  $300,000 
of  the  10-25  year  4  per  cent,  convertible  gold  bonds  (Second  Liberty  Loan  of  1917). 
These  are  now  held  in  the  treasury  of  the  Company. 

The  Canadian  Niagara  Power  Company  also  subscribed  for  and  was  allotted 
$250,000  514  per  cent,  bonds  due  December  1,  1922,  of  Canada's  Victory  Loan. 

Mr.  Edward  A.  Wickes,  who  at  the  organization  of  The  Cataract  Construction 
Company  in  February,  1890,  became  its  First  Vice-President  and  a  member  of  its 
Board  and  Executive  Committee,  and  on  June  6,  1899,  was  made  First  Vice-President 
and  on  February  1,  1910,  President  of  this  Company,  resigned  as  President  on  Jul}'  10, 
1917,  urging  that  he  had  reached  the  age  limit.  As  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Directors, 
Mr.  Wickes  continues  his  lively  interest  and  active  participation  in  the  management 
of  the  affairs  of  the  Company. 

Mr.  Stacy  C.  Richmond,  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Directors  since  December  9,  1914, 
was  elected  President  to  fill  the  unexpired  term  of  Mr.  Wickes. 

The  Board  of  Directors  had  hoped  to  incorporate  in  this  report  a  short  history  of 
this  Company's  power  development  at  Niagara  to  bring  to  j-our  attention  the  state  of 
the  art  of  electric  power  production  and  use  at  the  beginning  of  this  enterprise  and  the 
part  taken  by  your  Company  in  its  development.  In  collecting  the  necessary  data  it  has 
been  found  that  more  time  will  be  required  than  was  at  first  anticipated,  and  accordingly, 
it  has  been  determined  to  send  the  historical  sketch  to  stockholders  at  a  later  date. 

By  order  of  the  Board  of  Directors. 



Frederick  L.  Lovelace, 





Invitation  by  The  Cataract  Construction  Company, 
June  25,  1890,  to  Submit  Engineering  Projects  for 
Consideration  by  the  Commission 

Report  April  13,  1891,  of  Projects  Submitted 
and  Prizes  and  Premiums  Awarded 


June  25,  1890 

See  Chapter  X,  Page  183,  for  Introduction  and  Conclusion 


The  purpose  of  this  Company,  in  organising  this  Commission,  has  been  to  ascertain 
the  best  system  for  this  enterprise,  and  to  have  the  questions  involved  considered  by  the 
highest  available  scientific  authorities. 

The  following  conditions  of  the  proposed  Competition  have  been  settled  with  due 
regard  to  the  customs  prevailing  in  each  country  intended  to  be  represented,  so  that 
no  national  prejudices  need  be  raised. 

In  order  to  place  all  foreign  competitors  upon  an  equal  basis  with  Americans,  both 
for  the  Competition  and  the  execution  of  the  plans,  it  is  proposed : — 

1.  That  £75  should  be  allowed  for  travelling  expenses  to  such  of  the  foreign 

competitors  as  may  desire  to  make  a  personal  examination  at  Niagara  Falls, 
prior  to  Saturday,  September  6th,  1890,  the  close  of  the  Competition;  due 
notice  of  such  intention  to  make  such  examination  to  be  given  in  advance  of 
departure  to  the  Secretary  of  the  Commission. 

2.  (a.)  That  a  commission  of  two  and  one-half  per  cent  (2l/o^)  on  the  cost  of 

manufacturing  machinery  be  paid  to  the  author  of  projects  adopted,  in  case 
no  guarantee  of  performance  be  given,  or  superintendence  of  construction  and 
installation  required. 

(b.)  This  commission  will  be  increased  to  five  per  cent  (5^)  in  lieu  of  manu- 
facturers' profits,  in  case  the  Company  finds  it  advantageous  to  have 
machinery  constructed  in  America,  from  working  drawings  purchased  from 
the  foreign  authors,  who  offer  to  construct  with  proper  guarantee  of 

The  projects  and  the  communications  to  the  Commission,  as  well  as  its  proceedings 
and  reports,  to  be  in  the  English  language. 

The  dimensions  of  plans  and  all  calculations  to  be  expressed  in  English  measures  and 
the  financial  statements  in  dollars  at  the  rate  of  five  francs  per  one  dollar  and  five  dollars 
per  pound  sterling. 

The  projects  to  be  filed  with  the  Secretary  of  the  Commission  in  London  on  or  before 
Saturday,  September  6th,  1890,  excepting  those  from  America,  which  may  be  deposited 
on  or  before  Friday,  August  29th,  1890,  with  the  Treasurer  of  the  Company  in  New 
York,  who  will  bring  the  same  to  London.  No  projects  will  be  received  after  these  dates 
to  compete  for  the  prizes  offered. 

The  Commission  is  authorised  to  award  the  following  prizes  for  the  projects  which 
it  may  consider  the  best  adapted  to  the  ends  of  this  particular  enterprise,  taking  into 
consideration  economy  of  expenditure,  convenience  of  arrangement  for  progressive 
enlargement,  mechanical  results  from  separate  parts,  final  results  per  horse-power 
transmitted,  and  guarantees  of  performance. 



(a)  Hydraulic  projects  for  the  primary  development  of  power  by  turbines  or 

other  water  motors. 

1st  Prize  £200.  2nd  Prize  £150. 

(b)  Projects  for  the  transmission  and  distribution  of  power  from  the  primary  (a)*. 

1st  Prize  £200.  2nd  Prize  £150. 

(c)  Projects  combining  both  development  and  transmission  (a)  and  (b)  combined. 

1st  Prize  £600.  2nd  Prize  £500. 

The  Commission  is  authorised  to  award  two  first  prizes  of  £000  each  in  case  two 
projects  are  found  to  be  of  equal  merit. 

There  will  be  paid  to  each  party  submitting  separate  plans  of  sufficient  importance 
and  accejating  and  compl}'ing  with  all  the  conditions  of  the  Competition : — 

1.  £100  to  each  party  submitting  one  or  more  projects  of  (a)  and  (b). 

2.  £200  to  each  party  or  associated  parties  submitting  projects  (c). 

The  right  is  reserved  to  the  Commission  to  withhold  all  prizes  and  compensation  if 
in  their  judgment  the  projects  are  undeserving  of  the  same. 

All  projects  are  to  become  the  property  of  the  Company,  but  there  shall  be  no 
obligation  upon  the  ComjDany  to  adopt  an}'  particular  one,  and  it  shall  have  the  right 
to  adopt  a  part  of  any  or  all  projects.  In  case  any  project  or  part  thereof  shall  be 
adopted,  the  Compairy  shall  give  the  author  thereof  due  credit  for  the  same  and  pay  for 
the  necessary  working  drawings,  and  shall  pay  in  addition,  pursuant  to  a  contract  to 
be  arranged  therefor,  the  commission  aforesaid  upon  the  net  cost  of  all  machinery  con- 
structed by  others  than  the  authors  of  the  projects,  or  part  thereof  adopted. 

All  questions  that  may  arise  under  this  Competition  shall  be  subject  to  the  absolute 
and  final  decision  of  the  Commission,  without  recourse,  but  no  claim  will  be  considered 
after  October  1st,  1890. 

The  Competitors  are  required  to  submit  in  six  copies : — ** 

1.  Plans  sufficiently  detailed  to  permit  an  opinion  to  be  formed  by  the  Commission 

regarding  the  character  of  the  construction  proposed.  All  the  special  devices 
for  security  and  regularity,  electric,  hydraulic,  etc.,  must  be  shown  by 
separate  and  descriptive  drawings  in  detail. 

2.  Explanatory  text,  giving  full  information  as  to  the  methods  proposed,  time 

required  for  preparation  of  working  drawings,  and  the  manufacture  of 
machinery,  and  installation  of  project,  results  expected,  performance  to  be 
guaranteed,  commercial  values,  and  with  references  in  detail  to  similar  in- 
stallations already  constructed,  if  any,  as  evidence  of  practicability  and 

3.  Estimates  of  cost  of  furnishing  working  drawings  prepared  in  feet  and  inches, 

for  manufacture  in  America,  of  all  machinery  excej)t  pieces  requiring  special 
treatment  by  experienced  hands.  Such  drawings,  if  demanded,  to  be  made  in 

*  Competitors  who  submit  projects  (b)  for  transmission  and  distribution  only,  should  calculate  upon 
a  speed  of  200  to  250  revolutions  per  minute  on  the  shafts  of  the  primary  development  (a). 

**  Five  of  these  plans  may  be  submitted  in  blue-print. 



accordance  with  American  shop  practice  as  to  sizes,  according  to  full  infor- 
mation to  be  given  by  the  Engineers  of  this  Company. 

4.  Estimates  of  cost  of  machinery  and  all  accessories  with  details  thereof,  delivered 
free  on  board  at  a  port  of  regular  and  convenient  shipment  for  New  York 
or  Niagara  Falls. 

The  estimates  of  cost  of  rock  and  other  excavation  may  be  made  at : — 

$0.25  (f  1.25)  per  c.  yd.  (0.7645  c.  meter)  for  open  earth  cut. 

$1.50  (f  7.50)  per  c.  yd.  (0.7645  c.  meter)  for  open  rock  cut. 

$4.00  (f  20.00)  per  c.  yd.  (0.7645  c.  meter)  for  tunnels  or  other  rock  excavations 
in  bulk,  wholly  underground,  and  at 

$5.00  (f  25.00)  per  c.  yd.  (0.7645  c.  meter)  for  minor  underground  rock  ex- 
cavation by  heading  only. 

The  assumed  cost  of  materials  and  labour  for  temporary  and  permanent  construction 
of  all  kinds,  not  mentioned  above,  should  be  stated,  in  order  that  an  equitable  comparison 
may  be  made.  . 

The  estimates  of  cost  to  the  Company,  per  horse-power  produced  at  the  point  of 
consumption  by  the  methods  proposed,  may  be  made  upon  the  assumption  that  the 
Company  will  have  expended  in  the  completion  of  its  tunnel,  8,000  feet  in  length,  etc., 
the  sum  of  $4,000,000.  Each  Competitor  should  add  to  this  sum  whatever  he  may 
estimate  to  be  the  additional  cost  of  his  projects. 

In  calculating  the  commercial  results  per  horse-power  produced,  transmitted,  and 
distributed  by  the  proposed  project,  allowance  should  be  made  for  depreciation  and  for 
the  service  of  installation,  and  in  addition  five  per  cent,  interest  upon  the  total  cost, 
including  the  aforesaid  sum  of  $4,000,000. 

In  considering  these  questions  it  may  be  assumed  that  there  is : — 

1.  Unlimited  and  never-failing  water,  with  a  comparatively  small  amount  of 


2.  Constant  net  fall  or  head  of  140  feet  (42.67  meters). 

3.  A  tail  race  or  tunnel,  8,000  feet  (2,438.32  meters)  long  with  a  section  of  490 

square  feet  (45.54  square  meters)  and  18.148  cubic  yards  (13.874  cubic 
meters)  per  linear  foot  (.3048  meter)  without  lining,  with  a  grade  not  ex- 
ceeding 7  per  1,000  and  exclusive  of  any  excavations  for  wheels  or  water  inlets. 

4.  Level  and  vacant  land  and  low  river  banks  readily  available  for  the  erection 

of  manufactories,  with  access  thereto  by  water  and  rail. 

5.  About  10  feet  (3.047  meters)  of  soil  overlaying  horizontal  strata  of  rocks,  all 

sufficiently  hard  to  permit  the  excavation  of  chambers  and  shafts,  wheel 
pits,  tunnels,  etc. 

Projects  are  invited  for  one  Central  Station,  located  at  the  head  of  the  tunnel,  for: — 

1.  The  economical  development  of  as  much  power  as  the  section  of  the  tunnel,  the 
head  of  water,  and  the  hydraulic  slope  will  permit,  and — 



2.  Transmission  and  distribution  of  this  power  overhead  or  underground  by 
electricity,  compressed  air,  water,  cable  or  other  means  to : — 

(a)  A  manufacturing  district  to  be  built  up  within  a  radius  of  four  miles 
(6.44  kilometers),  and 

(fo)  To  the  city  of  Buffalo,  distant  about  twenty  miles  (32.18  kilometers). 
The  Central  Station  should  be  so  designed  :■ — 

1.  That  a  combination  of  methods  of  transmission  and  distribution  may  be  em- 

ployed according  to  the  probable  demand  therefore  by  various  classes  of 

2.  That  a  block  of  50,000  horse-power  may  be  specially  designed  for  the  Buffalo 

transmission,  and 

3.  That  the  entire  capacity  of  the  tunnel  may  be  developed  gradually  in  blocks  of 

from  10,000  to  20,000  horse-power  each. 

The  methods  of  transmission  and  distribution  should  be  those  best  suited  to  large 
manufacturing  cities  requiring — 

1.  Electricity  for  domestic,  street  and  manufacturing  purposes. 

2.  Water  for  power,  domestic,  fire  and  manufacturing  uses,  and 

3.  Air  for  power,  ventilating  and  refrigerating. 

Opportunity  will  be  given  to  all  Competitors  to  appear  before  the  Commission  to  give 
personal  explanation  of  their  projects. 

It  is  believed  that  all  necessary  details  for  a  correct  understanding  of  this  matter  will 
be  found  in  the  photographs,  maps  and  plans  transmitted  you  herewith. 



JUNE  25,  1890 

1.  Map  of  Great  Lakes  with  text  explanatory  of  drainage  area  and  volume  of  water. 

2.  Map  of  country  within  a  20-mile  radius  of  Niagara  Falls,  showing  towns,  popula- 

tion, etc. 

3.  Lake  Erie  Coast  Chart,  showing  depth  and  routes  of  water  from  Buffalo  to 

Niagara  Falls. 

4.  War  Department  Survey,  showing  topography  around  Niagara  Falls. 

5.  Colored  Map  of  Niagara  Falls  showing  State  Reservation,  lines  of  railway  and 

shore  line  filling  permitted  on  river  edge  of  the  company's  property. 

6.  Photograph  of  perspective  view  of  the  falls  and  town  of  Niagara. 




7.  Photograph  of  cliff  with  location  of  tunnel  mouth. 

8.  Photograph  of  company's  property  viewed  from  Canadian  side. 

9.  Blue-print,  showing  location  of  tunnel  and  property  owned  by  the  company. 

10.  Blue-print,  profile,  showing  location  of  tunnel. 

11.  Sketch,  showing  Niagara  group  of  rocks,  section  of  tunnel  and  details  of  fall. 

12.  Map  of  Buffalo  and  head  of  Niagara  River. 

13.  Memorandum  regarding  city  of  Buffalo. 







PROF.  W.  C.  UNWIN,  F.R.S. 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company  having  asked  for  a 
report  on  the  plans  submitted  to  the  Commission,  the  Secretary 
has  prepared  the  following  statement.  The  Commission  having  sepa- 
rated, it  is  not  possible  to  have  an  official  report  carrying  the 
authority  of  the  Commission.  The  general  conclusions  of  the 
Commission  have  been  communicated  to  the  Cataract  Company  in 
the  Report  of  Proceedings,  and  that  report  is  confidential  between 
the  Commission  and  the  Company. 

W.  Cawthorne  Unwix. 

Prof.  E.  Mascart,  the  Commissioner  from  France,  wrote  from 
Paris  to  the  Secretary,  June  29,  1891 : 

I  have  just  received  and  have  read  with  great  interest  the 
remarkable  Report  prepared  by  Professor  Unwin  on  the  compe- 
tition in  regard  to  Niagara.  This  Report  reproduces  a  very  faith- 
ful image  of  the  discussions  which  took  place  in  the  Commission. 

E.  Mascart 

Bureau  Central  Meteorologique 

A  group  portrait  of  the  International  Niagara  Com- 
mission will  be  found  in  Chapter  X,  page  180,  and 
separate  portraits  of  each  commissioner  are  intro- 
duced in  appropriate  places  in  this  volume.  Prof.  W. 
Cawthorne  Unwin  is  the  only  survivor  of  this  group 
at  the  date  of  publication  and  his  reflections  upon 
his  connection  with  this  enterprise  will  be  found  in 
Chapter  XXVIII,  Volume  Two,  "Reviews." 




PROF.  W.  C.  UNWIN,  F.R.S. 


The  Niagara  River  at  Niagara  Falls  has  long  been  recognized  as  capable  of  furnish- 
ing an  enormous  amount  of  mechanical  energy  and  as  having  peculiar  advantages  for 
the  development  of  water-power.  Flowing  from  a  great  chain  of  lakes,  which  form 
reservoirs  to  a  water-shed  covering  an  area  of  more  than  240,000  square  miles,  the 
Niagara  River  has  an  almost  unvarying  discharge,  estimated  at  265,000  cubic  feet 
per  second.  The  drop  at  the  Falls,  which  creates  the  means  of  applying  hydraulic 
machinery,  is  150  feet,  and  this  with  the  fall  in  the  rapids  above  and  immediately  below 
the  Falls  gives  a  total  head  of  214  feet  for  driving  hydraulic  motors  within  a  distance  not 
greater  than  a  mile  and  a  quarter.  The  variation  during  the  year  of  surface  level  of  the 
river  is  very  small  either  above  or  below  the  Falls,  and  is  chiefly  due  to  the  action  of 
wind.  The  ordinary  changes  of  level  do  not  exceed  1  foot  in  the  river  above  the  Falls 
or  5  feet  below  the  Falls.  The  greatest  authenticated  changes  of  level  below  the  Falls, 
due  to  iceblocks  in  the  river  and  other  causes,  amount  to  only  13l/>  feet  rise  above  mean 
level  and  9  feet  fall  below  it.  The  land  on  the  United  States  side  is  almost  a  level  plain, 
suitable  for  mill  sites  and  for  the  construction  of  head-race  channels.  The  river,  turning 
at  right  angles  immediately  below  the  Falls,  facilitates  the  construction  of  a  tail-race 
tunnel.  The  rock  strata  of  shale  and  limestone  are  strong  and  trustworthy  for  tunneling. 

The  Cataract  Construction  Company  has  been  organized  to  carry  out  a  scheme  for 
utilizing  and  distributing  a  part  of  the  mechanical  power  available  at  the  Falls.  They 
have  purchased  a  tract  of  about  1,400  acres,  which  at  its  nearest  point  is  about  iy± 
miles  above  the  Falls.  A  vertical  shaft  is  being  driven  at  this  point  nearly  to  the  level 
of  the  lower  river.  Starting  from  the  bottom  of  this  shaft  and  debouching  into  the  lower 
river  a  tunnel  about  18  feet  wide,  30  feet  high,  and  of  490  square  feet  sectional  area,  with 
a  slope  of  4  per  1,000,  is  already  in  progress  beneath  the  present  town  of  Niagara. 
This  tunnel  is  to  serve  as  a  tail-race  to  the  hydraulic  machinery  for  utilizing  the  water- 
power.  It  is  estimated  to  be  capable  of  discharging  with  a  velocity  of  perhaps  28  feet  per 
second  as  much  water  as  would  be  used  by  hydraulic  machines  developing  125,000 
effective  horse-power.  Large  and  commercially  valuable  as  this  enormous  power  would 
be,  it  is  probably  little  more  than  3  per  cent,  of  the  power  running  to  waste  over  the 
Falls,  and  its  abstraction  will  probably  not  visibly  affect  their  appearance. 

At  a  distance  of  18  miles  from  the  tract  purchased  by  the  Cataract  Company  is  the 
important  city  of  Buffalo,  and  at  a  less  distance  the  active  manufacturing  town  of 
Tonawanda.  It  is  contemplated  in  the  project  of  the  Cataract  Company  to  transmit 
part  of  the  power  utilized  to  Buffalo  and  Tonawanda,  where,  provided  it  can  be  rented 
at  a  suitable  price,  it  would  replace  the  steam-power  at  present  employed. 

Given  the  conditions  thus  briefly  indicated,  two  classes  of  problems  press  for  solution  : 
(l)As  to  the  best  method  or  methods  of  developing  the  power  in  a  form  available  for 
application;  (2)  As  to  the  method  or  methods  of  distributing  the  power  partly  to  the 
new  industrial  center  near  the  Falls,  which,  adopting  a  suggestion  of  Prof.  Forbes,  may 



be  termed  Cataract  City,  and  partly  to  the  more  distant  towns  of  Buffalo  and  Tona- 
wanda.  Means  of  utilizing  water-power  and  means  of  distributing  power  are  well  under- 
stood by  engineers.  But  the  magnitude  of  the  undertaking  at  Niagara  is  quite 
unprecedented,  and  its  success  must  depend  on  the  application  of  the  highest  scientific 
knowledge  and  the  widest  practical  experience  in  the  selection  of  the  methods  which  are 
at  once  the  most  trustworthy  and  the  least  costly.  It  is  a  governing  condition  of  the 
problem  that  the  power  should  be  utilized  and  distributed  at  a  cost  permitting  its  sale 
at  a  price  which  leaves  to  steam-power  no  chance  of  competition.  On  the  other  hand, 
economy  cannot  in  this  case  be  purchased  by  the  adoption  of  untried  or  doubtful  expedi- 
ents, and  exceptional  care  must  be  taken  to  avoid  risk  of  accident  or  failure  in  the 
supply.  If  once  a  manufacturing  district  is  created  to  apply  the  power  of  Niagara,  it 
will  become  absolutely  dependent  for  its  existence  on  the  motors  and  distributing  ar- 
rangements, and  the  effect  of  a  temporary  cessation  of  supply  of  power  would  be 

Nowhere  in  the  world  has  water-power  been  so  extensively  used  in  manufacturing 
operations  as  in  the  United  States.  Already,  ten  years  ago,  the  census  returns  showed 
that  more  than  a  million  horse-power  derived  from  waterfalls  were  utilized  for  manu- 
facturing purposes  in  the  United  States.  Hence  it  might  appear  at  first  sight  that  all 
that  is  required  at  Niagara  is  an  application  on  a  larger  scale  of  plans  already  adopted 
in  other  localities.  In  earlier  projects  for  utilizing  Niagara  this  was  indeed  assumed  to  be 
the  case.  But  consideration  showed  that  not  only  in  the  dimensions  of  the  machinery  and 
in  the  magnitude  of  the  power  to  be  handled,  the  work  to  be  accomplished  at  Niagara 
differs  essentially  from  that  executed  in  other  localities.  Elsewhere,  the  water-power 
available  is  insufficient  or  only  just  sufficient  for  the  demand.  Generally,  it  is  sup- 
plemented by  steam-power.  Then  it  is  of  primary  importance  that  the  useful  work 
recovered  from  the  waterfall,  under  varying  conditions  of  season  and  fluctuation  of 
trade  requirements,  should  be  as  great  as  possible.  The  efficiency  of  the  hydraulic  motors 
must  be  high,  whether  worked  at  full  power  or  not.  But  at  Niagara  the  supply  of 
power  is  practically  limitless.  The  efficienc}'  of  the  motors  is  only  so  far  important  as  it 
reduces  the  cost  of  the  installation  of  the  motors  and  their  adjuncts.  In  the  transmission 
also  waste  of  power  is  to  be  measured  against  the  cost  of  the  means  of  preventing  it. 

A  further  consideration  is  this,  that,  looking  to  the  magnitude  of  the  power  to  be 
distributed,  the  complexity  of  a  system  on  which  many  consumers  are  dependent,  and  the 
distance  of  transmission,  there  is  a  probability  that  the  best  methods  of  dealing  with  the 
problem  are  quite  different  from  those  already  tried  in  places  where  these  conditions 
do  not  exist. 

With  a  very  few  exceptions,  hitherto,  where  a  large  water-power  has  had  to  be  dis- 
tributed to  several  consumers,  the  water  itself  has  been  distributed,  each  consumer  having 
his  own  hydraulic  machinery  for  utilizing  it.  In  the  case  of  Niagara,  the  great  area 
which  would  be  occupied  by  surface  canals  if  this  method  were  adopted,  and  the  great 
expense  of  underground  excavation  in  a  table-land  of  rock  like  that  on  the  American 
shore  of  the  Falls,  would  certainly  make  the  cost  of  the  power  considerable  and  would 
perhaps  prohibit  its  utilization  at  all.  In  a  very  few  cases,  chiefly  in  Switzerland,  another 
method  has  been  adopted.  The  water-power  developed  on  motors,  at  the  most  convenient 
site,  is  distributed  as  power  to  the  consumers.  Further,  in  consequence  of  quite  recent 
developments  of  mechanical  science,  steam-power  is  now,  in  some  cases,  distributed  to 



considerable  distances  by  means  of  compressed  air  and  electricity.  The  economy  of  the 
production  of  power  at  a  central  station,  in  these  cases,  more  than  counterbalances  the 
cost  of  the  distributing  apparatus.  In  the  case  of  water-power,  there  is  the  further 
advantage  that  not  only  is  the  development  of  the  power  on  a  large  scale  at  a  single 
station  cheaper  than  its  development  at  a  number  of  distant  points,  but  also  the  cost 
of  air  mains  or  electric  conductors  may  be  less  than  that  of  the  water  channels  necessary 
for  distributing  the  water. 

If,  at  Niagara,  the  simple  and  well-understood  methods  of  distributing  water  to 
consumers,  to  be  utilized  by  machinery  of  their  own,  are  to  be  replaced  by  methods  of 
distributing  power,  then  the  problem  at  once  assumes  a  character  of  much  greater 
complexity  and  novelty.  In  the  distribution  of  power,  by  electricity  especially,  ex- 
perience is  so  limited  and  recent  that  wide  divergences  of  opinion  exist,  even  on  funda- 
mental points,  as  to  the  best  methods  to  adopt.  During  a  visit  to  Europe,  in  the  spring 
of  1890,  the  president  of  the  Cataract  Company  came  to  the  conclusion  that  it  was 
desirable  to  bring  to  bear,  on  the  solution  of  the  problem  of  utilizing  Niagara,  the 
knowledge  and  experience  of  many  different  engineers.  It  was  decided  to  invite  selected 
engineers  or  engineering  firms  to  seriously  consider  the  problem,  and  to  send  in  com- 
pletely worked-out  projects,  with  drawings  and  estimates  of  cost.  To  secure  a  careful 
and  impartial  examination  and  discussion  of  these  projects  the  International  Niagara 
Commission  was  formed.  A  sum  of  about  £4,500  was  placed  in  the  hands  of  the  Com- 
mission to  be  awarded,  pax-tly  in  premiums  to  all  invited  engineers  who  sent  in  plans  of 
sufficient  importance,  partly  in  prizes  to  the  plans  of  greatest  merit. 

The  Commission  was  constituted  as  follows : 

Sir  WILLIAM  THOMSON,  LL.  D.,  F.  R.  S.,  President. 

Dr.  COLEMAN  SELLERS,  M.  I.  C.  E.,  Professor  of  Engineering  Practice,  Stevens 
Institute  of  Technology,  Hoboken,  N.  J.;  Professor  of  Mechanics,  Franklin 
Institute  of  State  of  Pennsylvania. 

E.  MASCART,  Membre  de  VInstitut,  Paris;  Professor  at  the  College  of  France; 
Director  of  the  Bureau  Central  Mcteorologique. 

Col.  THEODORE  TURRETTINI,  Geneva,  President  of  the  City  of  Geneva;  Director 
of  the  Works  for  the  Utilization  of  the  Rhone;  Director  of  the  Socicte  d'  In- 
struments de  Physique. 

Prof.  W.  C.  UNWIN,  F.  R.  S.,  Mem.  Inst.  C.  E.,  Secretary. 

It  was  arranged  that  engineers  deputed  by  the  Cataract  Company  should  be  present 
at  meetings  of  the  Commission. 

Preliminary  meetings  of  the  Commission  were  held  in  London  on  June  21,  23  and  24, 
1890.  At  these  meetings  a  letter  of  invitation  was  drawn  up  and  a  list  of  engineers 
agreed  on  to  whom  the  letter  of  invitation  to  compete  should  be  sent. 

The  following  are  the  more  important  directions  laid  down  in  the  letter  of  invitation 
to  competitors,  which  it  is  desirable  to  refer  to  as  an  explanation  of  the  action  of  the 

The  purpose  of  the  Company  in  organizing  the  Commission  was  stated  to  be  to 
ascertain  the  best  system  for  the  enterprise  at  Niagara  and  to  have  the  questions 
involved  considered  by  the  highest  available  scientific  authorities. 



To  place  foreign  competitors  on  an  equal  footing  with  American  competitors,  a  series 
of  maps,  plans,  sections  and  photographs  of  the  locality  were  prepared  and  sent  with  the 
letter  of  invitation.  It  was  also  arranged  that  traveling  expenses  should  be  allowed  to 
such  of  the  foreign  competitors  as  should  desire  to  make  a  personal  examination  at 
Niagara  Falls.  Two  competitors  availed  themselves  of  this  arrangement  for  visiting 
the  Falls  and  consulting  the  Company's  engineers. 

The  communications  to  the  Commission  were  to  be  made  in  English,  and  the  dimensions 
on  plans  and  calculations  to  be  expressed  in  English  measures. 

The  Commission  was  authorized  to  award  the  following  prizes  for  the  projects  which 
it  considered  best  adapted  to  the  ends  of  this  particular  enterprise.  Taking  into  con- 
sideration economy  of  expenditure,  convenience  of  arrangement  for  progressive  enlarge- 
ment, mechanical  results  from  separate  parts,  final  results  per  horse-power  transmitted, 
and  guarantees  of  performance : 

(a)  Hydraulic  projects  for  the  primary  development  of  power  by  turbines  or  other 
water  motors.  ^  £2QQ  .  2d  f  ^ 

(b)  Projects  for  the  transmission  and  distribution  of  power  from  the  primary. 

1st  Prize,  £200;  2d  Prize,  £150. 

(c)  Projects  combining  both  development  and  transmission  —  (a)  and  (b)  combined. 

1st  Prize,  £600;  2d  Prize,  £500. 

In  addition  to  this  the  Commission  was  authorized  to  pay  to  each  party  submitting 
separate  plans  of  sufficient  imj)ortance,  and  accepting  and  complying  with  the  conditions 
of  the  competition : 

1.  £100  to  each  party  submitting  one  or  more  projects  of  (a)  and  (b). 

2.  £200  to  each  party  or  associated  parties  submitting  projects  (c). 

Right  was  reserved  to  the  Commission  to  withhold  all  prizes  and  compensation  if  in 
their  judgment  the  projects  were  undeserving  of  the  same. 
The  competitors  were  required  to  submit  in  six  copies : 

1.  Plans  sufficiently  detailed  to  permit  an  opinion  to  be  formed  by  the  Commission 
regarding  the  character  of  the  construction  proposed.  All  the  special  devices  for  security 
and  regularity,  electric,  hydraulic,  etc.,  must  be  shown  by  separate  and  descriptive 
drawings  in  detail. 

2.  Explanatory  text,  giving  full  information  as  to  the  methods  proposed,  time 
required  for  preparation  of  working  drawings  and  the  manufacture  of  machinery  and 
installation  of  project,  results  expected,  performance  to  be  guaranteed,  commercial 
values,  and  with  reference  in  detail  to  similar  installations  already  constructed,  if  any, 
as  evidence  of  practicability  and  economy. 

3.  Estimates  of  cost  of  furnishing  working  drawings  for  manufacture  in  America  of 
all  machinery  except  pieces  requiring  special  treatment  by  experienced  hands. 

4.  Estimates  of  cost  of  machinery  and  all  accessories,  with  details  thereof,  delivered 
f.  o.  b.  at  a  port  of  regular  and  convenient  shipment  for  New  York  or  Niagara  Falls. 



The  estimates  of  cost  to  the  Company  per  horse-power,  produced  at  the  point  of 
consumption  by  the  methods  proposed,  should  be  made  on  the  assumption  that  the 
Company  will  have  expended  in  the  completion  of  its  tunnel,  8,000  feet  in  length,  etc., 
the  sum  of  $4,000,000 ;  every  competitor  should  add  to  this  sum  whatever  he  might 
estimate  to  be  the  additional  cost  of  his  projects. 

In  calculating  the  commercial  results  per  horse-power  produced,  transmitted  and 
distributed  by  the  proposed  project,  allowance  should  be  made  for  depreciation  and  for 
the  service  of  installation,  and  in  addition  5  per  cent,  interest  on  the  total  cost,  including 
the  aforesaid  sum  of  $4,000,000. 

As  to  the  data  on  which  competitors  were  required  to  base  their  projects,  they  were 
directed  to  assume  an  unlimited  and  unfailing  supply  of  water  without  sediment  and  a 
net  fall  of  140  feet. 

Projects  were  invited  for  one  central  station,  located  at  the  head  of  the  tunnel,  for 

1.  The  development  of  as  much  power  as  the  section  of  the  tunnel  (490  square  feet), 
the  head  of  water  and  the  hydraulic  slope  would  permit. 

2.  The  transmission  and  distribution  of  this  power  overhead  or  underground  by 
electricity,  compressed  air,  water,  cable  or  other  means  to 

(a)  A  manufacturing  district  built  up  within  a  radius  of  four  miles. 

(b)  To  the  city  of  Buffalo,  distant  about  twenty  miles. 
The  central  station  should  be  so  designed 

1.  That  a  combination  of  methods  of  transmission  and  distribution  might  be  employed 
according  to  the  probable  demand  therefor  by  various  classes  of  industries. 

2.  That  a  block  of  50,000  horse-power  might  be  specially  assigned  to  the  Buffalo 

3.  That  the  entire  capacity  of  the  tunnel  might  be  developed  gradually  in  blocks  of 
from  10,000  to  20,000  horse-power  each. 

Lastly,  it  was  directed  that,  in  selecting  the  methods  adopted,  attention  should  be 
given  to  the  requirements  of  manufacturing  cities,  of  electricity  for  domestic,  street  and 
manufacturing  purposes ;  water  for  power,  domestic,  fire  and  manufacturing  purposes, 
and  air  for  power,  ventilating  and  refrigerating. 

It  was  arranged  that  opportunity  should  be  given  to  all  competitors  to  appear  before 
the  Commission  to  give  personal  explanation  of  their  projects. 

It  was  at  first  arranged  that  the  projects  should  be  delivered  to  the  Commission  on 
September  6,  1890.  The  period  allowed  for  the  preparation  of  projects  proved,  however, 
to  be  insufficient,  and  the  time  for  sending  in  projects  was  extended  to  the  end  of  the 
year.  Immediately  on  their  receipt,  copies  of  the  projects  were  sent  to  each  Commissioner 
for  consideration. 

The  Commission  met  on  January  29  for  the  examination  of  the  projects,  conference 
with  the  competitors  and  adjudication  of  the  awards.  Meetings  of  considerable  duration 
were  held  on  January  29,  30,  31,  and  on  February  2,  3  and  4.  Messrs.  Clemens  Herschel 
and  Albert  H.  Porter,  of  the  Engineers  to  the  Cataract  Company,  came  from  the 
United  States  to  attend  the  meetings  of  the  Commission. 



The  projects  received  were  probably  as  numerous  as  could  be  expected,  and  many  of 
them  were  worked  out  with  quite  extraordinary  care  and  completeness.  In  some  cases 
the  Descriptive  Memoir  alone  formed  an  extensive  treatise  and  contained  information  of 
the  greatest  scientific  value.  Amongst  the  projects  received  there  was  the  greatest  variety 
in  the  proposals  both  for  developing  and  transmitting  the  power.  As  to  the  transmission 
of  the  power  especially,  it  may  be  noted  that  every  method  known  to  be  available  for  the 
transmission  of  large  power  to  great  distances  was  put  forward  for  adoption  in  one  or 
more  of  the  designs  received.  If  no  project  commended  itself  to  the  Commission  as 
completely  fulfilling  all  the  conditions  required,  or  as  suitable  for  execution  without 
modification,  that  must  be  attributed  in  part  to  the  magnitude  and  complexity  of  the 
problem,  and  in  part  also  to  this  further  cause. 

Several  of  the  competitors  proposed  to  distribute  the  power  electrically,  but  as  to  this 
means  of  distribution  wide  differences  of  opinion  still  exist.  The  kind  of  current  used, 
the  potential,  the  mode  of  regulation,  and  the  mode  of  insulation  of  the  conductors, 
differ  greatly  in  existing  installations  for  electrical  distribution.  It  is  not  yet  known 
what  is  the  practical  limit  of  size  of  dynamos,  and  the  increase  of  size  involves  scientific 
questions  of  difficulty.  No  doubt  exists  as  to  the  possibility  of  distributing  even  so  large  a 
power  as  that  at  Niagara  electrically,  but  there  is  room  for  considerable  divergence  of 
opinion  as  to  the  methods  which  are  most  advantageous  and  involve  least  difficulty  and 

The  following  is  a  summary  of  the  projects  received  by  the  Commission: 

1.  Messrs.  Cuenod,  Sautter  &  Co.,  of  Geneva,  and  Messrs.  Faesch  &  Piccard,  of 


Project  A. — Complete  plans  of  hydraulic  plant  for  125,000  horse-power,  and  of 
dynamos  and  electrical  distributing  arrangements,  both  for  Cataract  City  and  Buffalo. 
In  this  project,  turbines  of  2,500  horse-power  drive  pairs  of  dynamos  of  1,250  horse- 
power in  underground  galleries  without  intermediate  gearing.  Full  details  are  given  of 
water  channels,  turbines,  dynamos,  switch-boards,  cut-outs  and  regulating  and  safety 

Project  B. — Similar  complete  plans  for  turbines  and  electrical  distribution,  the 
dynamos  being  placed  above-ground.  The  turbines  are  of  2,500  horse-power,  with  a 
vertical  shaft  driving  a  dynamo  of  the  same  power  directly  without  gearing.  The  plan 
of  distribution  is  different  from  that  in  the  preceding  project,  and  a  higher  potential 
is  adopted  in  the  distribution  circuits. 

2.  Professor  Vigkeux  and  M.  Leon  Levy,  of  Paris. 

Complete  plans  for  125,000  horse-power.  Details  of  turbines  of  different  types  for 
5,000  and  10,000  horse-power  each.  Details  of  lvydraulic  governor  and  sluice  gates. 
Electric  arrangements  for  working  sluices.  Dynamos  of  2,500  horse-power,  and  5,000 
volts.  Power  lubricating  arrangements,  traveling-cranes  and  ventilating  fan.  Design 
of  receiving  station  and  dynamo  motors.  Details  of  aerial  electric  conductors. 

3.  M.  Hillairet  and  M.  Bouvier,  of  Paris. 

Complete  plans  for  hydraulic  machines  and  electrical  distribution.  Turbines  of 
10,000  horse-power,  driving  d}Tnamos  of  the  same  power  directly,  the  dynamos  being 



above-ground  and  the  turbines  having  vertical  shafts.  Turbines  for  actuating  regulating 
sluices  of  principal  turbines.  Details  of  dynamos.  Details  of  dynamo  transformers. 
Details  of  transmission  to  Buffalo.  Plan  of  distribution  in  a  quarter  of  the  new  indus- 
trial district.  Details  of  conductors  for  Buffalo. 

4.  Professor  Riedler,  of  Berlin,  and  M.  Victor  Popp,  of  Paris. 

Plans  of  hydraulic  machines  and  air  compressors,  studied  chiefly  with  respect  to 
transmission  of  power  by  compressed  air  to  Buffalo.  Details  of  turbines  with  horizontal 
and  vertical  axis  of  5,000  horse-power  on  the  impulse  system.  Details  of  outward-flow 
turbines  of  5,000  horse-power.  Project  I. — Turbines  with  horizontal  axis  and  under- 
ground compressors.  Project  II. — A  similar  arrangement  with  outward-flow  turbines  at 
somewhat  higher  speed,  and  compressors  with  slide-valves.  Project  III. — Pressure 
turbines  with  vertical  shaft  driving  overground  compressors,  compressors  compound 
effecting  compression  in  two  stages.  Project  IV.- — A  similar  arrangement  with  impulse 
turbines.  Study  of  distributing  mains  for  initial  air  pressures  of  86  pounds,  199  pounds 
and  426  pounds  per  square  inch.  Details  of  experiments  on  the  Paris  mains. 

5.  Mr.  G.  F.  Deacon  and  Messrs.  Siemens  Brothers,  of  London. 

Complete  project  for  utilizing  125,000  horse-power  and  its  distribution  electrically. 
Inward-flow  turbines  of  2,500  horse-power,  each  driving  one  series-wound  dynamo. 
Dynamos  placed  in  underground  galleries.  Supply  pipes  of  turbines  fed  by  5  vertical 
rock  shafts,  12  turbines  to  each  shaft.  Dynamos  with  ring  armatures,  400  amperes  at 
4,500  volts.  Conductors,  insulated  cables  laid  underground.  For  electric  lighting  and 
small  motors,  potential  lowered  by  motor  dynamo  transformer.  Messrs.  Siemens'  project 
differs  from  all  the  other  electrical  projects  in  proposing  to  use  constant  current  and 
vary  the  speed  and  potential  of  the  dynamos. 

6.  Mr.  H.  D.  Pearsall,  of  Orpington,  England. 

This  is  a  plan  for  the  utilization  of  125,000  horse-power  by  the  compression  of  air 
in  a  series  of  cylinders  by  the  direct  action  of  the  water  column.  The  engines  are  a 
modification  of  the  water  ram,  compressing  and  discharging  alternately.  The  com- 
pressing cylinders  or  engines,  63  in  number,  are  placed  in  three  tiers  in  an  immense 
open  excavation,  each  tier  using  one-third  of  the  fall.  The  air  is  compressed  to  150 
pounds  per  square  inch ;  each  compressing  engine  is  reckoned  to  give  about  2,000 
horse-power.  A  supply  of  water  under  pressure  is  also  obtained  from  the  compressing 
cylinders,  amounting  to  about  150  gallons  per  horse-power.  This  would  be  used  for  the 
water  supply  of  the  city. 

7.  Professor  Lupton,  of  Leeds,  and  Mr.  Sturgeon,  of  Chester,  England. 

This  is  a  complete  arrangement  for  hydraulic  motors  and  compressed  air  plant  to 
utilize  125,000  horse-power,  and  transmit  it  both  to  Cataract  City  and  Buffalo.  The 
turbines  are  inward-flow  turbines  of  5,000  horse-power  each,  with  vertical  axis  placed 
at  the  bottom  of  a  rock  shaft,  which  serves  also  as  a  supply  pipe.  The  water  pressure 
acts  below  the  wheel  to  support  the  weight  of  turbine  and  shaft.  Vertical  single-acting  air 
compressors  are  placed  nearly  at  the  ground  surface,  and  are  worked  from  a  horizontal 
shaft  driven  from  the  turbine  shaft  by  steel  bevel  wheels.  The  air  is  compressed 



to  atmospheres.  An  air  main  10  feet  in  diameter  at  Niagara,  decreasing  to  7  feet 
at  Buffalo,  is  proposed,  with  a  branch  3-foot  main  to  Tonawanda.  The  main  is  laid 
in  a  trench,  and  it  is  proposed  to  construct  a  tramway,  worked  by  compressed  air, 
over  it. 

Some  details  of  a  scheme  of  electric  lighting  are  given.  At  Niagara  the  dynamos  of 
500  horse-power,  at  2,500  volts  (alternate  current),  would  be  driven  by  1,100  horse- 
power turbines.  At  Buffalo  the  dynamos  would  be  driven  by  compressed-air  motors. 

Details  of  head-race  canals,  sluices,  turbines,  compressors  and  air  mains  are  given. 
A  map  with  proposed  distribution  of  air  mains.  Also  details  of  the  proposed  electric 
stations  and  turbines. 

8.  Messrs.  Ganz  &  Co.,  of  Budapest,  Hungary. 

This  is  a  project  for  turbines  and  electric  distribution,  the  latter  not  fully  worked 
out,  for  the  whole  amount  of  power  proposed.  Details  are  given  of  impulse  turbines  of 
5,000  horse-power  each,  having  vertical  shafts  to  which  dynamos  are  directly  attached 
above-ground.  The  water  is  supplied  to  turbines  by  a  rock  shaft.  The  weight  of  turbine 
shaft  and  armature  is  supported  by  a  very  carefully  designed  arrangement  of  suspension 
bearing,  which  has  been  used  in  similar  cases  with  success.  The  turbines  are  regulated  by 
relay  governors,  and  details  of  hydraulic  pressure,  pumps  and  accumulators  for  working 
the  sluices  are  given. 

For  the  electrical  distribution,  alternate  current  dynamos,  336  amperes,  10,000  volts 
are  proposed.  The  exciting  current  is  obtained  from  special  continuous  current  dynamos 
of  336  amperes  at  200  volts.  Regulating  arrangements  by  resistances  and  equalizer 
are  described.  The  main  to  Buffalo  is  proposed  to  consist  of  12  uncovered  cables  on 
iron  standards  50  meters  apart.  At  Buffalo  a  station  with  induction  transformers  lower- 
ing the  potential  to  2,000  volts.  It  is  proposed  to  use  alternate  current  motors. 

9.  Messrs.  Escher,  Wyss  &  Co.,  of  Zurich,  Switzerland. 

This  is  the  hydraulic  part  only  of  a  project  for  electrical  distribution,  with  some 
details  of  a  compressed-air  plant  for  part  of  the  power.  Details  are  given  of  pressure  or 
re-action  turbines  of  400,  2,500,  5,000  and  10,000  horse-power.  For  the  compressed-air 
plant  a  turbine  of  2,500  horse-power  is  proposed,  with  vertical  shaft  driving  four  com- 
pressors by  mortice-bevel  gearing.  The  turbine  is  regulated  by  a  relay  governor  acting 
on  a  cylindrical  sluice  on  the  suction-pipe.  The  weight  of  shaft  is  balanced  by  water 
pressure  acting  on  a  piston. 

For  the  electrical  distribution  of  5,000  horse-power  turbines  are  proposed,  with 
vertical  shafts.  The  turbines  are  really  double  turbines,  so  placed  that  the  upward 
pressure  on  one  balances  the  downward  pressure  on  the  other,  with  a  surplus  to  sustain 
part  of  the  weight  of  shaft.  The  dynamos  are  attached  directly  to  the  top  of  the 
vertical  shaft. 

A  second  project  is  given  for  electrical  distribution,  in  which  12  shafts  convey  Avater 
to  pairs  of  turbines  of  10,000  horse-power,  together  with  horizontal  shafts  coupled 
directly  to  a  pair  of  5,000  horse-power  dynamos.  A  special  central  shaft  accommodates 
four  400  horse-power  and  four  100  horse-power  turbines,  driving  pressure  pumps  and 
ventilating  arrangements.  Relay  governors  control  the  turbines. 



10.  Messrs.  J.  J.  Rieter  &  Co.,  of  Winterthur,  Switzerland.  Three  projects  are  given. 

Project  A.  Consists  of  a  group  of  four  pressure  or  re-action  turbines  of  2,000  horse- 
power each,  for  telodynamic  or  wire-rope  transmission.  The  turbines  have  vertical 
shafts  with  pivot  and  hydraulic  support.  They  drive  the  rope  pulleys  by  bevel  gearing. 
Details  of  intermediate  wire-rope  station  and  terminal  station  for  1,000  horse-power 
are  given. 

Project  B.  Is  a  design  of  a  group  of  four  pressure  or  re-action  turbines  of  2,500 
horse-power,  with  horizontal  shafts,  arranged  to  drive  dynamos,  pumps  or  air-com- 
pressors in  underground  galleries.  There  is  one  water  shaft  to  the  group  of  four 
turbines  and  a  service  shaft  for  access. 

Project  C.  Is  a  design  for  a  group  of  two  pressure  or  re-action  turbines  of  5,000 
horse-power  each,  with  horizontal  shafts. 

11.  Professor  Vigreux  and  M.  Leon  Feray,  of  Paris. 

This  is  a  design  for  a  group  of  turbines  driving  pressure  pumps  for  hydraulic  distri- 
bution of  power.  A  group  of  outward-flow  turbines  of  10,000  horse-power  drives  the 
pressure  pumps.  Details  are  given  of  the  regulating,  safety  and  controlling  arrange- 
ments for  the  water-pressure  system  and  designs  of  types  of  receiving  turbines  driven  b}* 
the  pressure  water. 

12.  The  Pelton  Water  Wheel  Company,  of  San  Francisco,  California. 

Design  of  a  block  of  20,000  horse-power  distributed  thus :  a  4,000  horse-power  Pelton 
wheel  driving  service  pumps ;  a  4,000  horse-power  Pelton  wheel  driving  power  pumps 
for  a  system  of  hydraulic  distribution ;  a  4,000  horse-power  Pelton  wheel  driving  air 
compressors ;  4  Pelton  wheels  of  2,000  horse-power  each  for  driving  Ferranti  dynamos. 
Details  are  given  of  an  hydraulic  arrangement  for  working  the  sluices  of  a  multiple 
nozzle  Pelton  wheel,  controlled  by  a  governor. 

13.  Professor  G.  Forbes,  of  London. 

This  is  a  project  for  the  electrical  part  only  of  a  system  of  electrical  distribution. 
The  dynamos  are  alternate  current,  working  at  500  horse-power  and  2,000  volts.  They 
have  horizontal  axes  and  are  placed  in  subterranean  galleries.  The  electricity  is  dis- 
tributed to  Cataract  City  at  2,000  volts,  and  the  larger  motors  are  intended  to  be 
synchronizing  alternate  current  motors  of  the  Mordey  type,  working  at  that  tension. 
For  Buffalo  the  potential  is  raised  by  transformers  of  100  horse-power  each  to  10,000 
volts.  At  Buffalo  part  of  the  current  may  be  used  for  large  motors  at  the  full  potential. 
Part  is  transformed  down  to  2,000  volts  and  distributed.  A  low  tension  continuous 
current  for  lighting  and  small  motors  may  be  obtained  by  dynamo  ti-ansformers. 

For  Cataract  City  it  is  proposed  that  insulated  aerial  cables  should  be  used.  For 
transmission  to  Buffalo,  bare  copper  insulated  on  porcelain  and  oil,  carried  on  timber 

14.  The  Norwalk  Iron  Works  Company,  South  Norwalk,  Conn.,  U.  S.  A. 

This  is  a  project  for  distributing  power  by  compressed  air,  the  compressors  being 
placed  underground  and  driven  by  Pelton  wheels.  The  compressors  are  inverted,  vertical, 



tandem,  two  stage  or  compound  compressors  with  Corliss  valves  and  sprav  injection. 
Each  compressor  is  2,500  horse-power,  working  at  55  revolutions  per  minute,  and 
compressing  10  atmospheres.  Eor  Buffalo  five  groups  of  four  compressors  each  are 
used.  Two  Pelton  wheels  drive  the  group  of  four  compressors  coupled  directly  without 
gearing.  The  air  main  to  Buffalo  would  be  40  inches  diameter  and  the  pressure  in 
Buffalo  80  pounds  per  square  inch. 

A  plan  is  also  suggested  for  supplying  air  to  Cataract  City  at  34  pounds  pressure 
by  one  set  of  compressors,  while  a  second  set  taking  the  air  at  this  pressure  would  further 
compress  it  so  as  to  give  a  pressure  of  80  pounds  per  square  inch  in  Buffalo. 

Some  other  projects  were  received,  but  the  Commission  considered  that  either  they  did 
not  comply  with  the  terms  of  the  letter  of  invitation  or  they  were  of  insufficient  complete- 
ness and  importance  to  permit  them  to  be  classed  as  projects  complying  with  the 




The  history  of  the  origin  of  the  Commission  having  been  given,  and  a  brief  statement 
of  its  success  so  far  that  is  indicated  by  the  number  of  projects  received,  a  somewhat 
more  detailed  account  of  the  more  important  projects  may  now  be  attempted.  It  should, 
however,  be  premised  that,  partly  from  the  haste  of  preparation,  partly  no  doubt  in  the 
case  of  some  European  competitors  from  difficulties  of  translation  into  English  of 
memoirs  written  initially  in  French,  there  are  a  few  discrepancies  and  ambiguities  in  the 
papers  laid  before  the  Commission  Avhich  make  it  difficult  to  be  quite  clear  as  to  the 
meaning  intended. 

I.    Project  of  Messrs.  Citexod,  Sautter  &  Co.,  of  Geneva,  and  Messrs.  Faesch  & 
Piccard,  of  Geneva. 

These  two  firms,  acting  in  association,  produced  two  complete  projects  of  similar 
character  for  the  hydraulic  utilization  of  125,000  horse-power,  and  its  distribution 
electrically  both  to  Cataract  City  and  Buffalo.  The  general  features  of  both  projects 
are  the  adoption  of  Girard,  or  impulse  turbines,  with  complete  admission  and  back 
vanes,  permitting  the  use  of  suction  pipes,  so  that  the  fall  below  the  turbines  is  not 
wasted;  a  unit  of  power  of  2,500  horses  for  each  turbine,  as  the  maximum  size  which  it 
is  practically  prudent  to  construct,  and  as  capable  of  convenient  arrangement  to  give 
the  speed  of  rotation  most  suitable  for  the  dynamos ;  in  the  electrical  distribution,  the 
adoption  of  continuous  currents  at  constant  potential,  on  the  ground  that  that  method 
has  proved  in  practice  safe,  easy  and  simple.  The  method  of  continuous  currents  is 
preferred  as  being  simpler,  exacting  less  apparatus,  and  permitting  the  attainment 
of  a  high  efficiency.  The  method  of  constant  potential  is  preferred  to  constant  current, 
because  on  the  latter  plan  the  intensity  of  current  would  be  too  great  for  one  circuit, 
and  several  circuits  would  involve  complication. 

In  the  consideration  of  the  problem  of  electrical  distribution  the  most  fundamental 
question  is  the  maximum  difference  of  potential  which  is  practically  permissible,  because 
the  higher  the  potential  the  less  in  general  will  be  the  cost  of  distribution.  With  regard 
to  this  Messrs.  Cuenod  &  Sautter  have  assumed  that  a  difference  of  potential  of  10,000 
volts  between  the  conductors  and  earth  is  not  too  great  to  be  safely  encountered.  The 
machines  can  be  adequately  insulated  by  porcelain  and  oil,  and  the  attendants  can  be 
protected  by  platforms  insulated  on  porcelain  and  provided  with  indian-rubber  carpets. 
But  in  the  construction  of  high  potential,  continuous-current  dynamo  machines  and 
motors  greater  difficulties  occur,  and  here  they  limit  the  difference  of  potential  at  the 
terminals  to  5,000  volts.  They  assume  that  for  a  rate  of  work  exceeding  50  horse-power 
motors  can  be  used  with  a  current  at  4,500  volts ;  smaller  motors  they  would  limit  to 
500  volts.  As  to  the  next  most  important  question,  the  greatest  power  of  a  single  dynamo 
machine,  they  have  adopted  1,250  horse-power  in  one  project  and  2,500  horse-power  in 
the  other. 

Messrs.  Cuenod  &  Sautter  appear  first  to  have  designed  the  arrangement  having 
turbines  with  horizontal  shafts  driving  dynamos  in  underground  galleries  placed  a  little 
above  the  tail-water  level.  Subsequently  they  appear  to  have  become  dissatisfied  with 
this  solution  of  the  problem,  and  to  have  designed  the  arrangement  of  tui'bines  with 
vertical  shafts  and  dynamos  above-ground. 



They  pointed  out  to  the  Commission  that,  while  from  the  hydraulic  and  mechanical 
point  of  view  the  horizontal  arrangement  was  excellent,  they  had  come  to  doubt  whether 
the  rock  was  solid  enough  for  the  construction  of  such  underground  galleries  as  their 
plan  required.  These  galleries  were  about  308  feet  in  length,  79  feet  in  width  and  49  feet 
in  height.  Consequently  they  greatly  preferred  the  arrangement  with  vertical  shafts 
and  dynamos  above-ground.  In  this  conclusion  the  Commission  fully  concurred. 

Messrs.  Cuenod  &  Sautter  gave,  as  the  reason  for  preference  of  the  vertical  arrange- 
ment, merely  the  doubt  as  to  the  stability  of  the  rock  galleries.  But  it  is  possible  that 
the  greater  simplicity  of  the  electrical  arrangements  for  distribution,  in  the  second 
project,  had  also  some  weight  in  the  decision. 

Messrs.  Cuenod  &  Sautter  adopt  multipolar  dynamos,  though,  at  first  sight,  it  might 
be  alleged  that  bipolar  machines  would  be  less  complicated,  have  less  loss  from  hysteresis, 
require  less  expenditure  of  current  in  excitation,  and  waste  less  in  Foucault  currents. 
As  to  hysteresis,  they  urge  that  though  in  multipolar  machines  the  number  of  cycles 
is  increased,  the  mass  of  iron  in  motion  is  diminished,  while  the  cooling  surface  is  greater, 
ventilation  more  perfect,  and  speed  of  rotation  less.  The  importance  of  the  Foucault 
currents  is  diminished  because  the  moving  mass  of  copper  is  much  less  than  in  bipolar 
machines,  and  it  can  be  sub-divided  without  seriously  increasing  internal  resistance. 
As  to  the  current  for  excitation,  it  is  so  small  as  to  be  of  little  consequence.  Two  types 
of  dynamos  are  given.  One  of  1,250  horse-power,  with  a  horizontal  axis,  is  a  Gramme 
ring  machine  of  great  diameter,  provided  with  a  double  field  of  ten  poles,  arranged 
so  that  internal  and  external  poles  are  utilized.  The  part  of  the  conductor  on  the 
lateral  faces  consists  of  plates  insulated  by  air  and  forming  a  ventilator.  The  machine 
virtually  consists  of  five  bipolar  machines,  each  of  250  horse-power — a  very  ad- 
vantageous size  for  a  bipolar  machine. 

The  second  type  of  dynamo  with  vertical  axis  is  of  2,500  horse-power.  The  mean 
velocity  of  the  armature  is  126  feet  per  second.  This  is,  in  their  opinion,  too  great  a 
speed  to  permit  the  use  of  magnetic  masses,  transmitting  the  lines  of  force  in  the  ordinary 
way,  and  an  ordinary  armature  would  also  have  been  too  heavy. 

A  lower  speed  Avould  have  been  unsuitable  for  the  turbines.  Hence  a  special  type  of 
armature  was  designed  which  they  consider  to  have  these  advantages :  the  hysteresis  and 
Foucault  currents  are  diminished ;  the  lines  of  force  traverse  the  mass  radially  so  that 
their  density  is  decreased ;  the  thickness  is  reduced  to  that  necessary  for  strength  and 
mechanical  solidity ;  the  mass  of  iron  is  diminished  to  one-fourth  or  one-fifth  of  that  in 
an  armature  of  ordinary  construction ;  the  iron  plays  only  the  part  of  a  mechanical 
support  for  the  winding,  destitute  of  appreciable  magnetic  resistance;  the  winding 
adopted  permits  a  great  reduction  of  the  exterior  wire  subject  to  centrifugal  force ;  the 
commutator  is  of  the  same  diameter  as  the  ring,  an  arrangement  which,  though  costly, 
permits  perfect  regulation  of  the  brushes  and  avoidance  of  sparking;  the  regulation 
of  the  brushes  is  effected  automatically. 

For  the  regulation  of  the  machines  generally,  and  particularly  to  secure  a  constant 
e.  m.  f.,  the  following  means  are  adopted:  (1)  There  are  relay  governors  of  an  extremely 
excellent  type  controlling  the  speed  of  the  turbines.  (2)  Fly-wheels  are  placed  on  each 
dynamo  shaft,  the  inertia  of  which,  added  to  that  of  the  armature,  moderates  the  rate 
of  change  of  speed  and  gives  the  turbine  governors  time  to  effect  an  adjustment. 
(3)   There  are  automatic  electric  regulators  effecting,  through  greatly  subdivided 



resistances,  a  regulation  of  the  exciting  currents  of  the  field  magnets.  The  control  of 
the  e.  m.  f.  is  effected  by  these  regulators  quite  independently  of  any  supervision  by  the 
staff  of  attendants.  In  case  of  failure  of  these  automatic  regulators,  there  would  still 
be  no  great  variation  of  e.  m.  f.,  because  the  dynamos  have  little  internal  resistance, 
the  resistance  of  the  external  circuit  is  small,  the  fluctuation  of  speed  is  moderated  by  the 
fly-wheels,  and  the  turbine  governors  act  promptly. 

For  conductors  aerial  lines  are  advocated,  placed  at  such  an  elevation  as  to  clear 
houses  and  trees.  Where  aerial  lines  are  impossible  culverts  are  recommended,  the  in- 
sulation still  depending  on  porcelain  and  air.  Subterranean  insulated  cables  are,  in  the 
opinion  of  Messrs.  Cuenod,  Sautter  &  Co.,  too  costly. 

Project  A.  Hydraulic  Machines.  In  this  design  there  are  55  turbines,  each  of  2,500 
horse-power,  in  5  groups.  Each  turbine  drives  2  dynamos,  the  turbine  shaft  and  dynamo 
shaft  being  connected  by  Raffard  couplings,  which  are  both  elastic  and  insulating.  The 
turbines  are  impulse  turbines,  but  by  a  well-known  modification  they  are  capable  of 
working  as  pressure  turbines  also,  and  consequently  suction  pipes  can  be  applied  to 
utilize  the  head  below  the  turbine  house  floor. 

The  head-race  channel  has  five  branches,  one  to  each  turbine  chamber,  and  is 
furnished  with  surface  screen,  movable  dam  or  sluice  to  each  branch  grating,  and  electric 
automatic  balanced  sluices,  which  in  case  of  accident  can  be  closed  from  the  galleries 
below.  Each  of  the  five  turbine  galleries  is  in  communication  with  the  surface  by  a  wide 
service  shaft,  with  staircase  and  lift,  traveling-crane,  warming  and  ventilating  ap- 
paratus. The  electric  automatic  sluices  would  shut  off  water  from  the  chamber  in  case 
of  accident,  and  besides  this  there  is  a  butterfly  valve  worked  by  pressure  water  (300 
pounds  per  square  inch)  provided  for  working  also  the  relay  turbine  governors.  A  shaft 
in  the  floor  to  the  tail-race,  covered  by  a  balanced  platform  which  opens  under  a 
pressure  of  6  inches  of  head,  serves  to  discharge  from  the  chamber  any  water  entering  if 
an  accident  occurs.  The  turbine  shaft  bearings  are  self-lubricating,  and  act  also  as 
thrust  bearings.  The  turbines  run  at  180  revolutions  and  are  provided  with  two  fly- 
wheels. The  total  cost  of  excavations,  tail-race  tunnel,  turbines,  accessories,  interest, 
depreciation  and  maintenance,  is  estimated  to  be  $6.10  per  effective  horse-power  de- 
livered to  dynamos. 

Electrical  Arrangements.  There  are  100  dynamos,  each  of  1,250  horse-power,  at  180 
revolutions  per  minute,  and  10  reserve  dynamos.  For  the  new  Cataract  City,  three 
galleries  with  60  dynamos  coupled  in  series  in  pairs,  so  as  to  give  a  total  resultant  e.  m.  f . 
between  the  extreme  conductors  of  3,000  volts,  are  allotted.  The  distribution  to  Cataract 
City  is  in  two  circuits  of  1,000  volts  for  the  larger  motor  and  two  circuits  of  500  volts 
for  the  smaller  motors,  electric  lighting,  tramways,  etc. 

Each  turbine  of  2,500  horse-power  drives  2  dynamos  coupled  in  series,  giving  1,650 
amperes  at  1,060  volts.  Hence  the  20  dynamos  in  each  gallery  give  16,500  amperes  at 
1,060  volts.  Each  series  of  10  dynamos  is  coupled  in  tension  with  an  intermediate  or 
neutral  conductor.  Two  galleries  feed  the  two  1,000  volt  circuits.  In  the  central 
gallery  of  the  three,  this  neutral  conductor  is  prolonged  to  form  the  two  500  volt  circuits. 

The  neutral  conductor  is  connected  to  earth.  Hence  the  greatest  difference  of 
potential  of  any  part  of  the  system  and  the  earth  cannot  exceed  1,500  volts,  while  the 
extreme  difference  of  potential  between  two  cii-cuits  is  3,000  volts.  The  distribution 
network,  which  is  proposed  to  be  carried  on  high  masts,  with  oil  insulation,  is  estimated 



to  require  1,000  tons  of  copper.  From  the  large  section  of  the  conductor  the  spans 
may  reach  200  yards. 

Of  the  whole  energy  of  the  turbines  5  per  cent,  is  reckoned  as  the  loss  in  the  primary 
dynamo  generators,  5  per  cent,  in  the  circuits,  5  to  15  per  cent,  in  the  motors.  The 
average  efficiency  is  then  about  80  per  cent. 

Taking  the  proportion  of  the  excavation  and  hydraulic  machinery,  adding  the  cost 
of  electric  plant  and  allowing  for  interest,  depreciation  and  supervision,  the  cost  per 
effective  horse-power  distributed  in  Cataract  City  is  estimated  at  $11.28  per  annum. 

Buffalo  Transmission.  The  two  remaining  galleries  (allotted  to  the  Buffalo  trans- 
mission) have  dynamos  of  1,250  horse-power,  giving  544  amperes  at  1,600  volts.  Ten  of 
these  are  coupled  in  series  for  each  circuit,  giving  a  current  of  544  amperes  at  16,000 
volts.  There  are  four  such  circuits  to  Buffalo.  Two  central  stations  are  arranged  for  in 
Buffalo,  in  each  of  which  there  are  two  series  of  motors  driving  secondary  dvnamo 
generators,  which  transform  the  current  down  to  the  potential  required  for  distribution. 
The  mode  of  distribution  is  similar  to  that  in  Cataract  City — four  circuits,  two  at  1,000 
and  two  at  500  volts,  with  a  neutral  wire. 

The  loss  on  the  primary  dynamo  generators  is  reckoned  at  5  per  cent. ;  the  loss  in 
transmission  to  Buffalo  5.3  per  cent. ;  10  per  cent,  is  lost  on  the  dynamo  transformers 
of  the  Buffalo  secondary  station ;  adding  now  5  per  cent,  loss  for  the  circuits  in  Buffalo 
and  10  per  cent,  for  the  motors,  the  total  loss  is  35.3,  and  the  resultant  efficiency  is 
about  62  per  cent. 

Adding  the  cost  of  the  proportion  of  the  hydraulic  construction  involved  to  the 
electrical  plan,  and  allowing  for  interest,  depreciation  and  supervision,  the  cost  per 
effective  horse-power  distributed  in  Buffalo  is  estimated  at  $20.13  per  annum. 

Project  B.  Hydraulic  Machinery.  The  turbines  are  impulse  turbines  with  suction 
pipes  and  vertical  axis.  Each  turbine  is  of  2,500  horse-power,  at  136  revolutions  per 
minute.  There  are  50  turbines  for  regular  work  and  6  in  reserve,  in  two  parallel  groups 
of  28  each.  The  dynamos  are  above-ground,  one  on  each  turbine  shaft,  in  a  large 
horseshoe  building.  The  head-race  enters  between  the  wings  forming  the  sides  of  the 
horseshoe.  The  lateral  channels  are  grouped  in  pairs,  and  are  each  provided  with  a 
surface  screen,  grating  and  sluices.  From  the  lateral  canals  wrought-iron  supply  pipes, 
67  inches  in  diameter,  lead  to  the  turbines  below.  Each  turbine  is  thus  independent,  and 
this  is,  in  Messrs.  Faesch  &  Piccard's  opinion,  of  more  importance  than  the  economy  which 
might  be  obtained  by  grouping  the  turbines  in  pairs  or  fours  with  one  supply  pipe.  Four 
shafts  with  staircases  and  traveling-cranes  lead  from  the  dynamo  house  to  the  turbine 
galleries  below.  There  are  traveling-cranes  also  in  the  turbine  galleries.  The  vertical 
shafts  of  the  turbines  are  tubular,  to  reduce  weight  and  to  gain  stiffness  enough  to  dis- 
pense with  intermediate  journal  supports.  To  carry  the  weight  of  the  turbine,  with  its 
vertical  shaft  and  fly-wheel  (of  12  tons),  amounting  altogether  to  a  weight  of  35  tons, 
a  cylinder  and  piston  is  formed  in  the  turbine  case.  The  water  pressure,  under  a  head 
of  1051/O  feet,  acting  on  the  under  side  of  this  piston,  supports  the  weight  of  the  turbine 
and  its  attachments.  As  an  additional  precaution  a  collar-thrust  bearing  is  also  intro- 
duced near  the  top  of  the  shaft.  This  has  automatic  lubrication.  Above  the  fly-wheel  is 
a  Raffard  coupling  connecting  the  shaft  with  the  armature  of  the  dynamo.  The  turbine 
can  easily  be  dismounted,  if  necessary,  by  the  two  traveling-cranes.  The  relay  governor 
to  each  turbine  is  of  the  same  excellent  type  as  that  in  the  horizontal  arrangement. 



Messrs.  Faesch  &  Piccard  guarantee  that  with  this  governor  the  variations  of  speed 
in  ordinary  work  would  not  exceed  1  per  cent.  The  sluices  for  regulating  the  turbines  are 
cylindrical  sluices  on  the  suction  pipes ;  a  very  satisfactory  arrangement,  because  the 
sluices  are  completely  balanced  with  respect  to  the  water  pressure.  These  sluices  are 
worked  by  hydraulic  pressure  under  the  control  of  the  governors.  Small  turbines  and 
pumps,  and  an  accumulator  in  a  special  chamber,  give  the  supply  of  water,  under  a 
pressure  of  300  pounds  per  square  inch,  for  working  the  regulating  sluices. 

Electrical  Arrangements.  The  dynamo  is  arranged  with  an  armature  having  very 
little  iron.  It  revolves  between  field  magnets  having  contrary  poles  opposite.  The 
iron  of  the  armature  then  only  serves  as  a  support  for  the  winding,  and  reduces  the 
magnetic  resistance  in  the  space  between  the  poles  of  the  field  magnets.  The  winding  is 
of  a  special  tj'pe,  derived  from  the  drum  winding,  without  its  inconveniences.  There  are 
twenty-two  magnetic  circuits,  each  formed  by  an  exterior  field  magnet  and  two  interior 
half  magnets.  The  lines  of  force  foi-m  a  simple  circuit,  crossing  the  armature  twice 
radially.  The  armature  can  be  withdrawn  by  cranes  without  disturbing  the  field 
magnets.  The  commutator  has  a  diameter  equal  to  that  of  the  armature.  The  dynamo 
is  insulated  by  porcelain,  oil  and  insulating  cement.  The  Raffard  coupling  insulates  it 
from  the  shaft.  The  exciting  current  of  the  field  magnets  is  regulated  by  resistances 
controlled  by  hand  or  automatically.  Each  gallery  contains  28  dynamos — four  of  530 
volts,  and  twenty-four  of  4,735  volts.  Of  the  dynamos  in  each  gallery,  with  the  larger 
potential,  12  are  regulated  by  hand  only — 8  for  the  Cataract  City  circuits,  and  4  for 
the  Buffalo  circuits  are  regulated  automatically.  The  dynamos  of  530  volts  are  all 
regulated  automatically. 

Method  of  Distribution.  The  distribution  is  arranged  thus  :  The  new  industrial  center, 
or  Cataract  City,  is  supplied  by  five  conductors,  forming  four  circuits,  two  at  2,500 
volts,  two  at  500  volts,  and  a  neutral  wh*e  which  is  connected  to  earth.  For  Buffalo, 
there  are  two  conductors  at  4,500  volts,  and  a  neutral  wire  leading  from  Niagara  Falls 
to  Buffalo.  At  Buffalo  the  distribution  circuits  are  reconstituted  by  compensating 
machines.  A  gi'oup  of  compensating  machines  consists  of  three  machines,  capable  of 
acting  as  generators  or  motors,  and  coupled  by  Raffard  couplings  so  as  to  run  at  the 
same  speed. 

If  the  current  is  equally  divided  amongst  the  three  machines  they  have  no  action. 
If  one  circuit  is  overloaded,  the  potential  falls  and  the  automatic  regulator  increases  the 
magnetic  field  of  the  machine,  so  that  it  acts  as  a  secondary  generator,  being  driven  by 
the  two  other  machines  acting  as  motors.  Thus,  in  Buffalo  two  distinct  networks  of 
four  conductors  are  supplied.  These  give  in  each  network  two  circuits  of  2,500  volts, 
one  of  500  volts,  and  a  neutral  wire. 

The  efficiency  of  the  generating  dynamos  is  95  per  cent.  The  loss  in  the  network  in 
Cataract  City  is  1.7  per  cent.  The  efficiency  of  the  motors  may  be  taken  at  80  per  cent. 
Hence  the  resultant  efficiency  of  the  system  is  84  per  cent. 

The  efficiency  in  the  Buffalo  distribution,  allowing  for  the  loss  in  the  compensating 
groups,  is  estimated  at  79  per  cent. 

The  annual  cost  is  estimated  as  follows  :  For  Cataract  City  the  cost  of  the  excavations, 
tail-race  and  turbines,  allowing  for  interest,  depreciation  and  supervision,  comes  to  $5.76 
per  effective  horse-power  per  annum.  The  electric  plant  and  conductors,  with  similar 



allowance  for  interest,  depreciation  and  supervision,  cost  $4.12  per  effective  horse- 
power per  annum.  Hence,  the  total  cost  is  $9.88  per  effective  horse-power  distributed 
per  annum. 

For  Buffalo  the  cost  comes  to  $12.70  per  effective  horse-power  distributed  per  annum. 

It  should  be  stated  that  the  project  of  Messrs.  Cuenod,  Sautter  &  Co.  and  Messrs. 
Faesch  &  Piccard  is  elaborated  with  great  care.  The  memoir  is  carefully  reasoned,  the 
drawings  are  complete,  even  as  to  details.  The  Commission  approved  of  the  hydraulic 
arrangements,  giving  the  preference  to  the  vertical  arrangement.  They  noted  especially 
the  excellence  of  the  governor  for  regulating  the  turbines,  which  has  proved  to  be 
thoroughly  efficient  in  practice,  and  the  system  of  using  a  fly-wheel  to  moderate  the 
rate  of  change  of  speed  and  give  time  for  the  action  of  the  regulating  sluices.  On  the 
other  hand,  they  were  not  of  opinion  that  a  case  had  been  made  out  for  so  wide  a 
departure  from  well-known  and  well-tried  forms  in  the  dynamo  proposed,  and  they  did 
not  consider  that  the  mode  of  carrying  the  conductors  of  the  distribution  circuits  had 
been  sufficiently  studied. 

II.    Project  of  Professor  Vigreux  and  M.  Leon  Levy,  of  Paris. 

These  competitors  submitted  a  very  elaborate  memoir  and  very  complete  portfolio  of 
drawings.  The  dynamos  proposed  being  of.2,500  horse-power,  the  machinery  is  arranged 
in  groups  of  four  dynamos,  driven  by  turbines  of  10,000  total  horse-power. 

Hydraulic  Machinery.  Design  A.  Group  of  four  axial-flow  pressure  turbines  of 
2,500  horse-power  each.  The  turbines  have  horizontal  axes,  and  are  coupled  in  pairs  to 
balance  the  axial  water  pressure,  and  driving  a  dynamo  on  either  side  at  300  revolutions. 
There  are  thus  altogether  four  turbines  and  four  dynamos  in  underground  chambers. 
The  turbines  have  suction  pipes,  and  their  efficiency  in  ordinary  work  is  reckoned  at 
70  per  cent.  A  short  supply  pipe  8'  6"  in  diameter,  leading  from  a  vertical  rock  shaft, 
feeds  the  group  of  turbines. 

Design  B.  Group  of  two  inward-flow  pressure  turbines  of  5,000  horse-power  each, 
with  horizontal  axis,  each  turbine  driving  a  dynamo  on  either  side.  The  other  arrange- 
ments are  similar  to  those  of  the  axial-flow  turbine.  The  flow  being  radial,  each  turbine 
can  be  constructed  so  that  the  water  pressures  are  balanced,  and  the  inward-flow 
turbine  has  the  advantage  of  greater  steadiness  of  speed. 

Design  C.  Group  of  four  outward-flow  pressure  turbines  placed  opposite  in  pairs, 
but  not  coupled  axially.  Efficiency  the  same  and  supply  arrangements  similar  to  those 
in  the  preceding  designs. 

For  all  these  systems  of  turbines,  relay  governors  are  provided.  An  ordinary  pendulum 
governor  acts  on  the  distributing  valve  of  an  hydraulic  cylinder  worked  by  the  pressure 
of  the  head  which  drives  the  turbines.  The  piston  is  fixed  and  the  cylinder  moves  under 
the  action  of  water  admitted  by  the  distributing  valve  to  either  end.  A  rack  on  the 
cylinder,  acting  on  a  toothed  sector,  rotates  an  ordinary  disc  or  throttle-valve  in  the 
turbine  supply-pipe.  It  may  in  passing  be  doubted  whether  an  enormous  disc  valve  of 
the  kind  here  shown  is  really  safe,  and  also  that  such  a  valve  is  far  from  being  a  balanced 
valve.  The  force  required  to  move  it  would  be  very  considerable  with  the  high  velocities 
which  Professor  Vigreux  and  M.  Levy  allow  in  the  supply-pipes. 

For  120,000  horse-power,  12  groups  of  turbines  of  either  of  the  types  described  are 
required.  Eleven  of  these  are  allotted  to  the  production  of  a  high-tension  current  and 



one  to  produce  a  low-tension  current  for  lighting  the  works,  for  exciting  the  field 
magnets  of  the  other  dynamos  and  for  other  subsidiary  purposes.  Two  reserve  groups 
are  also  proposed,  one  for  high  tension,  one  for  low  tension,  in  case  of  accident  to  any 
other  group. 

The  head-race  has  a  lateral  bay  to  each  of  the  fourteen  vertical  water  shafts,  and  this 
is  provided  with  strainer  and  sluices.  The  sluices  consist  of  a  series  of  butterfly  valves 
in  a  vertical  frame,  and  arrangements  are  provided  for  working  these  by  hand  winches 
or  by  a  small  electric  motor. 

Organization  of  the  Works.  The  works  are  excavated  in  the  rock,  and  comprise  a 
gallery  868  feet  in  length  by  112  feet  in  width,  divided  longitudinally  into  three  bays 
by  two  parallel  rows  of  piers.  The  roof  of  the  gallery  is  formed  by  segmental  vaulting. 
The  center  bay  contains  the  turbines  and  shafts  to  the  tail-race,  to  discharge  water  if  an 
accident  happens.  Each  lateral  bay  contains  28  dynamos.  Service  shafts,  18  feet  in 
diameter,  with  electric  lifts,  are  provided.  There  are  ventilating  shafts,  and  a  special 
shaft  for  the  electric  cables.  The  ventilating  fan  is  driven  by  an  electric  motor,  and  is 
capable  of  completely  changing  the  air  in  the  galleries  in  two  hours.  A  tram  line  circu- 
lates round  the  dynamo  galleries,  and  each  gallery  is  provided  with  electric  traveling- 
cranes.  Continuous  lubrication  is  provided  for  by  oil  pumps,  worked  by  power.  The 
galleries  are  nearly  the  same  whichever  of  the  three  types  of  turbine  is  adopted,  but  the 
inward-flow  turbines  have  the  advantage  of  some  economy  of  cost ;  the  outward-flow  the 
advantage  that  each  turbine  and  dynamo  is  independent  of  the  others  in  the  group. 

The  cost  of  an  effective  horse-power,  obtained  on  the  turbine  shaft,  allowing  interest, 
cost  of  excavation,  and  machinery,  etc.,  depreciation  and  supervision,  is  estimated  at 
$3  per  annum. 

The  Electrical  Arrangements.  Continuous  current  is  selected  as  alone  answering  the 
various  requirements  of  lighting  and  power,  and  permitting  the  use  of  accumulators. 
The  highest  potential  is  fixed  at  5,000  volts.  Greater  tensions  were  actually  used  in  the 
Creil  experiments,  but  the  tension  selected  is  judged  to  be  safer  and  more  practical  by 
M.  Levy. 

The  dynamos  of  the  generating  station  are  divided  into  groups,  according  to  the 
different  localities  to  be  served,  and  those  of  each  group  coupled  in  quantity.  Anv 
dynamo,  however,  can  be  placed  on  any  service. 

Each  group  is  connected  to  the  district  served  by  virtually  a  single  conductor,  with 
a  return  conductor.  Thus  for  Buffalo  there  may  be  several  cables,  but  these  would  be 
combined  so  as  to  form  a  single  conductor  to,  and  retui'n  conductor  from,  Buffalo.  The 
advantage  is  that  the  conductor  can  be  increased  at  any  time  without  disturbing  any  of 
the  established  distributing  arrangements. 

At  the  district  served  the  conductor  will  branch  into  as  many  conductors  as  there  are 
receiving  and  transforming  stations.  The  potential  being  kept  constant  at  the  regulating 
point  from  which  the  conductors  branch,  each  station  will  be  independent,  and  regulate 
itself  according  to  its  requirements.  A  control  line  of  telegraph  wire  from  the  regulating 
point  to  the  generating  station  allows  the  potential  to  be  known,  and  the  generating 
dynamos  to  be  regulated  as  required. 

The  efficiency  of  the  line  to  Buffalo  is  fixed  at  85  per  cent.,  so  that  the  potential 
at  the  regulating  point  in  Buffalo  would  be  4,250  volts.   The  efficiency  of  the  whole 



electric  system  to  Buffalo  is  estimated  at  68.85  per  cent,  for  high-tension  currents, 
and  62  per  cent,  if  the  current  is  transformed  to  a  low-tension  current.  For  Cataract 
City  the  efficiency  would  be  higher,  probably  72  to  76  per  cent.  The  advantage  of  the 
system  adopted  is,  that  the  operations  of  distribution  are  identical  with  those  now 
employed  for  low-tension  currents. 

Dynamos.  These  are  of  2,500  horse-power,  330  amperes  and  5,000  volts.  This 
moderate  power  facilities  the  adjustment  of  the  plant  to  work  in  different  localities 
during  the  progressive  growth  of  the  installation.  The  machine  has  two  armatures  of 
the  Gramme  ring  type,  because  it  is  difficult  to  obtain  more  than  3,000  volts  with  one 
ring.  The  dynamo  is  multipolar,  with  six  field  magnets,  and  excited  by  a  separate  low- 
tension  current.  The  mechanical  construction  is  stated  to  be  simple  and  easy  to  execute ; 
no  cast-iron  is  used  on  moving  parts,  and  the  machine  easily  divides  for  inspection. 

Four  similar  machines,  differently  wound,  are  allotted  to  provide  the  exciting  current 
at  500  volts.  In  connection  with  the  exciting  current  it  is  proposed  to  use  accumulators 
as  an  adjunct. 

A  liquid  rheostat  is  employed  to  close  or  open  the  circuits. 

The  switchboards  and  the  safety,  regulating  and  other  contrivances  are  fully  de- 
scribed in  M.  Levy's  memoir. 

Primary  Distributing  Conductors.  The  distribution  to  Buffalo  is  taken  as  a  type 
of  the  methods  to  be  adopted.  Insulated  cables  are  rejected  as  too  costly,  and  as  im- 
perfectly insuring  safety.  Naked  copper  on  insulators  is  selected,  carried  overhead  where 
that  is  possible,  and  in  culverts  where  necessary.  For  Buffalo,  five  bars,  each  4.6  square 
inches  in  section,  form  the  outgoing,  and  a  similar  number  the  return  line.  These  are 
carried  on  porcelain  insulators.  Flexible  strips  at  intervals  permit  expansion.  Culverts 
would  be  of  concrete. 

For  the  overhead  conductors  a  novel  arrangement  is  proposed.  Four  lines  of  iron- 
braced  girders  of  100  yards  span  are  used,  carried  on  trestles.  Each  girder  acts 
both  as  support  and  conductor.  The  girder  is  equivalent  in  conductivity  to  one  copper 
strip.  Three  copper  strips  are  placed  on  it.  The  successive  girders  are  connected  by 
arched  copper  strips,  permitting  expansion.  Each  girder  end  rests  on  a  wood  block, 
supported  by  four  porcelain  insulators.  These  rest  in  a  cup  containing  petroleum. 

For  a  short  transmission  from  the  generating  works  overhead  insulated  cables  may 
be  used. 

Receiving  Dynamos  or  Motors.  These  are  similar  in  construction  to  the  generating 
dynamos  ;  a  liquid  rheostat  is  used  for  making  and  breaking  circuit.  A  separate  exciting 
machine,  driven  by  the  receiving  machine,  is  used.  For  starting,  the  current  will  be 
obtained  from  accumulators. 

Transforming  Machines.  A  receiving  machine  drives  a  dynamo  at  low  tension.  The 
machines  are  similar,  but  with  different  winding.  Raffard's  coupling  is  used  for  powers 
not  exceeding  200  horse-power.  Any  mode  of  distribution  may  be  adopted  for  the  low- 
tension  current.  With  good  machines  in  full  work  the  efficiency  of  a  transforming  group 
may  be  80  per  cent.  In  the  least  favorable  case  it  is  65  per  cent. 

Another  mode  of  transformation  is  to  charge  accumulators  in  series,  and  discharge 
them  separately.  M.  Levy  believes  accumulators  to  be  efficient,  practical  and  economical. 



The  total  cost  per  effective  horse-power  distributed,  including  interest  on  tunnel, 
excavation,  hydraulic  and  electric  plant,  depreciation  and  supervision,  is  estimated  at 
$23.60  per  annum. 

The  Commission  were  not  generally  in  favor  of  the  underground  position  of  the 
dynamos  proposed.  Consequently  both  the  turbines  and  dynamos,  with  horizontal  axes, 
should  in  their  view  be  replaced  by  a  different  arrangement.  The  system  of  overhead 
conductors  to  Buffalo  did  not  seem  to  them  a  desirable  one,  and  they  doubted  the 
advisability  of  using  accumulator  batteries  to  excite  the  field  magnets. 

III.    Project  of  M.  Hillairet  and  M.  Bouvier,  of  Paris. 

This  is  a  complete  project  for  hydraulic  utilization  and  electrical  distribution  of 
125,000  horse-power,  with  a  very  careful  memoir  and  very  beautiful  and  detailed 

Hydraulic  Machines.  Thirteen  turbines  of  10,000  horse-power  each  are  proposed, 
each  working  a  single  dynamo  placed  above-ground.  The  turbines  have  vertical  shafts 
driving  the  dynamos  directly.  The  turbines  are  impulse  turbines  with  partial  admission  ; 
consequently  suction  pipes  cannot  be  used,  and  a  portion  of  the  fall  below  the  turbines 
is  necessarily  wasted.  They  are  arranged  for  the  exceptionally  low  speed  of  80  revolu- 
tions per  minute.  For  each  turbine  two  vertical  shafts  are  sunk  through  the  rock,  one 
serving  as  a  supply  pipe  and  the  other  as  a  shaft  for  access  and  containing  the  turbine 
driving  shaft.  The  head-race  is  also  separated  into  separate  channels,  one  to  each 

The  object  is  to  facilitate  progressive  development  of  the  power  and  to  secure  in- 
dependence of  each  turbine.  Strainers  and  sluices,  and  somewhat  elaborate  arrange- 
ments for  cleaning  the  strainers  and  removing  the  rubbish,  are  provided.  The  turbine 
shaft  is  made  hollow,  with  solid  steel  journals  at  intervals.  The  weight  is  supported  on  a 
pivot  partly  on  an  hydraulic  piston.  The  turbine  is  entirely  constructed  of  steel  plates 
and  wrought  iron.  The  turbine  is  regulated  by  a  series  of  small  sluices  closing  suc- 
cessively the  guide  blade  channels,  a  method  conducing  to  efficiency  when  the  turbine 
is  not  working  at  full  power.  In  the  present  case  that  is  not  a  matter  of  much  im- 
portance, but  no  doubt  in  other  respects  this  mode  of  regulation  has  advantages.  The 
regulating  sluices  to  the  guide  blades  are  driven  by  small  special  turbines.  The  shaft 
journals  are  continuously  lubricated  by  oil  pumps. 

Electrical  Arrangements.  The  dynamos  are  all  identical,  and  can  be  disposed  to 
supply  either  Buffalo  or  Cataract  City.  The  dynamos  of  10,000  horse-power  are  placed 
above-ground,  the  excavation  being  reduced  to  a  minimum,  and  the  plan  of  subterranean 
galleries  is  rejected.  Calculation  shows,  in  M.  Hillairet's  opinion,  that  the  plan  of 
turbines  with  vertical  shafts  is  safe  and  economical. 

The  method  of  distribution  is  different  in  Cataract  City  from  that  in  Buffalo.  In 
Cataract  City  the  receiving  motors  are  in  parallel  arc,  in  Buffalo  in  series,  each  taking 
the  total  current.  The  generating  dynamos  are  in  series,  a  variable  number  supplying 
Buffalo,  according  to  requirement,  and  a  fixed  number  Cataract  City.  The  receiving 
motors  transform  energy  at  high  potential  into  energy  at  a  potential  convenient  for 
distribution  in  a  restricted  area. 

Each  dynamo  gives  a  maximum  difference  of  potential  at  the  terminals  of  1,000  volts 
and  an  intensity  of  7,000  amperes.  So  large  a  dynamo  could  not  be  constructed  witli  an 



armature  having  an  iron  core.  But  it  is  possible  if  the  armature  circuits  are  purely 
electro-dynamic.  The  dynamo  has  16  field  magnets,  in  four  groups  of  four,  constituting 
a  dynamo  of  eight  poles.  The  armature  consists  of  vertical  laminae  disposed  as  gener- 
ators of  a  cylindrical  surface,  concentric  with  the  axis  of  rotation.  They  are  fixed  by 
insulated  bolts  to  a  disc  or  wheel,  and  have  a  velocity  of  98  feet  per  second.  Ordinary 
materials  so  placed  would  be  incapable  of  resisting  the  centrifugal  force,  and  M. 
Hillairet  proposes  to  use  aluminum  bronze  with  a  density  less  than  three,  and  which 
having  to  resist  a  stress  not  exceeding  5,000  pounds  per  square  inch  has  an  ultimate 
strength  of  37,000  pounds  per  square  inch.  The  field  magnets  are  of  cast-iron,  with 
pyramidal  pole  pieces  of  wrought-iron,  having  poles  much  smaller  than  the  body  of  the 
magnets.  There  are  32  brushes  connected  in  series,  and  therefore,  each  conducting 
the  total  current. 

Motor  Transformers  at  Buffalo.  M.  Hillairet  does  not  consider  it  prudent  or 
practical  to  work  private  installations  at  the  full  potential  of  the  line  to  Buffalo.  Hence 
the  energy  distributed  must  be  transformed  to  a  lower  potential.  The  type  of  receiving 
machine  chosen  is  of  2,000  horse-power  taking  a  current  of  7,000  amperes  and  acting 
with  a  difference  of  potential  of  200  volts  at  its  terminals.  The  axis  is  horizontal.  The 
armature  is  similar  to  that  described  above.  The  speed,  300  revolutions.  There  are  four 
poles  or  four  fields  of  induction.  This  motor  might  drive  a  low-tension  dynamo,  but  a 
simplification  is  possible.  When  the  induced  bars  of  the  armature  pass  through  a  polar 
interval  they  are  inactive.  They  are  out  of  circuit  for  about  a  quarter  of  a  turn.  If 
between  the  four  groups  of  field  magnets  four  other  inductors  are  placed,  excited  by 
the  total  current,  the  armature  bars  will  suffer  an  induction  as  they  pass.  By  adding 
new  polar  pieces  and  brushes  connected  in  series  a  complete  circuit  is  established,  in 
which  an  electromotive  force  is  generated  which  can  be  utilized  for  distribution.  To 
secure  constancy  of  potential  a  centrifugal  governor  is  used  which,  acting  on  a  variable 
shunt,  modifies  the  field  of  the  primary  circuit  if  the  speed  varies.  Such  a  solution  would 
be  impossible  with  ordinary  machines  with  magnetic  material  in  the  armature.  The 
motive  and  resisting  efforts  in  the  motor  transformer  proposed  are  confined  to  the 
periphery  of  the  armature  and  produce  no  torque  on  the  shaft.  It  is  proposed  to  make 
the  field  magnets  of  soft  cast-steel,  as  cast-iron  field  magnets  would  have  occupied  too 
much  space. 

Mains  to  Buffalo.  The  conductors  are  to  be  copper,  in  culverts.  Four  bars  are 
required  for  Buffalo,  connected  in  pairs  in  quantity  and  forming  an  outgoing  and  return 
conductor,  each  of  7%  square  inches  in  section.  These  are  carried  on  porcelain 

Distribtition  in  Cataract  City.  The  problem  is  to  supply  a  large  number  of  motors, 
the  work  of  which  varies,  and  which  are  of  comparatively  small  power.  Below  1,000 
horse-power  the  type  of  dynamo  described  above  is  abandoned,  and  the  machines 
ordinarily  used  for  continuous  currents  adopted.  For  two  miles  round  the  generating 
station  the  current  would  be  distributed  directly  to  motors  of  not  less  than  25  horse- 
power at  a  tension  at  the  terminals  not  exceeding  1,000  volts.  Between  two  miles  and 
four  miles  the  current  from  two  dynamos  in  series  would  be  distributed  to  motors  of 
not  less  than  50  horse-power  with  a  tension  of  2,000  volts  at  the  terminals  of  the 



distribution.  For  smaller  motors,  motor  transformers  would  be  established  at  various 
points  of  300  horse-power,  giving  currents  of  100  or  200  volts. 

The  electric  mains  would  be  subterranean  wherever  possible.  Aerial  distribution  would 
only  be  adopted  very  exceptionally.  All  distributing  centers  would  be  connected 
telephonically  with  the  generating  station. 

The  Commission  considered  that  there  was  much  of  high  merit  in  the  hydraulic  part 
of  M.  M.  Hillairet  &  Bouvier's  project.  But  they  thought  the  regulating  sluices  of  the 
turbine  too  complicated  and  the  turbine  itself  built  up  of  too  many  pieces.  They  objected 
to  the  tubular  shaft  with  intermediate  solid  journals,  and  considered  objectionable  the 
adoption  of  a  type  of  turbine  with  partial  admission,  and  therefore  without  suction 
pipes,  involving  a  loss  of  head. 

The  most  interesting  point  in  this  turbine  is  its  low  speed  rotation.  But  they  were 
of  opinion  that  it  should  not  be  supposed  that  any  limitation  of  absolute  or  rotational 
speed  is  required  on  account  of  electrical  conditions.  With  respect  to  the  peculiar 
dynamo  adopted  they  thought  that  a  necessity  had  not  been  established  for  so  great  a 
departure  from  ordinary  types. 

IV.    Project  of  M.  Victor  Popp,  of  Paris,  and  Professor  A.  Riedler,  of  Berlin. 

This  is  a  project  for  the  utilization  of  the  water-power  by  turbines  and  its  trans- 
mission by  compressed  air.  Since  the  greatest  doubt  would  attach,  in  such  a  project,  to 
the  question  of  the  transmission  by  compressed  air  to  so  great  a  distance  as  Buffalo,  or, 
at  the  least,  it  is  in  the  proposal  to  use  compressed  air  for  transmission  to  so  great  a 
distance  that  past  experience  is  chiefly  overstepped,  M.  Popp  and  Professor  Riedler  have 
chiefly  applied  themselves  to  the  explanation  of  this  part  of  the  Niagara  problem.  It 
may  be  conceded  at  once  that  compressed  air  has  this  advantage  that,  supposing  it 
possible  to  convey  it  from  Niagara  to  Buffalo  without  too  great  cost  or  loss,  then  it 
could  be  used  at  once  in  place  of  steam  in  existing  motors  with  the  minimum  of  distur- 
bance of  existing  plant.  The  project  is  based  partly  on  experience  gained  in  working 
the  compressed-air  plant  in  Paris,  partly  on  special  experiments  carried  out  by  Pro- 
fessor Riedler. 

M.  Popp  and  Professor  Riedler  insist  strenuously  on  this  point — that  a  compressed- 
air  scheme  of  transmission  can  be  based  absolutely  on  experience.  Nothing  need  be  new 
or  untried  in  the  machinery,  or  even  of  exceptional  dimensions.  As  to  the  air  main,  its 
construction  involves  well-known  expedients  only,  and  its  efficiency  can  be  estimated 
from  accurately-observed  data.  On  the  other  hand,  they  contend  that  at  present  any 
electrical  scheme  of  this  magnitude  must  involve  large  elements  of  uncertainty,  both 
as  to  efficiency  and  cost. 

They  claim  that  their  project  is  in  accordance  with  the  following  statement : 

(1)  One  effective  horse-power  at  the  central  station  is  assumed  to  compress  380  cubic 
feet  of  air  per  hour  to  120  pounds  per  square  inch  (above  atmospheric  pressure).  In 
Paris  as  much  as  425  cubic  feet  per  hour  have  been  so  compressed  per  horse-power,  even 
with  imperfect  engines. 

(2)  It  is  proposed  only  to  use  moderate  pressures  of  six  or  eight  atmospheres, 
although  pressures  up  to  thirty  to  fifty  atmospheres  have  been  practically  used. 



(3)  The  estimate  of  the  loss  in  the  Buffalo  main  is  based  on  data  obtained  in  the 
complicated  and  imperfect  mains  of  Paris,  although  there  are  causes  of  loss  in  the  latter 
case  which  would  be  absent  in  the  former. 

(4)  The  consumption  of  air  in  the  engines  at  Buffalo  is  assumed  to  be  the  same  as  in 
old  steam-engines  in  Paris,  and  no  allowance  is  made  for  the  economy  which  would  result 
from  using  more  perfect  appliances. 

(5)  The  cost  is  estimated  on  a  sound  commercial  basis. 

Turbines  and  Compressors  for  5,000  Horse-power.  The  most  advantageous  unit  of 
power,  permitting  gradual  extension,  is  taken  to  be  5,000  horse-power.  Underground 
compressors  permit  the  simplest  arrangement,  and  are  least  costly.  Compressors  above- 
ground  are  more  accessible  and  can  be  better  attended  to. 

For  air  compressors,  piston  speeds  up  to  1,000  feet  per  minute  are  unobjectionable. 
But  the  number  of  rotations  should  not  much  exceed  80  per  minute;  in  air  compressors 
with  slide  valves  150  revolutions  per  minute  might  be  obtained.  But  to  secure  trust- 
worthiness, M.  Popp  and  Professor  Riedler  prefer  80  revolutions,  both  for  compressors 
and  turbines.  Each  turbine  shaft  drives  a  compressor  having  two  low-pressure  and  one 
high-pressure  cylinder.  Such  compressors  would  be  smaller  than  many  existing  blowing 
engines  working  at  the  same  pressures. 

For  projects  A  and  C,  turbines  of  Messrs.  Rieter,  of  Winterthur,  are  adopted. 
The  turbines  are  simple  and  accessible  for  repair.  They  are  axial-flow  pressure  tur- 
bines (with  suction  pipes)  of  5,000  horse-power  each,  arranged  with  a  horizontal  shaft 
in  Project  A,  and  a  vertical  shaft  in  Project  C;  the  vertical  shaft  is  hollow,  and  its 
weight  is  balanced  by  the  pressure  on  a  piston  formed  in  the  turbine  case.  The  turbines 
are  of  a  diameter  less  than  that  for  which  the  efficiency  would  be  greatest.  Hence  the 
efficiency  is  assumed  at  60  per  cent.  only.  Each  turbine  is  controlled  by  a  disc  throttle 
valve  and  relay  governor. 

For  Project  B  an  outward-flow  pressure  turbine,  with  vertical  axis,  designed  by 
Messrs.  Nagel  &  Kaemp,  of  Hamburg,  is  adopted.  The  water  enters  the  turbine  below, 
and  its  upward  pressure  balances  weight  of  turbine  and  shaft,  without  any  special  device. 
The  turbines  are  so  placed  as  not  to  require  suction  pipes.  The  same  turbines,  but  with 
horizontal  axis,  are  shown  driving  high-speed  compressors. 

For  supplying  water  to  the  turbines  vertical  rock  shafts  are  proposed,  and  by 
preference  one  water  shaft  should  supply  two  turbines.  A  group  of  five  5,000  horse- 
power turbines  is  proposed,  with  two  smaller  auxiliary  turbines  of  2,000  horse-power. 
The  large  turbines  would  not  be  worked  below  3,000  horse-power.  The  regulation  would 
thus  be  more  efficient.  The  small  turbines  would  be  regulated  automatically  by  the 
pressure  in  the  air  main. 

Project  A.  Rieter  Turbines,  with  Horizontal  Axis  and  Underground  Compressors 
at  80  revolutions.  Turbines  in  pairs  in  a  rock  gallery  53  feet  wide.  Horizontal  turbine 
shaft  prolonged  either  way  to  form  a  three-throw  crank  shaft  driving  three  compressing 
cylinders.  The  compressors  are  Riedler  compressors  with  controlled  valves. 

Project  B.  Nagel  cy  Kaemp  Turbines,  with  Underground  Compressors  at  150 
revolutions.  The  compressors  have  oscillating  slide  valves,  the  suction  and  delivery 
valves  separate  with  positive  gearing.  M.  Popp  and  Professor  Riedler  consider  Project  A 



preferable,  the  efficiency  in  Project  B  not  being  much  greater,  the  expense  not  much 
less,  and  the  wear  and  tear  more  serious. 

Project  C.  Nagel  Sf  Kaemp  Turbines  and  Overground  Compressors  at  80  revolu- 
tions. Three  turbines  are  supplied  from  one  vertical  water  shaft.  The  vertical  turbine 
shaft  is  coupled  to  a  two-throw  crank  shaft.  Two  compressor  cylinders  are  placed  below, 
driven  from  one  crank-pin,  and  another  above.  The  driving  is  virtually  the  same  as 
with  three  cranks  at  120°.  A  small  fly-wheel  is  used,  8I/0  tons  weight. 

Project  D.    A  similar  arrangement  with  Rieter  turbines. 

Air  Main  to  Buffalo.  An  opinion  is  expressed,  based  on  Paris  experience,  that  no  air 
reservoir  is  required.  The  pressure  of  compression  is  assumed  at  eight  atmospheres, 
giving  six  atmospheres  in  Buffalo,  so  that  air  engines  will  work  under  the  same  con- 
ditions as  in  Paris.  Messrs.  Popp  and  Riedler  give  details  of  a  series  of  experiments  on 
the  leakage  and  resistance  of  the  Paris  mains,  on  which  they  base  their  calculations  of 
the  size  and  loss  of  pressure  in  the  main  to  Buffalo.  They  believe  that  the  loss  by  leakage 
may  be  guaranteed  not  to  exceed  2  per  cent.  It  is  not  clear  what  is  the  length  of  main  to 
which  this  estimate  applies.  They  assume  the  frictional  resistance  at  1.2  pounds  per 
square  inch,  per  mile  of  main,  with  a  mean  velocity  of  the  air  of  34  feet  per  second. 

Thus  if  25,000  horse-power  is  transmitted  to  Buffalo  by  air  compressed  at  Niagara 
to  114  pounds  per  square  inch,  giving  88  pounds  per  square  inch  at  Buffalo,  through 
two  mains,  two  and  one-half  feet  in  diameter,  they  estimate  the  loss  due  to  friction  at 
11  per  cent,  of  the  power  developed  at  Niagara. 

If  75,000  horse-power  is  transmitted  to  Buffalo  by  air  compressed  initially  to  199 
pounds,  giving  110  pounds  per  squai-e  inch  in  Buffalo,  they  estimate  the  frictional  loss 
in  the  same  mains  at  183/0  per  cent,  of  the  power  developed  at  Niagara.  The  mains  need 
only  be  one-quarter  inch  thick. 

Supposing  the  same  mains  increased  to  three-eighths  inch  thick,  then  they  estimate 
that  125,000  horse-power  could  be  transmitted  to  Buffalo,  the  air  having  an  initial 
pressure  of  285  pounds  per  square  inch,  a  pressure  at  Buffalo  of  175  pounds  per  square 
inch,  and  a  mean  velocity  of  55  feet  per  second.  They  point  out  that  the  amount  of 
power  transmitted  could  thus  be  increased  from  25,000  to  125,000  horse-power  without 
alteration  of  the  mains.  For  the  higher  pressures,  however,  a  fourth  compi-essing 
cylinder  would  have  to  be  added  to  the  compressors. 

If  a  higher  pressure  is  chosen  then  the  cost  of  installation  can  be  diminished.  They 
estimate  that,  with  an  initial  pressure  of  426  pounds  per  square  inch  at  Niagara,  and  a 
double  main  of  only  one  foot  diameter,  25,000  horse-power  can  be  transmitted  to  Buffalo 
with  a  loss  of  200  pounds  per  square  inch.  A  series  of  detailed  calculations  of  different 
mains  are  given. 

Compressors.  In  the  memoir  of  M.  Popp  and  Professor  Riedler  a  careful  examina- 
tion is  made  of  the  efficiency  of  compressors,  and  the  results  of  experiments  on  various 
compressors  at  Paris  are  given.  It  is  well  known  that  in  many  cases  the  efficiency 
of  compressors  is  low.  In  some  mining  installations  the  waste  of  work  in  the  compressor 
amounts  to  four-fifths  of  the  energy  expended.  This  loss  is  chiefly  due  to  useless  heating 
of  the  air.  Experiments  on  several  of  the  compressors  at  Paris  showed  that  the  work 
wasted  amounted  to  40  to  100  per  cent,  of  the  useful  work  done ;  or  to  put  it  in  the  more 
usual  way,  the  ratio  of  useful  work  of  compression  to  work  expended  was  only  71  to  50 



per  cent.  The  later  compressors  at  Paris  have  been  on  the  Riedler  system,  with  two-stage 
compression  and  controlled  valves.  With  the  compressors  previously  in  use,  from  261 
to  305  cubic  feet  of  air  were  compressed  to  six  atmospheres  per  indicated  horse-power 
per  hour.  With  the  new  Riedler  compressors  354  to  384  cubic  feet  were  similarly  com- 
pressed per  indicated  horse-power  per  hour.* 

Utilization  of  the  Compressed  Air.  Compressed  air  may  be  applied  to  lifting  loads, 
forcing  liquids,  transporting  grain  or  sand.  For  lifts  it  may  be  used  acting  on  a  water 
column.  Air  motors  are  in  use  in  Paris,  of  power  ranging  from  one-eighth  horse-power 
to  150  horse-power.  The  expense  of  installation  of  an  air  motor  is  about  two-thirds  of 
that  of  a  steam-engine  and  boiler.  All  existing  engines  can  be  transformed  into  air 
engines  almost  without  alteration,  and  without  interrupting  the  ordinary  service.  Old 
steam-engines  are  working  in  Paris  with  a  consumption  of  450  cubic  feet  of  air  per 
hour,  at  five  atmospheres  per  effective  horse-power. 

Taking  the  efficiency  of  the  compressors  to  be  such  that  they  give  380  cubic  feet  at 
eight  atmospheres  per  effective  horse-power  per  hour,  the  combined  efficiency  of  com- 
pressors and  motors  is  estimated  at  85  per  cent.,  every  loss  from  Niagara  to  Buffalo 

By  reheating  the  air  before  use  a  further  advantage  is  gained,  and  it  is  stated  that 
the  heat  so  expended  is  applied  five  times  more  efficiently  than  if  used  in  generating  steam. 

Cost  of  an  Effective  Horse-power  in  Buffalo.  Taking  a  25,000  horse-power  plant, 
and  assuming  a  loss  by  leakage  of  5  per  cent.,  and  that  380  cubic  feet  compressed 
require  one  horse-power  at  Niagara  and  450  cubic  feet  give  one  horse-power  at  Buffalo, 
then  25,000  horse-power  at  Niagara  will  give  20,000  effective  horse-power  in  Buffalo. 
Each  horse-power  then  is  estimated  to  cost  $6.50  per  annum  in  Buffalo,  or,  allowing  for 
depreciation,  $12.05.  With  a  larger  transmission  the  cost  per  horse-power  would  be  less. 

Apparently  the  estimate  above  does  not  include  interest  on  cost  of  installation.  If 
5  per  cent,  is  allowed  as  interest,  then  the  cost  per  horse-power  distributed  in  Buffalo, 
allowing  for  interest,  depreciation  and  supervision,  is  $31.25  per  annum. 

The  project  of  Messrs.  Popp  and  Riedler  is  very  carefully  studied.  Their  claim, 
so  far  as  it  has  anything  of  novelty,  rests  chiefly  on  the  assumptions  that  a  much  higher 
efficiency  can  be  obtained  in  compressors  than  has  been  usual  hitherto,  and  that  the 
loss  in  the  mains  is  less  than  it  has  generally  been  estimated.  As  to  the  compressors, 
there  is  no  doubt  that  the  two-stage  compi-ession,  with  intermediate  cooling  between 
low  and  high-pressure  cylinders  does  secure  a  very  high  efficiency,  and  the  special 
controlled  valves  of  Professor  Riedler  are  excellent  in  diminishing  the  loss  of  work  due 
to  ordinary  valves  and  securing  perfect  quietness  of  action.  As  to  the  loss  in  the  mains, 
it  should  be  pointed  out  that  the  special  researches  in  Paris  are  of  the  highest  value  as 
an  addition  to  the  scientific  knowledge  of  air  friction.  For  pressures  not  exceeding  those 
in  Paris  the  estimate  of  the  frictional  loss  cannot  be  much  in  error,  and,  indeed,  does  not 
differ  much  from  an  estimate  based  on  earlier  experiments.  In  deducing  the  friction  at 
higher  pressures,  Messi-s.  Riedler  and  Popp  have  no  equally  satisfactory  experimental 
basis,  and  the  friction  at  these  higher  pressures  will  probably  be  greater  than  they  have 

*  The  volumes  mentioned  throughout  this  account  of  Popp  and  Riedler's  project  are  all  reckoned  at 
atmospheric  pressure. 



The  Commission  greatly  approved  of  the  turbines  and  compressors  shown  in  this 
project,  though  they  considered  that  the  efficiency  of  the  turbines,  which  are  not  run  at 
the  best  speed,  would  be  somewhat  less  than  that  assumed.  This  is  not  vei'y  important 
at  Niagara.  The  Commission  disapproved  of  the  unlined  vertical  rock  shafts  for  con- 
veying water  to  the  turbines.  Of  the  different  arrangements  shown,  they  preferred  the 
one  with  vertical  axes  to  the  turbines  and  compressors  above-ground. 

V.    Project  of  G.  F.  Deacox,  Esq.,  M.  I.  C.  E.,  and  Messrs.  Siemens  Brothers  &  Co., 
of  London. 

This  is  a  project  for  the  utilization  of  125,000  horse-power  by  turbines,  and  its 
distribution  electrically  by  continuous  current,  the  dynamos  being  worked  at  constant 
current  with  varying  speed  and  potential.  Dynamos  and  turbines  are  underground  in 
a  rock  gallery. 

Hydraidic  Arrangements.  The  water  is  conveyed  in  a  surface  canal,  entering  the 
canal  from  the  river  over  a  weir.  Strainers  and  a  traveling-crane  to  lift  them  for  clean- 
ing are  provided.  Directly  from  the  bottom  of  the  canal  vertical  shafts  convey  water  to 
a  group  of  turbines  of  30,000  horse-power.  As  the  mouths  of  these  shafts  are  below  the 
water,  they  are  intended  to  be  closed,  when  necessary,  by  a  cylindrical  floating  caisson 
gate,  or  valve.  This  is  of  steel,  and  can  be  lifted  out  of  the  water  by  a  traveling-crane. 
The  caisson  is  sunk  by  admitting  water.  The  rock  shafts  are  twenty  feet  in  diameter, 
lined,  where  necessary,  with  Portland  cement  concrete. 

From  each  shaft  the  water  is  distributed  to  a  group  of  twelve  turbines.  A  horizontal 
tunnel  leads  each  way  from  the  bottom  of  the  vertical  shaft,  and  twelve  iron  supply 
pipes  lead  to  the  turbines. 

The  turbines  are  inward-flow  pressure  turbines,  of  2,500  horse-power  each,  with 
horizontal  axis  and  suction  pipes.  This  is  a  form  of  turbine  having  great  steadiness 
of  speed.  No  regulating  apparatus  is  used  in  the  turbine,  as  it  is  considered  that 
efficiency,  except  at  full  power,  is  of  no  importance  at  Niagara.  The  speed  is  regulated 
by  a  sluice  valve  in  the  supply  pipe,  running  on  rollers,  which  diminishes  the  effective 
head,  and,  with  this,  the  rate  of  discharge  through  the  turbine.  The  turbine  wheels  are 
six  feet  in  diameter,  and  a  speed  of  195  revolutions  per  minute.  The  turbines  and 
dynamos  are  placed  in  two  rock  galleries,  780  feet  in  length,  connected  by  cross 
galleries.  Two  vertical  access  shafts  are  provided.  The  main  galleries  are  fourteen 
feet  wide  and  twenty-six  feet  in  height,  being  very  much  smaller  than  in  some  of  the 
projects.  Each  gallery  has  three  electric  traveling-cranes.  It  is  suggested  that  auto- 
matic self-closing  valves  may  be  used  on  the  supply  pipes,  to  provide  against  accident. 

Electric  Arrangements.  To  each  turbine  a  dynamo  is  rigidly  connected,  without  any 
coupling.  The  dynamos  have  ring  armatures,  and  the  electromagnet  bobbins  are 
wound  in  series  with  the  armatures.  Each  dynamo  gives  a  constant  current  of  400 
amperes,  with  a  potential  depending  on  the  speed.  At  195  revolutions  the  potential 
would  be  4,500  volts.  One  switchboard  is  provided  for  each  group  of  twelve  dynamos, 
and  to  the  switchboards  ten  mains  are  connected.  There  are  appliances  to  connect  any 
dynamo  to  any  main;  any  two  dynamos  in  series  to  any  main;  any  two  or  more  mains 
in  series  to  any  one  or  two  dynamos  in  series.  The  fifty  mains  from  the  five  switchboards 
are  connected  to  a  general  switchboard  above-ground,  from  which  forty  trunk  mains 



Distributing  Mains.  These  would  be  placed  underground.  They  consist  of  one-half 
square  inch  of  copper  insulated  for  9,000  volts. 

The  mode  of  working  is  this:  One  generator  is  started  with  voltage  sufficient  to 
send  the  full  current  of  400  amperes  through  the  mains.  Its  speed  is  increased  as  the 
resistance  increases  till  it  has  reached  full  speed.  Then  a  second  generator  is  started 
and  run  on  closed  circuit  till  the  current  is  400  amperes ;  it  is  then  coupled  to  the  trunk 
main  and  its  speed  increased  with  the  load  as  before.  The  highest  potential  will  only  be 
used  when  the  generators  are  working  at  maximum  output.  There  is  the  same  loss  in  the 
mains  at  all  loads,  but  this  is  unimportant  at  Niagara.  At  full  load  the  efficiency  is 
greater  than  with  the  parallel  system.  There  is  no  difficulty  in  constructing  motors  for 
400  amperes.  For  electric  lighting  a  low  tension  current  at  120  or  130  volts  would 
be  obtained  by  dynamo  motor  transformers.  These  would  feed  a  network  of  mains  in  the 
usual  way. 

Calculation  shows,  in  Messrs.  Siemens'  opinion,  that  there  is  a  gain  of  10  per  cent, 
of  economy  in  the  series  system  they  propose  over  the  parallel  system  with  motor 
transformers,  when  working  with  full  load. 

The  motors  are  series  wound  and  worked  with  constant  current.  They  are  regulated 
by  varying  the  field  by  partly  short  circuiting  the  electromagnet  coils  by  means  of  a 
centrifugal  governor. 

Cost  and  Working  Expenses.  For  Cataract  City  the  cost,  including  working  ex- 
penses, depreciation  and  interest  on  capital,  is  estimated  at  $12.75  per  effective  horse- 
power per  annum  distributed.  For  Buffalo  the  corresponding  cost  is  estimated  at  $23.05 
per  horse-power  per  annum. 

The  Commission  recognized  the  great  originality  and  practical  importance  of  the 
proposal  of  Messrs.  Siemens  to  work  with  constant  current  and  varying  potential.  But 
they  thought  that  the  method  of  working  on  the  system  of  parallel  conductors  with 
approximately  constant  potential  was  preferable  for  many  reasons. 

VI.    Project  of  Mr.  H.  D.  Pearsall,  of  Orpington,  England. 

This  is  a  project  for  directly  using  the  pressure  of  the  head  to  compress  air,  and 
includes  a  general  statement  of  a  proposed  mode  of  distribution.  The  water  is  ad- 
mitted to  a  series  of  vertical  cylinders,  successively  compressing  the  air  in  them  till 
it  escapes  through  a  series  of  valves  into  the  mains ;  the  cylinders  then  discharge  the 
water  and  refill  with  air.  A  canal  takes  the  water  from  the  river  and  culverts,  and  iron 
pipes  lead  the  water  to  the  compressing  engines.  These  are  placed  on  three  tiers,  each 
tier  using  about  one-third  of  the  total  head. 

The  peculiarity  of  Mr.  Pearsall's  arrangement  is  the  mechanical  control  of  the  valves 
by  small  special  air  motors.  Mr.  Pearsall  claims,  and  no  doubt  rightly,  that  the  water 
column  and  large,  wet  metal  surfaces  cool  the  air  very  effectively  during  compression. 
Mr.  Pearsall  allows  a  maximum  velocity  of  40  feet  per  second  to  the  water  in  the  main 
entering  the  compressing  cylinder,  the  main  being  5l/>  feet  in  diameter,  and  he  assumes 
that  the  column  is  brought  steadily  and  without  shock  to  rest  by  the  increasing  air 
pressure.  He  calculates  the  time  of  one  complete  stroke  at  4.7  seconds.  From  this  he 
calculates  that  each  compressing  cylinder  will  compress  13,773  cubic  feet  of  air  per 
minute,  and  at  the  same  time  deliver  32  cubic  feet  of  water  under  the  same  pressure, 
which  can  be  used  in  special  mains  as  a  town  water  supply.  Mr.  Pearsall  calculates 



the  mean  effective  pressure  of  the  air  during  compression  at  37  pounds  per  square 
inch,  and  the  final  at  150  pounds  per  square  inch,  in  which  case  each  engine  will  work 
to  2,224  horse-power,  and  on  an  equally  theoretical  basis  he  estimates  the  efficiency 
at  73.6  per  cent. 

The  total  plant  consists  of  63  compressing  engines  for  125,000  horse-power. 

The  whole  of  the  engines  are  placed  in  an  enormous  pit  or  open  excavation  carried 
down  nearly  to  the  level  of  the  tail-water. 

Three  mains  are  proposed  connected  by  cross  mains.  The  air  mains  to  Cataract 
City  are  2  feet  10  inches  in  diameter  for  a  mile,  diminishing  afterwards.  The  mains 
are  laid  in  a  trench  covered  with  concrete  slabs. 

For  the  pressure  water  there  are  two  mains  30  inches  in  diameter,  diminishing  gradu- 
ally to  22  inches. 

A  Venturi  meter,  schemed  on  principles  similar  to  those  applied  by  Mr.  Herschel, 
is  proposed  for  measuring  the  air  used  by  motors. 

For  transmission  to  Buffalo  a  loss  of  pressure  of  25  per  cent,  is  allowed.  Three 
mains  of  2  feet  10  inches  in  diameter  are  required.  For  pressure  water,  which  it  is 
also  proposed  to  carry  to  Buffalo,  two  30-inch  mains  are  required.  These  mains  are  to 
be  laid  in  filled-up  trenches. 

Two  very  small  compressing  engines  of  the  type  proposed  have  been  constructed 
and  worked.  One  of  these  was  about  3  horse-power,  the  other  about  5  to  6  horse-power. 
A  third  has  recently  been  constructed  of  about  10  horse-power. 

The  Commission  thought  that  it  might  be  useful  to  experiment  with  a  compressing 
engine  of  this  type,  but  they  noted  that  Mr.  Pearsall's  project  is  based  throughout 
on  conjectural  estimates  of  the  action  of  the  water  and  on  untried  designs  of  valves 
and  other  auxiliary  apparatus. 

VII.    Project  of  Professor  Ahnold  Lupton,  of  Leeds,  and  John  Sturgeon,  Esq., 
of  Chester. 

This  is  a  complete  project  for  utilizing  the  power  of  Niagara  by  turbines  driving 
single-acting  compressors  of  the  type  used  in  the  Birmingham  installation.  As  at 
Birmingham,  a  moderate  air  pressure  is  proposed.  Cataract  Cuy  and  Buffalo  are  not 
dealt  with  separately.  The  air  main  is  designed  to  carry  the  whole  125,000  horse-power, 
under  the  idea  that  factories  requiring  power  would  come  into  existence  along  the  line 
of  main. 

Messrs.  Lupton  and  Sturgeon  state  at  some  length  the  special  advantages  of  an  air 
transmission  scheme.  Compressed  air  can  be  used  in  existing  ordinary  steam-engines, 
for  driving  steam-hammers,  or  small  special  domestic  motors.  It  can  be  applied  in 
ventilating,  exhausting  or  refrigerating.  It  can  be  used  for  cupolas  and  furnaces, 
the  pressure  being  adjusted  by  induction  nozzles.  Air  motors  may  be  used  for  driving 
dynamos  for  electric  lighting  and  for  working  tram-cars.  It  can  also  be  used  for  ware- 
house hoists  and  hotel  lifts.  The  use  of  compressed  air  would  lead  to  an  abatement 
of  the  smoke  nuisance.  There  is  nothing  doubtful  or  experimental  about  a  scheme  of 
distributing  power  by  compressed  air. 

Of  120,000  horse-power  on  the  turbine  shafts,  Messrs.  Lupton  and  Sturgeon  estimate 
that  70,000,  or  58.3  per  cent.,  could  be  distributed  and  sold  to  consumers.  If  the  air 



is  reheated  before  use  the  efficiency  is  greater.  They  ascertained  that  the  cost  of  steam 
power  at  Buffalo  ranges  from  $40  to  $150  per  horse-power  per  annum. 

At  Birmingham  manufacturers  are  willing  to  pay  for  compressed  air  prices  equiva- 
lent to  $40  to  $125  per  horse-power  per  year  of  2,700  hours. 

In  Paris  the  prices  are  higher.  Looking  at  the  price  of  coal  in  Buffalo  compared 
with  that  in  Birmingham,  the  manufacturers  would  probably  be  willing  to  pay  $60  to 
$185  per  horse-power  per  year  of  2,700  hours. 

Now  apart  from  interest  on  capital,  Messrs.  Lupton  and  Sturgeon  estimate  that 
air  power  can  be  supplied  in  Buffalo  at  $7  per  horse-power  per  annum. 

Hydraulic  Arrangements.  A  canal  takes  the  water  from  the  river,  provided  with  ice 
fender  and  sluices  which  will  cut  off  the  water  supply  entirely  if  repairs  are  needed. 

Eight  branch  canals  on  one  side  and  nine  on  the  other  lead  to  the  turbines  of  the  air- 
compressors.  At  the  furthest  and  narrowest  end  of  the  canal  arrangements  are  made  for 
an  electric  lighting  station,  driven  by  turbines.  Each  branch  canal  is  provided  with 
Stoney's  frictionless  sluices,  similar  to  those  used  on  the  Manchester  canal. 

The  turbine  pits  are  arranged  in  blocks  of  5,000  horse-power,  one  inlet  from  the 
main  canal  serving  two  blocks,  or  altogether  10,000  horse-power.  Thirty-four  turbines 
drive  the  air-compressors  and  one  the  electric-lighting  plant.  The  vertical  supply 
shafts  to  the  turbines  are  12  feet  diameter. 

The  turbines  are  inward-flow  pressure  turbines.  The  action  of  the  water  on  the 
turbines  being  radial,  it  is  a  balanced  action.  Each  turbine  is  of  3,750  effective  horse- 
power. The  wheel  is  8  feet  diameter  and  makes  140  revolutions  per  minute.  There  are 
suction  pipes  to  utilize  the  fall  below  the  turbines.  The  water  pressure  is  taken  to  the 
underside  of  the  wheel,  which  is  constructed  to  form  a  kind  of  hydraulic  piston,  and 
this  pressure  can  support  a  load  of  80  tons,  more  than  enough  to  carry  the  weight  of 
turbine  and  shaft.  A  cast-iron  hollow  shaft  is  proposed.  The  shaft  is  to  run  in  bearings 
with  lignum-vitae  steps.  A  cylindrical  regulating  sluice  can  be  worked  from  above- 

Gearing.  To  drive  the  horizontal  crank  shaft  of  the  air-compressors  at  80  revolu- 
tions from  the  vertical  turbine  shaft  running  at  140  revolutions,  steel  bevel  wheels  are 

Air  Compressors.  Each  turbine  drives  eight  single-acting  vertical  compressors  43 
inches  diameter  and  48  inches  stroke.  At  full  speed  each  cylinder  will  deliver  500  cubic 
feet  of  cold  air  at  5%  atmospheres  (671/2  pounds  per  square  inch)  pressure.  The  inlet 
valves  are  in  the  compressing  piston  and  the  delivery  valves  in  the  cylinder  cover.  Water 
is  circulated  through  the  piston  and  surrounds  the  compressing  cylinder.  Spray  in- 
jection will  be  used,  if  found  necessary.  The  compressors  are  placed  in  an  excavation 
just  below  ground  surface.  This  gives  good  foundation  and  permits  the  supply  water 
to  the  turbines  to  circulate  round  the  compressor  cylinders.  An  engine-house  is  erected 
over  the  compressors,  with  a  10-ton  traveling-crane.  A  small  special  electric  plant  for 
lighting  the  engine-houses  is  provided. 

Altogether  34  sets  of  compressing  cylinders,  8  cylinders  in  each,  are  provided,  two 
sets  being  ordinarily  held  in  reserve,  or  256  cylinders  in  all.  They  are  intended  to  deliver 
128,000  cubic  feet  of  cold  air  at  51/4  atmospheres  per  minute. 



Air  Mains.  The  air  is  convej-ed  by  branch  pipes  (with  stop  valves)  to  a  large  air 
main.  Expansion  joints  are  introduced  at  each  junction.  The  air  main  increases  in 
diameter  till  it  reaches  10  feet  in  diameter.  It  is  proposed  to  take  the  air  main  by 
Tonawanda  to  Buffalo.  The  diameter  will  be  gradually  reduced  to  7  feet  at  Buffalo. 
From  Hertel  Avenue,  in  Buffalo,  there  will  branch  three  principal  lines  of  mains  through 
Buffalo,  east,  center  and  west,  all  united  by  a  main  traversing  the  south  of  the  city  from 
east  to  west.  Drawings  are  given  showing  the  proposed  construction  of  these  mains. 
The  main  is  so  designed  that  with  5!/o  atmospheres  at  Niagara,  there  will  be  5  atmos- 
pheres of  pressure  at  Buffalo,  giving  a  working  pressure  of  60  pounds  per  square  inch. 
The  question  of  using  a  higher  pressure  has  been  considered  by  Messrs.  Lupton  and 
Sturgeon.  But  on  their  method  of  working  they  doubt  if  there  would  be  much  economy 
in  the  cost  of  the  main,  and  they  attach  importance  to  the  storage  capacity  provided 
by  the  large  main. 

It  is  proposed  to  construct  a  tram  road,  worked  by  compressed  air,  over  the  line  of 
main  to  Buffalo. 

The  main  would  be  provided  with  Stoney  roller  sluices  at  every  half  mile. 
Meters  of  the  type  used  at  Birmingham  would  be  employed  to  measure  the  air  to 

Electric  Lighting  Arrangements.  Messrs.  Lupton  and  Sturgeon  do  not  see  any 
large  field  for  electric  lighting  at  Niagara.  They  have,  therefore,  provided  only  for 
30,000  16-candle  power  lamps.  The  dynamos  would  be  worked  by  four  1,100  horse- 
power turbines,  one  being  in  reserve.  Each  turbine  works  two  dynamos  of  500  horse- 
power. The  dynamos  are  alternators  at  2,500  volts.  Transformers  will  be  used  where 

Beyond  Cataract  City,  Messrs.  Lupton  and  Sturgeon  think  it  preferable  to  drive 
dynamos  by  compressed-air  motors,  and  not  to  supply  the  electricity  from  a  central 
station  at  Niagara.  In  Buffalo  they  think  that  24,000  horse-power  might  be  thus 
employed  in  electric  lighting.  They  would  distribute  the  electricity  from  four  or  five 
generating  stations  at  2,500  volts,  transforming  to  a  convenient  potential  at  the 
consumers'  premises.  Or  a  low  tension  system  might  be  used  with  a  larger  number  of 
stations.  One  principal  reason  for  preferring  to  generate  electricity  by  compressed-air 
motors  at  Buffalo  is  this :  Only  in  winter  will  much  light  be  required  before  6  p.  m. 
By  generating  the  electricity  at  Buffalo,  the  cost  of  canals,  turbines,  electric  plant  and 
conductors  is  saved.  The  facility  of  working  numerous  generating  stations  by  com- 
pressed air  is  so  great  that  Messrs.  Lupton  and  Sturgeon  incline  to  think  that  a  safe 
and  simple  low  tension  system  would  be  preferable  to  a  high  tension  one,  except,  perhaps, 
at  Cataract  City. 

The  Commission  thought  the  construction  of  the  turbines,  in  this  project,  somewhat 
too  complicated,  and  they  objected  to  the  use  of  the  same  vertical  shaft  for  conveying 
water  to  the  turbines  and  for  the  shaft  of  the  turbine  itself.  They  did  not  think  the 
arguments  for  the  use  of  single-acting  compressors  valid,  and  believed  that  is  was  in 
consequence  of  the  inefficiency  of  the  form  of  compressor  adopted  that  Messrs.  Lupton 
and  Sturgeon  had  been  driven  to  use  so  exceptionally  large  a  main  for  transmission 
of  the  compressed  air. 



VIII.    Project  of  Messrs.  Ganz  &  Co.,  of  Budapest. 

This  is  a  scheme  for  utilizing  the  power  by  partial-flow  impulse  turbines  of  5,000 
horse-power  each.  These  have  vertical  axes  directly  coupled  to  dynamos  of  the  same 
power,  placed  above-ground.  The  electrical  part  of  the  scheme  is  not  fully  worked  out. 

Turbines  of  less  than  5,000  horse-power  Messrs.  Ganz  do  not  consider  practical, 
because  the  cost  of  the  hydraulic  arrangements  becomes  too  great.  They  are  satisfied 
that  turbines  as  large  as  this  can  be  constructed  in  a  trustworthy  manner.  Rejecting 
the  plan  of  placing  the  dynamos  underground,  no  plan  of  transmitting  the  power  to 
the  ground  surface  appeared  to  them  to  be  possible  except  that  of  a  simple  vertical 
shaft.  The  armature  of  the  dynamo  is  fixed  on  this  shaft,  which  augments  the  vertical 
load  to  be  carried.  But  a  special  type  of  bearing  which  Messrs.  Ganz  have  adopted 
completely  meets  this  difficulty. 

The  head-race  is  provided  with  twelve  sluices,  but  as  these  can  only  be  opened  or 
closed  slowly  a  cylindrical  sluice  is  only  used  immediately  over  each  turbine  supply 
shaft.  The  supply  shaft  is  a  vertical  rock  shaft  lined  with  concrete.  The  turbines  are  a 
kind  of  partial-flow  impulse  turbine  which,  however,  at  full  power,  work  as  pressure 
turbines,  without  much  loss  of  efficiency.  Hence  the  fall  below  the  turbines  can  be 
partly  utilized.  The  vertical  shaft  is  a  solid  steel  shaft,  running  at  125  revolutions. 
The  weight  of  turbine,  shaft  and  armature  is  estimated  at  125  tons.  This  is  suspended 
from  a  very  ingenious  form  of  bearing,  which  has  been  used  for  similar  cases  with 
perfect  success.  It  is  really  a  kind  of  collar  bearing,  with  an  arrangement  for  pumping 
oil  between  the  supporting  surfaces,  so  as  to  convert  it  into  a  fluid  bearing.  An  hydraulic 
piston  is  also  placed  in  the  tail-race  below  the  bottom  of  the  shaft.  A  timber  sluice, 
worked  by  lvydraulic-pressure  cylinder,  is  placed  on  the  tail-race,  so  that  access  may 
be  gained  to  the  parts  below  the  turbine.  The  regulating  sluices  of  the  guide  passages  of 
the  turbine  are  worked  by  hydraulic  cylinders.  A  centrifugal  governor  controls  the 
action  of  these  regulating  sluices. 

Electrical  Arrangements.  Alternate  current  (Zippernowsky)  dynamos  are  pro- 
posed, working  at  336  amperes  at  a  potential  of  10,000  volts.  Inside  the  armature  frame 
rotates  the  field  magnet.  There  are  2,500  complete  periods  per  minute.  The  exciting 
current  is  taken  from  a  separate  continuous-current  exciter  driven  by  bevel  wheels  from 
the  turbine  shaft.  The  exciting  current  is  335  amperes  at  200  volts. 

The  motors  in  the  central  station  for  driving  the  pressure  pumps,  cranes,  etc.,  are 
continuous-current  motors  supplied  from  one  of  the  exciting  machines. 

It  is  proposed  to  have  twelve  large  alternating  generators,  ten  for  ordinary  use  and 
two  in  reserve.  For  coupling  one  machine  in  parallel  to  others  already  working  starting 
resistances  are  used.  For  regulating  the  exciting  current  resistances  are  used  which  for 
large  differences  of  potential  are  adjusted  by  hand,  but  for  small  differences  by  an 
automatic  equalizer. 

Primary  Conductors.  These  pass  by  Tonawanda  to  a  distributing  station  in  Buffalo. 
They  consist  of  two  sets  of  twelve  uncovered  cables,  one  for  outgoing  and  one  for 
return.  The  total  section  is  1,848  square  mm.,  which  gives  25  per  cent,  loss  in  the 
electric  main ;  the  conductors  are  carried  on  iron  supports  50  meters  apart.  Insulators 
on  wood  cross-bars  are  used.  The  standards  also  carry  the  wire  of  a  telephone  circuit. 



Buffalo  Distributing  Station.  Reaching  Buffalo  at  8,000  volts,  the  current  is  trans- 
formed to  12,800  amperes  at  2,000  volts.  A  list  of  motors  of  3  to  80  horse-power  is 
given,  having  a  commercial  efficiency  of  75  per  cent,  in  the  smaller  to  90  per  cent,  in 
the  larger  sizes.  The  speed  of  the  motor  depends  on  the  frequency  of  the  alternations 
and  is  independent  of  the  load.  The  smaller  sizes  require  a  lower  potential  and  have 
special  transformers.  The  larger  sizes  can  take  the  current  at  2,000  volts.  The 
turbines  shown  in  the  drawings  of  this  project  are  of  a  very  satisfactory  type,  and  the 
general  arrangement  of  the  hydraulic  machinery  is  excellent.  The  extensive  and  suc- 
cessful experience  of  Messrs.  Ganz  &  Co.  with  alternate  current  dynamos  of  high 
potential  gives  importance  to  their  proposals  for  the  distribution  of  the  power,  but 
details  of  the  electrical  part  of  their  project  are  not  fully  described. 

IX.    Project  of  Messrs.  Escher,  Wyss  &  Co.,  of  Zurich,  Switzerland. 

This  is  the  hydraulic  part  only  of  a  project  for  utilizing  the  power  by  turbines  and 
distributing  it  electrically. 

The  electrical  part  was  to  have  been  added  by  the  Maschinenfabrik  Oerlikon.  Owing 
to  unavoidable  circumstances  the  electrical  part  could  not  be  supplied  in  time,  and 
only  a  sketch  of  the  electrical  arrangements  which  would  have  been  proposed  is  given. 
It  may  be  taken,  however,  that  the  hydraulic  arrangements  of  Messrs.  Escher,  Wyss  & 
Co.  have  been  so  arranged  in  consultation  that  they  would  have  been  perfectly  suitable 
for  driving  such  electrical  machinery  as  the  Oerlikon  Company  considered  suitable  for 
the  Niagara  project.  Some  details  of  compressed-air  plant  to  be  used  as  an  adjun